The Cowgirls

By Moonbrand

Published on Jan 27, 2023


The Cowgirls by Moonbrand

This story is copyright the author. It is a work of fiction and contains graphic descriptions of sexual activity between women. If this type of activity is likely to offend you, please do not read any further. The author welcomes comments on her story to

Chapter Two – Lettin' The Dust Settle

Twenty minutes later as Sally and Ma were getting reacquainted upstairs, the atmosphere in the bar was warming up as Mary, Peggy and Jane had downed their first couple of beers and ordered a bottle of whiskey. Carita and her new lover were sitting quietly talking in a strange combination of English, Spanish, Mojave and signs. Everyone was getting on with their own life and all was well. Then the doors to the saloon swung open and a girl walked in.

Milly Adams was the school mistress' daughter. Just turned 16, she was every bit as self-confident as you'd expect a school teacher's daughter to be, and every bit as individual and rebellious as you'd expect a 16 year old self-confident young woman to be! She stood in the doorway dressed in a nightgown and boots that she had quickly pulled on when word had reached her that the girls were back in town. That word had included the fact that Carita was trailing a pretty, young Native American girlfriend. That news hadn't best pleased Milly, because 8 weeks ago when the girls were last in town, Carita had taken Milly as her lover and promised to be faithful to her until the end of time! It was little wonder that Milly was glaring across the saloon as Carita and the young girl conversed so intensely.

Milly stomped dramatically across the room, hoisting her nightgown up to stop it dragging on the floor. It was a fairly hysterical sight but none of the men in the room dared to make any lewd or choice remarks for fear of offending Carita. Carita herself was too taken aback to say much so it was left to Mary, Peggy and Jane to whisper offensive remarks behind their hands and try to stifle their giggles.

On reaching the table, Milly placed her hands on her hips and stared first at Carita then at the girl then back again.

"Who in our Lord's name is this", she hollered with all her might

"This is Kanti" answered Carita, "Though I call her Rapid Tongue" she added, regretting it immediately.

When Milly just stood there in fury, Carita filled in the silence. "She's my wife"

Milly was so apoplectic she almost choked, and one or two of the men snorted into their beers too at that remark.

"Your wife!" screamed Milly. "How old is she?"

"She's 14," Carita replied, "That's well passed marryin' age for her people. They were more than pleased for to take her as my bride"

"Pleased to marry her off to a woman. I don't think so you lyin' hussy". Milly was storming now.

"Actually," Carita explained, "They call it hwame and they are much more civilised about it than so called Christian folks. Now sit you down and have a drink with us."

Carita had regained her composure and her strong Mexican spirit was helping her regain control of the situation. Milly stood simmering for a few more seconds before pulling up a stool and sitting at the table.

"You made me promises Carita", she was almost pouting now, her anger deflated.

"I also told you I was going to be away a lot and that you shouldn't wait for me."

"And who in Jesus' name was I going to have instead of you in a town where the women only play the Game of Flats when you Sapphic bitches are in town?", pleaded Milly.

Carita didn't understand this educated girl's outburst, let alone have an answer for it, so instead she reached out her hands and clasped them around Milly's balled fists and squeezed them. She tilted her head and blinked her eyes as she always did when she was seducing a young girl into her wicked ways.

"Why don't the three of us go up to our room and discuss this in a more civilised manner?" asked Carita.

Milly felt her insides melt and her throat constrict. It was all she could do to nod. Carita stood and took her by the hand then offered he free hand to Kanti. The Mohave girl may not have followed all the angry conversation but she seemed to grasp what was happening now and took her lover's hand eagerly. Carita led them up their stairs and off to a bedroom midway along the landing.

At the bar, the girls had watched things unfold, at first with wry smiles but now with a pang of jealousy. It was Peggy who spoke first.

"Well, all this domestic strife has made me a little hot. I think I'm gonna take myself off round the back for a cooling shower. Are you gonna come and help me?"

Jane and Mary both downed the whiskey in their glasses and nodded. They put a cork in the bottle, scratched a line on the level and headed out back. Outside by the stables was a simple shower cubicle that sluiced the bather with cold water. It wasn't as posh as the baths upstairs but it was a lot simpler to operate. The three women rigged a blanket over a line to give them some privacy and prepared for their shower.

Meantime, down the street at the Martins' General Store, Babs, Betsy, Dorothy and Alice were scraping the last stew of their plates with thick wads of bread. Dorothy had quickly concocted it for the four of them.

"That was divine Miss Dorothy" said Betsy. "I couldn't eat another thing"

"Really," replied Alice, feigning disappointment in her voice "That's such a shame"

Betsy chuckled. "I think we'll leave those dishes until later" She then led Alice by the hand into the bedroom out back. After a moment, Dorothy stood up and beckoned to Babs to follow her through to the same place. Babs looked at her quizzically.

"Oh come on Babs," said Betsy "Don't be shy. It's the only bed we got and I ain't planning on letting you have me on grain sacks in the storeroom. Not this time!"

So Betsy quickly overcame her reticence and followed her girlfriend to join her sister and her girlfriend's mother on the – thankfully huge – bed in the back room.

Next: Chapter 3

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