The Boxer and the Clerk

By RimPig (RimPigFL, Bobby Michaels) (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Jun 7, 2002



DISCLAIMER: This story is TRUE. It really happened. It is about sex between two adult males. If that kind of story is not to your liking, what are you doing here? If you aren't allowed to read this type of story, then don't. Or do it anyway and assert your freedom of thought. No animals were hurt in the writing of this story.

NOTE: This interlude took place before the days of HIV/AIDS. Safe sex was not practiced then. But it should be now!!! IF YOU PLAY - ALWAYS PLAY SAFE!!!

So get naked, lube up, lay back and enjoy! And...Welcome to my memories!

THE BOXER AND THE CLERK by RimPig (c) 2002

When I was in my 20's, I took a job as a clerk in an adult bookstore. Now, this is like hiring Dracula to be the manager of a blood bank! Put me in charge of a store that sold sex? It was without doubt the happiest time of my entire working career. I didn't get paid much, but the 'fringe benefits' were incredible!

You see, it was open 24 hours a day and I worked the midnight to 8:00am shift. And, as we all know, things happen in the dead of night that would never happen in the light of day. This is just one of the more memorable experiences I had during the year that I worked there.

This was in the late 1970's when there was no video tape. All of the porno movies in the movie arcade were what were known as "8mm loops". We had about six or eight booths in the back, some with glory holes, some without, but all of them large enough to have a really good time in! There were four 8mm projectors per booth and there were coin boxes into which you dropped quarters to see about 9 or 10 minutes of a movie. Each film had it's own coin box. In that way, we would know which movies were popular and which to change out each week. I had the keys to all the projectors so that I could change the movies or fix them when they broke down (which they did frequently).

Business was usually steady from the time I came on at midnight until about 3:30am. Then there would be almost no customers until about 7am. I say almost because it was in this three and a half hours that most of the 'fringe benefits' for me occurred. Single guys would come in, looking to get their rocks off. And most of the time, they wouldn't mind a little help in achieving that end. And I, being one dedicated to 'customer service', was always ready to lend a helping hand - or other parts of my anatomy!

I even had 'regulars'. Guys who would show up once a week or so to suck and fuck for an hour or so. I would lock the front door, take my keys, and we'd go back into the arcade and watch movies and have sex. It was a nice break during the dead hours.

One night - actually morning - about 4:00am, this guy came into the store. There were no other customers. There hadn't been for over an hour. I'd never seen him before, he wasn't a regular. I said hello when he came in the store and he looked up at me and grinned. Now, I sat at a counter with a cash register which was on a raised platform about three feet above the selling floor where we had films, magazines and 'adult novelties' - better known as dildos and vibrators. When I say this guy 'looked up', I'm not kidding. I'm not tall (only 5'6") but he couldn't have been more than 5'2". But what he packed into that height! He had one of the most beautiful muscular bodies I'd ever seen in my life! Outstanding pecs and deltoids, a real 'washboard' stomach and biceps that were real 'guns'! All of this showed through the very tight white t-shirt he was wearing. When he turned around, however, my tongue all but rolled out of my mouth and hit the floor. His bubble butt was probably the most beautiful ass I'd ever seen on a male in my life! And I've seen a LOT of male ass! I tend to notice things like that, given that I'm known as RimPig.

As if this wasn't enough, that smile he gave me was brighter than all the lighting in the store and he had the cutest face, beautiful deep blue eyes and very short blond hair. Now, this being the 70's, short hair was unusual. At first I figured he must be military. But I was wrong.

We got to talking and he told me that he was a boxer. He was in town for a professional fight card at a local auditorium that weekend. This however was a weeknight and I guess he was breaking training and looking for some 'relief'. I didn't believe him at first, guys are such bullshitters, but I looked at his hands. For such a little guy, they were huge! And the knuckles looked like he had been in a number of fights. He certainly looked like someone who could take care of themselves.

We got to talking and he asked what the arcade was. I told him they were booths where you could watch adult movies by dropping quarters in the coin boxes. He asked me if any of the movies were any good. I told him, honestly, that we had just changed them the night before so I really hadn't had a chance to watch this batch of them to see if there were any really good one. (I usually did that so that when guys would ask about the films, I could give them an appraisal of what was back there. I could also let them know if they had a particular kind of film in mind, whether or not there was one like that running.).

The little boxer said that I was lucky, that I got to watch all the films for free. I told him that, like a candy store, after a while, it all became very boring. That one sex scene was pretty much like another and that only once in a while did a movie really hold my attention.

Now usually guys, if they wanted to play around would give me some kind of sign that they were interested. Sometimes it was verbal, sometimes it was non-verbal. I had one guy who would go back in the arcade and would drop in one quarter (I knew if a booth was running a film because I had a small 'light bank' behind the counter and a light would go on if a quarter was dropped in a particular booth). Then this guy would walk back to the archway that went into the arcade and look at me. Then he would walk back and drop another quarter in a coin box. The first time he came into the store I was a little slow on the uptake but eventually I figured out that what he wanted was for me to follow him back into the arcade and have sex in one of the booths. He became a regular and it got to the point that when he came in, I would just lock the door to the store, put out the "Closed" sign and follow him back to arcade.

This little boxer was evidently new to this whole game. He later told me he'd never had sex with a guy before and I believed him. So he took a while, looking around the store, looking at magazines and the sex toys. I could tell he was nervous. I could also tell he was horny because he kept rubbing the crotch of his very tight jeans when he thought I wasn't looking. And let me tell you, those jeans were TIGHT! The worn fabric left very little to the imagination. In fact, as Robin Williams once put it, "His pants were so tight I could tell what religion he was!". Finally, he came back up the counter and started talking to me again. He asked how much it would cost him to see a whole movie. I told him it usually worked out to about two or three dollars in quarters. That was a lot of money in the 70's and he said that he would love to see them, but that it was a little expensive for him. He told me he was just getting started on the boxing circuit and he didn't make a lot of money for fighting, even if he won because he wasn't a 'name' yet.

I understood and offered to come back with him with my keys and let him watch any of the movies he wanted for free. After all, I was going to watch them anyway until he came in. Why not share them with him? The milk of human kindness was dripping from me! Well, something was dripping from me having stared at this little hunk for nearly half an hour now!!! I never claimed to be a saint. In fact, I must admit, when we walked into the arcade, the phrase "Welcome to my web, said the spider to the fly!" went through my head! I grabbed the keys, a small bottle of lube from the case and a two unopened bottles of poppers and followed him back to the arcade.

We got back inside the darkened arcade. The smell of disinfectant, pine cleaner and cum hit my nose. It was a smell I became very used to over the time I worked there and usually made me horny just to smell it. It took the little boxer over to the listing of movies (really just a bulletin board with the boxes which the movies came in on it) and let him pick one. He picked a straight film, which was ok with me. Whatever got him horny and in my sucking mouth would do!

We went into the booth and I opened up the cabinet where the projector's were and I re-plugged the projector with that movie to avoid the coin-box. We sat there for a while watching this big, muscular black guy with about a 10 inch cock fucking the hell out of this blond bimbo with big tits and a shaved pussy. I don't know what he was getting into, but I was starting to get into the sight of that big, black rammer, glistening with pussy juice as it pistonned in and out of her cunt. I was also getting off on the guy's sweaty, muscular black butt as it rose and fell with his fucking. Each time his ass rose, it would spread and I could see the dark ass-trench and his puckered hole. Now my tongue was getting 'hard' as well as my cock!

I glanced over several times and could see that the little boxer was hard as well. A huge cock seemed to be trapped within the leg of those very tight jeans and I could see a wet spot at the end of it where his cock-snot had soaked through the material. He'd occasionally reach down and rub it through his jeans as his eyes were glued to the screen.

That scene ended and another one began but there was no sex on the screen for a few minutes. He looked over and noticed the rather large hole in the wall of the booth. Some of the 'glory holes' in this place were over 2 feet in diameter! You could eat ass and fuck through them! I know, I'd done both. He asked me what that hole was and I told him it was called a 'glory hole'. That a guy would hang his hard cock through it and somebody would suck it for him or take it up their ass.

He looked at me in shock. I guess he really had never been in one of these places before. He asked me if guys really did that kind of stuff to other guys? I laughed and said they did that and more! He gave me a kind of funny look and then asked what 'more'? I told him about rimming, how one guy would lick and suck another guy's ass. He told me that sounded really nasty! I said you could think of it that way, but it really felt good! That a guy's ass was really sensitive and having it licked and sucked could actually bring a guy off. He asked about other things that guy's did with each other. I told him about watersports, how one guy would piss on another or have the guy drink his piss. I told him that there was also S&M stuff, but that I wasn't into pain or stuff so I didn't know that much about it, but we had magazines and books about it in the store. (This was years before I became involved in leather).

Then came the question I had been waiting for. He asked if I did any of that 'stuff'. He didn't say it in a nasty way, it was clear he was thinking about how some of it would feel. As the line from "Boys In The Band" goes, "Given the right lighting and the proper mood, there are damned few who aren't curious!". Well this little boxer was not only curious - he was horny as all fuck!

I told him that I loved to suck cock, I loved to eat ass and I loved to get fucked. I also admitted to him that on occasion, with the 'right' guy, I also loved to drink piss. With each admission, his eyes got bigger and bigger. He was amazed at my honesty and openness about my sexuality. I said that I loved sex and I loved having sex with guys. I'd been doing it since I was a teenager and to me it was no big deal.

I could see him weighing all this over in his mind. The movie was still running but now forgotten. He hesitated. I figured I could push the issue and ask him if he wanted to have his cock sucked, but I decided, for whatever reason, that I was going to let him take the lead. Maybe it was some residual fear that he could really hurt me bad with those fists since he had all that professional training. But I really wasn't worried about that. I just felt that he would be more comfortable and much more into things if he felt it was his idea and his decision.

Finally, he looked at me and asked if I would consider doing those things to him? I assured him that I would give anything to do those things to a man who was so incredibly attractive and had such an incredibly beautiful body. He blushed deeply at my honest compliments of him but grinned at me all the same. I have to think, as crazy as it sounds, that nobody had ever really told this little stud just how beautiful he really was!

I told him I would do anything that he wanted, but there were two conditions. He nervously asked what they were. I told him that I wanted him naked so I could really see and touch his beautiful body. He told me that was no problem whatever! (I could tell that he was really turning on to my evident worship of him and was willing to do anything to gain more of it.) I also said that he had to let me eat his butt because it was my favorite thing to do and he had such a beautiful one. I swore if he really didn't like it I would stop and I would, under no circumstance put anything up his ass but my tongue! (A lot of straight guys get nervous about rimming the first time because they think you want to fuck them. With many of these same guys, the third or fourth time I eat their ass, they would be begging me to fuck them! Go figure!). He hesitated at first over this one, but finally agreed.

He stood up and peeled off his tight t-shirt and I got my first real look at his upper torso. He was hairless except for a puff of blond hair in each arm pit. His nipples were tiny and the aureoles were the size of dime. I know most guys like large nips and big aureoles, but I'm just the opposite. His little ones on those huge pecs were enough for me to start leaking cock-snot myself. He then unbuckled and unzipped those very tight jeans and began to work them down his legs. Like me, he was not wearing underwear. I wish he had been wearing his jock so that I could sniff and lick it, but that was not to be. As he pushed the jeans down to his knees, his cock came up hard and smacked his abs. I couldn't believe it! It was huge! Not just long (it was about nine inches) but thick as well. The head was small and covered with a thin foreskin that never covered all the way up over the head. The piss-hole was always visible. Below the head, the shaft flared out and was thick all the way to the base. He had a very small patch of pubic hair above his cock and it was very odd. The pubic hair was not only straight, no kinkiness whatever, but it was very, very soft. Like the hair on his head. This was my first experience with this kind of pubic hair and it has always been a favorite of mine ever since.

I told him to leave his gym shoes and white socks on because I couldn't vouch for the cleanliness of the concrete floor back there since I hadn't mopped yet that day. He looked really hot standing there in nothing but those white gym shoes and socks anyway! After he was naked, he kind of modeled for me. I sat on the bench in the booth and he turned around and let me see his entire body. He was showing it off to me and loving every second of my obvious worship of him. But at the same time, he still seemed shy about doing it. I really got the feeling this was the first time in his life that anyone had really showed him how exciting his body was.

The next thing he said, really stunned me however. He asked me to get naked as well. Now, usually with guys like this who had very little or no experience with sex with other guys were content to have you suck their cocks and maybe eat their ass but they didn't do anything in return. And they certainly would not ask me to strip as well.

I got up off the bench and slid down my cut-off jeans and pulled off my tank top. I had been working out at the gym for about a year then and, while I didn't have anywhere near the body that he did, there were plenty of guys in the baths who had chased me for a chance to get their hands on it recently. When I stood naked before him, he looked at me appraisingly and I, too, turned to give him a view of my butt as well. When I turned back around, I saw something in his eyes that I never expected to see - hunger! He wanted me! And I began to wonder just how far this would go.

He asked me if we could see another movie as this one was now run back to where we'd started watching it. I told him he had the run of the arcade. Any movie he wanted to watch, all he had to do was ask. He walked out of the booth and back over to the board to choose another movie. This time, he chose a gay one. I was a little surprised, but I guess he wanted to check out for himself that what I told him about sex between guys was true.

I don't remember what film he chose, but I remember it being a really hot one. Lots of sucking, fucking and rimming in it. He very quickly got to see that everything I told him was true. He stood by the bench slowly stroking his hard cock and watching the film. I got down on my knees and turned him so that he was facing the film which was projected on the back of the door of the booth. With most guys, this was not possible because the projectors were above and behind the wall across from the door and if you stood up, you blocked the projected film from getting to the door. But in his case, he was so short that he didn't interfere with the projection at all. And I have to admit, when I'm really sleazing out and acting like the cock-hungry slut that I am, I love to be on my knees before a guy, worshiping his cock and balls. I love to have my face fucked and watch his crotch pounding into me like my mouth was a cunt. I also, as some of you know from my other stories, love the smell of a man's crotch, balls and ass. I especially love it when a guy strokes my head and runs his fingers through my hair while I'm sucking him. And this guy was doing all of them!

The little boxer had obviously taken a shower some time that day, but it was now about 4:30 in the morning and he had been out in the hot muggy weather of summer in South Florida. There was a nice, raunchy male musk built up between his legs! And I buried my face in it and began to lick through his crotch hairs and around the base of his very hard cock. I dipped down and licked at his nutsack which was practically hairless. He didn't shave it, there just wasn't much in the way of hair. But his nuts were sweaty and stunk of male animal rut! I was in heaven! The sack was pulled up close to the base of his cock, so I knew the little stud was really hot. I was afraid that he would take a quick shot down my throat and that would be it. I couldn't have been more wrong!

I slowly licked up from his balls onto his cock shaft. I was following the trail of leaking cock-snot that was now pouring from the head of his cock. It was very sweet with no taste of saltiness at all. I lapped up all that I could as I approached the head of his cock. I raised my hand and gently grasp the shaft and slowly pulled down the foreskin so that the entire head of his cock and the flange of it were exposed. The light odor of head-cheese hit my nose. Not heavy. Just a little had built up over the length of the day. The scent evidently rose to his nose as well for he began to apologize for it, saying he hadn't had a shower since his workout at the gym that morning. I quickly told him that there was no need to apologize, that I loved the scent of his body - that it really turned me on! He grinned at me when I told him this. I think he was liking sex with another guy more and more as the minutes wore on. He obviously had too often been with women who demanded perfect hygiene with lots of chemical smells to cover over the beautiful, natural scent of the male body.

I licked around the head of his cock and sucked up what little cheese there was there. I could see him watching me closely as I did it. I moaned at the taste of him and he obviously was pleased with my reaction to this natural product of his body because he got the biggest, brightest grin on his face when I looked up at him, licking my lips to show how much I liked the treat. I then kept eye contact with him as I began to lick the head of his cock. He closed his eyes and moaned at the touch of my tongue licking up all the cock-snot that was pouring out of his piss-slit.

I pulled his cock down and slowly slid it into my mouth. I thought I might be able to take it in my throat but it was too thick for me to handle. I was disappointed at not being able to take him completely inside me this way but he seemed to be inordinately pleased by the length I was able to take. Evidently, he'd not had much in the way of having his cock sucked and probably only by women who could barely handle the head. What I lacked in ability to deep throat him, I more than made up with the amount of tonguing I was doing of his shaft and head. He continued to moan and thrust his hips forward while his hands reached down and began feeling and stroking my shoulders. I was afraid he'd cum too quickly so I somewhat backed off my feverish sucking of his cock.

I let his hardon out of my mouth and again began to lick and suck at his balls. His legs seemed to give out and he sat down on the bench. This was fine with me. I immediately went to get down on the floor in front of him when he stopped me. He pulled me towards him and he took hold of my cock in his hand. He gently fingered it and stroked it, obviously comparing it to his own. It was this more than anything that made me realize that he was a complete virgin as far as other males was concerned. He obviously had never touched another male's cock and he was fascinated by the difference in mine. First of all, I was cut so there was no loose foreskin for him to move up and down like there was on his. Second, I was curved where his was straight as an arrow. As he played with my cock his other hand came up and held my balls. He squeezed them gently, getting the feel of them. All the while, he was using my cock to gently pull me closer and closer to him. I could hear him taking breaths, getting to know my scent like I had his. He seemed pleased with it.

Then he did something I honestly did not expect. He leaned forward and licked the head of my cock, tasting my pre-cum. I shuddered at the touch of his tongue. I couldn't believe that he had done this! He looked up at me and smiled this impish little grin and then looked back down at my hard cock and put his mouth right down on it and sucked it inside him. He had at least three inches on me in length and a lot in girth so my cock wasn't nearly the 'choker' his was. He was able to get almost my whole cock in his mouth and I could feel the warm breath from his nose breathing in the scent of my pubic hair. I could also feel his tongue inside his mouth tasting my cock. After a few tentative swipes with his tongue against the skin of my shaft, he evidently decided that he liked the taste and began sucking my cock in earnest - giving me back a lot of what I had given him.

I knew he could taste my cock-snot because I knew it was still pouring out of the piss-slit of my cock and into his mouth. But he was doing too good a job - even to the point that he had never once nicked me with his teeth - but I was getting close and I didn't want to cum yet. I pulled my cock out of his mouth and put my hands under his arms and pulled him to his feet. My intention was to turn him around and have him bend over and put his hands on the bench so I could kneel behind him and finally get my mouth and nose on his ass. But he had other ideas!

When he was standing, we looked deep into each other's eyes. He seemed to be searching for something in my face or eyes, something he knew would be there. I didn't know what he wanted but I quickly found out. He reached up and grabbed hold of my neck with his hand and pulled my face down to his. He then leaned forward and pressed his lips to mine and I could feel his mouth opening and his tongue pressing against mine. I quickly opened to his tongue and brought my arms around him as he brought his other arm around me. We stood there, kissing deeply and passionately. It was the very last thing that I expected! Even though he'd sucked my cock, I still didn't expect him to kiss! What a wonder this little stud was!

We broke the kiss and he smiled at me. I smiled back. He quietly told me that the kiss was nice. He admitted he'd never kissed another guy before and said it was much hotter than any kiss he'd ever had from a girl. 'Oh, dear!' I thought to myself. 'I guess Anita can blame me for recruiting another one!'. (We had just gone through the whole 'Anita Bryant' thing in Miami recently, where she accused gay men of 'recruiting' straight boys into our ranks. I still wore the button sometimes that said 'I wasn't recruited! I volunteered!').

Well, since he liked the first one, I leaned forward and kissed him again! Just as deeply, just as passionately. Our tongues did battle and we both won. I tasted the inside of his mouth. It tasted of him and also the taste of beer. So that's why he was so relaxed. He'd had a few and gotten horny before he came to the adult bookstore. He was, like all the guys who came in there, looking for something, but I'll bet what he found wasn't what he was looking for! Or was it?

We finally broke the kiss and he smiled at me again. I leaned forward and began licking at his earlobe. He immediately started moaning, letting me know that this was a sensitive area for him. I then began to move down the side of his throat, licking and sucking at his neck and down his chest. I moved to one of his nipples and began sucking and nipping at it, lightly, with my teeth. His moans grew much louder at this. He murmured to me that he never knew that his tit's were sensitive. I remember I looked him right in the face and told him he'd been fucking far too many women! And women who didn't know what the fuck they were doing when it came to pleasing a man!

He started laughing at this and I held him in my arms while he did. He finally admitted that he'd never had sex with another guy. I asked him how he liked it so far. His head dropped and he seemed to think about it for a second, then he looked back up and gave me a shy smile and said that he never thought it could be so hot! He told me he'd never had somebody who was as turned on to his body as I was nor who had done some of the things I was doing to him.

I told him that was a shame because anyone who had a body like his and was as nice as he was certainly deserved it! He blushed again at my heartfelt compliments but continued to grin at me. I went back to my exploration of his body. I licked down his washboard abs and back down to take a deep whiff of his sweaty pubes, inhaling his scent. I reached down and grabbed one of the bottles of poppers and broke the seal. He asked what it was, and I explained. He was a little fearful at first to be doing 'drugs', but I told him to take the bottle and turn around. I had him bend over and put his hands on the bench. Then I pushed on his legs to make him spread them. There before me was the most beautiful butt I'd ever seen!

I knelt behind him and began gently licking the cheeks of his ass. They were hairless and my tongue slid over the soft skin which covered strong muscles. I licked all over his ass cheeks, making ever tightening circles until I reached the crack of his butt. I reached up and pried his buns apart with my hands and the raw, male smell of sweat and musk hit my nose. I didn't need a hit of poppers! Just his scent was enough to almost make me shoot my load right then and there.

I buried my face in his butt and began sniffing up and down the crack of his fragrant ass. He wasn't dirty. He was just in that natural male state where it had been hours since his last shower and he had been sweating some and had also been sexually aroused, giving off the scent of male rut. I nosed up and down his butt-trench, inhaling as much of his scent as I could get. I damned near hyperventilated from taking so many deep breaths of the aroma of his butt.

Finally, I couldn't stand waiting any longer. This was a butt I had to taste! I began by licking from the bottom of his hairless ass trench, just below his balls, to the top of the trench where it joined his beautiful, muscular back. I heard him take a deep intake of breath at the feelings that my licking was causing. I pulled the cheeks of his butt farther apart and began licking in earnest at his little pink puckered hole. He began moaning and moving is butt around trying to get more feelings from my tongue. I pulled my face out of his hole for a second and told him to take a big hit of the poppers. I did this both so he could really enjoy the feelings but also because it would relax his hole more so I could get my tongue up the tight opening.

He did as I told him as I again began feasting at his luscious hole and I could feel his opening gradually relax as the poppers hit him. He moaned as I slid my tongue deeper and deeper into him. Soon I was able to just lick inside the hole and taste the inner recesses of his body. I could feel him pushing down harder on my face, trying to get more and more of my tongue up his butt. Again I pulled out and told him to push down with his muscles, like he was going to take a dump. This would open his hole more as well. I didn't need to tell him to take another hit of poppers, he'd already figured that one out for himself.

I continued to suck at his hole, drawing the delicate pink lips of his ass into my mouth while licking out his hole with my tongue. His moaning told me that he was getting close to cumming and I didn't want him to do it all over the floor. I wanted that cum inside me! Either down my throat or up my ass. I slid down and dragged my tongue down his trench until I was licking the back of his balls. I pulled his hard cock through his legs and licked the head of it as well. He was so hard, that was as far as I could pull it! I stopped again and asked if he could cum more than once. He told me he could cum several times, especially if I kept doing things to him like this! So I figured the easiest thing, at that point was to sit down on the floor with my back to the bench and have him bending over me and fucking my face. I, too, could cum several times a night so I took a big hit of the other bottle of poppers I had and, as he shoved his hard cock into my mouth again, I fingered his ass trench with one hand and jacked off.

It didn't take but a few minutes and he was grunting loudly and shooting a huge load of cum into my mouth. At the feel of his first hot, slimy volley, I let go and came all over my chest and abdomen. His cum was a sweet as his pre-cum, hardly any saltiness at all. I don't know what this boy ate, but it sure made for some of the sweetest cum I've ever tasted - and there was a lot to taste! He must have made a dozen shots of cum into me, as I sat there on the floor, swallowing as fast as I could.

When he finally finished, I continued to suck on his cock, which never went soft - only semi-hard. He finally pulled out of my mouth and stood there looking down at me, my face covered with spit from his ass and my body covered with my own load. He grinned at me and told me that was about the biggest nut he'd ever busted in his life. I assured him that it was quite an orgasm for me as well. He looked down at the evidence and then reached down and took a finger full of my still warm cum from my chest and sucked it into his mouth. He tasted my load and seemed to be deciding whether or not he liked the taste. He evidently did because he got down on his knees and began licking it off me. He gobbled down all the cum on my chest and stomach and then leaned further down and sucked my cock into his mouth to clean up anything left on it. I was getting the feeling that he might be taking this opportunity to try everything he could about mansex. And I was more than willing to show him as much as he wanted!

He came up from sucking my cock and kissed me again. Our tongues licked out each other's mouths. I could taste my cum in his and I knew he could taste his in me. This seemed to please him as well.

He then looked at me, and with that impish grin of his, asked what else there was we could do. I told him I still had a few 'tricks up my sleeve' and he started to laugh. He reminded me I didn't have any sleeves - that we were both naked. I had to admit he had a point, but that I still had some things that I thought he would find interesting. Before I could put them into action, though, he asked me where the men's room was. I asked him why he wanted to know. He looked at me funny, and told me he needed to take a piss. I told him he didn't need the bathroom for that. He again looked at me like I was crazy and said that he 'sure as fuck wasn't going to piss on the floor!'. I kind of chuckled and told him that I wanted him to piss in my mouth. That I would drink his piss.

Now I had mentioned watersports in the list of things that guys did together and even told him that on occasion I liked to do it as well, but I guess that part hadn't completely connected. He told me he couldn't possibly do that to me! He liked me! He couldn't piss on me!

I explained to him that it wasn't something you did because you were putting somebody down. That I wanted to take his piss inside me because I was so turned onto him! I wanted that part of him just like I wanted his cum. And it was almost like he was cumming into me, just longer and hotter.

I watched him weigh all this in his mind while I slipped to my knees in front of him and looked up into his eyes. He asked me again if I was sure I wanted to do this. I pointed down to my hard, throbbing cock and asked him if that was enough proof that I wanted to do it? That seemed to have convinced him because he smiled this horny, little smirk and said I'd better get ready to swallow then because he had a big load of piss from all the beer he'd been drinking that night.

The fact that he had been drinking beer was one of the reasons that I was willing to drink his piss. I knew that it would be very watery and not strong and rank. I still, to this day, prefer mild beer piss if I'm going to drink piss rather than wear it or have it up my ass in a piss enema.

I opened my mouth and took about an inch of his cock onto my tongue and then closed my lips around it gently. I wasn't looking to make him hard. He took a few moments getting adjusted to the feel of something warm and wet around his cock before I finally felt a hesitant squirt of his hot piss enter my mouth. I quickly swallowed and waited for more. Two or three more short shots of piss came from his cock before his full stream started to flow. Once that happened, I started rhythmically swallowing his piss. As I had suspected, his piss was not only mostly water but was sweet as well. I'd found this with some beer drinkers that there was almost a sugary taste to the piss.

It took several minutes for him to empty his bladder into me. I was greatly aroused when, in the middle of pissing, he reached down and started stroking my head and running his fingers through my hair again in a very loving way. He also began to verbalize more. He was telling me to 'drink down all my hot piss' and to 'suck that piss outa my cock'. I had to stop jacking my cock because I nearly came again just on this! What a hot little stud he was turning out to be!

When he finally stopped pissing, I continued to suck and lick on his cock. He instantly went back to full hardness. He let me suck for a few minutes and then he pulled out of my mouth again. He looked down at me and asked if we could watch some more movies? I assured him we could watch every fucking movie in the place! I asked him what he wanted to see next. He asked me to put on whichever film I liked best. I suppose he wanted to gage just how far I was willing to go. (As if eating his ass and drinking his piss didn't give him a clue!).

There was one film that I had asked to be kept on that week because it had a lot of really hot fuck scenes in it - big cocks going up young eager assholes. It couldn't have worked out better because that's what I wanted next - my ass was totally 'itching' to get his cock up me and ream me out good!

We moved to the booth that film was in and again, I re-plugged the projector so it would run continuously, by passing the coin box. The film was in a place where a guy with a huge cock was about to fuck the ass of this little blonde twink. The movie showed a close-up of this kid's really small, tight hole and then continued as this huge fucking cock pushed it way all the way up the kid's shit-chute. I thought my little boxer's eyes were going to pop right out of his head at seeing this. He said to me that it had to 'really fucking hurt' to have a cock that size shoved up your ass! I pointed out to him that his cock was every bit as big as the one on the screen and asked if he'd ever fucked a woman in the ass? He told me that, not only had he never done it - he'd never even thought about doing it! Not when there was a convenient pussy right there to fuck!

I had to explain to him that there was a great deal of difference in the feeling - the tightness, the heat - between pussy and ass. I also pointed out that, with another guy, not only wasn't there a pussy, but that up inside a guy's ass was this special gland called a prostate that when stroked, got you off without even touching yourself, if it was done 'right'. He almost didn't believe me at first. I pointed to the movie and the obvious pleasure that the kid was getting from being fucked with that big cock. In fact, in a few minutes, the kid did just what I described, came without touching himself while the guy with the big cock pounded his butt for him.

He asked if I wanted him to do that to me and I told him I would love to get his big cock up my butt. He asked if I was sure. He told me he had women complain that it was too big and that sometimes it could hurt when the head bounced off their cervix. I carefully explained again that I didn't have a pussy. I didn't have a cervix and that there was no such thing as 'too big'. I told him his cock would feel wonderful because it was not only long but fat as well and it was the width that really got to the prostate and gave such good feelings. I also told him that if he put it in very slow so that I could relax and get used to it, once I was used to being filled with his cock, he could pound my butt as hard as he wanted. He again protested that he couldn't do that! He'd hurt me if he fucked me that hard! I told him I would end up screaming for him to fuck me harder!

I decided that probably the best way to do this was for me to kneel with one knee on the bench and bent over and kind of squatted down. It was weird to me to have a guy who was going to fuck me who was shorter than I was. Usually, I go for taller guys, so I was used to just bending over and having them fuck me. I greased up his cock well and then greased up my own ass well, shoving two and then three fingers up my hole to get ready for his cock size.

He got behind me and I helped him bring his cock to my eager hole. I reminded him to take it easy and slow at first. He seemed to take this to heart because I could feel his cock moving inside me with exquisite slowness, parting the tissues in my ass. I could hear him cussing behind me at the pleasure that the entry to my tight hole was giving him. Lots of 'Oh, fuck's' and 'Shit's' along with graphic descriptions of the heat and the tightness. He was also very favorably comparing my ass to all the pussy he'd ever fucked in his life. When he was all the way in and I could feel his balls resting against the back of mine. I reached back and held his hips to keep him from withdrawing and asked him to rest for a little bit until I could get used to his large intruder in my guts. He leaned over my back and began stroking and massaging my shoulders. The strength in his hands and fingers was incredible and the addition of his tongue licking at my neck almost pushed me over the edge.

It amazed me at first how tender he was being with me. Then I remembered he was used to women and I imagined that he was treating me as he would one of them. But he must have been doing some thinking about the fact that I was a boy because he remarked how soft and smooth my skin was as he stroked his fingers and hands over my shoulders and arms. I could feel his cock twitching in my ass as he did so. I knew that I was turning him on in ways he'd never been turned on before and, I'd bet, never knew he could be.

I let him know that he could begin slowly fucking me. I didn't have to say another word for the rest of the fuck. This boy was a master of it! Whether he'd learned or it was natural talent or maybe the fact that he was an athlete, but he was one of the best cocksmen that has ever been up my ass, before or since! He started out with slow, short strokes which very gradually grew in length and power until he was long-dicking my ass with gut-pounding strokes as I moaned and called on every known and unknown god in the universe! I know I babbled. I know that dirty talk poured from my mouth as I begged him to fuck my ass forever! I know I told him how hot his fuck was. I might even, like almost every male lost in fuck frenzy, have told him I loved him. But it didn't concern me. He was a guy, too, and would understand that anything said while being fucked or fucking was not to be considered as anything but an expression of the pleasure being felt.

Before I wanted to, I could feel the tingle deep in my crotch that told me I was going to cum. I hadn't touched myself and I was rapidly going over the edge. I screamed out loudly as I did. He continued to pound my ass as I shot at least ten times across the wooden bench of the booth. I thought that perhaps he would cum with me but I was wrong. As I came down from the high of my orgasm, he did slow down and ask if I'd gotten off and I assured him that was exactly what he had heard and felt. He told me how hot it was to hear me scream like that and to feel my ass clenching around his cock. He asked if I wanted him to stop? Fuck No! I wanted him to keep fucking me for the rest of the night! I didn't care if my boss walked in for his shift and found me still skewered on this boxer's massive cock!!! He chuckled at this and kept right on stroking!

There is much to be said for the type of stamina that boxers are trained to have. He continued to fuck me and I continued to snort at the bottle of poppers and get another hardon. Before long, I found that his stroking of my joy-button was bringing me to the point of orgasm again! I was amazed! Only once before in my life had I been able to cum twice just by being fucked. But I knew it was about to happen again! And, sure enough, in a few moments I was screaming and shooting again! I fully expected him to cum with me this time.

I was wrong! He again slowed down some as my orgasm slowly ebbed away, but he was no where near done with my ass. He kept telling me how wonderful it felt up inside me, how he'd never fucked anything that felt as good as my ass. How he hoped I didn't mind but he just couldn't bring himself to cum yet - not while it was feeling this good! I told him that, far from minding, my ass was his until he was through with it. And that he could have it for as long or as often as he wanted!

It must have been twenty minutes later that he began really pounding the shit out of my hole - harder than he'd done up until that point! And I thought I'd already felt it all! No way! He was pounding me so hard I could feel the sweat flying off his hair and landing on my back. And the harder he pounded, the better it felt and with one good, long snort of my little brown bottle, we both were screaming and I could feel his cock unloading shot after shot of his sweet cum up my butt while I shot a few dribbles onto the wooden bench, as that was all I had left! We both came - my three to his one! I couldn't believe it! Nobody before or since has ever fucked me so that I got off three times on one continuous fuck - and without me ever once touching my cock!

We collapsed on the bench. Me stretched out on my stomach and him laying on my back, his semi-hard cock still buried in my guts. I could feel every beat of his heart through his cock, my ass was so sensitive by this point. I never wanted him to pull out of me! I just wanted to lay there with his muscular body covering mine and the smell of his sweat and our fucking surrounding me! I was exhausted but happier than I could remember being in a very long time.

He was gently kissing and licking my shoulders and neck as we lay there, again telling me how wonderful my ass was and how much pleasure I had given him. I was very content. I loved the feeling of knowing that from now on, every boy or girl he fucked - he would somehow be comparing them to me! His first boy, his first rim job, his first ass-fuck. Oh, and let's not forget the first person to drink his piss! All in the space of a couple of hours!

I figured that he was done for the night. But I could feel his cock in my ass. It was not going soft. In fact, unless I was badly mistaken - it was getting harder again! What was he, some kind of android fucking machine! I'm a fucking pig and I was having doubts about being able to keep up with his needs!!!

The he murmured in my ear the inevitable question. Could we watch another movie?

Sure! Why the fuck not! He picked another gay film, this one totally 'vanilla' but with this great mutual cock-sucking/ass-sucking scene in it. Do I have to tell you that he took one look at that and we were down on the concrete floor, him above me and sucking on each other's cocks like we hadn't had any sex in the last two weeks! I was amazed at how good his mouth was and he was amazed at how far he could get his cock down me! With all the sex and the relaxation of my body, not to mention some deep hits of poppers to relax my throat, I could all but deep-throat him now. He moved forward and sat on my face, allowing me to suck out all the dripping sweat and musk that had formed in his ass from when I ate it out an hour or so ago. But what really freaked me out was when he raised my legs and he put his face right in my fucking ass-crack and started sucking on my hole! God! What a feeling! I could feel him sucking and licking at my hole and knew that he was sucking his load out of my ass because I could feel him doing it! I also could hear him licking, sucking and swallowing. Not to mention the noises of pleasure he was making down in his throat while he was sucking down his own load.

After a while of enjoying the feeling of eating each other's butts, we went back to our respective cocks and I was shocked that within no time at all, he was sucking another load out of me as I was swallowing another massive load out of him! I don't think he got much in the way of cum out of me, but it felt great anyway. He rolled off of me and then swung around so that he could take me in his arms. He kissed me deeply and passionately and told me he really should be going but he had one problem. I asked what that was, afraid that he was going to insist on watching yet another movie. But I grinned from ear to ear when he said. "I gotta take another piss.".

He was in town for 5 more days. In that five days, we got together three more times. By the time he left, I was afraid if he didn't go, I'd actually do what some of my friends who knew my piggish ways had said I would do - die by sex!!! I never saw him again after that. Within three months, I was no longer working in the "adult entertainment industry" but I will always remember my year of working in that store. Maybe sometime soon, I'll tell you some more of what went on then.

Thanks for reading this. And if you'd like a listing of all my different stories, just write me at

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