The Delivery Man

By cajuncock / John Skehan / jaskejr

Published on Dec 5, 2013


This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to

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The Delivery Man 1


It was to be another hot day here in the mid-west. I had gotten to the depot at 7AM to prepare for a long day.I had the usaul 4 deliveries of fuel oil before I could quit for the day, around 4PM. After checking with the office and checking out my rig I pulled over to the "yard" to collect my first tanker.Looking at my schedule sheet I saw that I had two morning loads to drop off. One was at a small business complex and the other was at a small local college. An hour later I pulled up to the business complex of three, low 2 story buildings. I found the manager waiting for me the front door. We exchanged a few words about the weather and road conditions before I drove around to the underground tanks to unload. When I finished I went to the office to collect the check for the delivery.

On the road again I decided it was time for a break for coffee. I pulled into the parking lot of my favorite diner. It was filled with about a dozen other truckers, most veterans in their late forties. We exchanged greetings as I order my usual coffee. So far the day had been normal.

Now a little about myself. I am your typical mid-westerner, Oliver. I'm about 6'1, redish blond hair, 29 year old, a little under 200 pounds on my frame. My parents were Irish-Italians, giving me my redish blond hair and olive skin. Driving the big rigs had developed my upper body and I used a lot of my spare time to go to the gym to develop my lower body, especially my legs. I'd seen too many drivers with overworked upper bodies on thin lower torsos to not be aware of the dangers of getting out of shape. In high school, where I was an average "C" student, I had played football and soccer. I was not good enough among my peers to get a college scholarship. My parents were typical middle class, struggling to raise three kids. There was little money to spare for college. But there was something in the family better than money-a rich love. My Siblings and I were close, sharing our dreams, our hopes and our fears.

Out of high school I had taken a job with a local trucker, as an apprentice and general helper. He taught me much that would come in handy later in life. At age 23 I got my first job as a trucker for a local produce firm. I loved the freedom of being on the road, meeting people. My life was good.I made good money and later could afford to buy a small house outside of town. My social life revolved mostly around family and neighbors. I had never had much interest in girls. They were Ok as friends but there was no physical attraction for me. I preferred the company of my high school buddies, the jocks.

Today I was heading towards my second delivery to the small college. It was August and hot! I had read in the local paper that the second level pro football team was using the school's facilities for their two week summer training camp. The guard at the gate directed me to go to the gym-sports complex area where the underground storage tanks were located. Arriving I was met by a young man in shorts and an open neck polo shirt. He waved me over to a place next to a pump.

I got out of the cab of my truck to greet him. He introduced himself as Jason Kamp, an assistant coach for the team, the Warriors. He explained that the team's owners had agreed to fill both the fuel oil tanks and the gasoline tanks as a part of the deal to use the school's facilities. I asked him if he was ready for me to dump my load. He looked shocked, then embaressed. I realized that he had seen another meaning in my question. He was short, about 5'7, with a nice tan and dark brown hair. I guessed about 25 years old.

After an uncomfortable silent, he recovered and told me to "dump my load" in the tanks on the side of the building and then come into the office to collect the first of the checks. It took about forty minutes to properly unload the fuel oil and check to make sure that all the safety catches were properly locked. I finished and walked over to the offices, asking the young college student there if I could use the men's room to wash up. After giving me the once over, he directed me to the one right off the lobby. I washed my handsand then decided to unload all the coffee that I had been drinking. As I stood at the urinal, letting my stream out, the young man from the front desk came in and stood at the adjoining urinal. He unzipped, pulled out a decent sized cock. He didn't seem to be in a hurry to piss. But he did stare at my soft 7" cock. I was used to that, having been propositoned many times on my route. I finished, zipped up, and returned to the sink to wash my hands. I looked up into the mirror to see him turning sideways to show me his hard cock. It was a nice one but I had work to do. After drying my hands, I asked him where I could find the offices for the Warriors. He seemd disppointed that I did not want "to play" but gave me directions to their second floor offices. To be nice, I told him thanks and that I hoped to see him later. His reply was delivered seductively, "Have a nice day and enjoy our campus".

Upstairs, I found the offices for the atheletic department. Now they were being used by the Warriors staff. It was a large open space with space 4 desks. Jason was on the phone when I entered. He motioned for me to have a seat. The air conditioning felt good after being outside most of the morning. I was in our summer uniform, a pair of grey shorts, work boots, grey socks and a grey with the sleeves cut off. Our company name, Acme, was on the front pocket along with my name. While waiting I looked around and was impressed with all of the trophies and awards.

Jason finished his call and turned to me. He seemed flushed as I spread my legs when I turned around to him. "I've just talked to our accounting offices at the stadium. They've just gotten the faxed invoice and will cut a check. It'll take about 30 minutes to get it over here. Sorry about the delay" he explained. I told him since it was my last delivery of the morning I was in no rush. He asked if I had ever seen the sports facilities. I told him no, I hadn't had the chance. He invited me to tour them with him while we waited for the check. As we were leaving, passing the cute guy at the lobby desk, he told him that he was expecting a messenger with an envelope for him and that he was to sign for it and put it in his mailbox.

As we exited from the cool of the offices, the heat hit us. It was a short walk from the office building to the main gym. By the time we arrived at the gym, my shirt was soaked, clinging to my chest.

We walked down a flight of stairs to the non-public areas usualy reserved for the atheletes. Jason explained that most of the team would arrive later that day but that a few of the players were already here. We walked into the weight room, filled with all the usual equipemnt that you'd expect. There were two guys working out. I recognized one of them as the quarterback Brent Coleman. Jason introduced me to Brent and the running back, Donte Salvo. They had been in camp for three days, catching up on their plays. Just as I began to tell Brent that I'd followed his career all the way from college to his first season with the team, Jason's cell rang. He excused himself and walked away to take care of it. He came back with a worried look on his face. "Guys, I have to go over to the infirmary to check on something. Brent can you two show Oliver around the facility?" he asked. They both agreed and Jason rushed off.

"Well, there's not much to see except the weight room, the physio room, the locker room and the showers. But we'll take you around." Brent said. The tour was short and ended up in the locker room next to the showers. Both guys said they needed to shower before lunch. I started to go but they told me to wait, they'd only be a few minutes. I sat on one of the benches watching them undress. Both had well defined muscles covering their bodies. The six pacs, or more correctly 8 pacs, were standing out on their shaved chests. Brent and Donte dropped their workout shorts and stood there in just well filled jocks. They stripped them off and headed for the shower. I was stunned at the sight of those two hunks with above average cocks swinging between their legs.

I sat for a few minutes, then bored, got up to look around the locker room. As I neared the showers I heard the distinctive sound of moaning coming from the showers. Curious, I walked towards the sounds. As I turned the corner I saw Brent leaning against the shower wall. Donte was behind him about to enter Brent's ass with his now massive cock. I instinctively grabbed my own boner, fishing it out of my shorts.

Brent let out aloud moan as the massive tool entered his tight tunnel. Donte slowed his entry to let his man get used the wide, purple black head. Inch by inch he pushed into Brent's white ass. He finally bottomed out and Brent gave out a sigh. At that moment my shorts fell to the floor, the belt making a clanging noise. Both men looked around to see me pulling on my now 9" hard cock. They smiled, "Looks like someone is interested." Donte said. Brent just let out another moan as Donte gave him a pump, then pulled almost out of him. I was pumping my cock furiously and using my other hand to pinch my nipples under my opened shirt. Donte pulled out completely. He and Brent walked over to me slowly. Each of them proceeded to undress me while kissing my neck and feeling my body. They made short work of my remaining cloths. Each ome placed a hand on my shoulders, forcing me to my knees. Faced with these 2 hard cocks, my natural reactions took over. I swallowed Donte's cock first then switched to Brent's. As I did this I glanced up to see them kissing, exchanging tongues.

They broke apart and looked down on me, both smiling. Each man grabbed an arm and pulled me up into a three way embrace while grabbing an ass cheek. I felt one then two fingers explore my crack, searching for my hole. Now I was no virgin and I knew what was coming next.Donte turned me around so that my back was to Brent.I heard him reach for the wall mounted soap container and squeeze out some onto his hand. Donte whispered into my ear"Are you ready, are you a virgin?" I shook my head in the negative as Brent slipped a finger into my hole. A minute later another finger joined the first. His fingers sent a jolt through my body. He worked them around, opening my hole wider. He scissored them to make the space available for his hard cock. I felt the stiff tool, resting against my ass cheek. He moved slightly withdrawing his fingers and then I felt the head of his cock push into the vacated space. Pausing for just a few seconds, he then enterd me fully in one push. I moaned and pushed back onto the invading cock. "I think we have a keeper" he said to Donte. Both men embraced over my leaning body as I felt the two hard cocks push into my holes. The timing was perfect. They were sending me into overdrive.

Just as I thought I would blow my own load without touching myself, they stopped. Brent and Donte pulled out of my holes. "Time to switch" Donte whispered. Brent spun me around, forcing my mouth onto his shiny, ass juiced cock. Donte was quick to enter the hole that Brent had opened for him. "Man you sure know how to get a hole ready for my big dick", he told Brent. I grabbed Brent's ass and pushed his cock deep into my throat. Just as they were on the field , they were a team in sex play. I tightened my ass muscles around Donte's dick. He moaned and quickened his pace. Suddenly he stopped, gave out a roar and pushed deep into my body filling me. At the same time Brent, grabbing my head, forced his cock deep into my throat filling me with his jock seed. I came, hands free, on the floor beneath me. Standing there with my two jocks unloading into my body was the best treat I could ever remember. We collapsed onto the floor of the shower. Brent leaned over and asked if I had worked up an appetite. Yeah, I was starving after that intense exercise. We showered and I was invited to join them for the team lunch.

On the way I stopped by the truck and called in telling Marcy, our communications person, that I was taking my lunch break. As we walked into the lunch room, Jason entered with the check in his hand. "Did you enjoy the tour? " he asked. Both Brent and Donte let out a soft laugh as I said "yes". Donte chimed in "It was our pleasure to show him the ropes." At that Brent cracked up and Jason just looked puzzled before a light bulb went off in his head. "Oh, so is he coming to the party at the end of camp?" he asked them. I looked at them, puzzled. "If he wants to and is man enough ", Brent replied.

Jason seemed to stumble a minute before saying, almost shyly, "The guys told me how co-operative you were with them and how much they enjoyed your company. We were wondering if you might be free tonight to get to know each other better?". I thought for a minute, I had no plans for this or many other nights. I said "Ok, but don't they have a curfew?" He quickly said, "No, the camp hasn't really started yet." I gave him directions to my house and told him I'd be there after 7PM. I returned to the office to check with our manager about the morning delivery. He was a big fan of the team and agreed.

Next, if you want, part 2 the party at my house

Next: Chapter 2

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