Depa Boys

By G Cutter (Gary Cutter, GCutter66)

Published on Oct 26, 2007


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. If this sort of thing offends you then what the hell are you doing reading Nifty/Gay. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular area of the planet to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that anyway.

These are stories of youth and boys and once again they are FICTIONAL. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is PURELY COINCIDENTAL.

Another point: I like to write on behalf of the boys but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.

My Stories (and parts thereof) are EXCLUSIVE to Nifty with the exception Of JO'S BOYS which has been serialised by DESTROYER MAGAZINE. If you wish to use my stuff, please ask

Finally: Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.


10 - Moving Into Mayfield House


G. Cutter


Me taking the lead this time. I wangled a sick note especially for this particular week and hopefully I'd earn a bit, meet Nick and his boss and on top of that get to welcome the latest Eastern Euro import. Our pal Pavel had been borne away by a really yummy guy around thirty in a Roller, yeah, I kid you not, a fuckin' Rolls Royce. Now is that flash or is it not? Pav's eyes lit up like a bloody Christmas tree although he'd been forewarned naturally enough. Of course, we had the guy come in, another Mr Smith by the way and he'd had a wander around the place as Nick had given us the brief to be polite. Very common name Smith as an aside.

I think my Pat, the slut, fell in love and he doesn't normally go for the older guys, he's into boys if you haven't gathered that by now. Anyway (which I've been told again to stop using), Pavel seemed happy enough and after a fond farewell we saw the back of him. He promised to write and this young Smith geyser approved so he wasn't going into a life of servitude... hopefully.

To get back to today. We had Eddy on standby as well as Peter the window cleaner so we could have a swim party to welcome the new Russki kid although he could have been a another Ukrainian or Czech for all I knew. Who cared, I tended to call them all Russkis which must have pleased them no end. We had a quiet night as everything was packed and we needed a good kip. Move day was going to be a lot of work although most of the heavy stuff was in situ as the posh ones say, our secondary task was to leave our old place spick and span for Jo and Anthony to move down in a couple of day's time. They'd be doing most of their local studio, garden and pool photography at Mayfield but running their admin and computers from their new home, which was our old home. Wake up at the back, have you got all that?

We were both up at the crack of dawn and had fried egs and tommies on greasy fried bread which just goes to show Pat was settling into married life after mastering boiled eggs and toast. We wore our scruffy gear and were mounting guard when Pete and Mr Ed turned up in company, they'd probably been shagging in the bushes down the road. Spot on nine the removals guys arrived, there was only one sad sack old driver and one dishy youngster who immediately drew four pairs of eyes like magnets. Target in sight? All the little gaydars lit up at once trying to tune in on this kid who wasn't shy with the tight tank top, bare belly and cut down jeans, a right poseur. Still, work called and I moved into second in command mode. We had Nick with Smithsky, his boss plus a house guest due at midday down from London so Pat and I didn't want any cock ups if you know what I mean.

Surprisingly enough with Eddy virtually clinging to the vanboy for the whole morning we managed to get it all done in two hours and three little trips up and down the road so I paid them off noting that Eddy was bending this kid's ear as I sorted out the driver.

'He likes me,' Eddy came over with a big grin on his sweaty face.

'Everyone likes you,' Peter grinned. 'You're an easy fuck.'

'Shurrup,' Eddy squealed and went into a moody refusing to speak to anyone even when we went into our sparkly new kitchen. He cheered up a bit when we got the chilled Pepsis out.

'I gotta go soon,' Peter informed us as we sat there. 'I'm helping dad out.'

'You're alright here though... the windows?' Pat demanded.

'Yeah, no probs,' Peter nodded. 'Upstairs monthly and downstairs fortnightly. You signed dad's contract thingy?'

'All done. You're gonna miss out on the new boy...'

'And silken skinned Simon,' Eddy piped up and then looked a bit concerned. 'Sorry, I asked him to come around for a swim this afternoon. Is that alright?'

Got to be if you've invited him,' Pat snapped clearly not to happy with Eddy issuing his own invitations so early in the day.

'He'll be alright,' Eddy looked like he was about to burst into tears. I ruffled his hair just to let him, know we all still loved him, in one way or the other, mainly the other.

It was shortly after that Peter made off promising to come over at the weekend and suss out the latest Ivan or whatnot. I thought at the time it was a bloody good job they were all coming over as male brides, escorts or concubines or whatever, there was no need for any heavy conversions or corruptions for that matter, they were all into it and that last was in capital letters. IT.

Pat and I prepared a load of sandwiches and goodies pre-bought especially for Nick and Smithsky and us I suppose, it was a sort of subdued grand opening, we'd been working on it and it had been hard graft but everything was done. This Simon was a bit of a concern but Eddy said he wasn't due until around two o'clcock when he finished and if he did come Eddy could look after him. Nick and Smithsky had stated that they wouldn't be staying overnight although we had organised Nick his own room and a main guestroom which would serve Smithsky if he ever visited on his own. By the way there were eight bedrooms in this place plus the two empty ones that Jo was going to utilise so it was a big joint. Better still Pat had his own quarters stuck on the side of the house, probably designed for housekeepers or some menial in days gone by. Pretty good scene and as far as Pat was concerned a full time job. He'd spend half his time changing beds and charging around with a hoover although I was his head assistant. We needed a part time gardener, a pool cleaner and another gopher but we could shop around, we neeed the person to be one of us which meant he had to be under twenty and game for a laugh or something more serious.

Just before midday a nice shiny BMW drove through the gate to find us both on parade with Eddy lurking in the background trying out his Harry Potter style Cloak of Invisibility which happened not to be working but we didn't tell him.

'Boys,' Nick jumped out of the passenger door and I noticed that Smithsky was driving with two rather nervous young men in the back who looked barely sixteen or seventeen at a push, so much for one guest, suddenly we had two. 'Let me introduce Mr Reznikov my associate.' Not bad going there, this guy had been Mr Smithsky a month ago from what Pat muttered as the guy got from the car.'

Reznikov got right into it he shook Pat's hand vigorously and then mine. 'You must be Dennis, I've heard about you.'

'Hi,' I said stumped for what to say.

'Introduce your little boy and we'll introduce ours,' he smiled quite pleasantly.

'This in Eddy, he's our Gopher,' Pat waved to Eddy to move up front.


'Go for this, go for that,' Nick grinned and gave Eddy a casual nod.

Reznikov nodded although I could see he didn't understand. 'Ah, well, yes. This is Andre and Vladimir you will have to look after them for some time, they speak excellent English and will be willing to work in a helping mode you understand. Maybe more 'gophers' he rolled the word around his mouth . 'Gopher, I like it.' He looked up at the house and we were on the march to the rear of the place, both Andre, Vladimir and Eddy kept silent throughout this exchange and brought up the rear.

Nick seemed pretty pleased at the snackery set out by the pool and we all settled into plastic chairs for a bit of a bunfight. I noticed that Eddy made a pig of himself and the imports, Andre and Vladimir tucked in as well, a bit like starving kids and let's face it they didn't look much older than schoolboys, they both looked like they need a good meal and maybe a damn good bath.

It was a nice day to sit in the garden, hot but not too hot. The house was ready although we still had to find our way around... basically Pat and I had just slung our gear into our quarters and that was it, we hadn't even made a bed up so we still had work to do. First and foremost we had to settle the new boys in and I was hoping that Nick and Reznikov weren't going to linger. From the way they were chatting they had to be back in London later in the afternoon so that cheered me up no end.

The two Russian lads and they were twenty four carat Russians this time excused themselves in passable English and went on walk about accompanied by Eddy who had promoted himself to tour guide.

'Your little lad looks friendly enough with strangers,' Reznikov remarked stretching himself in his chair.

'A bit too friendly sometimes,' Pat smiled. 'He'll come to a sticky end one of these days.'

'Most days,' I added which raised a laugh.

I suppose we sat around for an hour just talking and eventually got to discussing the latest arrivals. Neither Nick not Reznikov seemed to have much idea what they were going to do with these two youths and in the end the subject was left hovering, you know, left in the air. We had to look after them, use the credit card to get them a reasonable wardrobe and generally keep an eye on them. As they were both clearly older than myself or Pat that would be a task in itself. They wandered back in the end and Nick and Reznikov got ready for London after first having a wander around checking out the bedrooms and generally sniffing around.

I think Pat was beginning to feel the responsibility bear down a bit but he was now in full time occupation and had his own small flat to go with the job. I thought he'd fell on his feet and told him so. Andre and Vladimir were both chatting to Eddy quite easily by now and in the end we all lined up like a bunch of pidgeons and waved our masters good bye. Of course, they were easily contactable via the phone or EMail so it wasn't as if we were deserted.

'It's Saturday and it's sunny,' Eddy chirped away as the car disappeared. I guess that was a hint regarding the pool, Eddy can get a bit pushy at times but as he was our 'bold Lolita' we had to stand for it I suppose.

'Well, first off...' Pat sat down at the plastic table and waved everyone else to sit. 'Do you two want a room each or do you want to share?' He looked at our two guests.

They looked at each other as if undecided or even slightly surprised that they had the option. 'We'll share.' Andre the fair haired one spoke up. It was hard to tell who was older or if either of them were bitch or butch. They just looked like two Brikids dragged off the street. As I may or may not have said they both looked to be seventeen or even a year either way, it was so difficult with complete strangers. Andre was slender verging skinny with fair hair cut in a normal short back and sides schooly cut and Vladimir was slender verging skinny with black hair cut in a crew cut... as I said just two youths and nothing remarkable about them at all. Mind you we hadn't seen them with their clothes off, they maybe hung like donkeys. Then again, they may not.

We all trooped upstairs and in the end dumped them in Room Three. By the way, Pat and I had numbered the rooms which made it look a bit like a hotel but there you go, no one had any excuse for getting into the wrong room. Nick had Room One and we'd allocated Reznikov Number Two if he ever got to stay a night. They both seemed happy enough and it was a nice room as they all were, this one, Room Three, overlooked the pool.

'You have your own en suite bathroom,' Pat showed them the facility which pleased them even further.

'Fine,' they both mumbled.

'I've got the brief to get televsions and radios into each room as well.' Pat rabbited on a bit and looked at me.

'We having a swim?' I had to ask otherwise we were going to bugger around here all day and as I'd just remembered Eddy's pal the removal kid was due.

'Yeah,' Pat nodded. 'If you two want to get cleaned up of whatever... do your thing,' Pat finished lamely. It was a bit difficult telling guests what to do but they were a bit more than guests, they were in our charge. They nodded their agreement and Pat told them to join us in the garden when they were ready by which he meant the pool area and we left them to it.

'Do you reckon they're at it?' Eddy whispered as we went down the grand staircase. Well, it was grander than the last place put it that way.

'That's for us to find out,' Pat laughed and looked at me. 'Who do you fancy out of the two?'

'The dark haired one, he looks a dopey shag, nice all the same.'

'Dim bitch,' Eddy nodded sagely.

'Hyper slut, Eddy,' Pat laughed and we walked out into the garden just in time for the vanboy to come wandering around the corner of the house. Eddy was on him like a shot, Pat and I just gave him a wave and stopped for a chat after that they could get on with it and we'd move onto the pool. We'd done our job for what it was worth and it was now time to relax.

Of course, things were a bit different with this place. The big thing was that it was enclosed and before we'd even got ourselves undressed we'd closed the gate. No one could get in without the combination, the vanboy had just made it. I wonder if he realised that he couldn't escape unless he clambered over the walls but no matter he was in a huddle with Eddy and they were having a giggle. This kid obviously knew what the scene was, he certainly didn't look to be an innocent not by the way he dressed that was for sure. God, tanktops are so sexy but a bit passe, they look nice on girls but better on boys. Doubtless Eddy had jumped in feet first which was his way and had offered his body and a spare bedroom.



'Cheeky sod, that Dennis.' All I was doing was trying to get Simon to get naked and get into the water. I cracked it though when he saw Pat and Den quite calmly drop their gear and spread themselves onto towels.

'Bold,' he grinned.

'Why not, we're locked in,' I laughed and dropped my jeans and drawers giving him a flash of the willy and then the ultimate, a sighting of my tight little derrier, that should get him going. I cannonballed into the water and splashed around waiting for him to get naked which he did straight away. They may crack on about me being silly but I knew what I was doing and this one was game and he wanted little ol' me.

This pool was much larger than the one in the old house and there was a patio leading to the inside of the house and another smaller pool on the inside. With the french door open you could splosh from pool to pool depending on what your need was. My little trick was having a relaxing splash around, entice Simon into the inner pool and then no one was bugging me getting down to it. There were the two Russian kids but they looked pretty close if you follow what I mean. I'd get to them later.

'Yeah, nice,' I thought as Simon dived in. Slim, trim and a dick swinging free and l-o-n-g, yummy. I hoped that he took it as well, he had a bum to die for and I could see Den and Pat ogling away from their vantage point. A right pair of letchers those two, they probably had their evening's entertainment organised already.

'Brill this,' Simon spluttered. 'Wicked.'

He was right, the only thing that would increase the pleasure of the day was to have his body in my arms so I jumped on him. A bit of the SAS there, he who dares gropes sorta thing.

'Gerrof, gerrof, you perv,' he squealed like a big girl and then grabbed me in his arms and I was lost. I'd opened the gateway in a manner of speaking and I suppose he thought that if I could grab his cock (which I'd done) he could take liberties with me which he did. he flashed a glance at the other two by the side of the pool and seeing them unconcerned pinned me against the chrome steps so I couldn't move and pressed up against me. I could feel his penis now quite hard against my own and I reached down to fondle it.

'Nice one,' I whispered encircling it with my hand and squeezed it until I felt it really go hard. I fed it between my legs and clamped on it holding his hips as he held onto the handrail effectively holding me in position.

'Christ, someone'll see us,' he tried to cover me with his body which was fine as I clasped his hard bottom as he continued to thrust between my legs. He can't have been that fussed about being seen.

'Get a room.' A thick voice came from above us and we both looked up in shock to see the two Russian lads leaning out of the window with broad grins on their faces.

'Jeez,' Simon squeaked and made a splashing retreat up the pool. I was a bit bolder, I looked back and grinned up at them.

'Settling in?' I splashed back in the water letting them see all my bits.

'Da,' one answered and the other said: 'Yes.'

'Wanna hand?'

'If you are not busy with your friend.'

'I'll bring him as well.' by now Simon had swum back and was looking upto the two craning out of the window. I could see Pat and Den looking on with interest.

'Why not?' Floated down in a throaty Russian accent and I looked at Simon.' He just raised his eyebrows and shrugged.

'OK, we're on our way,' I spoke for both of us. 'I think these two are all the way guys,' I warned Simon.

'As long as I get a shag along the way,' he rasped and then laughed. 'Right bunch of pervos you lot.'

'You better believe it,' I clambered out and grabbed a towel, it was our or I should say my first adventure in Mayfield House. We tipped off Pat where we were going and he just said that he and Den were going to his quarters for a snooze and that he'd be cooking up a supper from around five thirty and the deadline was six o'clock. That was straightforward enough, all we had to do was wish away the afternoon and I'm sure it wouldn't be all that hard, well, let's hope it would be hard, that sounds better doesn't it? Jeez, and I hadn't even done it with Simon yet but I knew he was ready, willing and able.

We wrapped towels around ourselves and wandered up, I wasn't too sure what room they were in but got it right in the end. The two Russians hadn't done too much with themselves, they both lay sprawled out on their beds in boxers.

'Now what? Simon stood behind me, I think his courage had gone but I was man enough... yeah!

'Blondy for you and Darky for me,' I said and before anyone could make a move I was over on the bed with the crew cut kid, the dark haired one, I think he was Vladimir, the other one must have been Andre and here's me thinking Andre was a French name. I snuggled upto Vlad and he just laughed and grabbed me pulling me in close, we'd be alright I reckon. Simon was a bit more sedate and sat on Andre's bed until the fair haired Russian coaxed him into laying down but by then I was concentrating on Vlad. He might have looked a bit slow but he had the towel off me in no time and was attacking me with his lips and I mean all over, this kid was no novice and as soon as I decently could (ten seconds) I had his hard Russian meat in my hands.

'I should have a bath really, Andre beat me to it.' He spoke in remarkably good English which was a relief.

'Bath?' I looked at him and grinned. Dontcha just love it when things work out well. That gave us the bathroom and left Simon and Andre to do what they wished. 'Come on then,' I got from the bed now fully naked and noticed that Andre was already at work on Simon, they were doing alright and from the way Simon was performing it wasn't his first time either or perhaps he was a good learner. I was worried that it was going to be all red faces, embarassment and awkwardness but nothing of the sort. One of them would be shagging the other before much longer, you could almost smell the lust in the room.

I loved the bathroom scenario, I dragged him in and ripped at his boxers getting them down around his ankles and as I did his slender cock nicely stiff slapped me in the face but I was on a roll. I barely had time to notice that his pubes were shaved and looked to be growing back before I bent over to turn the water on and give it a good squirt of foam.

'Ah, glorious,' he was behind me running his hands all over my chest and upper body and at the same time humping his dry erection into my bottom. He had no chance of scoring like that but he would, in time. I didn't know how clean he was but I managed to turn around and kneel taking his uncircumcised cock into my mouth. As he slowly fucked into my sucking the bath gradually filled and we finally got in it. 'Are all English boys like you,' he smiled and smothered me with foam and I felt his stiffness glide against my belly.

'Only some,' I giggled as he manhandled me in the bath turning me around so that I was crouched in a doggy presenting my bum.

'Ah well, some will have to do,' he muttered in his thick accent leaning over me and munching the back of my neck, I wiggled my bottom and I felt his slippery meat nestle under my tight talls.

'Do it, Vlad... go on.'

'Da,' he held my hip with one hand and positioned himself and I felt his swollen glans press against my ring and with a soapy thust he was in me. 'Jesu,' his other hand grasped my hip and he slowly and sensually moved in and out gaining just a little at each thrust. He was good, I'd thought he was a bit of a dope but he was well versed in boy shagging. He was gentle and took his time, all the time he moved in and out he played with my soapy cock until his belly was against my bottom and his full length was firmly seated in my bum. 'Is this alright?' He pulled me back onto his hot cock. A funny question but it was the way he talked.

'From the front next time,' I pushed back onto him and he started to fuck. Nice and slow with nice long strokes making me feel every inch of his slender Russian penis as it glided in and out and all the time his hands ran up and down my soapy body and over my slippery chest. I reached back grasping his hips binding him in but he was going faster. I don't know when he'd last had sex but he was now at it like a jack rabbit and I shook as he slammed into me with enough noise to wake the bloody house. 'Harder, Vlad. Harder.'

When he came it was a bit of a surprise. I was so used to the final thrust and then the lover came. With Vladimir he came on the trot as it was, I felt his hot surges and creamy splashes inside me and he was still fucking like a maniac and it was only when I begged him to stop that he did. I could feel his stiff hard cock coated on it's own cum rammed in deep and hard and still he was still trying to seal us together as one.

'You are so tight, Eddy,' he whispered and slowly withdrew. My fanny felt like a bashed up version of the Channel Tunnel but I was so hard myself I went immediately on to the attack. 'No, no,' he tried to fend me off and escaped from the bath. 'Down here,' he lay on his back with his still hard cock jutting on his chest all soapy and spunk stained. 'Do me now,' he raised his knees and I played for just a little kissing, getting into position and then sliding into his delicious heat. He wasn't all that much bigger than I was in body mass and he was skinny or lithe I suppose he preferred. I went into him at the rush, parting his tight little ring and piercing as deep as I could and he just lay there with a grin on his normally sullen face. I must have taken something to get a smile out of him and it seemed I had it as he hugged my slippery body tightly and encouraged me as I thrust and rammed into his willing body. He was good (have I said that?) and I was looking for more. Of course, Simon and Andre, the other Russian were in the bedroom but they'd keep, I was happy with Vladimir for the time being.



God knows what I'd got myself into here, I was in or on a bed with a bloody Russian youth who was probably an illegal and he had his face around my dick. To cap that I was stroking his slender body with a view to giving him my babies... how weird can that get for sunny south coast Lewes. I suspected that it would seem to be Dullograd for this Andre and his mate in a week or so but you never knew, they might have escaped from a salt mine or a gulag, stranger things happen nowadays.

To go to the beginning I had suspicions when we rolled up for the move. It was only Arthur and myself as we'd been informed it was a short distance move, one end of the road to the other and there would be a crew to help... Right, and what a crew, all boys and the smallest and the mouthiest was as bent as a three pound note (note the Old English there). He was all over me from the word go. The move was easy peasy, they all piled in and I suspected that they must have moved a lot of the bits and pieces in advance. I gathered that mates of theirs had bought the old place so they probably left a load of gear behind as well, less to move, yeah?. The new place 'the destination' as it says on our moving docs was huge, it was walled and it had an inside and outside swimming pool would you believe.

Eddy, this little kid, a bit of a Paki or Arab but as English as conkers kept close to me and nattered all through it. He managed to find out I was on a job and finish and invited me back in the afternoon for a swim. I wasn't really interested until he put a copuple of moves on me, brushing against me and once almost ramming his little arse into my gut and then I realised he was putting it about.

I made some remark about getting carried away if I got him on his own and that let him in.

'What like if we done some skinnydipping?' He gave me a perky grin quite obviously ogling my groin. He was good at that, making sure I noticed I mean.

'Especially if we went skinnydipping,' I replied.

'Iv'e got my own room if I want it,' he said a bit coyly.

'Now alone with you in a room and I really could get carried away.' The funny thing was I meant it, I wasn't one for boys but this kid was so obviously on the game and he was nice. The other thing was the more I watched the others the more convinced that the lot of them were gay or free thinkers at the very least. I had the blonde and his dark haired smoothy mate down as a pair. There was another blonde there but he seemed to be a window cleaner or something and he would do it I reckoned. All in all I think I'd stumbled into the local Gay Pride Chapter, Junior Division that was.

We finished the move in good time and Arthur got his paperwork signed by the blonde kid, the bigger one of the two I had down as partners and we were away. We were on a job and finish and dear old Arthur was keen to lock up the van and get home, I was more interested in the kid and I was chuffed to see him charging across as we made to leave.

'Simon, Simon,' he rushed upto me as Arthur got into the van to sort out his papers and leave. 'You wanna come around for that swim a bit later?'

'Yeah, I'd like to,' I gave him a smile and swim wasn't quite what I had in mind, he had mentioned his own room after all. 'What about the bossboy, the managerman or whatever he is?'

'Ah, Pat's OK,' he laughed. 'We've got a lodger incoming this afternoon,' he winked. 'A Russian but he'll be game I expect.'

I hadn't got the slighest idea what he was on about and couldn't have cared less. The point that stuck in my mind that he was clearly one of this little firm and that he had his own room. It was a very hot and sunny day, they had a pool, I liked swimming and there you go. 'I can't get back until around two, I have to sign off and pop in to see mum.'

'Two o'clock,' he squealed. 'Great, I'll be waiting,' he gave another of those obvious glances at my crotch and I laughed. I guess we understood each other.

'See ya later, babes.' I risked that one and he grinned with delight like a manic little chipmunk and I was on my way. Do chipmunks grin I wonder? Little Eddy certainly did. I returned just after two and I was primed. I mean, I didn't know what to expect but I was sure that if Eddy had his invitation approved the the others must clearly know what he was upto. Ergo and ipso facto they must be in on the boy's actions and approve. Well, that was the way I looked at it anyway. The main gate was closed when I returned but the side door was open which wasn't the best security in the world but that was their problem, I'd tell them and they could do what they liked about it. Eddy was jumping up and down looking around nervously when I apeared and he ran over to me, I was concerned he was going to leap on me and snog but thankfully he didn't. What he did do was to drag me over to the other two, Patric and Dennis and introduce me. I felt my suspicions confirmed as we chatted, both were polite and seemed perfectly normal but I felt like I was being examind like a chunk of meat at the butchers and maybe I was.

'Have you eaten?' Patric asked.

'Yeah, I had lunch on the way, thanks.'

'Good,' Pat looked at his mate. 'We'll clear the junk and the boys can chill.' I don't know if it was an instruction or a question but they both busied themselves clearing a table where they seemed to have had some sort of a snack.

'We'll catch you later,' Dennis the dark one spoke as his mate went to get a rubbish bin. 'Eddy will look after you and if you get bored with him there's a couple of Russian kids upstairs.'

'Cow,' Eddy squealed and grabbed my hand and dragged me towards the pool. I heard Dennis laugh as we moved off. Curiouser and curiouser, mind you it was a bit like Alice in Wonderland with Eddy jumping around like a loony and now discarding his gear and without even waiting for me hopping into the pool. 'Come on then,' he called up and seeing the other two had disappeared I stripped off and did a rather good dive into the cool water.

Jesus, that kid was on me like an octopussy, talk about eight arms, he seemed to have around a dozen and they were all over me plus the little monster was as hard as a chocolate frog. I couldn't help it, I sprung a stiffy straight away and had him pinned up against the side and went to town. I was into a bit of a skylark but this kid was serious, he trapped my stiffness between his legs and encouraged me to fuck... OK, so that's not the right way but it was a start. By the time we'd worn ourself out the other two had appeared and were splashing around in the outer pool keeping well out of our way.

I was doing well but I nearly had a heart attack when an upstairs window opened and two heads looked out, I bolted but Eddy brazened it out. I hadn't got a clue what was going on or how many were in the house but studied the two upstairs from a distance. Both young and both grinning and chatting to Eddy, I made my way back and got an intro.

'Come on, we're going up,' Eddy giggled. 'A bit of Anglo Russian gropies.'


'Don't be such a sad sack,' he twittered and climbed from the pool and grabbed a towel. What could I do? I followed him.

With towels draped around us we walked into the house which looked super flash, freshly decorated with new carpets and all the rest of it. A lot of money there and I wondered where it all came from but Eddy was scampering up the stairs with me in hot pursuit. I couldn't believe we were going to do anything other than socialize with these two kids but I didn't know Eddy and I didn't know what this place was nor who these people were. I was in for a rude awakening over the next twenty four hours.

Eddy seemed to know what room it was and we went in without even knocking to find the two boys who looked to be around sixteen apiece laying on their separate beds. One of them was dark with black crew cut hair the other was fairer haired with it cut in a normal schooly short back and sides, they were both as skinny as beanpoles and both looked at us cautiously and if uncertain of our intentions. That was great as I had no idea what we were going to do I just trusted in Eddy, he seemed to have all the bright ideas.

'Blondy for you and Darky for me,' Eddy whispered and took a running leap onto the dark haired kid's bed. I watched in amazement as they immediately began to kiss and grope, I've never seen anything like it, moments later they had their knickers off and were getting down and dirty. I looked at the fair one and he jerked his head impatiently.

Sod it,' I wandered over and sat on the bed but he pulled me down alongside. my towel fell off in the process and that was it. He was down on me like one of those pond birds that dive for fish. As I surrendered to his attack I saw Eddy and the dark kid head for what I presumed was the bathroom so that cut out the embarassment angle, we had the bedroom to myelf so I started on him. You've got to believe that I'd never done any of this sort of thing with another boy but he was so nice, so soft and pliable that I was working at getting his boxers off before I realised what I was doing. He must have had a shower or something as he was slightly damp and smelt of soap which was encouraging.

'I thought you were straight,' he spoke with an accent which was a turn in in itself. I felt like Jamie Lee C. in 'A Fish called Wanda', his accent made me go weak at the knees but his lips were on mine and I was actually kissing him, a bloody boy and he kissed well... he was also just as hard as I was and as he handled me I handled him, it was only fair and I wondered how far he wanted to go. I had been determined to shag the childlike Eddy and I now had a substitute.

'Versatile,' I muttered not caring if he understood or not. 'What's your name?'

'Andre... yours?'

'Simon,' I answered and nuzzled under his jaw as he held me tightly. 'I hope you know what you're doing.'

'I know,' he grinned at me. 'Let me teach you.' I flopped back and he ducked his head. God, it was going to be a day of firsts. His head went straight down on me and I gasped with surprise and pleasure as his hot and wet mouth took my stiff meat in deeply and his head began to move up and down. I'd seen a couple of homo films so I knew what came next and with some trepidation I held his body as he moved around on the bed still sucking me and his middle aligned itself with my face.

'Shit... go for it,' I muttered and he laughed as he gobbled. I grasped his hot cock and brought it nearer my lips and took an experimental lick.

'Go on,' he fucked down and I allowed his swollen member to slip into my mouth. He wasn't huge and I imagined that I was probably bigger than he was but he was sucking me and I returned the compliment of sucking him. His organ was nice and clean and didn't really fuss me, it didn't taste of anything in particular so I gave it my all and he seemed to like that as he fucked into my mouth and I made pelvic thrusts into his.

We were doing well and I was on the verge of cuming when he pulled clear and looked at me with a grin on his handsome face.

'Say smomething sexy in Russian,' I gazed back.

He stared me in the eyes and spoke in his native tongue and then lay back lazily smiling at me.

'What did you say?'

'I want you to slip that lovely cock of yours inside me and make love,' he maintained his smile.

'Oh...' It was crunch time, I'd never fucked another boy before but both he, his mate and Eddy weren't exactly big hairy men, they weren't girly either, they were at that stage where you tended to say fuck it, go for it... and that's exactly what I did. 'Er....'

'I'll show you,' he patted the bed alongside and I slid up and took him in my arms. He was sweet, warm and smooth and he stroked me fondling both my hard cock and then stroking my smooth bottom. I was pretty sure that he wanted a fuck as much as fucking and whatever I did with this kid he was going to return the compliment.

'Show me then,' I surrendered. He reached under the pillow and withdrew a blue tube like a small toothpaste tube. I was to learn that in this house there were tubes of lube everywhere, they must buy it by the caseload. He uncapped it and nearly gave me a heart attack as he smeared the stuff on my stiff sex manhandling me into a kneeling position between his legs as he lay there. I was left kneeling with my erection jutting all slippery and shiny and wondering where the hell I went from here but no probs, Andre knew exactly what he was doing. He raised his knees to his chest exposing himself and guided my hardness downwards.

'Gently, Simon,' he breathed as we kissed and I moved my hips in until I felt my shiny glans against his pucker and pushed.

Oh, my God. It was incredible. The intense feeling of him opening up and then my meat being surrounded by his hot and tight flesh and then the pleasure increased if that was possible as I moved in deeper and he accepted me kissing and holding me firmly with his hands on my hips.

'That is good, Simon,' he gazed at me with moist eyes and then wrapped his arms around me and I felt his legs on my back, I was fully sheathed in his willing body and I could feel his tight little arse clamp and relax on my straining erection. 'Fuck me.'

Talk about an offer you can't refuse, I went for it. My very first boy fuck and it was with a skinny Russian waif but what sex, he was great and I plundered his tight little hole like I was one of these rape and pillage merchants, a Hun or a Mongol maybe, no matter Sussex boy would do. I was enjoying myself so much and it wasn't going to last, I was so hyped up and he was so hot it came as a surprise when I felt myself go super hard and then literally explode (well, not all that literally). My pride and joy jerked and then I felt surge after surge of by boy juice shoot into his warmth and he just lay there with that lazy smile on his face. His arse clamped on me and seemed to milk me as I slowly moved in and out of my slimy mess and lay on his sweaty belly.

'Good one, Simon,' he kissed me and I felt his hand caress my buttocks. 'Fine bottom as well.'

'Thank you,' I grinned back feeling pretty pleased with myself. I knew what he was after and if I was going to lose it, it may as well be with him. I had the funniest feeling that if I was going to hang around with Eddy and this little mob I'd better be willing to take as well as give.

It was obvious from the size of the house and the money involved that this wasn't just a bunch of lads having fun, this was an organisation and I needed to be careful. I was all for having a bit of fun and that included boy on boy but I didn't want to get involved in anything commercial and with this lot I suspected there was something out of the ordinary... to put it mildly. Andre and his pal were Russians for God sake, they just didn't pop up from nowhere, I had visions of the Russian Mafya lurking in the bushes taking pictures of my bare arse waving in the breeze. I slipped free and he did an instant role reversal, we rolled on the bed and his slender frame was on top of mine and he was hard as in very hardrock solid, his foreskin had gone walkabout and his glans was swollen and gleamed with smears of his own precum . His stiffless squashed my flaccid cock and he ground against me very obviously looking for payback.

'You're a virgin?' He gave me an evil smile.

'Yeah,' I croaked.

'Mmmm... just relax.' He kissed me and somehow we finished up in the bed instead of on top of it and he spooned up behind me. I suppose it was his idea of a deflowering but funnily enough |I felt better inside the bed, less exposed. Ostrich head in the sand syndrome I expect but I could feel his hot cock pressing into my crack and I lifted a leg slightly.

I shuddered as I felt the slip of oiled fingers between my cheeks and steeled myself. The weirdest feeling of a finger against my hole and then the even weirder feeling of two (yeah, two) fingers slipping inside. I gasped (as one does) and grabbed the pillow but it was over. I could feel him inside me moving and loosening. I wasn't daft, I knew this was a easing and loosening routine and relaxed. The really sick thing was I wanted him to do it, he'd given me pleasure and I wanted to do the same for him... and then I wanted to do it all again with little mouthy Eddy.

'You alright with this, my Simon.'

'Go on,' I muttered into the pillow and then it happened. I felt a blunt but slippery lump slide between my cheeks and then press against my pucker and he was in me. Christ, it was a shock and it hurt a little but then it was just a strange sensation of being filled and once his warm body was glued to my back and he was shagging I didn't care any more...

I can't say I was in love with being shagged, it felt odd but it didn't really hurt. What I did like was the tactile sensation of someone on me and in me, for once in my life I felt joined to someone even if that was a casual acquaintance. I could walk away from this little shag, this house and these people and no one would be any the wiser. The fact was that as Andre started to move in and out I began to like it. I liked the feel and as he went faster I found myself pushing up against his thrusts and he murmured his appreciation and nuzzled my neck and when he came or cum... wowee!!

He seemed to swell inside me and then the weirdest pumping as his penis quite clearly voided his sperm. His spunk shot inside me and it was warm, slippery, squishy and I liked it... so sad but I did and that's that. I pushed back and he dug in, it was over and at least I'd have no more fear. I'd tried something and it was fine. It was clearly a price I had to pay around here and that was fine as my next target was the munchkin, Eddy or maybe the languid Vladimir. As we parted and cuddled under the bedding I heard them come from the bathroom but we pretended to be asleep.

Andre mumbled something in Russian and kissed my nose.

'What was that in English?'

'Fuck me again,' he giggled softly and turned over in the bed presenting his bottom. God, duty is such a stern taskmaster.

the Soap Continues

I know it's been a long time coming but I've been busy with my Eastern European stuff. I've been trying to integrate 'The Depa Boys' and 'Jo's Boys' and maybe some of the characters from 'The Addlestone Boys' without getting over complicated and boring everyone to tears with the dross of organisation, housemoving etc. etc.

Basically, you can only run so many 'soaps' at once and I call them 'soaps' because they do have a beginning... they haven't got much of a plot... and they certainly don't have an ending. I do write shorty short stories as well.

Enjoy and remember that I do a few pictures of my characters as I see them. If interested, the sooper dooper list is called MIXPIX1 and MIXPIX1A for the Eastern Euro boys. If you want a list of ALL my stories with their Nifty dates and Sections gimme a buzz.

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