The Attraction 1/?

By Eric Stratten III

Published on Jul 31, 1995



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The following is the first draft of the first chapter of a new story I'm working on. Notice, I said, I'm working on it, so please don't flame me saying, "Uh, huh, huh. Like where's the rest and stuff." I'm looking for feedback and possibly story ideas . Let me know what you think via posting or E-mail if you have something interesting to say.


THE ATTRACTION (Working Title)

Chapter 1 ---------

(The night was sultry...)

"Bye, Dad! Thanks for everything!" Tanya waved as the family truckster pulled out of the parking lot. "Don't worry, I'll be fine!" She tried to sound convincing, but in truth, she was petrified. She smiled a little when she thought of how stereotypical the situation was: a midwestern girl raised on a farm going to school in the big city.

It wasn't as tragic as all that, though. Tanya Nubbins didn't exactly stick out like the proverbial sore thumb. She was cute, she was intelligent, she dressed in current fashions, and, thanks to MTV, she was up to date on all the latest dance music. Her main concern was the pace at which people conducted their lives here. Everything and everyone seemed to be going so fast here.

Well, she thought, may as well dive right in. Tanya walked back up the three flights of stairs (the lower floors being reserved for upperclassmen) to her dorm room so she could unpack. Her roommate, a sophomore from LA, had not yet arrived, and Tanya wanted to get her things settled to make room for her. It was a crime how little space they gave two human beings to live in a college dorm.

Tanya hung up her blouses, skirts, dresses, and pants, then selected one of the two dressers to stow her panties, bras, shorts, and socks. With her clothes put away, she took her makeup bag and a box of toiletries, etc. to put away in the bathroom.

One of the nicer things about this particular dorm was the fact that it a private bathroom in every room. Tanya had heard horror stories from older friends about community dorm bathrooms where maybe forty young ladies were required to shower, use the restroom, and prepare themselves for the day in the public domain. Her new bathroom was certainly not out of an ad for a Helmsley Hotel, but at least she would only have to share it with one other person. Like most things in the dorm, the bathroom was laid out symmetrically to minimize bickering. The vanity consisted of a small cabinet and three drawers on each side of the sink so that each girl had her own side. On one side of the vanity was the toilet, and on the other side was a shower.

Tanya went to work putting her things away: 1 towel on the towel rack and 2 more in a drawer, makeup in the another drawer along with barrettes and hair ribbons, etc. The third drawer was for toothbrush & toothpaste, hair brush, and things of that nature. The small cabinet at the bottom was reserved for her most personal needs: a box of tampons, toilet paper, a box of thin maxi pads , KY Jelly, a twin-pack of Massengill, and an old-fashioned douchebag (although the disposables were fine if she were in a hurry, Tanya preferred to use the bag because it did not create as much waste and it was relaxing to let two quarts of warm water f low in and out of her vagina as she stood under a shower of warm water. She had, in fact, masturbated to orgasm for the first time during one of her early sessions with a douchebag).

As Tanya was putting away the last of her personal items, the bathroom door opened. "Hey, how's it goin'? I'm Carly, your new roommate." The young woman clad in a Grateful Dead tie-dyed t-shirt and a peasant skirt was quite attractive. "Whoa, I've never tried one of those! Don't let me interrupt," the girl chuckled.

Tanya followed Carly's glance to her right hand where she realized she was holding aloft her red rubber fountain syringe. "Oh, no! I was just putting my things away. I wasn't going to...I mean, not right now." Tanya was blushing uncontrollably. S he quickly threw the douchebag into the cabinet. "Uh, hi. I'm Tanya. God, I'm so embarrassed. I mean, what a great first impression."

"Don't sweat it, Sweetie. I'm not at all judgmental, and I can't tolerate people who are." Carly grinned. "Wow, that's kind of an ironic statement isn't it?"

"I like to think of myself as pretty easy going, too," Tanya proudly replied.

"Then you ought to be popular with the guys around here," Carly joked. "Are you hungry?" Tanya nodded in the affirmative. "Great, I know a great Italian place. We can eat a little pasta, drink a little wine, and get to know each other."

"Sounds great, but I'm only 18, and I don't have a fake I.D.," Tanya lamented.

"Don't worry, I've got a friend who's a waitress there. Really, it's no problem. People are really laid back around here about that sort of thing. As long as you're not acting like a drunk, immature asshole, they really don't care if you drink. Ju st let me put my things away, and I'll be ready."

Carly walked out of the bathroom and opened one of the drawers of the empty bureau. She took one of three duffle bags and turned it upside down emptying the contents into the drawer. Tanya saw wadded up underwear, socks, t-shirts, shorts, jeans, a f ew tampons, loose change, a vibrator, a couple of magazines (was one a Playchick?), makeup (but not much of it), a sandwich bag containing what looked like marijuana, and cigarettes fall into the drawer. The second bag, containing mostly shoes and belts , was dumped into the second drawer. The third duffle bag, smaller than the others, she took into the bathroom and dumped into the drawers on her side of the vanity. The entire process took approximately 2 minutes.

"Sorry it took so long," Carly stated without a hint of sarcasm. "You ready?"

"Sure, let's go."

The two walked the two miles to Versace's, Carly enjoying a cigarette on the way over. "You smoke?"

"Nah, I never have. Bad for your lungs and all."

"Yeah, tell me about it. My ex-boyfriend says it makes your pussy taste bad, too," Carly grinned. Tanya just grinned. She was going to have to get used to blunt people. But, after all, it wasn't like she'd never heard, or even used, that term.

Fifteen minutes later, the girls were sipping cheap red wine and munching on bread sticks. Their waitress, Julie, was indeed one of Carly's friends, although she was very cold toward Tanya and openly belligerent towards Carly. After she left the tab le to turn in their dinner order, Carly told Tanya that she evidently needed to go talk to Julie. She walked over to the cash register where Julie was ringing up another diner's check. The two argued for a short time and then they hugged, Julie putting

her head on Carly's shoulder. Then Carly came back to the table and sat down.

"Listen," Carly said, "I am an extremely open person. I don't like games, and I detest secrets."

"Yeah, me too. Like when a girl likes a boy, but she pretends not to like him so he'll chase her. I hate that."

"Uh, yeah, that's one example," Carly said. "Another is the fact that I am bisexual. That's why Julie was upset. She thought I was bringing you here on date. Sometimes she can be such a stupid cunt. As if I would bring a date to the restaurant my

girlfriend worked at and ask to sit at one of her tables." Her facial expression was calm and her voice was steady as she bravely stated this first of what would be many revelations. "I also listen to 60's "hippy rock", frequently masturbate, and I'm not very religious, at least not in a formal, Christian sense. Of course, I could save you some possible embarrassment and keep these things to myself for a while, but I feel it's probably better to get all this out in the open before you discover somet hing accidentally, especially the "hippy rock" part," she grinned. "Besides, hiding my true nature would be dishonest. I hate dishonesty as much as I hate other forms of hypocrisy. The good news is that I am very respectful of others' privacy. I only

ask the same in return. I will absolutely not make any kind of move on you unless for any reason you very specifically invite me to do so, and even then, only if I feel right about it."

Carly took a deep breath. She'd had this same conversation with four roommates the previous year, and all of them had moved off campus the next day. This farm girl would probably do the same, but that was cool. At least she'd have her own room. So me of Carly's friends at the record store where she worked, upon hearing that Carly was getting a roommate from rural Indiana had actually put money into a pool betting on how many hours this setup would last. "So what do you think, Kiddo? Any chance w e can be friends?"

Tanya hadn't said a word during this entire revelation. This girl certainly isn't shy, she thought to herself. In truth, she was somewhat uncomfortable with the bisexuality issue, but the last thing she wanted to do was seem like an unsophisticated hayseed on her first day (hell, her first hour) on this campus.

With all this in mind, she spoke. "Wow, you certainly do put the cards right there on the table. OK, let's see. I've got to admit, since you hate dishonesty, that your bisexuality makes me somewhat uncomfortable. I think I can deal with it, howeve r. All I ask is that you respect the fact that I am not interested in women in that way. I think we can just agree to disagree on the religion issue. As for the rest..." she bent down and pulled a 'Janis Joplin's Greatest Hits' tape out of her purse a nd showed it to Carly. "And it's not as if I've never masturbated for Heaven's sake," she added, feeling very sophisticated.

Carly, somewhat stunned, raised her wine glass up to toast. "Okay, then. Here's to new adventures."

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