The Boy with the Emerald Eyes

By James Heady

Published on Apr 1, 2022


The Boy With the Emerald Eyes By James


This is a story which deals with sexual/romantic situations between teenaged males. Should you not be of the legal age to read such material, or if you're offended by such stories then please find something else to read. This story also will contain scenes of violence, instances of Hate Speech and at times possibly scenes dealing with or dialogue concerning rape. If those themes disturb anyone who reads this story, then I urge them to find something else to read as well.

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Finally, if anyone would like to contact me regarding this story, I can be reached at I respond to all e-mails, but flames and other e-mails that are, or that I suspect are trolling or flaming in nature will be ignored.

The Boy With the Emerald Eyes

Chapter 32


Saturday morning of that weekend was bright and sunny, and while I looked out the window, I listened to Devin as he got dressed. He had to go home suddenly, as his family had to go and stay with his Grandmother who was sick. She had gotten sick that night before, and they had agreed to let us sleep through the night, and call to have Devin come back home that Saturday as he was preparing to do now.

"I'll miss you while you're gone," I said as I held on to him, and we shared several long kisses.

"I'll miss you too babe," Devin answered.

"I love you," I said as we kissed once more.

"I love you too," he replied back. "Always remember that."

"I will," I responded.

"Are you feeling better from how you were feeling last night?" he asked.

"I'm feeling a little better," I answered. "I don't know what that was about, but I'll be alright."

"Good," he answered.

We kissed once again, then he left, and I was at the house by myself while my dad was out taking care of things he needed to do. I then went about the task of finding something to do for the day until either the rest of my friends could get together with me, or until my dad got home.



Dakota and I were dressed for the day, and after cleaning up the house, it was almost noon. While Dakota did a few clean-up tasks on his laptop, I was busy with a call from Tyler.

He told me about how Devin had to go back home so he and his parents could go visit his sick Grandmother, and after I put the phone on speaker, Dakota told him that he was sorry to hear about Devin's Grandmother, and sorry to hear that Tyler was at the house by himself. I added that I was sorry to hear it as well, and then Dakota asked me about if Tyler could come over, and after we both asked Tyler, he agreed. He then went to check with his dad, and it was set.

The three of us decided to go bowling, and once there we ended up running in to Eric and Micah. It was nice to see them, and we joined them. We had fun, and it was just nice to be there among friends for that moment.



After we finished bowling, and decided to go back home to get lunch, we saw once back at my house, that there wasn't much in the fridge, so Eric offered to go and get stuff for sandwiches, and I offered to go with him.

"That would be nice to have you along,!" Eric agreed. "That is, if it's alright with Caleb?"

"It's alright with me," Caleb said as he hugged both of us, then kissed me.

We left, and I wheeled myself along while Eric walked beside me so we could talk without me having to turn my head around in an uncomfortable position to look at him.

While walking along, we talked about how school was going for both of us, and once we got to the store, we got everything we needed, but then they had to get more meat from the back which would take a long time since there was a huge line at the counter already. Eric and I decided to sit outside, and the guy said he'd come out to get us when it was ready. The door leading outside was only a few steps away from the counter, so it wasn't a problem for us to sit where we were.

"You've really become a good friend," I said as I sat on the bench beside Eric. "I'm really proud of all the work you've done to change, and better yourself."

"Thanks," Eric said as we hugged. "I'm happy I did the work to start changing, and I'm really glad I've changed. I truly am happy that I no longer live as I had been, and I won't ever allow myself to fall back in to that old life again!"

"I believe you," I answered. "I consider you a true friend, and I'm glad to have you in my life!"

"Thanks," he replied. "That really means a lot Dakota!"

"You're welcome," I answered.

"Also, I know I haven't told you much about it completely, Eric began. "But Micah and I are together. We've been boyfriends for a few weeks now, and he really is the love of my life!"

"I know earlier when you first came back around that you and him were becoming friends, and you said that you guys seemed to have developed a strong connection, but this is really good to hear!" I responded. "I'm really happy for you Eric! I'm really happy for the both of you!"

"Thanks Dakota!" he said.

"You're welcome!" I replied.

Once we got the meat, we headed back home, and back to enjoy our lunch among our friends.



I sat across the room from where Tyler lay sprawled out across Dakota's and my bed. He lay on his back, and his arms were out to the side, and his legs were casually lying apart as well with his shoes and socks off. While the pose appeared relaxed, I knew he wasn't. When Eric and Dakota left, I sat at the kitchen table while Tyler stood beside me. I could tell from the look on his face that something was bothering him, and when I asked him if he wanted to talk about it, he agreed and asked if we could go to Dakota's and my room which we did. Micah said he would wait in the kitchen since he had a few texts to send anyway.

"So you're still not sure what's worrying you about Devin?" I asked.

"I mean, there was the worry about when we go off to college," Tyler replied. "I think that was only part of it though, or maybe a distraction from what the real thing is. I just can't shake the feeling that my boyfriend and best friend is in trouble! Do you think I sound crazy?"

"No," I answered looking directly in to his eyes. "I don't believe that. If you are sensing something, then there's probably something to it. Have you told anyone else besides Devin about what you're feeling?"

"No," Tyler said. "My dad has been busy, and I figured that I could talk to you and my other friends first. I'm not worried about talking to my dad about what I'm feeling, but just not yet."

"I understand," I responded.

"I just wish I could figure out what's going on," Tyler said closing his eyes.

"I hope we can help you figure it out as well," I replied.

"Thanks for listening Caleb," he said as he sat up, and came over to hug me.

"You're welcome," I answered. "Anytime."

Lunch was good. We had Corn Beef Sandwiches, Potato Salad and chips for lunch, and we enjoyed one another's company while we ate. Tyler seemed to be feeling better at that point, and after lunch he said goodbye to us, and Eric and Micah left to go back home where they could enjoy some time alone with one another as well..

"Alone at last!" I said as I lay on Dakota's and my bed once the door closed behind Tyler, Micah and Eric. "I'd love to just cuddle with you under the covers for a while."

"I'd love that as well!" Dakota answered.

We removed our clothes, and got under the covers. We lay in one another's arms, and the warmth of our bodies pressing against each other calmed me, and I could tell that it was having the same effect on Dakota as well.

"I love you Dakota," I said as we kissed several times.

"I love you too Caleb," he replied, then kissed my neck a couple of times, then rested his head on my chest.

We lay like that for a few minutes, and Dakota was the first to fall asleep. I lay awake for a long time thinking over what Tyler had told me.

It was disturbing, and I hoped that his unsubstantiated feelings remained just that, and that nothing was going to happen to him and Devin.

Soon though, I was fast asleep with Dakota wrapped in my arms, and I slept good while we lay in each other's arms under the covers on that cold Winter day.



Micah and I entered the house, and it was nice and warm. I closed and locked the door, and after Micah and I got our shoes and socks off, we went to our room where we undressed and got a really nice shower which was warm, and made us forget all about the cold. We didn't play around in the shower, but once back in bed, we did a long and slow 69, and then made out for a long time afterwards. Once back in one another's arms though, we shared a couple of gentle kisses, then I looked in to Micah's eyes.

"I love you Micah," I said as he kissed my cheek.

"I love you too Eric," he answered. "You're truly the love of my life, and I'm so glad we came in to one another's lives!"

"I feel the same way about you as well!" I answered. "You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, and I'm grateful for every moment we get to spend with each other!"

"I feel the same way!" Micah replied.

"I'm glad to hear that," I said. "And just so you know, I intend to be boyfriends with you for a very long time. I want us together for the long hall, and I don't want anyone else but you."

"I'm really happy to hear you say that!" Micah said. "I feel the same way, and I'm also going to do everything I can to keep us together for always! I'm sure there are a lot of guys out there who are really nice, but none of them are you, and you're the one I love and treasure!"

"I love, and treasure you as well!" I responded. "No guy has ever made me feel like you've made me feel Micah, and I fall in love with you more and more every day that goes by as we're together!"

"I fall in love with you more and more every day we're together as well Eric!" Micah replied. "You mean everything to me, and I'd do anything for you!"

"I'd do anything for you too my love!" I answered.

We kissed again, and fell asleep in each other's arms after I covered us both up.


The fumes got stronger as the last bit of fluid was emptied out of the can, and the desk, computer, printer and papers were soaked in gasoline. Three more cans were emptied in the waiting room, then four more cans of gas were dumped all over the outside, and splattered on the walls of the building, then two more cans were emptied in several more offices.

"There, that should do it," Matt said as he waited for Ben to come out to get the flame thrower they brought.

"You want to light it up, or should I?" Ben asked as he came up to Matt.

"You can do it," Matt said.

"Good!" Ben said. "Time for this Bitch to burn to the fucking ground! See how these Fags like their Goldstein Center once it's been sent straight to Hell like they all should be. Goldstein, what a fucking generic Filthy Jew name."

"Yeah, I know right?" Matt agreed.

Matt and Ben had been planning the vandalism of the Goldstein Center right around the second time of walking past it on their way to school just a few weeks ago once they started school at Sangger High. Fueling their anger that pushed them to want to burn down the center after that second time of walking past it, was also the fact that it was shortly after they had their run-in with Caleb and didn't get him to cower down to them like they had with other kids they pushed around. So they spent the last few days planning their crime, and since it was almost 6:00 P.M. that Saturday night, and after they had their dinners, they went out to do it. Getting away from their families had been easy since they told them they would be at another friend's house which they would be going to after they got away once starting the fire.

Ben started up the flame thrower, and after aiming it at the walls, and aiming it at a couple of deep puddles of gas that were on the ground on either side of the building, they watched as the fire began to burn, and then the flames were so bright after a while that they were almost white. The flames were now going up high towards the sky, and now they could hear sounds. The building began creaking and groaning as it began to shift on its weakening foundation. Metal melted, and windows began blowing out in an almost musical sound of breaking glass, and parts of the building that were wood began falling in making a loud crashing sound.

Now whole sections of the building were falling in, and Matt and Ben backed up several steps as the front of the building began to move. They need not have worried though, for the front of the structure was falling in on itself in huge flames that leaped up in to the sky as if trying to set the stars aflame!

"Fuck yeah!" Matt screamed as he turned to run.

"Fuck all you dirty Fags and you slimy diseased Jews!" Ben yelled as they both now ran from the building with the bags clamped in their hands in which the empty gas cans and the flame thrower were held.

During the course of the events in which Matt and Ben carried out their crime, they made sure that no one saw them, and they also used gloves while soaking everything in gasoline, as well as when Ben operated the flame thrower, so none of their finger prints would be on anything that could link them to the crime. They also would dump the empty gas cans, as well as the flame thrower and the gloves in the river before heading back to Matt's house, and they took care of that now. As far as they were concerned, their crime came off without any problems at all.



The hallway was cold, and lit with a dim bulb every few feet giving it a sinister feel. It was also cold in the hallway, and I felt a sense of profound evil as I continued running. I had been looking for Devin, but couldn't remember how or why we had gotten separated, but I had a sense that I needed to look in the area in which I was running now.

As I kept running, it felt as if the hallway was getting longer the faster I ran towards what I hoped was the end of it. As I got closer at one point, I saw a dark-blue door, and as I reached for it the passage elongated about three feet, then as I neared the door again, it grew to 10 feet, then to almost 100 feet! Finally I reached the door, and by this time my heart was pounding, and I was soaked with sweat despite the deathly cold air in the hallway in which I found myself!

I grabbed hold of the door knob, and as I held on to turn it, I felt that sense of darkness and evil grow stronger! I felt deep and powerful dread as I prepared myself to turn the nob to face what was on the other side of the door, and part of me wanted to turn and run the other way.

"If you turn that nob," a voice on the other side of the door said. "There will be no going back, and things will never be the same."

"Who are you!" I screamed. "Where's Devin! I need to find him!"

"Sure you need to find him," the voice said. "Everyone has a "Need" for something. That doesn't make the need right all the time though now does it?"

"I don't know what you're talking about!" I yelled. "I just need to find Devin."

"So you've said," the voice went on. "When you do find him, things will change though. You should probably seriously consider that though."

I turned the nob, and the door opened. I went in, and saw a shadow standing off to the right side, and I figured that this was the shadow to whom the voice belonged with whom I had been conversing a moment ago.

"Glad you could make it," the voice said from the shadow.

"Why can't I see who you are?" I asked.

"You can't seem to deal with any type of ambiguity," the voice answered. "You don't need to know who I am, nor do you need to see me. You just need to find Devin. Don't worry, he didn't suffer, at least I don't think he did."

"What do you mean about him not suffering!" I said starting to get even more freaked out than I already was. "What did you do with him!"

"I just made life easier for him," the voice said. "He's straight ahead in the next room.

"You didn't''," I couldn't finish. "Devin!"

I ran deeper in to the room, and to my left beside the doorway the direction of which I was running, I stopped long enough to see a trashcan in which a coil of IV tubing lay. On one end was attached a bottle that had a hook on the bottom of it so that when turned up-side-down it could be hung on an IV pole so that the fluids could drip continuously down in to the tubing and in to the person's veins. At the other end was a needle streaked with blood.

"No!" I yelled starting to figure out what was going on.

I ran in to the room, and under bright OR lights sat a table on which someone lay. I looked closer, and it was Devin, and his face looked pale, almost white in the harsh lights. Beside him on the table lay another coil of tubing, this time larger at one end was attached an Anesthesia Mask, and at the other end was attached nothing, but I imagined that it hadn't been like that a moment ago.

Looking closer, I saw that his face was that dusky shade that people get in death, and I ran up to him. His skin was cold to the touch, and his eyes when I looked in to them were lifeless!

The shadowy figure was there at my side now, and I could see just a little of his face now, but not much! He looked down at me, then at Devin.

"What did you do to him!" I screamed at him as I turned to face the figure! "What the fuck did you do to Devin!"

"Like I said, I eased his life's suffering," the figure said.

"You killed him you Bastard!" I screamed. "Why!"

"Because I want to watch you suffer for always and for the rest of your degenerate life you disgusting Fagot!"

"No!" I screamed as I ran at the figure, and a huge electric shock slammed in to my body, and white light so bright that I felt like it would rip my eyes apart now surrounded me! I felt that sense of evil increase deeper until it was all consuming now, and I realized that I was falling in to total blackness!


Richard struggled to pick Tyler up off the ground. He had heard Tyler yell out a couple of times, and he figured that he was having a bad dream, and after a while there was silence, then a couple more times of him yelling out again, and Richard heard him yell Devin's name a few times, then when Richard came in to his room to try to wake him, there was no response.

Then Richard left the room to get a glass of water for Tyler in case he needed it if he could get him to wake up. As he reached for a glass, he heard a huge thud coming from Tyler's room, and then Tyler was screaming Devin's name over and over again, and yelling the word no over and over again.

As Richard ran back in to the room, he tried to wake Tyler, but Tyler was still in another area all together, and When Richard grabbed ahold of Tyler, he broke free, and was on his hands and knees crawling rapidly as if trying to get away from something or someone!

"Tyler!" Richard yelled, and now Tyler was slamming his fists on the floor hard enough so that Richard feared that he would break one of his hands. "Tyler! Wake up!"

Tyler then tried to get up to stand, and he fell hard on his side, and finally Richard did the only thing he knew to do. He grabbed Tyler tightly in his arms, and took one of his hands and twisted it hard.

"No!" Tyler screamed. "Get away from me!"

He was waking up now though, and that was hopefully a good sign.

"It's alright Tyler!" Richard said trying to calm him down. "I'm right here! I'm not going anywhere! You're safe, and I'm right here!"

"Where am I!" Tyler yelled looking around wildly, then his eyes settled on his dad's face, and he started to come back to reality.



I felt like I had been beaten badly, and my wrists hurt! My head was pounding, and I felt close to throwing up! My nightmare was still at the front of my consciousness, and it sure as Hell wasn't fading any time soon!

"Dad I feel like I'm going to throw up!" I yelled, and now he was carrying me to the restroom, and it felt like everything I had ever eaten in my life was coming out of me!

I don't remember vomiting that hard before, and it went on for several minutes.

"We're getting you to the hospital," my dad said, and I knew that there wasn't any arguing with him, not that I felt like arguing with him at that moment!

Soon the ambulance was here, and my dad rode with me as we went to the Emergency Room. As we rode along, I fell asleep and fortunately I didn't have anymore dreams for the rest of the time I was asleep during the course of my ride to the ER.

Author's Notes

By now, you probably see where I'm going with this part of the story, and that Devin is in danger from something or from someone. You're correct, but everything regarding that will be revealed in the next chapter. There will also be another unpleasant surprise facing the boys in the next chapter as well, so you will all have that to look forward to, though I don't know if looking forward to it is the best description, but you'll all see what will be happening next as the story continues on.

Also, I'm sure none of you saw it coming about the Goldstein Center being burned down, nor that Ben and Matt were the ones behind it. I surprised myself with that event I wrote in to the story, but I figured that it could be the kick-off to what comes next, and could show that the two bullies do in fact have within themselves enough rage and hate to do what they did to the center, as well as what they had done to Caleb earlier, as well as what they'll go on to do next. So keep an eye out for that, and as I always say I hope everyone is doing well. I hope also that you're all staying safe, and free from Covid, and I'll see everyone in Chapter 33.

Next: Chapter 33

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