The Boy with the Emerald Eyes

By James Heady

Published on Sep 3, 2021


The Boy With the Emerald Eyes By James


This is a story which deals with sexual/romantic situations between teenaged males. Should you not be of the legal age to read such material, or if you're offended by such stories then please find something else to read. This story also will contain scenes of violence, instances of Hate Speech and at times possibly scenes dealing with or dialogue concerning rape. If those themes disturb anyone who reads this story, then I urge them to find something else to read as well.

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Finally, if anyone would like to contact me regarding this story, I can be reached at I respond to all e-mails, but flames and other e-mails that are, or that I suspect are trolling or flaming in nature will be ignored.

The Boy With the Emerald Eyes

Chapter 4


We got lunch first, and we ate at a small café that was close to our houses. I hadn't been here before, and it had just opened up a few weeks before, and seemed to be doing a really good business so far. We sat down after walking in, and waited to be served.

"This looks like a really nice place," I said. "I'm really interested in trying out the food to see how it is."

"So am I," Dakota replied.

"I can't wait to check it out myself," Tanner added.

After I read off the menu to Dakota, he decided on a Club Sandwich with fries. I got the same, and Tanner got a chicken salad. We began talking as we waited for our food to arrive.

"I'd enjoy hearing more about your parents Caleb," Tanner said.

I smiled, and was glad to see that Tanner was taking an interest in my family, and in knowing more about them as well as myself.

"My dad's name is Christopher, and my mom's name is Amy," I began. "They came over here from England before I was born, and it didn't take them long to get in to the careers they wanted to work in. My dad counsels people at a center that's here in the city, and my mom is a doctor at Sangger University Hospital. She's a surgeon who operates on people who have neurological injuries, and then for my dad he counsels people who are in the LGBT Community."

I said this last part wondering how specifically Dakota would react to that. I watched as he sat beside me, and he looked down at the table for a moment, then looked up at Tanner. I waited to see about how to go on. It seemed that things were getting uncomfortable really quickly.

"I think that's really good," Tanner said. "I'm going to be doing the same type of counseling when I start working at the center as well. The center I'll be working at is The Goldstein Center.."

"That's where my dad works!" I said smiling. "That's really cool how that worked out!"

"Yeah, it really is!" Tanner said.

"I'm really glad to hear that your dad does that kind of work," Dakota said looking at me now.

He seemed to recover from whatever had happened a few minutes before.

"Thanks," I answered. "He's really good at what he does; so is my mom."

"I'm glad to hear that," Dakota replied.

We continued talking, then our food arrived. We talked while we ate, and Tanner asked me what I liked or didn't like about school.

"I enjoy things like Science, English and History Classes," I said. "I'm not really in to Gym Class or Math Class though."

"I never really liked Math much myself either," Tanner responded.

"Neither do I," Dakota said. "It's all Greek to me."

I laughed, and touched his shoulder for a moment.

"I completely understand," I said.

"Speaking more of school," Tanner went on. "It looks like Dakota will be in the same school you're attending Caleb."

"I'd really enjoy that!" Dakota answered.

"Me too!" I answered.

"They'll have to help get things in place for me so I can do the work everyone else does in the classes," Dakota said.

"I'll help with anything you need," I said. "If we end up sharing most if not all of the classes together, I'll do whatever you need me to do to help with supporting you."

"Thanks," Dakota responded.

"You're welcome," I answered. "I'm always happy to help."

We eventually finished our food, then we left to pick up Dakota's album. As we drove along, I watched Dakota as I sat beside him in the back. I kept thinking about how he seemed to get really uncomfortable when the subject of the LGBT Community came up. I wondered if I was reading too much in to him possibly liking me as more than a friend. I hoped that he was like me, but was trying to not get my hopes up. It wasn't working very well though.

As I watched Dakota as Tanner drove along, he was sitting there looking out the window, and it seemed that he was making an effort not to let our bodies come in to contact. Up until earlier at the café, we had been making physical contact in the smallest of ways whether it be our arms brushing up against one another, or the day before when we held hands most of the time we were together with the exception of when we were with Tanner and Sarah, and there was last night when we hugged a few times. Now it seemed that there was a wall forming between us. I knew that we had only just met, but I hoped that the openness that seemed to be there between Dakota and I wasn't closing just like that.

My thoughts were interrupted when Tanner made a sound of annoyance.

"Damn," he said. "I thought we would have enough gas to get us through, but we're almost empty. I need to get some gas before we continue on to the record store. Will you two be alright while I get this done?"

"I'll be fine," I said.

"Me too," Dakota answered.

"Okay," Tanner responded. "I'll be back in a moment."

"Okay," we both said.

Once out of the van, he left the key turned half-way so that the AC would still run, for it was the hottest day that week thus far.

Once he was gone, I turned to Dakota who was still looking out the window. I gently touched his shoulder, and he flinched, then pulled away.

"Dakota?" I said as he turned to look at me. "Are you alright? I'm sorry I scared you. It's just that you haven't really said much since shortly before we left the restaurant. I hope I didn't say anything to upset you. If I did, I'm really sorry."

"You didn't do or say anything to upset me," he said leaning close to me. His eyes were still with that worried and guarded look that he had since shortly before we left after eating though.

I decided to go for it, for I thought I knew what was bothering him.

"I noticed that you seemed to get closed off when the LGBT Community came up when we were talking about what my dad does," I began. "Do you not agree with people like that or something?"

He turned away, and there was a silence that seemed to go on forever, then he turned to me, and he leaned in close. This time he took my hand, and held it tightly. It was his left hand, as he was sitting to my right and I was surprised how strong his grip was.

"I don't have a problem with them, but I just can't talk about it right now," he said as he started getting more visibly agitated.

"I won't make you talk about anything you don't feel comfortable talking about," I said putting my arm around him. "Also, I'm accepting of all people, those who are LGBT included. My parents taught me to be caring and accepting of all people, and I truly do believe in that."

"Thank you Caleb," he answered as he began to relax to a large degree. I was glad to see him starting to calm down. "I want us to be able to have a friendship where we can tell each other anything and everything, but it's hard for me to know who to trust right now. As I said last night, I lost all of my friends, but what I hadn't said when I was telling you about that, was that they left me. One of them was one I considered as my best friend, and that was the worst part of it all. Now though I'm having to come to terms with the fact that he was never my friend, and that really has been the hardest part of all of this.

I wasn't always as you see me now, but I became disabled around last year. I was in a coma for several months, and when I came out of it, I had to have some work done on my speech though it wasn't too badly damaged except for the odd quality it has that I know you can hear. I had to also have several tests done on my legs to see if I'd ever get enough function back in them to walk in any form, and that was really difficult to deal with. Then there was being in a coma though, and that was the most frightening part. Have you ever been in a coma?"

"No," I answered as he gripped my hand tighter.

It was starting to be a bit uncomfortable, but I ignored it. I could see just how hard this was for my friend, and I felt deeply sad for him.

"It might just be a dreamless sleep for most people, or for some people. I can tell you though that for me it was anything but dreamless. I was in a coma for a couple of weeks starting out, but then they had to use drugs to put me in a deeper coma, since they ended up having to treat some swelling of my brain that began increasing quickly,. It was because of my injuries, so they had to put me in a deeper coma as I said.

I basically had endless dreams, and I don't remember most or any of them being good dreams, and the worst part was that I couldn't wake up from any of them. From what my doctors told me some of the drugs they use for a Drug-Induced Coma can cause people to have hallucinations, as well as nightmares. It really was a horrible experience, and I still have some of the nightmares associated with that, as well as with the event that caused me to have to be sent to the hospital in the first place."

"I really am sorry to hear that all of that happened to you," I replied as I took him in my arms.

This time he instantly accepted the physical contact, and we held each other tightly. I felt those walls that had begun forming suddenly fall away, and I felt that deep connection between the two of us form once again. I was glad to have it back again!

We separated once we heard the car unlock. Tanner was back, and there was a moment before he got back in the van.

"Do you feel better after talking with me?" I asked Dakota as we held hands again.

"I feel a lot better after talking with you Caleb!" he replied.

"I'm glad," I answered.

Tanner got back in the van, and after making sure we were set, he started it up once again, and we were off.

Once back home, Tanner said that he had some work to do in preparation for work that would be starting up for him in a few days, and Sarah was out at the college, and wouldn't be back for at least another hour. He made sure that Dakota and I were doing good left to ourselves, and he went in his office.

I walked with Dakota back to his room, and we put on his new album. It really was impressive how the members of Toque Profundo combined several different genres of music including Rap, Metal, Rock, Celtic and Oriental throughout the album.

"They've done a really nice job with this album!" I said as the seventh song titled Paradisso played.

This was the song in which they added oriental elements, and the song for Track Five had some really energetic drumming through it. I commented on that as well as we listened further.

"Yeah, I really love the drummer on this album," Dakota replied as he scooted closer to me.

"I agree," I said. "Glad to see that Joel Lazala is so comfortable behind a drum kit."

"That's who's playing drums for them on this album?" Dakota asked.

"Yeah," I replied. "I looked up the group last night after I got home, and he's been their drummer since 1992. Then there's Tony Almont who's done vocals for them since 1989, and I'm really impressed with how he does, especially on this album!"

"He really does an amazing job singing," Dakota agreed. "I like how his vocals remind me a little of vocals that some of the singers would do when Grunge Rock was a thing back in the 90s. I also enjoy groups from that genre as well."

"Me too!" I answered. "I was wondering if you'd pick up on that similarity with Almont's vocal style on here."

"Yeah, I definitely did," Dakota responded. "Back to Lazala for a moment though, I love the song Acertijo especially for Lazala's drumming on it, especially during the course of the song. He sure doesn't seem to care about a typical Bass-Drum/Snare Drum beat. He definitely puts his own spin on it. I love that!"

"Yeah, I noticed that as well!" I answered. "That's part of why I noticed that song, and loved it as instantly as I did, because of his unique drumming pattern on it."

"I absolutely give the album five stars so far," Dakota said.

"So do I," I responded.

We finished the album, and after Dakota loaded it on to his Ipod, and allowed me to do the same, we decided to go for a walk since the day was beginning to cool. I called my mom to let her know where we would be, then we were off.

The sun was going behind the clouds, and was staying there for longer and longer periods of time, and once the first drops of rain began, we returned back to Dakota's house, and after getting back in his room we sat down beside one another again.

The rain was falling heavily now, and it was dark enough so that Dakota asked me to switch on his bedside light. I did so, and before I sat back down, he had situated himself so that he could lay down full-length on the bed. He motioned me over, and I lay down beside him.

We lay there on our sides facing one another, and Dakota was looking deeply in to my eyes, and I did the same with him. I could have stayed like that with him all day, and then he moved closer, then when I put my arm around him, he snuggled closer.

"Are you comfortable?" I asked as he rested his head against my chest.

"Yeah," he answered. "I'm really comfortable. Thanks for spending today with me, and thanks for earlier when you talked to me when Tanner was getting gas. That really helped calm me."

"You're welcome," I answered, and I'm glad you're comfortable. I'd do absolutely anything for you, and I'm glad I was able to help you earlier as well."

"I'm starting to feel really safe around you Caleb," he said as he lifted his head to look at me.

"I feel the same way about you as well," I responded. "I feel completely safe around you too, and I really am coming to treasure the friendship that's forming between us."

"I'm starting to treasure it as well Caleb," he replied.

I held him close as he rested his head on my chest once again. We continued to lay like that as the rain fell harder outside, and I eventually felt him relax completely as he fell asleep in my arms. Up until that moment, I hadn't ever held anyone in my arms like that, not especially another boy. It felt amazing to hold Dakota like that; it felt magical and I never wanted that moment to end!

As I continued holding him, I felt my own eyelids grow heavy, and soon I was drifting off to sleep myself. It was one of the best days I had ever had so far!

Author's Notes

I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter. I know that there were a couple of dark parts in it, and I hope you all like how I had Caleb handle them when he was helping Dakota.

What Dakota described when being in a Drug-Induced Coma is something that has happened to people who've been in a coma like that, as well as people who've been sedated while in the ICU. There's even a name for the collection of symptoms both physical and psychological that some patients go through, especially once out of the ICU, and out of the hospital. It's called Post-Intensive Care Syndrome, and it can be characterized by Muscle Weakness, Confusion, Nightmares and other various symptoms. There are certain things that can be done to possibly reduce the risk of people getting this disorder such as loved ones reading aloud to them at their bedside as well as talking to them, and then also making sure that a journal is kept of the patient's time in the ICU, as this can be read to them once they're released to possibly keep them either grounded in reality, or bring them back to reality.

This disorder while having been reported on in the New York Times back in 2013, is now being discussed more in depth, especially due to those who've been in the ICU while sick with the Covid-19 Virus. Some patients who recovered have reported going through Post-Intensive Care Syndrome after returning home from being in the hospital, and they've stressed the importance of people both medical and non-medical needing to know about this issue. I completely agree, and I hope more awareness about this issue can be brought out so that more treatments can be given to help treat it, or if not prevent it in patients who have stayed in the ICU.

I'll be sending out this chapter today after I read over it a final time. As you can see Dakota is coming to trust Caleb more, and I hope you all like where I go with that. Everyone have a good day and weekend. I hope everyone is continuing to stay safe, and I'll see everyone in Chapter Five.

Next: Chapter 5

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