The Exodus Project

By Trey Anderson

Published on Mar 2, 2009


The Exodus Project - pt 11 The following is a complete work of fiction. Any resemblance between the characters and any real life person is completely coincidental. Please do not copy or distribute the story without the author's permission. Disclaimer: The following story may contain erotic situations. If it is illegal for you to read this please leave now. "You're enjoying this aren't you?" "I have to say I never expected voyeurism could be so ... interesting." "What about their reaction to you?" "Only 1 or 2 per Clan had a spontaneous orgasm in my presence. Two or three more became erect. The rest treated my like I was their older sister or even their mom. This morning's activities will hopefully show that they are indeed progressing to Stage 2 at an accelerated schedule." "Good -- enjoy the show." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Day 3 -- 1030 hrs Greg and Andy turned and stared at each other. They stood about two feet apart. Andy gazed into Greg's blue eyes. Greg returned the look with a desire that he couldn't hide. "You still want this?" Greg asked in a low breathy voice.

"More than you know." Andy replied. His right hand rose up and gently grabbed Greg's muscled arm. His dick, which had been hanging down between his legs like a dangling sausage gave a small jump as it lifted up a bit. For a moment the two had forgotten the others in the room. When Andy had turned towards Greg, his mind had blanked out the fact that there were eight other cadets in the room. But then another voice spoke up. "Hello, earth to Greg and Andy." It was Kevin, he waved his black hand between the two and the spell was broken. "Dude, you two forget that you have a task to do. I realize that the two of you are into each other, and you know I'm cool with that," Kevin turned his head and grinned at Johnny at that point, "but I'm thinking now's the wrong time for a make out session." It was like Kevin's hand flipped a switch and Andy's mind turned on. His mind reflected back over the last couple of minutes and, like a DVR replay, Andy heard again the message from the loud speaker in his mind. Only it wasn't the same message. All the words that he had heard were there, but there were more words. It was like he had had selected hearing or that his mind has closed down intermittently. The full message was not about Greg fucking him, it was about reviewing personnel files. He heard it again: Capts Marten and Becker shall initiatea comprehensive review of all personnel records of the Basics in D-Flight in order to determine which five cadets should be given leadership roles in the Operations Flight. You will have 60 minutes to plan and accomplish the course of action . You are to deduce what academic majorthey had intended and what careers they plannedfor themselves afterGraduation. You will have

the opportunity to inform them of your decisions personally shortly beforeTaps this evening. A look of comprehension blossomed on Greg's face. His blue eye's widened in shock and then his face twisted in laughter. Andy contemplated for a moment that he was going crazy or something, but Greg had understood the message in the same way he had. It must be another one of their games, Andy reasoned.Greg found the situation amazingly funny for some reason. Andy, realized that he had been about to let Greg fuck him in front of the others without a second thought. He felt his face burn. In fact he felt the blush spread over his entire chest. "What's so funny?" Zimmer joined the discussion. Andy was at a loss for words. He had a 'hand in the cookie jar' look on his face. Greg wasn't sure how to say what he wanted to say. Kevin came to the rescue. "Sir, Basic Cadet Becker had been talking to Basic Cadet Marten and me about his brother, the one who was killed in the attack at the Military Academy. Basic Cadet Marten was trying to comfort him." Andy's face darkened to a deeper red in his embarrassment. The excuse didn't jibe with Andy's embarrassment and it certainly didn't make sense with Greg's laughter. But either the guys were wanting an excuse to change the subject or maybe understood a little about what was going on with all of them; they let the topic drop.

"Hey Marten,.... Andy right?" Andy turned towards the voice that spoke. He was dumbfounded to discover that Cadet First Class Getz had not only addressed him, but had called him by his first name. "Ye... Yes, sir." "Relax, Andy. You heard the lady, the cadet structure doesn't exist down here. Squadron staff was briefed a little bit this morning on what to be expected. Believe it or not, we are being commissioned early. Ranks are simulated for the next week, but as soon as we finish survival training, we will be honest to god officers. I'm to be a one- star General, all the other Squadron first-class men and Flt Commanders will be Colonels. The other Flight first-class men will be Lt Colonels. Second-classmen are all majors, and Basics will all be 1st Lt, except for you six who will be Captains. Furthermore, when we are alone in Clan, like we are now, we are to encourage familiarity. Call me Lucas." Lucas Getz had a smile that could warm a polar bear. Andy felt his blush drain away. He was thankful that General Getz had changed the subject. "So what do we do now, General? Sorry, but if you are a General, I'm not sure I can use your first name." Andy said. Even though he'd only been at the Academy for a couple of days, he had been raised to respect those in authority. "Maybe that's for the best. As to your question, you review personnel files. Where you get them, I suspect that's part of the challenge."

At that moment the computer made another announcement. The female voice announced "Task A-02 for Capts Black and O'Neill" They were given a similar personnel review task for B-Flight, the Logistics Flight. As soon as they had identified themselves, a far off look stole over them. They listened to the task, gave their acknowledgment and then Kevin turned towards Johnny and grabbed him into a strong bear hug. Once again, Andy couldn't help but thing how erotic the dark black on pale white was, their two bodies pressed together, chest to chest, groin to groin. Andy walked over returned the earlier favor and gave them each a light smack on the head. They pulled apart, looked dazed for a moment and then gave a start like someone had woke them up with a pail of cold water. Kevin looked over at Andy and grinned. "So that's what happened to you." Kevin said with a smile. Johnny just shook his head. General Getz looked like he was about to ask what was going on but right at that moment 'Task A-03 for Capts Griggs and Miles (Rex and Reese)' was announced. They were assigned the task of reviewing E-Flight, the Resources Flight. They, too, fell into a similar trance, during which Reese, who was about six inches taller than Rex, leaned over and whispered something in his ear which caused Rex to smile like a school girl who was just told a dirty joke. His low hanging balls gave a sudden contraction and his junk seemed to swell a little. Which was when Johnny walked over and clapped them on their back to wake them up. The feminine computer voice broke in once more and bequeathed her last task, 'Task A-04' to Majors Zimmer and Tolman (the Army Liaison Sergeant) to similarly review A-Flight, the medical flight. Zimmer actually rubbed his hand over Tolman's cock and nut sack before Reese hurumphed loudly and snapped them out of it. There was no

further task given to Getz and Blevin. They either already had tasks assigned or would be told later, Andy was sure. There was one last announcement, however, and that was their new uniforms were available. As it turned out, each 'family' did have a private changing area and shower room which was located underneath the sleeping area.It was accessed by a small galley type stairwell (like on a cruiser boat) located at the foot of the beds. The group was informed that they has 20 minutes to freshen up and dress out in their uniforms. At 1100 hrs they were to commence their tasks. The five separate doors opened. Greg and Andy headed down into the galley immediately. Both had a similar thought -- which involved a joint release of 'tension' in the private space. The foot of the stairs opened up into a room about half the size of their dorm rooms. The left wall contained two closet areas. The only furniture in the room were two sturdy chairs, obviously to allow you to sit down to put on shoes and socks. Off to the right the wall was empty except for a door. Greg opened the door and uttered, "You've got to be kidding me." Andy walked over and peered in the room. It contained two urinals and two stalls along the left wall. A large shower bay with four shower heads along the right wall, and a door on the far wall which was currently opened. Kevin was staring at them for the opposite end. Kevin walked the rest of the way in and Johnny followed him. "So much for a couple of minutes of privacy," he muttered with a slight down cast note. But he looked over at Johnny. After a second, he gave Kevin a slight nod. Kevin looked over at Andy and Greg, and said questioningly, "Unless..." Andy and Greg didn't respond with words. Greg took Andy's hand and lead him over to the shower and turned the spray to a comfortably warm temperature. And then

grabbed Andy in a firm embrace. Andy didn't resist, the hormones were raging too strong to make a difference. And anyway, Andy thought, it's Johnny and Kevin. It was like being on a double date and making out in the same car or basement. Greg and Andy were lost into each other quickly. Their cocks were at full mast sliding over each other as their passion for each other erupted. Tongues warred against each other as cocks dueled fiercely. Their bodies smacked against each other. Out of the corner of his eye, Andy could see the dark and light blur of Kevin and Johnny performing the same dance. Andy found himself staring once again at Kevin's black cock. Johnny had pushed Kevin up against the wall and had slid down to take Kevin's knob into his mouth. Andy felt Greg doing the same thing to him. His back was against the slightly cool tile wall, Greg was on his knees and,Oh yes, his hot mouth was sucking hungrily on his dick. Greg just had the helmet in his mouth and he was teasing the piss slit with his tongue. One of Greg's fingers slid between his legs and found his hole. He rubbed the edge until Andy's sphincter relaxed and then he was inside.Kevin was looking at Andy straight in the eyes. He seemed to be fucking his cock in and out of Johnny's mouth just for Andy. White mouth - Black cock.Man that is hot.Greg found the spot he was looking for and Andy couldn't take any more. He flood Greg's mouth with his nectar. Greg sucked him clean and then rose up. He offered his mouth to Andy who took it and tasted his own cum on Greg's tongue. Greg pulled back and moved over to Andy's ear. "Did you like the show Kevin put on for you, D?" Andy gave a start, he was afraid Greg would be mad. But the whole time Greg continued to massage Andy's cock. Andy realized Greg wasn't jealous, he was genuinely curious. "Johnny actually gets me a little hotter than Kevin does. I'm don't know what you think, but I'd be up for a little party with them, if the opportunity came up. They seemed interested to me earlier."

"Let's just worry about now, we only got a couple of minutes. Enjoy Johnny getting his knob polished off while I service you, G." Andy swung Greg around but remained behind him. He nibbled on Greg's neck as he hugged him close. One hand played with Greg's nipples while the other sang lower to the treasure below. The slightest bit of stubble was present in his pubic area. He lightly graved that for a couple of seconds until he found his goal. He loved the feel of Greg's cock. Greg was cut and the velvety smoothness of his skin sent sparks up Andy's fingers. He slowly lowered himself, kissing Greg down his spine as he went. He lowered his hand and began to massage Greg's nut sack as he slowly stroked him off. He reached the top of his ass crack and Andy was overwhelmed by the odor of Greg. Nothing strong, just a manly locker room scent that made Andy's blood race. He continued to kiss down the valley between his ass cheeks. Greg, anticipating Andy's ultimate goal, pushed his butt back a little giving Andy the access he needed. Greg's hole seemed to pucker for him, inviting Andy in. And in he went. As soon as his tongue touched the rim of his hole, Greg bucked slightly. When Andy pressed his tongue in, Greg erupted. With asplat, splat, splat,several volleys of sperm smacked the shower floor. One volley apparently landed on Johnny's back, causing him to turn his head and exclaim, "Thanks for the gift Greg." before he returned to the last couple of sucks on Kevin's pole. Andy continued to rim Greg for a couple of minutes. All the time Greg squirmed and moaned. Andy also kept playing with Greg's cock. He felt it grow slightly once more in his hand and pulled on Greg to turn himself around. Greg obliged. Andy immediately took Greg in his mouth. Greg was only half hard and try though he might, Andy could not seem to get him to respond. Greg started to pull away.

"D, that's good, I don't think I can come any more right now and if you keep sucking, you're going to get a little golden flow." The words sank into Andy, and he pulled off immediately. Greg turned away from him and, not being able to hold it, let loose and emptied his bladder down the drain. "Sorry D. You'll have to get a taste of me later." "Just as long as you're up for performing tonight." "D, we can't tonight, we'll be sleeping here." "G, we'll figure something out. Maybe we can sneak down here." Andy and Greg hugged tightly and then took up the business of washing. It didn't even occur to them that they no longer had to wash each other. They just did it. The bond had been formed, soon, noted the unseen observer, the bond would expand to include the others. ... to be continued Thanks guys for the feedback -- I'm wonder what you think about the balance of 'erotic' scenes versus the story. Too heavy on one or the other, or about right? let me know Trev

Next: Chapter 12

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