The Boy with the Emerald Eyes

By James Heady

Published on Mar 22, 2022


The Boy With the Emerald Eyes By James


This is a story which deals with sexual/romantic situations between teenaged males. Should you not be of the legal age to read such material, or if you're offended by such stories then please find something else to read. This story also will contain scenes of violence, instances of Hate Speech and at times possibly scenes dealing with or dialogue concerning rape. If those themes disturb anyone who reads this story, then I urge them to find something else to read as well.

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The Boy With the Emerald Eyes

Chapter 29


Things were going well with sports, and true to his word, Coach Smith looked out for myself, as well as for Devin and Tyler. He also looked out for Sam who was becoming a good friend to all of us. Micah and Eric had a different Gym Class as well as a different class schedule for their other classes as well, so weren't in any of the classes we were in, but all the same I heard from the two of them that Coach was keeping an eye out on their behalf which was nice to know.

Things where the Gay-Straight Alliance were concerned weren't going very well. Principal Howard who was definitely becoming a pain in the ass for all of us, as well as the parents was raising objections about what if the GSA being given more ability to function could cause kids to bully those who were in it. He said this at a meeting that myself and some of the other students had with him, and when my parents along with Tanner as well as Devin's parents and Tyler's dad tried to bring up the issue, Mr. Howard basically said that the issue was closed, and that unless we were going to take full responsibility for any problems that happened, then as far as he was concerned there would be no GSA, and worst he wanted to know the names of those who would be joining it. Obviously he knew about Dakota, Tyler, Devin and I being out about who we are, but the idea was that we along with various straight kids could be there for one another, and make it a safe place for LGBT kids who didn't feel safe to come out to staff or any other kids at the school. Telling Principal Howard about any kids we knew of who were LGBT would not only make it hard for them to possibly trust us again, but it would out them, but not just out them but it would out them to a man who I was slowly coming to believe only had his own interests in mind, the interest of the kids and of the school be damned.

Matt and Ben, the two bullies I stood up to in Gym Class a couple of weeks ago were getting to be more of a problem outside of Gym Class. Ben, the larger of the two tried to block my way to my locker one day after school a few days after I gave him and Matt a piece of my mind that day in Gym, then after I told him I'd find Coach Smith, only then did he move out of the way. Then a couple of days later Matt came up to me as I was washing my hands in the restroom, and with a mean smile on his face, he asked if I wouldn't mind helping him take some stress off, and he pointed at my mouth, then at the zipper of his pants. I told him to Fuck off, then left the restroom as quickly as I could. When I told Dakota about it that afternoon when we walked home from school, he looked back at me, and rather than seeing a look of annoyance in his eyes, I saw concern as well as fear.

"What?" I asked as I walked behind him holding on to the back of his chair.

"I really am worried, and am getting more so every day when it comes to those two," Dakota said as he continued looking back at me. "We got lucky with Sam changing, but honestly, those two remind me of Adam, but they seem much more hardened than he did."

"I don't think they'll do anything," I said. "I mean, at least I don't think they'll try anything further with me, and I hope they won't try to do anything to you."

"So do I," Dakota responded.

We walked along talking of other things, but what Dakota said still stuck in my mind. I hoped that we could deal with Matt and Ben before anything got out of control.


Tanner watched as the last of the boxes were cleared out of the basement of the Goldstein Center. He and Christopher were both watching as the movers picked up the last three boxes, and loaded them on the cart they were using, then Christopher helped them wheel everything out to the elevator, then up to the first floor where it would be taken away. Tanner was happy as was Christopher with how things were coming along with the center.



On Thursday of that same week, I had another run-in with both Matt and Ben. They cornered me in one of the empty stairwells that was further back in the building where few staff or students walked. I had been walking that way to go down to the Gym, and that's when they both came out of the stairwell nearest the rarely used back entrance of the building.

Matt came along-side my right, and Ben came up in front of me. He looked at me, and smirked.

"I don't have anything to say to you, neither of you," I said sharply to them.

"That's not being very friendly," Matt said.

"You should be acting a little more respectful," Ben said. "We could take you on, and we both between the two of us could really fuck you up."

"I said I have nothing to say to either of you!" I said raising my voice.

Ben grabbed me by the arm, and he pulled me towards the stairwell.

"Watch your mouth Fag," he shot back.

"Get your fucking hand off me!" I said pulling free of him.

Matt grabbed my right arm, and he shoved me hard.

"Get the fuck over there you disgusting little Fagot!" Matt growled. "I'm not fucking around with you!"

Ben was on the other side of me pulling me, and his grip was hurting now! My anger was slowly turning to anxiety, and as Matt pushed me harder, and I got closer to the stairwell which was dimly lit, my anxious feelings were now giving way to fear! I was scared now, and I struggled not to show it!

Ben slammed me up against the wall, and Matt held me there. I tried to break free, but Ben raised his fist and punched me hard in the jaw on the right side, then punched me in the nose, and I felt blood flowing now!

"You really think you're something around this fucking dump you call a school don't you!" Ben said close to my face. "You're not something around here you fucking pervert! You're a fucking disgrace, a filthy pervert as well as a despicable Fagot! You're nothing! You're a fucking piece of shit, and you wouldn't be missed if anything happened to you, not by me, and not by Matt!"

"He's right Fag," Matt agreed. "Those other little Queers, and that fucked up Retarded freak in that wheelchair might miss you, but Ben and I know what a disgusting degenerate pervert you really are!"

"We're just trying to knock you off that little pedestal everyone seems to have you on Caleb," Ben said.

"Watch your back you fucking freak," Matt added.

Just then we all three heard a door slam somewhere in the distance, and they were running away faster than I had seen anyone run in a long time. I was now trying to wipe the blood from my face, and I too ran. I ran to the Gym, and found Coach Smith in his office, and he looked up with a look of shock on his face when he saw the state I was in at that moment!

"What happened to your face!" he said completely horrified.

He got up from his desk, and was around to where I stood within seconds! He had me hold my face up so he could examine it closer, then he walked with me to the nurse's station.

On the way there, I told him what had happened. His face reddened, and I didn't know what to expect next.

"Caleb this isn't okay!" he said as we walked along. "Do you have any idea where those two kids went? They didn't come by my office, so I don't know where they went. Knowing them, they probably are cutting my class coming up, and given what they just did to you, I'm fine with that at this point!"

"I don't know where they could have gone," I answered. "To be honest though, I really don't care where they went."

Once the nurse looked me over, and gave me ice for both my jaw and my nose, Coach called my parents, and at that point it was decided that I would be going home for the rest of the day thus skipping Gym Class, but obviously for different reasons than Ben and Matt.

After my parents arrived at the school, they took me with them to meet with Principal Howard. That meeting was total Bullshit, and after about two minutes of Howard telling me that I should have tried to get away even after I told him the whole story, my dad was the one to give him a piece of his mind. Howard finished what he was saying, and my dad was up, and he slammed his fists down on the desk making a vase of flowers jump almost knocking it over.

"Now you listen to me you fucking useless bully-enabling Cock Sucker!" he said, and he now grabbed Howard by the collar of his shirt and holding on tight. "Hear this you useless Bastard! You see here, you and my wife and I, we're fucking done here! You're going to do something about this! You will hold those two boys accountable, and only them accountable for what they did, and you will also stop blaming the kids for what is being done to them! You'll fucking do this, and you're fucking lucky that I don't just break your disgusting fat-ass face in to a million little pieces right here, and right now!"

"You could lose your license for'''," Howard said with some difficulty, as my dad now had his hands around his throat.

"Threaten me if you will," my dad said in a low and dark tone I hadn't ever heard come out of him before that point. "Go ahead Asshole! I'll see you six-feet-under before the fucking moon has a chance to make an appearance in the sky tonight! Do you fucking understand me!"

He let go of Howard's neck, and he sat down hard, and rubbed at the marks on his neck which were slowly bruising badly.

"You've crossed a line here Mr.'''," Howard started to say, and my dad leaned over him.

"That's not the fucking answer I'm looking for," my dad said in that same hateful tone of voice.

"Alright! Fine!" Howard almost yelled in total fear and intimidation. "I'll do the best I can for Caleb."

"If anything happens to our son or to his friends because of your continuing lack of holding bullies accountable," my mom began now stepping close to him and standing along-side my father now. "I'll personally destroy you myself! Also, this meeting didn't happen!"

Howard immediately understood what she was saying. In short, she was letting him know that if he told anyone, particularly those in positions of authority that my parents had threatened him with violence, and if it got back to my dad or mom's bosses, then they could face professional consequences, and they were clearly making sure that Howard wasn't going to try anything like that. He looked scared enough, so I figured that he wouldn't try to retaliate. I then stood to confront him myself.

"You and the adults above us kids, not just in this school, but in society have a responsibility to make this society safe for us so that if we come out, or try to be ourselves, then we can do that because we want to, not because we're having to come out first and foremost to make a political or social statement!" I began. "I came out a couple of weeks ago to my whole Gym Class, and for all I know Ben and Matt will continue to try to do harm to me for that. They've had it in for me since I came out to the class, and I did that in order so that I could stand up for my LGBT brothers and sisters, as well as for myself. I put my own safety, as well as the safety of Tyler and Devin, as well as Dakota in possible danger with that decision, and all because it in the end had to fall on my shoulders! Why, because you and the other disgusting excuses for adults above us both in this school, as well as out in society could care less about LGBT Rights, and when you do care it's only after someone like Matthew Shepard has their brains falling out of their smashed in head, or when a kid is going through school being slammed in to a row of lockers while their attackers call them a Fagot or some other such hateful names!

Then you have those who after all of the bullying through which they're made to endure, they attempt or possibly even die by suicide, then you're all so fucking sorry aren't you! You all wish there was something you could have done! You wish that it didn't have to happen, and why didn't the bullied kid ever speak up! Guess what you nasty-ass Mother Fucker, they have been saying something; we have been saying something! You've chosen to not listen!

I should have been able to come out only for the reason of choosing to do it of my own free will, as well as because I knew I was in a safe environment to do so, not to possibly put my life in danger and use my coming out to make a statement because of the fact that the adults above us did little to make our society better for us who are LGBT, so that there was little choice but for it to fall on my shoulders, my shoulders, the shoulders of someone who is a 15-year-old boy who should be able to trust the adults around me to deal with Anti-LGBT hate within our society and within our school before it ever would have had to get to what happened a couple of weeks ago.

You've failed me, as well as the other kids in this school, especially those who are LGBT. You even failed Matt, Ben and Sam, and fortunately Sam is changing for the better. We have another friend named Eric who helped the guy Adam who had tried to kill my boyfriend Dakota the year before. There were warning signs with Adam at his school as well. No one took them seriously though until Dakota was falling through Adam's Balcony door to an almost certain death! That event that happened to Dakota wasn't due to any unalterable law of nature, but due to the complete lack of care, accountability and sense of obligation people like you show to us every day!

Adam is in prison for a huge chunk of his life, and Eric did the bad things he did due to no one ever stepping in before it ever had to get to that point! Ben and Matt could go down the same road as Adam, and while I'm so fucking angry with Adam for what he did to Dakota, and especially pissed at Matt and Ben, I still feel some sadness for them. I say that because I can't help but wonder why no one tried to step in before they got to the point of doing the things they've done! Why did adults step in only after they did what they did, and only after Dakota and myself have had to be put through what we were put through! My dad is right, you're a fucking disgrace to this school, to the Education System and to this city!"

Howard looked coldly at me, and I had heard of people describe a person looking at them with "Dead Eyes", and they'd sometimes talk about how unnerving it was to behold. I didn't quite know what they meant at the time, but as I stood there with Principal Howard looking at me, he faced me with those very dead eyes of which others have spoken before!

"Get out of my school," he said flatly, but also with a cold edge returning to his voice. "I'll see you back here tomorrow, and maybe then we can get back to normal."

My mom grabbed my hand, and the three of us turned, and left Principal Howard's office. I walked in between my parents trying not to think of what would come next!

Author's Notes

You're probably seeing that something's coming to a head, and you're correct. Things are coming to a climax between the boys and Mat and Ben. I'm sure you'll all be surprised to see what happens next.

As to what Caleb said to Principal Howard in the above-written chapter, this is something that society needs to start thinking about. Our society has been conditioned by various feel-good Bullshit stories in the Mainstream Media to believe in the kid who goes above and beyond. When we're given a story about a 7-year-old who is selling Lemonade to pay for extra money for his or her family, people are so quick to talk about how brave and how mature that child is for their age. Then there's the LGBT kid who might right now be coming out to their class in an effort to stand in defense of their fellow LGBT brothers and sisters, possibly putting their life in danger from those in the class who might later on try to corner them and harm them further. That hypothetical story while celebrated mainly by Liberals who eat that trash up like Magots feasting on the most liquified decomposing animal carcass, should really be a story which we as a society should be questioning!

Rather than talking about how brave that 7-year-old child is for trying to sell enough lemonade to pay for extra food for their family, we should be asking why this is. We should be asking why in a country that has more than enough money, food and other resources for everyone, is it the case that a small 7-year-old child has to do what the adults should be doing above them, and why it is that the people above them either can't or won't do what they need to do to meet the needs of their family so that it gets to the point of said child having to practically inter the work force years before they're legally allowed to do so. We should also be asking why it has been allowed to get to the point that an LGBT teenager has to come out in school before they're either ready to do so, or when it's possibly unsafe for them to do so, and they do it anyway because of the enaction of the adults above them who refused to do anything about the problematic social climate so that this was their only option.

Caleb's coming out as he did shouldn't have had to have happened because of the enabling of bullying by adults who were clearly more concerned with business as usual, and it's amazing how adults care about the kids only after something has gotten to a dangerous point. I'm hoping that as I write the coming chapters regarding this issue, that this can help with working further towards changing these problems, and that LGBT kids in society and in our schools can come out, but only when they're ready as well as just to be able to be themselves, and not to come out for a political statement.

I hope everyone has a good evening, and I hope everyone is staying safe. I'll see everyone in Chapter 30.

Next: Chapter 30

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