The Bear Hunt

By Tj Morgan

Published on Jun 28, 2012


The following story is a work of Fiction. The work is of the erotic nature and has explicit gay sex. If you are not allowed by law to view this story or are offended by such material, close out now. Copyright 2012

Email me with any feedback or story ideas that you would like me to write about. Thanks to "anonymous" for the wonderful idea!

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I adjusted the sight on the scope and honed in on my prey. Ah, there he is. A nice big bear heading toward the door of the den. I quietly adjusted my position to get a better look at him. He looked around before he entered. I froze as he looked my way. There was no way he could see me. Satisfied that he wasn't being watched, the big bear continued on into the den.

I should probably clarify a couple of things. First, the scope is a telescope my parents bought me two weeks ago, second-hand but whatever, for my eighteenth birthday. The `den' is actually a bar down the street. Well, ostensibly (like that word? Dad says I should learn a new word each day. That's today's word), ostensibly it's a typical bar. But if you listen to the whispers, they cater, for the right price, to men looking for, shall we say, alternative entertainment.

Which brings me to my last point of clarification: bears.

The bear I had seen was a big burly guy with extremely hairy arms and, I assume by the wisps poking out from the collar of his t-shirt, chest. A bear, as you may know, is a term for big hairy guys. And I have been hunting bears since I was about six years old.

Me? My name is Robbie. As I said, I just turned eighteen two weeks ago and since then have been scoping out the den' (and yes, the name has a lowercase d'!). Now that I'm of age' I can finally go in and see what's going on! I hope to make it to the alternative entertainment'.

My obsession with bears started, as I said, when I was six. My dad was taking a shower, but my little boy bladder was full and I just couldn't hold it. Back then, at that age, my dad didn't care if I used the bathroom while he was in the shower.

I stepped up to the bowl and lifted the seat, like a good little boy. I remember jiggling, trying not to piss myself as I pulled down my Mickey Mouse pajama pants and my Donald Duck Underoos past my crotch. I closed my eyes as the warm yellow liquid streamed into the bowl. Sweet relief!

I heard the shower turn off and my dad said, "Don't turn around, little man. Gonna dry off."

I did as I was told. I didn't turn around. Instead, I looked into the mirror on the wall and found a perfect angle to view my father. Dad was 26 at the time, but he was a big man even then. Not big as in fat, but tall. He towered over me at about 6'3" and he was built for working in the coal mines, just like his brothers, his father, his grandfather, uncles. Yeah, it's a "family tradition" as Hank Williams Jr. would say. Yeah, Dad liked Country.

I could see the beer belly my mother always pestered him about beginning to take shape. But the thing that really caught my attention, well, the first thing, was the thick carpet of black hair that coated his arms and chest. I absentmindedly rubbed my bare chest, wondering if I would look like that some day. Right now, I was as smooth as a baby's butt. Or so I hear. I mean, I don't go around feeling babies asses!

As he was drying off his chest, the towel hung down between his legs. Once he finished drying up there, he moved to the region between his legs. That was the first time I remembered my little dick getting stiff. In the mirror I could see a massive snake, about 8 inches long, looking as thick as a tree stump! He moved his hands to towel off two low hanging orbs. The balls, loose from the heat of the shower, swung back and forth as he wiped.

I fingered the tip of my tiny dick as I noticed that Dad's looked different than mine. Mine was a pink mushroom with a small slit. Dad's was covered in flesh. I watch, fascinated, as he pulled back the skin to reveal his own pink mushroom, so much larger than my own. It was a few years later that I learned he was uncut, while I was circumcised.

He turned around and placed his left leg on the edge of the tub to dry off his hairy legs. I couldn't help but stare at the ass that now presented itself. His ass definitely was not as smooth as a baby's butt! It was then that I noticed the name "Jason" tattooed on the small of his back. I thought it was odd that my dad had his own name tattooed there, but remembered overhearing him and a couple of his buddies laughing about how he was drunk one night and, on a dare, got a tattoo. Guess that was it!

I realized I was no longer peeing. I shook my dick a couple of times then quickly went to my room. That night, I slid out of my pajamas and Underoos and explored my body, wondering if I would look like my dad some day. And what it would be like to touch that thick, fleshy meat between his legs.

Twelve years later and I was on the way to becoming a mirror image of my dad. My cock, which had been so thin and small back then, had grown to be a nice seven inches. While I was not as long as my dad's had been, I figure I was just as thick. Of course, I was still circumcised, so that is one area where I would never match my dad.

The thick black hair that I had inherited from him had begun to coat my arms, my legs, my crotch, and my stomach. I have to admit, I would lay in bed for hours just rubbing my chest, feeling the hair between my fingers, following the carpet down to my cock. Finally, when my balls couldn't take it any longer, I would fist fuck myself, shooting cum all over my chest. All the while, dreaming about the first bear I had ever encountered.

It wasn't long before I finally got the balls to check out the den. It was about nine at night, and the sun had gone down. Perfect, since I didn't want to be seen walking in. Like I said, even though they pretended to be a `fine upstanding establishment' it was long known what was going on in the back.

I had to show my license to the guy at the door, a big, burly guy that I wouldn't have minded seeing more of! He checked me up and down like he was thinking the same thing, then let me pass.

I walked into the smoky bar, the sound of talking, clinking dishes, and several ball games assaulted me. Somewhere, I could hear the "Thump, thump, thump" of a pop song. I walked up to the bar and was greeted with a skeptical look by the guy behind the counter. He was an older guy, maybe in his fifties, and had a balding head. He wore a loose fitting silk shirt. He came over to me and asked what I was doing there.

"Just wanted to take in some of the, uh, entertainment." I said, emphasizing the word `entertainment' hoping he would take the hint.

"Kid, there's entertainment all over this town, some of it might be more suitable for a young fella like you."

He placed his hands on the bar and leaned in close to me. "I don't think you could handle the entertainment here."

I don't know what came over me, but I wouldn't back down. Perhaps it was the fact that when he leaned in, I got a nice look down his shirt. His chest was covered in thick graying hair. I felt my teen cock stir.

"Well, I was hoping for some... alternative... entertainment." Without moving my hand, I reached out my index finger and began stroking the knuckles of his left hand. He looked down at my hand, then back at me. He smiled.

"Okay, Junior. You think you can handle it? We'll see." He leaned in again. "Go into the bathroom, the one to the right. Wait for me."

I didn't know what he had in mind. Was he going to try and take advantage of me? Was he going to tell me where I could find what I was looking for? I walked toward the bathroom and could feel my seven inch dick straining against the fabric of my jeans. By the looks I got from some of the ladies (and a couple guys) I knew it was clearly visible.

I waited in the bathroom for about two minutes before the bartender came in. He handed me a furry mask that looked like a rabbit. It ended just under the nose so that the wearer could still use his mouth. I wondered what this was for.

"Take off your shirt and put this on. You can leave your shirt in the locker over there. You keep the mask on at all times. Nobody knows who anyone else is. If anyone asks your name, it's Briar Rabbit. Remember, what happens in there, stays in there. And if you can't handle it, well, don't say I didn't warn you."

I wasn't sure just where "there" was, but knew I wanted to get there quick. I tugged off the red Adidas shirt I had been wearing and stood there waiting. The bartender reached out and rubbed his fingers through the hair on my chest. I almost came right there! He placed a hand on my left shoulder and spun me around, pointing me to a door that said "Storage".

I felt a hand slide around my waist then slide over the bulge in my pants. I could feel warm breath on my ear and heard him say, "Right through there, kid. When you come out, you won't be a virgin anymore." He nibbled my ear lobe, and my knees nearly gave way.

My heart was pounding as I put on my rabbit mask and walked to the door. I expected it to be locked, but when I turned the handle, it opened easily. I walked through, and gasped at what I saw. I let the door shut silently behind me.

I could smell the alcohol and what I thought to be weed. But what I saw was even more intoxicating. There was a large common area where several men were mingling. Some were talking, some dancing, some kissing and petting each other.

Surrounding the common area were several smaller areas that were separated from each other by curtains. The areas were closed on three sides (two of them being curtains) but the fourth side, facing the common area, was completely open. Everyone could see what everyone else was doing.

There were a couple areas where guys were fucking, sucking, or both. Some areas had just two guys, some had several. One area had two guys doing a 69. I didn't realize that could be done standing up!

As I was lustily taking in this sight, a cow, a pig, a mouse, and a cat all came over to check me out. I was highly turned on by the attention and the feel of their hands exploring my body, but these guys were smooth, with little to no hair. I was hunting bear.

"He's mine."

I looked up to see where the gruff voice was coming from. There in front of me stood my bear. Literally. The man was tall, beefy, and had the most amazing thick black hair covering his chest. He was wearing a panda mask. Apparently, he must have been a big deal because the other guys walked away without arguing, though one did grab a last feel of my bulging cock.

Panda eyed me hungrily, walking all around me. "How old?" he barked.

"Old enough," I barked back. He chuckled.

He grabbed my ass and rubbed it roughly. I had never been touched like that and found myself incredibly turned on. I wanted this bear so fucking much! I wanted to feel his cock in my throat, in my ass, in my hands, in my... well, I couldn't think of where else, but if I found a place, I wanted it there.

Panda grabbed my arm just at the shoulder, his meaty fingers wrapped around my flesh, and walked me over to a booth that was empty. I stood there staring at a small cot when suddenly, my pants were yanked roughly down. The button on my jeans scraped over my hard cock and I winced, but I refused to let him know he hurt me. I wanted this, I was going to prove I was ready.

He pushed me onto my knees on the cot and pulled off my shoes and socks. Then he pulled my pants the rest of the way off. I knelt there on the cot in nothing but an old, too small pair of white underwear, facing away from the animal that dominated me. I had worn a pair of underwear that was about a size too small, knowing that the sight would turn some guy on. My seven inch snake was cramped into a small pair of tighty-whities.

Panda began to finger my ass, pushing the fabric of my underwear into my crack. He pushed so hard, I could feel his finger poke through, the bare flesh of his digit beginning to invade my hole. I moaned and wanted to jerk my cock so bad.

Just then, he removed his finger and I felt the cot shake slightly. I heard a small rip and realized he had widened the hole in my underwear. My god! I was going to keep these forever!

Suddenly, I felt a wetness in the crack of my ass. I felt his hands roughly grab my hips and pull back. I'm not sure how he did it with the mask on, but I knew then that he had stuck his wet tongue through the hole in my underwear and was licking my ass!

I curled my fingers into the sheet covering the cot, complete ecstasy taking over my body. I had never had this sensation before, but I knew that I wanted more. I tilted my hips in time to his licking and could feel his spit running down my crack, coating the underside of my nutsack. I realized my cock was wet and couldn't be sure if it was his spit, or my own pre-cum.

Just when I thought it could not get any more intense, I felt him stand up, then heard a zipping sound. A moment later, I felt the tip of a thick cock push against my ass through the hole in my underwear. I winced at the new sensation. Before this, I had only had my own finger in my ass when I jerked off. Now, a python was beginning to invade my virgin chasm.

"Relax," he breathed. By the sound of his voice, I knew he was ready to cum.

I tried my best to relax, but the thick sausage was almost too much to handle. I stuck the knuckles of my right hand into my mouth and bit down when I felt him push. Slowly, he stuck his cock in my ass. Every so often, he would pull out slightly allowing me to recover. Then he would invade me again.

Eventually, I was able to accept his cock easily, enjoyably. The feel of his manhood pounding my ass, the tickle of his full cock bush on my ass, the feel of his hands squeezing my hips as he pulled me into him made my cock harder than I had ever been. My balls felt like they were so full, I almost couldn't stand it. God! This was what I had waited so many years to feel!

Somewhere in the background, I could hear other men cheering on the Panda. Somehow I knew that they were getting off watching my virgin ass get slammed.

"Go, Panda! Slam that bitch!"

"All right, Panda! Make that baby a man!"

"Fuck that ass, man! Oh yeah, oh god!"

I felt his fingers clutch tighter on my hips, his nails digging into me. His pounding became harder, faster, deeper and I knew it would only be a matter of time. I felt a familiar tingle and knew that I couldn't hold it any longer.

I closed my eyes and moaned. "Oh, fuck!" I breathed as I creamed my underwear. My tighty-whities were now soaked with my milky cum.

Suddenly, Panda pulled out of my ass and pushed me onto the cot, turning me to face him. It was then I go the first look of the monster that raped my ass. It was as big and beautiful as I thought! It was so thick his large hand could barely fit around it as he began to furiously fist fuck himself.

I suddenly realized what his plan was. I came to this realization just as he grunted and his dick exploded, spewing his hot seed at me. For some reason, all I could think of was Health class, where we learned that a man can produce about to teaspoons of semen, and it can travel 20 miles an hour.

The first shot hit me, squarely in the mouth, and I got my first taste of another man's cum. It was warm and salty and strangely incredible. The next three shots hit me on the chin and chest. The goo drizzled down my chest, over my hard nipples, smearing into the hair on my chest. I reached up and, as I had done so many times with my own, began to rub his cum all through my chest hair.

"Lick it," he snapped.

I crawled over to his crotch and placed my mouth over his dripping cock. I could barely get him all in me. The smell of his musk, with the smell of his cum drove me crazy. I sucked him dry, licking every last drop of spunk off of him. I could vaguely taste my ass on his dick. As he began to soften, I could tell that he was uncut and I became even more aroused.

When he was finished with me, he pushed me back onto the cot, reached down and grabbed my underwear and roughly pulled them from my body. He brought the cum soaked briefs to his nose and breathed deeply, enjoying the scent. Then he licked the cum stain.


I began to wonder if he could say more than two words. He turned around and started to walk away, tucking his large cock and plump balls back into his pants. It was then that I noticed a small tattoo on the small of his back. "Jason."

I laid there, naked, my cock thickening again as I realized the man that had just popped my boy cherry was my own fucking father! Every dream, every fantasy I had ever had had just come true. After he left, I sucked off a couple other guys, but all I could think of was the pounding my dad had just given me.

I wondered what he would have thought if he had known it was me. I knew then that every time I looked at him now, all I would see is that wonderfully large cock, and I would smile to myself at my dirty little secret.

I finally had my fill, so to speak, of the "alternative entertainment" and put my pants (minus my now missing underwear), socks and shoes back on. I went back into the bathroom and pulled my shirt from the locker and left my rabbit mask, then headed for home.

I quietly crept into the house so as not to wake my parents. It was not unusual for them to be asleep before I got home. I could hear my bear of a dad snoring as he slept and smiled again at my secret.

I closed the door to my room and began to strip down for bed. My ass could still feel the hard meat my father had shoved in me, the hair on my chest still sticky with his cum. I leaned against the door and smiled one last time, giving my spent cock a last rub. I would have a lifetime of fantasy from this one night! Oh the fist fuck sessions I would have!

Finally, I walked to my bed and pulled back the covers. There, lying on the dark blue sheets, was a pair of white, cum stained underwear.

Next: Chapter 2

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