Teacher Student Relations

By Guy

Published on Mar 26, 2006


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This is my first series on Nifty, in fact, my first attempt at erotic fiction period. If you like it, please, drop me a line. I'd love to hear any or all comments, suggestions, critiques, and compliments. E-mail me at guy.stories@gmail.com. I can't wait to hear from you. Also, write me and tell me if I should continue. I really loved all the feedback I gotten. Please, keep it coming! If anyone is interested in previewing / giving feedback before I post, let me know about that also.

The bell rang, and I turned slowly, leaning down to shove my ass in his face. I gathered up my pants and pulled them up, and walked out of his stall. I slipped my shirt back over my head, and sloppily tucked it back in. Then, I headed off to my next class, computer.

I had come to a decision, while face-fucking Spencer, on what I wanted to do about Mr. Spearman and my conference this afternoon. I pulled out my phone on the way and e-mailed the pictures to myself. Once I got in class, without opening the pics, I attached them, and forwarded a few of them to Mr. Spearman from a rather cryptic e-mail address. I knew he wouldn't know who it was. The message attached said, "Drop whatever you're doing this afternoon and meet me at Pine Hill Park, or these pictures are going public." I forwarded the message to Coach Walker, except I changed the meeting time to an hour later. Park Hill was known for all of the sex that happened on the trails and in the bathrooms. I wasn't exactly sure what I would do once they got there, but it was enough to keep me hard the rest of the day while I went through the rest of my classes.

In my last block of class, the student of the day (a stupid system where they make a senior do all the runner's work from the office, so they can cut back on expenses) brought me a letter from Mr. Price. It said simply that the meeting for this afternoon was cancelled but would be rescheduled soon. I smiled broadly and slipped my hands into my pockets to massage my ever-hard cock. My plans were falling into place.

The bell rang for school to be out, and I dashed to my beat-up truck. I didn't have to stay after and paint today, so I could use the next few hours to prepare for this afternoon. Before I drove home, I went by Wal-Mart to pick up some supplies. I picked up a brand new bottle of K-Y Warming, a blindfold, some twine, and a box of large condoms. At the checkout, a cute girl named Amanda gave me a quizzical look as she rang up my purchases. It was apparent what I was up to, and as she rang up the last item and gave me the total, she said, "So, what are you up to tonight, Mister?"

I smirked. "Let's just say I've got more than one hot date."

"Sounds hot," she said. The more I looked at her, the more she familiar she seemed. I had seen her at some of the football games. I think, though, she went to our rival school up the hill. Oh well. I filed away the fact that the Wal-Mart employee was obviously a slut; perhaps she could be useful later. I went back out to my car, pulled a paper and pen out of my backpack and began to write down my plans for the evening. I had purposely picked the farthest restroom from the center of the park, it was one of the least frequented and most used for sex. I had been planning on just confronting them both, but separately would work even better.

My mind was racing as different kinky scenes played through my head. I thought of convincing Spearman to tie him up and fuck the shit out of what was probably his virgin ass, hints why I bought the twine. The more I thought about it though, the more I thought that would probably not be the best idea. I might be able to blackmail him to an extent, but on the first try he would probably not be willing to go so far. That is to say, if it were me in his place. I was still trying to decide what I was going to do when I arrived at the park. I grabbed my backpack, where I had put all my toys after removing my school things, and headed down the trail towards the far bathroom. Once I got there, I changed out of my uniform and slid on some very tight shorts that beautifully accented my thick package, and I slid on a wife beater. I glanced at myself in the mirror as I slid on my running shoes. "Fuck, I'm hot."

As I strolled out of the cinderblock building, I taped the envelopes on the doors with both men's names on the outside of them. Then, I walked over, leaned back against a tree and tried to obscure myself by crouching behind a bush. I looked down at my watch; it was about 4:45. Spearman should be here any minute.

Not too long after I sat down, I saw Mr. Spearman come walking down the path. He was early, how cute. Jake Spearman looked even hotter in street clothes than at school. He wore a tight muscle tee that showed off his gym-toned physique. His hard nipples pointed out like arrows through the thin fabric bearing a crude message, "Half-man, half-horse." Fuck if he wasn't right for wearing that shirt too. He must have been trying to be intimidating, imposing his manliness, because he was wearing very high cut and very tight nylon shorts. His thick quads bulged out obscenely, flexing as he walked. His calves were so defined. In short, his tree-trunk legs fit in beautifully with his perfectly sculpted physique, but I really started drooling when I caught sight of the mound barely hidden by the thin white nylon. In fact, I think it was almost transparent. I think he might have come commando because I could the slightest hint of a pubic bush and the pink fleshy outline of his huge mancock. Even soft, his pecker was intimidating. I was beginning to have second thoughts. If this did not go just according to plan, I was going to get the living shit beaten out of me by this Adonis.

He walked up to the door, standing now a little in front of me. I checked out his ass, the two bubble mounds of flesh. They were packed into the nylon shorts, but they were begging to be set free. The bottom of his shorts barely covered the curve of his buttocks. He finished reading the letter and walked into the bathroom. I had included one of the blindfolds in the envelope. It said that he could wait in the last stall with the blindfold on, or with the blindfold off. He had the choice; he could see his blackmailer, or he could make his payment in an anonymity of sorts. The rest of the note had instructed him to enter the farthest stall, strip, and await further instructions in person.

As hard as it was, I let Spearman wait in the bathroom until five sharp. I then walked as quietly as possible into the bathroom and made my way to the last stall. I couldn't see his clothes underneath the stall, and I started to get angry. How could he dare deny orders that simple when his career depended on him following my orders explicitly? Without any further notice, I pushed the stall door open.

My breath caught in my throat at the sight of my Adonis sitting nude upon the toilet. He had only left on his running shoes. He had taken off the rest of his clothes and had folded them neatly, resting them atop the toilet paper, so they wouldn't have to touch the floor. His large, muscular, veiny hands covered his big cock. I was a little disappointed, because secretly I wanted him be sitting, stroking a massive hard-on, but I guess that was a little unrealistic. My eyes traveled up from his sculpted thighs and ripped V to his incredible abs and his smooth chest. Again, I started when I saw he had not opted for the blindfold. His eyes caught mine, and I suppose he saw my surprise, because he stood up and shoved me out of the door, "Get the fuck out of here! Can't you see I'm trying to take a shit, Guy?"

I just looked at him and laughed, regaining my composure quickly. I moved back into the stall and shoved him. Now it was his turn to be taken by surprise and he took several steps back. Not that I was strong enough to knock him back, he had just been caught off guard. He backed into the toilet and stumbled, falling back down onto the seat with a loud clatter. His arms grabbed for whatever he could to catch his fall, knocking his clothes down into the dirt and piss. His dick also flopped around in the air; unfortunately, it was soft. He trimmed his bush. Interesting.

Had I stopped before pushing him back, I could have simply been out for a run and happened to bump into him, but now I had to go through with my plan. Actually, my fucking hard cock, bulging out of the top of my waistband might have given myself away, but I was counting on Spearman not to have noticed that yet. My wife-beater was already starting to turn transparent as my sweat collected in the top. Small hairs stood out over the top, and my hard, pointy nipples tried to bore their way through the fabric. "You know damn well why I'm here. It's cause you fuck little boys."

Again, Spearman had to do a double take. He looked at me in disbelief. "You can't be..." he stammered.

"You could've used the blindfold, but you chose not to." My famous smirk spread out across my face. "Now use your teeth to pull my fucking pants down. I've got someone I want you to meet."

"You little fucking shit. I'm going to have your ass, and get you kicked out of school." He jumped up and grabbed me by my shoulders, literally lifting me off the ground and slamming me into the bathroom wall. He had the most ferocious look in his eyes, like an animal caught in a corner and trying to fight his way out. When I saw that look, I knew I was going to have to play this situation for all it was worth.

"Ugh!" I groaned as I hit the wall. "Put me the fuck down, or you'll be sorry." He slowly let me slide down the wall, perhaps not realizing what I meant, but instead getting ready to throw me to the floor and pummel me. His posture suggested he was leaning to the latter. "You hit me, and I fucking swear not only will you lose your job, but you'll go to fucking jail as a sex offender. You'll be marked the rest of your fucking life as a perverted queer."

I hit just the note I was hoping to. It hurt just enough to make him let me do, but not enough to send him over the edge. When I said the word queer, his whole body convulsed. He apparently hadn't come out to himself yet. "That's right big boy," I reached over and patted him on the shoulder.

He knocked my hand away with a grunt. "So what the fuck do you want?"

"I've already told you once, get down on your knees and pull my fucking hard boy dick out of these tight running shorts with your teeth, then we'll go from there. Remember, I'm doing this to keep you from getting in trouble. But if you don't help me out, I can't help you out."

"Fucking shit," he groaned but this amazingly gorgeous top stud bent his knees and kneeled in front of my hot 18-year-old body. He looked at my dick head, still sticking out of the top of my pants leg, just shy of touching my belly button. It was now oozing pre-cum from the tip. Spearman grimaced. He started to lean forward, bracing himself by placing his hands on his knees instead of on my hips. My luck held again, he couldn't grasp the pant fabric well in his teeth, and when he did, he couldn't pull it down because it was too tight stretched over my cock.

"Looks like you're having some trouble, just suck on my dick through my sweaty shorts instead." I straddled his bent legs, and shoved my bulge into his face. At first his leaned back onto his feet, but he could only lean so far. Eventually, my clothed cock met with his lips, and even through the fabric, electric sensations shot through my boycock and throughout my body. My balls churned in the sack and more pre-cum oozed from the tip of my dick head. His lips parted and his tongue stuck out, touching the fabric testing it. After another pause, he ran he lapped at my package, as if he were a cat trying to lap up some milk. "Come on, you're doing fine." I tried to encourage him. This must be the first time he had sucked dick in a long time. I refused to believe he had never tried it, because he definitely looked too much like a pro when he had his long cock up Spencer's ass.

At my encouragement, he began making longer strokes with his tongue, painting the front of my sweaty gym shorts with his saliva. I knew he must be sucking up my sweat, but he didn't seem to be making too bad a face. Of his own accord, he began to actually try and suck around the my dick, almost like he was going to bite it out of the fabric. He applied pressure and whipped his tongue all around my thick cock. "Yeah, that's it. Come on, the faster you suck me off, the sooner you'll be through with this."

He looked up at me, the fierce look was still in his eyes. He was obviously not enjoying himself; his dick wasn't even hard. Hearing me say that though, he took his mouth off my cock and reached up and yanked down my shorts and began to truly lick up and down my shaft. I groaned in pleasure, but I knew I couldn't allow this.

"Get up. Stand up!" I said firmly. He had a very quizzical look, and slowly stood.

"What the fuck do you want now?" He growled angrily. "Just let me get this shit over with, and you can give me the hardcopy of those pictures. Don't fuck with me kid," he shoved his index finger into my chest. Normally, this wouldn't bother me, but with all of his strength and the ferocity of this poke, I brought my hand up and rubbed my chest.

"No need to get violent, I'm going to take my time. You're the one that broke the law. Wouldn't you rather suck my beautiful dick than be worried about dropping the soap in prison? Now lean over and kiss it." I pointed to where he had just poked me, not my dick. "Then, start licking my chest. I want a fucking tongue-bath, and pay special attention to my nipples." I pulled up my shirt over my head and tossed it down in the pile of his clothes.

"I'm not fucking queer. You're going to have to get your fucking gay kicks somewhere else. I'm not about to do that shit. He leaned over, grabbing for his clothes, but I grabbed his arm to stop him, all cuteness was gone.

"Look you fuckhead. You apparently don't understand. You're going to do what I fucking tell you, or I am going to put you in the fucking state pen for raping a child. Got that? Now suck my fucking nipples." I pointed again to my chest.

With a very defeated posture, he leaned forward. I could tell he was still brooding, but he stuck out his tongue again and began running it over my hairy chest. When he got to my nipples, he tongued it a little and moved on. "What the fuck don't you understand?" I pushed his broad shoulders away from me. "This is how you do it." I happily dove forward and began sucking and laving my tongue all over his right tit. I was like I starving baby desperately trying to drink milk from his mother's tit. For the first time, I heard Spearman groan in pleasure and his cock twitched. After sucking for about a minute, I moved to the other tit repeating the same procedure. Spit ran from the corners of my mouth rolling down his perfect chest. Spearman was moaning and had brought one hand down to his cock, tugging down at his balls. I moved from his nipples and started to run my tongue across his broad, defined pecs. I stopped and washed up and down the section where his pecs stood apart, leaving the little cleft between his muscles sopping wet.

"Fuck yeah," he moaned.

I stood up. "That's how you fucking suck someone's chest. Now get it right, or the deal is off. I'm not going to waste my time here." I put my hand back behind his neck and pulled him down towards my chest. He protested. I could feel his muscles tensing, but he obeyed well enough. His hands left his cock, and I suppose now that he was at least a little aroused he was able to better cope with the situation abreast. I have to admit, after my demonstration, his tongue work was much better. After several minutes of this, and once my nipples were sufficiently sucked, I pushed his head down. At first he didn't get the idea and tried to raise up, but I pushed down harder. It clicked and he dropped back down to his knees.

He looked at horror at the bulging cock standing out, inches from his mouth. My cock curves up looks pretty intimidating from the bottom, even longer than eight inches. And boy does it look super thick from this angle. I've always envied the people that sucked my dick. Fuck, I am so in love with my own cock. "What are you waiting for? Suck my dick, bitch."

"I'm not your bitch," he protested, but without further objection, he leaned over and took the head of my cock in his mouth. This really was no easy effort. He had to make more than one attempt to get the entire head in his mouth, and when he did there was a little pop as his lips slid down over the rim and down onto the veiny shaft.

I moaned as he ran his tongue on the underside of my shaft, tasting, experimenting. "Yeah, baby bitch. That's right, suck my cock like Spencer sucked yours. Isn't it nice to have the tables turned? Remember there is always a bigger fish in the sea. That's right," I said as I pointed down at Spearman's still hard dick, "my dick is bigger than yours."

Spearman bit down on the edge my sensitive cut cock head when I said this. "FUCK YOU!" I shouted and pulled my cock out, punching his jaw. "Don't you ever fucking bite me again, or you might as well turn your ass in yourself cause you'll be going to fucking prison for sure! Now," I shouted, "try it again! And this time get it right. No teeth! Use some of that brain and all that muscle."

I wasn't sure how Spearman was taking all the verbal abuse. I knew he was used to giving it out, but it looks like he took it too, because with everything I had said his cock remained stiff. I shoved my cock forward, determined to be much more brutal this time. He opened his mouth, and I thrust my hips forward as hard as I could. I only got about three inches of my cock into his mouth. My fat juicy cockhead was just about to pass by his gag reflex, but I didn't quite make it. He began to spasm and choke. He shouted through my dick but did not make an attempt to bite me again. Maybe he wasn't as stupid as he acted. I pulled out only slightly, leaving the head in his mouth. I looked down, loving the way his jaw was distended to fit in my cockhead. He would be sore when he got done sucking me. That made more pre-cum juice out of my piss slit. I could tell he tasted this, because his eyes screwed up when the salty nectar rolled down onto his tongue.

Again, I thrust forward and began to make a regular pace. In, out, in, out. I thrust my big dick in and out of the face of the hottest man I had ever seen. It wasn't going to take me long to cum, not that he was a great cocksucker, but this scene was my wet dream come true. Nothing could possibly beat this. "Yeah, you're loving me big juicy cock, I can tell. Your dick is still hard. Come on, jerk your dick. Just do it. Get into it. Enjoy sucking on my hot student dick. Enjoy that your principal mouth is wrapped around my teenage shaft. Get off on that shit, you hot mother fucker." I continued to plunge my cock in and out of his mouth as he began to respond. His hand was slow at first, but eventually it came to match the pace at which I fucked his throat. Tears starting to run out of the corner of his eyes as my dick began to go down his throat. "Come on fucker, you're going to have to take the whole thing before we can leave here tonight." I smirked down at him, doubting he would be able to do it. To my happy surprise he began to try. He was swallowing on my dick as I shoved it down his throat. I moaned as my sexy teacher sucked down my dick, his throat was milking the cum out of my balls. They continued to churn in my sack. I reached up and started playing with my nipples, one hand for each nipple and the other to rub my hot, sweaty balls.

I wasn't going to be able to last much longer, and Spearman still hadn't taken my whole dick in his mouth. I started to face-fuck him faster, and he just groaned. He wasn't protesting any longer, or really even making much attempt to suck. He had just submitted his mouth to my superior cock. "Fuck your mouth is hot!" I shouted. "I'm going to cum soon, and you're going to swallow it. You're going to let my hot teenager seed fill your tummy." I chuckled at my own joke that wasn't even funny. I was high off endorphins generated by this crazy hot sex I was having with the middle school principal of my school.

"Fuck! You're sucking the cum right out of my hot balls man. Don't you want my cum? Yeah you fucking do!" I slammed my dick into his mouth, and he took as much as he had so far, but his nose still didn't quite hit my pubes. I knew he was must be getting aroused from the fumes, from my natural pheromones coming from that region. He was still stroking his cock when I shouted, "CCCCUUUUMMMMMMMMIIIIINNNNGGGG!" I began to wash his throat with my white jizz. I pulled out enough to let him taste the volleys of sperm I was firing into him. After a few minutes and about eight loads, my spasming dick started to become soft. I pulled out and rubbed my face up and down the five o'clock shadow of my new Adonis-slave.

"You did good, now you get your reward." I leaned forward and kissed him, sucking off some of the cum still hanging out of his mouth and lips into my own mouth. I swallowed and groaned. "Fucking delicious isn't it?" I pushed him back, and he fell back, his legs sprawling out to the floor. He was now in the middle of the bathroom, lying on the floor. "I'm going to suck you off for being such a good boy."

"Fuckin' ought to, faggot. This is really what you wanted. Making me suck your fucking nasty dick was just to embarrass me. Don't worry, you'll get it all back at school."

"Whatever," I dismissed his comment and dove happily down on his dick. I suppose what I said earlier wasn't entirely true. His dick was a little longer than mine, but it wasn't nearly as thick. By ounces, mine would still be bigger. I didn't care though, and I gorged myself on his erect cock.

Spearman immediately began fucking my face, bucking his hips up and down off the floor. This was a position he was very familiar with, "Yeah, suck my long cock faggot. Suck off your principal. That's it. Eat my man dick! Eat it! I know you want to. Fucking faggot."

Apparently, all the trash talk and all the fucking faggots had got him hard because he was

dripping pre-cum like damn faucet. After maybe one more minute he was bucking into my mouth screaming, "Yeah you sunovabitch! Take my fucking load! Suck down my manseed. Take my semen! Cuming!"

I swallowed happily, enjoying the sweet and salty flavor. After his orgasm was over, I crawled back up to his flushed face. He was very quiet after orgasm. I could tell it was pretty intense. I leaned down and began to kiss him. To my surprise, he returned the kiss and got even fiercer when he tasted his own cum still in my mouth. He sucked on my mouth hard, our tongues dueling for dominance, as he tried to get all of his own cum back.

"Yeah, big boy likes the taste of his cum, that's good." I moaned, and then leaned back on my hips. I reached back behind me to my shorts and pulled out a condom. I was starting to unwrap the condom before he even knew was going on.

He blinked a few times and lurched up, "Fucking no! You're not coming near my ass. No job is worth that. I told you already, I'm no fucking faggot!"

My opinion of this man was growing less and less. He had been a baseball coach after all before becoming principal. It goes back to sports being the real gods at my school. He obviously couldn't reason very well.

"Look, I told you that you were going to have to take my whole cock before we left, and you didn't. You didn't ever deep throat me all the way, so now I have to fuck you."

He looked helpless and angry; I could tell he was on the verge of doing something rash again so I knew I had to calm him down. "Look, it's the deal. Remember, you want the pictures back right? You want to be out of this? You've got to let me fuck you. Getting fucked doesn't make you a faggot, just enjoying it."

He looked at me, still in disbelief. I enjoyed the view immensely. This huge six foot plus gym stud sprawled out under me. I was straddling his huge quads with my still hard teenage dick ready for another round. His own dick was soft and lying in a puddle of its own last dribbles of cum. My cum was now drying on his face, and I couldn't help but smile as I rolled the lubed condom down my thick cock. I was ready to fuck. Unfortunately, I was not positioned so I could see that Coach Walker had just entered the room. And again, also unfortunately for me, Spearman had seen him.

Next: Chapter 4

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