Teddy Bear

By Aaron Hull / Wah Stories

Published on Nov 10, 2012



Hey, I'm Teddy. The story I'm going to tell you all about happened not even a few hours ago. I'm still like completely shocked that it actually happened. First thing you should know is that I'm gay, I'm in the closet though so no one knows, and by no one I mean no one in the whole fucking world. I have never told any of my close friends, I have never been on the internet to talk to guys, I've never even watched gay porn, I've always been scared that even if I cleared my history a thousand times, someone would find it. The only times I've ever seen porn is when one of my friends back in highschool popped in one of his dad's or his older brother's porno and we watched it as a group of friends. We never like jerked off to it or anything, we were all too scared that the others would think we're weird or call us fags. I always had hoped that one of my friends would start it though because I wanted to have sex with every single one of my friends, they were all so fucking attractive. I'm now a sophomore in college though and haven't seen a porno in forever. My roommate, Michael, and I have been roommates since last year at the beginning of the second semester, my original roommate dropped out and Michael was a transfer student, my room was the only available room so we were stuck together. At first the two of us barely talked, but then we discovered we both love football and our friendship was sealed from then. By the way, neither of us are jocks, I would even consider myself average. Michael is more like the average kinda guy, with a little emo, and then I'm your basic nerd, so finding out we both enjoy WATCHING football was a pretty big shocker. Now to the actual story. I should probably start off a few nights before today, that way you get the whole story and not just the juicy part. I was in the library studying for my chemistry test, it was over important scientists and history stuff, which is my weak point. I've never really talked to any of the kids in my chemistry class, I rarely talked to my lab partner, so I wasn't graced with having a study group to go over all this stuff with me. "Hey Teddy." A voice said from across the table. I looked up and saw it was Drew from my chemistry class. And no this is not like complete coincidence or anything. My professor told us that the best place to read up on this stuff was at the library and here the library has a sign-up list for when we can use the study rooms, so I knew I would see at least someone from my chemistry class. "Hey." "You studying for the chem test?" What do you think? "Yeah." Drew was nice, But sometimes he was an airhead. He knew that the test was this Friday and he could see the multiple books I had opened that all had something to do with chemistry. "Cool. Would you mind if I joined you? I hate all this history crap." Without me answering, he sat down across from me. I really didn't mind it, but I would rather prefer working alone. "Do you have the list of scientists the professor told us that would for sure be on the test?" "Umm...yeah." Drew dug through his backpack and pulled out a brown sheet with a long list of names. "I've looked up some already but I don't think some of these people exist and the professor is trying to fuck with us." I let out a little smile. "Yeah. That would really suck." "Why don't you talk to anyone in class?" "I don't know." I did know, however, that I really wanted to study. "Well, you really should. Or you should at least talk to me. I'd really like to get to know you...we could like be friends...ya know?" There was no way that Drew could have a crush on me, Drew is an ex-jock, he used to be a football player back in high school but he didn't think he was good enough for college so he quit, and he's also pretty attractive. I've noticed I do have a pretty shallow side who really likes muscular and toned guys, like Drew for example. "Oh...well that sounds nice." "Really? Well I'm having a party at my house this weekend if you want to come." "I'm not really into parties." "It's not like the big alcohol parties some people though. It's just a few friends and some other people they decide to bring." "I'm still not sure. I have so much work to do." "I'm sure one night isn't going to kill you. Please? If you don't I'll cry." Drew then made this really adorable face that I don't think anyone could say no to. "Fine. Where do you live?" Drew took my hand and wrote his address on there. "Just in case you like forget it if I tell you or lose it if I wrote it on a piece of paper for you." I didn't noticed that it was in permanent marker until after he was done writing. "You know you didn't have to write that with a permanent marker, right?" "Yeah but I picture you as the kind of guy who washes his hands a lot so I guessed you would wash it off if I wrote it in pen." "Well...I'm sorry I gotta go." For a guy I've never talked to, it felt like he really knew me and that we was really into me. I had to leave before I got hard in front of him. "I guess I'll see you this weekend. "Well hopefully we see each other Friday since that's when the test is." "Oh yeah...that...well...see ya." Before he could say anything I quickly left the library. I barely got any studying in but I would rather flunk a test than be known as a fag by everyone in the school when Drew noticed my hard-on. I quickly returned to my apartment. Michael was sitting on the couch in his boxers watching some murder show. We were like brothers now so seeing him like that doesn't turn me on really. The only reason I have a boner right now is because I couldn't get my mind off of Drew the whole ride home. "Hey, sexy! How was the library?" Michael said. "It was better than what I expected. I was invited to a party." "No way! My little teddy bear is growing up." "Shut the fuck up. It's nothing big." "Next thing you know you'll be out on dates with actual people and not leaving cum stains all over the sheets I have to clean." I had only done that once, it was a long weekend and after I finished I fell right asleep. When I woke up, I was almost late for class so I couldn't clean it up then either, at that time it was all dried up but I could have scraped it off eventually. Michael normally does the laundry Monday morning since he doesn't have class earlier that day. Michael saw the cum stains on the sheets and hasn't let me live it down. "Again. Shut the fuck up." "Hey, is that boner for me?" This wasn't the first time Michael was noticed one of my numerous boners. I'm still a virgin so the breeze can set me off sometimes. He doesn't really care about me popping the time and it's never been a big deal. He just thinks I'm a growing boy who needs some pussy. "Eww. Fuck no. I'm not into incest." "Whatever, bro. You know you want me. I'm gonna go put some shorts on and go for a run. When I get back, little teddy better be taken care of because I don't want to hear you moaning again tonight. I have class early and I can't sleep with you doing that." Michael got up and went to his room. I knew saying something to him about it would just make the problem worse, so I just let him win this battle. After he came back out of his room with his shorts on, he wished me a good wank and left for a run/coffee shop visit. Once he shut the door I immediately dropped my pants and boxer in one quick motion and grabbed a hold of my thick cock. Michael calls him little Teddy, but little Teddy is actually around eight inches long and he is pretty thick too. I plopped down on the couch and started to jerk off thinking about Drew. I so bad wanted to feel his dick in my ass and fucking me like there was no tomorrow. I know I have a nice tool, but I'd rather worship someone else's than have someone worship mine. I thought of many different scenarios where Drew would end up fucking me bareback in his bed this weekend. I didn't care if he was completely sober and was in love with me or if he was completely drunk and I was a one-night stand he would forget about in the morning, I just wanted his dick. After about ten minutes I decided I should cum before Michael came back. Even though he's seen my tent, he has never seen the pole itself and I want to keep it that way, I don't want to end up turning him gay and having him crazy my nerd body so much. I came thinking about Drew, surprisingly, and it got all over my stomach and chest, I made sure to put my sure behind my head because I didn't want any cum stains on that. I sat back and closed my eyes, imagining that it was Drew's cum and not mine that was all over me. I finally got up and waddled over to the kitchen sink with my pants around my ankles. I took a paper towel and cleaned myself up, I normally use a tissue but those were in my room and I didn't want to accidentally drip anywhere. I pulled my pants up, fixed my shirt, and opened the windows in the living room, waiting for Michael to return home. Like I thought, he didn't come home `til around midnight, it was around seven when he left. Normally Michael will find a girl at the coffee shop, woo her, go back to her place, and fuck her like I wished Drew would fuck me. He'd then tell her he loves her, leave around midnight, and they'd hook up a few more times before Michael realized she was either a whore or he wasn't really into her. He didn't just do it to have a good time, he actually thought he'd meet a good girl. "How was she?" I asked him. I could smell sex on him so I was one hundred percent sure he had sex. I had also noticed he had no boxers on, Michael likes showing off his boxers because he thinks he looks sexy like that and this time there was no small strip of boxers above the top of his shorts. "What are you talking about?" He said with a smile. "You've been gone for five fucking hours. I think I know when you have sex." "She was awesome! Not only in bed though, she is pretty nice to talk to. She may actually be the one. I didn't like hit on her or anything, we were just talking and I had no xesual thought in my head." "That may mean you will be together longer than a day." "Shut the fuck up. I'm going to bed. I'm tired." "I bet you are..." That was Wednesday night. Thursday was uneventful. I was able to study a little though, but there was nothing hot that happened. I did jerk off to the thoughts of Drew again. Before Wednesday though I had no thoughts about him, I never really even found him that attractive before then either. On Friday I took my test and felt like I passed it. Drew said hi to me and made sure I was still coming over the next day. When I told him yes, he told me he was happy and he knew I'd have a blast, with a winky face I may add. That caused me to `have a blast' the second I got into my car. There was no one around and I was a quick masturbater when I wanted to be so I was done in a matter of a minute, especially with the smell of Drew's cologne still there. Now to today, Saturday. Michael had a date with Yvonne, the girl he met Wednesday night, and I had a party to go to so the place would be empty. Michael reminded me at least three times that day that he'd be staying at Yvonne's for sex so there was no need to wait up on him. Everything felt too right. I knew I could easily convince Drew my car wouldn't start and he would take me home and then I'd invite him in and then we'd have the whole place to ourselves and end up fulfilling my fantasy. I knew that something was going to go wrong in there, but if I decided I'd get as far as I could with my plan because I hated being a virgin and I knew if I started fooling around with Drew, I'd be open to a whole new world of being gay and I really wanted to see that world. When I got to Drew's, his address was still implanted on my hand so I knew where he lived, there were cars everywhere; I could also hear the music from the street over, I thought it had to be someone else's party since Drew said it wasn't going to be a lot of people. I got up to the door and was greeted by some people I had classes with. I never really talked to any of them either so I didn't feel obligated to talk to them. I went inside and looked for Crew, I wanted to ask him what his definition of "small" was, party wise not dick wise. But before I could find him he found me. He had to yell over the music. "Hey! I'm so sorry about this! My brother decided to invite a few of his friends and they like brought the whole campus!" I didn't know Drew had a brother. I hoped he was just as attractive as Drew. "It's cool! I don't think I'm going to stay long though!" There was no way I'd be able to stay around `til the end of the party so I could ask Drew for a ride. "Please don't! I'd feel like such an ass if you left!" "This isn't really my crowd though! I'm not like you!" "I'm sure we have a lot in common! Come with me!" Drew grabbed my hand and pulled me through the crowd. We headed up the stairs where it was a lot less crowded, the music was still loud though, and then we got into his room, where it was even less crowded and the music wasn't as loud. "I'm really sorry." Drew was able to talk in his normal voice again. "It's cool. Why did you invite me?" "Honestly...it's because wanted to hang out with you. I felt so sorry for you because like you never look happy and I thought you needed a friend. But like I'm not only doing this out of pity...you seem like a nice guy, Teddy." "Thanks...I guess. I kinda choose to be a loner. Most guys, besides my roommate, don't really get me." "You know you don't have to be a loner right?" Drew looked into my eyes with this sincere look. "You have me now." His hand slowly slid over to mine. This was the moment I was supposed to move my hand away. I didn't want to be outed. What if this was a prank? No one has ever liked me. It was too late now. His hand was on mine. I couldn't help but stare at it, my heart was racing. I looked up into his eyes again, and he was looking right into mine. He leaned in and lightly kissed me on my neck. "Is this okay?" Drew said seductively as he continued kissing my neck. "Please...don't stop." I said as I pulled his head up and we kissed on the lips for the first time. It felt good. This is my first actual kiss. Drew's lips...they're amazing. I couldn't believe this. And with my luck, someone knocked on the door. "Hey Drew! I need ya real quick! Someone vomited on the couch!" It sounded almost like Drew. I'm guessing it was his brother. "Fuck." Drew said. "Stay here. I'll be right back." He said to me. "Okay." I laid down on his bed as he got up to leave. He looked at me once more before exiting the room. I couldn't believe it. Drew was definitely my dream guy. I could just feel the care he has for me on his lips. I could tell that I wasn't just going to be a one night stand. Drew was going to be my first boyfriend and I was so excited. Just then he came back into the room. "Sorry, it was a false alarm." He said as he came back over to the bed. "Now where were we?" He crawled onto the bed and placed himself over me, kissing my lips. For some reason, this kiss felt different, but I could tell they were Drew's lips. The kissing was more sexual that it was before. That doesn't really matter to me, I mean losing my virginity to Drew would be amazing, but I wondered what had gotten into him while he was out there to want to be like this. He rolled us over to where I was on top of him. He then removed my shirt and kissed my neck, this time on the opposite side. It felt good to have him on top of me. He was grinding his crotch into mine and I hated that only four, maybe three, very thin layers separated my dick from his. Drew then placed his hand under my jeans and grabbed a hold of my dick. I couldn't help but gasp at the sensation. I could feel him smile as he pressed his lips against my neck. I was already rock hard so it wasn't like he had to try to get me hard or anything. He started to kiss down my chest and down my stomach. I've waited for this day my whole life. This would be my first blowjob and I was dying for it. I was so close to cumming that I was scared it would end too soon. His lips finally reached the base of my underwear and he looked up at me. "How bad do you want me to suck your dick?" He was still slowly jerking me off so I was dying for it. "Please! I need your hot dick around my cock, Drew. Please suck it! Please!" He smiled and then back to kissing. Instead of going down though, he went back up and I was both pissed at him and glad at the same time. He kissed all the way back up[ to my lips and no matter how angry I could get I couldn't help but kiss him back. He then yanked down my jeans and underwear and we both heard my rock hard dick slap against my stomach. I have measured my dick at least thirty times in these last two weeks, just because I wanna make sure I'm not like shrinking or something. Right now when I'm fully hard, I'm around 6 and a half inches. Drew started to kiss back down my chest and I pleaded with him to blow me. This time he kissed around my dick and went to my inner thigh. He then kissed up until he was right between my ass and my balls. I couldn't have blown my load then because the feeling of his lips was sensational. He moved up to my balls and kissed them tenderly. He then sucked on each of them for about a minute each. At this time I was dying to blow my load. Drew was just teasing me. It was great that he was but at the same time it was torture. He started to kissed up the shaft of my dick and I loved every kiss. When he got to the head, he put just the head in and used his tongue to play with it. I was leaking so much precum at the time and wanted to just thrust up and face fuck him, but I didn't want to do something that would jeopardize my first sexual experience. It turned out that I didn't have to face fuck him. One second he was tenderly playing with the head of my dick and the next he was all the way down on my dick. I was so stunned that I didn't have time to cum. He then started to suck on my dick with such ferocity that I couldn't believe this was the guy from a minute ago. I decided to go for broke and started to thrust into his mouth as he blew me. This was a thousand times better than masturbating. I loved the feeling of Drew's lips wrapped around my cock and worshiping it. To my surprise I actually lasted about six or so minutes `til I felt the cum really start to build up. I tried warning him but I was in so much ecstasy that I couldn't speak. I'm pretty sure he knew I was about to cum though, he started to suck faster and faster, I knew he was tired by now because the way he was sucking my dick was crazy. I bucked up as the cum started to escape. Drew kept his head completely still and savored each drop of cum that went into his mouth. When I was finally down cumming, my hips fell back to the bed and Drew went back to worshiping my cock, this time cleaning it up. When he finished he kissed back up my chest and back to my lips. As he kissed me I could taste my cum and that kept me from going soft. If he wanted I could probably go again in a few minutes. "You love me right?" He asked. "Yeah..." "I need to cum and I really want to fuck you." "I've never been fucked before..." I wanted it, there was no doubt about it. I just didn't want to seem like a whore. I've fingered myself thinking about this moment, hoping I would be tight enough for him to enjoy but not tight enough to where I am in pain. "Please. I promise I'll go soft...that is unless you want me to fuck you hard." "Fine. But don't just shove it in at first, I wanna get used to it." Drew smiled, got off the bed, and quickly removed his clothes. I swear he is around eight inches. His dick is enormous. My ass was begging for his dick at that moment. He climbed back on top of me and went back to kissing. As we were kissing I felt him lift my legs up. I was so scared yet so excited. I really wanted Drew to fuck me. I needed it more than anything at that moment. I then felt the his fingers against my ass, they were covered in lube so they slide in pretty easily. He continued to finger my ass and kiss me for about a minute before he couldn't take it any longer. He pulled his fingers out and I felt the head if his dick press up against my ass. At first it hurt like nothing before, I immediately went soft from the pain it caused. Drew could tell I was in pain and he stopped and waited for me to adjust. When I finally felt somewhat comfortable, he pushed the rest of it in. When the whole head was in, I relaxed a little. Drew then slowly started to push the rest in. I could tell that he so bad wanted to shove the whole thing in and fuck me wildly but he was respecting me and that turned me on even more. When he finally got all the way in, he started to slowly fuck me. The pain was still there but it was amazing to feel him inside me. It didn't take long `til the pain completely went away and all that was left was pleasure. He started to fuck harder and faster. I didn't realize that the harder and faster he went, the better it was. I began to beg for him to fuck me harder. And he did. Drew was forcefully slamming his dick into my ass and I loved it. We eventually stopped kissing as our animalistic nature came out and Drew started to drill my ass. At this part I was fully hard again and feeling another load build up. I never knew it was possible to cum without touching yourself, but I did. I began to cum all over my chest and stomach, and this load was as large as the last one. As I came I clenched my ass shut and that drove Drew over the edge. He quickly pulled out, leaving my hole empty, took off the condom, and came all over me, he didn't even have to touch himself before he started cumming. I loved the feeling of his hot cum landing on me and mixing with mine. I so bad wanted to lick it up but it was too late because Drew immediately attacked my chest and started to lick it clean. When he was done he crawled back up beside me and held me for a bit. Neither of us said a thing and just laid there. He then got up and started to get dress. "Well, I gotta go before Drew gets back." I looked over at him with a confused look. "What?" "I'm Calvin, Drew's twin brother. I saw him with you earlier and knew I needed to get into that ass of yours. Believe it or not though when we finished I could see the two of us together so it actually was more than just sex. And Drew doesn't fuck on the first date so it'll be awhile before you see that I'm better. See ya, Teddy Bear." Calvin finished getting dressed and left the room. I was stunned. I wanted to cry and scream and so many other things at the moment. I could tell what I shared with Calvin was true and it really wasn't just sex. I also knew that I was with Drew and I couldn't do something like this to him. I was in love with Drew's personality but in love with Calvin's love-making skills. I got up and quickly got dressed. When I was finally done I got up and left. I found Drew and thanked him and told him that I had to do, I just then realized Drew and Calvin were wearing different clothes so I should have known from the beginning. He apologize and I told him it wasn't his fault I had to go, it actually wasn't. I wanted to kiss him goodbye but knew I couldn't in front of all these people. I quickly weaved my way through the crowd and finally got outside. On the porch was none other than Calvin. I couldn't look him in the eyes. I quickly walked by him and headed towards my car. I drove home with my head in a completely different place, I had no idea how I had gotten home in one piece. When I got inside, I immediately got on the laptop and started typing this just so I wouldn't forget this in the morning. For someone who is a virgin, what is that possibility that I would end up getting a boyfriend and fucking a different guy in the same night? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Thank you for reading this story. If you want more, email me a pic of your dick (wah.stories@yahoo.com) and I may continue the story. I can only write like this when I'm horny so I'll need your help ;) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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