The Club- Julia


Published on Sep 30, 2010



The Club- Julia (F/f, spank, domination) From: JOAN NICHOLS =============================================================== The Club Part 1 ============ It was my first trip to a gay bar. I knew little about the social graces but knew why I was there. At 45 most of my sex life had been with a man. I had a couple experiences with women but all were a one time thing and left more to be desired. Once I got my computer and started chatting I found myself drawn to the bi\curious and lesbian rooms. When I searched out porn stories to read I always read those under gay or lesbian. I also began to notice that the stories I enjoyed most were those written about dominance.

I began reading male\male stories and loved the stories where a male was forced to be some other male's pussy boy. I found a few sites that included females dominate over other females but not near as many as you could for male\male. But when in chat I noticed most other women I met, especially bi ones wanted to be dominated. This made my search more ominous as I too was searching for a dominate woman. I began searching personals but found when I got a reply I was too scared to answer back. I did establish a couple fem\fem relationships but none close enough to make a reality at the time. But they always left me over stimulated and without. A period came along in my life when I realized that I was consumed by these fantasies. I was reading porn all the time and started writing my own. I was jilling off three and four times a day dreaming about pussy or reading a story of a female mistress. I realized I had enough and wanted to experience this in reality. And so with sex on my mind I got ready to go out. When I walked in I wanted the ladies to know I had come to play and to play hard. But was dressing sexy to appeal to a woman the same as dressing for a man. I didn't know but I did know if anything got started I didn't want anything standing in its way. So I wore a pull over sweater with a deep v-opening and a skirt, nothing underneath. I am a heavy woman so I could not go as far as true slut clothes, mini skirt, halter top would not be appealing to anyone on me. A friend gave me a mild nerve pill and I had some weed so once I pulled into the parking lot I was feeling good and wet with anticipation. I looked over the parking lot and secretly hoped I would be bent over one of these cars before the night was over. As I enter the bar I was thrilled, all women, I licked my lips. I felt like I had woke up in the middle of a wet dream and it was coming true. I almost felt too weak to walk and felt as if every one was checking me out. I had to compose myself. I wanted to make eye contact, not stare at a floor or bar. I decided a drink might help. I sat down on a stool at the bar and the tender arrived quickly. "What's your pleasure sweetheart?" she asked as she put a napkin and bowl of peanuts in front of me. When I looked up at the voice I saw a very butch woman. Very short brown hair and large brown eyes, no make up, flannel type button up shirt and jeans that keys were attached to. I batted my eyes at her, really I did and lowered my chest onto the bar top. I licked my lips, damn I was slutting myself for this manly looking woman. I did manage to get out. "A rum and coke, please ma'am". This made her smile. "I do love a girl who knows her manners," she said winking at me. As quickly as she had turned my drink was there. I noticed several cherry stems hanging over the top. Then I felt her lean in from behind the bar. She reached out to my drink and grabbed a stem and pulled one of the cherries up. "You got one of these baby?" She dangled the cherry in front of me. I wanted to play. I leaned in and extended my tongue up and out lapping for the cherry. She dropped it in my mouth, laughed and went back to serving drinks. "Better watch out for her, she can be a rather rough dyke I hear." The voice came from a rather tall, African-American woman, who looked to be in her early 30s. A stern face but beautiful features. I couldn't help but smile up at her. "I guess it would help if I knew what I was looking for." "Ah, first timer and curious." She delivered the line like a statement. I couldn't help but flirt, hell this was what I was here for. "Past curious, I am ready." "That easy, are ya', what has you so ready for this. A girlfriend who said no, a flirtation that left you wondering or friend's experience?" "A chat room meeting, that led to the phone and emails but so far no real time, due to travel and she is married." "Yeah, me too, but you know girls just wanna have fun. So this married friend of yours what did she want that has left you so ready?" I looked back at the bartender, she caught my glance and licked her lips. Damn I could feel the moisture on the stool. "Ah my friend, Ms Ruth. For one she has an incredible sultry voice, when I hear it I just want to please her." "The name is Julia, let's talk honestly. Tell me what Ms Ruth said that made you want to submit to her." She let the word submit hang there. "That she use to share a woman with her husband but now she wanted one just for herself. One that would do whatever she asked." "Is that what you want? To do whatever she ask of you?" I swooned a little thinking about Ms Ruth telling me what she wanted me to do to her. "Yes, oh yes", it was a dreamy reply and it wasn't missed by Julia. She was reaching in her purse for something. She pulled out a business card and turned it over and wrote down something, then handed it to me. "On the back is my pager number and e:mail address, put this in your purse now. I only have a few more minutes and then I need to leave." She slide closer to me, I could smell her sweetness. "I am a lot like your friend Ms Ruth, but real time is a real possibility here. When I leave I want you to follow me out to the car but first, here are a few things to consider. I am a very dominant woman, rough in a different way then our bar tender here. I am married and do not share my women with my husband, or the knowledge of them. I take good care of my girls as long as they behave, if they don't I can make them very sorry they didn' t. You want this pussy, it can be yours as long as you agree to do whatever I ask of you, without hesitation. If you are interested then email me or page me. Now finish your drink and wait for me in the parking lot." At that she downed her drink, smiled at the dyke bar tender and went over to a group of women talking and joined them. I felt like I was under a spell and suddenly wish I had worn panties to catch some of these juices. I worried how wet the seat would be when I got up. I downed the drink, sat it down without looking up and headed to the door.

In the parking lot a few people stirred but since it was still early most were either arriving or leaving. I was only outside for a minute when I felt a hand take my arm and lead me to the side of the building. Julia pushed me up against the wall and I felt her lips on mine and her hands grabbing my breast. I moaned as her lips ravaged mine. I felt myself literally melt. In my moaning I called her name. She stopped and stepped back. "I don't know what Ms Ruth taught you about women like us but there are rules. You always refer to me as ma'am or Mistress Julia." As she pinched my nipples hard she added, "Always" I realized she was waiting for me to answer, shit I had frigged myself thinking about this moment. "I am so sorry Mistress Julia, I won't disappoint you again." You could tell she was pleased at the submissive way I answered. "I will lay all the rules out via email or on the phone you might want to take notes as I do not tolerate disobedience. But before any of this happens I need to know that you can suck a pussy dry and how submissive you truly are. First, if this really does excite you then you should be soaking wet by now. Pull up your skirt bitch and let's see." Damn, right here in the parking lot she wanted me to show her my cunt. When I lift my skirt she will see I have no panties on and know I am a whore. I relaxed into the wall and reached down for the hem on my skirt, juices continued to gush out of me. I had to be true to these feelings, I had jil led off to this very moment so many times. I flew my skirt up and pushed my steaming cunt at her, inviting her to feel how very hot I was for her and she did. When she saw the drops of cummy juice matted in my pubic hair she plunged her hand between my legs. I spread my legs wide. "Oh yes Mistress Julia, I am your slutty bitch." Her fingers groped me. Mashing the tender walls within me. She rubbed my juices all around and I could feel pressure on my pussy hole. "Yeah," she exclaimed, "I got me a white whore to suck this black pussy."

Then she grabbed my head and pushed me down to my knees. I shivered all over, more juices gushing out of me. I was dizzy with desire. There it was right in front of me. Oh how I had dreamed about this moment. I could see the pink of her inner lips. I was drooling, my mouth filling with saliva. I could smell it and I did. I tickled its hair with my nose and inhaled deeply. There was no stopping me, I grabbed her ass cheeks and pulled her to me. I had my face all up in her pussy, I wanted this hair pie bad. She was so juicy you could hear her cunt, sloshing around, puckering. And I lapped those juices up, oh yes sweet cummy juice fresh from my Mistress.

The taste, the smell, the desire all sparked me to create the perfect resume to get the job of Mistress Julia's white, pussy whore. Now to hear her cum, have her fill my mouth with her sweet juices. I started pulling her to and fro on my mouth. Nibbling her clit every time it came close. And when I could I sent verbal messages. "Thank you, oh thank you Mistress Julia." "Thank you for giving me a taste of your most wonderful pussy." "Mistress Julia, please allow me to serve you." I was going for broke with no thought to what I was getting myself into. The more I talked to her the harder she fucked my face and I fucked her pussy back. My tongue was everywhere. Flicking her clit, swiping her asshole, plunging into her pussy hole. And then I felt it. My black Goddess was cumming. She slammed her pussy into my face banging my head off the wall. "Oh yes bitch!" She hollered as she pulled my hair. "I am your Mistress, master over you." She was really into it now. My chin was burning and I knew my face was bruised from her assault. "Drink that pussy slime from your black Mistress whore." And I had to, there was no way I could move and her juices keep coming. She seemed to recover quickly but I did know her time was limited. "Well alright, I have found me a white pussy whore. You want that, don't you little honky slut. You want to be my whore, don't you?" "Oh yes, I do, please Mistress Julia allow me to service you." My eyes instantly teared up from the open palm of her hand crushing my face. "I am not a car, slut. I am your black Mistress and you are my sorry ass white sex slave. Take this card and go and give it to the dyke behind the bar. Enjoy the rest of your night. I will call for a full report tomorrow. " And she was gone. The Club-Part 2-Toni ================ I stumbled back into the club. It was pretty crowded now so I didn't worry about stares. I do think I was groped a couple times as I made my way around the dance floor but who could tell. Why in the hell was the restroom on the other side of the bar, I thought I would never get there. As I came around the back of the bar Toni, the bar tender stepped in front of me. I almost bounced off her hard body. "You know who has to clean up behind you cunts?" She hollered at me. "I do, that is who. So tell me something bitch, what makes you think I would want to have to clean your cummy juice off this bar stool?" The bar stool loomed before me. "Please, let me go to the bathroom and I will come back and clean it, please." "Sure cunt you can go to the bathroom and tell you what, we'll come along" . She clung to the bar stool and pushed me in front of her. There were several stalls in the bathroom but she pushed me into the handicap one. "First we clean the stool. Get on your knees facing the toilet." I was scared and she was raising her voice so everyone in the restroom would hear. Toni pushed my face into the toilet; it was debatable if the water was clean. She pulled my soaking wet face out of the toilet and then smeared it all over the stool top. "Get that tongue working bitch, clean it all up." I suddenly remembered the card in my hand, Julia had told me to give it to Toni. With my face in the stool I handed it up to her. At the moment I didn't give much thought to what was on the card or why Julia would want it given to Toni, I just wanted to make sure the stool was spic and span. When Toni was satisfy she opened the stall door and set the stool outside it. Grabbing a couple paper towels from the dispenser she threw them at me. "Dry yourself off cunt. Looks like you and me are going to get a little better acquainted. Now get up here and take my Levi's off." I was such a mess. My hair disheveled. The juices of the women I had encountered dried on the side of my face, which I was sure still carried Mistress Julia's handprint. I reached up and unbuckled her belt, unsnapped her jeans and reached for the zipper. She smelt so strong. Pubic hair popped out as I lowered the zipper. I reached up and pulled her jeans down as I heard her holler. "Hey, show in the handicap stall, come watch or listen to Toni cumming on the tongue of a white pussy whore." Then looking down at me. "That's right bitch, I am going to fuck your face raw. My clit is so swollen you will think it is a dick, slut, so now suck!" I could hear the stall door squeak and feet shuffling. My dyke lover had gotten us an audience. Toni stood feet flat on the floor. She opened her legs long enough for me to get my face inside her then gave it a leg lock. I could feel her muscles squeeze the sides of my head and then she would bounce her pussy on my face. "That's right ladies step right up and watch a pussy whore get suffocated by a dyke's cunt. Watch her squirm while she desperately tries to catch her breath and eat pussy at the same time." I could hear the small crowd applaud. "Yo, Toni you got the life girl." "Grind that pussy woman". "Yeah bitch you better not stop sucking that thing." Toni rubbed her hands through my hair. "Ready to breath whore?" She pulled my face out of her cunt as she spoke. I gasped for breath but barely got any before she had slammed me back into her. My tongue feverously went to work. The sooner I could bring her off the better my chance of surviving her attack was. But then I heard it. Her belt being pulled through the loops of her jeans. Someone else had done it, then hung her pants and handed the dyke yet another weapon to use on my poor ass. "I never let a pussy whore get off on me without giving her something back. Now make me cum and let me leave my mark on your ass. Now bitch, eat it. Yeah suck my pussy dry, you worthless cunt." And she showed no mercy. I could feel the belt bounce off my back as she held it and my head in her hands. Then she would grind her pussy, hard against my face and then beat my face with it. I struggled to catch my breath and she fucked me harder. So I continued to struggle, squirming under her assault on my mouth. Flaring my feet out. I felt calmer but I put on a show. I made her think it was her pussy that was going to send me to heaven and she didn't want to miss the ride, nor could she. Nothing excited Toni more than to have a bitch half dead trying to save her life by sucking on her clit. I quickly nibbled her clit, light bites and my pay off was coming hard. "Hold the bitch's head still Helen." And then I felt hands holding my head in a grip I could not escape. Toni started really turning it on, Helen had her job cut out for her holding my head still against Toni's thrashing.

I continued to squirm and gasp pushing Toni to the edge. "OHHHHH DAMNNNNNN, yeah whore drink it up, YEAH here is comes, ohhhhhhh SHITTTTTT." She shivered above me and rose and slammed her cunt off my face again and again. But in between I grabbed a little air. "DAMN whore your slutty ass did good. So good in fact I am going to throw in a bonus round. Be available for me at closing time. Get her up Helen. " I was not a small woman but Helen had some strength. After she got my head up she grabbed a handful of hair and slung me forward. "Assume the position cunt." Oops, which one. I took a chance and bent over and grabbed my ankles. This only lifted my skirt over my hips and my ass shined for all to see but in case they couldn't Toni grabbed my hips and turned my ass to the group. She slammed her open palm across my tender ass and I heard myself squeal. "Damn slut I wish I had time to get my strap on, I would beat this ass and make you squeal like a piggy slut then ram my cock all the way up your asshole. You'd like that wouldn't you piggie?!!" She was getting dressed, I didn't dare move. "Oh yes, if that is what you desire." "Too late cunt, I gotta get back to the bar, just one more thing to do. Face the toilet and grab the back with your hands." I scrambled up and got into place, one more order and the dyke cunt would be finished with me. I could hear the belt dance through the air. "AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH," fuck it hurt, my ass throbbed. "Sorry sweetheart not hard enough to leave a welt, guess I will have to try again. What do you say? Same spot or another?" The belt took to flight again and I felt her decision loudly, same spot. "PLEASE, no, please!" I was crying now, my ass on fire. Then she hit me again across my back. "You thank me BITCH, now!" "Yes Ms Toni, thank you, thank you for the beating, I deserved it." "That and more, which is what you will get if you aren't available for me at closing." I slumped over the toilet as I felt her leave, happy I had survived but fearing closing time. You could hear the others shuffling out. I tried to compose myself. I finally pulled my body up only to be knocked down by the wheels of a wheel chair. "Better learn the routine slut, time to pay up for using my stall." The Club Part 3 ============ Once I escaped the bathroom I decided to stay clear of the bar. I didn't know what time they closed but I did know I didn't have the guts to walk out on Toni. Regardless of all I had been through that night I was still hot and wanting more. I sat over at a small table and gave a waitress my drink order. When she brought it back she had a piece of paper in her hand which she handed me. As I unfolded it my license fell out, on the paper was written, `I know where you live. See you at closing. T'. Damn, how could I have let this happen. As I slumped in my chair I could hear a cat whistle, ah Toni. The bar was pretty crowded now but there were still a few free tables. I wasn't sure how I would entertain myself till I would have to entertain Toni. I watched the women slow dancing. Damn they looked so sensual, so soft but after tonight I would question just how soft women were. There at my table stood a tall red headed vixen. She actually looked soft and appeared almost kind. "Hey can I join you for a drink". Oh my she was yummy looking and I felt like a randy school girl. "Yes, please do." "Hi the name is Vicki and correct me if I am wrong but you appear new to this scene. I am betting you are bi and more curious than experienced." Well she was certainly straight forward. "Sadie and it shows eh?" Then we seem to fall into a relax conversation.

She was bisexual too but had been in a long term lesbian relationship that had ended earlier that year. "So what draws you to this scene?" "I got tired of just dreaming about it and decided I wanted to take the plunge, so to speak." She smiled back at me suggestively. Then reached over and took my hand. "Well let me tell you, there is nothing as lusty as another woman. Feels wonderful having their breast all over you, that hot wet pussy, oh yeah finger licking good." "Oh girl, please behave damn I was already horny." I returned her touch. I could feel the fever burning in my face. Without realizing it I was licking my lips. She came up close to me. "Damn girl don't be wasting that tongue. You know how to use that tongue or need a teacher?" "Oh yes, please teach me." Damn I was into this, into her. I knew my eyes were pleading and my tongue hanging out. She stood up. "Come on, I have to leave soon but walk me to my car and we will exchange numbers." I walked out of the bar behind her like a puppy. Once outside she took my hand and we walked around the building. I couldn't tell you how it even started but she was pressing her body all over mine as I was thrust against the wall. Our lips meet and I returned her kiss. We kissed deeply and passionately. Her hands all over me. She grabbed my breast and started to knead them. Reached inside my sweater and pinched my nipples through my bra. I was melting under her passion. "You hot for me baby?" She whispered in my ear as her hand slide under my skirt. I felt her fingers on my sopping pussy. "Oh yeah lots of cummy juices. So you are hot for some pussy. Now let's see if you are worthy of it." I could feel the tide shift, Ms Soft and Sweet wasn't into playing many games. She was back in my ear. "You want my pussy baby? Tell me what you want. How can you make it feel good?" I was a true goner. "Oh yes, with my tongue, please let me put my tongue in that sweet pussy. I want to eat you, yes I want to eat that pussy." She held my head in her hands. "That is so sweet a real pussy whore. You like Ms Vicki honey?" "Yes I do I like you very much." I would of told her anything at this moment. I could feel other people around. I wasn't sure if they were paying us any

attention but it was clear to see Vicki didn't care. "I am glad you like me honey. But you need to know that Ms Vicki doesn't play games. I will let you get on your knees and put your head under my skirt. But if you don' t please me then Ms Vicki won't be happy and you don't want that, do you?"

I must have been wearing a sign or something, abuse this. Let me get away from Ms Vicki I was going to go back in there and fine me a willing sub. But for now there was this matter with Ms Vicki. She laid up against the wall and spread her legs. "Come on now, get on your knees, let's see what you can do." I guess I didn't move fast enough for her because she reached under my sweater and pulled my bra straight out causing my titties to fall out. Then she reared up on her toes as she twisted my nipples in a vise grip. Ms Vicki knew her business, I dropped to my knees before her. "Now that is much better, so get in there whore let's see what you can do. " I lifted her skirt and moved under it. Her pussy was beautiful. Wispy red hair covering it, her clit all swollen. I shivered as my tongue made contact. "Hey girls, yeah trying to break one in, another wanna be." I assumed someone was passing in the parking lot but I was otherwise detained. I lapped her pussy. Sucked her clit into my mouth. Flicked my tongue over it and worked feverously to please her. Anyone passing could hear me slurping up her cummy juices. She started to bounce her pussy on my face. "Come on girlie, eat that hair pie up. Now BITCH, eat it. Push your face up into me." Her pussy was assaulting my face now and my jaw hurt I was working so hard to please her. Suddenly I felt my head jerked back. "What the fuck are you doing??????? Damn bitch all you are doing is slobbering all over me. Sit against the wall. I am feeling nice today so I'll give you one more chance. Let's see if you can ream out an asshole. Now my good little girl doesn't want to experience an angry Ms Vicki does she???

Last chance ass wipe, make it a good one." And there before me was her firm white ass. I reached up and separated her ass cheeks as I silently prayed for strength. I worked my tongue into her hole and tried to piston it in and out. She wasn't helping. She was clinching her ass cheeks and hard as I tried I could not work my face in between them. I was beginning to sense I had been sat up. But I continued to try. I reached up to pull her cheeks apart and she snapped. "Oh no missy, tongue only, get those hands down NOW!" Then I knew I was defeated. Thank goodness her skirt was covering me because I could only imagine how ridiculous I must of looked, tongue extended bouncing off her closed up ass. I assumed it wouldn't be much longer and I was right. "Fuck bitch, you can't even eat out an asshole." She was raising her voice and those around turned to watch her chastise me. She beckoned them closer. "Come here a sec ladies," eager for another show featuring me five or six women gathered around us. "Help me out here," Vicki started, "this bitch comes in our club thinking all lesbians think about is having their snatches eaten. So you know you give her a chance and the cunt is worthless. Slobbers all in your cunt, can 't even get her tongue into an asshole to ream it. So what do you think ladies, what should I do with this worthless cunt?" It was like they had all rehearsed this. "Beat her!" "Tan her worthless ass." "Giver her the strap!" "You must Vicki, we can't allow straight women to keep coming to our clubs for a thrill. What a cheap bitch to want to use us that way. She must be punished." And once again the rest joined in. "Beat her!" By this time we had amassed a fairly nice size crowd. I remained a mess on the ground wondering what ever possessed me to come to lesbian bar in the first place. Especially one tucked back in the woods. "Well dear I did warn you. How pitiful you look, cummy juice on your face from slobbering all over me. Yes, you must be taught a lesson. Get your ass up we are going to the shed." The shed, what the hell was going on. But there behind the bar was what looked like an abandon garage. So with the crowd egging her on Vicki pushed me inside. Once inside someone flicked on the lights. There was a stage but I shut my eyes to the rest once I saw a couple whips hanging around. As we reached the front Vicki shoved me and I fell across a table. Hands seem to come from every where, securing my ankles and wrist to the legs on the table. "I really don't have a lot of time tonight to do this properly. And I know at closing Ms Sadie here has an appointment. So Toni and I have decided that we will have this bitch here Thursday night for a special discipline session. Please come with a weapon of choice or punishment idea and join in. Also tell your friends, we want a large crowd. We want to make this slut an example so we need everyone's help. Okay on with the preview." She turned to me and flung my skirt up and there I laid in all my glory for the good lesbians and dykes to enjoy. Vicki swung a strap around in the air and asked, "Okay girls, how many." They didn't seem to agree on this as quick as they did that it should be done. Someone walked up to Vicki and whispered something in her ear. "Ah, we have a plan, for tonight 20 with the paddle!" By the sound of the applause it appeared to please all. Vicki ran the paddle all over my ass, easy and gently but I knew this wasn' t a prelude for what was about to come. As she raised her arm into the air I was not disappointed. SMACK! "ONE" the room shouted. "Now come on deary count along with the sisters or should I start over." Needless to say all felt we needed another count of one. My pussy continued to throb. I would have been lying if I said all this wasn't exciting me. Guest of honor at a lez fest. SMACK! SMACK!! I joined in the counting, my ass on fire. "What do you think girls? I don't hear a thank you out of this ungrateful whore. What's the matter honey too proud to thank your lesbian Mistress for helping you to see the error of your ways? Well that's not very nice, do you think girls?" "No, NO, no, start again." " Straight women are pretty stupid aren't they? Think you can get anything right tonight, you sorry whore?" Well I had regained some of my composure. Taking this punishment was one thing but the humiliation wasn't welcome although in the situation I decided against taking a stand. But I would please Ms Vicki and give her what she wanted and maybe this would soon be over. "Yes Ms Vicki, thank you, thank you for showing me how stupid I have been. Please start again I promise to learn." Everyone laughed at this, except Ms Vicki who muttered, we'll see about that cunt. And so it began again. "One, thank you ma'am, may I have another please?" Ha, one up on her asking for another. And so it progressed. Ms Vicki reeled the paddle up and down and all over my ass cheeks. At 12 I had not missed a count or thank you but the pain was starting to be more than I could handle. I knew she wanted to see tears and I knew I didn't want to show her any. But then she swung the paddle upward and struck the lower part of my ass check at the top of my thigh and then again and again. "Oh GOOOODDDDDDDDD, NOOOOOOO, please, PLEASE, no more." Sixteen through eighteen, same spot other cheek. I was wailing, tears rolling down my face. My ass was on fire and the burn stung intensely. "PLEASE, I am sorrrrrrryyyyyyy, no more PLLLLEEEEASE!!!!!" Nineteen went to one cheek and twenty to the other. I was sobbing uncontrollably. My whole body heaving. No one came to untie me. "Okay girls that's a wrap. Now don't forget Thursday night, 8 o'clock, tell your friends. The more the merrier. Isn't that right Sadie?" That was all I heard. I collapsed on the table my body throbbing in pain. I don't know how much time passed till I sensed someone loosening my bounds. How ever long, it wasn't long enough for my poor ass to even consider feeling relief. "Let's move it cunt, Toni wants you and so that means NOW!" Was it already closing time? It was around 9 when I made the big mistake of going outside with sweet and soft Ms Vicki, had three hours passed? And Toni, oh God please help me. Fear wasn't something I felt often but something told me it wasn't closing time and I feared what Toni would want. I was lead through a back door that entered the bar only a few steps to its bartender. Toni looked so pleased, she seem to smile as she saw me reappear. I didn't linger and moved to her side. "So girlie got her ass whooped, damn I hate I missed that. Know what I love most of all ass wipe? A red hot freshly beaten ass, oh yeah, nice and hot and ready for Sally. Come on bitch, let me introduce you to Sally." With that she unzipped her jeans and pulled out a massive strapped on cock. It was so huge, it had to be Sally, men just didn't come with instruments like this. I couldn't help but find humor in the fact that women who want nothing to do with a man's dick will buy their own and worship it with the same unflappable flare men do. "Now what you want to do is get down on your knees and give Sally some love. Yeah bitch you want to get Sally all nice and wet, trust me you will be glad you did when I ram her up your ass." I knew fear had sprung out all over my face. And this pleased Toni immensely. "Oh yes, bitch nothing else to do with an ass set on fire by the paddle, it reeks to be fucked. All that heat in your ass right now wants Sally. Oh it will hurt but that is what a worthless cunt like you desires, pain baby.

So suck my dick bitch and I will give you what you need." Did I have a choice? To be told dykes and lesbians didn't like straight women in their club they sure seemed to be enjoying me. Sally smelt. Toni continued mixing drinks above me. If she moved she drug me with her. I clung on to old Sal, I knew I couldn't get all of it in my mouth but hey I didn't think I could get it all in my ass either. Never underestimate the power of a dyke confronted with a freshly beaten red ass. Toni leaned down and whispered to me. "Hold your head still, don't fucking move, I'll use the shelf behind you to make sure you don't go anywhere. Then I will demonstrate how deep Sal will go up in your ass. Now Sadie if you move and don't take ole Sal deep into your throat then Toni will be pissed off. And that means I drag you out the back door and back to shed. Do you want that sweetie? Does your ass need to be stung some more? " "No, no please, I will be perfectly still, I promise." So it had come to this, me on a bar floor, a dyke's cock in my mouth, begging her. Toni patted the top of my head and chuckled. Sally laid in my mouth. I tried to relax my throat, knowing the task before me was useless. I bent my head back, prayed and waited. Toni continued to mix one drink after another I paid close attention to her movements praying I would not be caught off guard.

The music was loud so if I screamed who would hear, worse who would come to rescue me. Toni kept teasing me, pulling out and pushing in. I didn't miss an opportunity to slobber up Ms Sally and keep working my lips all around the fake cock. And then Toni rear back and grunted loudly as she thrust her Sally girl deep into my thought. I was so thankful I lived through it. My whole head ached but I was still there. Toni pulled out a little and then just fucked my face. Things seem to slow at the bar and I felt Sally slide out of my mouth. "Get up girlie time for an ass fucking. That makes it your lucky night, doesn't it sweetie pie." As I stood there Toni threw a couple more drinks together and I surveyed the room. A few woman had paired off and were in different stages of making out. But what struck me was a young women with a collar on and a leash attached to it. She was sitting on the floor on her knees next to a rather stern looking business woman who seem to be enjoying her drinks and friends.

At a table in the back a woman was standing and you could see a head bobbing at the very top of the table. On the dance floor another woman was openly caressing her partner's tits. "Can't give you the full effect honey, I only get a 10 minute break, let' s go." A small table set behind the bar close to the back door, Toni led me to it. "Now pull up your skirt cunt and show Toni that ass whippin you got. Sally don't love nothing more than a red ass." I was way passed embarrassed by now so I lifted the skirt and bent over. Toni lit her lighter and moved in close, I could feel her hot breath on my inflamed ass, then her hands. "Oh yeah, red ass and some nice welts too," she was pressed behind me, " Shit I bet a whore like you got off on that beating, were you begging for more?" Toni was really getting off on my ass. I worried she had moved into a trance and I would be laid over this table for the duration. "SMACK! SMA-SMACK! Toni hooted again "Spread your legs baby, open up wide so I can get it in. I'm gonna be nice honey, since I get you again at closing and will attend your show Thursday night then I am gonna slide old Sally into that pussy." I felt her fingers roughly spreading my pussy lips and plunging in. I was so wet I could hear them sloshing around inside me. Then she pulled out of me and stuck her fingers to my lips. "Taste it slut, suck your cummy juices off my fingers." With my head pressed on the table I extended my tongue and licked her finger. Then she put them in her mouth and smacked her lips. Wet, her added slaps to my ass stung worse. She lifted my ass up and I felt Sally's massiveness press against my pussy hole. She reached around my neck and pulled me up forcing me further down on her strap on. "Stand up and squat a little then hold on cause Toni is gonna fuck that pussy good. Shit I will make you my little cunt. Wouldn't that make you happy whore?" I just moaned. She had bent back and I was impaled on her cock. She thrust into me harder than any man ever had. It was like riding a bronco. So there I stood in a gay bar, a dyke with a strap on named Sally close behind me fucking my pussy deep. It had been quite a night and wasn't over, what the hell I thought. I thrust up and down on her cock. I moaned loudly. My ass burned every time she thrust against it and cummy juice was running down my legs. The huge strap on filled me up. "Oh yes Toni, yes baby FUCK me, ohhhhhh yessssss!" She grunted loudly and fucked me with vigor. Standing behind me she steady plummeted my ass. I grinded my pussy back at her. It felt wonderful. My orgasm built and built and Toni grunted and moaned. My pussy went into spasms and my orgasm rushed over me. Toni thrust into me hard a couple more times and then released me. My legs went totally limp and I grabbed the table to keep from falling to the floor. "Get down there and clean Sal up slut, breaks over." I was stunned not only by her words but I felt my heart sink a little. I fell to my knees and did as ordered. I even put Sally back in her jeans and zipped her up. "It will be a few more hours before we close so to keep you out of trouble boss has an idea." The boss was a man of about 50, short and stocky. He looked like the profile of a child molester. I stood in his small cramped office across his desk from him. I felt like a child who had been sent to the principal. "Heard you had a few problems tonight. You straight women are all alike. Think you can waltz into a lesbian bar and every woman in the place is going to beg to suck your pussy. Turn around and show me your ass." Was he serious? "Should I call Toni in here to help you?" Didn't sound like a plan to me plus he was properly the only person in the place who hadn't seen my ass tonight. I turned, lifted my skirt and stood there. "Not bad, how did you take it?" "Well as you see I am still alive." "Well Miss Smarty Pants that is nothing compared to what they have planned for Thursday night, you plan to survive that too?" "I can take whatever they dish." Now who the hell said that. "Okay, we will see. I sure wouldn't want to be in your place. But these woman pay my bills and they seem to want to make an example out of you." With that he held up a copy of my driver's license. "You will be here Thursday even if I have to come and get you. Do we have an understanding?" "I'll be here, don't worry." "Oh my dear", he chuckled, "I am not near as worried as you should be. Now for the rest of the night I have a job for you. In the spirit of your show Thursday the girls would like some advertisement." He reached over and pressed a button. Tammy here will tell you what to do. I followed Tammy into a small room. She sat down on a chair and told me to

come to her and turn around. I felt her lift my skirt and heard her working. "Okay honey here is the story, I have pinned your skirt up so everyone can see your red ass. I have also attached a flyer above it. It reads, Thursday night special, Please come and join your sisters in the shed at 8 p.m. Bring whatever your choice of discipline tools are and some creative ideas for how to punish this straight woman who infected our bar in hopes of receiving sexual satisfaction simply because we are gay. Enough is Enough! You will be stationed in the bar, displaying your ass and the flyer until we close. Follow me please." So until Toni got the bar cleaned I was tied to a pole in the middle of the bar with my ass on display and a note attached that says, YES please come beat my ass.. The Club Part 4 - Toni's Visit ====================== On Wednesday afternoon I had an unexpected guest arrive at my door. It was Toni from the bar, Sally's Inn, my new hang out. I should of known the night she raped me in the bar's bathroom and smiled as she flashed me a copy of my driver's license that she would appear at my door one day. "No, point in being shy now girlie, so let me in." I felt my insides turn to a mush of nervousness. Toni was a rough dyke who had certainly enjoyed my mouth on the floor of the handicap stall in the bathroom. Barely an hour later she had me on my knees again, behind the bar sucking her strap on till her break when she bent me over a table and fucked me roughly with it. At closing she had her way with me again. Toni made herself at home, strolling through my house, looking in every room, picking things up taking any liberty she chose. I suppose she knew I wasn't about to stop her. When she got into my room she turned to me and told me to go lock the doors and bring her another beer. I didn't hesitate it would only add to the treatment I knew I was about to get.. When I walked back into my room carrying her beer she was looking out the window. "Nice little spread you got here, love the no neighbor thing. Your house?"

"Yes". I didn't offer her anymore information about me. The spread was nice, almost 10 acres, the house was built in the 50s had lots of room and style. I had inherited it and I treasured it. I looked at this coarse female but could see no feminine attributes about her except when she smiled which she seemed to prefer not to do. "You do know you can't get out of tomorrow night, don't you?" Seems a bi curious woman wasn't welcome at Sally's In and after I was found out and this time raped and beaten in the parking lot and shed they were nice enough to invite me back as guest of honor of an old fashion whopping the following night. Her words made me feel challenged in I am sure a most ignorant

way. "No need for anyone to worry, I'll be there." I said with a misplaced sense of confidence. Toni turned to look at me, her eyes searched my face. "Now you wouldn't be looking forward to this would you?" "Yeah, can't wait to be rape and beaten by a bunch of dickless lesbians." Damn, I wish I had better control over my sarcasm. Toni's face went through a couple emotions, first she looked pissed and then even worse it appeared she had a plan. "No need to have to wait missy, ole Toni thought she would do you a favor and come over here and try and help you toughen up but hey your tough enough right?" She was in my face now and I felt a surge of fear run through me. "Okay, girlie you are tough, let's play." She went around the room and turned all the lights on. "It was dark the other night and I didn't get to see the goods, so how about we start with a nice slow strip tease to make Toni happy. And honey Toni doesn't like to wait or have some bitch not obey her, just some words of wisdom that you might want to heed. Once again it's show time." This was a bed I had made. I had gone to the bar that night and I was looking for some female play, maybe not as much as I was getting though. Toni stretched out on the bed and made her self comfortable, waiting for her show. I knew trying to divert her plans were useless maybe I could make her fall in love and she would rescue me from tomorrow night. Well I had to try something. I took the hem of my sweater and slowly pulled it up. I wasn't wearing a bra, I was already half way there since I wasn't wearing undies either. Toni had started removing her clothes before I did, and had already tossed them aside and had made herself comfortable in my bed. Why not? I slide my pants down over my hips and stepped out of them. "You know you are really a fat slut, but I like that, I would break a small cunt in half plus you have all that ass, just more to beat, come here." She beckoned me closer to the bed and her. When I got there she roughly reached down and grabbed my cunt in her big hand and squeezed it, hard. "Damn, bitch you got some fat pussy lips, the girls are gonna love you. So you think you can survive tomorrow night? Okay let's see, lay down on your back and spread your legs." As I obeyed her, she reached for the bag she had brought in with her and pulled out a narrow wooden paddle. "Let's see how well you can take a taste of this," the words were barely out of her mouth when she brought the paddle down hard on my pussy's hood. AAAUUUUUUUGGGGGG", I shouted and curled up trying to avoid her assault. She grabbed me by the hair. "Do I have to tie your ass down to the bed, because if I do I will double your punishment, you are to lay still and keep those legs spread, do you understand me whore?" "Y-y-ye-s-s, okay I will", I stammered back. This time she popped the paddled on my tender lips, four quick times, pain shot through me. "ANSWER ME CORRECTLY." She screamed at me. "Yes, yes ma'am". I offered quickly. "Yes, ma'am what bitch, tell me, tell me what you want me to do, NOW." How could I. "Please, no more I beg you, please." This time the stings came in groups, sharply on my pussy lips and then the inside of one thigh and then the other. "Okay," I shrieked , "please ma'am, please, spank m-m-m-y p-p-u-u-s-s-s-s-y." And she did. She danced that paddle all over my swollen lips. Sometimes the blows would be like a sharp pat and then she would smack them hard, pause and strike sharply again. As much as it hurt I could feel my juices flowing. Roughly, Toni jammed her fingers into and when she pulled them out they glistened. "Ha, bitch you are getting off on this, aren't you?" "No, please Toni, it hurts so bad, please stop." SMACK!, SMACK, over and over. She grabbed my hair and pulled me to her face. "What is my name whore?" she asked all while continuing the assault on my tender lips. "Ma'am, Madam, Mistress, please, please STOOPPPPPP!" I pleaded "Oh I will stop as soon as I cum, see beating up sorry pussies gets me hot, so hot that it makes me cum. So you better agreed to take it bitch, cause the longer I wait and have to stop, the longer I have to beat you. So what's it gonna be cunt?" "please let me eat your pussy, I will suck it good, or your ass, I would love to get between your cheeks and suck you ass please Ma'am, anything, this hurts so bad." Toni reached down and squeezed my pussy hood, then continued to maul it. " Oh you will do those things, right after I beat your pussy till I come bitch, do you understand???" she squeezed my pussy harder as she spoke. I knew I was defeated and any more resistance would only heighten her desire to hurt me so I submitted myself to the pain for her pleasure. "Yes ma'am, please beat it, please till you cum ma'am, please do it." " Well now that is better, so here is the deal, I will beat it till I get good and hot and then I will sit on your face and finish beating it while you struggle under me for breath, sound good to you?" "Yes, yes ma'am I want to please you." "I guess you do whore, so let me see and hear that pain." She danced the paddle all over my swollen lips and as much as it hurt I could feel my juices continue to flow. She grabbed my leg and pulled it up over my head and then started a new assault on my hole and the tender area above my ass hole. The new assault brought me to tears and screams which seem to please her but I knew if she was going to get off I needed to play along. "Oh yes, ma'am, please beat my sorry pussy, beat it HARD!" I raised my ass up to meet the paddle. "Filthy whore, I knew you loved it." "Oh please harder, it is so sorry a piece of ass, please beat it!." I could tell the conversation was helping to excited Toni and in a few minutes she swung her leg over me and sat down hard on my face. The world turned dark and I lapped as fast and hard as I could since I knew the air was little. She grinded down on my face and fucked it hard. She brought both my legs under her arms and lit into my poor pussy with the paddle, each blow intense. I couldn't help myself and struggled under her for air, she bared down harder on my face, increased the tempo of the paddle and drowned me with her pussy juices. They gushed out of her. The paddling stopped and she warned me. "Drink every drop, bitch, lick my pussy dry, or I'll beat that pussy some more." It was hard to catch my breath and I continued my struggle for air but I sucked up her juices. She lifted up quickly and instructed me to catch my breath and make it quick. When she lowered herself back down I felt warm moisture all over my face, my God she was pissing on me. "That's right bitch, piss, now drink every bit and you better learn to love it, every woman there tomorrow night will want you to drink their piss, some may even want you to eat their shit, won't that be yummy." That made my mind up, I would leave town. I had not expected her to piss and so needless to say I did not drink it all and she was not happy. "Now look at you, you are a stinking mess, guess we will have to fix that."

With that said she reached in the bag and pulled out a collar and leash. She fastened the collar around my neck and attached the leash. The she reached in and pulled out a long 2-inch wide leather strap. Yanking on the leash she command me to get up and get on all four, I had no choice. "Let's go for a walk." She led me to the front door and as I went through it she laid the strap on my ass. It certainly hurt but took some sting away from my poor beaten pussy. It hurt to crawl on the gravel but I knew Toni didn't care. She opened the back door of her car and got out some rope, she laid it on the trunk and struck my ass again and again with the strap. Picking it back up she led me toward a tree. "Got a faucet out here?" I pointed to where the faucet was attached and she led me to it, she turned it on and picked up the nozzle. It had been hot out and I knew as she did that the first water out would be very, very hot. "Lay down on your back and spread your legs", she commanded and I obeyed.

She pointed the nozzle at my tender pussy and squeezed it, water shot out in full force and hot all over my stinging pussy, I cringed and screamed as Toni laughed. Once she felt the water temperature drop she aimed the nozzle at my mouth. "Got to clean the pup up." It was a relief to feel her piss get washed away from my mouth. She dropped the nozzle and yanked my leash as she picked up the strap again. Striking my ass over and over as she led me to the big oak tree in my front yard. She didn't stop beating my ass as she told me to get up. I hadn' t seen the crop in her hand but I felt it when she brought it down on my tender breast and a red welt appeared. She showed no mercy as she struck my breast over and over with the crop. Then she reached up and pinch my nipple, squeezing it hard. My legs buckled but she brought the crop across my legs and dared me to fall. "Now cunt, hug that tree with your legs spread." Needless to say the rough bark rubbed my titties making the pain even worse, I cried out. "Hurts so good doesn't? Now get that pussy up against the bark, now!" I spread my legs and pressed my pussy into the tree's bark, the rough bark bringing the pain back to life. I assumed she would tie my hands around the tree but instead, she beat my ass with her leather strap. Each blow thrusting me against the roughness of the bark. The strap was warming my ass nicely and I felt myself drift away from the pain and began to feel a tingling between my legs. Toni laid the leather on my ass and thighs for at least a solid 10 minutes, then stopped. I didn't dare turn around, but I could hear her doing something behind me. I felt her as she came up behind me, felt her breast on my back. She leaned into me, took the leash and yanked it, jerking my head back, then pressed in hard against me. That was when I felt the hardness between my ass cheeks.

This is the end of where I got on this series, I may try and finish it at some time. More great stories at

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