The Boy with the Emerald Eyes

By James Heady

Published on Nov 16, 2021


The Boy With the Emerald Eyes By James


This is a story which deals with sexual/romantic situations between teenaged males. Should you not be of the legal age to read such material, or if you're offended by such stories then please find something else to read. This story also will contain scenes of violence, instances of Hate Speech and at times possibly scenes dealing with or dialogue concerning rape. If those themes disturb anyone who reads this story, then I urge them to find something else to read as well.

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Finally, if anyone would like to contact me regarding this story, I can be reached at I respond to all e-mails, but flames and other e-mails that are, or that I suspect are trolling or flaming in nature will be ignored.

The Boy With the Emerald Eyes

Chapter 12


Once off of the second elevator Bryan had directed us to, Dakota and I walked to the record store, and went in. I was the first to hear it, and I looked down at Dakota.

"Oh hell no!" I said laughing.

"We just heard this song," Dakota said looking back at me.

I listened for a moment to be sure, and it was Remember Your Name By Mario Judah. I stood there as the first verse began once again.

"It's like this song is stalking us," Dakota said smiling.

"Yeah," I agreed. "We'll just have to ignore it.

We went on, and once at the Metal Section, I was beginning to see that we would be better off sticking with the record store Dakota had shopped at those couple of weeks ago.

The Metal Section was little more than Metal that was designed to bring money to the record labels. It was groups such as Simple Plan, Limp Bizkit, Kid Rock and Stained. I read off the albums to Dakota, and he dismissed all of them with various R-rated epithets, and this made me laugh as I named off album titles.

"So not interested in listening to Kid Rock's Devil Without a Cause?" I asked smiling down at him.

"Unless you want to sleep on the floor tonight, you'll keep that shit off my music player," Dakota said smiling back at me.

We laughed, then I went to check the albums beside where I had been looking a moment ago. On the right side, I found Metallica's ST. Anger, and I read it off to Dakota with complete annoyance in my voice.

"Fuck!" Dakota said. "I'd enjoy hearing that about as much as I'd enjoy hearing that fucked up tape the Toy Box Killer played for his victims after getting them back to his house!"

"Who?" I asked looking down at him.

"You don't know about that?" Dakota asked.

"No," I said. "What Toy Box, and what killer?"

"Sorry, I wasn't sure if you had heard about it or not, but I'll tell you about it on our way back home," Dakota went on. "Yeah, I've been watching a lot of True Crime Documentaries a few nights ago after I finished with homework."

Interesting," I said.

"Yeah," Dakota went on. "Anyway, that's just my way of saying that I have no desire to listen to ST. Anger. I'm sure you know what it sounds like."

"Definitely," I agreed.

I put the album down, then behind it I found a few albums by Miley Cyrus, and on one of them it listed a cover version she did of Comfortably Numb by Pink Floyd.

"Oh, now this is just fucking sad!" I said reading off the information to Dakota.

He was laughing, and I could see he was really finding my annoyance comical.

"You really don't like much of American Mainstream Music do you," he said as his laughter subsided.

"Fuck no," I said putting back the albums. "Especially not with the Bullshit I just read off. I'd love to know who authorized her to cover that song, and I'd like to think that Roger Waters and David Gilmore aren't that desperate for money. Sure, they can do what they want, but I'll just stick with the original versions of the Classics."

"Same here," Dakota agreed.

"Anything else you want to see?" I asked.

No sooner had I said that, then Marilyn Manson's song Disposable Teens came on the sound system.

"Oh Jesus W X Y Z Christ!" I said getting behind Dakota's wheelchair as he started laughing uncontrollably. "Let's get the fuck out of here."

Once out of the store, we went to get dessert at a coffee shop close to the front entrance. Once seated, Dakota was watching me as I took a bight of my cookie.

"I'm guessing by your reaction as we left the store, that you don't like Marilyn Manson?" Dakota asked.

"Fuck no," I said. "I always felt like he was over-rated, then hearing about what he's been accused of doing to his past former girlfriends hasn't helped my dislike of him settle one bit."

"I never really got what was supposed to be so good about his music either," Dakota responded. "I did kind of like that song of his called the Beautiful People, but that was about it."

"Yeah," I agreed. "That song wasn't too bad, but that's not saying much."

"Yeah, I agree," Dakota said.

"So if we keep our voices down, maybe you can tell me about who this Toy Box Killer is or was," I offered.

The long and short of it was that the Toy Box Killer was a guy named David Parker Ray who lived in New Mexico, and he lived in the town of Elephant Butte. I had to ask Dakota to repeat that name, as I had never heard of the town, and we both smiled as we were both thinking the same thing about its name.

Ray would go on to kidnap women he'd take back to a sound-proof trailer he called his Toy Box where he would hold them captive, and would torture them in really disgusting ways. He died in 2002 of a massive Heart Attack after agreeing to a deal with prosecutors, but while he waited in a holding cell awaiting transfer to the prison to which he was going to be assigned, he died without serving a day of his official sentence. Dakota went on to tell me that while holding his victims captive, Ray would play a tape for them explaining what all was going to be done to them.

"I'm not supportive of so-called Capital Punishment," I began. "That being said though, if I did start supporting it then I'd have to say that it was made for a disgusting piece of shit like that guy."

"Yeah, I feel the same way," Dakota agreed.

We moved on to talking about more pleasant things, then we finished our dessert and left to go back home.



Devin and I were shooting hoops outside his house when my phone vibrated. I stopped to get it, and saw that it was my dad texting to see how I was doing. I told Devin that I was going to answer the text, and so I did. My dad replied back asking if I could come home soon to make sure that the garage was cleaned up. I agreed, and after finishing our game, I got cleaned up and after saying goodbye to Devin, I left to go back home.

Once home, I was surprised to see my dad's car in the driveway. I wondered what was going on, and I unlocked the door to the house and went in.

My dad was seated at the kitchen table typing something on his laptop. When he looked up and saw me, he finished typing quickly then closed his laptop. He put it aside, then stood up coming over to me.

"Hi dad," I said looking at him. "I didn't think you'd be home until sometime next weekend."

"I wanted to come home," he said closing the distance, and he put an arm around me.

I hugged him, and he held me for a long time. I allowed him to hold me, and I at that point wasn't angry with him. I was just glad to have him home.

"I really am glad you're home," I said as I rested my head against his chest.

"I'm glad I'm home as well," he answered as we separated, and then went in to the living room. "I not only wanted to come home, but I needed to come home. I'm not happy about how I talked to you last weekend, and there's a lot of things that need to change around here. Mainly on my part."

We were sitting side-by-side on the couch at this point as he looked at me.

"You acted like you were really pissed with me when we talked last weekend!" I said as some of the anger and hurt returned.

"I'm sure that must have been really hard for you to deal with," he replied. "Also, I'm sorry about calling your mom a Bitch and all of the other stuff I've said about her."

"Thank you," I said looking directly at my dad now.

I wanted to say more, but wasn't sure how to begin, but my dad started talking.

"I want us to take this time to talk about anything you want to talk about, and I also want to just get anything and everything out in the open Tyler," he said. "I love you. You're my son, and I know things haven't been good between us for a while now, and the other thing I wanted to apologize for is hitting you back a few months ago. I was wrong to do that, and I not only shouldn't have done it, but I shouldn't have yelled at you as you ran to your room."

"That's been hard for me to deal with," I said starting to cry. "I thought you might have hated me when you did that, and I never thought you'd do something like that!"

"I really am sorry," my dad said as he took me in his arms. "I had no right to put my hands on you like that, and I promise it's not going to happen again."

"I hope not," I said as my tears slowed then stopped. "Also, I accept your apologies for that, and for everything else."

"Thank you Tyler," my dad said as he continued to hold me close. "I also wanted to apologize for some of the things I'd say. I know I've told a lot of jokes, especially about gays and I know that the last time I did that you looked really sad when I told the joke. You might not have noticed me, but I did see how you looked, but I didn't know what to say at the time. I also was continuing the way of thinking that you're a guy, and that you'd be fine with it."

Now I was getting scared. I wondered why he was telling me this part. I then wondered if he was starting to figure things out about me.

"That's fine Dad," I said. "I accept your apology for that as well, but it's not a big'''."

He cut me off by putting a finger close to my lips.

"It is a big deal," he said. "I don't know much about gay people, and didn't really grow up around them. One who did live close to my family and I for a couple of months kept to himself, but staying to himself or not, that didn't stop my family from making all sorts of assumptions about him, and I believed a lot of it. I've never questioned any of what my family and I believed about gay people, but I'm starting to now. I have noticed that you were getting unhappy when I'd bring up anything about girls, and I haven't been sensitive to what you might be going through."

"Thanks for saying that," I said. "It hasn't been easy for me when you would keep asking me about liking girls. I really haven't gotten interested in girls much, and it's not something I try to think about."

"Do you think you might like boys?" my dad asked as he looked at me. His tone was gentle, and I didn't see any of the typical masculine hardness he usually carried himself with. That was new, and I was glad to see him making an effort to be more understanding as well as more sensitive.

I started crying again, and I tried to speak, but I couldn't. My dad just held me, and I tried to stop crying enough to speak, finally I was able to speak a bit.

"I'm sorry!" I said, but started sobbing again. "I don't want you to hate me!"

"I don't hate you," he said holding me tighter now. "I love you, and I'm going to do everything I can to be supportive of you."

After I stopped crying, I continued to sit there with my dad holding me. I eventually dried my eyes, then waited to see which one of us would speak first.

"How long have you known you're gay?" he asked.

"Since I was 12," I replied.

"Does this have anything to do with why your mom won't accept visits from you now?" he asked.

I hesitated for a moment, and he rubbed my back slowly.

"I'm not going to be mad," he said. "I just need to know so I know how to deal with whatever comes next."

"The last weekend I spent with my mom," I began. "I was alone in my room, and I thought no one was home, and I uh, I looked up some pictures on my phone of guys. They were pictures of them''''."

I didn't know how to go on.

"I think I get the idea my dad said softly.

"So I was in my room looking at what I found, and I think you can probably imagine what else I was doing," I went on blushing hard now.

"Go on," he urged.

"I was really deep in what I was thinking about that I didn't hear anyone come home, and just then I heard someone scream something like what did I think I was fucking doing," I continued. "I jerked my head to the right and saw my mom standing in the doorway of my room, and I wasn't exactly completely clothed. She ran in, yanked the phone out of my hand, then looked at what was on it. After she looked at what was on the screen, she called me a dirty Fagot, and said that I wasn't welcome in her house until I stopped wanting a guy's dick in my ass. Those were her words not mine."

"Don't worry about the language," my dad said stroking my hair as I rested my head on his chest again. "I'm so sorry you had to go through that, and I really feel horrible that you've been going through all of this alone. That's going to change now."

My phone sounded with the tone letting me know that I had a text, then it sounded several more times. I was getting scared now, as usually when it sounded several times in a row like that, it usually meant that it was the guys who had been bullying me texting something shitty to my phone.

"Who's that?" my dad asked looking at my phone that was on the coffee table.

"It's nothing," I said reaching for the phone, but my dad got it first.

"Dad it's really fine," I said hoping he'd give my phone back to me, but he looked at what was on the screen, and his face got red.

"What the hell is this!" he said in his normal speaking voice, but he was pissed.

He read what was on the screen, and it was a text calling me a Fagot, then two other messages said the usual about me deserving to be beaten up for being a sick pervert, then the last one closed with saying that I should just kill myself.

"Tyler this isn't okay at all!" my dad said with complete alarm in his voice. "How long has this been going on? This isn't the first time this has happened is it?"

"No," I said as my dad put the phone back down on the coffee table.

"Is that what you wanted to talk to me about this past weekend when you called me?" he asked.

"That, and everything else we had just finished talking about," I replied. "There was also something else I wanted to talk to you about, but didn't feel comfortable based on how most of the conversation was going at that point."

"I had no right to talk to you like I did last weekend, nor did I have the right to say all of what I had said," my dad went on. "What was the other thing you wanted to talk to me about?"

I told him about how I had been seconds from killing myself until Devin's call basically saved my life, and my dad looked like someone had knocked the wind out of him, then he looked horrified then deeply sad. He held me for a long time, and I didn't cry this time, as I must have gotten it all out of my system. It just felt good to have my dad home and his arms around me at that moment.

"I know I've said this several times, but I really am so sorry for that last thing you told me, as well as for everything else," he said. "You don't have to go through any of this alone now, and I'll never leave you alone to go through any of that or anything heavy like that by yourself ever again. I promise you that."

"Thank you dad," I said as we sat there with our arms wrapped around one another.

"You're welcome Tyler," he replied. "I know I haven't done a good job at all for a while of showing it, but I really do love you. You're my son, and I don't ever want to lose you!"

"I love you too dad!" I said as we held each other tightly for a long while.

We separated, and just sat beside one another, and my dad spoke.

"I don't know exactly where to go from here, but I want to see if I can find a counselor for you to see who can help you with everything that has been going on," he said. "Yeah, I know I've been dismissive about counseling and stuff like that in the past, and calling it "Dismissive" is being kind. The point is, that things need to change around here as I said. I think that getting someone you can talk to who has experience helping with things like what you're dealing with is a start. I'm thinking I need to talk to someone as well, because I really haven't been happy with how I've been lately, especially with how I've treated you."

"Thanks," I replied. "I'm glad to hear you say all of that, and I think talking to someone might help me as well. I hope you can find someone who can help you with whatever the things are that you want to work on as well."

"Thanks," my dad responded. "So do I."

We hugged for a long moment, and after calling Devin to let him know that I was going to be staying the rest of the weekend at my dad's house, and letting him know that my dad was home we finished the call, then my dad and I went in to the kitchen to get started on fixing dinner. I was glad to have finally talked to my dad about everything, and was even more happy to know that he still loved me and would work on changing to do better with being there for me.

Author's Notes

I hope you all have enjoyed this chapter,. I definitely wanted to have Tyler and his dad have a conversation in which everything was brought out in to the open, and I definitely plan to work on improving things for their relationship, so keep an eye out for that. All that being said, I hope everyone is staying safe, having a good evening and I'll see everyone in Chapter 13.

Next: Chapter 13

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