The Dentist

By moc.oohay@ecnirpkapert

Published on Nov 27, 2023

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The Dentist Part VIII

There stood my son Tim the all American baseball player smirking at his father who still had his cock jammed up some guys' asshole. "How long have you been standing there," I asked in a hoarse whisper shocked by my own predicament.

"O not long, but long enough to see Greg there thrashing around like something out of The Exorcist."

"How do you know Greg," I asked expecting the best but fearing the worst, I looked at Greg who was still riding my dick and he just blushed.

"Well he and I go back a long way, he was actually the guy that whitened my teeth." Then Tim began to talk about there sexual encounter.

(Through Tim's words)

Last homecoming I decided that I wanted to whiten my teeth, I know dad you told me that if I kept on using dip that my teeth were gonna go brown but I just didn't listen. So I looked through the phonebook and found Greg, have you seen his office it was so cool. I sat down waiting for my appointment and filled out all my info, the little secretary kept flirting with me a week later I had already fucked her three times. After about fifteen minutes it was my turn, I went in the back and waited for a dentist to come in.

Finally Greg came in; I felt a little intimidated by his presence much like how whenever coach walks into the locker room everyone stops goofing around and behaves. We talked about what I wanted done as he inspected my mouth, he told me that I needed a deep cleanse since all the tobacco had caused my gums to start to deteriorate. "I'm going to have to put you under so you won't feel any pain," he warned me. He placed the mask over my face and tells me to countdown from ten. Once I was under I was basically asleep but I could still hear noises. He began to clean my teeth; I got this little tingling sensation from when he would use the suction to drain out all the spit and fluoride. Once he was finished I remember the bright light from I guess the tool they use to whiten teeth. After that I heard something being unzipped then my center of gravity began to switch back and forth, Oh My God it was my jeans. He was taking off my jeans I began to panic but I couldn't move, then he peeled off my shirt. He got that suction thingy and began working my nipples with it. I slowly began to be more and more aware of what was going on. Greg pulled my briefs half away off; I could still feel them around my knees. Sometimes now, I like to jack off with my briefs in the same position, but that's beside the point. Next I felt a blunt object hit my asshole, I didn't know what is was, but it felt cold.

Then cold rushing water began to flow up my hole, at that moment my brain snapped and I became fully conscious. My eyes darted at Greg who was only wearing a black fish net jockstrap. "O you're awake; I guess I should have used more gas to keep you under longer."

I began to scream for help, desperately hoping that someone would come in and save me before this went too far. He slapped me across the face and said "keep screaming you dumb fuck but these walls are sound proof." I looked down and saw my belly, at a quick glance you would have thought I was some pregnant chick about to deliver twins. I quizzically looked back at Greg who explained that before he could fuck me he wanted to make sure I was fully clean. Then he took the hose out of my ass and I exploded water all over the buckets that were under me. "Please you can't fuck me I'm not even gay," I begged. But like the asshole that he is, he just laughed at me and said he didn't care what I thought I was but what I was to become.

He shoved two fingers up my hole and with his other hand; he began to massage his own dick through his jock. "Man you already have my juices flowing," he bragged. Then he smeared some of his precum around my lips and inside my mouth. Oddly even though I was still high from the gas once his precum hit my tongue all my taste buds began to jump for joy. I licked my lips, trying to get a better taste of that addicting cock snot. His fingers in my ass began to work there magic because there was a pool of precum leaking from my own pud all over my belly. "Wow man that's gotta be more than ten inches," he exclaimed. Close I thought more like nine and a half.

"I've gotta try it," then he dove down and began sucking my cock. I was staring; shocked at the situation I had gotten my self in. Here I was Mr. Popularity captain of the baseball team hog tied and being sucked off by some faggot. But my mind couldn't control my dick because I was writhing in pure pleasure. I've a lot of blowjobs but this was the best by far, the way he would work my cock to where I was sure I was going to come and then pull my balls to stop me. If there was a gold medal for dick sucking he would take gold for sure, I loved the way he would scratch my scrotum mixing pain and pleasure.

I was so lost in the sensation of it all that by the time he added a third finger I couldn't contain my self. I tried sinking his fingers into my ass by using my feet to slide down on the table (by this time my hands were tied but my legs were the only free part to move around. There was no going back, before I could even yell my cock erupted cum all over my chest. Volley after volley began to shoot out painting my face and my body butter cream white. I didn't think it was ever going to stop, and why should it I was on Pleasure Island.

Before I could even come down, Greg hooked his dick out of the jock, then he scooped some of the cum off my chest and lubed his dick with it. And before I could even protest he was half way in. it caught me by such a surprise that when I screamed, there was a time delay from the face of a scream to the actual scream.

"Please don't do this, I won't tell anyone of what you did to me, you won't go to jail for rape man if you just stop," I plead. But it fell on deaf ears because Greg had found a home and he wanted to do some renovations quick. I could feel his dick churning in my stomach, I pulled my foot back bracing to kick him but that just made him borough his dick more inside me.

"Thanks for the anchor," he said as he grabbed my leg and hoisted it over his shoulder. I begged for mercy, beseeching him to stop and let me go, I was yelling at the top of my lungs. Then he ripped his jock off, wiped my face with it and stuffed it in my mouth. He was fucking me like a pit bull on a Chihuahua. Here was this guy who was old enough to be my father pummeling into my asshole. He started kissing the nape of my neck; I spat the jock out and tried biting his ear. This only made his dick harder, I guess the anesthetic made it feel like I was biting him but in actuality I was just nibbling on his ear.

Once I felt his pubes on my balls something clicked inside of me. My prostate was being hit and all the pain that was there a minute ago disappeared. I could feel his eyes burning into my face as he bent over and kissed my lips. I had no control as he began to rape my mouth with his dick, "mmm minty green just the way I like it," he bellowed.

We must have fucked for an hour, because as time went on my motor skills began to reappear. "If I untie you are you going to go crazy?" I was unsure by what he meant.

He unbound my arms with his dick still in my hole. I reached out and pulled his chest hair into me. I wrapped my legs around his body and kissed him with new passion. The friction from his sweaty abs tickled the head of my dick. I was getting drunk off his manly scent; my whole body was on fire.

He then sat in the chair and pulled me into his arms, he made me position myself on top of his dick. He would tease me by fucking me with little strokes just using the tip of his dick. I tried to force myself down on it but he was to strong, he slapped my ass for disobedience making my hole tightened around his cock. My thighs were burning from all the squats but I didn't care I just wanted him to fuck me. I was going insane I couldn't take it any longer I had to have the whole thing. "Please fuck me, I need you to fuck me," I begged. He just grinned and sunk every inch of his fuckstick in me.

I felt so good; I squeezed my ass around his cock in appreciation. Then it hit me, I was going to cum. I put my hands around his neck and rode his cock for dear life. Greg just kept on fucking me; I knew my ass was going to be red for a week after all the slaps I took. Every time I would descend on his cock he would smack my ass, I'm pretty sure I still have his handprint from the last time. And like Apollo 13 my cock blasted to the moon. A couple volleys landed on my face and in my mouth; most of them hit Greg in the chin. It was the most powerful orgasm I had ever had.

Greg continued to fuck me long after my orgasm had ended; he was fucking me so hard that my cock never went limp. He moved me back on top of the table and turned me on my side while long dicking me. I was at his mercy and with a loud roar he finally came, bathing my insides with hot cum. His dick was harder than steel and with one punch to my prostate I came again and again and again. I was completely full from the doctor's cum.

Afterwards he didn't even let me bask in the afterglow; he took my anal virginity and told me to get dressed. He then showed me that he had taped the whole thing so if I wanted to go to college and still me big man on campus I better be back every week same time.

(End of Testimony)

(Back to Nathan)

I stood there and heard every word my son had spoken; I was surprisingly turned on yet full of rage at the same time. Greg was unconsciously fucking himself on my dick while my son told me his side. At that moment I knew how I was going to make this right.

To Be Continued...

Thanks for all the comments, I try to write when I can, meaning rarely. If you like what you're reading email me at

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