Teenage Slutboy Repays His Debts

By ku.oc.xmg@tulsyobevals

Published on Sep 1, 2022


Teenage Slutboy Repays His Debts 3

Teenage Slutboy Repays His Debts- Part 3 (M/T, Anal, Oral, Auth, WS, BD)

by slaveboyslut@gmx.co.uk

This story features sex between adult men and a teenage boy of legal age: if that is not your thing or it is not legal for you to read this please leave now. Only read this story if you are confident about your ability to distinguish what is acceptable in online fantasy from what is acceptable in the real world. If you enjoy this please help support the site.

For this chapter I have switched narrator; this one is described from Charlie's point of view.

I read what Sir wrote in the first two chapters of this story, and man, it's fucked up! It's so embarrassing to think about people reading about me like that... all those old men getting hard and jerking their dicks reading about me being used, and even worse, enjoying it!

I want you to know that I was just a dumb kid when all this happened. I didn't know anything about gay sex. I mean, I knew about hard-ons and blow jobs and stuff... I just didn't really understand. Back then I thought that sex was about love and relationships and all that shit. Now I know it's really all about power.

I was a virgin when he met me. Desperate to have sex but pretty innocent I guess. I knew I was gay and fancied a few boys at school but I'd never thought about an older man 'like that'. Until he took me and used me.

After those first few times I felt mixed up and confused when I thought about him. I mean, I knew he was a bastard! What sort of fucking sadist gets off on inflicting pain like that? What sort of man would want to corrupt an innocent boy? I knew he didn't care about me as a person; all he cared about was my body and how he could use it for his pleasure. But when I would look at his big, hairy, masculine figure I would get really hard. The things he would do to me were humiliating and embarrassing and often hurt like hell but somehow turned me on. The idea of just being taken because he wanted to take me was weirdly exciting. When I went home I'd feel so dirty and sexy that I would run to the shower to jerk off. I loved him, I hated him, I hoved him, I lated him.

Back then I was living this weird double life: normal schoolboy most of the time and then slaveboy slut in my evenings at Sir's... but as time went on my two lives started to merge. It must have been the fourth or fifth time we met. He had fucked me roughly three times that night; my hole was stretched and really sore, so loose that I couldn't stop the stream of cum which was dribbling down my inside leg. As I got ready to leave he looked at me with an evil sort of grin and handed me a package.

'I got you a present, Charlie. I want you to wear this home tonight and come wearing it next time you visit'

The package contained a t-shirt. It was lurid pink and far too small but that wasn't what made my jaw drop. Written across the front in large bold letters was one word: COCKSUCKER. 

'I can't wear THAT!' I stuttered, blushing deeply. What would people think when they saw me? What would my parents think?! Fuck!

'You can and you will, Charlie' he replied firmly.

'....but what's everyone going to think?!'

'Well Charlie, I imagine that they will think that you are a little faggot who likes to suck cock. Which you are.' ....as I said, he was a total bastard who got off on humiliating me.

Of course the t-shirt was kinda accurate but I was still in the closet at home and school and didn't want to proclaim my sexuality in the crudest way possible. But I didn't have much choice. I didn't have a coat and I didn't fancy walking around shirtless in a crappy neighbourhood at night. Maybe if I kept away from the streetlights nobody would be able to read what it said....? Reluctantly I pulled the shirt over my head. It was way too small and the fabric clung tightly to my slim body, my nipples made little mounds and my smooth stomach was left exposed. With my girlish blonde hair and bare midriff I must have looked like a total fucking slut.

He ushered me to the door and said:

'I'll know if you take it off Charlie... see you next week'

I got away with it that night. As I hurried home I had no more than a few odd looks but things were different when it came time to visit Sir again the following week. This time he wanted me to stay overnight, I'd waited till my parents were in bed and then sneaked out of the house. Nobody was out on the streets at that late hour and I guess I got a bit over-confident. My mind was occupied by thoughts of what Sir might do to me, I didn't notice the flashing lights, it was only when I heard the yelp of the police siren that I stopped and looked round.


Oh fuck, that was all I needed!

The cop got out of the car and walked towards me. He was a big manly guy with the broad and burly look of a rugby player; not  tall but heavy, wide and powerful.

He raised his eyebrows as I saw him inspect the writing on my shirt and run his eyes down across my bare midriff and skinny jeans.

'What's your name boy?' he asked, looking at me with an expression which seemed to be a mix of pity and disgust.

'umm... Charlie... Charlie Andrews' I replied. Fortunately it was too dark for him to see how much I was blushing.

'And what are you doing hanging around on the street at this time of night, Charlie?' he asked me with a knowing look.


'I'm going to visit an...ummm... friend'

'At midnight? bit late isn't it Charlie? ...how old are you?' he asked.


'Really? you don't look a day over 14'

I shrugged. I get that a lot.

'I don't think you were really going to 'visit a friend' now were you Charlie? Did you know that this city has a zero tolerance policy on antisocial behaviour?'

He continued, looking down at me.

'Shame, young boy like you, but if you're an adult then I've no choice. I am arresting you on suspicion of Soliciting under the Street Offences Act 1959. You do not have to say anything but it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence'

I think my jaw literally dropped as I just stood there staring at him, trying to take it in. Soliciting?! Fuck!!!

I think I was still in shock as he cuffed my hands behind my back, walked me to his patrol car and, with a hand on my shoulder, pushed me down into the back seat. He didn't say a word as we drove ten minutes to the police station, it felt like the longest ten minutes of my life. The cuffs were really digging in to my wrists as he escorted me in to the deserted lobby and told me 'It's late so you'll have to stay in a cell overnight. I'll deal with you in the morning and if you want to have a lawyer while being questioned we can arrange that.'

Stuck in a police cell all night! fucking great!

'Is there somebody you want me to call?'

I hesitated. I couldn't give him my parent's number of course: they thought I was innocently asleep in bed not walking the streets dressed like a cheap-ass rent boy. Reluctantly I gave him Sir's name and number. He didn't say anything but gave me a funny, sort-of 'appraising' look as he took down the details and escorted me to one of the cells.

The door slammed closed with a very final-sounding clang. The cell smelt bad and I shivered slightly as a cold draught played against my exposed arms and bare midriff. What the hell was happening to my life? I was just an innocent teenage kid, never even been in trouble at school, and now I'd ended up in a place like this with who-knows-what going to happen to me. The whole place was really quiet so late at night: I hadn't seen or heard anyone other than that officer since I'd got here and I vaguely wondered whether anyone was watching me over the CCTV camera mounted high on one wall. As I looked over the obscene graffiti scratched on the walls I felt grateful that at least there weren't any proper criminals in here with me. I wondered what Sir would do when he got called by a police officer; would he come and explain and get me out or just laugh and leave me to rot?

I was just beginning to think about whether I should try to get some sleep on the thin mattress when the officer came back into the cell. I knew as soon as he entered that something was different: his manner had changed. Previously he had seemed aloof and professional but now he seemed angry and aggressive.

'OK bitch, if you want to dress like a slut then you are going to get treated like one!' he shouted, coming up close and pulling his cock out through the fly of his uniform trousers.

His dick was like his body: big and wide, with a huge flaring purple head and a thick shaft. He pulled my head towards him and pushed his cock into my mouth. I began to bob my head but he just held me in place, his thick dick resting on my tongue. Suddenly I tasted something funny. It was piss! He was pissing in my mouth! As I say, I was just an innocent kid, I didn't know anything about watersports, didn't know that some guys get their kicks pissing on and in submissive boys. The jet of piss hit the back of my mouth. The taste wasn't really bad but I was shocked and disgusted. I struggled and spluttered and tried to pull back but the Officer had me held firmly in place.

'That's it, slut, drink my piss!'

My mouth was full of his acrid piss, I couldn't escape, couldn't get this piss out of my mouth. Soon I had no choice but to swallow. As that first warm slug of urine sank down my throat and into my stomach I thought: fuck, I've just drunk a man's piss!

His piss continued to flow hard and fast, filling up my mouth as I desperately tried to gulp it all down.

'Drink it boy, guzzle down my piss' he grunted.

I think the sight of me struggling and reluctantly swallowing his piss must have been a turn on for him because his cock was beginning to get chub up.

'Oh yeah, you piss-drinking little slut!'

He released his grip and I was able to pull back but his piss kept coming. He drenched me from head to foot, warm piss splashing across the cell and forming a large puddle on the floor.

'Just look at you! my little teeny piss whore!' he said as the flow finally stopped.

I was a mess. My hair was wet and sodden with piss, piss dribbled down my face, the pink t-shirt was saturated and the taste of his piss filled my mouth.

He looked down at me with contempt and spat on my face, the glob of his spit hit me below the eye and dribbled down my chin.

I was so degraded and humiliated as I sat cuffed on the floor but my cock was so hard. What the fuck was wrong with me?! Getting turned on by all this sick shit!

Grabbing me by my bedraggled hair he began to slap my face with his cock. With every smack his cock got harder, each leaving a red mark and smear of precum on my cheek. Soon he was hitting me with eight thick inches of hard cock. My own cock was dribbling precum; this was so nasty and dirty!

He moved his hard cock to my lips and shoved inside.

'Now to see how true that T-shirt is!'

Under Sir's instruction I had become a pretty good cocksucker but this guy's cock was just too fat! Now it was fully hard his monster prick must have been almost as thick as a coke can; it filled my mouth and stretched my throat. How can you give a decent blow job when it feels like your jaw is about to be dislocated?! I had no input, no control.

'Take it deep, bitch' he muttered, giving me no time to get used to it, just shoving his huge blunt fuckstick deep into my throat.

I knew what I was meant to do, I could remember Sir teaching me: 'stay calm, breathe through your nose'. But I couldn't! It felt like a truck was being driven down my throat. I gagged. I panicked. I tried to pull back but he held me firmly as I gasped and choked on his cock.

'Oh yeah, that feels good fagboy!'

He began to pound into me hard, pulling my head on to his meat with both hands.

'We're going to have a lot of fun tonight boy!' he told me, adding as an afterthought '...or at least I am'.

I was just a bystander as he used my mouth as a fuckhole. My eyes were streaming and throat goo was dribbling down my face and dripping off my chin as he kept fucking into my mouth with short, violent thrusts.

'Yeah, coat my cock with your throat slime, it's all the lube you're going to get when I pound that tight little hole of yours'

I must have looked quite a state, my blonde hair turned dark with piss and my face smeared with a mix of my throat gunk and his piss, spit and precum.

He bent me over the bed and yanked down my jeans. I knew what he was planning next as he pulled my cheeks apart and inspected my shaved ass.

'Such a tight little boyhole! Won't be so tight when I've finished fucking it up!'

I felt nervous as hell as his hard shaft pushed up between my cheeks. As his fat dick poked at my hole I thought maybe he'd let me go: surely it was obvious to anybody sane that a monster cock like that couldn't possibly fit inside a tiny hole like mine? I guess he didn't see it the same way as he used his weight to spear his cock into me.

A searing pain hit me and I screamed out as his fat cockhead penetrated my ring and forced its way into my body.

'Stop! Oh please stop! It hurts so much' I screamed out but he just kept on forcing inside me, inch after inch.

I tried to struggle, I tried to get away, but with my cuffed wrists and legs entangled by my jeans I was immobilised.

'You need to be treated like this, boy. You need this pain. You know it's true'.

Looking back now I know he was right but at the time all I could think about was the feeling of being split in two by his monster cock.

'Take it out! I can't take it!'

He ignored me and started to fuck me with long forceful thrusts, muttering:

'Remember how this feels boy, remember how I turned you into my bitch!'

Soon he was ramming in to me hard, using his power to force his thick cock deeply into my tight hole. I was struggling and moaning but he ignored my protests and just kept pounding.

'Damn you're tight! I knew I was going to enjoy fucking you as soon as I saw your tight little ass mincing down the street'

As the assault continued my mind was messed-up but my body had no such confusion. As every thrust bottomed out inside me my cock would jerk and add to the pool of precum accumulating on the mattress.

He was fucking me hard and rough. Each thrust stretched my hole to breaking point.

I was really glad I hadn't asked him to call my parents. I shuddered as I thought what they would think if they could see their only son like this: dressed like a hooker, soaked in piss and being fucked in the ass by a man twice his age.

As he pounded my bowels the officer muttered things like:

'Take it bitch! Take my fat cock in your tight teenage pussy!'

He was breathing heavily as he buried his dick inside me and I could smell the intoxicating manly smell of his sweat. I may not have been a virgin anymore but I hadn't been fucked much so my hole was still really tight, I knew he wouldn't be able to last long at this speed. As his breathing got deeper and more eratic he pulled out, let out a deep moan and shot his load. His cum fountained high into the air and splattered down on my body, the bed and the cell floor. Some of the cum landed on his police boots, the white goo contrasting with the black leather.

I lay there panting, my hole sore and gaping wide, feeling very empty now. I didn't get a chance to relax for long as the officer dragged me by the hair and pushed my face down.

'Clean my fucking boots, bitch'

I stuck my tongue out and tentatively licked, the salty flavour of his cum mixing with the taste of leather in my mouth.


I was like that when Sir entered the cell. As he came up behind me and said 'Hello, Charlie' my first reaction was a feeling of total relief; he was going to get me out of here! Yeah, stupid really. I should have known that getting me out of there was going to be the last thing on his mind as he looked down at my piss-soaked young body with my freshly-fucked hole on prominent display.

With my face on the officer's boots I couldn't really see him but I heard the zip of his flies being lowered and then felt his cock at my ring. Although my hole was already stretched and battered I still let out a gasp as he forced his way into me.

Sir was never gentle and considerate when he fucked me, but that night he was brutal. I guess he thought that only a really rough and vicious fuck was going to have any impact on my already stretched and distended hole.

I thought that my weeks of abuse had trained my hole to deal with this sort of use but it felt like Sir's cock was going to tear me apart.

I tried to keep licking the officer's boots but with my hands still cuffed behind my back every thrust of Sir's cock forced me forward. The officer placed one boot on my head, pressing my cheek down onto the cold wet floor and allowing Sir to fuck me with all his power.

Sir's big long cock was deep inside me, reaching far up into my bowels on each in-stroke, pounding me fast and hard.

The officer's cock was hard again as he watched my abuse. The man was jerking his cock, his eyes fixed on Sir's cock pounding my tight boyhole.

I was moaning deeply with each thrust. Sir's cock impaling me felt sooo good! Soon the hot fuck was too much for us all. Sir's cock spasmed and shot a flood of cum deep into my body while almost simultaneously I shot my own load onto the cell floor: my cock hadn't been touched once in the whole ordeal. A moment later the officer came for a second time, shooting ropes of cum across my back. We all lay there spent and panting on the floor of that police cell.

Well, you probably guessed what happened, right? Yeah, turns out that the police officer and Sir knew each other. Liked to share slutboys. Bet the officer couldn't believe his luck when I stumbled into his lap, already trained and willing! Sir gave him permission to use me in any way he liked and in exchange Sir got the rights to sell the CCTV tapes. He made a lot of money- I hear that that some guys will pay a fortune to watch 'real' footage of boys like me being used. The officer never filed charges of course but now Sir gives him free use of his dungeon and me. It turns out that the officer has a son in the year below me at school who's also a slut; I got to meet him later but I guess that's a story for another day.

Well, I hope you enjoyed hearing more about my humiliation. Did it make you cum? Sir will be pleased if it did. I guess he might make me write more about what happened next.


I'd love to know what you thought of the story. Did the switch of narrators work for you? Sorry it ended up being fairly long, I hope it was worth the effort. This chapter partly reflects readers suggestions; let me know if you have ideas for what happens next or for other stories.

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