The Exodus Project

By Trey Anderson

Published on Feb 23, 2009


The Exodus Project - pt 10

The following is a complete work of fiction.

Any resemblance between the characters and any real life person is completely coincidental. Please do not copy or distribute the story without the author's permission.


The following story may contain erotic situations. If it is illegal for you to read this please leave now.

"I just received word, the accelerated schedule has been approved."

"When do we move the cadets to the integrated training site?"

"In ten days... As soon as all the basics finish survival training and IF we clear all the cadets."

"Will they be ready?"

"If all goes well today with the Family Life curriculum, then yes."

"How are the other Academies doing?"

"Don't ask."

Training Day 3 -- 0900 hrs

C1C Zimmer called F-Flight to attention. He gave them a left face command and then ordered them to closed ranks. This brought the squadron march to a tight marching interval so they could head off to Family Life. Andy pivoted left on the command and found himself staring into B-Flight. They were still being inspected. There flight commander and sergeant were 'inspecting' the last cadet in line. The B-Flight Commander was a smaller build, but well trimmed. His hair was a dark brown or black, cropped close. What caught Andy's eye was that he was hard as a rock. His cock was standing at attention. But that was not all. The cadre was not merely checking the basic for stubble, but he had his hand wrapped around the basics cock. The basic was tall and lanky, with a skin so fair and freckled, he had to be a red head. Andy could just hear him talking to the basic. He wasn't yelling, but using that low 'you're in trouble' voice most cadre had perfected.

"Well Jones, that's 15 strokes for your discrepancies. Just remember, if you jizz on my hand, you have to lick it clean. Just ask Dabbers about that."

Andy could see a look of strain on the cadets face. What was making it worse is that the Flt Sgt was right behind him "inspecting" his back. The Flt Sgt looked like a runner. He was taller and trim. His hair was strawberry blond and spiked on top, longer than the typical cadre crop cut. His dick was hard as well and, from the looks of it, poking Basic Jones in the ass. Andy felt his cock begin to fill out at the sight before his eyes.

And then he heard Cadet Zimmer give the command, "Forward, 'HARCH" Andy stumbled, but then caught himself and took off with the flight. The flight was given an immediate 'Right Flank', a command by which the entire flight turn a right face at the same time. This allows the flight to instantly move 90 degrees from the direction they were going. This way they would avoid B'Flight. Andy felt like every eye must be on him marching as he was at the front of the flight with his meat pointing the way. He then noticed out of the corner of his eye that Kevin, who was marching right to his left, was also sporting wood. Andy guessed that it was a common problem and put it out of his mind. As is normally the case in such situations, he felt his equipment deflate a couple of minutes later.

Cadt Zimmer was directing the flight to the far side of the Plain to a building they had not been to yet. The building looked hardly larger than a storage shed. Cadet Zimmer halted the flight and dismissed them inside. As Andy entered through the solid steel doors, he saw that the only thing in the building was a switchback stairwell heading down. He lead his flight down three flights of steps and came to a narrow corridor that branched to the left and the right of the stairs. Down the far side of hall were what looked like four sets of elevator doors, two down each branch. As soon as his foot touched the floor of the room, a panel lit up next to each set of doors. With a static click, a speaker also activated.

"When your name is called, proceed to the designated door and confirm your identity with a palm scan. Be prepared for a small prick in your middle finger. This is to obtain a blood sample to verify your DNA. Once the door is open enter immediately through the door. After the first door closes, you will repeat the procedure at the far door and enter into the elevator. Andrew Marten - Door A, Alexander Stoker - Door B, Peter Medina - Door C, Xavier Henricks - Door D. Once these cadets enter and the panel glows green, the next set will procede. They are: Gregory Becker - Door A, Philip Nales - Door B, Nico Stephanos - Door C, Adam Yiltoff - Door D."

Andy saw the four panels turn green and he moved off to his door. He saw the other three follow suit. Lex Stoker was in the C-1 element with Andy. He was a brown haired white polish boy from Arizona who had sung in the Phoenix boys choir. The other two were the element leaders for the other two elements. He noticed the second group consisted of each of their roommates. He placed his hand on the scanner, barely felt the poke in his finger and then the door opened with a soft "Identity confirmed". He entered a small closet sized room with perfectly white walls and a corresponding bright white light.

"Please stand in the center of the room, with your feet on the foot prints," the same soft, feminine computer voice instructed him. Andy found the marks and stood there. He felt a puff of air blow up him from the ground, just like the chemical sniffers at the airport screen. Then he saw a red laser light flash quickly over his body.

"Screening complete, please proceed through the second door." Andy saw a panel emerge from the far wall, another hand scanner. This one was on the left side of the door. He saw the light go from red to green. Andy approached and placed his left hand on the scanner. He once again felt the slight poke in his middle finger and with an "Identity Confirmed" the door opened. This time the doors did lead to an elevator. As soon as he entered the doors wooshed shut and he felt himself plummet. The descent was so rapid that not only did his ears pop, but he felt his stomach give a slight lurch as well. After about thirty seconds, the elevator came to a smooth halt and the door opened again.

"Please follow the blue line along the wall. When you arrive at your classroom, you will take a seat at the table with you name on it." Andy enjoyed the pleasant voice. He knew it was a computer, but it was the first female voice he had heard since he had arrived at the second camp. He found his seat and relaxed. He was the first person in the room. The room looked like a typical college classroom albeit an extravagant one. There was a smart board that covered the entire front wall. In front of that was a podium and desk for an instructor or presenter. The room was small, however. There were only five tables, each with two stations at them. Each station contained a submerged screen. It looked like they could access a network at the stations, but there was no keyboard. A TV monitor was turned on, and Andy was surprised to see a news cast on. Basics weren't supposed to watch TV. The news caster was talking about another minor earthquake that had rattled the Mohave Desert outside of LA. This was the third one in as many days. No damage had occurred, but the frequency of the quakes had some thinking they might be a precursor to a major quake. Andy was thankful he had grown up in Minnesota and had not had to deal with earthquakes. Give him a winter blizzard any day.

A couple of minutes later Greg walked in and sat down next to Andy. He immediately leaned over and kissed Andy on the mouth. Andy was a little surprised but that didn't stop him from finding Greg's tongue. His cock responded as well. And, Andy realized, so was his sphincter. It was like his ass remembered the plans for that night, when Greg was going to pop his boy cherry. Andy slid his hand down to Greg's meat and gave him a quick stroke.

"I want you so bad, Gregory Becker," Andy hissed as he drew his mouth away from Greg's. He gazed into Greg's blue eyes and almost blew a load right there. He had never felt so much for anyone.

"Ah hem," someone cleared their voice. Greg and Andy broke apart and saw Kevin had entered in, his black body a sharp contrast to the bright room. "At least wait until Johnny gets here, so I don't have feel like a third wheel."

Greg laughed. "You wouldn't be a third wheel Kev. Andy's been drooling over that dark sausage of your's ever since he saw it close up in the shower. He'd probably want you to join in, so he could play a little with your joystick."

"That's up to Johnny boy, man. But if he's game, i'd be up for a little team practice."

Greg had only been joking, but with Kevin's reply found himself more than a little interested. He looked at Andy and they both a shared a grin.

"You serious?" Andy jumped in.

Just then Johnny walked in. "Serious about what?" he asked.

"Damn Johnny, I just gotta say you make me so hot and bothered." Kevin met Johnny half way to the desk and grabbed him a bear hug and humped his hips against him. While he was holding Johnny, Kevin answered his question. "It seems Greg and Andy are interested in having a little party and wanted to know if we wanted to come."

The two pulled apart and walked over to their assigned desk. Both had become slightly aroused. Johnny looked over at Andy and Greg. "Maybe -- that might have some possibility."

"But not tonight," said Andy. "Greg and I have something special planned for tonight." Andy gazed up at Greg as he said that and felt his ass muscles give a small contraction in anticipation.

At that moment Rex Griggs entered the room followed by Reese Miles. Rex and Reese were about as opposite as basics could be in there bald and shave naked bodies. Rex was a smaller guy who normally had sandy brown hair. He was very slim. He had been a swimmer in High School and had a tight trim body, but little bulk. Rex had a very innocent look about him, reflective of his Kentucky origins. Reese on the other hand, not only hailed from Boston, but looked like it. He could have been one of Matt Damon's friends in that movie Good Will Hunting, with his dark hair obvious from the shadow on his skull and his thick bushy eyebrows.

The news anchor had switched topics and was now discussing the growing tensions between the five super nations currently in the world. The Russian Empire (which included all of Europe except for the former United Kingdom), the CSAA (Confederate States of Africa and Asia -- All of Africa and the Middle East), and the UBAS (Union of British and American States -- the former USA, Canada, Briton, and Australia), the Chinese Hegemony (which encompassed all of the Far East) and the Sovereign Territories of Venezula (all of South and Central America and Mexico). The world economies had utterly collapsed in the early 21st century. After several decades of chaos, the new world order had finally emerged, none quite matching the power or prestige of the former world powers.

The next two to arrive were not basics. They were Cadet Zimmer and Cadet Blevin. The basics instantly became quiet. They all popped up from their seats and stood at attention. Even though it was unnecessary from the stand point of alerting the basics, Andy called out "ROOM, ten- HUT!" as was proper to do when the Cadre entered a room.

Andy found himself gazing at light brown bush covering his balls. Knowing that he was required to keep himself shaved for the time being added a mystic to the patch of pubes. It made him long to be able to play with Greg's pubes, once they would grow back in.

"Don't mind us, basics," Cadet Zimmer smiled at them. "This is a class room setting. You are at rest until the instructor calls the class to order. Relax. We're just as clueless as you are about what is going on here."

As he finished saying that, the basics got another surprise. C1C Lucas Getz, the 1st Squadron Commander walked in. Andy wasn't sure what unnerved him more, the Squadron CC being here or the fact that he was as naked as the rest of them. Finally the last cadet walked in. He too was from the Squadron staff. It was C2C Army Sgt Chad Tolman, the Military Academy Liason.

The news report wrapped up with a upbeat piece on the newest astronomy observatory to be opened in the Hawaii Islands. This was to replace the Keck Observatory that had been damaged in the Battle of Hawaii between the new China and the UBAS a dozen years ago. The TV program shut off and a door opened off to the left. The first thing the cadets heard was the sound of heels clicking on the tile floor. A couple of seconds later a tall blond woman in her early 30's entered through the door and stood in front of the cadets.

The woman was stunning. She looked like Taylor Swift with long flowing blonde hair. Andy couldn't help but realize that for the first time this in the past two days he had no problem in the hard wood department. A week ago he would have wanted to nail that like there was no tomorrow. But now all he could think about was that he hoped the day went fast, because he wanted to feel Greg's pulsing monster between his legs and up his hole.

Rex, however, responded a little different. Andy's head swiveled towards Rex at the sound of Lex suddenly sounding like he was about to hyperventalate. His dick was hard as rock and pulsating some. He suddenly grunted a little as cum shot out of his cock in several big volleys. His knees buckled and he might have fallen over, if Reese hadn't caught up his arm.

"Mr. Griggs I'm flattered you think I am nice looking, now why don't you clean your self up and take your seats." She tossed him a towel that she had pulled out of a drawer from a dresser in the front of the room. "Now, I'm sure you're wondering what 'Family Life' is all about. I am here to explain it you. Simply put, I ask you to look around you. You ten are now a family. When you are engaged in military training in this camp you will still associate with your element, flight and squadron staff, but all that is now secondary. This unit of your is your Clan. Family Life is about getting to know each other better than you currently know yourselves. For the next two nights, until you embark on your survival training, your will be living together in this complex. This room is the briefing room. In the next room over, you will find the dining area. Beyond that is an exercise and relaxation room, and in this other direction is the sleeping quarters.

"You have three tasks to accomplish while you are here. First, as I said, get to know each other. Second, form individual family units. Third, learn your primary duty in the Project." Andy didn't need to see the word Project written out to know it was capitalized. The way she said it, it almost sounded like something should be proceeding the word.

"When you are in this environment, the Cadet rank structure no longer exists. Only an hour ago, I was told to inform you that we are moving up our schedule some and so I can tell you a little bit about what is coming. Each flight in 1st Squadron has a different task in the Project. A-Flight will have Medical operations, E-Flight will be responsible for maintaining the resources and supplies, B-Flight will be responsible for logisitics and training. D-Flight is responsible for the maintenance of the facilities. C-Flight is the command flight. And of the four command Clans, this Clan is the High Clan. Which means, that you ten outrank the entire squadron, regardless of current rank. Outside these rooms, however, as long as we are earthside, you go back to your cadet ranks."

Andy's ears perked up at the word 'earthside', were they going to be headed to the new lunar base? He didn't have time to think about it, though, as the woman continued.

"Now each of you pairs are a 'family'. Consider yourselves newly married without kids. You must decide among you who is the 'wife' and who is the 'husband'. This is very important, although I cannot explain why at this time. You will need to decide by tomorrow morning."

"Finally, I will be leaving now. I don't expect that I will be seeing you again, so there is no point in telling you who I am. You have the next three hours to accomplish your next task. You will find the instructions waiting for you in th sleep quarters. I will warn you that the tasks will seem unorthodox, but there is an important reason for it all. Have a good day gentlemen."

The lady left as abruptly as she had come in. The cadets looked at each other. After a moment, C1C Getz, simply said, "Well let's see what they have planned for us."

The ten of them entered into the next room, the sleep area. The first thing Andy noticed was that it was one large room with one large bed along the far wall. There were spots for five 'couples' as was clearly indicated by the presence of the five 'compact facilities unit' spaced evenly apart. When all ten were in the room, the computer activated.

"Commence Task A-01. This task involves Capt Marten and Capt Becker, all others will be observers. Please acknowledge."

Andy wasn't sure which surprised him more, that he and Greg were the focus of the first task, or that they apparently were elevated to 'Captain' in the training facility.

Andy gave out a tentative, "Yes sir" and Greg echoed it.

"Please acknowledge with the response, 'Capt Marten - acknowledged' or 'Capt Becker - acknowledged' as appropriate."

Andy and Greg both repeated their acknowledgment as they had been instructed.

"Voice print confirmed. Task A-01 is as follows -- Capts Marten and Becker shall initiate and accomplish the course of action they had intended for themselves after Taps this evening. Please acknowledge."

Andy and Greg were silent for a moment. Had they heard correctly? Andy was supposed to have Greg pop his cherry? Here? in front of the others?

The computer voice spoke again, "Please acknowledge. Failure to comply will result in military discipline."

"Capt Marten - acknowledged" , "Capt Becker - acknowledge." The lighting level in the room suddenly dimmed and soft music started to play.

to be continued....

Hey all -- life's been hectic, but I'm trying to move the story along. Let me know what you think.


Next: Chapter 11

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