The Dentist

By moc.oohay@ecnirpkapert

Published on Sep 5, 2023

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The Dentist

5,6,7,8,9 okay you can do it...10. Alright that was my last rep for the day, you wouldn't know it but 6 months ago I was a complete fat ass. I came in around 300 lbs. to a now 220 of pure muscle. It had all started from my 35th birthday birthday when my kids wanted to take me to a ball game. I was climbing up the stairs and suddenly I got so winded, I just stood there paralyzed praying that I would not have a heart attack on my day. It was at that moment being rushed to a hospital by an ambulance that I decided I was going to make some serious life choices. So here I am at the gym, I can't remember the last time I was able to have my shirt off and people gawk at me as I walk around.

I decided to just do a 5 minute jog on the tread mill for my cool down regretting not wearing my jock because my 8.5 inch dick is getting stimulated from my nylon shorts, when one of the regulars tries to strike up a conversation. His name is Greg, I introduce myself as Nathan but he tells me he's going to call me Nate for short. I guess I should have been unsettled but my mind was on this terrible tooth ache that had been bothering me for the past 2 days. He recognizes something is wrong and inquires, I tell him about the pain in my mouth and suddenly there is this glint in his eyes. He tells me that he is a practicing dentist and would be more than happy to see me. I take him up on his offer and he tells me to meet him outside in 30 minutes to pass business cards and that he has some Percocet to tide me over until tomorrow evening.

So I go home eat with the wife and kids, and get ready for bed. I take a pill and in thirty minutes my eyes are dilating and it's as if there is this warm towel covering my face drifting me to the gates of heaven. I tell you that was the best sleep I have ever had, at work I'm closing accounts flirting with the secs. I had half the mind to cancel that appointment with Greg when all of a sudden the searing pain comes rearing its ugly head right when I open the door to my car. So instead I call Greg to see if we are still on and he's been waiting for me all day I laugh apprehensively wondering what he meant by that but I tend to find all dentist creepy so I just chuck it up to that.

I get to his office and I'm pretty shocked at the layout, I thought I was walking into the Wynn resort. Everything looked expensive from the onyx columns to the marble flooring. I'm not poor by any means but this amount of luxury made me feel uncomfortable as if I was out of place. I go to the front desk and there is this little twenty something year old with this shear top on that I can totally see her perky pink tits through. She directs me to my room turns on this massive Samsung LED screen, sits me in this plush leather chair gives me the remote and whispers in my ear that I can turn it up as loud as I want to since every room has noise proof padding. She walks out and just before she leaves the room she drops her pen bends over to pick it up and stares at me while she is hunched over so she can make sure that I'm staring at her tight exposed clit. In my mind I'm already planning on taking my son here, so he can get a kick out of this wet dream.

About five minutes later Greg walks in, we trade pleasantries and then he gets to work. He says he needed to take x-rays just to get a clearer picture but I definitely had some abscess that he would give some antibiotics for. So he takes the pics and shows me what tooth he is going to pull and what porcelain cap he was going to place on my next visit. He puts my feet in stirrups which I find really weird and places the mask on my face and tells me to count down he notices my facial expressions and says "the stirrups are to prevent involuntary tremors". As I'm going under I feel this cool breeze wash over my body and it becoming constricted like I'm being pulled into a bear hug. An hour goes by and I finally come to but my dick is feeling very tingly. The pain in my mouth is just a dull numbness but my lower body feels electric.

I wake up to the bright light bearing down on my forehead and see this blurry face. Then suddenly water is being splashed upon my face and I get this sensation that I'm being water boarded, then every thing becomes clear. My body has been strapped in this chair and all of my clothes are completely gone except my briefs. I'm yelling for help and I just hear a laugh, then the water and the taunts stop. Greg turns the lamp off and ask did I have a good nap. I curse him telling him what the fuck does he think he is doing and when I get out of this I am going to break his neck. He slaps me right across the cheek and says it is time for me to learn some respect for his master. He whispers "by the end of the day I will be riding your ass and you will be begging me to continue." I spit in his face and tell him to go to hell the little faggot, oddly I have nothing against gay people what you do in the privacy of your home is your business but I was being forced to engage into something I clearly did not want. He smacks me again and with the other hand he almost crushes my testicles for my insolence and roars "if I continue with my insubordination he will be forced to fuck me with only my blood for lube!"

I take him for his word and remain silent, he begins to peel away my tight briefs and bite my engorge nipples. He taunts me saying "that it is only a matter of time before he makes me hard and begging for a cock." I look in disgust as he kisses his way down my torso and stops at my pubes. With a look of annoyance he declares that "since I am his new bitch, hair is a luxury I can not afford to have at this time'. So he grabs this Gucci bag and pulls out these clippers, he starts with my under arms and works himself down skipping my pubes and shaving my legs. He wants the best part for last he tells me in this low deep voice, he says "be grateful I like brunettes otherwise my dark brown hair would be lopped off". Then he trims my pubes and pulls out a razor with shaving cream. Suddenly a tear falls down my cheek as I see my manliness being stripped away by some sick son of a bitch. He sees the tear and licks it off my face saying "I hope your cum will taste as good as your tears." He continues to shave my pubes then he lifts my legs to shave my balls and taint, and to my astonishment I'm getting hard." I try to will it to go down I think of Betty White shooting ping pong balls out of her snatch and I repeat The Pledge of Allegiance but to no avail my dick is as hard as a rock. He finishes shaving my asshole I feel a cool breeze as he blows on it telling me by pink hole is winking at him.

I can't take it I try to muster up some strength to break these binds, I think I can hear the straps giving. Greg stands up and is ready to hit me but looks at his bag instead, he pulls out a bottle of Bengay and orders me to stop or suffer the consequences. I ignore him becoming bold that if I break free I could claim self defense against rape. Then this unexpected burning sensations is covering the head of my dick, it stops me in my tracks and I yell for him to take it off. I beg and plead saying I learned my lesson just take that shit off my dick! He obliges and washes it away, I'm sensitive but the pain is gone. As I begin to recover he pulls my foreskin back and begins to take quick licks at my head. I have lost all since of fight and look in amazement at how a guy is giving me such pleasure, I mean I have never looked at a guy sexually in fact I think the males penis is the ugliest attribute to any man even myself. But here I am getting the best blow job of my life to my now former dentist, he begins to deep throat all 8.5 inches and slips a finger in my freshly shave ass. I let out this moan in approval and he smiles saying how he's got me now bitch. I am on the verge of cumming and I thinks he sensed it and stops blowing me but leaves that one finger in my ass. One finger becomes two and three makes me scream in agony, nothing has ever touched my asshole as far as I'm concerned it's a one way street. But then he hits something that electrifies me, everyone talks about milking the prostate but that never gives it justice.

I found myself bound and trying for all it was worth to push down upon his fingers. I felt like some 2 dollar whore when he stopped and I'm laying there pouting felling hurt that he would just quit what he was doing. In a sign of pity he bends over and kisses me on the lips, I had half the mind to bite his tongue off but I dreaded the thought of what he would do next. He told me no tongue today because my mouth needed to heal but there was another hole that would be perfect. He began to strip out of his dress shirt, there was a skull tattoo over his left pec. Oddly I found my self attracted to such a muscular specimen, there he stood at six four with a body that looked like a sketch from Michaelangelo's David. He stripped his pants off and there in a black cum stainded jock stood 10 inches of prime meat. He saw the petrified look on my face and told me sooner or later you will jump to the chance of riding this meat. He poked his dick through one of the sides and let it hang in the hair like a proud flag on the 4th of july. He slapped it at my hole telling it to open up, but even my hole tightened fearing the intense pain that was sure to follow.

"well I know how to get you to obey me," Greg said to my hole. He lowered his body and began to dart his tongue with in my hole, in all my years I have never felt something so amazing. It was as if my mind was saying no don't give in but my body was screaming for more. I began to whimper like a lost puppy who was starving for a meal. I began to relax and again my dick stood at attention, I was leaking pre cum like a faucet and Greg would use it to lube my hole, telling me that I tasted sweeter than a warm food court cinabon. As I closed my eyes riding this pleasure to new heights I felt a pressure at the door of my asshole, the pain woke me to reality. I screaned for him to take it out, the pain wa so bad I imeaditely passed out my dick wilted terrified at the onslaught. As I remained unconscious Greg continued penetrating me then held his dick at the base for a good two minutes until I came to. As I awakened something shifted within me I began to remember where I was and what I had gotten myself into when this warm feeling surrounded my dick, it was Greg. He was sucking my dick while taking short strokes in and out of my asshole. I was in bliss like Favre throwing the winning touchdown, what he was doing to me no woman could ever compare. In the back of my mind I was wonderin how could I ever engage in regular sex with my wife when clearly this was 10 times better.

Then the feelings stopped my asshole became empty my dick was reaching for his mouth but could never reach it. He said he needed to get to his next appointment so either he can untie me and continue or I could just go home. I took a long pause then muttere he can continue, he acted like he couldn't hear me and told me to repeat it and speak up. I looked at him with disdain and said he could continue, he asked continue what, and I said you can continue fucking me with that dick. That was all he needed to hear and really pummeled my hole I was in limbo on one hand the pain was unpleasant but on the other I was on the verge of cumming with out even touching myself. Then he place my legs on his shoulders and began to reach new depths of my hole, at that exact moment alli wanted was for him to complete me. There was this pull of pre cum resting between my six packs, he would scoop some of it and feed it to me. Once it touched my tongue I began to explode, cum was everywhere it actually scared me there was just so much of it I felt like it would never end, I mean I was being blinded by my own cum. My hole tightened around his dick following my orgasm and he gave his low guttural groan. My ass became inundated with cum, it was so warm it felt like it was searing my insides. I have never felt so full so satiated this must be nirvana. I looked down and my dick was still hard, he began to stroke it and another orgasm hit me within a minute of the last one. As time passed by in the after glow what was in me began to recede and I tried with all my might to keep it back in me. Greg just chuckled and said you are now hooked as he pecked me on my slightly swollen lips.

Then he got dressed and said my next appointment was in two weeks for the porcelain caps and don't get stupid because he has it all on tape of me begging for it. Before he left he told me I was the best and next time there will be a lot more to expect if I was willing. I nodded my head like a school boy and limped out of the room. On my way to my car I passed that sexy little number with the pink tits but it was as if something had been turned off, the same level of interest was no longer there, I had found a new toy and was longing for the two weeks for when I would se him again.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 2

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