The Bouncer

By TomJon Smith

Published on Apr 21, 2012


The Bouncer (Part 5) By TomJon Smith

There was no doubt in my mind that my old friend Mal was up to his neck in it. I'd always thought there was something fishy about SecuriFirm. Mal never was much good with money. He knew how to spend the stuff alright, but the only figures he was interested in were that of the lads he used to string along. No, Vazov was the real brains behind SecuriFirm. Through it he could place a network of drug dealers throughout the city's establishments, loyal to him and him alone. Jan was one of them. The sly bastard was smart enough to get someone else to do the dealing for him.

I had to work fast and keep both Vazov and the police off Danny's scent.

Danny was a student at the city's university. I knew where he lived, having given him a lift back a few times. I made the short drive to his neighbourhood and parked my car outside his flat. I looked at my watch. It was 1am. The lights were off. I couldn't leave it until the morning.

I hammered on his door. Nothing. I knocked again. A light came on and few moments later the door opened slightly, secured by a chain.

`Who is it?' It was Danny's voice, slurred from sleep.

`It's me.' He peered round the door, squinting at me.

`What do you want?'

`Can I come in?' He hesitated, unsure. I smiled at him as winningly as I could.

`Alright.' He sounded doubtful but unchained the door. I glanced at the street behind me. It was quiet, empty. No one had followed me.

Once inside I turned to Danny and told him to get some stuff together. He didn't understand. I wasn't explaining myself very well.

`I know. About the dealing. About Jan. And unless I get you somewhere safe tonight, the police will know too. And worse, Vazov will know.'

Danny looked shocked. He shook a little, clutching himself. I wanted to hold him then. He looked so frightened.

`Vazov? The club owner.' He still sounded doubtful.

`Vazov, the psycho mobster. He's the drug runner. He's the big man at the top. Him and Jan will drag you down with them. You need to trust me. If I can get you out the city and safe, I'll see to Jan. The police will sort out Vazov.'

`Am I going to go to prison?' his voice wobbled with emotion.

Not if I can help it. Do you trust me?' I asked. He looked at me and could see I was sincere. He nodded. Then go and get your stuff together. I know somewhere safe.'


The cottage was a remnant from my past. I'd bought it with some money that I needed to see the back of. But it had been a good investment. In the summer it was rented out for holiday makers. Right next to a lake, it is very picturesque and very remote. No one knew about it but me. Danny would be secure here. He had somehow managed to fall asleep on the drive. I felt a throb of longing when I glanced over at his sleeping face but knew he would never like me like that. Dawn was just breaking when we arrived. I woke Danny up and took his bag out the car. I found the spare key in the plant pot and opened the door. I hadn't been in the cottage for years. It was cold inside. I told Danny to make himself at home and set about making a fire for him in the log burner, fetching logs from the store. Danny sat on the sofa and watched me.

`Why are you helping me?' he said it in a distant way, as though he genuinely didn't know.

I sat down on the sofa next to him.

`Because you've made a mistake and you need someone to help you. I made a mistake once and no one tried to help me. I wish they had. I would be a different man now, a better man, if someone had looked out for me.' He nodded and didn't say anything else.

I took out my wallet and handed him some notes.

`There's a garage a mile or so down the road. Stock up on some food and wait for me here. I'll come back for you when it's all over.'

He took the money reluctantly. I stood up.

`What are you going to do?' Danny asked.

`End this. Once and for all.'


It was Monday. I was meant to report back to the police with my recording but instead I made my way back to the club. I wanted to have a poke about and try to find some evidence. The recording from Vazov's might not be enough, we'd talked around the subject and drugs hadn't even been mentioned. The police had me by the balls and the sooner I came up with the goods, the sooner I'd be left in peace. For some reason I knew the answer would be at the club. Vazov had an office in the basement. He never visited but the door had always been locked fast. If there was anything to find, that would prove the Russian was bankrolling SecuriFirm it would be in that room.

The club was closed on Monday's so when I unlocked the side door it was deathly quiet inside. I walked through the empty expanse of the main room. The waft of cheap perfume that the girls liberally doused themselves in still scented the air. I thought I heard a noise behind me, but when I span around, there was no one. I was hearing things, the pressure was getting to me. I pulled myself together and went down the stairs to the basement. Vazov's office was at the end of the corridor. I walked past the door to the store room. With a shiver I remembered that was where it had all begun, when I'd seen Jan rutting with Danny and the revelation that they were responsible for dealing drugs in the club. Shrugging off the image of their naked bodies jammed together, I approached the office door. Locked, as it always was. I shouldered against the door with all my force but it took a swift kick for the latch to give way and the door exploded inwards.

A small basement window shone a little light from the street into the room. I searched for the light switch and flooded the room with the bulb's golden glow. The office was sparsely furnished: a desk with a chair behind, file cabinets, a small sofa and a potted plant.

Where to start? The desktop was empty. Its drawers were locked. File cabinets lined the back wall, but they too were locked. I looked about the office. Vazov would have kept the keys here somewhere. I tried the desk again, feeling underneath for any ledges. I turned the dustbin out but found nothing of note. In the corner was a large pot plant, some kind of palm. On closer inspection I realised it was plastic and planted in grit. I felt about in the gravel. Bingo! I extracted a small fob of keys. Elated, I tried the cabinets. They opened, revealing hundreds of colour files, alphabetically arranged. I searched through looking for SecuriFirm's folder. And there it was. My heart was thumping in my chest. I knew I'd found the link.

Then I heard a footstep behind me and before I could turn a sharp pain on my head. Then everything went black.


The stink of petrol filled my nostrils. It took a few seconds for me to work out where I was and what was going on.

I was aware of a dull ache on the back of my skull. When I tried to move my arms I couldn't: they were tied behind my back. I was roped to the office chair, the thick rope chaffing my wrists. The rest of my body felt tender and I could feel blood drying on my face. They'd given me quite a beating whilst I was unconscious.

I could hear two people talking quietly. My eyes wouldn't focus at first but slowly the two figures emerged.

`Should we shoot him first?' One asked in a thick Eastern European accent. It was Jan. He held a petrol can in his hand.

And then another voice, a voice from my past:

`Let him burn.'

Malcolm. The treacherous shit. They were going to burn down the club and me with it. It would tie up the loose ends and keep Vazov's nose clean. They could blame it on bad wiring. Even if it looked like an insurance job, it would keep the rest of his vice empire out of it. He could just open up another club in another city and keep his trade going. A new lot of dealers operating, a new lot of lives destroyed. I struggled against my bonds.

`Sleeping Beauty has woken up,' Jan quipped. Malcolm knelt down in front of me, so our eyes were level.

`My old friend. I really wish I could have seen you again under better circumstances. But unfortunately you had to poke your nose into my business.'

`I thought it was Vazov's business.'

`Vazov is a very important man, and not someone who you want to be on the wrong side of. So when Jan got wind that he was going to be replaced as the golden boy with you, well, we couldn't have that. Especially when you are so chummy with the boys in blue. Vazov will promote us for getting rid of an informant. And this club, it's only small fry compared to Vazov's other interests. I don't think he'll mind seeing this place going up in flames.'

The files from the cabinet had been thrown onto the floor all around me and doused with the petrol. The stink of it was making me feel even more woozy.

`You won't get away with this.' I said, even though I was pretty sure that they would.

`It's a shame really. If you'd stuck by me we would could be enjoying the high life together. Being friends with Vazov is a lucrative business. I think I could actually build a house out of wads of cash.' He laughed. The laugh bordered on hysterical. The man I knew was gone. Malcolm was someone else now. I could see a glint of evil in his eyes.

`You're not friends with Vazov, Malcolm. He owns you. He owns your business, he owns these clubs and he owns you. And when he's bored of you, it will be you tied up and left to burn.' Malcolm's eyes flickered, annoyed. He knew the truth of what I had just said.

`So you've worked it all out. Well done you. Yes, Vazov is my investor. He gets his men into the country and working for me: good, loyal men like Jan here, and then we all do our best to make him money. Whores , drugs, gambling: all the finest things in life. Vazov is one of the greatest business men in the world. You know why? Because he knows what people want and he is happy to supply it. And don't think you are any better than me. Your friends, in the police, the one's you've been running around for like an errand boy? They are his friends too.'

Whilst Malcolm was talking, I was formulating my plan. Jan had a gun but Malcolm was defenceless. He wouldn't know what to do with a gun. And the two of them were not very good at tying people up. My arms were tied behind me but with a little bit of strain I could probably slip them over the back of the chair. And, worse of all, they had left my legs free. I just needed to get Malcolm a little bit closer...

`And do you know who I'm still friends with, Malcolm? It was just the other day when I was round your house. I like what you've done with the place. But poor Steve. You'd left him there all alone again. A boy like that gets bored so easily, especially when he's being neglected in the bedroom. A few kind words and he'll suck anyone's dick.'

Jan looked a little guilty.

It was just like old times,' I continued, and he was so relieved to receive the attentions of a real man again. He practically begged me to fuck him.'

Malcolm's face contorted with rage. He stepped forward to punch me and –

I swiped my feet under him, sending him crashing to the floor. Jumping up but still roped to the chair, I delivered a swift kick to his head and knocked him out cold. Jan fumbled his handgun, giving me the moment I needed to rush him. I careered into him, pushing him back and pinning him against the wall. The gun fell to the floor. And before Jan could struggle free, I head butted him, sending him into a crumpled heap on the ground.

Calmly I sat back down on the chair and worked my arms up and over its back. Then, awkwardly, I took the office phone off the hook and dialled the number I had memorised.

Minutes later I heard the approaching scream of sirens. I nudged my trouser pocket against the side of the desk and felt that the small recorder was still safely tucked inside. Now I had the evidence I needed to send these bastards down. And now I knew that Danny was safe at last.


"Look at your wrists! They're raw," Danny exclaimed. "Wait here." He went to the kitchen and started looking through the cupboards for a first aid kit.

I'd given the cops the slip once my hands had been untied, leaving the recorder and my mobile phone on the desk. I did not want to be contacted for a few days and I wasn't going to waste my time hanging about for an interview then. They had Jan and Malcolm to be questioning for now. No doubt they would bring me in later.

Danny returned with the first aid kit. I held my wrists up obediently. The rope had ravaged my wrists and a hoop of sore skin had appeared around each one. I hadn't noticed until then. Danny sat me down on the little sofa in front of the fire. He had found some cream and bandages. He took my hand in his. My hand was large and clumsy compared to his delicate and precise fingers. He smothered the red skin in the cream and gently massaged it in. The cream soothed away the pain and carefully he wound the bandage around each wrist.

"That cut on your cheek will make a nice scar," he said.

"I'll add it to my collection." He dabbed at the cut with some cotton wool. I winced when he dabbed a little too hard.

"Don't be such a baby," Danny chided playfully, "I thought you bouncers were meant to be big tough guys."

"I'm done being tough for today."

He put a little plaster across the cut. "All better. You must have taken quite a beating."

"You should see the other guys!" I joked and tried to laugh, but found it quite painful and clutched my side.

"Let me see the damage," Danny said. I tried to fend him off by saying that I was fine but he wasn't having it. Shyly, I pulled my shirt up and he helped tug it over my head. I felt very self-aware, knowing that I had been a bit of a stranger to the gym in recent months.

"You're black and blue," Danny said, looking down at my torso. Red welts on my side had blossomed and promised to turn into dark bruises over the coming days. My forearms were scuffed and grazed. I must have looked quite a state.

"Where does it hurt?" I pointed to my bloodied knuckles. Danny picked up my big hand again and lightly pressed his lips against each one. A thrill went through me. "Where else?" I indicated my side and he leant over and kissed me there too. "Anywhere else?" I touched a mark on my chest where I had taken a kick. He kissed me there. And I pointed to my forehead and the graze and felt his soft lips press momentarily against it.

And then his hand touched my face, my stubble rough against the coolness of his palm. I looked into his eyes and it was like he was looking at me for the first time and he saw me differently from before. Then his other hand was against my cheek and he held my face. And he was pulling me towards him. We kissed slowly, our lips caressing each other: the softest intimacy. Then our mouths opened and the flood of passion overtook our bodies. Suddenly he was straddling me, kissing my face all over. His palms glided over my body as we kissed, feeling the boulders of my arms and my hard chest. I winced again as he stroked my sides but I did not want to show pain. I stripped him of his t-shirt and we held each other as we kissed. His tanned skin was darker next to my pale arms and chest. I wanted to kiss his entire body. We nuzzled, his warm breath on my neck and shoulder and I kissed his jaw and his throat and his neck, down over his chest and the soft down of hair until I found a nipple, flat and brown. I kissed it until it hardened, revealing the little bud at its centre. He stroked the nub on the back of my head and massaged my aching shoulders until I lifted his arms and buried my face in the hairy patches, inhaling the remnants of his own scent before kissing the sides of his body. We kissed again, our lips pressed together as though looking for answers. Slowly he rotated his hips against me, stirring my groin into life. Part of me wanted to pick him up and turn him over and fuck him as savagely and lustfully as Jan had. But another part of me, a greater part, wanted to make love to him and savour every moment.

His hand tugged my zipper down and crept inside. Through the linen of my boxers he felt the bulge of my cock. He rubbed it through the material and I felt myself grow in his hand.

`I want to taste you,' he whispered in my ear before slithering down my body and kneeling on the floor in front of me. He pulled my trousers down around my ankles and freed my large erection from my boxer shorts. He took it in his hand, his palm cool against the hardening hot flesh. He rested it in his hand, as though testing its weight, and made an appreciative noise. I couldn't help but think that my cock, with its thick veins and broad head, looked ugly and brutish in his delicate refined hands. But Danny did not seem to agree and gently teased back the gathered spout of my foreskin to uncover the red, swollen helmet. The next thing I felt was the moist velvet of his lips. Danny relished the task, slurping away noisily. His saliva dribbled down my shaft, oiling the path for his lips as they glided up and down my meat. He cupped my balls, rolling them gently in his palms. He licked my knob like a lollypop, his tongue circling over the helmet with enthusiasm. It was heaven. I laid back and let him work my cock. Pleasure was the best anaesthetic and I felt my aches drift away.

After five minutes or so of this exquisite attention, I began to worry that I was being selfish. I pulled him up off his knees and onto my lap. He slid his trousers off and I eagerly shoved my hand into his briefs, retrieving his erection in my grasp. His cock was a beautiful looking thing, slim and delicately veined. It curved upwards slightly, the slit of his red knob just peeking through the foreskin. We kissed as I slowly wanked him, drawing the foreskin back and forth over his engorged glans. And then my hands crept down lower, beneath his testicles that were tightly nestled in their sack. I felt the light fuzz of hair under my fingertips as I stroked his perineum and down further the bald, puckered gash of his anus. I touched him as gently and softly as I could but feared my large digits were blundering and clumsy, like a giant trying to caress a small thing. Danny seemed to sense my trepidation and took hold of my hand, bringing it to his mouth. He sucked my thumb, leaving it coated in a sheen of saliva, then guided me back down to his waiting hole.

Slowly I circled my wetted thumb against his crease then, as gently as I could, pushed against him. I felt him open, his anus expanding around my thumb. We stopped kissing and he looked right into my eyes as my thumb pushed into him up to the first joint. He sighed and tipped his head back as I pushed up to the knuckle. I waggled the thumb inside him, feeling the warm soft texture of his hole. He reached for my cock as I began to fuck him with my thickest digit. I loosened him up considerably by pushing my thumb in and out of him. He looked so beautiful when I looked down at his face. His eyes were closed and his expression serene. It was time.

I eased him off my knees and laid him down on the sofa. He looked up ay my face and smiled, his hand still wrapped around my erection. We kissed again and I pulled his legs as wide apart as they would go. Obediently he held them there, his hands on the underside of his legs, his body almost folded in half. My cock jutted out from my body, as hard as it had ever been. I spat down on myself and greased the broad expanse of my helmet and the veined shaft.

`Ready?' I asked, leaning over him and kissing him lightly on the lips. He nodded silently, almost nervously.

I clutched his ankles and positioned my helmet against his slit. I pushed forward with my hips and felt his pussy slowly surrender. Our eyes were locked together, his gaze steady and intense. Gradually his tight hole admitted me, millimetre by millimetre. I dropped my eyes for a moment and saw the last inch of my pole disappear inside him.

`Are you okay?' He nodded again, biting his lip a little. I was sure it was pretty uncomfortable. I could only manage a finger up my back passage and I had to admire any one who could take the thickness of a cock. I didn't move for a few minutes but let Danny get used to the dimensions of my dick. His body seemed to relax so I stole another kiss from him.

I could have fucked him good and hard then, pumping into him with gusto. But I worried that I would hurt him. My penis was deep inside him and he clutched it tentatively with his internal muscles. The strength of his grip was surprising. Perhaps I had underestimated him. He had, I remembered, survived a most vicious fucking from Jan. But I wanted our love making to be just that and not some selfish pump and dump. Instead I scooped him up in my arms and carefully lay down on my back. Danny seemed surprised by this and smiled down at me.

`Not feeling energetic?' he joked.

`Saving your ass has tired me out.'

`I'd better prove it was worth saving.' He playfully gripped me again.

Having him on top of me meant I could touch his body. I stroked his back and followed the line of his spine down to his parted buttocks. He took the hint and slowly began to move on top of me. The sensations on my cockhead were incredible as he flexed his hips. Rhythmically he moved against me. My cock hardly moved as he worked me, using all his internal strength and skills. Our bodies, radiating heat, were pressed against each other. The soft fur on his torso tickled my smooth chest. His fingers fiddled with my nipples, tweaking them and pinching them, and his lips were busy against mine, our tongues knotting and sliding against each other like mating beasts.

I'd never been ridden so exquisitely. Danny knew what he was doing. My cockhead was lodged deep inside his passage but he pleasured me with more skill than any mouth or hand had ever done before. And just when I thought I was going to explode, Danny sat up and began to slip up and down my length, creating different sensations. His cock, curved upwards in a perfect erection, bounced up and down enticingly as he rode me. I spat on my hand and began to tug his dick.

His hands touched his own body, caressing himself blissfully as he bobbed up and down on me. They came to rest on his flat belly, just above his pubic thatch, feeling the intrusion of my dick through his body. Being so much smaller than me, I must have been hitting him pretty deep, almost belly button level. I'd never been so deep! The lad must have had a lot of practice. One guy I used to see would spend every Friday night with his dildo collection, enjoying the challenge of taking huge plastic phalluses. As a top, it was something of a mystery to me. Danny was obviously another enthusiastic bottom. Fucking as exquisitely like this would certainly take some training. Each stroke of his body downwards squeezed down on my fat cockhead as tightly as a fist, releasing me on the upwards stroke but leaving the blunt helmet inside his ring-piece. Danny maintained the rhythm perfectly. The velvet fist of his rectum tugged on me with an urgency that I found breath-taking.

I felt the control of my body begin to slip away and there was nothing else but the tension of his body against mine. The room, the cottage, the world slid away and we were the only ones left. I could have exploded inside him then as I knew I could take this divine pleasure for only so long. But I had to snap out of it. I needed to be back in control.

Danny's eyes opened in surprised as I scooped him up in my arms. His weight was almost nothing. I could lift over double his body weight in one hand. His legs wrapped around me as I stood up, locking my hands together on the small of his back while his hands desperately gripped my shoulders. My cock had slipped out of his cunt but I bent my knees slightly and pulled him back on to me. The angle seemed to be just right and Danny let out a little yelp as my glans prodded against his sweet spot. Penetration was shallow but it was worth it to see the expressions of pleasure flash across his face. He clawed at my shoulders, begging for me to keep fucking him like that. I had only to move my hips very slightly and the lad went crazy.

`Like that. Keep fucking me like that' Danny cried as my helmet poked him. Then I pulled right out of him and penetrated him again, over and over, each time feeling his anus envelope me and hitting his prostate with force. He must have orgasmed half a dozen times and was a real mess after a few minutes, his body ravished, his will plundered. Spunk oozed out of his dick, coating his pubic hair and dripping from his torso like sweat. He clung to me like a monkey but his grip was failing as the orgasms wiped the strength from his body.

Gently, I laid him back down on the sofa and fucked him tenderly. His hole was mine and my dick was his. The fog of his climax was clearing and I leant down, spreading his legs further apart, and kissed him again. He curled his tongue around mine and stroked my arms, shoulders, back and down to my buttocks. I fucked him then, with hard deliberate strokes. I threw away concerns of whether his body could take it and just hammered into him, pressing my body down against him, almost folding him in half.

He buried his head into my shoulder and took it. His grip on my cock tightened: he wanted my sperm inside him. He murmured as such into my shoulder, begging for it, crying for it. I don't know how I held out for so long. The pull of his cunt on my dick was the most gratifying sensation I had ever experienced. I felt lost inside him.

I have no idea how long we fucked like that. It could have been only minutes but it felt like hours. Other senses faded away until only touch remained. His hands on my body, small and delicate, the feathery feel of his body hair against me, the touch of his lips on my shoulder and on my neck. On and on we fucked. I chased the orgasm into him, burying my cock head deep into his gut.

Finally it came over me like a crashing wave and for moments we were submerged. My thrusting ceased and I buried myself up to the hilt in his softness. I dumped my load inside the boy, feeling my cock pulse as his passage spasmed around me. I felt strong and weak at the same time. Powerful and helpless. My heart beat like a drum, thumping through my chest. My breaths, short and shallow echoed Danny's. Everything else was silent.

Exhausted, I collapsed on top of him, pinning him down on the sofa. He stroked me contentedly with his smooth hands, kissed my shoulders. The strength seeped back into my body and I roused myself enough to kiss him again. His arsehole began to contract and my cock was slowly ejected from him. I tugged my knob free of his ring and a trickle of thick white spunk followed it, oozing down his crack. He pushed his arsehole out, like puckered lips and more of my semen dribbled from his vanquished hole. I wiped him clean with a square of left over bandage. He smiled up at me and took my cock in his hand, squeezing out the last drop of semen on to his tongue.


Those days we spent together in the cottage where the happiest of my life. We spent almost all the days in bed or in each other's arms by the fire. I had him everyway I could. And when we weren't making love we were talking, about anything and everything. The world of Vazov and the club seemed so far away but as my bruises began to yellow, we both knew we would have to go back. And we were confident that nothing bad could happen to us as long as were together.

But bad things were just around the corner.


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