Thats Why Youre Beautiful

By Tayler C.

Published on Sep 29, 2010


I calmly meandered through the Foreign Language hallway. I couldn't stop smiling. I probably looked like the biggest goofball in South California. You ever feel like you're smiling for no apparent reason at all? This was one of those moments. I was walking so slow I didn't even realize the bell had rung. I was late, but I really didn't care. I made it to Davenport's room after a minute or two, and he wasn't even there. I scanned the room for a black ponytail and located it. I walked to the front of the room to where he was, but someone was in the seat behind him. I then walked over to a desk right in front of the window and immediately began gazing out the window. You could see the clear blue sky and I was intently gazing out of the window, until I felt a hand rubbing on mine. Instinctively, I backed away, until I looked up and saw Zack and his ever-present smile. I couldn't help but to return the smile.

"Hey, Capriotti. Can I have a penny for your thoughts?"

"Just stuff. Nothing too big," I said back to him still smiling. I couldn't let him know I was thinking of him. I had only just met the guy a little over 24 hours ago. I still couldn't get that goofy grin off my face. "You know you could have stayed where you were sitting. I wouldn't have minded."

"Is that your way of trying to get rid of me? I can go back," he said teasing me.

"No no! Stay. Unless you want to leave," I replied.

"I like where I am. So do you still want to meet me back at the beach after school?"

"You'll have to wait and see." I replied coyly.

"Don't break my heart, Capriotti," was Zack's rebuttal.

"I'm not the heartbreaking type, Carter." Just then, Davenport came in the room. He made his way to the chalkboard and started his lesson for today. The continuation of idioms and proverbs. Something about apres moi, le deluge. Qu'ils mangent la brioche. La curiosité est un vilian défaut. Something or another. I really wasn't paying attention and didn't plan on it. Davenport resumed passing out textbooks and workbooks.

"I'd like for the textbooks to stay in the room, but the workbooks are all yours. Keep up with them. Your homework will be to do page 4 exercises 1 and 3." Just then, Zack placed a note on my desk.

You have the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen Cap.

His handwriting was so neat and perfect. "What is this?" I asked smiling even more broadly now. He only shushed me. I laughed and I continued to look at the note he had written me. Cap. I liked that. I really liked flirting with him. The strange thing is that I'm not usually this flirty or interested in most guys. I pretty much ignored most of the guys that tried to flirt with me, or changed the subject. He took the note back and wrote something else on it.

Don't let me down Cap. :D

I only laughed to myself and resumed staring out the window. The bell rang and I gathered my things and headed to the Fine Arts hall with Kyle. He threw his arm around my neck casually and began walking with me.

"I've decided that we should go to this club is West Hollywood for my birthday. It's called Tigerheat. I definitely want you to be there."

"I'm not 18 yet though. You turn 18 two weeks before me. And what is Kelly going to do?"

"She's going to be there right along with you and me. I've already talked to someone at the club. They said that they would allow only a few underage kids, but they have to have a wristband throughout the entire time they're there. I was thinking about inviting Kirsten and Emily."

"Yeah that does sound fun. How much are we talking here? Are you renting out a private room or anything?"

"I haven't thought about that. I'll check back with you on that idea." We reached her room and sat down. When we sat down, Chelsea and Lauren walked in together, arm in arm, and sat across from us. We chit chatted together until the bell rang. Ms. Hall informed us that we'd be getting our lockers today. I only had like... 3 things to put in mine. I paid the 10 dollar renting fee and asked her for a top locker. She told me my locker number and I went out to open it, and then David walked by. He looked at me really hard and continued to walk in his direction. I wonder who shoved a stick up his ass. I went back to the classroom and continued to talk with Lauren about nothing. Kyle came back from his locker and joined in.

"Hey, Kyle, here's an idea. Lauren and Chelsea could come to your birthday party. We're going to have his party at Tigerheat."

"What's that?" Lauren said looking at me.

"It's a gay club in WeHo. They said they'd make an exception for a couple of younger kids." I explained to both Lauren and Chelsea.

"So are you two in? I hope it's going to be really intimate." I said looking Kyle's way.

"I don't care, I just hope it's not going to be too late. I have a curfew. My mom is stricter than a hoe." Chelsea said.

"It's going to be on the weekend. I don't plan on staying out all night on a school night." Kyle said laughing.

"I just don't know what to do for my own birthday." I said feeling left out. I knew Lauren's birthday was a couple of days after mine. "Lauren, you and I will ditch these two and go out to Hawaii together." I laughed. Sounded like a good idea. She draped her arms around me and laid her head on my shoulder.

"That's just fine with me," Lauren said laughing. We talked about more the plans until the bell rang for lunch. All four of us walked to the cafeteria together.

"Hey. I don't want to eat cafeteria food. Too boring. Lets go to the pizza place down the street," I suggested. "What's the worst that could happen? I mean Ms. Hall loves and it's right outside the school. We'll come back to the cafeteria after we get our food" I tried persuading them.

"I didn't plan on eating here today, so I don't have money," Chelsea said. I wasn't about to let her miss out.

"I'll pay for you. No problem, I don't mind. I just don't want to eat at the school. Come on! We gotta get a move on it."

We walked out of the school and across the street. Luckily, there weren't any administrators asking for lunch passes. We got to the pizza place and there was a line, unfortunately. While we were waiting, Kyle wanted to bring up "Lover boy. Have you talked to him today?" He was trying to be sly.

"Yes. I have another class with him, thank you very much." I said back. We were finally in line to order. We ordered and paid for our food and headed back to the cafeteria. I decided not to sit with Emily and the gang today. We found a small area by the salad bar to sit.

"What play do you guys want to do this year? You know we're all up for the lead roles right?" Kyle said.

"I have no idea. A play with just us four would be fine." Chelsea said. "I just don't want to learn all those lines like last time."

"Would you reject a musical? Since she's gushing over Whitehead, it may be one." Kyle said to her.

"Of course I would! I can't sing!" Chelsea said laughing.

"We're forcing you to sing! You have to!" Lauren said. Lauren was an extremely good singer. She'd been singing since she was really young. She had a really sweet voice.

"I'll try to later, but I'm not making any promises." Chelsea said as the bell rang. We headed back to Ms. Hall's classroom. "We should go out more often, but we have to get those lunch passes first." "They usually don't give them out until September though," Kyle said going to his locker. We got back in the classroom and started to read synopsis's of different plays.

Lauren and I walked to Mr. Whitehead's room together, while Chelsea and Kyle went separate ways. I really enjoyed the class because it really went in depth on the structure of music and the scientific parts of it, not just the artistic side. Mr. Whitehead was really good at explaining it also, in a way that simplified it for all of us. After he finished explaining the difference between a diatonic and chromatic scale, he asked us to come to the piano and demonstrate both and that would be our grade for today and that our homework was to find a song based on a simple C major chromatic scale and dissect the chords of that song. It sounded simple enough. The bell rang and I was off to the last class of the day. I saw the two twins walking my way, so I waited for them, both of them coming on either side of me. Kelly immediately started talking about this guy Tim that she liked and how she wanted to just talk to him.

"I've never known you to be shy around guys, Kell. What's so different about this one?" I asked her.

"That's the thing! I have no idea, but he's special. And he's on the football team. Hot!" Kelly gushed.

"I think it's rather cliché. Football stud and the cheerleader lovers are so played out." Kyle retorted.

"Said the lonely homo," Kelly backfired.

"Hey, you two! Cut it out! There's no need for the bickering guys." I said, trying to diffuse the tension. I was so used to them fighting over any and everything and making right back up 2 minutes later.

"I can't believe we have to be science partners for the rest of the year," Kelly replied walking in Mr. Paisley's class. I sat my things down at my desk and walked over to Kelly. She was pretty upset over Kyle's comment.

"Come on, Kelly, you know he was only joking." I said, sitting down.

"I know, but he just goes too far sometimes. I really like this boy and I'd appreciate it if Kyle wasn't so damn sarcastic all the damn time."

Just then, the bell rang and I headed to my seat and started to write the bellwork question down. It was a fairly simple question, so I didn't have too much trouble answering it. Zack looked so intense, staring at his paper and writing whatever his answer was down. After a while, the lights came up and Mr. Paisley started his lecture on the function of the cell parts. Surprisingly, I paid attention and didn't let my mind wander off into the deep end. After the lesson was done, we had to do worksheets again. They were easy and self explanatory, so I got through them without too much of a problem. After we were done we just softly started whispering.

"So, you sing and play guitar? That's pretty neat." Zack stated.

"Yeah, I do. I also play piano, but we won't tell anyone." I said back to him smiling.

"That was pretty neat last night. Maybe you could teach me how to play. I've been trying to learn but I haven't really been inspired to play for some reason," he said back, tracing his fingertips over the desk.

"I'd be happy to help. You can bring your guitar out to the beach today, and I'll bring mine."

"So that means you're coming? Yes," he said, doing a fist pump

"Of course I am. Why wouldn't I?"

"Never mind. I'm just really happy you're coming, Cap." He looked like he was glowing. He's so adorable! The bell rang and we were dismissed. "Hey! I never got your number, Cap. Can I have it?" He said lifting his eyebrows hopefully.

"Of course. Give me your phone." I took his phone and placed my number in there under the name Cap, as he likes to call me. I also gave him my phone for him to put his number in it. I gave it back to him and replied "Don't be afraid to use it," and walked away with Kyle and Kelly. They apparently made up from earlier because they were laughing about something Mr. Paisley said to one of the students. I walked with them to the senior parking lot and waited for Tanner to come out.

"Kell, why did we take your car today? You have cheerleading practice, don't you?" Kyle complained.

"Yeah, but you can stay and watch us. We usually last until about 4:30."

"It's only 2:10. And it's not like I wanted to watch a bunch of girls cheer and all that stuff anyway," Kyle retorted.

"I can take you home, Kyle. It's no biggie." I offered.

"Would you really? I do not want to stay here for another two hours."

"Of course I will. We just have to wait until Tanner comes out. No problem." I said back. We walked over to my car and we were met by Emily and Kirsten.

"Where were you two today? Like, oh my God, I totally missed you guys at lunch today!" Emily said.

"We went to Numero Uno's right across the street. Good thing we didn't get caught." Kyle said.

"Well, next time let us know! I would have like, totally loved some pizza today. And not, like, pizza from the school," Kirsten interjected. "We do have something for you two though. Kyle wants to have his and Kelly's party at Tigerheat. And you two are going to help us plan it." I said to them both.

"Great! I love Tigerheat! It's like a hag HEAVEN! I love it," Kirsten said smiling as hard as ever.

"How have you already been?" I asked.

"A fake ID, of course. Plus I turned 18 in June. It's so great there. You guys are going to loooooove it." She said. "Oh, we have to get to cheerleading practice guys. Coach Harr would, like, totally cut our heads off if we aren't dressed and prepared to practice at like directly at 2:30."

"Bye, you two," Emily said waving at us. "Don't forget to remind us about it once it gets closer to the date you guys. We'll definitely be there for you." Emily said as Kirsten pulled her away. Just then, Tanner popped up.

"Hey, Tristan, I'll be home later. I'm gonna catch a ride with Kevin and go over his house for a while. If mom and dad need me, tell them to call me." With that, he left. I got in the car with Kyle following behind and headed away from the school.

"So do you want to hang out today? I'm free all afternoon." Kyle said texting on his phone.

"No can do this day." I said plainly.

"Aww, come on! I haven't seen you all summer and you're already bailing on me."

"I already have plans today, Kyle. We can chill this weekend. I promise." I said laughing.

"Oh. You and lover boy already have plans today, huh?" he said slyly.

"Please stop calling him that! His name is Zack. And yes, we do have plans today." I replied, slightly blushing. "If we decide to end things early, I'll call you." After pulling up to his house, we said our goodbyes and I headed to my own home. Kyle didn't live too far from me, thank God. Only about a 15 minute drive. Once I was home, I went straight to my room and took a nap.

I woke up at about 5:45 and I had 4 text messages. I looked over and nothing to special or held any relevance other than the one from Zack that just said "Yo Cap". I decided that I should head out to the beach to meet him. I picked up my guitar and put it in its case and a sweater in case it got too chilly and headed to my car. I drove the Pacific Coast Highway, listening to the radio along the way. Once I got there, I parked and started walking down to the pier. There was only a black jeep near mine, and the beach was almost completely empty, save for an elderly couple walking along the trails. I took my shoes off and proceeded to walk down towards the shoreline. I didn't see Zack, so I assumed he had already left. Just my luck. I walked in the water, letting the waves crash against my legs. Walking up and down the shore, I saw this seashell. It was small and a pearly, iridescent color. I picked it up and put it in my pocket. I continued along the shore until I came back to the place where Zack and I came the night before. I made my way up the cliff and there he was. Looking out into the horizon. "Hey stranger," I said to him. He turned to look at me and just smiled.

"There you are. I was beginning to think you were a no show." He said, turning back around and looking at the ocean.

"I told you I'd come. I didn't want to let you down, Carter." I replied, sitting down beside him Indian style.

"I've been coming here since we moved here. I just come here to think. Clear my mind."

"I hope you don't mind sharing your special place," I said, tracing invisible figures on the rocks.

"Of course I don't," he laughed, turning towards me. "So, Capriotti, tell me when you found out you were gay?"

"Well, in about 6th grade when all the guys were talking about what girls they liked and they thought were hot and all that stuff, I took absolutely no interest in it. I didn't think too much about it at the time, but around 7th, the same things they were saying about the girls, I was thinking about the boys. And I asked my mom to explain it and that's when I came out to my family. I didn't come out to my really close friends until a year later. And the blonde guy that you see me with all the time, Kyle, we came out to each other on the same day. We've been best friends ever since."

"So your parents accept you?" he asked me, staring intently.

"Yeah, pretty much. They didn't have too much of a problem with it. What about yours?"

"Believe it or not, I've only told 4 people. My dad's on the verge of homophobic, so I don't plan on coming out to them this year. When I graduate, I plan on doing it, so I'll have enough saved so I can be on my own."

"Wow, I never would have guessed. You're so open at school. Well, affectionate." I replied, taking everything he said in.

"School is almost like an escape for me. Anytime away from them is really, because my dad is so strict. And my mom, she just agrees with what he says. It gets really frustrating at times. It's like she has no opinion of her own." I really appreciated how honest and open he was being with me.

"So that's why you come out here almost every day? To get your mind off of things at home? That makes sense." He stood up and reached his hand out, I held on to it as he pulled me up. We walked back down to the beach together. I reluctantly pulled my hand back, but he held on to it tighter. Tingles ran up and down my spine from his touch. His skin was smooth and warm. We walked along the shore together, laughing and talking. I saw another iridescent, pearly shell and I picked that one up also. It was considerably bigger than the one I had, and it looked a little more shiny.

"Hey, I picked up one of these earlier," I said reaching in my pocket and taking the shell out showing him. "I used to collect all sorts of things from different beaches when I was younger. Rocks, sand dollars, shells, even exoskeletons." I rambled on. "Here," I said handing it to him. "You keep it. Just something to remind you of me."

"You're really special, Cap. I just want you to know that." He said, smiling at me. "Thank you."

"No, anytime. So, do you want to get those guitar lessons or not?" I stated, remembering I had my guitar in the car.

"You can teach me another day. I just wanted to spend time with you."

"Awww. How sweet of you," I said sticking my tongue out. We continued pacing up and down the shoreline, watching the sun set on the horizon. It was one of the most beautiful moments of my life. It was almost 8 and we were still laughing and talking.

"I'd better get going before my mom and dad have a fit," Zack stated, letting go of my hand.

"Same here. I have homework, and I didn't even start on it." I said, thinking back to school. "Plus, I didn't tell my parents I'd be out. I had a great time though." He stepped closer to me and wrapped me in a light hug. I returned the hug back and he brought me closer to his body. I was surrounded by the warmth of his body and his scent. He smelled so clean and crisp. Like mint and sandalwood. He was so intriguing. I looked up into his hazel eyes and stared deep into them. There was longing and excitement in them. I leaned into him and lightly brushed his lips. It was simple and sweet. "I'll see you tomorrow, Zack. Have a good night." He still held onto my hand, not wanting to let go.

"I wish we didn't have to go. I really don't want to."

"Saturday. Meet me back here Saturday."

"That's too far away!" he pouted, sticking his lips out.

"It'll be worth the wait. Now, really, I have to get home. I'll see you later."

I was starving, so I stopped at Sonic to get a burger and a soda. After doing so, I got back on the freeway and headed to the Hills of home. After I arrived at home, I went into the den and found my mom doing crossword puzzles. I sat down beside her and started watching television. "Where have you been mister?" she asked without looking up from her puzzle.

"I was out at Zuma with," I paused. I didn't know whether to call him a boyfriend or just a friend or a close friend or what.

"With whom? May I ask his name?" she responded calmly.

"Yeah, mom, sure. His name is Zack and, umm, I don't know what exactly we are just yet."

"How did you two meet, sweetheart? School?"

"Yeah, he's in a couple of my classes and my homeroom. He's so..." I paused again. I just realized I was talking to my mom. It was sort of weird. I mean we're close and everything, but I don't really imagine myself talking to my mom about the guys I like and who I don't like.

"He's so what, Tristan?"

"Never mind, Mom. He's really great. We're going to meet again on the weekend."

"Sounds like someone's been bitten by the love bug."

"Have not! I'm only just getting to know him."

"I'd like to meet him one of these days. Especially if it's serious," she said going back to her puzzle. I took that into consideration and decided to go upstairs and start on my homework, Algebra being the toughest, so I started on that first. I really hated math. Especially advanced Algebras, which was twice as hard. After finishing that, I decided to move on to English and my Biology assignment. I didn't even bother to do the French assignment because I could just flub something along and turn it in. No big deal. I could finally get into the fun stuff. Figuring out what songs were composed originally in C major and the chord structure that accompanied it. I left my guitar in the trunk of my car, so I went into my closet and pulled my keyboard out. After hooking it up, I just started going over C chords. Then by chance, Something by The Beatles started flowing from my fingers. It was perfect. The chords fit into the C major scale. I started singing along.

Something in the way she moves, attracts me like no other lover. Something in the way she woos me. I don't wanna leave her now. Know I believe, and how. Somewhere in her smile, she knows that I don't need no other lover. Something in her style that shows me. I don't wanna leave her now. You know I believe and how. You're asking me will my love grow. I don't know, I don't know. Stick around and it may show. I don't know, I don't know.

The song was perfect. Tanner was knocked on my door and walked in. "Hey, bro, something up?"

"I kind of need your help with something. It's, umm. It's kind of weird."

"Yeah, sure. Anything. I'm your brother. I won't judge." I said looking at him.

"It's kind of like, OUT there. I um.." he paused and looked at the floor. I was really getting kind of frustrated with whatever he wanted to tell me. "I kind of... umm. I... yeah. This is weird."

"Spit it out!" I yelled. "Sorry, that didn't come out right. I apologize for that. But you know that I'm here for you and that you can tell me anything. Capriotti pact." The Capriotti pact was something that was something we agreed on LONG ago that if we were to tell each other something, it never left either of our lips. Sort of a sworn to secrecy pact between Tanner and I. Mom and Dad were to never know what was discussed when the pact was mentioned.

"I know, I know. It's just so strange. Wow. Oh my God." He was taking his precious time. "Well. You know how I went over Kevin's house this afternoon right?" he asked me still looking down at the floor.

"Yeah, I remember. What happened?" I asked him with as much patience as a melting layer of ice in summertime.

"Well... we kind of did it." Tanner said it so faint. Almost like a whisper. He started twiddling his thumbs.

"You WHAT?!" I said. I tried to not get too loud. "Wait you like, had sex?" I asked him bewildered.

"Well not all the way. But we did like... we gave each other oral and I let him jerk me off." I said still watching the floor.

"Wow. I would have NEVER in a million years expected this to come from you. So how you feeling?" I asked him.

"A little bit confused. A little bit guilty. A little bit excited. A lot of confused actually. That's why I came to talk to you," he replied, fidgeting with his fingers.

"Well. Let me ask you something. Do you still like girls?"

"Of course I do. I mean, how can I not? They're so hot." He seemed to perk up at the mention of girls.

"And would you ever do what you and Kevin did again? Maybe not even Kevin, but with another guy?"

"Hmmmm," he thought. He looked at me for a while, still thinking. "Maybe I would. It was fun and almost like an adrenaline rush. I'd definitely do it again. But I still like girls. This is confusing and weird."

"Tanner, I think you may be bisexual." I said plainly.

"Wait, how does that work? I thought you could only like one or the other."

"Bi people like both girls and guys. Some lean more towards one sex rather than the other, but they still have an attraction to the same or opposite sex. Does that make sense? I'm trying to explain it as simple as possible." I couldn't believe it. Tanner was bi. My little brother. I've known this guy since birth and I never would have guessed.

"I understand it, but I don't think I ever thought about guys like that. Until Kevin."

"I'm just glad you were open enough to come to me about it. I really appreciate that Tanner. You have no idea. And I meant what I said about Capriotti pact."

"Thank you so much Tristan. I just had to get it out. I really did. I'm so tired. I wanted your opinion on everything though. So thanks," he stated, walking to the door.

"Anytime, Tanner, anytime. That's what I'm here for."

"Good night, Tris. Thanks again. I really mean it," he said for the last time and made his exit.

I continued to play little riffs and melodies on my keyboard. Just then, my phone rang. It was Zack, so I answered.

"Hey, mister." I said smiling.

"Hey babe. I was just bored so I thought I'd call you. What are you doing?" He even sounded great over the phone.

"Just finishing up my homework. And what about yourself?"

"I'm about to lay down, actually."

"Yeah me too. It's almost 12. Hey, would you mind if I called you my boyfriend?"

"Uhh, definitely not, since that what I am."

"Awesome. Well since you're my boyfriend, what do you say to meeting my parents?" I asked. Hopefully he wouldn't object. "My mom wants to meet you. I don't know. Have your parents over for dinner or something. She's kind of formal. So meet you meaning dinner. And dinner meaning semi-formal. Sometimes formal."

"I wouldn't object to that. But you have to let them know in advance, no boyfriend talk. There has to be absolutely no indication that I'm your boyfriend, alright, Cap?" He sounded serious. So he positively had my word for it. After talking for a little longer, we decided to hang up. Soon after, I drifted off into dreamland.

Thank you guys for all of the positive feedback. I wanted to keep this chapter simple and to the point. The next one, I'm going to elaborate and make things more drawn out but still cohesive and maintain a nice flow from one chapter to the next. If you have any questions about the characters or the storyline, don't hesitate to send me your questions to

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