Thank You for Loving Me

By Pris G

Published on Dec 2, 2001



Thanks to everyone who helped me with this, people willing to give me info that I might need (and I will need 'cause I'm not a know-it-all on this subject), people who are just cute and sweet enough to e-mail me and tell me they appreciate my work. Thanks to all my friends and specially to my three muskeeters... we might not be on best terms now but I love you guys...

Disclaimer: I'm not any of them, I don't know them, I don't know anyone related to them, I don't know what side their doors swing. If you shouldn't be reading this, then you shouldn't be reading this and you know it so it's not my responsibility if you're caught. If you're not comfortable with two men in a relationship, get the hell out of here.

I'm glad you came back :)

Luv! Priscy G


"C'mon, Kev... you have to eat something..."

"I don't want to, Keith."

"You know that Keera won't be this nice when she comes here, right? And you also know that she's gonna come here as soon as I leave and tell her you won't come, right?"

"Fine! I'll go!" I replied before sitting up and throwing the covers away.

"She prepared your favorite food too." he smiled and I couldn't help but smile back.

"I'm sorry I've been such an ass." I whispered and he ruffled my hair as he smiled.

"We understand it. We know how moody you can be." he grinned and I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Let's just go, k?" I replied and we both stood up before going for the door.

"Finally!" Keera exclaimed as she saw me in the hallway.

"You guys act like I've been absent for a life time." I grumbled and they laughed as we made our way to the stairs "What the fuck?" I hissed at them as I took a few steps back.

"He's been here for a while and wouldn't leave till he talked to you." Keera said and I groaned.

"C'mon, Kev, give him a chance. Talk to him."

"And give him the chance to ditch me, huh? Nice siblings I have." I muttered as I headed back to the stairs and went down "Good evening, Josh." I said, trying to show as little emotion as possible even though I was nervous as hell.

"Hello, Kevin." He stood up from the couch.

"What are you doing here?"

"I was worried. You left so quickly and you didn't seem ok when you did."

"You could've called."

"I needed to see you."


"Why are you acting like this? What have I done to you?" he asked and I nearly broke down. God! I didn't need that now...

"You haven't done anything." I replied "Nothing at all."

"Then, why?"

"You wouldn't understand." I whispered.

"Try me."

"Josh, don't."

"I need to know!"

"Please, don't do this." I nearly pleaded as I turned my back to him.

"Kevin, if I've done anything to you, I need to know what. I didn't mean to do anything. If this is about the kiss... look, I know I shouldn't have done it..."

"No, you shouldn't."

"I'm sorry I read the wrong signs. I'm sorry I interpreted you the wrong way. You're just so amazing and you made me feel so comfortable..."

"Stop it."

"Why? Why won't you even give me the chance to talk? Why won't you even give me a chance?"

"Because I can't!" I replied as I turned around and glared at him "I can't!"

"You already have someone then?"


"Then just tell me what is so wrong with me that you don't want me near you!"

"It's not about you!" I replied angrily "As cliché as that may sound, it's about me and not you!"

"There's nothing so wrong with you that-"


"Let me decide that! I think I'm capable enough to-"

"I'M HIV-POSITIVE!" I yelled at him "There!" I panted as I glared at him "You happy now?!" I asked when he gasped and he seemed to be having a hard time breathing.

"What?" was the oh so bright reply he could come up with.

"It's exactly what you heard. You know the way out." I said as calmly as I could as I turned my back on him again and stared out the window at the darkness outside. I just heard him inhaling and then his footsteps going for the door. A few minutes later I heard tires squealing out of my drive way. And in the end, I was right, he did run out on me. I chuckled bitterly.

"Kevin?" I heard from behind me and turned around to face my brother and sister. I smiled weakly at them but from the look on their faces, they weren't going for my attempt at lifting the mood.

"I think he left the door open." I whispered as I passed them, patting Keith's shoulder and kissing Keera's head, on my way to the staircase "Could any of you guys please call Jacob and tell him I'm not going to the club tonight?" I asked and they both nodded "See you guys tomorrow..." and with that I left them staring after me. For once I hated being right.


************ That's it! E-mail me! I really really need to know how you guys are taking this story, k? Some people have told me that they were expecting this kind of story line but I need to know what people are thinking, k? Please!

Next: Chapter 8

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