Teacher and Slave

By JBPais

Published on Jul 25, 2021


Disclaimer: This is a fictional story depicting consensual BDSM and authoritatarian sex between adults and students. If you are not interested in such storys, you shouldn't read it. If you are not of legal age, please, also stopp reading. The story is a work of fiction so any resemblances to real people and/or events is purely by accident.

Also this story is written out of my imagination, so I claim copyright to the entire story.

If you want to give any feedback or have any suggestions, please write me a message (JaFbereit@gmail.com) of follow me on Twitter (@PaisJB). If you want to help me proof-read the coming chapters, please send me a message as well.

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Summary: We are still continuing in the flashback of how our fag Jay came to be the sub he is now. He has just been fucked for the first time and been surprised and used by Emir in the toilet.

Teacher and Slave Part 6

After Philipp had released at least some of his horniness deep down my throat, he pulled me up, preventing me from finally having an orgasm and guided me into his room. There he pointed to my usual place under his desk where I had to 'keep his dick warm' as he called it, while he was doing his homework. I wasn't allowed to really blow him or distract him from doing his work which I found even more degrading (but also kind of hot) than the regular blowjobs or fucks I was supposed to provide.

This time after he was done, he grabbed my head and pushed his chair back so I had to follow him on my knees with his dick still in my mouth.

"I never thought that you were such a big whore sucking dicks wherever and whenever you can. Whether you know them or not. But you really get off from getting dominated and being this submissive little faggot, you are. Don't you?", he asked.

Maybe I could have thought about arguing. That however was generally prevented by the dick in my mouth. And how could I, after what had happened today and how hot it had been for me. So I just nodded my head yes and mumbled something resembling a "Yes".

"Ok then. Do you know how Markus is?", he continued. I was wondering why he was changing the subject so abruptly because I hadn't thought about my first - well - tormentor since he had his accident. So I shook my head "no".

"Well I do. I talked to him last weekend and he told me that he is quickly recovering and might be back at school in two weeks or so. So I knew I had to make arrangements that I could still use you even when he returns. I told him that I caught you spying on me in the shower, even playing with your dick. And when I confronted you, you confessed that you needed to suck dick which you had also offered to him after he had caught you too. I told him, that you had spilled everything, that you admitted how you loved sucking his dick and needed more as he was not able to come to school. I then told him that I took you up on your offer and enjoyed getting head. I explained to him how cool it was to have a fag like you available at the snap of your finger and that I totally understood why he would use you.

"At first he was a little flabbergasted but when I told him, that it is of course not gay to use the mouth of a faggot he relaxed and told me that he really liked that I kept your training on, making you an even better bitch. Then he told me that he really needed someone to take care of his needs. So I offered to bring you over so he could get some use of that tongue and throat of yours. And that is what we're going to do today!", he told me, while I was getting redder and redder hearing how he had painted me as a little bitchboy willing to do everything for cock.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy(ed) getting used. But getting it spelled out in such a way, stated as a fact by a classmate and that he had spoken about me in such a way with another classmate was really humiliating. And it was especially humiliating as I was naked, on all fours in front of him, his dick in my mouth, his cum in my stomach, and my dick hard and leaking precum and getting even harder while he said it. When he saw that I got red he laughed and continued:

"Don't be embarrassed. We like what we like, and you just loooooooooooooooooove cock! And you like being dominated by real men! And you shall get what you need ... my seed deep inside of you!"

With that he began moving my head up and down his shaft but also pushing his hips forward so his dick would go even deeper. He took longer on purpose taking his time. This time he used me like an object not letting me do anything while he fucked my throat. After a while I felt his dick swell more and with a loud moan he came deep in me and added a third load in my stomach. I swallowed it all gulping even gagging a little from the ropes shooting at my throat. After he had caught his breath he pushed me away. I collapsed on the ground where I also breathed heavily.

"That was good, well done. You're really useful as a mouth and hole, Jay! Now come on let's get going. And don't forget you're not allowed to touch your dick. You know how he hates that!"

With that he got up and turned around out of his room. I had to hurry to go after him. Down he tossed me my Jeans and jacket.

"You don't need anything else and leave your zip open!", he said. I followed his orders knowing that arguing wouldn't help at all. I could barely fit my raging hard-on in the trousers and after closing the top button my bulge was clearly visible and I noticed that I would need to be careful so my dick wouldn't be visible on the way or even poke out while walking. On our way I was really self-aware and anxious to be found out. But it also turned me on and I stayed hard the entire way. Philipp even teased me while walking, trying to poke me so I had to jump away feeling my dick moving in my trousers.

When we arrived at Markus' place he told me to drop the jacket before he rang and give it to him. So I was standing the, only wearing jeans and shoes, with an open fly and the clearly visible outline of my hard-on. Then he rang. The door was opened quite quickly and as this was a multi-tenant house we had to get to the third floor for Markus' flat. Thankfully, nobody was in the staircase and when we reached Markus' door it was already open.

"Markus told me that he you're not allowed in here with clothes on, so drop your trousers and shoes."

"Out here?" I asked anxiously.

"Yes and hurry up, or someone might notice! And you wouldn't like that, or would you?"

Hesitantly, I followed through and again my dick had betrayed me on the way as I noticed a spot where I had leaked through the fabric. Now I understood some of the looks I had gotten. And I stayed hard while naked on the top of the landing. He held his hands out and I gave him my clothes.

"Markus' told me he didn't think you should be walking in here, so get down on your knees and crawl inside! I think we should do him this favour as he was unable to move the last couple of weeks.", he said grinning, blocking my way through the door. Humiliated I wanted to argue, but being naked, without any clothes what chance did I have, so I sank on my knees, got on all fours and tried to get in quickly so no one else would see my humiliation. When I tried to get through him he petted my head and said:

"You're such an obedient eager little fag."

He guided me in into the living room where Markus waited for us, lying on the couch. He had only his boxers and a t-shirt on his right calf still in the cast. When he saw me crawling inside naked his eyes opened wide in surprise.

"Wow! I never thought that you were that needy of real cock. Presenting yourself like that to me. You really want to show everyone how much of a cock-loving slut you are."

Before I could protest, Philipp chimed in, and said:

"Yeah, I was really surprised when Jay suggested getting naked and crawl in to show you how much he missed your dick."

I got red when I heard that Philipp had set me up. But I knew the damage was done, and there was no way, that I could convince Markus that this hadn't been my idea, being naked on the floor with a boner.

"So Jay, tell me do you want my dick? Did you miss it?", Markus asked laughing, rubbing his dick through his boxers.

I didn't know how to answer still trying to comprehend how I had been tricked, when Philipp's foot hit me from the side not too hard.

"Come on tell him how much you like dick and that you want to please him and taste him again.", Philipp teased me.

"Y...y...yes, Markus,", I stuttered defeated looking down on the carpet, "I...I...I want to taste your dick again."

"I told you, he's really addicted to cock. You picked the right guy in the shower back then!", Philipp laughed. "Now go and get your bone!"

With that he slapped my ass with his foot and pushed me forward. I crawled forward got on the couch between Markus' legs but when I tried to reach for his underwear he pushed my hand away.

"Did I allow you to touch me? If you want my dick you have to beg for it!", he told me.

I wanted this humiliation to end and I didn't see any other chance than to comply. "P...P...Please, Markus, let me suck your dick. I missed it!"

"Ok, but don't touch me with your hands. Only use your mouth if you want to get it."

When I leaned forward to reach for the waistband of the boxer with my teeth he grabbed my head and pushed it on his already half hard dick. He rubbed my face on it so it would get really hard through the fabric. When he let go his dick found a way through his fly poking straight in the air. My instincts had already taken over again when I smelled his musk, so I did not hesitate and started blowing him. While I pushed his foreskin down my tongue played with his glans and I heard him moan.

"You really made him a good cocksucker, Philipp. He got really skilled since the last time before I broke my leg.", Markus said, relaxing again on the couch and letting me work on his cock. At least he didn't force fuck my throat again and it seemed he wanted to enjoy my treatment of his dick by my tongue and lips.

"Yeah, he's becoming a real good cocksucker. And it seems that he wants to become our school cumdump. You won't believe what I saw him doing today, when I went to check on him in the restroom.", Philipp said, while walking over to the couch sitting right next to Markus. Then he told him everything he had seen me do for Emir, how I stayed hard the entire time while he had face-fucked me pressed to the wall.

I noticed this story being told but I was too focussed on Markus' dick to be really embarrassed. It was weird hearing those stories about me, but then again the dick in my mouth needed some pleasuring and that was more important. Markus laughed.

"He will be remembered for being our class whore, when he's graduating in a few years. And he really likes being treated this way. Look he's still hard and I don't think his dick has gone down the entire time he was here."

With that he finally grabbed my head and after he had pushed just 4 or 5 times he added another load inside my belly. I'm not sure how many ropes he shot but it felt like quite a few.

"Ohh!", he moaned. "I needed that. This is so much better than a hand. Thank god, its only two more weeks until I can use him at school again. Philipp, wanna play on my playstation? You, fag, stay there!"

"Sure.", Philipp answered.

And then they played some kind of racing game together, while I was naked on the couch with Markus' dick in my mouth not even being able to see anything but his boxers. I felt my dick being still hard and I was so horny I wanted to play with it and finally cum. But I knew I would only get problems if I reached for my cock. After a few minutes I felt his dick getting hard again, so I started sucking again. And to be honest I enjoyed it. Not having to care about anything else but his dick. I loved using my tongue to pleasure him. Every time I hit a certain spot, I heard him moan, which made me happy. Then I felt a hand reaching for my arm guiding it to another cock.

Philipp had gotten hard as well, seeing me blowing Markus and hearing him moan, so he wanted in on the fun and I happily obliged. Deep down my instincts told me that this is what I wanted. I blew Markus and jerked Philipp while they still played games. After a few minutes I felt Philipp's dick pulsating, so I slowed down, so he wouldn't cum yet. I didn't want to waste a drop. Not much later I felt Markus getting close, so I stopped there for a bit as well. When his dick became a little softer I started again and the next I felt him getting close, I just continued and he erupted into me. When he was done and I had cleaned his dick I crawled over to Philipp took his cock in my mouth and sucked him till he came for the third time in my throat today.

They played a while longer not even noticing me down on the floor and when they were done, I heard Markus say:

"Thanks Phil, that was incredible. He's indeed a really eager mouth to use. It was a good thing that you continued his training. He has gotten really skilled. But my parents will be home soon and you need to leave now, and I don't want them to see this."

They made me crawl to the door and only after it was closed again Philipp handed me my clothes back. I had lost my hard-on while being ignored but the moment they made me crawl back it sprung back to action. So, I had quite some problems closing my jeans (even though I was still not allowed to close the fly). When we got back to Philipps house he made me wait outside, kneeling and with a bare chest. Then he tossed my clothes and bag pack out and told me to leave. Embarrassed I quickly put my pullover on pushed the rest inside of my school bag and left for home, even forgetting to close the zip.

At home I jerked of franticly, fingering myself and thinking about the events of the day. I came harder than ever before and almost passed out when the ropes started shooting. And I was good for two more, before my horniness had left me. 'Hmm...', I thought to myself after I had recovered, 'Maybe, Philipp was right about preventing me from jerking myself during sex lately. The hornier I get without immediately cumming the more intense my orgasm will be, it seems!'

I decided that it was time for me to try it and that I would not beat my meat for at least a week (or if Philipp allowed it). It was difficult because my dick was always in reach and not playing with it in the morning when I woke up hard or in the evening before I went to sleep. So it's no wonder that my first test at self-control ended after two days. My dick just demanded attention and I came after a few strokes with my nuts exploding.

I started doing it again after, the next day - Friday - I was good and on Saturday my parents surprised me with a visit to relatives where I had to stay in my cousin's room together with her. So I had no chance on Saturday even though I was already really horny springing a boner at the most inconvenient times. We did some hiking on Sunday and got back home really late and I was so floored that I just fell in my bed and slept. I overslept the next morning so I arrived at school almost late and horny as hell because didn't even have time to take care of my morning wood.

I was actually looking forward to getting used by Philipp after out PE class on Monday because that always took care of some of my horniness, even if he didn't allow me to play with myself. But I didn't need to help cleaning up so I had to shower with everybody else and had to be really careful not to spring a boner being surrounded by all my naked classmates.

When I got back to class almost everything I thought about was how horny I was and that I needed dick. So I was quite relieved when Philipp came close and told me silently:

"Hey, I got a special class in the afternoon and I need to get off before. So wait for me during lunch down in the shower! And don't wear anything!"

I nodded and thought about his dick the entire time and the things he would do to me. I'm not sure if anyone saw it but I had to readjust quite often and I'm sure if one had looked closely they would have noticed a wet spot. I still have no idea what we were supposed to learn during class, not being able to concentrate (and to be honest I don't really care).

So when the last class was finished I hurried to the locker room of the gym, dropped my clothes there and got into the shower buck naked with a raging boner, which I didn't dare to touch, because I knew it wouldn't take much before I exploded. Then I remembered that – as in the restroom – I was supposed to be on my knees when I waited for him. So I got down, with my hands behind my back and waited for Philipp naked in the middle of the shower without any chance to hide if someone else would come. But I was so horny that I didn't even think about that.

------------- End of part 6

I hope you liked the sixth part. In the next few chapters we will continue to follow the school life of our 'hero', and how he came to be the sub he is now.

And please if you have sex please use condoms and/or PREP to avoid getting STD's. This story is fantasy so there are no repercussions for barebacking.

Thanks to my "pervy new editor", who helped proofread this chapter ;). If you have any suggestions, please let me know!

Next: Chapter 7

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