The Boys of Summer

Published on Mar 11, 2023


The Boys of Summer 14: Paying It Forward

This story explicitly depicts young men forming erotic bonds with each other. Generally they are between the ages of 14 to 17, and they "generally" agree that peer relationships are best. However, among this particular group of youths, there are some who consider scoring some hot older fellow a coup, while there are others who remain enchanted by younger lads. These liaisons appear as dangerous edges, and the author has attempted to depict such outlawish trysts in a realistic way. Also, some of the fellows depicted here do other "bad boy" things like experiment with drugs and get in terrible fights. Last, being sexually versatile, as jocks typically are, they occasionally even have sex with girls. Ultimately, many are the spirits of the young who, in these pages, simply say, "Fuck the rules."

There is plenty of raunchy sex in this tale, but if all you are looking for is pure fapping material utterly devoted to some precise specialty, you might want to look elsewhere. In publisher's lingo, this is a "Coming of Age" novel.

Author's Note: We have seen hints of Ricky's misgivings about an affair with one so young. We already know Ricky is a burgeoning bear lover. How far can these guys really go?

Paying It Forward

Ricky said, "So do you think I paid for an archery lesson?"

"No, I think we are even. I will give you a lesson for free."

Ricky was starting to understand Roan's deadpan humor.

Interesting, Ricky thought, how quickly we move from crazy sex and just start being dudes again.

Roan told him then that Ricky was aiming too much. He was trying too much. He needed to flow. He need to pull back and drop down, and fire with more confidence and less hesitation. He told Ricky the very thing his father had taught him.

"In many ways, there is not much to say, Ricky. It is like Master Yoda says, 'There is no try there is only do.'"

"'Master Yoda?'"

"Yeah, like in Revenge of the Jedi?"

"Oh. Yeah. Right!" Ricky had forgotten that movie. He had only seen parts of it on television at friend's houses. He was always missing popular culture references. He would have to work on that.

What Ricky thought was more significant was the hint he had earlier. The arrows were alive. The bow was alive. He needed their cooperation.

Plus, freshly sexed, he was feeling quite relaxed.

He looked at the arrow, rolled it around, sighted down the length, saw it was not quite straight, placed it on the bow and nocked it, then, pulling back, aiming, he felt he needed to aim just touch to the left. He did that and relaxed his fingers.


Bull's eye!

"Like that, Roan?"

Roan looked at the arrow stuck in the exact middle of the pine cone and looked back at Ricky. His face looked interested. Curious. "Yes," he said. "Like that."

Ricky tried again. Another close hit. It was the same thing. One had to sense with way the arrow would fly and compensate. It was intuition. It was magic!

The next two arrows were not quite as close, but his "spread" had narrowed from a foot and a half to just about six inches. Not as good as Roan's, but much improved.

"I think you got it." Roan nodded. "The rest is just doing it a lot. 'Muscle memory,' my dad says."

Ricky understood that.

They practiced again for another hour or so. Ricky kept getting better, but after a time, his fingers where they held the bowstring were getting red, raw and sore. He commented on that, and Roan told him one had to build up to be able to shoot a lot. He showed Ricky the the callouses on his "string fingers."

"We should go back, Ricky; besides, I need to check in. I'm not sure when my dad is coming home. He and I are working on the sweat house like I told you, you know?"

"Yeah. OK. But what about fishing? I thought we were gonna fish? The trout will start biting in a couple hours."

"Yes," Roan agreed, "but the fish will always be there; chances to do stuff with my dad can't wait!"

So Roan knows that you start fishing for trout when the sun is off the water.

"Oh. Yeah. Well, you check in then. I'll go spend some time with my sisters and mom, My fishing gear is ready to go. I was thinking we can work the rapids just above Thorson's. Only locals fish there."

It was another test. Let's see what Roan thinks about that!

"Yeah. Good idea," Roan said, picking up the last arrow and turning to walk back. "We can figure out what parts of the river we'll take, each, you you know?"

"Yeah, but only native trout count, right?"

The Fish and Game Department had long had the practice of "planting" fish in the river. The locals, therefore, called those fish "planters." They always stocked the pools, and always in the same spots. "Real" fisherman did not consider those fish worth catching. They had none the taste of the the "native" fish, though they were much bigger. Also, since they were farm fish, they had no fight in them, and they were simply too easy to catch. Ricky had not spoken of these things. This was local knowledge, and there was, in fact, an edge of smug elitism to it all. Locals would see people come in with their bait gear and just smile at each other about it. "Bait fisherman" was an extreme insult.

He was pleased that Roan, so far, appeared to know all this, and Ricky was not giving him any clues. Native fish would generally only be in the deeper pools when they were resting. In the evening, the wild fish would move upstream into the rapids in search of insects, which were their main diet. During the day, in the pools, they could only rarely be enticed to take any lure or bait.

Walking back, they studied the rapids. Roan suggested, "Let's draw straws. Long straw takes the upper rapids, short straw takes the lower. I don't think it would be fair to take sides. All the fish will be on this side because of the way the river bends."

Ricky was then thinking for the first time that catching more fish than Roan might actually be a challenge. He knew his stuff.


"Yeah. OK."

Roan picked a couple of blades of dry grass. They drew "straws." Ricky got the short straw. Ricky commented, "OK. But don't you make a bunch of splashes and noise when you fish! You will scare all the fish at the top of my stretch!

Trout, when startled, tended to dash downstream, and they would tend not to bite for fifteen minutes or so after they had been frightened. Native fish were notorious for how easily they spooked.

"I will not! That would not be fair! But, anyway, I might be with my dad. Do you have a cell phone?"

"No, but you can call the cabin. I'll be there. The number's in the local book; you know, the one the owner's association prints up? I'm sure your mom has the number."

"OK. Yeah."

"Also, I was thinking, if we do fish? You could stay the night. You don't need a sleeping bag. I have everything in my gazebo."

"Sure! That would be great!"

It was agreed that Roan would call if he was not going to come over. He trotted of with his bow and arrows while Ricky looked for the rest of his big family. He enjoyed playing with his younger sisters and chatting with his cousins.

He did not find his sisters at the beach, but walking up the path, he did come across River and his cousin Susie walking hand in hand. From what River had said, he had distanced himself from her, but there he was with her again! As always, Ricky was mystified as to why guys allowed themselves to be manipulated by females.

Susie was wearing those sexy short, shorts she liked, really tight, and a halter top which displayed her flat belly and perky breasts. Ricky understood that. She had the goods to show off, and she did. He used to resent her that way, but that was, he now understood, he was jealous. He had been jealous of her ability to capture cute boys.

River, in all his slender godliness, was shirtless. His little brown nipples winked tantalizingly at Ricky above his hard belly. He was wearing the same faded black denim shorts, sagging a bit to reveal red and white plaid boxers underneath, and by the bump at the front, had a little bit of a bone! He was so hot!

Ricky had always been dying to catch a look at River's rack, but it seemed that River purposely dressed to hide it.

He grinned broadly at Ricky's approach, saying, "Hey dude!"

They slapped palms. Ricky sidled over to Susie to give her a peck on the cheek, which she accepted, smiling sweetly. "You seen my sisters, Susie?"

"Uh, huh. They are on the deck, working on a puzzle with Jackie. Our mom's are making fried chicken," and laughing, she added, "They are a little drunk! River and I were going to hang at the beach."

"That's cool. OK! Thanks!"

When Roan returned, Ricky was on the high deck of their two story cabin overlooking the large, empty lot. He was with his sisters and cousin Jackie. He had not bothered to call. His dad was going to stay in Oregon that night, and he'd be coming back tomorrow with his uncle and Roan's buddy, Mason. They had a "project." His dad and uncle always had "projects." Roan did not mind. The men in his life always made time for the young braves, but they liked their time together as brothers too.

Ricky introduced Roan to his cute sisters and sassy cousin Jackie. He had told him Jackie was a "total tomboy" and had already won gymnastic competitions. She was thirteen too. What a hardbody!

Her interest seemed friendly rather than flirtatious, however. "Ricky told me you are a really good shot with a bow!"

"Well, Ricky's actually pretty good too, and target practice is way different than hunting. He told me you go duck hunting with your dad?"

"Yes! We are going to have a big barbecue later this month! You should come! Everyone's invited!"

"Well, I will if my family is still here!"

He sat down then to watch the girls build their puzzle.

Ricky told him, "We have a bunch of food that will be ready in an hour, but I told my mom I was probably going fishing, but they will save some for us."

"Well, we will have trout to eat too!" Roan said.

"Of course!" Then changing the subject, "So, you wanna go hang out at the beach? Where's your gear?"

"I left it downstairs. I saw you all have just tons of fishing gear, and I saw all these wooden longbows in the rafters!"

"Yeah, my grandfather makes them. Fishing rods too. Wait till you see my latest rod! My grandfather taught me!"

Ricky makes his own fishing rods?

It was not an old school bamboo rod. It was made out of what they called a fiberglass "blank." This one was short for a fly rod, and black. Even the ferrules were black.

Ricky explained, "I made this from a long spinning rod blank. It's short, for small streams and small fish; also, brushy banks. It's specialized for tight situations. It does not cast far, but the stiffness gives you and edge when sinking a hook."

Roan showed him his setup. He had a spinning rod with ultralight string, a tiny bobber, and a hand tied fly as a lure.

Ricky commented, "My uncle Dan's brother Mark fishes with rig like that sometimes. He says it's great for backpacking because it's versatile. Can I see your flies?"

Roan showed him. "Hmmm..." Ricky commented, touching them. "You made these?"

"Some of them. My dad made these two, and my uncle made these weighted ones."

Ricky smiled. "Looks like 'game on,' Roan!"

Roan laughed. "I am a fucking Indian from two tribes who are famously great fisherman! What did you expect?"

"I expect to beat your red Indian ass! that's what I expect!"

He made Roan laugh with his talk.

Roan, however, had noticed that Ricky's rod was rigged with a double fly setup. He had an upper fly that would float, and a lower fly that would sink. The lower one looked like a little white grub with a black head. Fisherman called then "nymphs."

"What did you make that nymph from?" he asked.

"Hah! I wrapped the hook with a piece of condom! It's my invention! After I cleaned up one night catching more fish than my uncle and grandfather, they got very interested in this kind of nymph. Now we all use them! I'll give you one, if you want."

Roan debated accepting the gift. It was a great gift! Many fisherman were extremely secretive. Ricky was not that kind. He liked to share his knowledge. Roan said, "Well, OK, but only if I can give you one of my 'fuzzies.' That's what I call them. I make them with a bit of old twine for the wrap."

"Cool! My uncle Dan makes a kind like that. The big fish like those! Anyhow, You wanna go? I was thinking of heading to the swimming hole first. I wanna warm up. This rod is really tricky to cast. I'm used to a long rod. This is the first summer I've used this, and I'm still not even sure it's a good design."

"That sounds good. It's still early, anyway, but if we catch any natives, those count?"


"OK," Ricky answered. "I gotta grab my water shoes from my place first!" He ran off then. Roan understood that he need not follow, so he looked around some more at all the bows and fishing rods under the big deck. This is a hunting and fishing family!

Ricky was back very quickly. He could move very fast. He had his water shoes in one hand as he his creel and net over a should by their straps, and holding his pole with the handle forward, immediately moved off down the lot toward the river. Roan had to run a bit to catch up.

"You like to use a net?" he asked. Roan did not use one.

"Yeah. I bend the barbs back on my hooks so I can release the little guys and the planters without hurting their mouths. Using the net makes it so I don't even have to touch them. It's an extra thing, but it helps the fish."

"That's cool. I do not like taking much, you know?"

"I am the same. Are your hooks barbless?"

"No. You think maybe I ought to use barbless hooks?"

"Well, all my people think we need to be gentle on the fish we throw back; I mean, what's the point of throwing them back injured, so they just die?"

"You think they die?"

"That's what my uncle says."

"Well, I usually don't throw them back. I usually catch just enough for one meal; you know, four or five little ones or one or two big ones, so that makes me ask, how are doing this competition? By numbers or by weight?"

"I was thinking numbers. The fish in the rapids we are going to should all be about six to eight inches. It's too shallow for the big guys and too fast for the little guys."

"Yeah," Roan agreed, "that sounds fair."

Once at the swimming hole, on the beach, Roan saw Ricky's cousin Susie all snuggled up with a very cute boy with scruffy brown hair. It looked like they had been smooching, for they moved apart a little; their faces were flushed, and their lips were glistening.

Ricky had already trotted onto the beach and waved at them nonchalantly, saying, "Hey you two! This is my buddy Roan. We were just gonna do a couple practice casts. We won't stay long. Roan? This is my cousin Susie and that's River. He's staying in Doc's Jameson's cabin."

Roan just waved at them. He could tell they resented the interruption. But what do they expect? Was everyone supposed to NOT go to the swimming hole?

Ricky ignored them as they warmed up. He took the beach, and Roan went up to the top of the hole where the rapids were. Occasionally, he looked back at the couple who returned to their smooching. They looked self-conscious and awkward. Already he was forming an opinion common among gays: Straight people were awfully self-conscious and vain about sex.

Roan knew it was pretty much a waste of time to work the hole, but it was interesting to watch Ricky's technique with his unusual setup. It looked snappier than the kind of casts fly fisherman usually made, and Ricky had this thing he would do where he let the line drift downstream and then sort of roll it back upstream rather than bring it out of the water and shoot it back and forth over his head the way most fly fisherman did. Also, Roan noted, he could make his fly alight on the water without the slightest trace of a splash.

There was no doubt Ricky was a good fisherman.

Upstream, each in their appointed stretches of water, Ricky surprised him again. Rather than fishing from the bank, as Roan was planning, Ricky waded right into the water. He was hunting the fish from behind. Roan watched him for a minute or so.


Ricky was a good fisherman. He caught the first one right away, then a second!

Shit! Shit!

But Roan had not really gotten to the eddy behind the big rock he was aiming for, and when he did, bang! He pulled a fish.

Ricky moved up. Roan did too. You could never work on spot too long, and you had to come up on wild trout from behind. Everyone who knew how to fish river trout knew that.

Though there was always an element of luck to fishing, but it wasn't even a close competition. Ricky was slaughtering him!

"Hah!" He heard Ricky cry. Ricky had caught another!

Roan decided it was time to ignore Ricky and fish his own way. He continued to work his way up, catching two more fish by the time he reached the slow waters. He looked back. Ricky was sitting on a rock in the middle of the stream, his legs stretched out and crossed with his feet in the water. He appeared to be messing with one of his flies. He must have detected Roan looking at him, for he looked up and smiled.

"How many?" Ricky shouted. Roan could barely hear him. He held up three fingers.

Ricky held up both hands. All his fingers. Ten?

Roan was stunned. That Ricky is one fish catching fool! He even stopped fishing to take a break! He could have caught more!


Roan laughed. "Lets eat them!" he hollered back.

Then Ricky did something really cool. Roan had been planning on showing Ricky how he liked to eat the fish raw, but before he could, there was Ricky, squatting by the bank, peeling the skin back from the head with his teeth, and again, with his teeth, tearing off the delicate, translucent pink meat, eating it happily. He commented, "This is so delicious!"

Roan laughed with joy! "I was going to show you how I do that too!"

That moment felt really good to Roan. They really were a lot alike!

Happily, giggling, they enjoyed their feast of raw, wild trout.

Ricky noticed that he had a couple of fish that were larger than Roan's. He offered to trade one so they could both have at least one big fish.

Roan smiled. "That's just what an Indian would say!"

This, in Roan's mind, was the highest compliment one could give.

Then Ricky said, holding one of the small ones in his hand, still moving, "They sure are beautiful, aren't they?"

"Yes," Roan agreed emphatically. He understands!

This did not stop them from eating them alive and tossing the carcasses back in the water.

When they had eaten their fill, Ricky said he would take the rest back to give to "his girls."

Walking back, Roan asked coyly, "So what happens, now. It's "winner's choice," right?"

Ricky looked over at him with a teasing expression. He said, "Well, you had your way with me, now it's my turn to have my way with you!"

Roan was quiet for a few seconds, then he asked, "So what does that mean?"

"That means I'm fucking you."

Roan laughed nervously. "That's what I was worried about."

"Don't worry. I'll be gentle." Ricky was looked at him sideways. Getting his ass fucked was not something Roan fantasized about. He had tried to stick a finger up there one time, and he had not liked the sensation at all!

But he would be a good sport. A game was a game; rules were rules; a prize was a prize.

After visiting with the women and girls for a while, but also eating some the salad and bread, Ricky suggested they take some of the leftover fried chicken to his gazebo.

It was, by then, full dark as they went to Ricky's gazebo.

Once there, Ricky laid down the food, water, and drinks he carried then asked, "So your mom knows you are spending the night?"

"Huh? Oh. I spend the night outside all the time."

Roan was surprisingly nonchalant about not calling his mother to tell her he was sleeping over at Ricky's.

"Hm. Well. I think you should call her."

"She's used to me spending the night outside," he explained. "Besides, she doesn't even use a phone. Only my dad and me even have a phone, and he's up in Oregon, like I said."

Ricky processed that. He had, earlier, told Roan to call him, and Roan had nodded agreeably enough, even though, based on this new information, he had no intention of calling. He was an interesting guy. "Well," Ricky suggested, "we should walk over there."

"Nah. It's fine. Really, Ricky. It's fine. You have the ways you do things in your tribe. We have the ways we do things in my tribe. OK? Let's play with each other now! I'm horny again!"

"OK, but we smell like fish. I want to clean up. Let's go over to my dad's cabin. There's a shower in the back. I have towels. Here. Here's one for you."

Ricky's father's cabin, the Boone cabin, had a more or less open shower on the back porch. It was where the boys showered near the big tent cabin built next to the main house. There was little privacy nearby, but it could not be seen from the road or any other cabin.

However, one of Ricky's grand aunts had come up for a few days. Ricky made a point of introducing Roan, explaining, "He can fish with the best! And you should see him with a bow and arrow! Amazing!"

Then, in the back, Ricky, in a low voice, said, "We'll have to be quiet, but I was thinking we could wash each other. Won't that be be fun?"

"Your aunt will not come outside?"

"No. of course not. This is the guy's area. And we will leave the porch light off. The guys always stay in the back, anyway; the females know that it is our private space."

"OK." Roan said, adding happily, "I always like the feeling of my skin all clean! My hair takes forever to dry though. I am always threatening to cut it, but my mother won't let me! Do you have a blow dryer? It will stay wet all night if we don't dry it."

"There's one here. We can take it to my gazebo. I ran a power cord to it last week so I could read at night. Could I wash it? And brush it?"

"That would be great, yeah."

Ricky turned on the water and adjusted it the way he knew would be right. While it warmed up, they undressed. Both of them grew instantly erect with the feel of each other's sleek bodies together under the warm stream. Since Roan was shorter, his prick tended to pop up between Ricky's thighs and rub up under his balls while Ricky's cock pressed against Roan's belly.

It was lovely to wriggle against each other for a few minutes that way, but Ricky wanted Roan's face at the same level, so he leaned back against the fiberglass back of the shower next to the house, spread his legs a little, and bent his knees so Roan could grind into him while they kissed with the water rushing over them.

Ricky first washed Roan's hair with some of the unscented organic shampoo he favored. It had a light lather, and it rinsed clean. It was wonderful to run his hands through the boy's fabulous head of hair. He had more hair than any of his sisters, who all had long hair. Ricky had been washing their hair for years, so he knew how to do it.

Roan was surprisingly patient and peaceful while Ricky worked on his hair. He made pleasant sighs as Ricky rinsed and squeezed, rinsed and squeezed.

"You know how to do it," he commented.

"I like to play with my sister's hair. I have had lots of practice."

"Didn't that make you wonder if you were gay, Ricky?"

"No. It seems like a nice thing for a big brother to do. They really like it!"

Roan chuckled.

Ricky added, "but washing your hair? Very sexy!"

Roan looked down at Ricky's prominent sexual excitement.

"You want some conditioner? It is for my fine hair, but it should work OK. It's unscented and natural."


Ricky then conditioned the hair, and then, leaving it in, he wrapped up Roan's hair in a bun on the top so it could soak in the nutrients. He grabbed a toothbrush and used that as a hairpin to hold it all in place.

"Man, you know your shit, Ricky!"

"We don't want to get any lye and oil based soap in your hair, Roan."

Roan nodded, "My mom says stuff like that. I still let her wash my hair. But over the sink! Not naked!"

This made Ricky laugh.

They soaped down then. Ricky moved the shower nozzle so they were not being sprayed directly. They each took the bar of soap and used it on each other until they were all lathered up. Then they rubbed against each other's bodies with each other's bodies, up and down, side to side, and, for an amusing few moments, ass to ass.

Ricky, feeling lust crazed then, turned to face Roan and picked him up so Roan could wrap his legs around Ricky's back and Ricky could rub his hard cock in the crack of Roan's ass.

He whispered, "You are getting fucked tonight, Roan. You wanna get fucked?"

Roan only moaned quietly, his face in Ricky's neck, his arms around his shoulders. He did wiggle himself excitedly against Ricky, who felt that Roan was already about to come. He did not want that. Not yet, he set him down and readjusted the shower nozzle in order to rinse. The whole time, they tried to keep the giggling to a minimum.

Finally, Ricky gave Roan's hair a rinse. He only rinsed just enough. The conditioner he used was supposed to remain in the hair.

Gathering up their clothes, they wrapped themselves in the big soft towels and went back to Ricky's gazebo.

Sitting Roan down on a bench, Ricky brushed and blew dry his hair. It took a long time. Ricky had never seen such thick, luxuriant hair. Roan was delightful during this process. He reminded Ricky of a big dog who had learned to enjoy a good brushing. Utterly patient, "passive receptive" as dog trainers would say. Roan, for the most part, kept his eyes closed, and Ricky used the opportunity to praise him effusively.

"You have beautiful skin, Roan. Did I ever tell you that? I wish I was brown like you. I think it's beautiful!"

"No, you never told me that. You should meet my friend Mason. He's eleven, he's gonna come up here for his birthday. He will be twelve."

Then Roan laughed at himself. "Obviously! I mean? 'He will be twelve?' But he has really beautiful skin. His dad is a light-skinned Klamath Indian, but his mom is from Pakistan, or... no! His mom's parents are from Pakistan!

"His skin is lighter than mine, it is this golden brown. But his hair is so black, it's like, blue! And his eyes! He has the longest lashes, but his eyes are a light brown, again, they have this gold light in him."

Ricky was pulling on his long khakis then. "Sounds like you are in love!"

"Oh, I am!" Roan agreed without hesitation.

Ricky turned the conversation back to Roan. "I really like the way you schooled me today."

"'Schooled' you?"

"Yeah. You know. Where someone is wrong, and someone else teaches them a good lesson about that."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, last night, after we hooked up above the falls, I was thinking, 'Oh, he's so young! I shouldn't. I was feeling guilty. Like I took advantage of you."

"You did not take advantage of me!"

"Well, that's not what the law will say. They will say you are too young to choose."

"Hmmph. Well, then you are too young to choose then too. Anyhow, in tribal law, you are a man when you are twelve, so white man's law can go fuck itself!"

Ricky laughed again. "I never hear you swear very much."

"I do not like to. The elders say we should reserve those words for extreme times."

"But they do not forbid them?"

"No. It is only white people who make up rules that people cannot follow. Even you! See? See how they made you feel guilty? My uncle says that is how you control each other, and it is one of the things that makes you all so mean!"

Ricky thought about that. Interesting!

"Well, I think you are beautiful. I love the way the hair grows around the top of your dick. It's a nice pattern. I love the way your armpits smell. I love the way your muscles are all hard under your skin, and the way you have no hair on your arms, and the veins stick out. I love the way your belly goes in and out when I'm sucking your dick! I love the way you have a foreskin, and the taste of it when I stick my tongue in it to lick the head of your cock."

Roan, still wrapped in his towel, breathed, "My cock is very hard right now, Ricky."

"Well, I'll be sucking it a lot tonight, you horny little bull! And you will be sucking mine! But for now, I want to finish your hair, and speaking of your hair, I love the way you toss it over your back just before you blow me, and then look up at me as you take my cock in your mouth, holding it in your fist. You are super hot, Roan!"

"Aww... the things you say. You should write a song about me, Ricky."

Ricky wanted to build up sexual tension, so he forestalled Roan's passion with more talk. He also, despite his genuines enjoyment of Roan, was hoping to get Roan hooked up with a guy his own age.

"Tell me about Mason, Roan."

"Well, I figured out how to hit on him."

"Did you now? Hmmm... That's Interesting. Yeah? You think he'll be receptive?"

"Oh, I know he will! He is kind of fem. I see that now. Like, Mason likes to collect flowers! And one time? He made me this wreath from honeysuckles he had collected! He put it on my head! That's pretty gay, you think?"

"Yeah, that's pretty telling, but what else?"

"Well, he is very shy about his body. I mean, I've seen his boner. It's not that big, but I like his dick! He has a foreskin like me, but his dangles. But he'll always say, 'Don't look!' when he pees, but then, he'll stand so you can't help but see him, and then laugh when you look!"

"Hnnh," Ricky grunted. "So how do figure on, you know, getting him to do stuff with you?"

As Roan talked, sitting cross-legged on a bench, Ricky arranged their bed. He had added more soft things during Ryan's stay. It was a very soft, warm, cozy spot, and with the screens down, very private.

Roan was mischievous then, "I am going to turn him on to 'French kissing!' I'll do it like this: I will say, 'Have you ever heard of French kissing?' But I do not know if he has. Either way, I will explain it, or not, and then? I will suggest we practice with each other, you know, so that we have a girl to do it with, we will be expert!"

"See? That way it will not be obviously gay. I am pretty sure he will want to, and then, when he gets a boner? Hah! I know what to do next!"

Ricky chuckled. "That sounds like a good plan!"

"I think so."

"It's funny that you are trying to figure out how to get him to let you do stuff with him because there's this other guy here I am really crazy about."


Ricky was laying back on the soft quilt then. He had tossed off his towel and had himself half covered by one of the open sleeping bags. Roan slipped out of his towel and joined him under the covers. His skin was warm. It was a beautiful sensation. He arranged his mane of dark hair as he lay his head on Ricky's arms. His breath was hot on Ricky's cheek.

"Yeah. You remember that guy who was with my cousin Susie?"

"Uh, huh. What was his name?"


"That's a gay name, but he sure did not seem much interested in cock!"

"I know, right? So the challenge with him is how to get a straight guy let a gay guy get him off."

"And that turns you on?"

"Totally. But until today, I couldn't figure out how to play it. But I see now. It all depended on whether Susie puts out. Jackie says she's a tease. She likes to get guys all hot and then say, 'No!'"

"What a bitch!"

"Well, I used to think that, but now I think it's just that she's insecure, but anyway, I was thinking that while you work your buddy Mason this weekend, I'm gonna work on River."

"You said you figured out how?"

"Yeah. See, I was all worried about how he'd freak when he finds out I'm gay, but now I don't give a fuck. If he's an asshole about it, I'll tell him I'll kick his ass. See? Or, no, not that, maybe, but I won't take any shit. I will insist he respects me! I can do it that way because I'm a big guy, and I don't take shit from anybody!"

Roan laughed. "You take shit from me!"

"Yes, well, you know how to keep a secret. And besides, we were play acting. You know that, don't you?"

"You were not play acting when you came with my cock in your ass, Ricky!"

"Are you giving me shit?"


They laughed together, hugged, and kissed.

Ricky, after they relaxed a bit, said, "I am thinking now I would like to work on your ass. I need to get you loose and relaxed. That's one tight hole you have, Roan."

Roan, cuddling happily in Ricky's arms, sighed. "Honestly? I'm pretty worried about that. I mean, fair is fair, but I'm not all that sure I will like having anything stuck up my butt."

"So you have said. I used to think that too, but I was 'schooled.' Now it's your turn. I'm fucking you, Roan. That's a fact. You picked me. You picked me to take your virginity, and now it's time we took care of that."

Roan, in answer, having evidently had enough of cuddling, tossed off the covers and lay back, arms wide with his legs spread in invitation.

But Ricky did not want to bend over, so he scooped Roan up and flopped him on a bench. This way he could tongue the the younger boy while he was himself on his knees.

It was fun. They were both so freshly clean. This was, Ricky knew, an aspect of anal sex not often discussed, but it was a very real part of the art!

Roan was delicious!

He started at the back and worked his way up. First, Roan's tiny rosebud. He got that sloppy wet with his tongue, licking it soggy, advising, "Try to clench it!"

He giggled as he felt Roan's ring suck up inside him, almost grabbing his tongue!

"Now relax it, like you are taking a shit! Pretend you are shitting in my mouth!"

He was rewarded with an opening, and into that, he drove his tongue!

Roan shrieked a little!


Then, Roan was giggling, and his laughter was reflected in the dance of his sphincter. Little by little, he relaxed it.

And little by little, Ricky was able to get his tongue up that divinely inviting little boy pussy. But to give Roan a little break, he paused to slurp on Roan's hard, high, tight balls, and he gave the base of Roan's pretty penis a lavish licking round and round before returning to his amazing analingus. He gave Roan's ring an occasional break by kissing the hard cheeks of his bottom on either side, but then he soon returned.

Roan's cock had cock had started to leak, and Roan groaned, "I am going to shoot Ricky. I can feel it!"

Ricky laughed, "If getting your ass licked makes you shoot, then spray the place down, dude!"

But Roan did not come. He merely groaned and whined quietly.

Ricky felt Roan was ready for the next step then. He pulled Roan down, who was so relaxed then that he flopped as Ricky placed him on his side, head to the closed doorway, safe and secret from any eyes, deep in the warm confines of his softly arrayed bedding. Ready to hand was the lube, a fat tube of which Ryan had so thoughtfully gifted him. "Water soluble" Ryan said, "edible, even."

He squeezed a bit on his fingers then lay beside Roan, flipping up one of the boy's long, slim, virtually hairless legs over his hip, reached down, and gently massaged Roan's incredibly tight and tiny boy cunt.

Roan sighed. "That actually feels pretty good, Ricky."

"Yeah? How about this?"

Roan's entire body spasmed as Ricky inserted a greasy finger up his virgin ass!

The boy hissed. "Oooh. Shit!" He started to shake, but then he relaxed a little. "That's not so bad. OK. I can handle this."

Ricky probed with his finger, feeling for the bump in the front the rectum behind the balls — his prostate gland. Roan's was rather far up, and it was much smaller than his own. Ryan had a big prostate gland. But Roan's was tiny and hard to reach. Still, he found it. With the tip of finger, Ricky massaged that. He had learned a bit about that with Joshua, but Ryan, ever the expert of all things anal, had refined Ricky's skill.

Gently, gently, gently, Ricky played with Roan's most secret and intimate erogenous spot. Ricky knew one could make a guy come that way. Ryan had shown him. He also knew that most of the fluid in ejaculate was made in this gland, not the testicles, like everyone thought.

"Ah. That actually feels pretty good, Ricky!"

He felt Roan relax. Ricky pecked his pretty lips while he played with the boy's sweet spot. He was extremely gentle.

As an experiment, he tried slipping in another finger, but Roan cringed and gritted his teeth. He did not like that!

Then, suddenly, Ricky felt a feeling of danger! He pulled his finger out and wiped it on the towel as he sat up.

"Roan!" he whispered fiercely, "I feel we are being watched! I wanna check around outside. I this feeling! we are being watched. Do you?"

"It is only the owl, Ricky. He is in the maple. He lives there. I was following him that night I saw you and Ryan." Roan tossed his head and gestured with a hand, lazily, but he kept his dark, enigmatic eyes on Ricky.

Ricky went outside to look up. Yes. There he was. Watching them. A little owl. Ricky said, "Hello, little owl! Pleased to meet you!" The owl stared back at him with those hypnotic owl eyes. Soundlessly, Roan appeared beside him. Ricky looked at him and put an arm around his shoulders. "Let's fuck now," he whispered.

Ryan said that there were five muscles to the sphincter, like a starfish with a hole in the middle.

Ricky kneeling then between Roan's legs plays with that amazing ring. Truly, he considers, not gross at all but an aspect of marvelous beauty, and this boy's ring is truly beautiful! Not scarred and scratched like Joshua's, not heavy and large like the puckers Ryan had, but perfect! Unblemished!

And very tight!

But it does loosen. Roan gasps again as Ricky puts in two fingers. He writhes around a groaned in that husky voice of his, but he does not stop Ricky. In fact, he rocks his hips eagerly.

He is enjoying himself.

It is time.

"You are probably going to hurt, Roan, but I'm fucking you now. Be a trooper, huh?"

"Yes, Ricky. Just do it, will you?"

Ricky's cock is very hard against his young lover's flat belly as he lays down on him, resting on his elbows, kissing him. He tells him, "You are so beautiful, Roan!"

Roan answers it a bit crossly, like he wants to get it over with. "Ah, shut and fuck me, will you? You're making me crazy!"

Ricky feels he should really grease himself up, so he rolls to the side to put on a condom and it with the lube, and then, without further hesitation, rolls over onto the boy, lifted up his hips, and forces his big cock into Roan's much too small and tight hole.

Roan parts his lips and moaned. It was a different kind of moan from the usual noises Roan makes. It was like he was falling over the edge of something, like, Oh, no! Here we gooo...!

His moans are not the moans of pleasure. Ricky can see his face is all scrunched up, and he is tossing his head from side to side.

"OK. That hurts," Roan gasped.

His lovely penis is no longer hard. Roan is not turned on at all. He wants it to stop. He wants it to be over.

Ricky has only gotten a quarter the way in.

He pulls out and flopped down beside his young friend.

Rape is not on Ricky's list of turn-ons.

Roan rolled over onto him... half on him, half off. He laid his head on Ricky's chest, his wonderful wreath of magnificent hair splayed all across the older boy's big, strong chest. He was crying.

"I'm sorry, Ricky."

"Aw, shut up with the 'sorries', Roan. You have nothing to be sorry about."

But he let Roan work through it without saying anything more. Ricky's prick had gone soft. So far, his limited experience with his walk on the wild side had been pure, harmless fun. Seeing his little buddy's face wince up in pain was plain, pure, awful. Ricky had learned that he himself liked it rough sometimes. But not Roan. Not one bit!

Finally, Roan lifted his head, "I promised you!"

"And you kept your promise! Besides, you are now, officially no longer a virgin. You had a big cock in your ass. You've sucked cock. You are now a full member of the gay tribe!"

Roan chuckled, "And I fucked you!"

"Several times, as I recall."

"And you sucked my dick, and we French kissed! A lot!"

"Yes, but you still owe me, Roan!"

"What do you want me to do?"

"You can pretend you are my little slave boy, and your Master commands you to use your imagination and get me the fuck off! Right now! We've fooled around a lot. I think you can figure out how to turn me on, can't you?"

Roan laughed a little bit then, he said, "Yes. I think I can figure something out!"

"That's the spirit! Uh, but did you notice my cock is not hard right now?"

"I can fix that, Ricky."

"Well, shut the fuck up with all this goddamned chit-chat and do it, bitch!"

Roan giggles as slips across Ricky to straddle him, grinding Ricky's man meat against his cute balls and taint. He tosses his long hair over his arched back and places the palms of both hands on Ricky's strong chest, rocking his hips, quite hard again.

"You like it this way, baby?" Roan minces, camping it up, acting a touch effeminate.

"Yeah, doll boy," Ricky answers, placing his hands behind his head, letting the kid do whatever he wants. "I like it this way."

Roan then leans down to kiss Ricky very softly. Ricky has the strangest sensation that Roan was not a guy at all, but a girl! The long hair, the slight figure, his way of moving, the gentleness of his kiss...

Then, suddenly, Roan sits back up, fast enough to toss his hair back! He grabs Ricky's once again very hard cock in both hands, holding his own against and fucked his dick with his own.

It is a sexy move.

"Is this doing it for you, Ricky baby?" He asks, his voice all sultry.


"I will take that as a 'Yes!' Oh, and by the way, I'm going to shoot you in the face with my come!"

Roan is definitely not a girl!

Ricky leans forward and props himself up on his elbows, delighted, as Roan, true to his word, and making a funny, howling face, pumps his cock against Ricky's, and still with the same ferocious, two-handed grip, blasts Ricky in the face!

There is quite a lot!

Roan leans over to kiss and lick it off, and as always, they shar this precious delicacy. Roan commented drily, "I sure do like to eat come! Do you think I might be gay?"

"I never heard a straight guy say that."

Roan, then licking and slurping his way down Ricky's chest with particular attention to his nipples said, "Food for thought! Get it? Food for thought?"

"I get it, Roan," Ricky laughed, thinking, He really is just a kid. Kid humor!

Cheerily, Roan announced, "I'm sucking your dick, now. I like to suck cock! I am a little cock sucking fag!"

He does that hair tossing thing and looks up at Ricky expectantly as he lovingly took the pointed head of Ricky's raging hard on into his small mouth, gripping it in one hand while he fondles Ricky's high riding balls with the other. He could only take the head in, really, but his mouth was so very warm, wet, and soft!

He slurps on Ricky's cock noisily and happily until Ricky begins to come, and then he arches back his head while Ricky decorates his neck with a pretty pearl necklace.

It is a very fine orgasm. Little Roan can deliver!

He lets Ricky clean his neck, sighing happily.

Time to rest a bit then, Ricky took his water and towel and washed them both up. Roan remained in "passive receptive" mode during this, but as Ricky finished, he said, "I'm hungry! Let's eat that chicken and those french fries. And did you bring orange juice?"

Yes. Sure! Good idea."

Feeling a little chilled as they sat up and ate, Ricky suggested they put on their shirts. Roan agreed and threw on his "dreamcatcher" shirt while Ricky put on one of his giant t-shirts he used for sleeping.

"Let's stay bare-assed," Roan suggested. "It feels really sexy to me."

"Shit, Roan. You already came, like, what, four times today? You want more?"

"I want more. I liked what you were doing with your finger up my asshole, and I obviously need practice taking it up the ass. Do you want to fuck me or not?"

"Oh, I want to fuck you all right."

"Well, all right! We can work up to it!"

"I know, but it is not wise. You could tear and bleed. I will not do that to you. We tried." Ricky kissed him. He added, "You are not a virgin any more. I fucked you!"

Roan sighed happily. "Yes. You fucked me. I got fucked. We fucked!"

They continued to banter back and forth while they ate. Roan, to Ricky's amusement told him, "There's a problem with orange juice and me. When I drink it with food, it makes me fart!"

This was evidently extremely funny to Roan, for he laughed and laughed.

"Lovely, Roan. Just lovely."

"I thought you would like that!" he said, and he laughed some more.

Great, Ricky thought. Kid humor and fart jokes.

After they ate, Ricky need to brush his teeth and urinate. He showed Roan where his latest piss hole was, and he let Roan use his toothbrush too. Then they lay down and snuggled up face to face. Roan asked, "So anyway, that thing you did with your finger! How did you do that? That was great! That felt good!"

He punctuated this with a fart, which made him laugh uproariously.

"God damn it! Are you gonna fart all night now?"

"Probably!" Roan laughed again, and he would not stop.

It did not smell bad though. It was rather loamy in fact. One thing about Roan was he smelled good. Even when he farted.

Ricky told him that farting was really not that funny. It was funny, but not that funny.

"OK, OK! Beat me over the head, why don't you?"

Ricky got the hint. He explained about the gland then, up in a guy's butt. Girls too. He got some lube and let Roan feel up in his ass. Then he had Roan do himself.

"Ooh! I like that! I'm going to try finger fucking myself more often!"

"Well that's how fucking can feel when the other guy's dick is the right size for you, and I'd say this finger is about the right size!"

He held up his index finger.

"Hmmm," Roan considered, "that's about how big Mason's is! Long and skinny like that. Oh, I am looking forward to teaching him the stuff you taught me! Wait till I tell Mason! Hey! Let's do each other, huh? We can finger fuck each other and jack each other off and kiss ourselves to sleep!"

"I like the way you think, my little slut boy!"

This was also very amusing to Roan. So funny, it made him fart again, which made him laugh some more, but he did not, to his credit, keep on laughing and laughing too long.

They did as Roan suggested. Eventually, Ricky was able to get Roan off with his finger in his ass/ It was not a cock, but it was a start. Ricky, for his part, could not maintain a hard-on. He was fairly well spent.

Finally, they washed up again and had another piss. Roan needed to crap as well, so Ricky led him back to the Boone cabin to use the boys' WC by the tent cabin. Roan, ever fastidious, just like Ricky, needed to wash with soap and water, not merely toilet paper.

Ricky was very pleased with his new boyfriend.

Finally, just before they drifted off to sleep, Roan said, "I hope we keep knowing each other as we both get older."

"I hope that too, Roan. I don't see why not. I come here every summer. It will be a kick seeing each other grow up."

Roan chuckled, "Maybe, one day, my dick will be bigger than yours! Will you still like me then?"

"I can promise you, that will not be a problem." He had almost said, Even better, but he quickly averted that thought because there was a slight chance Roan might be insulted.

It was true though, as cute as Roan was, Ricky liked big cock and assholes he could fuck hard. He knew it then. Roan was to be an exception to the rule.

But then, how often will a young man offer his virginity?

Ricky had fallen into a full deep sleep when Roan farted again, loudly, waking him up, and making Roan laugh.

"OK. That's it. Roan! I admit it! I am growing irritated. I get grumpy when I am awakened."

Roan did not laugh this time. He said, "I cannot sleep, Ricky. I just keep thinking about all the boys in seventh grade and who had the biggest dicks. I am way above average, I think."

OK. Better just humor him.

"You wanna know something funny, Roan?"


"When I was your age, I was always getting my friends to show me their boners!"

Roan laughed. "Me too! But you only just figured out you were gay?"

"Yeah, I was repressed. I would not let myself think that."

"Well, I'm lucky then. Anyway, Indians do not care about that stuff much. That's White Man's bullshit."

Ricky mused upon that interesting observation. He thought of something Ryan said about that. He said that throughout North America, the vast majority of tribes practiced many forms of population control; therefore, it made sense that they would not be concerned about a few queers among them.

Roan kept bringing up the subject of Mason.

"When's he coming up?" Ricky asked. "This weekend, did you say?"

"Day after tomorrow. Is that the weekend? I always forget what day it is. We are staying a month!"

Ricky started to say something then stopped, but Roan caught the hint of that, for he asked, "What? What were you going to say?"

Roan said this in Ricky's arms, cuddling lovingly in his cute way.

"Uh, I just think you'd have more fun with a guy your own age."

Roan sighed. "But a guy my age? He would not enfold me like to do. That feels good to me! Can't we just enjoy the things we really like about each other and ignore the, uh... what's the words. Ricky? You know the words."



"You are wise, Roan. No wonder they call you 'Little Owl.'"

The lovely boy sighed in his arms and squirmed a bit. Ricky was truly tired, but Roan kept talking. "I know, but what was that funny thing you said about my butthole?"

"It's like a rabbit's nostril!"

"That was funny, Ricky!"

Then, Roan added solemnly, "But one day, soon, I promise you, you can fuck me good!"

"But in the meantime?" Ricky asked.


"In the meantime you are the snuggliest snuggle bunny I've ever been with, and I love it. We have our action, and it's fine."

"'Our' action?"

"Yeah. Each guy has is own thing, things he likes, things he doesn't. You and me? We have our things. We'll find more, I think."

"I like this!" Roan agreed. "Kiss me some more, will you, Ricky? I love the way you kiss me!"

Ricky kissed him, and then, when Roan decided this would be a good time to talk about how he straitened warped arrows, he said, "Roan?"


"Would you mind shutting the fuck up? I need to sleep."

Roan giggled. He got the hint.

As Ricky drifted off to sleep with a lovely, sweet young friend in his arms, sleeping Roan farted again.

Even his farts were cute.

Ricky and Roan had quite a bit of fun together over the next two days, but when his friend Mason arrived, who was just as Roan said, a gorgeous boy, Ricky saw less of him. That was according to their agreement. He made his appearances and was happy to tell of the things he and Mason discovered with each other. Neither said it, but Roan, as a full member of the gay tribe, was, like Ricky, rather focused on his "one special one" of the hour. He had moved on.

That was fine. It was what Ricky had hoped for Roan. Roan had honored him, and Roan got what he needed to face the world with confidence as a boy who loved other boys. Never easy! They were forever friends, Ricky and Roan. Ryan had done Ricky a favor, and Ricky had paid it forward.

Then, too, Ricky had plenty of company, and his focus turned to River. Who continued to be as girl crazy as he was gorgeous. That combination caused Ricky a bit of madness, but he had a plan... Insofar as Ricky was capable of "planning."

It was more like a "mission." He was going to seduce River, and he did have some idea of how to go about it.

Questions? Comments? Critiques? Don't be shy. Let me know. All feedback is useful. Your letters have been helpful and encouraging. Heck, I'll even write you back. I like to do that.

Cheers, Dorian

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Next: Chapter 15

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