The Boy with the Emerald Eyes

By James Heady

Published on Jan 19, 2022


The Boy With the Emerald Eyes By James


This is a story which deals with sexual/romantic situations between teenaged males. Should you not be of the legal age to read such material, or if you're offended by such stories then please find something else to read. This story also will contain scenes of violence, instances of Hate Speech and at times possibly scenes dealing with or dialogue concerning rape. If those themes disturb anyone who reads this story, then I urge them to find something else to read as well.

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Finally, if anyone would like to contact me regarding this story, I can be reached at I respond to all e-mails, but flames and other e-mails that are, or that I suspect are trolling or flaming in nature will be ignored.

The Boy With the Emerald Eyes

Chapter 20


I sat at dinner with Dakota, Tyler and Devin on a Friday night in late October. We had been out checking out various Metal Albums at the record store where Dakota had bought his album by Toque Profundo that we had listened to when we started getting to know one another. We definitely enjoyed the selection of Rock and Metal that they had at this particular store, and I was glad to see that they had all of the albums by various Metal Groups such as those by Dimmu Borgir, Skalmold, Arkona and Bloody Hammers.

"I still need to get Bloody Hammer's latest album," Tyler said. "I haven't had a chance to get it yet, but didn't have money to buy it tonight and still have enough for dinner."

"It's a really good one," I added.

"I love it's name," Dakota chimed in. "Songs of Unspeakable Terror is definitely an intimidating title for that album."

"I agree," Devin said. "I've been really enjoying their music for a while myself, and I'd love to blast that one song Under Satan's Son from the album of the same name at one of the Catholic Churches sometime. You know, just to help them get more diverse musical interests."

We all laughed hard at that one.

"Under Satan's Son was the first album by Bloody Hammers I bought when I heard them for the first time last year," Dakota said.

"I'm glad you got a chance to check them out," I added.

"So am I," Dakota went on.

After we finished dinner, we returned to Dakota's house to hang for a bit before Tyler and Devin returned to Devin's house for the evening. They would be spending the weekend together, and they had gotten even closer. They had also told us a few days ago about how they've been exploring things with one another. Dakota and I told them that we were happy for them, and wished them well.

As we sat in Dakota's room, I sat on the edge of Dakota's bed as he situated himself so he could lay down full-length, and Devin was in the kitchen getting us drinks, and I watched Tyler as he sat there on the edge of the bed beside me with a place to his right for Devin to sit down once he returned.

As I sat there watching Tyler, I remembered about how he had since told us about being close to wanting to take his own life, as well as how he was doing better now, especially with the counseling he was doing once a week. I was glad that he was doing good with everything, and I hope that continued for him, as well as I hoped that things worked out for him and Devin where ever things went with them.

Devin came back with the drinks, and he sat down in the spot that Tyler saved for him.

"Thanks for saving a spot for me," he said once he opened his lemonade.

"You're welcome," Tyler replied as he took a drink of his own lemonade.

Both of them had that, while I had an apple cider, and Dakota was content to just lay there, and wasn't thirsty at the moment.

"Are you sure that you don't want me to get something for you?" I asked turning to face my boyfriend.

"What I'm thirsty for isn't in the fridge," he answered smirking at me.

"You had to go there didn't you?" I said smiling

"Damn right," he responded.

"I figure I know what you guys will be doing tonight," Tyler said laughing.

"Have fun," Devin added.

"I know we will," I answered.

"We always do," Dakota said.

We talked a little while longer, then Devin and Tyler said goodbye, then left to go back home for the night.

Once in our room for the evening, we snuggled in to bed. We had just said goodnight to Sarah and Tanner, then got a shower. It was nice to lay in one another's arms, and as I lay there, Dakota rested his head on my chest, and I just enjoyed holding his smooth warm body against me. He was warm as well as soft, and I loved how he smelled. I always loved his sent, also after his shower.

By now he was sleeping soundly in my arms, and I fell asleep as well enjoying his warmth that surrounded me.


The camp sat in a dark part of the forest outside of the city of Sangger, and a huge fence surrounded the property. The camp was for so-called troubled teens, and the boy had been there for most of 2021. He had been sent there by his father, but it wasn't out of anything the boy had done wrong, but more as a way to shut him up. The boy's father figured that if he could show a couple of the problematic things he had done wrong, then that would convince everyone that the boy deserved to be there, and not only that, but hopefully it would obscure what his father had done to him that caused part of his behavioral issues in the first place.

Within the camp, there were four floors to the building, and within the basement the boy was held. He was in a tiny concrete cell, and there was a heavy metal door that kept him locked in. The cell was lit with only a dim yellow bulb, and the whole cell was windowless, including the door that kept him trapped within.

The only things in the cell with the boy were a metal bunk with the thinnest of foam Mattresses, and a thin sheet, hardly warm enough for the coming cold weather.

There was also a toilet, as well as a sink that put out only cold water. The shower was up on the first floor, and was communal much to the horror of the boy. He was always afraid that someone would try to jump him in the shower and do things he couldn't stand to name, not even in his own head. When he tried to tell a staff member in private what he was afraid of, the staff member told all of the staff, and then they all made sure to tell the kids, and thus his fear was used against him, and in one of the group sessions, the adult in charge of running groups for that particular day had two of the bigger boys reenact parts of what the boy had told them about when he thought the staff member wouldn't say anything. That had happened about three days after he had been taken to whatever this place was, and he remembered coming here in early January.

It had been a true Hell on Earth, and he had made up his mind that he was going to escape. He thought about this within the last couple of months, and even more so over the last couple of weeks. He was just trying to figure out a plan,. He knew he couldn't trust any of the kids nor any of the adults to help him, or to keep quiet about what he was wanting to do, so he knew that he was on his own.

As the boy lay there on his bunk, he thought back over his time there. He knew for sure, and didn't need a place like this to know that he hadn't lived a good life for a while, and hadn't been good for a very long time. In the last few months of 2020, he had thought more and more about the choices he had made, especially the kids he had beaten up, verbally abused and mercilessly harassed for being LGBT. He had been thinking about everything, even more so since he didn't have his friend there who would only reinforce his bad behavior and bad actions.

While he continued lying there, the boy thought about how he had hurt one boy in particular, and this was the one that haunted him especially. He had made up his mind to start making things right around December of 2020, and he was in the process of finding the one boy to go and apologize to him, but before that could happen, his dad got pissed at him because of him forgetting to clean his room, so in an absolute rage, his dad grabbed a hammer and smashed his computer, and the only other computer was the one that his dad used for work, and it was locked up in the trunk of the car, and the boy couldn't get to it.

Then by the time the boy had plans to go to the library to find the other boy's contact information, it was now January, and he had been taken to where he was now, and it was the second day of January when he was taken. Even while he was here, he still thought about working on making things right with those he hurt, especially the boy who he hurt badly, or at least who he helped to hurt badly, and for all he knew was probably dead by now.

The boy's thoughts were interrupted at this point when he heard the scrapings in the walls, as well as the loud squeaking along with the sounds of the walls being chewed on. He had heard those noises since he had been in this room, and he hoped that they would go away. He also hoped that it was the staff playing a trick on him, then he heard the wall crack next to the cell door on his left.

"Rats!" the boy thought in his head horrified!

He could see a couple of cracks form in the wall, then a hole begin taking shape, and then movement. A triangular head poked it's way through the hole, and he saw the snout, as well as the whiskers as red eyes watched him!

The hole widened even more, then the rat jumped down and in to the cell.

"No!" the boy screamed in his head, and hoped the rat would stay where it was!

He had remembered the very first time he had encountered a rat when he was six years old, and he tried to keep those memories away from his consciousness!

As he sat up slowly, he watched the rat who was intently watching him, and he was deeply afraid. He also thought even more about how to escape this place. He knew that he hadn't been a nice person by any means, but he wasn't understanding how this place was supposed to help him at all. He failed to see how this place would help him get in contact with those he had hurt to apologize to them, and make things right.



Over that weekend Dakota and I visited with Devin and Tyler on Saturday for the day then they returned back home later that afternoon, then that evening we had dinner with Sarah and Tanner. It was nice to enjoy their company for a while, and once in our room for the evening, Dakota and I got a shower, then got in to bed. We were just in our boxers, and we lay there kissing gently, then Dakota moved me so that I was on my back.

"I want to make you feel really good before we go to sleep for the night," he said as he helped me off with my boxers.

"I want that as well!" I replied as I watched as my lover put my boxers on the floor beside the bed.

Once I helped him off with his, we began rubbing our cocks together while passionately kissing, then Dakota began licking, sucking and kissing his way down my chest making sure to suck and gently bight on each of my nipples! It felt so good! Then he used his mouth on my stomach, sides then I moved so that I was on my stomach, and he covered my back in hot wet kisses, then after helping me on to my back again, he went down on my cock making it feel amazing in his hot wet mouth!

"Oh fuck yeah Dakota!" I yelled. "That feels so fucking amazing!"

I came in no time, exploding in to his hot sucking mouth, then I repeated everything he had done to me.

"That's so good Caleb!" he yelled as I began licking and sucking on his cum-filled balls.

I sucked him to a earth-shattering orgasm, then we lay there kissing and caressing each other afterwards.

"I'm glad you enjoyed that," Dakota said as he kissed me again.

"Me too," I replied. "I'm glad you enjoyed everything we did as well."

"Thanks," he answered. "So am I."

"You're my special treasure Dakota," I said as I looked deeply in to his eyes. "I truly treasure every moment we spend together. I love the times when we spend talking and doing different things, as well as the times when we make love with one another."

"I love that too, all of it Caleb!" Dakota responded. "You mean everything to me."

"You mean everything to me as well Dakota!" I answered.

We kissed one last time, then fell asleep in one another's arms secure in one another's love!

Author's Notes

You're probably wondering who the boy is who's locked up in the prison in the middle of this chapter. All of you will find out soon, and I think you'll be surprised. Also, I hope all of you enjoyed the scenes between Caleb and Dakota, as well as when they hung out with Devin and Tyler in the beginning of this chapter.

All that being said, I hope everyone is staying safe, and that everyone is having a good evening. I'll see everyone in Chapter 21.

Next: Chapter 21

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