The Excelsior Building

By Robert Winthrop

Published on Sep 14, 2024



The Excelsior Building

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a fantasy not a sex manual. No effort at realism has been made. If you are here by accident, leave.

Built in 1927, the Excelsior Building was the city's tallest building at 14 stories. It was the best address in the city and remained a high status building until the 1960. That was when new owners saved money by not maintaining it. By 2ed000 new owners began to renovate the structure. The top eight stories were successfully restored with high quality tenants and a fine restaurant on the top floor, called The Excelsior.

I am the Bill in Bill's Printing and am on the sixth story, in the un-restored part of the building. I was the first printer in town to computerize, so I did everything from fliers to annual reports. I also had a design and advertising campaign that was both stylish and successful.

My business used the old men's room on the floor which seen better days, so we added good client toilet rooms. Because printing can be messy our staff used the old toilets tucked a way from the public. A good portion of my staff was gay, but the toilets were known as a gay cruising spot. That wasn't a problem for them or me.

The building had a business men's gym, the Excelsior Gym, in the basement. It dated from 1929 and was still in operation. It had been rented to a relative of the building's owner for 150 years. It still had a select clientele of older men and younger men who liked older men. I was one of the young men. I am 52. No one was gay, but all knew how men can amuse themselves.

The dress code remained unchanged, but some members wore in the remains of 30 year old shorts. Massages were popular, and the dress code did not apply to them. All the members were polite and asked first. It was a friendly group and little birthday parties and retirement parties were typical.

The manager, Victor Delaney III. Was a descendant of one of the original gym owners. Known as VD, he was popular and friendly. He had a remarkable ability to identify "bad apples." Somehow he could tell the difference between a young man discovering his true sexuality and a predator looking for a cash infusion.

I wasn't exactly unknown in the gay community and I informally ran into Victor. I told him that I rarely exercised. He said that was not a problem. He mentioned several men men I had sexual connections with. I was surprised he knew. He said the club was very private and no one had ever leaked members names. He also mentioned the club doctor. He was older, retired and had a great reputation. Made sure all the members were healthy.

While I had no intention of participating, I am a gay man and avoiding sexual interludes was not my best skill. I called Victor and told him I was interested. I came by the club, met the doctor, was tested and Captain Ken Mills, of the city police force, showed me around. He was a good looking man in his forties. There was an exercise room, a sauna-steam room, and showers. It looked almost new, but the well maintained fixtures dated from the 1920ies.

Mills was and average man who was in good shape. He was pretty hairy as was I. Years earlier I had gone to a gym, but the members were much younger and I heard the word "Bigfoot," whispered. The men at this cub were older and mature. Mills and I went to the steam room. He was mature and well equipped. He told me that the club was good for overworked mature men who needed to relax and unwind.

I said I had that problem periodically. Rushing to meet a deadline was a regular occurrence. "I assume your work is a lot more stressful than my deadlines."

"Sometimes I need stress relief really bad. You would think that would be crime related," He said. "Crime is one thing, but you would be amazed at the stupid things people do. We are busy with crime. That is one thing. Guys running for City Council or TV people on the make are another. This place provides relaxation and relief." Mills paused briefly. "Sometimes it's nice to drain your balls and relax. The Doc makes sure we all trade high test."

"Did anyone tell you I am a bottom?" I asked.

"I had hope, but no information on that," he said. "I should level with you, I am not too good at reciprocating. I do it but it takes a while." We were sitting on wide bench in the middle of the steam room. I laid back, Mills lifted my legs on his shoulders, coated is cock with some sort of a lotion and eased his cock into my ass.

It had been a while since anyone had fucked me. I immediately remembered why I liked to be fucked. I also had the impression Mills' cock was bigger than I thought it was and remembered why I liked big ones.

I moaned, "Oh yeah," and Mills got the subtle hint that I liked it. Three men came in the room and sat down.

"Mills, have you found a new member for our happy band?" One of the other men in the steam room asked. It seemed that encountering two fucking men was not a problem.

"I hope so," Mills replied. "Now Bill, your ass is tight. Would you be offended if I shot off in you?"

"Not at all," I replied.

"Now if you want a longer ride, my pals could help you out," Mills said,

"I think I would like that," I replied. I was shocked I said that. Just then Mills moaned as he began to shoot. He pulled out and one of the guys filled the void in my ass.

"Are you okay?" the man asked.

"I am a lot more than just okay!" I replied. Eventually that man and the other man fucked and climaxed in me. It was good for all of us. Another man entered the room. When the last man shot off in me, the new man's tongue entered my ass and licked the sperm drooling from my well used hole.

"You must think I am a slut," I said.

"Actually, we were all hoping you were a slut," Mills said. The other men laughed. "The members of the Gym tend to be a tolerant group," Mills explained. "If anything bothers you, just say no. We are all old friends. It is private no one talks about our recreational activities. Some of our members are strictly one-on-one. Some are shy. Some are gregarious."

"There is one quirk. Some guys think trading sperm is a commitment. Some think it's dessert," Mills added. "When you meet a new guy it's best if you warn him you are close to popping. We all know that accidents happen, but keep that in mind."

"I am the head of the membership committee, Ken," one of the men said. "I assume you want to join our happy band?"

"You assumed right," I said. When I got home I realized my life had taken a turn for the better.

Two days later Captain Mills called me at home. He said that he was glad I was joining the Excelsior. "I wanted to mention and there was a special opening time at six in the morning on Saturday. Friday night tends to be a busy time for my men. It is a drunk and disorderly festival for some of our citizens. My men are usually worn out by dawn. Some go to the Excelsior to wind down. I thought you might like to meet them."

"They are friendly?" I asked.

Mills smiled. "They are sure willing to make knew friends," he said. "They are younger and need to relax." He paused. "One of the men used to bottom for them. He moved to Florida and he is missed. I think they would like you a lot." While I knew I should have said I wasn't interested. Of course I said I would love to join the group.

On Saturday, I got to the Excelsior a little before six and helped Victor open up. He was a seventy-year-old man in good shape. He appreciated the help.

Ten minutes later Mills arrived with three men. Two were in their later twenties, one was an older, very hairy man in his forties. There had been a brawl at a place called the Tucson Saloon, one of the less elite eateries in the city. It was owned by the son of head of the Board of Supervisors. He and his mother were made of money, and would pay fines and damages as well as donate to the police benevolent fund whenever this happened.

Another early guest was an emergency room nurse assigned to the ambulance, Bart Wilson. He would help with any bruises and cuts. I eventually discovered he was the other bottom. Eventually there were ten cops, dispatchers, and night shift personnel at the cub. I was a little uneasy about that, but they seemed nice , but very tired. Bart was a regular at these togethers. He was a big guy and didn't put-up with any attitude. I later found out that while he was a bottom.

I made friends quickly. I liked to be fucked and loved to take fresh sperm in my ass. We all had a good time. Most of the men were exhausted and just need an orgasm to relax enough to go home and get some sleep.

By seven thirty the men had gone home to sleep. I was with Captain Mills, Victor and Bart. Victor told he never fooled around with a member unless he felt like it. Bart said he want a new ass to fuck, but he would settle for any sperm drooling from an ass. A half dozen men had shot off in my ass that morning so I knew he had plans for me.

This was uncharted sexual territory for me, but I was fine with that. My body was like a slightly older new car. It was in perfect condition but had just passed the "new car" stage and it was time to give it a real workout. Victor said it was time for us to go home. The regular customers would arrive shortly. These were the men who wanted to exercise. If there was any sex it would be afternoon. I went home. I could have done more, but I knew that I had done enough for one day. I laughed to myself. I had done once had been several months of sex in one morning.

That evening I had a call from Don Smith. He apologized for calling. He had been one of the tops who fucked me and he wanted to make sure I was okay. He said he had never fucked a guy before.

I said I was fine. There were no problems. "Eventually it was a bit of a blur to me, but I think you were the guy who went an inch or two deeper into me?"

"Some guys say I am too big," he said. "Could you feel me squirt? I was afraid that was too much."

"That was not a problem," I said. "You pulled out before you completely unloaded. You could have drained your balls in me. I liked it."

He was briefly silent, and said, "I would have liked that too. I didn't want to overstay my welcome. I was afraid I had offended you." He paused, "Do you get to fuck me now?"

"Have you been fucked?" I asked. He shook his head.

"I am a big boy, and you might take a load from a smaller guy," I said.

He was silent, then said, "It sounds odd, but I liked you. I want yours. I want it in me. I want it all."

Some how, an hour later he was at my house, and we were soon naked and erect. We talked a little. I told him that some men like a cock in their ass, but not the cream. The cream is a step too far.

"I really liked shooting off in you," he said. "You were okay with it?"

"We are both men. Having a man lose it in me is a bit of a thrill. You were sharing your sperm with me. I didn't know you at all, but I knew what you were feeling. Your cock is a drain when you piss. Shooting your seed can be the beginning of something," I said.

Five minutes later Don discovered a new world of pleasure. He didn't know that world existed. Every inch my cock pushed deeper into his ass was a sexual revelation. To my surprise, his ass transferred that excitement to me. Somehow his ass lining transferred that excitement to my cock. My cock belonged in him. I wanted to flood his ass with my seed, but the sensations were so good I didn't want they to stop. I couldn't shot off, I could only go deeper.

It couldn't last forever. I shot off for an hour or so. I knew that orgasms lasted for seconds or a minute, but it was wonderful. We uncoupled and I caressed his cock with my tongue. I took Don's load, then went to his ass, licking his hole and coaxing my semen from his ass. Fifteen minutes later Don entered me. His buzzer went off. He was needed. He dressed and went to his patrol car. He later told me he had time to take savor some of my cum as he drove to the station.

It had been a good day. I became a regular at Victor's Saturday morning get together. Different men came to the event depending on the Friday night shift. Don was working part time with another police department undercover so his attendance at the Saturday morning event was erratic.

The group liked my willingness to bottom. Marvin, the other bottom, was in his 70ies and was not as enthusiastic and was not able to make as many of the meetings. I was more vigorous and enthusiastic. Most guys have a sense of fair play. They might not take multiple cocks in a single meeting, but they would take my cock from time to time.

Red Goodman, a big guy who worked in the ambulance service was known for helping with overweight people in accidents or brawls. You had to be really drunk not to notice you shouldn't mess around with him. He joined the group once or twice a month. He was big and big where it counted.

I could take his entire cock and he always fully drained his balls in me. When he pulled out, a guy they called Mouse took care of the sperm drool from my ass. Red was a nice guy too. He bottomed for me once every month or so. Much to his surprise, my cock was a good fit. My shaft had a special relationship with his prostate, and that was good for him.

Red was fifty or so and discovering his prostate was sensitive was exciting. It wasn't quite as good as cumming in my ass for him, but it was good.

My printing company was doing well, very well. I made my best people partners and that improved the working atmosphere and enthusiasm. We were noted for both quick printing things like fliers and for quality brochures and annual reports. We had a design department to improve the appearance of our work. Small businesses loved that, and I knew that some would turn into big businesses.

My parents had been in good health but Dad had a heart attack and Mom died a few months later. I was an only child and I suddenly became wealthy. Dad had been a stock broker. I never realized that he had been a very good stock broker.

Victor died and left the Excelsior Gym to me. I sold it to Red Goodman, the nurse who had retired. This was essentially a paper transaction, but Red had many friends and the membership increased. Red actually made payments. He found new members all of whom shared similar sexual interests. Red had good sense in friends, and the place maintained it standards and sexual interests.

I built a new headquarters-printing plant, but maintained my offices in the older building, along with the design section of the business. Cooperate clients thought the building and our offices were high prestige and distinctive.

Turnover in the membership of the Gym was slow and new members were carefully selected. Gay men were becoming accepted, but that was by no means universal. If you were in sales, such as cars it was a problem. Gay real estate was more accepted.

Tommy Duke, the owner of Tommy's Trucks was careful. Macho trucks were high dollar and a gay salesman was a problem. Outside his dealership he was a different man. His special friend, Peter was a good mechanic, and lived with his Southern Baptist mother. He told me that joining the Excelsior Gym saved his life. A month later Tommy joined us. Much to my surprise his pal, the Baptist Minister, "Fire & Brimstone Jones" came with him. Jones actually discovered he had a personality when I rammed his prostate.

I took a four week vacation over Christmas and went to Europe for the first time. This was the first vacation since I started the printing company. I visited France loved it. I did a tourists, connect-the-dots tour and saw all the buildings I covered in my art history class decades before. It was better and more fun than I dreamed. It hadn't occurred to me that I could travel. I realized I didn't need to work to occupy my time.

When I returned to the Excelsior Cub I soon ended up naked in the steam room. I ran into the head of my firm's design department, Randy. We were both naked, shocked, and surprised.

"If you don't tell, I won't tell," Randy said. We both burst into laughter. Randy was five-six, in good shape and an imaginative designer. He was also convincing and could talk clients into more imaginative schemes. He was also well equipped.

I didn't know what to do, but Randy dropped to his knees and swallowed my cock. He said he loved to be fucked. I said that might be a bit much.

"What happens in my ass, stays in my ass," he replied. We soon developed two, entirely separate modes. We were entirely professional in our work relationship, and like dogs in heat in our sexual relationship. My cock was nice and filling, his ass was nice and tight. I felt him respond to my cock squirting in his ass. His cock was an inch and a half short of the bull's eye in my ass. That was good for both of us.

Our connection was good for the other men in the gym. Randy attracted younger friends. I wouldn't say his friends and my friends exactly merged, but the men soon discovered shared interests. Cocks can't tell the difference between a young man's orgasm and a grandpa's orgasm. Red told me that he had noticed that the club had been turning into two groups, one older and one younger. The groups didn't exactly merge, but they soon shared common interests.

I also had a following in both groups. Large cocks tend to interest gay men. Some just admire looking at a meaty organ, others want to experience it. I liked to top and bottom, so my cock was of interest to all.

Since the Excelsior Gym was sold, the clientele grew in number and in variety. I realized the number of bottoms increased. I knew that sex consisted of physical pleasure and mental pleasure. Most times fucking a man you knew and liked was more pleasurable than fucking a stranger.

I liked both. Fucking a stranger and exploring new territory can be exciting. There are some men who sexually had the excitement of a log. Other men came alive in the excitement of a complete stranger exploring their private parts. For some men their playmates orgasm simply end the sexual event. For others, the after glow of a massive orgasm lasted for hours.

One of Randy college roommates, Calvin worked for me. He was a talented designer but a cold fish otherwise and had joined the Excelsior Gym. He was an accommodating bottom. He was in the steam room talking loads from five or six guys. Randy had just pulled out. Randy's sperm was dripping from Calvin's ass. I realized it was my turn. I didn't want to fuck him, but I didn't want to offend him either.

I nudged my knob into his ass when I suddenly heard a brass band welcoming my cock into his ass. It was tight but it fit. Calvin went crazy. It was a total genital connection. I wasn't sure where my cock stopped and his ass began.

I was a bit worried when Randy joined us, but that was fine. When I got close to shooting, Randy would give me a break and fuck Calvin for a while. When I was rested, my cock replaced Randy's. I encountered Randy's still warm semen. I pushed it deeper into Calvin's ass and then shot off. Calvin liked that a lot.

Calvin was a gifted designer, but cripplingly shy. Randy told me that my cock opened a new world of pleasure for him. Randy was too shy to say that.

I asked Randy if I was trespassing. He told me that while his cock was a good fit, mine hit the bullseye. Calvin had never experienced that before.

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