The Bank Job

By Jamie Anderson (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Jul 8, 2007



I'm very meticulous when I do a job. Every last detail has to be carefully planned and every possible contingency catered for, because I do not like nasty surprises fucking things up at an awkward moment. So I have arrived in town on the Saturday before the job is due to take place. I arrive in the afternoon, and by that time the bank branch in question is closed. I park my hire car in the parking lot of a large furniture store opposite and check out the bank.

It looks so safe and secure with all the cash tightly locked in the vault in the basement. However, I know exactly how vulnerable that money is; well, that's how I make my living. The rest of my crew will not arrive until just before the job, on Monday morning. So I have plenty of time to get fully acquainted with the layout. I get out of the car and walk round the block the bank is on. It's a hollow square with a sort of yard inside. A quick peek in the entrance of the yard offers a perfect view of the bank's back door. It's a standard fire exit and opens outwards. Perfect. A van parked across it should seal it off nicely. Then we'll have no one running out of the back door at an awkward moment to mess things up.

I return to my car and drive to the motel that I have booked into. It's one of those cheap Travelodge places, clean, respectable, minimum of staff and suitably anonymous. At reception the girl finds my reservation and accepts my credit card. She validates it without any problem. Not that I actually expected any. Oh, the card's a fake, but it's a 'real' fake. In other words, someone saying he is Will Murphy has applied for the card and it has been issued to him. The bill is paid promptly every month and so Mr Murphy's credit record is good. That's why the car hire company has rented him the car without any qualms. But Will Murphy doesn't actually exist. He's just an alias that I use when I'm on a job.

The motel room is clean and efficient. No mini bar, thank God. Not that I don't drink; I just can't stand the rip off prices they charge. Instead I avail myself of the tea making facilities, which are free and help myself to a biscuit while I look over the plans of the bank. Half an hour later I can find no flaws, so I put the plans carefully away in my briefcase and lock it. By now it is time for dinner and, as the motel has a restaurant just next door, I decide to dine there. The food is fair, the wine moderate and the company boring in the extreme. So it's back to my room and out comes the gay guide.

I've never really been all that keen on gay clubs. But when I'm out of town it's better than sitting in a soulless motel room watching repeats on the TV. Besides, it's Saturday night and I'm technically off duty until Monday. Unfortunately I didn't bring any casual clothes so I have to go in my business suit. As usual I get some strange looks from the regulars; most of them are wondering if the club has hired a new bouncer. Yes, at weddings I'm the one who looks like a gorilla in a penguin suit. Everyone always assumes that I use my brawn to earn my living and they are quite surprised to discover I actually use my brain. I'm six foot four, well proportioned, reasonably good looking, if a tad intimidating. I have heard the expression 'built like a brick shithouse' used in reference to me, but never to my face. However tonight I'm off duty, so I flip my brain into neutral, sip my gin and tonic and pretend to be just another gay guy looking for a fuck.

I scan the crowd and do a double take on one young man. He is stunningly good looking, of Indian ancestry rather than Pakistan, if I am any judge. His hair is jet black, skin dark brown, with a faint five o'clock shadow. He is quite small and of a slim build. An urge to take him off into a dark corner and fuck him silly floats to the top of my mind, but I suppress it. I doubt if he would be interested in a big bastard like me, so I decide to ignore him.

Unfortunately my double take was noticed by him and he sidles up to me. After a few moments it becomes apparent that it is beyond his ability to start a conversation. Instead he is looking up at me, the same sort of way a puppy watches you when you are eating. I glance down and get about a two megawatt blast from his big brown eyes. Ouch! I was just swallowing some G&T at that moment and a fair amount of it goes off in the direction of my lungs.

When I can breathe again and manage to wipe the tears from my eyes, I thank him for thumping me on the back and congratulate him on his novel method of starting a conversation. We introduce ourselves; he is Robin and I'm Will. As he makes small talk again my thoughts drift off in the direction of somewhere dark and all the sorts of nefarious things I'd like to do to him. I'd be willing to bet that he'd squeal if I slipped him a length.

I buy another round of drinks and he sits on the barstool next to me, our legs somehow manage to touch. This little beggar is very persistent and I may well end up buggering him before the night is out. In passing he tries to find out what I do for a living but, for obvious reasons, I never quite get round to telling him. I carefully avoid finding out too much about his background, as I'm looking for a quick fuck and not a life partner. He witters on and his eyes rove over my body. Yes, Robin, that bulge is real and you're going to end up sitting on it if you keep on the way you are doing. Now his hands have begun wandering and as he begins touching me my cock starts to show some serious interest.

"Isn't it time we found somewhere more private?" I ask.

Hey, I didn't know that Indians can blush!

"I, I, still live with my folks," he stammers.

"I suppose that I could get you back into my motel room..." I offer.

He takes me up on it and we leave the club. Yup, I have no morals whatsoever when it comes to sex. The lad is looking for it and I'll make sure he gets it. Then, like ships that pass in the night, we'll move on to other waters.

Getting him in to the motel is no problem; nor for that matter, is getting him out of his clothes. I swear that two minutes after the room door shut he is naked in my arms. All I manage to remove is my jacket. God, he is a hairy little bugger. 18-years-old and covered in a thick black fur. It'll be like shagging a real live teddy bear. Hey, that's a new perversion for me. He's not very well hung, but he does have a very attractive ass. If you like them rounded, black and hairy. I disentangle myself from him and undress. Not the easiest task in the world as he doesn't want to let go of me.

Of course what normally hangs between my legs isn't exactly 'hanging' by now, it is very erect. This always happens when it is near a naked youth with a fancy ass. It is fairly obvious to both of us exactly what I have in mind for him. Now he's the one who does the double take.

"I, er, don't think that I can take that," he says, eyeing my meat.

"Look Robin, when you are as big as I am, you learn to be very gentle and careful. Otherwise you never get invited back for second helpings. So put the idea of this thing hurting you, right out of your mind," I assure him.

While the above is the absolute truth, I will not hurt him; I will however leave him so slack that his regular boyfriend, if he has one, will not be able to touch the sides for weeks. Still, this is not my problem as he's only a one-night-stand. We go back to kissing and end up on the bed. I manoeuvre him on top of me; he is so light I only need one hand to move him. The other hand is of course already hard at work getting into the crack of his ass with a view to weakening his ring and thus easing my eventual entrance.

Twenty minutes, and half a tube of KY, later he is enjoying the process of having his ring dilated. However I must concur with his estimate, he is very tight so I'll have to do quite a lot of work on him first. Gradually I move him until he is face down on the bed. Oddly enough the really tricky bit with most guys is getting the second finger in. Once you have two fingers in you can use them to stretch gently then the third finger usually slips in unnoticed. Robin proves to be no exception to this rule.

Now four fingers and the palm of my hand are in his ring. Oh, I've had lots of practice and I can get away with almost anything. I just keep his senses overloaded with pleasure, and he never notices the fact he is being slackened up. In fact he only realises that the fun is about to start when I lower my weight on to him. Although he doesn't know it, he has gone beyond the point of no return; he is going to get fucked. As the head of my weapon touches his ring he's suddenly aware how far things have gone.

"No, wait, I want to talk about this first!" he yelps.

"OK! You do the talking and I'll get on with the fucking," I murmur in his ear, easing myself gently into him.

"Please!" he pleads.

"Relax," I whisper.

Now I'm cheating of course. After years of practice I can lose my erection at will. Oh, it is not as easy as I make it sound, but even though I'm just about to shaft the most beautiful, hairy, brown butt that I have ever clapped eyes on, I've managed to make that big stonker of mine go fairly soft. This has greatly reduced its girth and shortened its length quite considerably. Thanks to all my previous efforts with my fingers, his ring offers no resistance as I work the head of my cock through it

"Is it hurting?" I ask.

There is a long pause then he reluctantly admits, "No."

"Then trust me and relax," I say.

"Can't you take it out?" he whines

"Oh, I'll take it out, just as soon as you've been fucked. Once I've dumped my load inside you, I'll let you have your ass back," I say.

I was tempted to add 'as good as new', but I'm not that good a liar. I give a gentle thrust with my hips, just to emphasise who's in charge. By now I'm more than half way into him and the feel of those divine buns on my cock is driving me mad. God! I am having a real bitch of a job stopping it getting hard. But, I control myself and a further few minutes are spent spreading his buns and getting myself right up to the hilt in him.

"OK, that is all of me inside you, and you can take me, just as I told you," I tell him.

For the first time since I entered him, he relaxes. Perfect! Now I release the iron clamp that I had on my emotions and enjoy the feeling of being inside his hot little ass. Things start to happen and any second now he'll cotton on. I don't know if you have ever had your cock become erect while you are actually up some guy. It is a weird feeling. You can sense it growing and you are aware of his innards being pushed around to accommodate you. I've been told, by previous victims, that it feels unbelievable to them too.

"Oh God, what's happening?" he gasps, "What are you doing to me?"

"I went into you soft, so it wouldn't hurt you. Now I'm getting hard so I can fuck you," I reply.

About here I get a firm grip of him as they often panic and try to escape. Yup he tries and his wriggling excites me causing me to get even harder inside him. Unfortunately, for me, he twigs to this and stops trying to get away. Pity, it's more fun when they give me a fight.

"How does it feel?" I ask.

"Oh, God, it is blowing up inside me and I can't do anything about it," he wails.

"That's right Robin, and as soon as it's hard you'll get fucked. Those big balls of mine, which you were admiring earlier, have three day's worth of cum inside them, and every drop of it is going to be yours. I'm gonna dump the lot as far inside you as I can reach," I whisper.

He shudders at my words and it feels every bit as good as I imagined it would. He is well out of his depth and he knows it. I can smell his fear and it excites me. His hairy little buns grip my manhood in a delicate and loving manner. Slowly I begin to shaft him, using long, calculated strokes, pulling almost completely out before plunging all the way back in again. This plays merry Hell with his ring, slackening it far more than my fingers ever could. But by now it will be a bit numb down there and he'll have no idea of the changes that I'm making to him. He'll never have problems taking a man up there ever again. Hey, I'm doing the boy a favour.

This is too good to last very long and I'll be shooting soon. Craftily I raise my own ass, this changes the angle at which I'm driving into him. Each thrust of my hips pushes the head of my most ample manhood hard against his prostate. Now my little teddy bear is being turned on, whether he likes it or not. I sense that his orgasm is near as he again begins to thrash about beneath me. I just hold on tight and ride my little bucking bronco for all he's worth. He cums and his ass grabs by cock like a long lost friend. I let my load shoot out of me before his orgasm ends, so that I get all the benefit of his ass going into spasm. Yes, I am a selfish bastard. Savagely I force my seed as far into his guts as I can get it. Thank God I'm not straight, as I'd never even try to pull out in time.

Of course, now it is all over, he doesn't want to let me have my cock back. Silly boy, because there is a danger here, but it would spoil my fun if I tell him. Most males have a twenty minute recovery time, before they feel like doing it again. I'm different; I can go again after about ten minutes. So I let him play with my soft cock in his ass, but I make no move to get off him. Suddenly he realises the folly of his ways, my weapon is growing again inside him as I gear up for the next round. The sad news for him is; I take ages to cum the second time. This time I really punish his ass with my weapon. But I make him shoot a second time along with me. He doesn't fall for the same trick twice and this time we uncouple. I hold him face down while I inspect his ass. What was not so long ago, a nice brown pucker is now a gaping hole. Spent cum is already leaking out of him. I send him to the bathroom to clean up. That is one nicely broken in ass. He'll never again have to worry if he picks up a well hung guy.

I half expected him to make a bolt for the door, but no, he actually comes back for more. In total we have sex five times in the course of the night. I don't know about him, but for me it is a record. By morning we are both totally sated, well, I'm knackered and he's fucked. He has to leave early to get home before his parents wake. I mumble the words of undying love as he leaves, then roll over and go back to sleep.

But he invades my dreams and somehow I imagine he is still in the bed with me. About ten o'clock I drift back to the land of the living and I'm a bit depressed to find that I'm all alone. I lie in bed for a while, just remembering what it felt like to have him between me and the mattress. Yup, he was a really good fuck. But it is time to get up, shower, dress and have breakfast.

By the time I return to my room the maid has finished and the room is all cleaned up. I plug my laptop into the Internet connection; agree to it being charged to Will Murphy's credit card and log in to a distant site. I spend the next couple of hours carefully checking and rechecking making sure that everything at that end is going to plan. I have just put the laptop away when there is a hesitant knock at the door.

Fully expecting it to be the maid with towels or the like I get up and open the door. Shit! It is Robin, back for more. Now if I had any sense I would turn him round on the spot and send him packing. But I make the mistake of looking at his face. Hell, those big brown eyes are working their magic on me again. God, I could go to bed with just his eyes. I find that I am standing to one side and letting him enter. The instant the door closes behind him he is kissing me. He has jumped in the air, got his arms round my neck and we're kissing. His feet must be at least six inches clear of the ground. I'm of course reacting to this by getting an erection. So trying to deny the fact that I'm pleased to see him would be fraught with difficulties.

When we finally come up for air I give in and ask him why he returned, apparently it was because 'he had such a good time with me last night'. I dig a little deeper, pointing out that 'I know that I'm good, but not that good', his reply stuns me.

"That was my first time last night," he says.

As I look at him aghast he adds, "It was also my second, third, fourth and fifth times."

Fucking Hell! I was screwing a virgin and I never even noticed. This throws me completely and I just manage to say, "But you were in a gay club..."

"Yeah. It was my first time in there too. I had heard about the place, but before last night I had never dared go in."

Oh shit, I have not only messed up his ass, I've fucked up his mind too. I'm the only person he has ever got off with and, of course, I did an excellent job, so now he wants more. But when I stop to think about it, I could use another thrash as well. This time we undress more slowly and I get the chance to study his body in greater detail. He is quite slim, just the right side of skinny. The hair is everywhere and I find it rather attractive, but there again I haven't much body hair myself. I'm still surprised how light he is and I can pick him up without any effort. Just for fun I slip my hands under his armpits and lift him straight up. His cock, though buried in hair, is now opposite my face. I take him into my mouth.

This causes a lot of consternation as no one has ever blown him before. I move over and stand him on the bed, his pecker still quite firmly in my mouth. I slide a finger up him, not really a problem after what we were up to last night. When I start to massage his prostate he tries to escape. We end up in a tangle on the bed, but my finger is still at work and his cock has not left my mouth. Being big and strong has a lot of advantages. For some reason he is desperately trying to avoid shooting his load in my mouth. Being a pigheaded sort of a bastard I'm equally determined that he will. Fuck political correctness, might is right in my book, so I win. He seems to be quite distraught when I swallow the contents of his hairy little nuts.

He thinks what I did was disgusting. I point out that I was the one who did the swallowing; all he had to do was go with the flow. I then suggest that I might just bite his balls off, and get them in my mouth. A wrestling match ensues, in which he has no chance of winning. Just for kicks I force his legs apart and get my face between his buns, so I can rim him. Well, at least that stops him going on about me swallowing his cum. I totally ignore his pleas for me to 'stop doing that,' and keep on until he begins to enjoy it. Eventually he notices that my cock is doing nothing and it is right in front of his face.

He starts wanking me, then when I'm hard and he is nice and sloppy I roll onto my back with my cock pointing straight up and tell him to sit on it. He straddles me and gingerly lowers himself onto my prick while holding his buns apart. His warm soggy ring slides over my cock head, enveloping it in his warmth. Oh the urge to ram upwards with my hips and spear him, but I resist and he slowly sinks his buttocks onto my groin as my rather pale weapon disappears between his dark, hairy buns. God, it feels so good to be back inside his guts again.

This time he does most of the hard work, bouncing up and down on my cock. As we are now facing each other I can see his eyes as we fuck. They are so beautiful and trusting. How did this poor lad end up in bed with a total shit like me? I spit on my hand then use it to jack him off. He actually manages to hit me on the face when he shoots. I just spray his guts once again with my seed. He doesn't get off me, but there is no chance of a sudden revival from my cock, so he's safe, for the moment. He seems to like having my soft cock inside him and he plays around quite happily. Eventually I suggest lunch and we part, accompanied with the usual disgusting noises, which make him laugh.

Cleaning up together in the bath nearly ends in another session, but I manage to put him off until after we eat. We have lunch together, with a bottle of wine and I cannot for the life of me remember what we had or how it tasted. Somehow we keep our hands off each other until we are safely back in the room, then it is a race to get naked again.

This time we just lie together naked on top of the bed, cuddling and kissing. We talk; actually he does most of the talking, as I'm kinda shy about my background. If you make your living the way I do then you tend to be reticent about your private life. He was born here and he went to a boarding school, so his parents must have a bit of money. There he had a crush on the PE teacher, who apparently looked a bit like me. He spent several years in a state of unrequited lust for the man, who alas was straight. He has never been with a girl as he never was attracted to them. Boys don't turn him on either, he likes muscular men and I fit the bill. My body appears to fascinate him almost as much as his fascinates me. He keeps running his hands over my biceps and he loves my thighs. What hangs between them also holds his interest; a dangerous trait in someone as lovely as him.

So the first night that the poor lad plucks up enough courage to go into a gay club he has to run into me. No wonder he didn't have any chat up lines. The poor bugger never really had a chance once he came back with me. My conscience, which usually has enough sense to shut up on matters sexual, is beginning to bug me. Sure, we've had a fun weekend making out like rabbits and I've no doubt that I will retain nothing but happy memories of shagging the ass off him. But tomorrow I'll disappear out of his life forever, and what will poor Robin do then, poor thing?

I ruthlessly suppress that line of thinking. What the fuck am I doing, lying naked on a bed with a young man when I have a job going down in the morning? I should be doing all my last minute checking, not running my hands over his delectable buns. But I know that everything is perfect for the morning and his body is so, well, so fuckable.

This line of thinking begins to take effect and my manhood staggers upright again. His hands, which were already fondling it, now help stroke it back to battle stations. I just lie there and let him have his way with me while I make up my mind how I'll take him this time. But he quite slowly goes down on me. I'm too scared to move, as I know this is his first attempt at a blow job. To tell the truth he's doing remarkably well for a beginner. I quietly reach out and ruffle his hair, but carefully avoid pushing him further onto my cock.

He's concentrating on the head and keeping his teeth well out of it, thank God. Gradually he gets a little bolder and takes more into his mouth. Then the cheeky young monkey slides a wet finger between my buns. No one has parted my buns since I was fifteen, and I haven't even been fingered since then. But to my amazement I just lie there and let him do it to me. I have to tell him where to find my prostate and how to massage it. Good God, I'd forgotten what it felt like; it's been so long since anyone did that to me. He is actually getting me really worked up.

Out of fairness, Hell's teeth I must be going soft, I warn him of my impending orgasm. He sort of grunts but keeps on going. I issue a final warning that I'm gonna shoot. When he continues I get a good grip on his head then let him have the lot. He struggles but quickly accepts his fate as I fill his mouth for him. I wonder if he'll spit it out, swallow or puke up his lunch all over me. For what I just did to him I really deserve to be puked on, but he swallows like a professional. True he looks a bit funny and I think he was trying to prove something by doing it, but he holds it down. For that he gets a big kiss. He smells strongly of cock and I can taste myself on his lips.

The rest of the afternoon is spent exploring each other's bodies. In my case I use my tongue and lick the little bugger from head to toe. Mind you I have to hold him down a few times, the soles of his feet appeared to be rather ticklish, but I don't think I missed an inch of him. By the time we stop playing around like teenagers in love, it's time to make ourselves presentable and have dinner. It is as forgettable as lunch was. I think I spend the entire meal just gazing into his eyes and missing my mouth with the food.

Back in the room we both confess to having to go to work the next morning. I know that it will be impossible for me if he stays, but I think that I might have been tempted, so I'm greatly relieved that he insists on going home for the night. But there is time for one more thrash so I strip him and bent him over the back of the armchair. This raises his bum beautifully and I can watch my cock plunge between his buns without any effort. He is now decidedly slacker than he was when we met and he is taking me on spit alone without even a murmur of protest. I reach round and tweak his nipples making him tighten up on me. I want the fuck to last all night but he is so beautiful that I just have to shoot.

After I dump my load I stay in him and jack him off. I like the way he loses control just before he shoots his bolt. Fortunately it is a plastic covered armchair so his cum sponges off easily. When he is dressed we reach the tricky bit, parting. I promise to be in the motel the following evening. Normally I never hang around after a job, but this time I will. We take forever to say goodbye, but finally I get the door closed behind him. I look at my watch and find that it is after eleven, and far too late for me to phone round my crew for a final check. For the first time I am pissed off that there is no mini bar. I need something to make me sleep tonight. Fortunately I carry a hip flask in my kit which has an emergency supply of whisky. I do not need much convincing to believe that this constitutes an emergency.

He gets into my dreams again. I want him, but he's just out of reach and every time I almost lay hands on him, something manages to stop me. Several times I wake to find myself in an empty bed. It is insane. I nearly always sleep alone, but now I miss my warm, furry little teddy bear. By six o'clock I give up trying to get back to sleep and get up. I go through the shit, shower and shave routine. Then I go back on the Internet and check everything again. Of course everything is perfect. Five minutes before the bank opens for business the phone system will fail; ah the joys of a 'free' Internet phone service. Then the CCTV monitors will begin showing a test pattern. Actually that is quite reassuring, as it signals a breakdown that is being dealt with rather than sabotage. At the same time all employees who are currently logged in to the bank's computer system will be summarily logged off and their accounts will be disabled. The centralised alarm system, which is also controlled via the bank's main computer centre, will also cease to function. Yup, perfect.

I go out and have my breakfast. I mustn't have eaten much yesterday as I'm really hungry this morning. Back at the motel I extend my stay for an extra night. God I must be out of my mind. But then the image of Robin, buck naked, floats across my mind's eye and I see the sense in the decision. I meet up with the van containing the rest of my crew at the rendezvous and get the piss taken out of me by John, my number two.

"I thought something had happened to you as you didn't even call me once to check up that everything was OK," he says, with a grin.

I grunt a bit then we go through the checklist. John has the interference transmitter which will stop all mobiles working within a radius of five hundred feet. He'll plug it into the power outlet just inside the main entrance. If this is not available for any reason, the internal batteries will keep it going for at least thirty minutes. He then checks the batteries for me, yup they are fully charged. Henry, our driver will go round the backdoor and park across it, just before opening time, directly after the CCTV cameras have been shut off. Bill will make sure that the front door is firmly locked behind us so no members of the public can get in. The rest of the team will deal with the bank staff while I have a little word with the manager. Everything is OK so we set off and park the van in front of the furniture showroom opposite the bank. We leave the van singly and take up our positions. Then, just as a girl unlocks the bank door, we make our move.

We go through the door without problem. John makes a dive for the power outlet and I see the green light burn on the transmitter. Bill locks the door behind us and turns the sign back to 'Closed'. The rest descend on the bank staff who are just beginning to realise something unusual is happening. I head for the manager's office and everything is going like clockwork.

Then I get a really nasty surprise. Sitting in the middle teller's position, with a frightened look in his big brown eyes is my lovely warm furry teddy bear, Robin. Fuck! But I don't miss a step on my way to my target. I do however manage to shake my head ever so slightly and he catches the gesture, well, at least his mouth closes. As I get near to the door a secretary challenges me saying, "And where do you think you are going?"

"To see Mr Bradford, he's the branch manager, I believe," I say, stopping before her desk.

"Do you have an appointment?"

"I don't need an appointment, he'll see me anytime," I reply, in a sickly sweet voice.

"I'll need to see some identification."

I reach inside my jacket, pull it out and hold it directly in front of her face. She goes a satisfactory colour as she reaches for the phone.

"I think you'll find it isn't working," I say cheerfully, as I continue on my way. Inside the office I find the manager poking irritably at the keyboard of his computer.

"Having trouble logging in?" I ask, by way of introducing myself.

"Yes," he says, impatiently, "And who might you be."

"Actually, I'm the reason that you can't log in," I tell him, and I hold my ID before his nose.

"John Hermes, Head of Security," he reads aloud.

"The very same. This is a security audit of this branch. Everyone at this branch is now suspended, on full pay, for the duration of the audit. Funds have been diverted via this office. As others may be involved, all contact with the outside world is currently suspended. It is customary for me to take over the manager's office and use it to interview the staff individually. So if you would mind joining your staff outside I would be most grateful," I say smoothly.

He goes completely ashen but gets up from behind the desk and lets me sit in his chair. I open my briefcase and remove a folder. I quickly look down the list of staff until I see Robin's name. Shit, how the fuck did I miss that! I run my eye down another column and to my relief find that he is the most junior member.

"OK. On your way out could you please ask young Robin Prabhu to come in first? I think that I'll start from the bottom," I say, vaguely enjoying the pun.

"But surely you can't suspect him. He's but a slip of a boy."

"Are you instructing me on how I should do my job?" I ask, in my best ominously silky voice.

"Eh, er, no, of course not," he says as he vanishes out through the door.

There is a short pause before the door reopens and a troubled Robin enters. I put my finger to my lips until the door is safely closed behind him.

"Hi again," I say, as casually as I can muster.

"What's happening?"

"Well, let's start from the top. We weren't supposed to meet on Saturday night, and needless to say, all the rather interesting things that we have done since that moment, er, shouldn't have happened either. Why I'm here has nothing to do with what we have been doing."

On hearing that a slight look of relief spreads over his handsome face.

"Someone has been pinching the bank's money. Whoever it is has cracked the encryption on the PIN codes and is stealing them and the card numbers. Then duplicate cards have been made and big bills run up, which the bank has to repay. All we know is, it has been done from this branch via the computer system. I'm here to get to the bottom of it and finger the guilty party."

"Whose computer was it done from?" he asks.

Hey, he's sharper than I thought.

"Too easy. Whoever did it has been logging in on various computers using different accounts. Someone has got hold of all the passwords."

"Then it could be Mr Drewer," he says, without hesitation.

"What makes you think that?"

"He watched me login a few times and I think he was trying to get my password. But he couldn't catch it as I use the names of Indian gods. Finally he told me that he had to have my password for administrative reasons. So I told him what it was."

I could scream. The number of times the security manual tells people that they must never, under any circumstances, give out their passwords... But now is not the time to lecture him.

"Did anyone see or hear you give it to him?"

"No. but he couldn't remember it and he had to write it down. ' Ganesha' seemed to be too difficult for him."

"How do you spell that?" I ask, taking notes.

He spells it out and I copy it down. Then I ask, "What did he write it on?"

"A notebook that he keeps in the bottom right hand drawer of his desk," he answers.

Fuck me. The kid is a goldmine. If what he says is true, we have Mr Drewer by the balls. I get up and head for the door with Robin in tow. He takes me to the desk and I open the drawer. There is a notebook inside and believe it or not there is a list of account names with the passwords alongside. We've got the bastard. As I do this I realise that there is a bit of a commotion going on.

Drewer has got Robin by the throat and he's shouting, "You nosey little Pakie bastard."

Some people describe it as a red haze covering the scene, but for me the scene stays quite clear. However I sense that my rational view on life is slipping slightly as I feel an almost overwhelming desire to harm Mr Drewer in some irreversible manner. As I start to move he is about twelve feet away from me. I let out a bloodcurdling yowl as I rise to my feet and lunge at him. While this seems to have a petrifying effect on most of those present, it galvanises Drewer into flight. He tries to do a runner via the fire exit at the back.

I'm hot on his tail and I crash through the door leading into the rear corridor right behind him. The fire escape has one of those 'push-to- open' bars on it and he slams into it expecting it to fly open. Thanks to Henry's innovative parking, the door is held closed by the van. When I was at university I played rugby and I know how to bring a man down, the fair way and the foul way. Deliberately choosing the latter I fly through the air and hit Drewer in the ribcage with my shoulder, smashing him against the door. Given my weight and speed I am not surprised that he fails to rise. I personally suspect I broke some of his ribs. Well, that was my intention at any rate. Mercifully Robin emerges unscathed from Drewer's attack.

The job is all over bar the shouting. That must be one of the quickest jobs we have ever done. John unplugs the transmitter; I make a mobile call alerting the police, and an ambulance. Drewer is carried out on a stretcher accompanied by two beefy constables. I now start the paperwork which will keep me unhappily occupied until at least lunchtime. Outside the manager's office the branch slowly gets back to normal.

I tell Bradford that I'm going out to lunch and taking Robin with me and as I still have to debrief him he will most likely not be returning that day. The team depart as we head out for lunch. The debriefing takes place in the motel room. That kid can get out of his clothes in record time. He is naked and in my arms almost as soon as I get the room door locked. God it's good to get my hands on his buns again. I try to explain what happened but the little bugger keeps kissing me. He isn't happy until I'm stark naked too.

We manage to make it as far as the bed and I land on top of him. After the usual amount of horsing around he ends up on his back so I grab one of his ankles in each hand and pull them up into the air. By pushing forwards and keeping his legs wide apart I go down on him. He squeals as I suck his balls into my mouth and roll them around with my tongue. He still protests when I rim him but these die away as I reach for the tube of KY. He watches with fascination as I grease my weapon and he squirms around as his ass gets the same treatment.

I have a perfect view of the purple head of my cock slipping into him and I get a real kick as I watch the shaft sink into his depths. God, that sight turns me on. With his ankles resting on my shoulders and me supporting my weight on my hands I look down into those eyes of his. Despite the fact that I'm in him up to the hilt I can see nothing but adoration in them. Then just as I'm kissing him a dreadful thought slips across my mind. Tomorrow I go home and we'll never see each other again. After all, he's just another one-night-stand.

I feel myself freeze mid kiss. A horribly cold hand grips my heart. Yup, tomorrow it's back to my little apartment and lonely bachelor bed. No furry teddy bear to warm me up, waking up to find myself alone. No beautiful brown eyes to look into. No hairy brown buns to part. No soft lips to kiss. No Robin...

He breaks the kiss and, looking at me with concern in his eyes, he asks, "Is something wrong?"

I'm about to say no, but something inside me forces me to blurt out the truth, "Yes, I think I'm in love."

Shit did I just say that? I promised myself that I would never say anything as stupid as that to any man, woman or child. What the fuck is happening to me? I'm John Hermes: cool, unemotional, totally rational and head of department. And where am I? In a cheap motel room with a very junior member of staff and, just for good measure I'm up to the balls in his ass. Even worse, I'm head over heels in love with him.

"Oh good," he says. "After the PE teacher I was afraid you would be another one who didn't care."

Suddenly I dare not trust myself to speak anymore, so I fuck him instead. It is strangely different this time. For the very first time in my life I'm not having casual sex. I really do care about Robin in a way I find difficult to describe. Earlier, I wanted to kill Drewer for attacking him and I had the greatest difficulty in restraining myself. For some reason I want to hold him and protect him from the world. But at the moment we are both enjoying each other's bodies as we have sex together. As I work myself up to my climax, I reach down between us and start to play with his prick. Carefully manipulating it, I manage to synchronise our orgasms and between us we move the Earth.

After the rush has faded and we bask in the warm afterglow I roll onto my side, but stay in him, as I know he enjoys it. We talk and I explain to him my job and why I'm here. He is still slightly overawed by the fact he has been bedded by a head of department. I tell him how beautiful he is. To my surprise he doesn't find himself the least bit attractive. Apparently he suffered greatly at boarding school for having so much body hair. He is even contemplating shaving it all off. My excessively negative reaction to this suggestion seems to put it out of his mind.

Gradually I suggest a new position for him within the bank, working in my department. His totally innocent and naive looks plus his eye for detail make him ideal for undercover work. We could send him, as a temp, to a branch where we think something dodgy is going on and have him nose out anything underhand. I put the suggestion to him and it finds favour. Of course he would then be working out of the head office, so he would have to leave home and move to the city. But I'm sure that I could find him somewhere to stay. After all the other side of my bed has been empty for far too long.

The End

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