The District

By NPhillyDogg/Scedmark

Published on Aug 10, 2023


THE DISTRICT-29 4way Clash

Written by: Eugene Marvin (aka)



47 yr old Julio Espisedo and his fiancé Lartina Nelson wandered about inside Julio's fire damaged home. There was extensive damage done to the back of the house where the firebomb came in [chap-25], including the second floor. "The entire kitchen and back room will need remodeling..." said Julio, looking up at the charred wood and the hole in his ceiling. "...looks like what the fire didn't get, the water from the fire hoses did..." he added, looking at his smoke and water stained furniture. "...or looters..." he concluded, looking at the empty TV stand and missing stereo equipment.

"You're insured, right...?" asked Latrina, stepping over items lying about on the floor.

"Yes..." answered Julio, fishing the family photo album from under debris. "...but some things are priceless, and no amount of money could ever replace it...!" he sighed, opening the book to the first page family photo of himself, his ex-wife [Barbra], and their dead son [Ethan].

Latrina stepped in behind Julio, looking down over his shoulder as he squat in the debris, becoming saddened by memories of his family...

"Well, you could either rebuild..." suggested Latrina, rubbing her fiancé's back, tenderly. "...OR you could settle with the insurance company and completely demolish this house and sell the land..., THEN put THAT money to better use..." she added, as Julio closed the book and turned around. " buying US a new home!"

Julio's face soured...

"This money isn't for US...!" he said, causing Latrina's nervous smile to dissipate. "Do you know WHY my house was firebombed...?" he asked. Latrina looked dumbstruck. "Because they WANT me to stop holding my weekly meetings here...!" explained Julio. "They KNOW my meetings are waking up the community! They KNOW we're slowly taking back our streets, so they tried to STOP me by bombing the house!"

"ALL the more reason for you to move to another place...!" reasoned Latrina.

"ALL the more NOT to...!" argued Julio. "I established my organization IN this house! This house is KNOWN as the headquarters for Fathers Against Drugs! When people want to join, they come HERE! When a family is severely affected by drugs, or their child is killed, hurt, or injured by drugs, they come HERE for support! If the drug dealers believe this place is such a threat to them, then I can't just pack up and LEAVE because a few of them decided I should go! I HAVE to rebuild! I HAVE to restart F.A.D.!"

"I don't want you getting hurt..." said Latrina, emotionally. "...not over something that doesn't even pertain to US...!"

Julio's face dropped.

"How..." he choked, the words getting caught in his throat. " could you SAY something like that...?" he asked. "My SON was killed in a drive-by shooting regarding drugs...! Drugs affects ALL of us in one way or another...! It lowers the value of our homes..., it lowers community unity and pride..., it raised CRIME in our neighborhood..., it endangers US and the children every time we walk outside of our homes...! Of COURSE it pertains to us! It pertains to everyone!"

"I see you're getting really emotional over this..." said Latrina [deciding to back off from the conversation], but Julio wasn't finished, as he grabbed her by the arm and pulled her back into his face...

"Of COURSE I'm emotional..." he practically screamed, staring into Latrina's eyes as if she were someone he'd never met. "...I THOUGHT you understood how important FAD was to me...?"

"FAD was your PAST..." said Latrina, "...the results of a family you no longer have...! WE'RE supposed to be making a FUTRUE together...! I don't understand HOW we're supposed to move ahead if you're always dwelling on the past...?!"

"That PAST includes MY SON...!" shouted Julio, his fingers tightening around Latrina's arm. "If you don't have room for my SON in your life..., then you don't have time for ME...!"

"You're HURTING me, Julio..." whined Latrina, trying to twist out of his grip.

Julio immediately released her, not realizing he how tightly he was holding her. Latrina rubbing the sore area as she backed away... "I'm going HOME..." she stated, her voice trembling a little as she looked almost afraid of the man she was looking at. "...if you WANT to come home later, I'll be there waiting!" she added, before walking out, bursting into tears before hitting the front door.

Julio stood in the center of his home, holding his family photo album and wondering what his future held...?



Are you SURE you want to do this...?" asked Fontella Clarkson, watching Malik pack all his personal items into boxes and suitcases to be carted off elsewhere [his partner Maleece Cortez helping in the background]. "I mean..., this's YOUR place..., the baby and I should move..."

"No..." said Malik, closing the lid on the boxes. "...YOU need the place more than I do..., and this way I can stop by periodically to check up on you and Lillian...!" he added, before lifting the heavy box and dragging it from the bedroom into the living room.

"So...I guess THIS is it, eh...?" she asked nervously, having no supportive father figure around for her daughter for the first time since her birth.

Malik dropped the box on the floor [with relief], then turned around to say good-bye. He and Fontella looked awkwardly at each other, then moved in to give each other generous hugs. Maleece stood in the doorway [with his hands full], watching the former lovers say good-bye.

"I'll call you when I find a place and settle in, okay...?" asked Malik, breaking away.

"You'd better..." said Fontella, holding back a sniffle. "...or I'll have child-support searching for you in all 50 states!"

Malik struggled with lifting his box, then followed Maleece outside to a waiting pickup Maleece borrowed from a friend.

"Thanks for helping me move...!" said Malik, loading the last of his belongings into the back of the truck.

"No problem..." said Maleece, slamming the back door to secure the packages. "Yo, let me ask you..., you think SHE was joking about that `child-support' thing she said in there...?"

Malik looked dumbfounded...

"Who, Fontella...?" he asked, thinking back to the joke. "Of course...!"

"Well..." said Maleece, skeptically. "...did YOU sign the birth certificate as the father...?" he inquired.

Malik hesitated...

"uh...yeah..." he answered, truthfully. "...but she KNOWS I'm not the father..." he added, "...besides, she already knows she can come to me anytime she needs anything...!"

Maleece's eyebrows went up as he walked around to the driver's side of the truck...

"A monthly check in the mail BEATS calling you anytime she needs anything...!" warned Maleece. "You NEED to get your name off that birth certificate...!" he advised. "You never know what might happen to Fontella in the future where she might feel desperate enough to enforce that child-support right on the only name on the baby's birth certificate!"

Malik suddenly looked worried, as Maleece got into the truck. "I'm just saying..." added Maleece, starting the engine. "I'll swing these things past your Storage Ben..." said Maleece, putting the truck in gear. "...and meet you back at the house later...!"

Malik walked back to his car [with the suitcase he was taking back to Maleece's and Jake's place], with this NEW revelation heavy on his mind. He got into his car and started the engine, saying good-bye to the apartment he's lived in for the past 3 years. Pulling out into traffic, he thought about all the sacrifices he made for Marvin Rollins since meeting him, and wondered WHERE the sacrifices ended...? Malik was stuck in a vortex of swirling ciaos named MARVIN ROLLINS, and he didn't know how to get out of it.

Malik was just about to look in his side view mirror for traffic, when he was suddenly side swiped by an oncoming vehicle!

"UHG...!" he yelled as his airbag went off unexpectedly, slamming his head back into the headrest with force.

The driver of the other vehicle got out of his car, then walked around the front to survey the damage. Noticing Malik rubbing the back of his neck, he walked over and knocked on the window...

"Are you okay...?" he asked, concerned.

Malik flattened the air out of the airbag before climbing out of his car...

"Yeah..." he answered, still in shock by what happened. "...I was just..., I didn't SEE you coming..." he added, looking at the side damage done to his car.

"Yeah..., you just sorta came out of nowhere...!" said the man. "Are you insured...?"

"I'd better be..." said Malik, looking up at the man for the first time. "...I'm a police officer..." he added, holding out his hand to shake. "...Malik..., Malik Jones...!"

"James Maddox..." said the man, shaking hands. "...maybe we should exchange information...?"



"Where the hell you takin' us, Leek...?" asked Tyrone, in the front passenger's seat of Jahleem's old car.

"Over my bul Manny's house...!" said MarliQ, sitting in the back seat, calling out directions.

"Manny...?" questioned Jahleem, running a myriad of faces through his mind as he drove. "...who's dat...?"

"You know..." said MarliQ, not really wanting to say... "...the guy that be bringin' my MOM home sometimes...!"

"You mean homboi dat be SLAMMIN' yur moms...?" asked Jahleem, turning around physically in his seat to see MarliQ's face.

MarliQ tried not to show an telling expressions, but he really didn't like the reference to fucking his mother...

"Yeah..." he admitted, sullenly.

"Since WHEN you start hangin' out with ole dude...?" asked Tyrone, laughing from the front seat.

"He cool peeps..." said MarliQ, "...I mean, he's been invitin' me over to smoke to trees with him for A WHILE now..." added the big guy, knowing he HAD to have a legitimate reason to get his two closest friends over to Manny's apartment. "...even said I could invite a couple'a my bulz...!"

"WHERE he git the weed from...?" asked Jahleem, pulling a blunt from behind his ear. "Cuz I gots my own deal...!"

"We ALL do..." laughed Tyrone. "...we're drug dealers! Is he a customer...?" asked Ty. "Cuz I'd HATE to come all way over here just to smoke some of the same shit we already sell!"

"Naw..." answered MarliQ, seeing Manny's building coming up in the near distance. "...I think he said he got it from New York!"

"Oh kool..." smiled Jahleem. "...I had sum NY weed b'fo..., shyt knocked me out for a week! Had me draggin and slurrin' my words for dayz after, n'shyt...!"

"Sounds like you never recovered from it...!" joked Tyrone, about Jahleem's laid back demeanor.

"Fuck you, asshole..., I'm high off Henny rite now...!" laughed Jahleem.

"LORD HELP UP if we get pulled over by the po-po...!" prayed Tyrone, mockingly.

"THERE'S his building..." pointed MarliQ. "...park!"

Jahleem parallel parked as best he could [under the circumstances], then the 3 friends walked up into Manny Michaels' building and took the elevator up to his 4th floor apartment.

"Sup fellas...?" asked Manny, meeting the guys at the door after being alerted by text of their arrival. "I'm Manny..." he introduced, shaking Jahleem's and Tyrone's hands as they passed into his apt.


"Ty!" answered the 2 thugs.

Manny eyeballed a nervous looking MarliQ as he walked in, unable to resist the temptation to slap his fat ass as he walked by. MarliQ looked stunned and mortified, as Jahleem and Tyrone turned around to see where the loud SLAP came from...?

"Boy's got a FAT ASS, don't he...?" laughed Manny, securing the door before showing everyone where to sit. "Just like his MOMMA!"

"Yeh..." agreed Jahleem, knowing MarliQ HATED IT when he made references towards his mother. "...I've been wantin' to tag DAT azz eva since I first saw her walkin' down tha street in them black tights!"

"Really...?" asked Manny, amused that MarliQ's hommies be fantasizing about fucking his mother. "You should've told me..., I could've set somethin' UP for you...!"

"Forreal...??" asked Jahleem, grabbing his crotch [much to MarliQ's anger]. "I'd fuk tha SHYT outta Leek's mom...!"

Manny laughed, loving Jahleem's forwardness. The fact that MarliQ was shooting daggers at the two of them made it all the funnier.

"Inna MEANTIME we could practice on her SON...!" said Manny, putting his arm about MarliQ's shoulders playfully before dashing into the kitchen to grab his marijuana stash from his cupboard. "Bein' around that ass all day..., I'm surprised YOU GUYS ain't HIT that ass yet...!"

Tyrone and Jahleem looked at each other, curiously...

"Yo..., you gay...?" asked Jahleem, suspiciously.

"HA..., no...!" laughed Manny, taking a blunt out of a baggie before handing it off to MarliQ. "...but I work at the Round-House..." he said [Police Headquarters], passing another blunt to Jahleem. " I've seen a LOT of guys get punked before they headed off to prison...! Even broke a few IN who thought I could help them get OUT of their situation somehow...!" he chuckled, handing Tyrone his own blunt. "Nothin' like steelin' some virgin boy's virginity just before he's whored out in prison...! FEEL me...?"

"So you a COP...!" asked Tyrone, hesitant about smoking in front of an officer.

"Yeah..." answered Manny. "...but I'm off duty..." he assured. " don't be afraid to party!"

Tyrone took a blunt, then took a seat in one of the 2 chairs in Manny's living room.

"So...WHERE you get yur weed from...?" asked Tyrone, curiously.

"Found it..." said Manny, tossing Ty his lighter before heading back into the kitchen to retrieve beers. "...on some chick tryin' to smuggle weed into her boyfriend in her panties...!"

Jahleem held the blunt up to his nose and sniffed...

"Iz DAT where dat good azz scent's come'n from...?" he asked, before licking his blunt jokingly.

"Well..." said Manny with a smirk. "...I smuggled it OUT under my balls...!" he admitted, causing Tyrone and MarliQ to laugh out loud at Jahleem, who's face frowned with detest at the thought of sniffing Manny's nut sac... "Let's SMOKE!" said Manny, lighting up.



Julio took a brief pause and a deep breath before walking up the steps of his fiancé's residence, then used his house key to go inside. The house was usually quiet since Kaleb [Latrina's son] moved out, opting to live with his dad soon after Julio moved in. But today it seemed unusually quiet as Julio walked in to find Latrina curled on the sofa reading a book.

The tension was thick as she sat the book on her hip and removed her reading glasses, her face fully expecting some kind of apology as Julio placed his family's photo album on the book shelf, then took a seat in a nearby chair.

Latrina folded her arms, waiting for her apology...

"I'm SORRY for grabbing your arm and hurting you..." said Julio, sincerely. "...I didn't realize how tightly I was holding you...! I'll never put my hands on you again, like that!"

Latrina looked at Julio as he apologized, watching his body language and facial expression for sincerity. She went through a lot of fights with her ex-husband [KaliQ], and KNEW an insincere apology when she heard one [KaliQ would only apologize when he was tired of fighting and wanted sex]. But Julio was different, nothing like her ex, so she accepted, knowing his apology was heartfelt.

"Okay..." she said, letting him off the hook. "...but what happened...? I mean, I barely recognized you...!"

Julio leaned back in his chair, running his fingers through his slightly receding hair...

"My SON is a sensitive subject for me..." he said.

"I wasn't saying anything against your son..." defended Latrina, before Julio cut her off.

" organization is the ONLY thing I have to remember him by...! The ONLY thing that states MY SON existed! That HE was here! You can't ask me to give that up..., not even for OUR future...!"

Latrina watched the anguish on her fiancé's face, and realized the pain he must still be in. She got off the couch and walked over to him in the chair, then knelt before him...

"I never meant to sound like I wanted you to forget your son..." she said, sincerely. "...I just..., SEE how SAD you look sometimes when you see a little boy that reminds of him..., and I WISH I could do something to help you...!"

"You ARE helping me..." said Julio, touching Latrina gently about the cheek. "...just by showing me that I could find LOVE again...! I never thought I'd feel this way about a woman again...!"

Latrina felt compelled to kiss Julio in that moment, and lifted on her knees to kiss his lips. After a few seconds, Julio started to feel aroused and snaked his arms around her waist to pull her in closer. Latrina gave in as she parted her lips, allowing his [cigarette tasting] tongue into her mouth. She moaned softly as she suckled his tongue, feeling his hands molding her ass as he pulled her in-between his legs. She could feel his erection growing hard against her as she started to moisten. Julio unbuttoned the front of her shorts before squeezing his hand inside, feeling for her womanhood. He gently laid her out on the carpeted floor, then removed her shorts and underwear before going down on her. Latrina lay with her legs open as Julio pressed his face into her mound and started eating, making her squirm as his tongue licked and flickered over her slit and clitoris.

Julio didn't expect for this to happen when he got home. He was only trying to stay IN the house, but he wasn't about to pass up an opportunity for passion, even if it meant having sex on the floor.

For the first time since losing her son Kaleb to his father [KaliQ], Latrina was glad that she didn't have to worry about her son barging in at an inopportune moment. She bit her lower lip as Julio ate her pussy, mashing his lips, face, and mouth in her genitalia to make her feel like a WOMAN.

Unable to take much more, she reached down and pulled him up to her mound, then started to undo his pants. Julio's uncut erection popped out into the open as she reached down and guided it between her legs, rubbing the head between her vaginal lips to moisten it before sliding it into her. Both groaned softly as they connected together like Lego pieces. Julio pressed his groin into her mound before lying on top of her, thrusting his hips back and forth as he started to fuck.

They would make love for less than 10 minutes before coming, but the feelings they shared together as a couple would connect for a lifetime.



36 yr old Manny Michaels sat around his one bedroom apartment with 3 younger men, all smoking weed, drinking beer, and getting high and horny from watching a lesbian porno. The guys all watched [fascinated] as 3 hot black chicks took turns washing each other in a round bathtub, each girl getting bathed was treated to having her pussy licked and sucked by the 2 girls washing her.

Manny stared at the boys demeanors, checking out Jahleem and Tyrone in particular, hoping to catch some idea that they may be FREAKS like him...?

"YO...this's a HOT ASS video...!" admired Tyrone, unable to keep his eyes off the screen [between puffs from his blunt and swigs of beer].

The 3 girls eventually went into the bedroom, where they laid one girl on her back in bed while the second girl knelt between her legs, eating her pussy. The third girl sat on the first girl's face, getting her own pussy ate while riding her face. The camera man got extreme close-ups of the two girls eating pussy, pulling on the soft flap vagina lips with their mouths and flickering their tongues talentedly over each other's clits.

"Dam..." sighed Jahleem, licking his lips wantonly before taking a deep inhale on his blunt. "...I NEED a bitch to come sit on MY face like dat, rite now...!" he demanded.

"I gotta get a JOB as a camera man...!" said Tyrone, tilting his head sideways, imagining his own face in the equation.

MarliQ saw his two friends quickly becoming aroused by the video [rubbing the long mounds in their pant-legs], and KNEW he had to strike now what the iron was hot!

"Anybody need more beer...?" he asked [after watching Tyrone finish his brew], getting up to retrieve another from the fridge.

"Damn..." said Tyrone, taking note of the long snake in Manny's pants. " big is yur dick, man...? I see the shit reachin' all the way down yur thigh...!" he admitted. "NOT that I'm lookin..." he added, making it CLEAR he's not a crotch watcher. "...but you can't HELP seein' that shit...!"

Manny laughed, good natured...

"No problem, man..." he said, passing Ty fresh COLD bottle of brew. "...I'm 11 inches...!"

"So'm I...!" perked Jahleem, getting into the conversation.

"Wanna see WHO'S bigger...?" challenged Manny.

"K..." said Jahleem, standing up [wobbly] to lower his sweat pants.

Manny unbuttoned his own pants, then dropped them to the floor after standing next to Jahleem. Both dicks looked very similar [except Jahleem's was uncut, and Manny's was thicker], hanging low between both men's legs like hanging snakes on display.

Both guys took their dicks into their hands and started stroking until they were completely hard. Tyrone and MarliQ looked closely as the two men measured up by facing each other and aiming their dicks into the other's hairy pubes...

"Looks about the SAME to me..." said Tyrone, looking at the lengths.

"But Manny's thicker..." said MarliQ, having had first had experience with both.

"Really...?" asked Tyrone, looking at MarliQ suspiciously. "You a dick connoisseur now of a sudden...?" he joked/asked.

"uh...NO..." said MarliQ, feeling self-conscious all of a sudden..., causing the guys to laugh.

"Here's to yur dik...!" said Jahleem, holding up his beer to Manny.

"And here's to YOUR dick...!" said Manny, clinging bottles before turning them up to their lips. "Wanna jerk off together...?" he asked right after, getting a shrug from Jahleem.

Both men sat side by side on the sofa [their pants down around their ankles] as they grabbed their dicks and started stroking. Tyrone alternated watching the 2 men jack off and watching the lesbians eat each other alive on video, while MarliQ just looked fascinated by the sight of the two 11" men slowly jacking themselves, the long shafts leading down to their cum filled balls. Manny's balls were full and in a pretty pouched sack, while Jahleem's balls lay loose between his legs like a left behind lemons in a wrinkled sack.

The two men watched each other jack off for a while, before Manny asked if they could jack each other off?

"Ok." said Jahleem, wondering what another 11" dick in his fist would feel like?

Manny let go of his dick, then reached over and gently stroked Jahleem's. Jahleem watched Manny's dick hover in the air for a few seconds, before reaching over and grasping it, wrapping his fingers firmly about the solidly hard shaft.

"Dam..." he muttered under his breath, "...feels weird to hold another 11 inch dick in my hand..." he admitted.

"I know, rite...?" agreed Manny, pulling back Jahleem's foreskin before gently grazing his thumb over the dickhead, smearing the sticky pre-cum over the tip and causing shivers to shoot through Jahleem's dick.

"Ever suck dick before...?" asked Manny, curiously [wondering how far Jahleem would go]...?

"Naw..." answered the younger man, loving the hand job.

"Ever mess around with a dude before...?" asked Manny, already knowing the truth.

"A few times..." admitted Jahleem.

"Bet yur just about ready to slide this big pole up somebody's ass, right NOW, aint'cha...?" asked Manny.

"Fuk yeh..." moaned Jahleem.

Manny looked over at Tyrone and MarliQ...

"YO, why YOU TWO niggas still got yur clothes on...? " he asked, "Take yur pants off and JOIN us...!" he insisted.

Tyrone took one more swig from his beer before standing up to undo his pants, yanking them down around his ankles before resuming his seat, holding his 8.5" erection in hand. MarliQ also stood up, but was much slower than Tyrone to join in. He lingered for as long as could before finally lowering his own pants [keeping up his blue checkered boxer shorts, embarrassingly]. "The DRAWS too...!" yelled Manny, as all eyes fell on MarliQ.

MarliQ hooked his thumbs into his waistband, then slid the underwear down over his meaty legs before quickly taking a seat in his chair.

"Naw, naw nigga...GET UP...!" ordered Manny, as MarliQ looked at him confused. Complying, he stood up, feeling on display as he fought the urge to hide his pudgy pot belly. "Turn around!" said Manny, as MarliQ's fat hairy ass came into view. "Damn..." moaned the older man, as all three men stared at MarliQ's ass as if it were the gates to heaven. "...look at that shit..." he said, making sure the younger guys were watching. "...I've seen worse asses on porn hoes!"

"Ain't that the truth!" testified Tyrone, playfully reaching across to slap MarliQ's meaty cheeks.

"HEY...!" protested MarliQ, trying to dodge the slap before turning back around to retake his seat.

"YO..." called Manny, causing MarliQ's heartbeat to freeze in his chest [temporarily]. "...LIFT yur legs and show us that treasure yur hidin...!"

MarliQ felt like the rug was being pulled from under him.

"Awe c'mon Manny..." he complained, not wanting to appear like a weakling in front of his friends.

Manny gave him an angry look, letting MarliQ know he was displeased by his hesitations. MarliQ knew if he didn't do as Manny wanted, that he might tell his friends that he'd been tagging his ass LONG before today's planned fucking.

Tyrone and Jahleem watched as MarliQ scooted forward in his seat, then leaned back and lifted his legs overhead to show off his glutes.

"DAMN..." groaned Tyrone, his dick growing stiffer in his stroking hand as MarliQ's fat hairy ass cheeks parted to reveal the tiny tight hole hiding in the center, surrounded by a tiny forest of baby hair. Every dick in the room grew an extra inch as they stared at the brown-eye staring back at them...

"There's yur PUSSY homs..." said Manny, presenting MarliQ's ass to Jahleem for eating. " said you wanted to EAT some pussy...! THERE YOU GO!"

Jahleem hesitated only a moment before letting go of Manny's erection and walking across the room [taking tiny steps with his pants wrapped down around his ankles]. MarliQ looked up into Jahleem's face [worried], [wondering what his friends were going to think of him after getting gang banged again without the influence of FUC] as Jahleem dropped to his knees, then pressed his face up into his ass and started eating.

"Damn..." moaned Tyrone, stroking his dick faster as he watched his hommie eat ass.

MarliQ's eyes rolled [involuntarily] up into their sockets when he felt Jahleem's tongue suddenly washing over his sensitive manhole. He grabbed one of his meaty thighs to keep it elevated while resting the other on the arm edge of the chair, giving Jahleem as much room as he needed. He grabbed his own 9" hard dick with his free hand, and started stroking.

Jahleem licked over MarliQ's asshole as if it WERE pussy. His mind was severely clouded with lust as he searched for the clitoris with his tongue before drilling into the hole. MarliQ moaned softly, his eyes fluttering as a warm feeling washed over him.

Manny's eyes fell on Jahleem's naked ass as he lay in doggy position [his face pressed up into MarliQ's ass].

"Ever suck ass before...?" he asked Tyrone, who couldn't tear his eyes away from the action between his friends.

"Yeah..." he answered, truthfully. "...GIRLS...!" he added, making it clear he wasn't falling for Manny's subliminal suggestions like MarliQ and Leem.

"So you tellin' me you can look at yur hommie's ass and NOT wanna eat it...?" he asked, motioning towards Jahleem.

Tyrone looked at Jahleem's tiny ass tooted topside in the air [his low hanging balls hanging like an old lady's nylon]...

"Nope." he answered, not turned on by it at all.

"Would you eat MarliQ's...?" asked Manny, curiously.

Tyrone looked at how Jahleem relished his face in the hairy hole, and could see himself giving it a whirl...

"Would YOU...?" he asked instead, sensing Manny trying to size him up.

"I've eaten a man's ass before..." admitted Manny, "...another cop's..., a guy I let LIVE with me for a while...! HE had one of the best boi-pussies yur dick would ever sink into...!"

"What happened to him...?" asked Tyrone, just making conversation as he watched the action unfold.

Manny grunted, irritated...

"He fell for some BIG DICKED convict..." said the Round-House guard, causing Tyrone's ears to perk. "...followed his ass into prison as a Corrections Officer, THEN let him MOVE IN with him once he got paroled...! Pathetic, rite...?"

"The cop's name wouldn't happen to be: Malik, would it...?" asked Tyrone, taking a chance.

"YEAH!" answered Manny, looking at Tyrone surprised. "You KNOW him...?"

"I'm the convict's brother...!" answered Tyrone, now stroking his semi-hardon absentmindedly.

"REALLY...??" shocked Manny, seeing Tyrone in a different manner. "I first fucked Malik AFTER yur brother fucked him in the interrogations room at my job...!" he informed, excitedly. "Have YOU fucked him before...?"

"No..." answered Tyrone, not understanding WHY he lied.

"Shame..." said Manny, thinking back on all the times he fucked the officer. "...he has some GREAT pussy...! Could rival ANY chick's!" he added, stroking his hardon.

Jahleem pulled his face up out of MarliQ's ass, then rubbed his wet dickhead over his manhole, moistening the cunt with his pre-cum before pushing in. MarliQ's eyes opened when he felt Jahleem's dickhead poised against his anus, then braced himself in the chair when he felt the dick pushing into him, breaking through the anal ring and sliding forth into his gracious ass.

"awww fuk..." moaned Jahleem, pushing in as deep as he could, grinding his knotty pubic hairs against MarliQ's meaty globes.

MarliQ grimaced as his asshole was breeched and invaded, then squirmed as Jahleem's long log churned around inside him before pumping in and out. Jahleem lifted his t-shirt up over his head and out of the way, exposing his slim but muscular torso as he thrust his hips back and forth, see-sawing his prick through the tight gripping man-cunt before him.

MarliQ grunted and groaned as his friend moved through him, sliding in and out of his exposed hole as he continued to hold his legs up and open for him.

"Yeah..., how bout lettin' yur BUDDY get a taste of that ass now...?" suggested Manny.

Jahleem fucked for a dozen or so more strokes, before reluctantly pulling free, watching his 11" python fall from MarliQ's cave.

He got up as Tyrone removed his pants from around his ankles and got into position before their friend. Spitting onto his hand, he rubbed his fingers over MarliQ's asshole [wetting it more] before aligning his dick and sliding in.

"URRRHHHH..." moaned MarliQ, as Tyrone's thicker dick stretched his anal ring wider.

Tyrone pressed his groin into his friend's backside, then ground his pubic bone into him before fucking, sliding back and forth as his dick slid in and out like a butcher's knife. MarliQ looked Tyrone in the face as he fucked. Tyrone's eyes focused down on his dick disappearing up his buddy's ass, the tight spit wet hole swallowing his hard shaft every time he thrust inward.

Manny watched Tyrone fucking from behind, staring at the gorgeous lite brown ass as it tightened, clenched, and relaxed after each pump. He wanted to bury his own face in the man's ass and suck his fuck-hole until he was begging to be mounted, but doubted he'd get the chance as Tyrone seemed to be content with stroking his dick in and out of MarliQ's hole.

MarliQ could feel Tyrone's thick dick sliding through him, and pulled his balls up over his dick base to SEE his friend's prick moving in and out of him. He looked amazed as he watched Tyrone's pretty dick sliding through his ass, his well-trimmed abdomen slapping against his ass with every stroke. He still couldn't believe his best friends were fucking him, and continued to fuck him after all this time. They obviously liked his ass, having fucked him several times already.

"My turn, man..." announced Manny, tapping Tyrone on the shoulder. Tyrone thrust into MarliQ's open ass a few more times [enjoying the wet suction inside] before pulling out, making room for their host.

Instead of getting down on his knees like Tyrone and Jahleem, Manny stood over MarliQ, pushed his legs further back to expose his ass at a slightly different angle. MarliQ looked up into Manny's eyes, and KNEW Manny had him right where he wanted him. MarliQ could FEEL Jahleem and Tyrone's eyes on them as Manny aligned his dickhead to his hole, then shoved in, making the big guy groan like a girl...

"AAAHHHHHHHH...!" grunted MarliQ, feeling Manny's thick dick sliding in further than Ty's.

Manny pushed against the backs of MarliQ's thick calves [forcing his ass higher], then fucked into him with deep hard strokes. In this new position Tyrone and Jahleem had the perfect view to watch Manny's dick digging in him [DEEP].

"Damn..., look at that shit..." said Tyrone, watching Manny's long hard dick slicing through MarliQ's spread cheeks like a knife through bread, the spit wet baby hair around his anus encircling Manny's thrusting dick in an oval as Manny's bloated balls swayed back and forth in their pouch.

Manny liked having an audience. He knew most fell short in HIS area of endowment, and liked showing off how well he used his gifted equipment on fortunate bottoms he CHOSE to fuck. Knowing MarliQ was a THICK boi, he figured he could REALLY lay it into him and show these `youngsters' how it's done.

Leaning his chest and torso into the backs of MarliQ's upturned legs, he locked the 21 yr old's ankles onto his shoulders and started to pound him. MarliQ grunted and groaned aloud as he squirmed to find a better position. Manny was fucking him too hard and too deep, making him feel like a stabbed victim [being gutted with a long sword instead of a dick] rather than fucked partner.

"AHH...! AHH...! AHH...! AHH...!" he grunted, pushing against Manny's chest to slow his roll. But Manny wasn't trying to hear it. He locked his slimly muscled arms about MarliQ's legs and fucked harder, driving his dick deeper, slamming his ball sac into MarliQ's ass with each stroke.

MarliQ squirmed in his chair, trying desperately to limit Manny's thrusts as each stroke stabbed him directly in his gut. The pain was excruciating as he tried to get away. Manny enjoyed the struggle, clutching MarliQ's legs tighter as he fucked deeper. How many young inmates made the mistake of offering up their asses for favors, only to see Manny's dick and realize they'd bitten off more than they could chew? Manny made a habit of locking their legs down [an old wresting maneuver], to fuck them as wildly as he wanted. Some of the rooms in the Headquarters were soundproof, allowing Manny [and others] to do what they wanted to the youngsters without anyone hearing them. Manny locked MarliQ's legs [like he had done a dozen other thugs] and fucked like a bulldozer, until MarliQ used his hands as anchors to LIFT his ass up out of the seat to cause Manny's dick slip from his aching hole. When Manny reached down to shove back in, MarliQ evacuated the chair.

"What's wrong...?" asked Manny, his long dick sticking straight out like a dark colored flag pole.

"What the HELL man...?!" complained MarliQ, his asshole stinging fiercely as he stood up, refusing any more abuse.

"WHAT...??" laughed Manny, knowing full well he was wrecking that pussy.

"I'm not gonna bottom for yall if you gonna FUCK me like that...!" whined MarliQ, big enough to defend himself against the men if he had to.

"Okay, okay..." conceded Manny, knowing if he wanted to finish what he started, he needed to play right. "...let's take this into the bedroom...!" he added, snaking his arm around MarliQ's waist [then down over his ass] as he helped guide him towards the bedroom.

Jahleem got out of his pants as he and Tyrone followed, wanting MORE ass if MarliQ was willing to give it up.

Manny's bedroom was like most bachelors bedrooms [a hot mess], there were shoes and clothes on the floor, books, and magazines, as well as OTHER items. The dressers were cluttered with colognes and other grooming materials, and the draws were open with clothes hanging out [a testament of Manny's hasty dressing in the morning].

MarliQ walked over to the unmade bed [with black sheets] and climbed aboard. Jahleem climbed on behind him and pulled him into doggy position, mesmerized by the big bear ass as he prepared to fuck it again. Jahleem was a slim man with a fetish for hefty women, so coming face to face with his friend's meaty bottom was like scoring the biggest chick in the club. Manny handed him a bottle of lubricant, which he promptly anoint generously to MarliQ's asshole. Once lubed, he jerked his dick back to full erection, then rubbing the pre-cum tip against the anal lips before pushing back in again. MarliQ moaned softly as the long slim penis slid into him nearly effortlessly. MarliQ held his position as Jahleem ground his pubic bone against his ass before fucking. Jahlemm could definitely feel the difference in MarliQ's asshole after being widened by Tyrone's and Manny's fatter rods. Not that MarliQ's ass was loose, but it definitely wasn't quite as tight as it was before then stretched it.

Pulling back, he withdrew his dick about halfway before pushing back in, watching his dick emerge and sink into the hairy hole. Slapping MarliQ's ass [loving the big beautiful hairy mounds], he slid his dick back and forth as he took his time and started off slow, building a pace as he see-sawed [full length] in and out.

MarliQ could feel the slim dick sliding through him, digging in deep, but without the extra added pain Manny's dick caused. MarliQ could feel a difference in the way the 2 men fucked [Manny fucked for show and dominance, while Jahleem fucked for pleasure, --mostly his own], but MarliQ could also feel the difference with the way Jahleem's foreskin helped give his dick a `super-glide' effect, causing less friction to his hole and allowing Jahleem's dick to sped in and out without the foreskin moving. It was like being tongue fucked by an 11" tongue, as Jahleem's dickhead poked into his velvety depths with massaging grace.

MarliQ couldn't believe how good Jahleem's dick felt in his ass. Never wanting to show too much enjoyment while getting fucked by his friends, he kept a stony face as if he were indifferent about getting fucked. However his 9 inch dick was rock hard underneath him, the tip already leaking a good deal of pre-cum as his prostate was being expertly massaged by Jahleem's long strokes, portraying his excitement. No one really noticed MarliQ's erection as it sway [largely] back and forth underneath him, spilling strands of pre-cum along the black sheets as he got fucked.

Jahleem held onto MarliQ's waist as he fucked into his ass, slapping his pelvic bone into his meaty buttock, successfully slamming his dick 11 inches deep with every stroke.

"Shyt..." moaned Jahleem, loving the way MarliQ's tight asshole sucked his dick. Pulling MarliQ back into him, he started to hammer his ass, loving the way MarliQ's cheeks slapped into his pelvis as impact waves shot through MarliQ's cheeks. "...I'm NOT gonna last much longer..."

"Shoot yur shit up in his ass...!" encouraged Manny, watching as Jahleem humped into MarliQ's backside with wilder, harder strokes.

Jahlleem's dark skin muscles started to pop in his slim arms as he held onto MarliQ's waist with all his might. A loud slapping noise filled the room as he pounded his pelvis into the ass nonstop, paddling his buttock with his groin. MarliQ tried to keep from groaning too loudly with pleasure as his fingers twisted into the sheets [holding on for dear life], but couldn't help letting out a few delightful moans as Jahleen came barreling to a climax...

"OH shyt..." he moaned, realizing the moment was upon him. "... I'm gonna cum...!" he choked, his body going into overload. "I'm almost..., I'm..., AARRRRHHHHHHH...!!" he yelled as he started to cum, steady pounding as the cum shot from his dick with every deep inward stroke. "AARRHHH...! AARRHHH...! AARHHHH...! AARRHHHH...! URRRHHHHHHH...!"

MarliQ could feel his rectum becoming sloppier with every stroke, each inward plunge sending another jolt of cum into his bowels. Jahleem fucked until well after his dick stopped spurting, slowing his pace only after it started to soften, making it impossible to keep slamming forth without bending and falling out. He removed his dick [reluctantly, prepared to sleep with his prick in MarliQ's hole], to make room for his friend.

Tyrone climbed onto the bed behind MarliQ, then squatted over his ass before sinking his dick into his buttock with one fluent motion, spearing him with one stroke.

"UURRRHHHH...!!" grunted MarliQ as he bolted forward onto the bed [lying on his stomach] to get away from the turret penis searing through his bowels,

However Tyrone simply followed MarliQ'a quick descent to the mattress, keeping his pelvic bone pressed into his ass to keep his dick buried to the hilt. MarliQ squirmed on the end of Tyrone's dick [like a fish on a hook] as Tyrone lay atop him, conquering master as he started to resume his fuck.

Tyrone lay balls deep in MarliQ's fat round buttock for several minutes [feeling his dick bask in the wet warmth of his friend's spent semen], before thrusting his hips back and forth. As before, Manny couldn't help admiring Tyrone's perfectly toned muscular body as he lay atop MarliQ's thicker one. An avid basketball player [on the local courts with his friends whenever he's not selling drugs], his body was perfectly sculptured, as if chiseled out of marble. Manny stared at his beautiful body, watching his hips pump into MarliQ's ass, and imagined himself on top of Tyrone, slamming into HIS lite brown bubble with his own big dick.

Tyrone [completely oblivious to Manny's lustful thoughts] fucked into MarliQ's ass with a steady stroke, smoothly pulling and pushing his hips back and forth as he drove his dick in and out of the gripping sperm clogged manhole beneath him. He could feel Jahleem's load coating his dick every time he plunged forth, his balls slamming into MarliQ;s bottom like tennis balls. MarliQ's manhole gripped his thicker dick nicely, keeping a firm hold on his thrusting manhood as it dipped in and out on command.

"This pussy's NOT quite as TITE as it was a couple'a months ago..." stated Tyrone, causing MarliQ's to tense underneath him. "...somebody's been hittin' this ass onna regular..., and it ain't been ME or Leem...!"

MarliQ tightened his grip around Tyrone's dick, squeezing his relaxing sphincter muscles together to give a tighter [better] fuck. Tyrone could feel the anus suddenly lockdown on him, gripping him like the first time they fucked, but he already knew someone had broken MarliQ in pretty good. "Yur not even makin' as much NOISE as you used to..." he mentioned, causing panic to shoot through MarliQ's mind. "...which means: yur getting' used to getting' fucked...! WHO'S been fuckin' you...? Kane...?"

"No..." answered MarliQ, having been fucked kind of regularly by several different people since Kane introduced him to anal sex some time ago [back in Roswell Heights]. "...just YOU and Jahleem..." he said, as Tyrone loomed in his right ear as he fucked. "...and sometimes my lil' brothers Ronnie and Amir..." he added, getting fucked more often by Amir than anyone else.

"And WHO else...?" asked Tyrone [badgering], knowing it HAD to be someone with a pretty big dick. "WHO...? WHO ELSE'S been fuckin' our pussy...?"

MarliQ didn't want to say. He didn't want to appear pathetic to his friends by not only getting fucked by them and his little brothers, but by allowing ANOTHER man who had nothing to DO with his deflowering to fuck him, proving that he was becoming a pussy-boi at heart, willing to bottom for anyone with a big dick. "WHO...?" asked Tyrone [relentlessly], thrusting harder, deliberately trying to cause MarliQ physical pain to let him know he meant business.

"MANNY...!" answered MarliQ, dropping his head to the bed in shame.

Tyrone stopped fucking as he thrust his dick all the way in and held still, turning his head to look over his shoulder at Manny [who was staring down at HIS ass as if eyeballing a Thanksgiving turkey dinner].

"MANNY'S been fuckin' you...?" he questioned, sensing something fishy. "So why the big ACT...?" he asked, suspiciously. "Why PRETEND like you never fucked before...?"

Manny broke out into a smile...

"I...just thought it'd be cool if the 3 of US took turns fuckin' him, is all...!" said the older man. "Thought it might be more FUN if it seemed spontaneous...!"

Tyrone pulled out of MarliQ's ass, then rolled him over onto his back...

"You could've just ASKED, instead of makin' up this whole GAME...! said Tyrone, ramming his hardon back up into MarliQ's ass, spearing him 8.5 inches with one sharp solid stroke.

"AARRHHHHHH...!!" yelled MarliQ as his asshole was speared once again, unexpectedly.

Tyrone grabbed the backs of MarliQ's legs and pushed his knees down towards his chest.

"YOU wanted to be bitch for 3 men...?" he asked crudely, staring angrily down into his friend's eyes. "Then we're gonna MAKE you the bitch!" he gritted with a serious expression.

"NO Tyrone, I don't..." pleaded MarliQ as Tyrone pulled back, then slammed back in again, slapping his pelvic bone into his ass with brute force.

"AARRHHHH...!!" screamed MarliQ, feeling the full power of Tyrone's thrusts.

Tyrone was a Rollins man, born aggression a legacy in his bones. His muscles bulged as he forcibly held MarliQ's thighs down against his chest, using the full top of his weight to keep his victim doubled over in half as he punched his dick in and out of his asshole. MarliQ's face squinted in pain as Tyrone fucked [hard] into him, using the power of his legs to drive his hips into his ass at full speed. MarliQ grunted continuously under the assault, his thick body the perfect cushion for Tyrone's strong hips. He slammed into him over and over, driving his dick in and out of the hole with more power and less sensitivity than he would normally.

MarliQ's dick throbbed and bobbed over his pudgy stomach, leaking a steady stream of sticky pre-cum as his asshole sucked and squeezed the thrusting rod.

"Shit, Ty..." he protested, hoping his friend would take it easier on him. "...please...!"

"Naw nigga..." argued Tyrone, " SETUP this shindig..., we're gonna GIVE YOU what you wanted!"

MarliQ's eyes pleaded with Tyrone not to fuck him like a bitch, but Tyrone [angry that his hommie played him like a chump] ignored his friend's frightful stares and plunged forth, pounding his ass nonstop as he took authority over his body. MarliQ [feeling guilty for lying to his friends about his relationship with Manny] took the punishment administered to him, hoping it would somehow even the score if he allowed Tyrone to manhandle him like a bitch?

Tyrone watched his dick speeding through MarliQ's hairy asshole [his pelvis slapping loudly against the bare skin], and picked up speed. He didn't feel sorry for his buddy at all, in fact he wanted to teach him a lesson: that IF he was going to give his ASS up to anybody, it better be one of the members of the GANG, not some random man on the street.

He POUNDED MarliQ's ass for a solid 15 minutes, hammering his asshole with sledge like strokes and sending his pelvic bone crashing into his ass like a wrecking ball. The bed creaked and crunched under the heavy movements, rocking like a boat on rough waters as Tyrone tossed back his head, showing the first signs that orgasm was fast upon him.

MarliQ's asshole relaxed more under the heavy assault, the sphincter muscles unable to stay tight and tense after the severe pounding it received. Tyrone could feel his dick punching through firm wet clay as MarliQ's murky depths massaged his dick from tip to base with every thrust. MarliQ could SEE the tension building in Tyrone's muscles as he fucked, his neck muscles extending as his arms and shoulders popped and flexed. MarliQ was mesmerized watching, unable to take his eye off the beautiful man pounding away inside him.

"Fuck..., I'm close..." moaned Ty, feeling his body beginning to react to the hole. Unable to stop or slow his pace, he continued to fuck forward, hammering the tender spot between MarliQ's ass cheeks as his balls crashed into the buttock with force. Each stroke sent Tyrone closer to coming, making his climax inevitable.

He slammed his hips into MarliQ's ass a dozen or so more times [reaching deeper depths as his dick started to thicken and expand], then rammed all the way in one last time before unloading. "UUUURRRRHHHHHHGGG...!!!" he screamed, grinding his pelvis against MarliQ's ass, shooting everything he had inside.

MarliQ could FEEL Tyrone's dick twitching and jerking inside him, pumping his body full of seed as the cum gushed out of him in heavy spurts, splattering MarliQ's inner walls and drenching his colon.

At that very moment MarliQ grabbed his dick, and only got off 3 strokes before suddenly hosing a flood of sperm against his stomach, chest, neck, and face. "AAARRRHHHHHHH...!!" he yelled as he came [heavily], drenching his body in his own sludge.

Tyrone groaned and grunted aloud as he came, falling forward over MarliQ's prone body as his life's essence was practically sucked from his body along with his sperm. MarliQ saw how vulnerable Tyrone got in his weakened state, and gently reached up to caress his arms and shoulders. Tyrone took a moment to regroup, looking down into MarliQ's sweat and cum drenched face before coming back to his senses and pulled out.

MarliQ felt Tyrone withdraw and pull away, leaving his ass empty as Manny Michaels climbed onto the bed next...

"I've been waiting for THIS for a long time..." he gloated, rolling MarliQ back onto his stomach.

With MarliQ's ass protruding high in the air [a slight arch in MarliQ's back to make a better target], Manny got into position behind him and speared his ass with 11 inches of hard dick. MarliQ's body tensed as Manny's dickhead penetrated his well fucked anal lips, then sank into his rectum and bowels smoothly and swiftly. Manny ground against his ass for only a moment [churning his dick around in his gut] before pumping back and forth, feeding the hole.

Manny could feel his dick sloshing through the 2 loads already planted in MarliQ's ass, the warm sperm coating his dick instantly, making his prick slide easier through the ring. MarliQ lay on his stomach, his mother's boyfriend lying on top of him, his own dick grinding against the bed sheets as his prostate took another vicious beating from yet another powerful dick.

MarliQ rested on his elbows, his back arching up into Manny's chest as Manny wrapped his arms about his torso and started to grope and pull at his meaty chest under his shirt. Manny buried his face in MarliQ's neck, kissing and sucking the soft skin before moving up to his ear, stuffing his wet tongue inside.

"Damn, this pussy's WET..." he moaned, banging his hips against MarliQ's ass as he drove his dick long, his penis reaching great depths without very much effort. He Manhandled MarliQ's chest, squeezing the excess meat and pinching the erect nipple like breasts. MarliQ never had his chast fondled in such a manner. Sure girls have licked his nipples during sex play, but no one had ever manhandled his chest like breasts before, molding the meaty pecs with his strong hands and fingers.

From the sidelines [at the foot of the bed], Tyrone and Jahleem had an unobstructed view of Manny's long hard dick fucking through MarliQ's asshole, his long shaft causing their combined sperms to ooze from around MarliQ's stretched anal ring. From their positions they could easily see their seeds escaping from MarliQ's hole, drooling down over his nut sac with every new thrust Manny made into his ass. The long thick dick would slam into the hot depths of MarliQ's bowels, and cause the sperm nestled inside to ooze out around the sides of his plunging shaft. Tyrone and Jahleem were forced to watch their seeds evicted by Manny's rod.

After 8 or 9 minutes of butt fucking MarliQ against the mattress, Manny ground against his ass [sheathing his entire shaft] before rolling them both onto their sides. Using his legs to kick MarliQ's open [into scissor position], he resumed fucking, darting his dick in and out of MarliQ's hole as a different angle. Now Tyrone and Jahleem could see Manny Michaels' dick slamming MarlQ's hole from underneath, as well as MarliQ's bloated dick [which once again grew to full mast after Manny entered him].

Manny pulled MarliQ's right arm up over his head, then titled his own head down as he started to lick and suck MarliQ's right nipple.

"Oh shit...!" gasped MarliQ, feeling Manny's strong jaws suction his nipple into his mouth like a vacuum. Manny pulled MarliQ's meaty body back into him, driving his dick in and out of his scissor spread hole while sucking on his tit like a chick's. MarliQ reached down and started stroking himself, getting extremely turned on as his ass was expertly fucked from behind.

He could feel Manny making DEEP strokes inside him, thrusting forward until he balls was slapping into the base of his hole. When Manny suddenly pulled out, Manny felt strangely empty inside...

"You want this dick back IN you...?" asked Manny, pulling his mouth off MarliQ's sweaty tit.

"Yeah..." answered MarliQ, timidly.

"Speak up bitch..." ordered Manny. "...I won't fuck you no more if you don't ASK for it nicely!"

MarliQ felt his stomach drop. HERE he was in the predicament he hoped he'd never be in: begging for dick in front of his hommies. "Well...?" asked Manny, impatiently.

Tyrone and Jahleem stood at the foot of the bed watching, waiting to see if their boy PUNK out? "You must DON'T want this dick..." said Manny, rising up from position...

"No, wait...!" yelled MarliQ weakly, giving in.

Manny resumed his position behind MarliQ, his big dick poised directly as his fuck-hole.


"Yeah..., I want it..." said MarliQ, weakly.

Manny laughed.

"You want WHAT...?" he asked.

"I want IT back in me...!" said MarliQ.

"You want what...? THIS...?" asked Manny, ramming back inside.

"AAHHH...!" yipped MarliQ, stabbed in his gut.

Manny quickly withdrew.

"You want BACK inside...?" he asked, tauntingly.

"Yes...!" answered MarliQ, slowly stroking his own big erection.

"Then BEG for it...!" insisted Manny.

"C'mon man, don't DO this to me..." said MarliQ, trying to hold onto some shred of manhood.

"C'mon nothin'..." disputed Manny, " don't have no problem beggin' for it in private...! Beg for now!"

MarliQ glaced over at his friends [who were watching intently], then diverted his eye...

"Please..." begged MarliQ, swallowing his pride and ignoring the shocked looks from his friends. "...please man..., put IT back in me...!"

"In yur WHAT...?" asked Manny, wanting to break MarliQ completely.

"In my ASS...!" said MarliQ, still holding his legs up vulnerably in scissors position.

Manny gave him a disappointing look, then slapped his long dick against MarliQ's inner thigh, just inches from his hole. "My pussy..." he corrected, making Manny smile. "...put it back in my pussy...!"

"Whatever you want, baby...!" obliged MarliQ, shoving his dick back in, giving MarliQ's asshole a deep plunge as he let out a loud painful shriek.

"Whut tha fuk...?" asked Jahleem, stroking his dick back to erection as he watched the action.

He couldn't believe his eyes as he watched his buddy [MarliQ] giving his pussy up like a woman. Manny looked over at him and Tyrone, smirking broadly as he rammed his dick completely in and out of their friend's ass, pulling his dick completely out of MarliQ's ass before ramming all the way back in.

MarliQ groaned and yipped after each inward stab, his tiny asshole speared 11 inches deep with each shove as Manny held it by the base and used it as a weapon.

"You SEE this shyt...?" asked Jahleem, getting a silent nod from Tyrone who watched the whole scene unfold in front of him.

Jahleem climbed up onto the bed and positioned himself just above MarliQ's head as he jacked his second nut all over his face. MarliQ was still stroking his own 9" erection [getting speared repeatedly up the ass] when Jahleem came along and creamed all over his face. The hot cum splattered out in a white raindrop shower, dotting pearly droplets of cum all over his unexpected face.

MarliQ's own dick stiffened in his stroking hand just as Jahleem's load painted his face. The cum shoot from MarliQ's dick in thick spurts, landing against his own chest and the bed sheets. Manny could feel MarliQ's anus spasm and flex as he continued to fuck, plunging his dick into his throbbing depths before unloading his own surge of molten spool.

"URRRRRRRHHHHHHH...!!" he yelled as the cum shot out in thick heavy gushes.

Tyrone could see the exposed end of Manny's thick dick base pulsing madly as it pumped MarliQ's gut full of cum, the overflow slowly oozing out around his dick like a lava flow, cascading down over his exposed inner thigh as the 2 men fell lazily against the bed, too exhausted to move.

Tyrone started to dress, feeling a little indifferent about today's sex session.

"I'll meet yall down in the car..." he said, making an early exit...

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This story writing by aka EUGENE MARVIN ________________________________________________ To leave comments, questions, and/or suggests, write me at address above, or hit me up on Facebook for updates on what I'm currently working on.

Next: Chapter 30

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