The Exodus Project

By Trey Anderson

Published on Sep 29, 2008


Disclaimer - this is a work of fiction. It or future parts ) contains male on male sexual situations of boys who are 18 or over. This story is copyrighted by the author, Trey Anderson.

"Did you see the results?"

"Yes, and it's worse than we thought, we can't get over the fundamental problem"

"So we go with Plan B?"

"Yes, the President has signed off on it."

"How long do we have?"

"Six months until launch."

"What do we tell the candidates?"

"Nothing, until they are ready. They don't even know they are candidates." ______________________________________________________________________________

Andy got off the plane. Today was the a new beginning. He had left home at the ungodly hour of 4:00am - 0400 hrs, he should say - to get on a plane for his first day of "school". Well, school would start, but not for another 6 weeks. Now was "Basic Training". He looked and saw a guy a couple of years older than him, dressed in a blue cadet uniform: The official looking "wheel cap", light bleu short sleeve shirt with some type of rank on his shoulders. A blue name tag with the name "Faber" in while lettering, white gloves and sharp dark blue slacks. Andy didn't need to see the sign, which read " Class of 2013", to know that he needed to head in that direction.

"Hi", Andy said, "I guess I'm supposed to follow you."

"Greetings, Basic," the cadet said with a smile. "There is a bus just through that door over there. Climb in and take a seat as close to the front as you can."

Andy thanked him and walked out of the terminal and onto the bus. He saw that it was almost full, so he walked to the back and took the second last seat. There was some nervous whispering going on, but for the most part, it was quiet. Andy was sure most of them had the same thoughts he did. He had heard the stories and had seen the welcome video. The cadet who welcomed him, was surely not the typical "upperclassmen".

Not long after, the last seat was filled by the cadet who had met him in the terminal. Once he had his seat, he nodded at another cadet who Andy hadn't noticed further up the bus. The bus door closed and the bus took off. After about 30 minutes, Andy saw they were approaching the Academy. His stomach began to churn in anticipation, and he admitted, a little bit of fear of what was coming. As the bus slowed down, Cadet Faber, who up to this point had been completely silent, stood up and a walked forward about 6 rows. Andy saw that there were actually 3 other cadets on the bus. All four were dressed in the same uniform. The pit of fear in Andy's stomach blossomed.


Someone snickered. Two of the cadets were on the poor sap, like stink on shit, as they say. Andy tried to obey all the commands as best as possible. He figured, if he could avoid notice, that would be best. The ride lasted another 15 minutes, but some how it seems an eternity to andy.

The next 2 hours of Andy's life was filled with marching from one place to another as he was "in-processed". He had his hair shaved off, he received his uniforms. A book of "knowledge" which he was told he had to memorize. He got his picture taken for his ID. He signed a million forms. All along he was told to "WALK AT ATTENTION", " NO GAZING", "READ YOUR KNOWLEDGE". The result was that he had to walk in what seemed like one long line, from one station to another. He held his knowledge book in one hand, mindlessly reading page after page, and held a green canvas bag that kept getting heavier and heavier as more items were placed in it.

Finally, the line he was in arrived at a medical clinic. Upon arriving, he had the first break of the day.

"Basics," a kind man addressed them. "This is a medical clinic. Here you are at ease, which means you still cannot speak, unless spoken to, but you can relax." The officer was obviously a doctor, as he had a white doctor's coat over his uniform. "Males will enter through Door 2, females will go through door 5."

Andy followed the instructions and entered through Door 2. 9 other basics came with him. Another male doctor was waiting in a room that looked like a locker room.

"Listen up men, here is where you say good bye to the last vestige of civilian life. You are to strip off every piece of clothing you have on, including your underwear. Uncle Sam will provide for all you needs now. I hope you like tighty whiteys, because that what you'll be wearing for the next year. On the table here are white laundry bags, stuff all you clothes in them and then label the tags with your last name, social, and squadron."

Andy looked about the others. He wasn't too keen about hanging out naked with a group of guys. He'd changed and showered in the locker rooms at school, but he knew those guys. Here was a total group of strangers. Several of the guys were already taking off their shirts and pants. Andy didn't want to get in trouble so he quickly grabbed a laundry bag and began shedding his clothes.

It wasn't that he had anything to be ashamed of. Andy was about 6 foot. He weighed in at 165, with little fat to speak of. He ran had been a sprinter in the spring and distance runner in the fall, so was muscular without being overly ripped. He had black hair (before it was shaved off) which was pretty obvious, from the light coat of hair that covered his body. And he knew from the locker room back home, that he didn't have anything to be embarrassed about in the equipment area. He cock hung loosely even when it was soft.

Andy had just finished undressing, when the doc came back in. "OK, first lesson of the military, there is no modesty. The ten of you will follow me. You will wait in the next room until I call out your name." The group was led into another room, all without a spec of clothes on them. Andy's first thought was, you have got to be kidding. This room was about the size of the janitor's broom closet. It had enough room for three rows of three chairs and a small aisle on one side of the chairs.

"Andrews, follow me. The rest of you have a seat. Remember, you are at ease, not rest, so no talking." A blonde headed boy followed the doc. They walked through the room to a door at the back. Andy and the others filed in the room. He was the second last in, and found himself sitting in one of the middle seats. The chairs were so close, that he couldn't avoid contact with either of the other basics in his row. On both sides of him, he felt legs pushing against his. The chairs were attached to each other, so they could not be moved apart and they had arm rests, so the guys on the end could even scooch off the end.

Andy had never sat so close to another guy, let alone one who was naked. The basic on his right was a larger guy than he. Andy couldn't tell what color hair he had, as he looked like he was hairless. Andy had never seen a boy with so little hair on his body. All the guys back home tended to have darker hair. He felt the guy's leg press against his. The smoothness of his legs reminded him of Mary, his last girlfriend. Andy suddenly felt a tingle in his groin. Please no, he thought, I don't need to bone up here. A movement to his left caught his eye. Did he dick just twitch? Andy forced his thoughts on other topics, and the sensation in his balls lessened. The basic on his left suddenly pressed his legs apart and shifted with a grunt. Andy looked his way and saw that he was boned!

"Sorry, dude," he muttered," it's been over a week since I saw my girl last." Andy felt a rush of sensations in his groin. Andy had had a half circumcision when he was born. His is dick was soft, it still had a partial hood. He could feel the skin start to roll back as his cock head started to expand. The site of his neighbors boner sent a weird electrical feel up his leg. Andy had never seen another boy hard in his life.

Just then the door in back opened. "Carver", the voice called.

Andy's neighbor got a horrified look on his face. He must be Carver. Andy thought. Carver slowly stood up, his face beet red. He quickly moved to the back of the room. As soon as he was out of the way, Andy moved over a seat. He was no longer touching anyone else. With the loss of bodily contact, he was quickly able to bring his tool under control.

Finally after several more of the basics had been called, Andy heard, "Marten". He stood up and quickly exited the room.

"Already Basic Marten, it's time for your initial exam. The military has to get a baseline on all your stats, so you're going to have the most thorough exam you have ever had. Sit up here." The doctor tapped on a standard exam table.

Andy hopped up. For the next several minutes, he was poked and prodded in all the normal locations - His face, neck, abdomen, eyes , ears throat. Finally the doctor told him to stand up. "Hernia check." The doctor grabbed Andy's right testicle and had him cough, then he repeated.

"OK, as I said this is a complete physical, so now we get to do the other man check, even though you are on the young side. I need you to lean over the table and relax."

Andy's face must have drained of all color. "Don't worry," the doctor laughed," it will be over in a couple of minutes." Andy leaned over table and spread his legs a little as the doctor told him to. He heard the doctor squeeze a tube. He jumped a little when the doc then put a little cold gel smack dab on his asshole. Then POKE, suddenly two of the doctor's fingers were up his ass. Andy grunted as the doctor probed around a little. Suddenly the doctor apparently found what he was looking for. He started rubbing slowly inside.

"I'm just examing your prostate," he said. The doctor continued to rub slowly. Suddenly the doctor hit one spot and Andy realized he was beginning to bone. He wasn't sure what to do. He could help but let out a low moan.

The doctor stopped and removed his fingers. He chuckled a little bit. "Guess you're a normal healthy 18 year old." Young guys like you don't have to normally get that exam. Good thing, cause they often react just like you did." He quickly glanced knowingly down Andy's enlarged cock. It was already starting to deflate. "But actually, that will help with the final part of your exam. We need a sperm count and urine sample." It's normally easiest in that order. Take these two sample cups, head in the next room and follow the rules on the wall. "

"Are you serious?" Andy asked.

"Yes I am basic. The US Government need a base line of all your physical statistics. This way you can't claim the government made you impotent, if already were before you came in. I'd try and be quick, if I were you. There's only one sampling room and I send the next basic into it as soon as his exam is done. Now move out, you still have a lot more to do. When you are done, go through the door at the other end of the room with your two samples and a tech will tell you what to do."

Andy saw the doctor was not in the mood for any response, so he took the two plastic containers and hurried in the next room. To his relief, it was empty. It contained a sink, a toilet, two posters. One with instructions on how to get semen sample, another on how to take the urine sample. Andy took an alcohol wipe from the sink top and wiped his penis head, like the poster instructed. Next he grabbed the semen container in his left hand. He saw that one wall was covered with a soft rug like surface and there was a small bench. The poster suggested leaning against the soft wall while he "excited his penis". Andy hadn't gotten off for about 3 days, and as weird as this was, he actually was looking forward to choking one off.

He leaned against the wall and grabbed his dick. It was already hard in anticipation. He started stroking slowly and began to think about Mary, her hazel eyes, round breasts, hairless cock. What? Andy stopped. He had been thinking about the basic who had been sitting next to him. That was fucked. He heard a bump from the previous room, and realized the doctor was beginning his exam of the next basic. Andy didn't want to be here when he entered the room. He grabbed his cock again and began to stroke it. This time he started with a fast stroke. Again the image of his neighbor's dick floated in his mind, how it had been hard and dripping one drop of pre-cum. How he had jumped up his dick had bobbed a couple of times. Andy's legs began to get weak, as his climax approached. Just in time he remembered to point his prick into the container. Three strong jolts racked his body as he blew his wad into the plastic bowl. Four more smaller ones followed. His knees gave out slightly, but the bench held him up.

Andy recovered and placed the container on the sink shelf with the lid over it. He waited a couple of minutes for his hard to go down. Thankfully, as he normally did, he felt a strong need to piss and so followed the directions for the urine sample. Wipe the head, pull back the foreskin, start to urinate, then fill the bottle. That done, he took both samples and walked out the door.

"Quite a sample, man," the tech said as he took the bottles from the naked basic. The smile he gave Andy told him the tech enjoyed giving the basics a hard time. "Come on, let get you in your uniforms and back to the cadre." He said with a little bit of a smirk.

Andy was led into a final room, where there was laid out for him his green utility bag, white underwear, a black T-Shirt, black socks, BDU pants and blouse, a belt, and a pair of combat boots. The tech helped him put on the uniform properly and then escorted back to the end of the clinic. An upperclass cadet (known affectionately as "Cadre") was waiting for him.


"All thoughts of the embarrassment and awkwardness of the physical flew from Andy's mind, as he entered the maelstrom of in processing yet again. The rest of the day went by as a blur. Finally, he was instructed to board a bus. His gear was stowed in a luggage compartment, and Andy, along with a bus load of basics were driven to there new dorms. They didn't know it, but they were the first, and only, basics to be housed in these new dorms. What they also didn't know, is that the fate of all mankind rested on their shoulders.

Next: Chapter 2

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