Tell Me Why

By Rich Henderson

Published on Jan 12, 2000


Tell Me Why part 6 _______________________________ Disclaimer

This story is completely fictional and does not indicate that Kevin Richardson of the Backstreet Boys or any of the Backstreet boys are homosexual. If you are under 18 you should not be reading this story so...dont.

Kevin - "Come back in my room."

Rich - "Aj isn't going to go balistic on me?"

Kevin - "Probably not. But if he does...I'll stop him. Just come inside."

Rich - "Ok. You still owe me breakfast."

Kevin - "Your gonna eat?"

Rich - "I find myself hungry again."

Kevin - "I'll go back and see if I can stop the food service lady before she reaches the elevator." He sort of ran around the corner to go get her. It was funny seeing him run. Aj stepped out of the room.

Aj - "Where'd Kevin go?"

Rich - "Oh..uhh..he went to go get the food lady..."

Aj - "What? You dont have to be scared of me."

Rich - "I'm not."

Aj - "Then why are you looking at the floor with your hands in your pockets?"

Rich - "I...I dont know."

Aj - "So....Are you Kevins new boyfriend?"

Rich - "Sort of."

Aj - "Sort of as in? I mean...Are you just lovers?"

Rich - "No...We havn't done that..I mean..Well..Not recently." I dont know why I was telling him all that. I felt like I was being interrogated.

Aj - "Not recently? Oh..How long have you two known each other?" Ugh, whats up with all these questions.

Rich - "Most of my life."

Aj - "Really? How come I've never heard about you? Oh...wait..Are you Richard?"

Rich - "Yeah. How did you know?", I wondered if Kevin talked about me much.

Aj - "Brian's always talkin about you. He thinks your a really funny guy."

Rich - "Oh..Thats nice." Hmm...Kevin didn't talk about me. I guess I can understand though. It was more than hard, it was impossible for me to even mention Kevin to my friends.

Aj - "Anyways...I wanted to appologize for calling you a fling or whatever. I was just a little steamed."

Rich - "Why? I mean..If its about Travis..I didn't hit him back or anything."

Aj - "Hit him back? He hit you? Damn...I'm sorry about that. This is all my fault. I was just trying to help Travis out. Man..I am so sorry." Kevin came back pushing the cart. He looked worriedly at me and Aj.

Aj - "Hey Kev..I'm sorry about...well..everything..And I already appologized to your boy here so...Try not to be too pissed at me."

Kevin - "I still dont know why you let that bastard in here."

Aj - "Please. Give the guy a break. He's not himself lately. His boyfriend dumped him and he was just looking for someone...I dont know...It was just a big mistake."

Rich - "Its ok. No major damage done."

Aj - "I wasn't talking to you." Kevin looked up at Aj.

Rich - "Ok..Sorry." He slapped me on the back.

Aj - "Relax Ace, I'm just pulling your leg. Anyways, I gotta jet now. Nice meeting you and sorry." He shouted the last few lines as the elevator doors closed over him.

Rich - "Interesting guy."

Kevin - "Whatever. Anyways...I finally got you all to myself."

Rich - "What about that reporter standing behind you?" He jerked his head around.

Kevin - "You ass."

Rich - "Your so easy."

Kevin - "Not as easy as you."

Rich - "I'll show you just how easy I am."

Kevin - "First we eat."

Rich - "I was kidding. Dont go making plans."

Kevin - "You tease." I reached over and squeezed his butt.

Rich - "You know me."

Kevin - "Anyways....Lets get inside and eat."

Rich - "You say anyways too much."

Kevin - "Anyways..just get inside." He pushed the cart in. I enjoyed the backside view and came in after him. He sat the cart by the table and pulled out a chair.

Rich - "Hmm...You make one cute bellboy."

Kevin - "Have a seat."

Rich - "I can pull out my own seat."

Kevin - "I know....Ugh..Just sit down."

Rich - "Fine. Dont get your panties in a rut."

Kevin - "I'm not that kind of gay."

Rich - "Yeah...Your just the kind that wears makeup and shaves his legs."

Kevin - "I only wear makeup onstage...All performers do....And anyways...You shave your legs too."

Rich - "Whatever cutie." I gave him a kiss on the cheek and sat down. He brought over the trays and set them down in front of me. Then he sat down across from me. "What did you order?"

Kevin - "Your fav."

Rich - "Ravioli?" He got a confused look.

Kevin - "I thought you liked--"

Rich - "I was kidding." I opened the lid of the main pan. It was Sicilian pizza. My real fav. "Umm...What did you get for yourself?" I looked in the other pans and it was just side orders.

Kevin - "I'm not that hungry."

Rich - "No fair. I'm not just gonna sit here and let you look at me eat." I ripped the slice in half, put it on a napkin and handed it to him. He smiled.

Kevin - "Thanks." We both sat there.

Rich - "Well....Aren't you gonna eat?"

Kevin - "You first."

Rich - "Why?"

Kevin - "It feels weird eating in front of you."

Rich - "Why?"

Kevin - "I dont know. It just does."

Rich - "Your a big weirdo." I got up and moved across the table. I pulled up a chair so that it was as close as it could be to his and sat down. "Is this better?"

Kevin - "I dont know...But I feel the urge to put my arm over your shoulder."

Rich - "Go for it stud." He put his arm around my shoulder, but then slid it down so it was around my waist. I picked up a piece of his pizza and moved it in front of his mouth.

Kevin - "What do you think your doing?" As he said that I slid the piece in his mouth. He closed his mouth around my index finger and sucked on it for a second before sliding off.

Rich - "Mmmm..." I put both my arms around his waist. I felt something wet on my lips. I ducked my head back into his chest. Oh...It was just pizza...He was trying to feed me now. I opened my mouth wide and he placed it inside. Before I could suck on his finger he slid it out. He grasped my chin and led it to his face. He placed his head forward and kissed me. He darted his tongue in and got some of the pizza. Hmm...I was thinking this was kinda gross...but..I got into it. After the pizza bit was gone we sucked the remaining taste off of each others toungues. All of a sudden the door popped open.

Brian - "Whoooaaa....Sorry...Hehe...Guess I came at the wrong time." We pulled off each other's lips causing a smacking sound."

Nick - "Eeew sick! Too much for my virgin eyes to take."

Kevin - "Dont you two know how to knock?" Nick knocked on the table.

Nick - "Like that right?"

Kevin - "There...Thats enough practice..You should be able to do the real thing now."

Brian - "Oh...Well..We just wanted to let you know we were back from recording."

Kevin - "Now we know..So you can leave."

Rich - "Your such a meanie."

Kevin - "No I'm not..Its just that I cant get more than 30 minutes alone with you."

Nick - "Whoa! It takes you all of thirty minutes to get it on--" Brian clamped his hand over Nicks mouth.

Brian - "We'll be going now.....But when your done with whatever your doing..Feel free to come over to my room. We were gonna skope out nightclubs later tonight."

Rich - "Cool. I never get a chance to visit the clubs."

Brian - "You can dance?"

Rich - "Like Ricky Martin."

Nick - "Oh...So you cant dance."

Rich - "Not really...But I'm a quick learner."

Kevin - "And I'm a great teacher."

Brian - "You know you two cant dance together. Theres the chance we might be noticed."

Kevin - "We know. Anyways..."

Brian - "Ya I know...I'll leave you two to your lil date." He winked and pulled Nick out the door with him.

Kevin - "I have no privacy what so ever."

Rich - "You've got me."

Kevin - "Hmm..Can I make an exchange?"

Rich - "I dont know why I let you treat me like this." I looked away from him.

Kevin - "What? Huh? Umm....I'm sorry."

Rich - "Ugh...Like I said..So easy."

Kevin - "Stop picking on me. I'm not normally this gullible."

Rich - "What? Your just gullible around me?"

Kevin - "Exactly."

Rich - "Why is that?"

Kevin - "Well...Its just...I've been trying to tread lightly with you. Whenever I think theres a chance I hurt you...I get worried."

Rich - "Dont be like that. I'm not that sensitive. And I'll let you know if you do something I dont like."

Kevin - "Ok, sorry."

Rich - "I dont like that."

Kevin - "What?"

Rich - "Stop appologizing to me. Kevin..please..Just relax. You dont have to go out of your way to comfort or impress me." I sat down in an EZ chair.

Kevin - "Ok ok..I'll stop. So...What do you want to do before we meet Brian?"

Rich - "Hmm...Just hang out with you."

Kevin - "I can hang."

Rich - "Thats nice."

Kevin - "I could hang better though if you weren't in my seat."

Rich - "I didn't see a reservation."

Kevin - "Its my place. I dont need a reservation."

Rich - "Then sit down."

Kevin - "First you have to get up."

Rich - "I didn't plan on getting up."

Kevin - "So..What? You want me to sit on your lap?"

Rich - "Hmm...I'm liking this plan."

Kevin - "I dont sit on peoples laps." I grabbed his waistband and pulled him toward me. Big mistake. He fell forward into me and knocked the chair over. He landed on me.

Rich - "Ummm...I'm so sorry...Uhh..Are you ok?" He picked his head up a bit so he could look at me.

Kevin - "I'm fine...Just dont ever do that again."

Rich - "Ok..But do you think he could manage to get off me?"

Kevin - "I dont wanna."

Rich - "Hmm..Guess I cant force you."

Kevin - "Guess your right."

Rich - "I also guess you cant stop me."

Kevin - "Stop you from what?" I answered his question with a kiss. I sucked on his tongue and traced every crevace of his mouth. He really like that. It was a trick I had learned and perfected trying on my past girlfriends. He took his lips off of mine and gently kissed my chin, cheeks, and forehead. I turned over so that I was on top of him. Then he rolled me over. I reached over and pinned him beneath me.

Rich - "I win."

Kevin - "Maybe...But if this is loosing..Hehe..I wanna be a loser."

Rich - "Well...You've had a lot of practice in that area." I kissed his neck. He was sweating. I took off his shirt.

Kevin - "What are we doing?"

Rich - "Do you want to stop?"

Kevin - "No..But..Do you.."

Rich - "Dont think about it too much..Lets just see where this goes."

Kevin - "Ok hottie." It really was getting hot. Maybe it was the heater, my heart racing, or just Kevins warmth seeping into me. I ran my hands all over his torso. He was very well defined, but still smooth like a baby. He started breathing heavily. He put his hands in my back pockets and started fondling my butt. I began to lightly rub against him. I had my pelvis in between his legs. It was soooo hot. He grabbed at my shirt and pulled it over my head. He started carresing my chest and neck. Then he pulled me into another kiss. This time he did all the work. It was wild and sloppy...But it was the best kiss he had ever given me. We were both visibly sweating at this point. He slipped one hand into my pants from behind, then the other. I could smell the perspiration and it was really turning me on.

Rich - "Kevin...I'm gonna pass out..its too hot."

Kevin - "Ya it is....Whoo...You want to...Umm..nevermind."

Rich - "What? Just say it."

Kevin - "I was gonna ask if you wanted to...test out the jaccuzi?" He smiled nervously.

Rich - "I would love to." I sat up next to him.

Kevin - "Ok, cool, me first though."

Rich - "What?"

Kevin - "You didn't think we were actually gonna take a bath together did you?"

Rich - "Stop teasing me." He ran over to the bathroom and closed the door. He was such a goofy person. I heard the water go off. I wondered if he seriously was gonna leave me out here. I walked over to the bathroom entrance. Steam was seeping through the sides of the door. I tested the handle. It was open. I opened it a crack and looked in. I had to close my eyes. The bright lights and the thick steam took a bit to get used to. I felt hands slide around my waist. He rubbed my stomach then leaned against the door and it shut. I turned around to face him but all I could see was his upper torso and face. The rest was in a thick cloud of steam silhouette. But judging by the color of his legs, he was stark naked. I kissed him as he rolled my pants and boxers off. He placed them somewhere I couldn't see. Probably a shelf or something. Then we pulled into an embrace and felt our nakedness clash. It was more than words could describe. It was pure ecstasy. He took my hand and led me over to the jaccuzi. I could here him splash inside. I poked a foot in. It was a little cool. I got the rest of the way in and sat on a step. The water was up to my waist.

Kevin - "Is this ok with you?"

Rich - "Ya...Yes..I'm..Ya it is." I couldn't think of a word to justify the intensity. On top of my own arousal, the hot steam and cool waters made it even more electrifying. I felt pins and needles in my stomach. All of a sudden a cold, smooth substance was glided across my back. I guess it was body wash or something. I could feel Kevins hands massaging it into me. I leaned backwards so that I was sitting in between his legs. He began to rub it over my front side and down to my leg and thighs. He made sure not to touch me in my 'personal area'. Although...I could feel his pressed against my back. I leaned my head to the side and met his mouth again. I reached blindly over the side trying to find the bottle of whatever he was using. I finally groped it. I moved around to Kevins back. I squeezed the bottle but nothing came out. I guess he used it all. I squeezed really hard to get the last bits out when all of a sudden the top sprang free and a ton of it splashed all over Kevins back and the back of his head.

Kevin - "What are you doing? That stuffs really cold!"

Rich - "Sorry..hehe...I made a lil accident." I pulled him toward the center of the jacuzzi to get the gooey stuff off his back. I splashed water over him. He turned around. "I was just trying to get the--", my words were thwarted by a thick wave of water that crashed over my face. I splashed him back. He tackled me and we both slipped and fell. Once again Kevin landed on top of Me. I had to sit up though to keep my head above water. One of my legs was in between both of Kevins. He slipped it out then sat down next to me. I got up the nerve and just went for it. I placed my hand around his throbbing member. He gasped. I started jacking him off underneath the water. He placed his cheek against mine and slid into a kiss. I continued jacking him off as he went into another one of his sloppy kisses. I could feel him breathing rapidly inside my mouth. He was getting close. I took over the kiss and started moving my hand up and down over him faster.

"HEY GUYS OPEN UP!" Brian shouted from on the other side of the main entrance. I felt his manhood swell and the first jet of his cum hit my chin. The rest just splattered over both of our bodies. We ignored the continuing requests. I pulled him into a hug. He grabbed my cock.

Rich - "Kevin...Later."

Kevin - "But I wanna please you too."

Rich - "Trust me....I've been 'pleased'. But we'll just save the rest for a more conveniant and less hectic time period. And Kevin..."

Kevin - "What?"

Rich - "I love you."

Kevin - "I love you too." Then something rather unexpected happened. He sobbed.

Rich - "Whats wrong?"

Kevin - "Nothing..Its just..I'm just now starting to believe my heart. Even in the darkest corner of my mind I know we're gonna be together forever." It was starting to get to me too. But I held back the tears. I had a lot of practice in that area. We both got out of the tub and got dressed. I went over and opened the door. Brian was gone. Kevin came up behind me.

Rich - "Are we going over there now?"

Kevin - "Ya. But be prepared for total embarrasment."

Rich - "Nothing can spoil the mood I'm in right now."

Kevin - "I know. Me either." We walked down the hallway together holding hands. We quickly stopped as the room service lady came down the hallway. We reached Brians door.

________________________________ Ok, thats the end of this chapter.

Thanks for reading and feel free to email me at . My microsoft word isn't working, so I had no spellcheck. Forgive any bad grammer I might have used. :)

Peace Always Rich

Next: Chapter 7

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