The Bear Hunt

By Tj Morgan

Published on Jul 7, 2012


The following story is a work of Fiction. The work is of the erotic nature and has explicit gay sex. If you are not allowed by law to view this story or are offended by such material, close out now.

All work is owned by the author and may not be used without his consent. Copyright 2012

If you have not done so, please read the first part to this story: The Bear Hunt, located in the `Encounters' section.

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The light pouring in through the window was the first indication that I should probably get out of bed. The second indication was the overwhelming need to piss. Part of me just wanted to lay here, relax my muscles and let the warm golden liquid flow all over me. My cock began to harden as I thought about how the sensation would feel, but I knew that my mother would be less than pleased if I did that. The last time I wet the bed I was four.

I fondled myself through the fabric of the underwear I had on. Usually, I slept naked, but this was a special pair of underwear, and quite possibly my new most favorite pair. This was the pair I was wearing last night when I went to `the den' and had my virgin ass deflowered by a big old bear in a panda mask. The big old bear turned out to be my own father!

I was so ready to jerk off to the memory of my encounter at the den, but the need to pee was too great. I decided I would relieve myself, then come and, well, relieve myself.

I looked at the clock and saw that it was almost nine in the morning. I knew Dad would have left for the mine about five, while Mom would have left at six for her job at the restaurant. Dad would be gone until six tonight, and Mom was scheduled to work til four. Of course, being a manager, she often worked later.

Even though I knew that they would be gone, I still cracked the door to my room and looked out into the rest of the apartment. I could see through the living room to the bathroom beyond, and saw no indication anyone was there. I listened for any sounds from someone that might have been in the kitchen, but again, nothing. I opened the door and trotted to the bathroom on the other side of the apartment.

Since I was alone, I didn't bother closing the bathroom door. I pulled the front of my cum-stained underwear down past my balls, aimed my semi-hard dick, and released my bladder, allowing a stream of warm piss to rush into the porcelain bowl. I could feel the ripped fabric on my ass where my father had pushed through first his finger and then his massive cock. He had used that hole to gain entrance into my virgin hole.

As I remembered how wonderful his hard meat felt in my tight ass, my cock twitched sending piss onto the seat of the toilet. I made a mental note to clean that up, then reached behind and fingered the hole in my underwear, running my finger up and down my crack, enjoying the feel of the hair against my finger.

Finally, the last drops fell off my dick. I shook twice, grabbed a piece of toilet paper, wiped the slit of my cock, then wiped where I had accidently hit the seat. I threw the toilet paper into the toilet, pulled the one-size-too-small underwear back over my cock, turned to leave the bathroom, and froze.

There, in his favorite recliner, sat my bear of a dad. I cussed myself for not paying attention as I walked past his chair, too concerned about draining my bladder and getting back to fist fuck myself. I would not have been able to see his chair from my room, as it was against the wall that separated the kitchen from the living room. When I padded past, it never occurred to me to check.

His chair faced directly into the bathroom and I knew that he had a perfect view of everything I had just done in there, including rubbing my finger in my ass crack. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I was turned on by the fact that he had just stared at my ass, seeing the hole his wonderfully thick cock had made in my underwear.

Dad sat there, quietly staring at me. He was wearing his plaid robe and I could see the wisps of his dark chest hair peeking out from the V that was created by the collar. His large hands were tucked into the pockets of the robe, and at the bottom I could see his feet and just the bottoms of his bare hairy legs. Even though I knew he had already seen everything I had, I still nervously cupped my hands in front of the now softening bulge in my underwear.

"Sit," he barked in the same gruff voice that had turned me on the night before. He indicated the chair across from him and I did as I was told.

I felt extremely odd sitting in just my underwear in front of the man that I had fantasized about for so many years, then finally been fucked by the night before. I was almost in tears wondering what he was going to say, what he would do. Was he going to call me a fag? A queer? Maybe a queen? Then again, he had been at the den as well, and it was he that had popped my man cherry.

"I'm guessing you probably have some questions."

He paused, probably expecting me to answer, but all I could do was stare at him wide-eyed. After a moment, I realized I should respond, so I just nodded my head.

"First of all, understand, I love your mother. She and I have a very," he paused, searching for just the right word, "healthy... sex life." He smiled as he said this. If I hadn't been so freaked out by what was happening, it might have occurred to me to realize I didn't need to know that!

"The den has been part of our family for the last eighty years or so. It was started by my grandfather and your mother's grandfather. They realized even back then that there was a segment of the population that might enjoy, well, alternative entertainment. When my father was twenty-one, he was, shall we say, initiated into the pack. A couple of years later, your mother's father joined. When I was twenty-one, I, too, was initiated into the pack, along with your mother's brother."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. My father was sitting here telling me that our family was part of the most infamous gay scene in the state and I had never known!

"Our families had been close for many, many years, so it was natural that your mother and I would have met, fell in love, and married. On the night of my initiation, your grandfathers, both of them, told me what I am now telling you. No one, outside of our family, knows that we are the ones who run it.

"Back when your great-grandfathers started the den, it was not acceptable for a man to enjoy the company of another man. To protect themselves, they wore costumes, usually just masks, but sometimes much more elaborate outfits. We have never stopped that tradition. Since it is called the den', the bears are in charge. You were supposed to have another three years before your initiation, so when you showed up last night, well, I almost made them turn you away. Then I thought, Hey, if he wants it now, then I'll give it to him.'"

I realized then why my dad had seemed to be the alpha male the night before, why the other men left me alone when he told them I was his. They may not know who he is, but they know the panda rules. While I was listening to this history and imagining all the generations of horny men that had gone through the den, I had started to harden once again. I saw my father's eyes glance at my crotch and realized that I had pitched a tent in front of him. I looked up and met his eyes. He smiled and I could swear I saw a desire flash in them.

"Um, do, uh, I mean," I tried to form a question but my brain and my mouth just would not work together. My father chuckled.

"Look," he said, "I know this is not normal. I know that this is all new and you are probably freaking out. Like I said, Mom and I are very happy in our sex lives. Very...happy," he emphasized. "I don't usually engage in activities at the den. I mostly just go to oversee things, to make sure nothing gets out of hand."

Dad took his hands out of the pockets of his robe and began to pick at them. When he spoke again, it was his turn to be nervous.

"It's uh, just that, you know, when you came in last night," he looked down at his hands, not able to look me in the eyes. "Well, if truth be told, I've watched you grow up into such a fine, handsome young man. I've seen you at the beach, or coming out of the bathroom after your shower, seen your body grow into almost a mirror image of myself, and, well, just always wondered. You know?"

I did know, but what was he saying?

"How, how did you know that I knew it was you?" I asked.

Dad chuckled. "You don't actually think I `accidentally' let you see that flipping tattoo on my back last night? Robbie, this has been in planning since the day you came outta your momma and I saw that dick between your legs. You know, I remember this one time, you couldn't have been more than five or six. You had to go the bathroom and I was in the shower. When I got out to dry off, I told you not to turn around. I saw you look in the mirror, though, and figured, what the hell! I made a show of turning around so you could get the full show, let you see what you had to look forward to."

"I," I cleared my throat, "I was six."

He chuckled again. "So you remember, huh?"

"Remember? Seeing you kinda turned me on to, you know, hairy guys."

Dad actually laughed this time. "You mean bears. We come from a great long line of bears, that's why we called it `the den'".

I looked down at my hands, but all I could focus on was the large bulge in my underwear. I knew there was no hiding it from my father, but at this point, I didn't care.

"Can I tell you something?"

"You can tell me anything, Robbie. Always."

"Ever since that day, in the bathroom, I've always wondered what it would be like to, you know, have sex with you." I said the last four words in a near whisper. I was afraid of what he might say, or what he might think. I kept my head down, not daring to look at him.

"Robbie. Robbie!"

I looked up. My father had opened his robe and sat there, his big, thick cock outlined against the thick fur that covered his chest. His huge balls lay lightly between his legs.

"Come here."

I slowly rose up from the chair and walked cautiously over to my clearly horny father. He spread his legs and I walked forward, standing between them. I could feel the hair on his legs tickling my legs and felt my cock harden even more. I didn't think that was possible.

Dad reached up and lightly rubbed the cum stain on the underwear. My cock responded to his gently touch by twitching. He laughed and rubbed the length of my member. He reached up and gently began to pull the underwear down. His gentleness was such a contrast to the rough play from last night.

I stepped out of the underwear and stood before my father, naked as the day I was born. He reached up again, this time wrapping his beefy hand around my shaft. He gently rubbed my cock. My head was swimming with so many thoughts: I want this, this is wrong, I am so fucking turned on, this is my father what the hell am I doing? He leaned in and began to sniff my crotch. He stretched out his hands, cupping my ass cheeks, and pulled me forward. He began squeezing my ass as he started licking the skin around my cock. I was in fucking heaven!

I began to rub my hand through the hair on the top of his head, then down his neck, to the thick hair on his back. I guess he took this as an invitation as he suddenly deep throated my cock. I had never felt the hot wetness of a mouth around my dick and this new sensation was driving me crazy.

I began pumping my hips furiously, shoving my cock further into his mouth. His hands squeezed my ass cheeks, his fingernails scraping the skin. The feeling was so intense. This was more than any fantasy I had ever had and if it was a dream, I never wanted to wake up.

I began to moan as my balls ached to release their juice. My father's tongue played all around my stiff shaft, his teeth scraping against the sides of my cock.

"Oh, god, I'm gonna cum!"

My father pumped my cock a couple more times, then pulled my dick from his mouth. He leaned back in the chair.

"Jerk it. When you cum, get it on my dick."

I wrapped my left hand around my dick and furiously began to pump my cock. I felt my body tense, my balls tighten and knew I was about to cum. I leaned forward, placing my hand on my father's hairy chest, bracing myself for the orgasm that was about to cum.

"Yeah, boy, cream your daddy's cock!"

That was all I needed. I went up onto my tiptoes as my cock exploded jizz all over my dad's penis. I shot three nice huge loads, covering my father's cock, coating it in milky white goo. I squeezed the last drops out and smiled at my father.

He reclined the chair slightly, then motioned me to climb aboard. It was somewhat awkward trying to get on the chair with my father and I worried that the recliner would not be able to hold us both.

He grabbed my hips and forced me down onto his cock, his hard, cum-lubed rod impaling my ass for a second time in less than twelve hours. I saw my father close his eyes and lean back his head as I began to ride him. I had just settled into a nice horny rhythm when I heard a sound at the door.

We froze, mid-fuck, as the door opened and my mother walked briskly in.

"I forgot the keys to the bank deposit box. Can't deposit the day's earnings without it!" We sat there in the chair, my father's hard cock up my cum-lubed ass as my mother walked into her bedroom, got her set of keys, then walked back out. I have never passed out, but my head began to swim.

She was almost out the door when she turned back around and looked straight at us. I felt my face become very hot and my eyes welled up with tears. I could faintly feel my father's dick thrusting in and out of my ass and vaguely remember thinking, "What the hell?"

"Oh, by the way, I left some lasagna in the fridge for you guys. Make sure you heat it through. Love ya!"

"Love you, too," my dad replied.

My mother shut the door and my father began fucking me again as though nothing had happened. I looked at him, my mouth hanging open, my heart beating so hard I could hear the blood rushing in my ears.

Dad saw the look on my face and stopped his humping. He touched my chest, and felt my heart pounding. He rubbed my chest gently to calm me done. The touch of his bare hand rubbing the hair on my chest did calm me down a little.

"Robbie, you okay?"

"Excuse my language, Dad, but what the fuck just happened?"

Dad sighed then paused before answering, as though collecting his thoughts.

"Look, Robbie, you've got to remember the heritage you come from. Who do you think initiated your grandfathers into the den? It was your great-grandfathers. Who do you think initiated me and Uncle Andrew? It was my father, and your mother's father. Tradition is that the father initiates the son. Your mother knows this. She knew that one day, I was going to fuck you, and tell you about the den. Her only rule was that I wait until you were at least eighteen, and old enough to decide if that's what you wanted."

I tried to figure out what kind of fucked up family I came from, but just couldn't wrap my mind around it. True, I enjoyed last night, and, also true, I had been enjoying this morning. But still, my mother knew my father wanted to fuck me and was okay with it??

"When I got home last night, I told her what had happened, how you had sought out the encounter. She suggested that I take today off so that we could talk." He waited a moment before continuing. "Now, if you are okay, my balls are aching."

I nodded and he began to pump my ass again. My head was still spinning and I barely noticed when he came, mixing his cum with the cum I had provided as lube. When he had finished and recovered slightly, he gently pushed me off of him.

I stood there, dazed. Dad placed his hand on my shoulder and directed me back toward the bathroom. He put his arm around my shoulder as we walked.

"Look, I know this is weird, but trust me, you will get used to it. One day, you'll take over for me, and your cousin Derrick will take over for your uncle."

That got my attention. It had not occurred to me while Dad was talking that one day, a new generation of bears would rise up in the den. The thought of my cousin Derrick joining in excited me. He may not have been as solid as Dad or even me, but he did have the nice thick hair I liked. I had always wondered, when we were at the pool at my grandfather's house, what he looked like without his swimsuit.

Dad had turned on the shower and we both stepped in to wash off. It was the first time that someone had washed me since had been a little boy. I enjoyed the attention my father gave in cleaning my body. I returned the favor and soon we were out of the shower and drying off.

I realized that I did not have any clothes in the bathroom, but when my father said, "Let's get some lasagna!" and walked out completely naked, well, who was I to be different. I watched his hairy ass jiggling as he walked to the kitchen, and wondered what else in this crazy family I needed to learn about.

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