Depa Boys

By G Cutter (Gary Cutter, GCutter66)

Published on May 25, 2007


WARNING: This story is homoerotic in content. This means that it may and probably will involve male on male sex of various ages. If this sort of thing offends you then what the hell are you doing reading Nifty/Gay. Also note that my characters do not wear condoms and that is because they are FICTIONAL. You must be above the Age of Consent in your particular area of the planet to read this sort of stuff and you should NEVER allow minors access but you knew that anyway.

These are stories of youth and boys and once again they are FICTIONAL. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is PURELY COINCIDENTAL.

Another point: I like to write on behalf of the boys but you must realise if they sound a bit smartarse and over world weary at times that is me coming through. If they sound as thick as a plank... that's them.

Finally: Enjoy. If you have spare please donate a little cash to NIFTY. Keep NIFTY free and keep NIFTY alive.




G. Cutter


I got caught in mid flow in the last Chapter... our Editor the famous G. Cutter cocked up and cut me off in midflow, the poor old sod must be getting getting senile. Anyway, here we go again.

To reset the scene: Our foursome of myself with Mark and Pat with James were scrunged up on the sofa in the upstairs lounge watching our favourite French porno, an old Cadinot but one before he went in for the less than youthful Tunisians he seems to favour nowadays. It seems with the FBI going international or trying to run the World Wide Web the age eighteen and the term 'boy' now get translated as mid twenties and mature... sorry about that but it's one of my private beefs. Thank God for the Krauts and the Ruskis, at least their eighteens look bloody eighteen and don't mention young Thais and Japanese, you never know what age they are. That's it rant over, time for a bit of neck munching. I snuggled upto my little Mark who was bigger than I was but I was a host, so there.

'Get much closer and you'll be in my knickers,' Mark muttered.

'Great,' I grinned and stroked the back of his smooth neck, he laughed and pressed back against me. I couldn't wait for bed and I had to sit and watch this crap for the umpteenth time. Still, we had to amuse the guests as if providing boy flesh wasn't enough. Both Mark and his little brother were engossed in the viewing and I glanced across at Pat. He nodded, he knew the way my mind operated. 'I'm going down for another couple of cans.'

'Wanna hand?' Mark offered, I should call the little smile that went with this one a smirk really.

'Yeah,' I clambered to my feel and felt his hand gently grasp my bottom, cheeky sod he was. 'Come on.'

We went down to the kitchen and as soon as we were in the door we were into lip mashing and tongue sucking. I love a bit of the old messy and so did Mark. We pressed together and I could feel his hardness as he could probably feel mine.

'Gonna fuck you silly tonight,' he threatened.

'Promises, promises,' I grinned and slid down his body to end up on my knees, he just relaxed and leant back against the kitchen table. It was easy as he'd put on loose shorts after his time with Pat and I just tugged down the front allowing his hardness to pop free. Lovely, fully circumcised like his brother and his juicy knob was bulging, almost throbbing. I licked across his pee slit tasting his oozy, he was sexed up, he was leaking. Holding it straight out I raised myself a little and took the warm hardness into my mouth.

'Aaaaah, Dennis.....' he sighed and ruffled my short hair giving little prods into my suction. My, my it was nice and fat and really hard, this kid could pop just like that, I trapped his hairless scrotum at the top and held his heavy nuts in the palm of my hand. I was going to work on him a little first. No quickies for this kiddy, he had a lovely cock and I had the taste, I wanted to really get him going. Might slow him down tonight when I plundered his solid boyish bottom.

I made a nice slobbery job of it and after a while let his slippery cock wave in the air and took one fat nut into my mouth and then the other. He moaned for me to get a move on but I ignored him but relented in the end. I clasped his firm smoothy buttocks and sucked taking it in right down to my choke point. He groaned and grunted and grabbing my head seriously began to fuck my face, That didn't last, he gave a whine and held me steady as his cock seemed to swell and then the delicious spurts of his hot juice. OK, so it wasn't a super cum but he had been looking after Pat and it was enough. I swallowed his slimy cum and squeezed the last drop from his little slit and got to my feet.

'Nice one, Den' he grinned red faced and kissed me long and hard. 'I'll pay you back later.'

'You will,' I agreed and we went back upto join the others. Shock, horror, Pat had James spread out on the sofa with his shorts around his ankles and was sucking away whilst the film progressed. We didn't take too much notice... really. I watched the pair on the sofa and Mark alternated his viewing between them and the television. All pervy decadent and corrupt but we're nearly Europeans anyway.

We only took two cans up and shared tham as none of us were really keen on drinking, it was just an excuse to act a bit soppy and we did. We all finished up on the floor in front of the idiot box in a general grope fest until the bloody thing finished.

'We're going to bed,' Pat spoke and looked at Mark and myself. 'OK?'

'Yeah, we might have a goodnight swim.' I thought for a moment James was going to go for it but he was clearly under Pat's sway, he meekly tagged along with my blonde mate leaving us to it.

The shutters were down in the pool area in our normal nightly lockdown routine but the water was warm and the night lighting made it all a bit exotic, a nice end to the evening, all in all a good place to relax. Unfortunately for Mark I wasn't in the mood to relax as soon as we'd had a splash around and a grope my usual stiffy was waving around begging attention and as a good guest Mark was only too happy to look after it.

'I can't get used to the shaved pubes thing,' he murmured idly stirring at my half hard as I lay alongside him in the dim lighting.

'Yes, you can,' I concentrated and flexed my belly, my penis began to fill out and he bent over to kiss it and then ran his dry lips over it which naturally enough made it harden more. 'Come on,' I whispered.

'I thought you were after a bit of the other,' he smiled sluttishly and grasped me in his hand wanking me a bit until it was firm and my foreskin had gone into full retreat. He gave me another of his sexy looks and slipped his lips over the end and started to bob his head up and down on me.

'We'll go to bed after this?' I asked hopefully.

'Why not?' He grinned and reaching under me clasped my bottom and pulled me in tightly sucking and slobbering at my meat as I gently fucked into his mouth. I didn't really want this as I didn't want to cum but we had all night so what the hell... why not.

Did I say he did a nice blow, well, if I haven't someone must have along the way. He sucked like a good little hoover, Jeez, hoover? He was a bloody Dyson. I tried to keep control of my juices but once he shoved a finger up my hole I was lost, I moaned and wriggled about on that inflatable thing and let it all go. He laughed as I shot into his mouth and swallowed my mess probably well pleased that he'd more or less drained me before bedtime. Still, I was young I had good powers of recovery as he would discover a little later.

'Nice one,' he observed grinning up my belly still moving a finger inside me. 'Tight as a chipmunk's derriere.'

'You have a way with words,' I smiled tiredly. 'Ready for bed?'

'Ready to sleep,' he smiled. I knew what he'd done, exactly the same as in the kitchen, we'd each drained each other trying to gain time. I suppose self control works as well but at our age self control isn't really the factor that counts. Constant and endless sex is... and it's more fun. There is a saying: If you've got it, flaunt it. Of course, the other one is: If you've got it, squirt it. It's hell being at an age where you seem to spend most of the day half hard or rockhard, sheer hell... I think. Anyway, we had a tidy up and trundled off to bed. On the way we paused outside Pat's door and we could hear the giggles and the little squeals, it seemed James was having fun. Mark smiled at me and we moved on, we had our own things to do.

Amazingly enough we sorted the messed up bed out and then slept the sleep of the dead. I knew our window cleaner would be around quite early but Pat would look after him, he was the house manager or whatever, Mark and I could lie in, we were on holiday after all.

I suppose this gets to be familiar but I was awoken by a warm body on my back and something hot and hard pressing up against my bottom. I opened my eyes but stayed still, the early morning light was struggling through the curtains (which needed taking down the cleaners by the way). Going by the light it was far too early for Peter and too early for Pat and presumably James to be stirring as well. So, I had time to look after Mark before he started looking after me, I'll let you work that one out.

Step one a very slow and gentle exploration under the pillow and I found it on the first grab, one half used tube of KY. Great. I was on my way. Step two was one of those huffy puffy pretend you're asleep roll overs so that I was facing my pal, Mark. He was bubbling and breathing in slow regular puffs of dogbreath and I was pretty confident he was still fast asleep so I went for step three and this was the hardest.

I slipped from the bed and went for a pee and on my return slipped back in but behind him this time and now it was my hot hardness pressing up against his muscular bottom. I cuddled in and he gave a little sigh and mumble. I froze for a moment but he slept on so I with drew and annointed the prize pecker, it was time for step four. Once I was well oiled up I snuggled back in and slowly slipped my aching hardon between his cheeks and he just did a little wriggle and I felt my knob end at his hole. This was it, I gently pushed and felt him open up and he slept on as I took his relaxed warmth. I moved in deeper and deeper and he just mumbled a little and accepted me. He must have thought I was his little brother as he didn't come to life until I'd made a couple of moves.

'Bastard rapist,' he muttered and pushed back onto me. That was good enough, I rolled him onto his belly and parted his legs and stared to shag. He just clutched the pillow and accepted it as if he was used to being penetrated for a wake up call. Then again, with a randy little rat for a brother perhaps he was. Anyway, at the end of the day, he was a nice fuck and at the end he was pushing up onto me as I rumped his solid little bottom. Great sex, he wasn't what you'd call a small boy and he worked that arse of his like he really enjoyed it and perhaps he did. In the end he was eating the pillow and meeting me thrust for thrust, talk about good sex, it was the best early morning coupling I'd had for a time and when I came at last I gave him a good dose of the Dennis juice. I was drained and knackered as I stirred myself in his squishy hole which is a hell of a way to start the day.

'Sexpot,' he smiled up at me lazily as he rolled from under and grabbed me.

'Not so bad yourself, Mark,' I looked down at him and saw it in his eyes. With a struggle I rolled over and allowed him on top facing me, I pushed his own erection between my legs and clamped on it, he wasn't going to settle for that but hint, hint. He got it.

He put his arms straight out and started to move his hips up and down as if he was doing pressups, I clamped my legs tightly, he'd soon tire of this and he did. After a few minutes he parted my legs and knelt raising my legs upto my chest. Gawd, he must like funk... his head dropped and his hot breath was at my pucker and then his slippery tongue was at me lapping and probing. All pretty disgusting but I liked it, I wriggled and squirmed as his hot tongue coated me with saliva and I felt the tip push at my back door but he soon tired of that as well. He was hot and he wanted it, it being me of course. Moving up the bed I felt his slippery glans push at me and then the briefest of pains as his mass entered me, opening me up and filling me with his hot cock. What a way to start the day, I just lay there and felt myself getting more and more bloated as his thick boy cock speared into me filling me like a very solid hotdog (without the mustard of course). 'Yeah, yeah, yeah...' he puffed and panted as he started a regular in and out finally pressing his sparse pubes against my body. His fuull length was in me and I squeezed on the hot hardness and closed my eyes as I held his muscular young body to mine.

Tactile is a lovely word. Skin on skin, flesh and flesh, the sense of touch... another's body on yours and not only on but in it. We were joined as one unit by his hot and slippery shaft as it slowly moved in and out of my boy fanny as I clamped on him and he did what he wanted with me. I suppose that's all a bit of purple prose meaning that he gave me a good fucking and I enjoyed it. I mostly prefer to be the top but now and then there's one who does well and this time it was young Mark, he made love like he'd had years of practice and maybe he had with his kid brother. God knows how long they'd been at it but he was good, he'd learnt well and to my absolute shame, I didn't want him to stop.

'You are so good,' he whispered keeping his movements steady and regular.

'So are you,' I wrapped my legs around him crushing him in and savouring his hardness seated in my belly. 'Go for it, Mark.'

He grinned and started. Talk about ramtime, he was like a well oiled piston going into a cylinder or whatever pistons do. In and out, in and out like a bloody machine and he seemed to be getting harder and bigger all the time until it was gasp and grunt time. He was on the verge, it was climax time.

In the end came the sweaty climax, I clung to him like a limpet and he thrust away to a nice climax. I flopped like a deady as I felt his boy spike inside me throb and jerk. It was over as I felt him slowly move in and out on his own spunk and then slip free.

It was all over, now sheened with sweat and really stinky we clung together mumbling sweet nothings and drifted off once more into a limbo of half sleep but the morning was on us although we lay there lost in our little world of funk.

We were awoken properly by Patric all tidy and tasty with two mugs of coffee, just the thing to get you hyped up.

'Where's James?' Mark asked bleary eyed.

'Having a shower, he'll be in, in a minute. Peter's here and I want to get him started.' He looked down at me. 'I'm gonna sak him if he wants to hang around when he's done and have a swim and whatnot.'

'The whatnot will interest him no doubt,' I stretched out and yawned. I felt really manky and my groin was both sticky and crusty, I felt bloody evil but I wasn't getting out of bed with Patric lurking and he knew this as he disappeared after a few moments.

'What's this Peter like? Mark asked sitting up a bit to tackle his coffee.

'Bit bigger than you, longer hair...'

'A player?'

'Of course,' I laughed.

'Sounds fun,' he smirked. 'I'd better put little James' collar and lead on.'

'Bollocks,' James appeared around the door, he'd probably been eavesdropping but he looked so sweet, nice and squeaky clean almost polished. He had a damp towel around his waist and he wandered over to the window and looked out. 'I can't see him.'

'He does the frontage first,' I told him and gave him a little come on look. You never knew your luck but he was playing safe, he kept well out of our way. 'Is Pat doing any breakfast.'

'He's doing Frosties and toast if that's breakfast,' he grinned and rubbed his slightly protuding belly. 'Every time I go in the kitchen he starts groping me.'

'Wanna put some clothes on instead of walking around like a bloody Lolita,' his brother snapped.

'No, I don't,' James pouted and hopped on the bed between us. Mark gave up and rolled onto his belly burying his face in the pillow but I didn't I clasped the boy's warm body and sunk my lips onto his. With a bit of a struggle I got him into the bed and between Mark and myself and he immediately went down onto the reluctant Mark pressing his warm bottom against my hip. I couldn't resist I wormed my hardon between his soft cheeks and fucked up under his soft thighs and under his scrotum and he clamped on me making gobbling groans as he serviced his brother and let me play. I withdrew a little and probably gave a bit of a sigh, Mark now on his back looked at me and grinned wearily without speaking he handed me the lube. This was like some sort of mime, I smeared sone of the lube between James' cheeks, fingered his hole and he shoved his sweet bum back onto me as I fed my meat between his cheeks and slowly pushed into his heat.



'Aaaaaah...' I groaned and nearly bit brother Mark's swollen cock. It never gets any easier but I was well relaxed after a day and a night's sex. I was really getting to like someone in me and now dishy Dennis was doing his duty. His fat dark skinned cock ploughed in and away he went, I concentrated on Mark and he was now getting with it holding my head and fucking upwards as my lips slid up and down his fat root. I was in for a double wammy and I could then have another dump and another bath, I'd have to be the cleanest little slut in Sussex.

Dennis hammered away and Mark face fucked me until wriggling and moaning I got a good mouthful from Mark, a nice tasting of his creamy bro cum and then I felt Dennis let go with a nice gush of his boy spunk up into my bottom. I just lay my head on Mark's taut belly and squeezed him dry as Dennis slowed and finally stopped.

'Slut,' Mark muttered fondly and ruffled my hair as I felt Dennis slip free.

'Your slut,' I slipped up the bed and we traded kisses as Dennis crawled up my back and munched away at the back of my neck.

'Come on you load of pervs,' Patric stood looking exasperated at the door. 'I'm trying to do you lot some breakfast.'

'Alright, alright,' Dennis was the first to move and I just rolled over like a dog with a bone.

'Pete the window cleaner has started around the front,' Patric informed us.

'Hey,' Mark suddenly came to life. 'We'll go and have a oggle.'

'Make sure that's all you do,' Patric scowled. 'He needs to get them done this time, 'Dennis raped him halfway through last time.'

'The other way around, Sugar Pants,' Dennis laughed. 'And you got a slice of the action so don't get all uppity.'

That was it. We all got ourselves sorted out and invaded the kitchen. I had eaten but I was quite happy accepting a couple of boiled eggs, it was nice to know that Patric could cook something even if it was only bloody eggs. His Russians and Ukrainians that he told us about must survive on Frosties and hen fruit. After we'd eaten Patric and Dennis started on their chores and mainly stripping beds and getting the stuff into the washer, Mark decided to let me do the slut bit as he called it and suggested I go and have a look at this Peter and then give him a report on the much discussed window cleaner. I found a guy who was obviously Peter around the side of the house and he was looking hot and bothered already as the sum had started to thrash down again. he was a cracker and I felt the old sphincter give a twinge, this was another dick for the collection I could see that by the way he looked at me.

'Hi, you gotta be Mark or James,' he greeted me. 'Pat briefed me.'

'Full briefing,' I grinned trying to look seductive.

'Very full,' he laughed and climbed his short ladder. Jeez, he was quick but I suppose if he did it for a living he would be. A quick squeegee, a quick wipe and onto the next one. Gotta be money for jam.

'You staying when you've done?'

'Yeah, I usually get invited to use the pool.'

'Great, wanna hand?'

'You can tend me, it speeds things up.'

'OK.' I didn't know what he meant but what he was after was someone to hand things up and freshen up his water, easy peasy and it gave me the opportunity to admire his body. He wasn't wearing a shirt and he had these cut down jeans on displaying a nice pair of blonde hairy legs but not too hairy, more fuzzy. His torso was really tasty all the abs, pecs and the rest of it, he had a belly like a washboard, beautiful six pack and I nearly got dribbly about this muscular looking youth servicing the ol' honeypot. I bet he was a goer and a half, at least he came highly recommended. Dennis said he had the full size six incher and knew how to use it so my evil plan was to get in first before Mark came busting in.

We got on like a house on fire and I went into the kitchen at one stage and grabbed some chilled Pepsis, I could hear the hoover on the go and Mark's voice upstairs so he must have been helping the two housekeepers, nice one.

'Only got three around the other side to finish,' Peter informed me and we tromped around their with our gear and our drinks. The far side was a lot cooler as it was shaded so we sat on the grass and supped our drinks.

'You known 'em long?' I was making conversation.

'Some time now,' he replied. 'We had a ball when their mates from London were down here, Loren, Florian and a bloody great mob of 'em.'

'I heard about it last night,' I informed him. 'We just live down the road from them in North London, we met them in Cyprus.'

'Yeah, I know. I've heard all about you,' he grinned and trailed his finger up my leg. 'You're much nicer than they said,' he leant up on one elbow and moved in closer, I think the window cleaning was on hold. We were in the shade but we were sheltered by the tall leylandii and this Peter person was looking quite bulky in his shorts. I think he wanted a bit of light relief.

'Nice to get compliments,' I sighed and stretched out closing my eyes.

'Yeah,' his voice dropped and I felt him move and then his warm lips on my belly. 'Gawd, I'm so randy,' he sighed. 'I haven't had any for over a week.'

I giggled, I didn't ask him what 'any' was I knew. 'Juicy are you?' I whispered.

'Very,' he whispered and I felt his warm breath on my face and then his lips drifted across mine. I opened up and then his lips crushed against mine and his tongue snaked into my open mouth. Yummy,' I wriggled around as he kissed and explored my mouth with his tongue and I felt his hands fumble at my shorts and then the slightest of breezes touched my skin. 'Nice,' he whispered and he crouched up and started to remove my skimpy clothing. This youth man was hot and he was needy, no way was I going to say no. He could do what he liked with me and it looked like he was about to do just that. he stripped me all the way kissing every inch of my smoothy skin he could find and I found myself in a crouch doggified and then his hot mouth was in between my cheeks slobbering and lapping at my ring. Jeez, this kid didn't mess around. Stiped, posed and lubed in five minutes flat. I pushed back onto his rimming as he slurped and I saw through my aroused sexual haze that he had dropped his shorts and his big six incher was waving in the breeze. He was ready for action and yet again he wasted no time. He moved in behind me and I felt his precuming glans slide between my cheeks and nudge up against my well used hole. One sweet kiss on the back of the neck and his iron hard meat speared into my well used bum in one slow thrust. God, it was bigger than the others but it was nice, a man sized cock and he started to fuck as soon as he had an inch or so in me.

I dropped my head onto my forearms and crouched there with my arse in the air as he held my hips and fucked me with a nice a regular rocking motion holding me and pulling me onto his thrusts. It was nice one and he also reached under me and started to wank away at my still sore noodle but I wasn't fussed about that, I was enjoying the regular pumping and now the sweaty slaps as he fucked faster and harder, he was a young man with a mission and that was to get his rocks off as soon as he could and then hopefully go for seconds. I would think Mark was earmarked for that but I didn't care, I'd got in first.

Suddenly a change of pace, he wrapped his arms around me and we went down sideways onto the grass where he kept up a slower shagging but was running his hands up and down and over my chest and belly and I could feel him getting harder. I swear it, it felt like a warm steel bar inside me and suddenly he was going faster again and he spunked. I was caught by surprise as he held me tightly with his cock rammed deep into my body and I felt this huge cum squirt in a pumping and throbbing that left me giddy. I could feel his damn slime outside even squishy between us as he slowly moved. Super cum plus... God knows how long he'd been saving it but I had it all and as he kissed and slobbered at my neck I slowly and carefully pulled off him in an oozing of spilt cum.

'Christ, I needed that,' he fell on his back panting and gazing at the sky.

'Glad to help out,' I laughed and rushed off. I might be back later but for now I needed a throne to perch on. That youth was a cum machine and a bit of a rough fuck, I needed time to heal.



I'd just phoned dad and got permission to spend the day over here and the night if we were inivited, the kicker on that one was that I had to make a further phone call later on in the day but, hey, no probs.

I and presumably James had done the musical chairs routine for an afternoon and a night... should call it musical shags really but you know what I mean. I was at present helping Den and Pat give the place a blitz. This sort of stuff was above my kid bro James he'd either found a corner and was having a snooze or more likely had sought out the window cleaner and camped his way into a shag. That kid was one total slut, believe me. I didn't make too much of it but he much preferred to let someone else do the hard work which is a polite way of saying that he'd rather lay on his belly and think of Queen, Country and the High Seas Fleet that expend the effort being the top. That was a kind way of saying that I thought he was more bitch than butch although all the books and gathered knowledge indicate he still had time to make his mind up. It suited me, I never went short at home and with his pulling power I rarely went short elsewhere although I was capable of swagging a boy myself. I don't count Florian, Loren, Patric or sweet Dennis, they were bedmates waiting to be bedded, easy as that.

'So what's this guy like?' I flopped into an armchair in the top lounge, the last room on their schedule.

'Not a guy really,' Pat laughed. 'He's seventeen now... I think. Senior teeny, youth I suppose the technical word is.'


'Yummy,' Dennis giggled. 'Big and bit of a yid.'

'Jewish?' I was a bit surprised at Den's crudity. I wasn't too happy about that sort of thing but I wasn't going to start a war as no one's perfect.

'No, you dummy, like you and Jamie,' Dennis laughed back. 'He's circumcised I mean. Nice big knob with no hoody.'

'Ah, gotcha,' I smiled relieved, I'd thought Dennis was a budding Hitler Youth then again he was a bit too swarthy and Romany looking to be into racial purity plus he hopped into be with anything this side of a Yeti.

'Blonde, got a big hooter but that goes with his feet and dick,' Dennis pressed on.

'Goes with your mouth,' Patric hushed him. 'Keep it going and the he'll hear you.... decorum my son,'

'Loves his big words,' Dennis grinned but I noted that his voice dropped. I liked Dennis, liked him a lot but his mouth did run away with him at times, a bit like my Jamie I suppose. Come to think of it, where was that little twit, I hoped the pixies hadn't kidnapped him then again maybe not.

'We gonna swim, we gonna catch up with Pete?' Dennis looked at Patric awaiting a lead.

'Yeah, shower down the pool and then... chill out,' Patric waved his feather duster like a Fairy Godmum. He looked at me and obviously came to a decision, you and your bro get to know Peter better, Dennis and I might do a diplomatic disappearance for a couple of hours.'

'Where is your other half by the way?' Dennis looked at me curiously.

'Gawd knows,' I shrugged and that was the end of that. We stashed up the cleaning gear and probably all feeling quite pleased with ourselves trooped down to the pool and shared the big shower down there. Still no sign of Jamie but I put him on my mental backburner, he was quite capable of looking after himself and he wouldn't have strayed too far.

I was in the water and they were flopped out in the shade when Peter, the window cleaner made his entrance. He was a dish big time, he was so bloody yummy, I sprung an instant stiffy when he dropped his shorts displaying a large meaty circumcised dangler and an arse to die for. With a bum like that he could crack walnuts.. perfecto. He had a swift shower to get rid of his sweat and funk and promptly dived in alongside me and swum around for a bit.

'Hi hi, Mark,' he splashed over to me and gave me a quick once over like I was meat on a rack. 'Me Peter,' he tapped his chest.

'Me Geronimo,' I duckled under the water and grabbed his legs and that was it, we were off. Got he was a randy sod, I had trouble fighting him off but he soon found out I was no pushover as we wrestled and fought watched by Dennis and Patric who were oggling the combat... still no sign of Jamie though.

'Oi, big dick,' I spluttered.

'Ain't too bad yourself,' Peter grinned.

'Seen my brother, a little kid...'

'Yeah,' Peter cut in with a laugh. 'Does a good impression of a doggy?'

'Sounds like him,' I admitted. Jamie had made contact and that explained his absence, he'd been shagged to exhaustion, he was sleeping somewhere which meant that I had the muscular sweety Peter to myself but he was about to learn I wasn't a pushover like my kid brother.

Peter pulled himself out of the water and sat on the edge of the pool, it was a familiar situation I waded across and grabbed his ankles upending him onto his back getting a flash of his pucker as he went over but he was soon back up and his penis was lengthening and filling out. It was at that moment that Patric and dennis decided to leave us to it.

'Catch you in a couple of hours,' Patric spoke over his shoulder.

'Keep an eye out for Jamie,' I called.

'We'll look after him, Dennis came back with a grin. 'Use a room if you want a snooze.' That was it they were on their way and I had the delicious Peter to play with. I pushed in again and leant my arms on his thighs examining his weapon which was now at full stretch laying out to the side.

'Nice one,' I said. I know, a bit naff but you have to say that sort of thing, a compliment pays dividends or so I'm told.

'Not too bad yourself, Mark,' Peter sighed as my head dropped and I nuzzled at his scrotum. He had a few fair hairs but most of them were above his dick on his lower belly, he had hair on his legs and a misting on his forearms but he wasn't what I'd call a real hairy of course I was used to Patric and Dennis and they were still going through the electric razor bit. Bald as badgers around the groin but that had something to do with their weird landlord. I expect he felt it made them look more boyish, I thought it was pretty cool myself. Anyway, back to Peter, he was trying to guide my head onto his stiffy now at full stretch but I was in a wind up mood, let him wait. He'd pigged out on little brother now he had the big brother on his case.

I finally grasped his warm meat and guided it down to my mouth and made a big deal of licking and lapping at his swollen gans until he started to moan and groan and then I slowly took it into my mouth tasting the thickness of his meat and the smoothness of his skin. I wasn't used to circumcised dickies but it was nice and he certainly seemed happy, he was sitting right on the edge of the pool prodding into my mouth as I half stood and half floated beneath him.

'Come up, I'll do you,' he slipped free and crawled over to the inflatable and lay out on it as if offering himself. I couldn't say no, it wouldn't have been polite. I got from the pool shedding water and lay down alongside him and took a similar pose on the next lilo after pushing it in closer. Got to tell you about these inflatable thingies, they are a right pain but better than laying on a hard tiled floor.

I lay alongside him and just to confuse me he immediately crouched over me and grasping my own hardon went into a sixty niner ducking to allow me to grasp and then mouth him. We went on merrily for a bit until I started to stroke his back and he told me it was sore, too much sun he claimed and as he was so fair skinned I accepted that.

'Pity there isn't any sun oil around,' he muttered taking little licks at the end of my cock and then sliding his mouth over it.

'Some just there.'

'Ah, good.' He saw the tubes and suddenly got up grabbing the two half empty bottles. 'You can do my back.' Yeah... right.

'Alright,' I got up as well and dragged one of the other things over, the foam rubber mattress, at least you didn't bounce all over the place when you used these and I was going to use it. I'd seen my chance and I was going for it, I expect peter had set it up anyway as he floped out belly down on this thing and virtually dared me to do my worst, he opened his legs and looked over his shoulder with a grin.

'Do your worst.' Well, if that wasn't an invitation I didn't know what was. His back was alright, he had a nice golden brown tan with absolutely no sign of burning but if he wanted to play a game then so be it, I loved games. I squirted a long white streamer of the stuff from his neck to his tailbone and he flinched but then relaxed. 'Smells nice.'

'It does,' I agreed rubbing the stuff in across his strong shoulders, he looked like he did weights but I didn't give a toss it was his firmly muscled bottom that fascinated me. I rubbed and rubbed, a caress combined with a massage I suppose but I worked my way down to his trim waist and then onto the target. One final dollop of the gunk right on his tailbone and then those squeezy orbs were under my hands as I stroked managing to feed oil into his crack. He opened his legs slightly and I knew he wanted it.

'Open up,' I croaked lightly ruunning my finger the length of his crack. It was becoming automatic, he opened his legs wide and I slipped in and knelt still massaging his cheeks but now delving deeper and deeper until I felt the smoothness and the yield of his pucker.

'Aaah,' he groaned but just wriggled himself more comfortable as I took a tentative prod and felt my finger sink into his tight hole. In and out, in and out, I moved my finger to and fro feeling his sphincter relax and finally felt him spasm as I found his prostate and rubbed my finger against it harder and harder. He must have been as stiff as a poker by now as I certainly was and as I withdrew my finger I replaced it with my jerking cock.

'Yesssss,' he hissed as I pushed slowly and gently into his encompassing heat. 'Good boy,' he groaned and pushed up as I pushed down absorbing me in one smooth movement.

'Jeeez,' Peter,' I lay trapped in his heat and tightness kissing his neck and slowly stirring my stiffy in his gut. This was an almost man and I savoured his size and his strength as I moved in and out of his firm bottom, he was great and I was in love... again.

He was a fantastic fuck. He was big against me at least but he was so tight, he must do fanny exercises, it felt like I had a clenched fist around my dick as I hammered in and out. He liked it a bit rough as well, he urged me on grunting at me to go harder and deeper and I tried. The sweat was flying off me at the end and he was still pushing up hard. I was a bit afraid he was going to give me a hernia but I was saved by the familiar tickle and burn as I felt a goodly load shoot up my shaft deep into his body. Not too bad considering what I'd been upto over the last twenty four hours. I felt quite pleased with myself as I glued my sweaty belly to his sweaty back and felt myself soften in his well lubricated tunnel.

'You did well, little one,' He grinned over his shoulder and submitted to a kiss.

'I'm not that little,' I gave a final dig and slid free leaving my tacky and slippery noodly between his clamped cheeks.

'True,' he laughed and rolled, he then slipped off me and we lay belly to belly his iron hard cock pressing against my softy. He moved slowly wanking his erection between our bellies and we kissed, we tongued, we stroked each other and I finally opened my legs.

'You done the biz with James?' I looked up at him as he knelt upright between my legs with his six inches of man/boy meat reached out rigidly with it's head glaming with an oooze of precum which he smeared around.

'I thought I'd told you, I a little darling this morning and it was James or a sexy trespasser,' he grinned and reached for the oil.

'Yeah, I remember, in fact I remembered his doggy remark. 'Try us later, we do a good double act.'

'You're on,' he laughed and putting his hands under my thighs lifted my legs and folding them back to my chest parted them exposing my pucker tightly stretched and at his mercy. 'Nice,' he sighed and I felt the first touch of an oiled finger. I just hoped he didn't fuck as rough as he liked it, I was into the gentle stuff but I needn't have feared he treated me as if I was a chunk of porcelain. Slow and gentle and when he finally took me I clasped the towel and closed my eyes. God, he had a fat cock and I could feel it warm me but at the same time stretch my ring to the edge of pain but then it was OK. Once he was in it felt like a huge sausage sliding in and out and I wondered how much squealing James did. Knowing James, bugger all and if he could handle it then so could I. He fucked slowly but made sure every thrust squashed his pubics against me, he was determined to root out at every hit and did well, I felt my teeth rattle as he lead upto a rampaging climax. He lost it in the end as many do and shagged me savagely until I felt his cock jerk and spew what seemed to be gallons of warm and tacky spunk into my body. Considering he'd done James only a couple of hours previously he did exceptionally well and he kept going even when he'd cum until he gradually began to soften.

'Phew,' I wiped my forehead as he slipped free. 'Now I feel shagged,' I gave him a big smile.

'What about we have a shower and grab one of the bedrooms, have a nice lie down in the cool?'

'Sounds a good idea.' I tottered to my feet. I didn't think James and myself were going to be spending too much time in that tent down by the parent's caravan. In fact, I don't think we were going to be seeing too much of then at all for the rest of the holiday. As that Lorenzo would say... 'Wowsie wow!'

The Soap continues

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Next: Chapter 9

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