The Ballplayer

By G-Rex

Published on Dec 1, 2000


The characters, story line and locations within this story are pure erotic fantasy, involving the mutual passion of two minors. The story is original and may not be copied without the approval of the author.

The Ballplayer

It was the middle of spring, in late June and the Jefferson High baseball teams were at the end of their training camp. Elroy Richy was not concerned about making the team. He was batting 450 in the training boxcars and with a very good defensive record at 950 fielding ops. No, he had nothing to worry about there and could take his time now, while the other members of the team scrambled to avoid the dreaded JV label.., he was smiling as he watched them moving around, some bare-assed in front of their lockers some already hitting the showers their faces telling of their disappointment. The Coach had whispered in their ear earlier thanking them for a good effort and to try again next year. He could see Coach Jackson through the office picture window, as he pushed his chair back and with the final roster list ready to post. As he came out to the bulletin board to post the results, Elroy watched him as his buds, Zach and Paul and the other members of the intramurals move buck ass naked or partially dressed, toward the list.

Lying back on the workout bench and he worked his sweat up, pumping over 300 lbs, a light load for him but he was tired from the drills and intramural games and just wanted an easy workout. His nostrils took in the smell of the gym surroundings, the big picture glass windows offering a view of the basketball court below and the 9th graders who were hopelessly throwing at the hoop miles away from their little arms and bodies. Elroy was big and smart and got along with his white best buds Zach and Paul but being black still set him apart in the burbs where he grew up with his very affluent family. His dad was a senior officer with Johnson and Johnson at the Akron branch and had move up the ranks purely on merit. Elroy moved up the ranks of High School varsity baseball on merit also. Quick and very strong of body, he was the star of the Hornets, Akron High's varsity baseball team, and the Coach had made his plans for the coming season around him. Elroy continued languidly to move the weights well into the 40th rep as he watched the action in the locker room, on the floor of the gym and outside through the picture window which offered a great view of the public and high school football and baseball fields. He loved to watch the small kids playing and glancing over, noticing a pretty little white boy of no more than 8, playing on the slide, one of several provided by the City where the kids could fall without really hurting themselves into the soft sand poured around the base of all the playground equipment.

As he was working the reps his massive black legs were splayed and his silk workout Adidas briefs were hitched high exposing his crotch and most of his yellow jock pouch, which stretched to enclose his mammoth dick and nuts, because, you see, Elroy was big big big all over and at just 16, young and powerful.

Elroy turned again counting his 45th rep and met the eyes of the little blond white boy who had been playing on the slide. The kid had walked over to within 20 feet of the window and was staring back at him, and at his crotch. Elroy not understanding such things finished up and placed the barbell on the stand overhead, then grinning at the kid moved his big hand down squeezing his cock and nuts slowly giving the boy a real show, as he stood turning toward him. He watched the kid tenting out his khaki shorts, still staring at his dick. Elroy hated fags and thought that the kid was way too small to be a fag but he was real pretty with blue pink lips and fine white skin. What the fuck was he thinking. Groping his nuts for the kiddie show once more, he turned from the stunned boy and in one of his best black moves, gave the kid a last look at his massive legs and ass as he walked to the locker area to undress and shower. He looked back to see the boy running away adjusting his pants. As he did, the boy glanced back over his shoulder smiled at Elroy, and waved. Elroy shook off the thoughts of lust that had crept into his mind and turned back, walking toward the posted list.

And there his name was as he expected, Captain of the first Varsity squad and assigned to first base, a good choice for him that would keep him from any chance at real injury. He was quick but not as fast as the other lighter white boys who made up the rest of the Varsity selections. Stripping quickly at his locker and then moving into the shower area, he turned the water on cold first to stop the turgidity of his log hanging down his thigh some 10 inches soft. That's not to say that the guys in the room didn't see him but he was THE jock even if he was one or even two years younger, he was bigger and tougher and they weren't about to challenge or laugh at him. His buds Zach and Paul ran past playfully hitting his big arms and spinning him around. As his big flaccid dick flopped back and forth between his black thighs nuts hanging low and soft they called back, "see you in PE tomorrow Elroy". "Yeah dickheads, get your cute asses outa here before I turn you into girls.hahaha." Laughing the boys plopped down and put on their clothes as Leroy finished up his shower.

He dressed and moved out of the gym area alone. The courts were empty and the lights had been turned off as he slammed through the door bar that opened before him and he passed into the blinding daylight. Moving quickly, he entered the school flag yard to catch the last bus waiting to take the stragglers home at four PM, and there, sitting at the stop was that kid.

"Hey".wassup", "names Elroy".he said, as he extended his hand to the sitting boy, plopping his ragged out frame down beside the kid. "Hi, I'm Bbbobby", the boy stuttered, so cute and so frightened with himself and this big man talking to him so close beside him. As he sat, Elroy instinctively remembered to open his legs wide showing his low hanging hip huggers and lots of boxers and the huge mass hidden there to the youthful innocent eyes of the little boy. He looked down at Bobby but Bobby's eyes were on his dick. So Elroy, laughing to hisself reached down and squeezed, his lengthening starting down his left thigh the fat cock head plainly outlined. Watching the boy, he saw him extend his tiny pink tongue and lick his pretty lips as Elroy's dick twitched sending a clear message as to size..huge.and thickness.huge.he smiled down at the stunned child who kept staring at his twitching dick doing the dance inside his pants. "Sheeit..I playin this boy like a bitch." "I robbin the cradle", he muttered. And then, a little louder he said, "Hey Bobby boy, how old you is anyway", " You like me?" He put his arm on the bench behind the young child, shielding him from any possible view from the windows of the darkening schoolhouse. "Yessir" was all the boy could manage, overcome by the attention of this big 200 pound black high school junior. And Elroy, not to turn down an opportunity for some fun, turned up the heat. He dropped his hand to the child's narrow shoulder and lightly caressed it while he spoke to him, the child's eyes still riveted on his trick crotch. The kid wanted it bad Elroy thought, "but man, he just a little boy and he getting my dick up. What the fuck goin on"."I get a nut with a kid?" He said it again as he massaged the shoulder and neck of the boy, "Hey, Bobby, wassup, how ole 'r you, you want that thang boy?", as he reached with his right hand to adjust his rampant cock and balls now at full mast, 11 inches of thick unhooded dick.

Chapter 2

"K boy, les you an me take us a little walk." Elroy rose, adjusting his low riders to hide as best he could the commotion in his pants but it was obvious to his little charge who rose with him and shuffled along to the baseball field. "So where you live?" he asked. The kid said nothing following beside the giant beside him and Elroy then did something he liked to do with his bitches, he put the child's hand in his pants pocket but he had removed all the pockets on his riders. The kid was silent as they walked but his little hand reached into the pants. The kids hand found no resistance and first felt hot flesh but he found what he so silently sought and grabbed onto it. "Oh fuck ole you say you is?" "Oh man, hole onna that dick boy." "Eight", the child whispered. "What the fuck you say?" "Eight", the boy almost yelled, "and I like you a lot", he added. The kids arm was down in his pants up to his little shoulder, and Elroys cock was twitchin in Bobby's little hand, as they moved back into the wooded area surrounding the play fields along a path that lead to an isolated gazebo which Elroy and his friends sometimes used when nothing else was available.

It was dark and deserted when they both arrived, stepping up onto the covered platform. A light rain began to fall as the shadows of the afternoon lengthened in the heavy woods. Elroy picked up his new baby boyfriend, holding him to his massive chest. "I like wa you doin to me kid, and he moved his head close, holding the child's head in place as he bent to his perfect blue-pink lips, kissing and sucking them. He was moving way too quickly and the young boy, overcome with confusion and the emotion of the moment, began to cry.

"Na baby boy, don be cryin like that," "Aint you say you lik me a lot", an "aint I say I lik you, little baby boy, a lotta too?", as he carried the young child inside the entry to the enclosed benches where they could be totally secure. Releasing the child after closing and locking the entry door, he sat down and opening his legs, beckoned the mesmerized child in. Little Bobby, moving slowly forward, wiped a tear from his eye and, hands up to his face, shuffled into the embrace of the huge black 16 year old jock, his heart beating a mile a minute, confused and sad. The child clasped his hands around Elroy's neck and pressed his smooth cheek into the nape of Elroy's neck, as the huge black teen did what he had done so many time before with his bitches, reached down and impatiently shoved his low riders, along with his boxers to the floor, kicking them away, leaving him in his damp school sweatshirt, sweat socks and Adidas, massive and almost naked, cock exposed and menacing.

Bobby stayed clutched to Elroy as the big teen took hold of the child's pants waist and did the same to him, stripping his lower torso naked, then kicking the clothing in a pile alongside his own.

The boy, naked from the waist down, was left clad only in his long tiger shirt and sneakers, his thin hairless loins, legs, and tiny butt exposed to the chilling wind. Lifting the little body up by the back of the child's thighs, the huge black 16 year-old teen placed the 85 pound boy on his exposed lap, his head still coming only to the chin of the massive black. Bobby felt the huge genitals that had so fascinated him at the school yard when he saw the yellow jock bulging out. His slung his thin porcelain-white legs around Leroy's slim 28" waist, and Leroy's chocolate, cum-filled nuts rested on the cold wooden bench, his legs spread wide. Both the 16 year-old teen and the little boy felt tremendous peace and natural comfort in their intimate embrace.

Drawing the boy further into the sex saddle he provided, and bending to him, Leroy took the child's young virginity as he kissed and sucked the boy's cold blue shivering lips, each of them, man and boy, virginal in their earnestness and honest lust. They began the motion of the ages, so old in human history, the young virile teen slowly humping the smooth tiny pink butt, his rampant 11 inch cunt stretcher sliding up the crease of the child's innocent ass, and the young boy instinctively moving into the thick black dick as it slid up and down, reaching midway to the boy's spine.

The silkiness of the child's exposed back, ass, and thighs released lustful low moans from Elroy as the child held on, frightened by the adult play. Feeling the monster moving on his ass, he was confused at the prospect of it, as he succumbed to the illicit embrace. But Bobby was warm now and he liked to be kissed. The massive thick tip of Elroy's tongue pressed lightly along the lips, seeking entry and little Bobby, warming to the embrace, so much like that of his mommy, opened his mouth, gasping just a bit. Elroy forgot himself for a moment and surged into the tiny mouth all the way back to the throat opening, just like he did all the time with his bitches, but the boy, gagging, tried to push him back. Thrusting his little hands and arms against the black's iron chest crying, "No no no. I want my mommy. You let me go now!"

Elroy, sensing his mistake removed his tongue briefly and caressed the side of the child's pretty blond head for several minutes until he stopped protesting. Finally calming the frightened child, he began again, lightly licking his new lover's sweet boy mouth and tentatively sought entry there once more. More gentle now, Bobby opened to the passionate request and began to suck on the black teen tongue tip as Elroy grasped the small buttocks of the child moving him wholly up and down his impossibly thick cock, wet pre-cum now smeared up and down along the track of the child's ass and back..

Sucking on the child's tongue, the teen moaned into Bobby's mouth as he felt the child's little pencil dick moving stiffly up and down his stomach, the kid riding the saddle with Elroy clasping the tiny boy ass, sliding it along his leaking fat cock and he was so close. Grasping his huge cock in his meaty hand and pulling Bobby tightly against him, he humped his rampant cock again and again up under the legs and against the impossible entry into the child, and came.shooting cum against the underside of the little boy ass, his dick seeking entry where normally he would be plunged balls deep and spurting in the pussy of his next most lucky bitch of the week.. The spurting cock lodged against the virgin ass of the child and the lubrication was enough. The tip of the massive dickhead barely entered but enough for them both to feel it, the one boy screaming into the mouth of the huge black teen, feeling the initial rape, and the teen, crying and unable to gain that entry he most sought.

He was way to big to take the child's tiny anus, much as he wanted to rape the boy then and there. So he sighed and held the child as the spurts continued, soaking the thighs of the young lad as his cock softened slightly. The actual penetration would have to wait until he could prepare the child more slowly and more thoroughly for that inevitable day, but, for now, he sucked the mouth of little Bobby and.groaning in a lusty haze, shot in unfulfilled agony, creaming the porcelain thighs and ass of his baby lover.

Leroy slumped against the back of the bench and released the child to the floor between his open thighs. The child's head rested on the left thigh of the big black, and Bobby, amazed at the sight of a real huge man-cock, his first real glimpse of mature sex, moved close, and reaching out, grasped the softening leaking dick. Elroy opening his eyes to the feeling of small hands on his dick and balls, and a tiny feather-like touch at the tip of his cock, grinned down at Bobby who had his tongue tip at the opening of the piss slit tentatively tasting the white cum oozing out. "Yeah kid, go head and suck on tha thing and get yo daddy milk", as he urged his tiny boy lover forward to it, his huge paw pulling the kid's head and mouth wide and down onto his enormous leaking dick, and the boy sucked and sucked, holding Leroy's nuts like a baby calf nursing on his bull daddy.

Curling his black hand into the long golden locks of the child, Leroy helped the movement of the child forward and deeper onto his cock shaft, with more than 5 inches sliding deep and lodging against the back of the baby boy's throat, and, groaning again in the deepest most languid sex haze, he held the young child deep on his black dick, the child's thin blue lips impossibly wide on his manmeat and Leroy spurted again and again, holding Bobby to his task. Sucking like mad to breathe and avoid choking to death, the young boy gulped the creamy offering as the dick shot load after load down his throat, filling his belly with pure creamy teen bull milk. The young boy's body shuddered as his 2 inch pencil dick twitched in dry orgasm, his second within the time they spent there inside the darkened gazebo.

Collapsing again Leroy pulled the child up into his arms and they rested like that, together, the child sitting on his softening cock. They whispered their simple vows and their love for each other, the boy, childlike, promising Leroy to say nothing of their accomplishment so that they could meet again later that week, and the teen, not believing his luck at the innocent brazenness of this young boy, promised Bobby that his cock was for him alone, and they kissed deeply to seal their pact.


Next: Chapter 2

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