The Convention

By brenda chaplin

Published on Sep 27, 2005


This story though not a direct sequel does contain the characters from the convention. The following parts will be sequels to this story. If you enjoy it please drop me a line at or Yahoo Messenger brendachaplin2000. Please state which story you commenting on.

Abbreviations: -

WPC - Woman Police Constable (UK policewoman) PC - Police Constable (UK policeman)

The Assignment

PC's Tom Smith and Brian Chaplin were good coppers; they both lived for the job. In the town of Redhitch, Sussex a spat of strange rapes had taken place. 5 WPC's had been kidnapped and raped. The rapists only kidnapped officers in full dress uniform, and ignored the newer fleece and trouser duty uniform. The chief constable issued orders that no female officer was to wear their dress uniform in public. This made things difficult out court appearance were the WPc would arrive in duty uniform and change at the court, also a male officer had to deliver their dress uniforms separately in case the rapist kidnapped them and forced them to change.

Tension in the female ranks was high when a young probationer was kidnapped and showed up 3 days later dressed in a supplus dress uniform and fucked multiple times in all her holes. In the days that followed the young officer's duty uniform was posted back to her station in ripped tatters. There was a note attached to the last parcel, "You've destroyed the traditional appearance of the policewoman, and for that I intend to put it right. Each girl I see dressed correctly will be rewarded with a 3 day stay at my home where I will give them pleasure the likes they've never felt before, X". The Chief ordered the special branch to capture this lunatic at all costs.

Inspector Carlson, head of the special branch hatched a plan and reviewed a set of secret files on the officer available to him. Both Tom and Brian were in turn called in for an interview, little did they know the interviewer was a trained hypnotised and within seconds of talking the men were placed in a trance.

The main course of the questioning was to determine two suitable candidates for the special assignment Carlson had devised. The right candidate was having crossdressed at one point in their life and is extremely loyal to the service. Both Smith and Chaplin met these criteria have both played around with crossdressing in there youth, both had given it up when they entered the force in fear of it affecting there careers.

After the interview all the men remembered was that they had a boring conversation on the rights and wrongs of stop and search on the ethnic minorities, but Tom and Brian had a secret trigger word implanted. When either was asked, "WOULD YOU LIKE TO WEAR SOME LACY PANTIES" each would have the burning desire to dress up again.

Carlson had Smith and Chaplin report to him at headquarters. Chaplin and Smith were called into his office where he sat behind his desk. He explained the true meaning of the interview (leaving out the bit about the trigger word) and told them what he had planned.

The two officers would be reassigned undercover to the Templton station where most of the girls had been taken from. Once there the officers would take on the roles of two replacement WPC's at the station. Smith and Chaplin looked at each other nervously. Carlson said that they would have full feminising training and a week's secret police training at Hendon in how to use the WPc equipment belt, truncheon and how to fight like a girl. At Hendon they would be issued their equipment for the assignment.

Carlson gave them a couple of hours to think about it. They both went to a local bar and sat down with a drink. Brain UN-clipped his tie and released his top button. "Well what do you thing?" Brian asked Tom. Tom straighten his own tie and said "This maniac has to be stopped, and I never really suppressed the urge to dress up, and the tension is killing me", "Me two, I've got some undies in my room I'll put them on every now and then but I'm to afraid to take it any further" Brian replied. "Think of the rewards will get if we get him, at least a sergeants promotion" Said Tom. "You thing they let us keep all the special equipment afterwards" said Brian. The two men chatted about the secret passed experiences and the pros and con's of this assignment. In the end they both agreed to do it.

They returned to Carlson's office and told him of the decision. Carlson was glad they agreed and hand them each an envelope containing their assignment and backgrounds. Carlson told them that they haven't ruled out an inside job yet so they were to remain undercover at all times and report only to him.

The two officers left and returned to there station to clear out there lockers, the next morning and van arrived at the section house where the two lived all there stuff was boxed and placed into storage.

Brian opened the envelope Carlson handed him, on the front it read B Chaplin, special assignment.

The first page was a new background and bio for Brian. It read as follows: -

Name: Brenda Georgina Chaplin.

Age: 27

Background: Born in Berkshire, joined the Thames Valley Police in 1992, 5 years exemplar service transferred to the West Sussex constabulary in 1998 and served at headquarters until present time. Now transferring to the Templton station with long time friend Officer Jane Smith. Both officers share a flat in the area.

It also had other personal information about Brenda.

On the next page were Brian's orders.

The nature of this assignment is for Officers Tomas Smith and Brain Chaplin to pose after special training as the female Officers Jane Smith and Brenda Chaplin. Posing as female officers, Smith and Chaplin will be given the task of escorting an MP around the town of Templton. Due to the importance of the visit, both officers will be required to wear full dress uniform. In the interest of security the MP will be portrayed by another officer for a neibouring force. A press release will be issued detailing the visit, but no mention of the uniform will be made.

It is intended that the kidnapper captures at least one of the officers and escorts them to their lair.

Once in the lair the officer/s are to arrest the rapist using any means required and secure the liar for forensic examination.

On completing the assignment each officer will receive a commendation and the choice of assignment.

Good luck

Inspector James Carlson.

Brian placed the orders back in the envelope as a car approached; the driver gave the officers a sheet detailing his orders. And they got into the back of the car.

The driver took them to a small farmhouse in Hampshire. There they were meet by a woman in her mid 30's. She introduced herself as Carol and that she was their instructor for the 1st phase of the training. Brian and Tom introduced themselves but Carol told them from now on they would be known as Brenda and Jane so they had better get use to it.

After showing the "girls" to their rooms, Carol took Brenda into the bathroom and had her strip. Brenda's 9 1/2 stone body could easily be mistaken for a young flat chested girl, if only for the 6 1/2 inch cock between her legs. Carol ran a bath and poured oils and lotions into the water. "In you get girl and wash away the last traces of man" Carol gathered up all Brenda's things and put them in a black bag. She then took Jane into her on suit bathroom and repeated the process. Carol returned to Brenda and had her step out of the tube and dry off, Carol rubbed a cream all over Brenda's body coursing her dick to erect, "you'll have to learn better control over that," Carol said. After a couple of minutes Carol grabbed Brenda's knob and led him into the adjoining shower cubical, she turned on the cold water and washed away the cream, it also took the body hair beneath it as well. The cold water dampened Brenda's hard on and when all traces of body hair was gone Brenda was told to get back in to bath, the lotion water tingled Brenda's skin and soon the boner was back. Carol left Brenda to soak and as Brenda massaged her body under the water, she heard Jane call out in shock. Brenda smiled cold shower Jane she thought.

Carol had Brenda get out and dry off again and return to her bed. On the bed was a pair of cache sex panties and a bra. Brenda picked them up and put them on as if she had done it every day. There was also a box on the bed and when Brenda opened it to revile a pair of 34D breast forms. Brenda filled each cup of her bra, very nice she thought. She put on the silky robe hanging on the back of the door and sat and the vanity table. It had been a good 8 years since she went this far but after a couple of miss starts got the right make up balance. She was disappointed not to have a wig but she went to the wardrobe and viewed the garments. On the back of the door hung a protective suit covered a note "to be worn between 8 and 3 during class time". Brenda eased the zip down to reveal a schoolgirl uniform, looking at the clock she noticed it was a little after 5 and so zipped it back up. She picked a out a two piece pinstriped suit and a collared blouse that had a ribbon bow tie, placing the items on her bed she went to her draws and selected a pair of charcoal tights, stockings she leave until tomorrow she thought. She then got dress, using the full-length mirror as she tied the bow. She picked out a pair of 2-inch sandals and strapped them on. Smoothing her skirt and blouse Brenda put on the jacket and fasten the double-breasted front. She left the room and found Jane and Carol drinking coffee in the kitchen. Jane was wearing a open necked blouse with a patented scarf tied around her neck and a maroon skirt, plus she wore full fashioned stockings with the line running straight into her red 3 inch court shoes.

Brenda sat and joined them as Carol outlined the training plan; they were to rise at 6:30 everyday and be washed and feed by 7:30. They had 30 minutes to clean up their rooms and get into their school cloths. They were to report to the schoolroom at 8 sharp. Then from 8 till 3 with an hour lunch at 12 they would be taught the correct way to act as a young lady. This would all start on Monday, but that tomorrow Sunday they should dress a little more casual as they had to go out in the morning. There was a knock at the door and Carol went to get it, 5 minutes later she returned and said, "dinner is served ladies".

In the dinning room the girls sat round a clothed table and ate from formal china by the light of candles. They sat there until late sipping wine and talking girl talk. At eleven Carol stetted and call it time for bed.

Carol kisses the others goodnight and then waited for the girls to kiss each other, when they hesitated Carol said "It's only a peek on the cheek, girls do it all the time". With that Jane and Brenda kissed.

They went up to there rooms and Brenda undressed leave on her underwear put her robe on, hung up her suit and went into the bathroom. She washed up and returned to her room pulled out a silky nightie and put it on and fell into bed. She was soon asleep.

Waken the next day Brenda striped and showered done some light make up and dressed in a v neck pink T-shirt and a pair of jeans, she found a jewellery case and picked out a necklace and a bracelet. Slipping into a pair of 1/2 inch court shoes Brenda joined the others for breakfast. Jane wore and sleeveless skinny top and a short blue skirt and a similar pair of shoes.

After they had ate, Carol drove them into a near by town and parked outside a hairdressers. Being Sunday the street was almost deserted; Jane led the two officers into the shop. There was a guy prepping two chairs with stuff, he turned and greeted the girls Brenda immediately guessed he was gay. He placed each girl in a chair and Carol sat in the waiting area reading the magazines there. Guy as his name turned out to be washed and dried their hair and started to weave extensions into the hair. By the time he was done, their new hair framed their faces perfectly. Guy gave them tips on how to look after their hair and the called Carol in for an inspection. Then Guy and Carol gave the girls a manicure. When they were done Carol gave Guy a kiss on the lips and stepped back and looked at the girls. Jane took the lead and gave Guy a thank you kiss and Brenda did the same.

On the way back to the house Carol stopped off at a country pub and bought them all lunch.

When they got back to the house and on the doorstep was a large document pouch, once inside they opened it to reveal two sets of ID for Brenda and Jane, including driving licences, Passports, credit cards and a note stating that their warrant cards would be issued at Hendon.

The girls played cards until bedtime and then retired to their rooms.

Brenda was awoken by her alarm at 6:30 and got up and washed put on her robe and join the others for breakfast. On the table were a selection of children's cereals, and orange juice. Jane and Brenda ate but Carol didn't join them.

They returned to there rooms and showered Brenda applied only light make up and put her new hair into two pig tales, she dressed into a white cotton panties and bra set and place her forms in the cups. She opened her wardrobe door and took out the covered uniform. She laid it down on the bed and unzipped it. Removing the cover she discovered it was a three piece uniform, white shirt, bottle green gymslip and bottle green blazer top of with a green and yellow tie. She found herself growing hard as she fastened her shirt so she put her tie on and retreated to the bathroom sat on the toilet eased her throbbing member out and wanked off slowly. She soon exploded into the waiting tissue paper, adjusted underwear and contained dressing.

She pulled up her socks and laced up her flat shoes and headed to the classroom. She met Jane on the stairs dress identical except for the stockings and heels and the more than light make up.

In the schoolroom there was two old style flip top desks and a large desk out front with a blackboard behind it. Jane and Brenda sat behind their desk and waited. Carol dressed in a neat pinafore dress and white open neck blouse with a teachers gown and mortise board upon her head walked in. "Don't you brats usual stand when a teacher enters the room" Carol sneered. "Ok Carol" Jane Said, and Carol reached behind her desk and produced a cain. She crossed the distance between the desks and whacked the cane across Jane's hands, "That's Miss Bradshaw to you, got it". Jane looked in pain and both girls said "Yes Miss Bradshaw".

For the rest of the day Miss Bradshaw treated the girls like dirt as she taught them on the proper way to walk, talk and act as a good little schoolgirl. Jane had earned a canning for over doing her make up and wear stockings and heels.

At 3pm Miss Bradshaw released the class, and Jane and Brenda returned to their rooms. Carol all friendly again stopped by their rooms to see if they had done their homework. She had to give Jane a cuddle as she broke down and cried. Carol explained that it was necessary for her to become Miss Bradshaw in the classroom to help the girls learn fast and help them develop the timidness they'd need to pass a girl. She told to wash up and come down for dinner. Jane changed into a skirt and blouse, but Brenda choose to stay in her school cloths. After dinner they chatted again until it was bedtime. They kissed goodnight this time without and pauses.

At 8 the next morning both girls now properly dressed stood behind their desks and waited. When Miss Bradshaw arrive she greeted the class, and they in turn responded "Good morning Miss Bradshaw" and she then allowed them to sit, and the class continued.

After a week of classes the girls where now acting like proper girls, and one morning when Miss Bradshaw arrived she was a lot more relaxed with the girls. "Today girls we start phase two of your lessons" she had them join her over in the corner where she issued them a dummy mans head and a dildo. She took one for her self and returned to her desk. "Today's lesson is in sexual conduct and will be a practical" said Miss Bradshaw. She the showed the correct way to kiss a man by using the dummy head. She then took each girl in turn aside and kissed them while the other used their dummy head.

After lunch told the girls that the afternoon would be used in blowjob practise and technique. She then demonstrated on her dildo, and when the other two had got it half right dismissed them two their rooms to practise. After an hour Carol looked in on Brenda. "I just can't get the hang of this thing, it tastes awful" said Brenda. "The real ones don't taste much better" Carol joked and left after hearing the same from Jane she took Jane into Brenda's room and suggested the practise on each other. The girls didn't like the idea, but after Carol mentioned that this was the only way they'd get any relief until after the assignment and that if they could thing that they where real girls sucking cock rather than a guy in drag then there training in thinking like girl would be complete. She also suggested that they start off with a kiss rather than dive onto each other dicks.

Carol left them alone and the two look at each other soon they where only inches apart and Brenda took the lead and closed the gap and kissed Jane full on the lips, within seconds their lips parted and they where tasting each other's mouths. They started to pet each other and Jane moved between Brenda's legs, lifted her slip and pulled down her panties. Her dick sprung to life. Jane opened her mouth and took Brenda into her mouth before she changed her mind. Jane gave a long and sensual blowjob bring Brenda to a might climax. Jane didn't let go in time and was rewarded with a mouthful of Brenda's love juice, which in the heat of the moment swallowed every last drop.

When Brenda had recovered she pulled Jane onto her and kissed her with passion. Brenda slipped a hand under Jane's slip and pulled down her panties releasing her cock as it bashed into Brenda's stiffing beast. Brenda rubbed a hand over Jane buttocks and found her hole, she inserted a finger started to rub Jane's prostate. Jane started to ride Brenda's finger. Brenda slid between Jane's legs and lowered Jane's cock into her mouth. Jane started to buck in and out of Brenda's mouth as she slip her finger in and out of Jane's love hole. Soon it was Brenda's turn to eat cum as Jane exploded in her mouth. Brenda withdrew from cock and arse and slid up to Jane's face and they shared Jane's fluids in their mouths.

The feel asleep in Brenda's bed.

The next morning still dressed in their uniforms they ate breakfast, but this morning Carol joined them and told them that there time here was over and a car will pick them up at noon to take them to Hendon.

At 9 Carol had them gather in the schoolroom where she gave them a scroll and a pair of 36D breast forms as a graduation gift. They shared long hugs and kissed before Carol left and the two girls never saw her again. They returned to Brenda's room and Jane UN-buttoned Brenda's shirt and removed her old breast and removed the backing tape from the new ones and put them on her. She then refastened the shirt and shoulder strap of the gymslip. Brenda returned the favour and they shared another kiss and got into a 69 position and sucked each other off, after which they mixed their juices in there mouths and each swallowed the cocktail of cum. Jane returned to her room to wash and pack. Brenda stripped and ran a bath and filled it with lotions and oils, she pinned up her hair and left the breasts in place marvelling at how natural they look. After her bath dried and did her make up and styled her hair in a cosmopolitan fashion. She picked the pinstripe suit again, this time with an open necked blouse and patented neck scarf. This time she put on her full-fashioned stockings take the time to straighten the back and slipped into a pair of 2 1/2 inch sandals. She packed the rest of her stuff into the suitcase provide. And went downstairs to lounge for a glass of wine, soon Jane joined her and they both took there ID's and put them with there purse's and spare make up into their handbags.

At 12 sharp there was a knock at the door and a driver took there bags and put them into the boot and then held the door open for them. As the car drove down the gravel driveway the girls look back at the place of their transformation.

After a couple of hours on the road the girls where glad to get to Hendon. A 40's WPc sergeant took them to the kit house and they where told to strip down to the underclothes. They where then given different uniform shirts to try. When they had there full uniform (Met style) they redressed in there old cloths and lead to there room. The room was equipped with two single beds and two wardrobes and a desk. The Sergeant told them to be ready for parade at 6 am.

A buzzer awoke them at 5am and they put on their robes and went down to the floor's bathroom. The bathroom was filled with half naked girls washing; Brenda and Jane took a shower cubical each and pulled the curtain round so that there little secret wouldn't get out.

They returned to their room fixed their hair up (regs state hair must be worn off the collar) and dressed in the dress uniforms for the first time. As Brenda clipped her Cravat on she started to get the same problem she got when she put the school shirt on for the first. She sat on the edge of her bed and eased her knickers down. Jane seeing Brenda's problem sat down now full clothed next to Brenda and took the problem in hand, as Jane relived Brenda reached under Jane's skirt and started to wank Jane of to. Jane exploded under her skirt. And Jane removed her hand and licked it clean as Jane increased her tempo causing Brenda to cum over the bed. The giggled and shared a kiss and Brenda finished dressing and Jane cleaned herself up.

At 6 they took up their place in the third row of new recruits. They where then inspected and marched to the canteen for breakfast. They had an hour before lessons started and so the had to return to there room and slop out. An inspector stopped by and out lined there training schedule and other than him and the colleges principle no one knew about their true genders, as far as everybody was concerned they were two officer return for special assignment training. Jane said, "Where we work the girls wear black ties not cravats". "You'll be wear met uniform whilst you're here to blending better, you'll be met a 11 in the ID room there you'll be lent a Sussex style jacket and tie for your warrant card picture, then back to the cravat."

The girls reported to the ID room and in turn took of their tunics and cravats and put on tie and Sussex tunic, they were also given a Sussex bowler hat to wear.

After the pictures the girls had their photo's taken in the Met uniform and were issued if Met ID's to allow them access to the other areas of the college.

After lunch they had to report to the gym. In the changing room they started to change into there sweats as a 7ft hulk walk in. "Don't bother, I been told to teach you to fight in your dress uniforms" He said in passing. The girls replaced their uniforms and followed him into the gym.

They were taught how to throw and fight of a man twice there size. Jane later noted to Brenda that they weren't taught these moves when they were men at college. Next came weapons training the female nightstick was shorter than it's male counterpart and thus need a more refined technique. With the night-stick learnt they moved on to the pepper spray, this lead to problems as the canister was stored on the left-hand side on a WPC's belt, and to finish off they handcuff training again the cuffs were stored on the wrong of the belt they were used to.

The next after breakfast and slop out they had to attend a typing and paperwork course. Brenda note how sexist the modern police force was. In the afternoon it was more physical training, Jane later told Brenda that the instructor was getting a little to fresh during some of their fights.

The week flew by and soon they were taken to the quartermaster's stores and issue with their Sussex uniforms and kit. After trying on all the new uniform, they had to redressing there met uniforms one last time, taken all their new cloths back to their room they added the shoulder braid to their tunics gave their shoes a polish, straightened their seems and fixed their make up. With the final touch of pulling on their white gloves they were ready for today's walk out parade, where cadets pass over to full time police officers.

The girls marched proudly as they walk pass a saluting commandant. At the end of platform the girls notice Carol full dressed in Met dress uniform with the rank of inspector, she gave the girls a solute and they all broke into wide smiles. After the parade Jane and Brenda looked for Carol but again she was gone.

That evening the girls decline an invite from the other graduates for a night on the town and elected instead to go back to their room with a bottle of wine and have a girl's night. At around midnight the wine was gone their ball sacks empty their bellies full of cum they had fallen asleep on Jane's bed, Brenda still in uniform and Jane had changed into her school uniform.

At 6 they a woke and washed this time they put on their Sussex uniforms, and went to parade and breakfast. Then pack up their cloths turned in their met uniforms and returned to their room. Due to them not being on duty they couldn't wear their uniforms until they reported for duty next Monday morning in public so they removed their ties and tunics, Brenda tied her scarf around her neck and put on a light blue cardigan. Jane took all her uniform off and put on her school shirt and Gymslip, she tie a feminine silk tie around her collar and put navy blazer.

By 11 the said their goodbyes and were on their to the flat in Templton. The driver helped them in with their bags. Their they were met by a 30's woman dressed in an off duty style police uniform covered by a leather jacket. "Welcome, girls I Penny from Inspector Carlsons staff" the woman said. Penny gave them a tour of the flat dropped of the keys and gave them a contact number. On the coffee table were their transfer orders to the Templton station. After Penny left the girls look at the double beds in each room. They decided to share a bed as it could get lonely at night. The girls settled in washed and dressed in slinky eveningwear and headed out to a local gay bar. As Jane returned from the loo she noticed a big butch girl chatting up Brenda, "Hey bitch get your hooks off pussy". At that dyke retreated, and Jane grabbed Brenda's arse and squeezes. At 10:30 a WPc dressed in duty uniform entered the bar and talk to the poofy bar man. She approached the girls table "Spike said's you've been causing trouble" "Just defending my property officer" replied Jane putting an arm around Brenda. "Ok" said the officer and walk over to a young 18's blonde at the next table sat on the couch next to her removed her helmet and started to snog the girl. "Shit she's a dyke" Brenda comment.

Monday morning Jane and Brenda wash put on their duty trousers and shirts, shined their shoes and filled their kit bags and headed of to the station. Templton police station was an old Victorian building and they handed the orders to the desk Sergeant who called another officer to take them to the WPc locker room. The stowed there kit fastened to collars and fitted their ties, and pulled on their pullovers. They went to the watch inspector and report in. Her gave them the usual bullshit lecture and took them over to the role call where they were introduced to the rest of the relief. The duty sergeant assigned Jane to the area car with a guy names Pierce and Brenda was on front desk. Jane pulled a radio from the supply officer and Brenda took up the front desk next to an over weight PC called Hickings.

Two weeks went by and both Jane and Brenda settled into their relief. At role call the sergeant assign special escorting duties to Chaplin and Smith, the other didn't complain as they didn't want to baby sit some MP and these type of duties always fell to the fresh fish. To the reliefs surprise Chaplin and Smith were order to wear full dress uniform for the visit. One of the other WPC's called up asking do they thing it's safe for WPCs to wear dress rig in public. The duty officer said area feels that it's time to test the waters as the rapist hasn't stoke in over a month and the count court has being demanding that the police show the proper conduct in court. This was the day Jane and Brenda had been trained for. They had to return to the flat to get changed.

They reported to the town hall at 12pm and await the minister's arrival. At 12:30 he arrived and the two girls and the minister went on a walk about. When he was sure that no one was listening he whispered "those barstards haven't laid on any back up it's just us three".

As they walked down one of the side streets they walked past a dust white transit van, suddenly the side slid open the minister was stuck of the head with a iron bar and a saw off shot gun was lowered on to the girls. "Loose the radio belts ladies" The masked gum man, said. The girls dropped their belts to the floor knowing full well that the tracking device was in on of the pouches. "Now cuff yourself" The gunman ordered. They did as they were told and got in the van. In the van a second mask man pulled them on to a mattress and tied them to it. The gunman slammed the door shut and got into the driver's seat and drove off.

The girls were blindfolded and were taken to a damp room, there they were locked in. an hour or so later the men return removed the blindfolds. After their eyes adjusted to the light the notice the men were dressed in dress policeman's uniform. The first grab Brenda and took over to a small bed and started to kiss her. The other did the same to Jane. The first pulled out his dick and stuck it in Brenda's mouth, Brenda sucked dutifully. Jane's attacked repeated his mates actions and started to pump Jane's mouth. The first guy then pulled out of Brenda and lifted her skirt and ripped off her panties, luckily her secret was keep by the latex vagina she now wore. The attacker rammed his cock into the front hole of Brenda and fuck for all he was worth. As their two cocks rubbed under the latex garment Brenda shot her load as her attacker also cum. Jane's attacker and filled her mouth and was also pumping her new latex fanny for all we was worth. Like Brenda, Jane shot her load in orgasm. Brenda's attacker undone Brenda's cuffs. In a split second training took over and the thug was out cold, she then pounced on Jane's thug and he to was out cold. Brenda released Jane and they used the cuffs on the perverts. They gave each other a reassuring hug and looked for a phone to call in the cavalry.

The next day they where standing in Carlson's office. "Good job, as promised you can pick your next assignment" the girls looked at each other and Jane "Sir we'd like to keep things as they are". "I see" Carlson Replied "Well then carry on then ladies", and dismissed the girls. And they went back to Templton station as WPc Brenda Chaplin and WPc Jane Smith.

The End.

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