The Exodus Project

By Trey Anderson

Published on Oct 8, 2008


Disclaimer - this is a work of fiction. It or future parts ) contains male on male sexual situations of boys who are 18 or over. This story is copyrighted by the author, Trey Anderson.

"How many recruits do we have?"

"840 basics, a third from each service, and 240 ''cadre", also equally from each service. For the initial part of the training, we will keep them separated by branch. The upperclassmen know about each other, but the basics won't"

"What have you told the upperclassmen?"

"That this is part of a trial Congress has asked for in training a new type of joint combat unit. We've informed them this is classified, hence why we are at a secured location. Their classmates who are still at the main campuses think they are simply on deployed exercises."


Andy and the other basics had boarded the bus after their evening meal. He no longer had his watch, but he thought it must be around seven o'clock, that is to say nineteen hundred hours, military time. The cadre had been a little vague on why they were getting on the bus, but by this point in the day, Andy had long ago stopped wondering "why" when an order was given. The bus pulled out of the parking area. It had only gone about a mile, when Andy thought he heard a slight hissing sound coming from somewhere. "Must be the air conditioner," he thought. Seconds later, Andy remembered no more.

When he finally awoke, groggy and dazed, the sun was just starting to peek over the eastern horizon. The bus was traveling up a road in the midst of the mountains. He looked around and saw shaved heads sticking up over the seats in front of him. Some were rousing themselves and looking around, others were still sleeping. Andy realized that every seat was filled with a Basic; there were no Cadre on the bus at all. Yet despite that fact, there was no talking, not even any stealthy whispers. Andy figured they all had the same thought as him - this was some kind of test.

As he woke up and the last remnants of sleep clear, Andy began to wonder what this was all about. All the orientation literature and videos had been very clear, during the six week Basic training period, the Basics would not leave the Cadet Area, let alone the Academy proper. Yet here they were, obviously hours and probably hundreds of miles away from the campus.

Andy decided all he could do was wait and see. Instead of worrying about it, he contented himself with watching the scenery pass by outside the window. Maybe an hour later, the bus pulled off the highway onto a smaller road. It began to navigate deeper into the mountains, until finally a military looking compound appeared at the bottom of a fairly wide valley.

The bus stopped at the gate. An SP (security police) hopped into the bus and looked over a folder the drive handed him. He left just as quickly, raised the gate and waved the bus through. The bus wound through some more hills and finally stopped at a parking lot, at the end of which was a ramp leading up into some up level. The doors opened again and a Cadre appeared.

"OK Basics, I want you to file off the bus and, in single file, walk over to the ramp. You will find foot prints laid out, just like you did yesterday when you first arrived. Find a set of foot prints and stand at attention until you are marched out. MOVE!"

The basics didn't need to be told twice, they each grabbed their red hats and filed off the bus. Andy noticed that there were two other bus that had come with them, all of them disgorging Basics. The footprints were arranged in groups of 28. Three ranks files across, and 9 ranks deep, with one spot for a "Guide: off to the right. Andy was the last to fill out his flight and found himself in the Guide spot. No sooner had he arrived, then three Cadre walked over to his flight.

"Greeting Basic," one of the Cadre began. He had short cropped blonde hair with piercing blue eyes. "I am Cadet First Class Blevin. By virtue of the fact that you have chosen my foot prints to stand on, you are not my flight. We are C-Flight - Crusader Flight. I hope you like your flight mates, because from this point on, all you have to rely on, is each other. I doubt a bunch of ragtag soldiers, like yourselves, knows how to march, but we are going to try it anyway.

"First things first. Put your hands in front of you so that you are looking at the back of our hands and your fingers are pointing up. Lower your thumbs so they are touching. The hand that forms an 'L' is your left. This is the side you start with, after I give the command MARCH." Somehow Cadet Blevin made the 'M' sound like an 'H". Andy later found out, that was basically an idiosyncrasy of the service. "Put your arms down. FORWARD...HARCH!"

The flight started up the ramp to a cadence of "Left, right, left, right, Your left, Your left, your left, right, left." Soon they were up the ramp and in a large quad area. All around the quad were numerous buildings. All of them were painted in the green, brown and black camouflage motif. They marched over to building on the right. Cadet Blevin gave the order to halt.

"Alright gentlemen, we are at your dorms. Enter through this doorway and follow Cadet second class Avery. He will lead you to our flight area. As you walk down the hall, you will fill in the rooms two at a time. After you enter your room, you will see two desks with computer terminals on them. They are all powered up. There are two pieces of information you must enter - Your name and your Social Security number. Once that is done, you will need to create a password, After you do all that, stand at parade rest beside your computer until your sack arrives." By this, Andy knew, he meant the green duffle they had been issues the previous day. "Once that arrives and you have verified that the sack is yours, you will get ready to take a shower. To do that, take off all your clothes, grab a towel and body soap. Line up in the hallway at attention outside your door with your towel draped over your left arm and your soap in the right hand. For those of you who may be modest, don't worry. In case you haven't noticed, there are no females in our company. Now move."

Because he was the flight guide, Andy was the first to move out. He followed Cadet Avery up a flight of steps. Cadet Avery was smaller than Cadet Blevin, and had dark hark. It wasn't nearly as closely cropped as Cadet Belvin's. In fact, it was as close to normal as was allowed by the regulations. When they arrived at their floor, Andy followed into the hallway and was immediately pointed to the first room on the left. The Basic behind him in line followed quickly.

Andy looked around the room. His first impression was that it was very Spartan, which didn't surprise him. The far wall contained a window that stretched across the entire wall, with an amazing view of the mountains. There were two desks facing out the windows, with a computer terminal off to one side. On the left wall were two dressers, each containing five drawers. On either side of the door, were closets, made of some faux light colored wood. To the immediately right was a sink with two medicine cabinets above it. What baffled Andy was the other item on the right. About four foot off the ground was an indent in the wall that went up to the ceiling, about four feet or so. It looked to be twice as deep as the sink area and about 5 feet across. Currently that area was completely empty. The other thing he realized - there were no beds.

His new roommate was already sitting down and typing at the terminal. Andy push the thought of sleeping out of his mind and sat down as well. On the screen was simply, "Last Name:" He typed, "Marten." And pressed enter. Next simply came, "First Name:" Andy typed it. This was followed by a request for his social, and then a password and password confirmation. After that, the screen came up, "Identity confirmed. Room 5-101A assigned. Duty assigned: Flight Guide. System locked until Admin Release."

Having finished his task, Andy stood up, pushed the chair back in and went to parade rest. This meant he stood with his legs shoulder width apart and his arms bent, with his hands resting in the small of his back. This was supposed to be more comfortable than the "Attention" position, but so far it didn't seem all that different to Andy. His roommate was already at Parade Rest as well. Both of them stared straight ahead.

After about five minutes, Andy ventured a small whisper. "Hi, I'm Andy." He glanced quickly at his roommate. The guy was bigger than him. He reminded Andy of a German "ubermench" look, complete with blue eyes and blond eye brows. He assumed the guy was blonde as well, but the shaved head made that hard to confirm. He looked like he might have been a tight end on his football team.

"Greg." He whispered back. "You think this is a little weird?"

"Yeah - think they'll tell us what's going on?"

From out in the hallway, a voice boomed, "BASICS! YOU ARE AT PARADE REST! THIS MEANS NO TALKING!"

Andy wasn't sure how the Cadre could have heard their talking, but the command silenced any further discussion. After what seemed like an eternity, a Cadre dressed in his Battle fatigues came down the hall pushing a cart full of 'sacks'. He stopped in front of Andy's room. "Marten," he called.

"Yes sir," Andy replied.

"Basic, you never speak when you are Parade Rest. If someone asks you a question, you come to attention first, then answer them."

"Yes Sir," Andy repeated, then remembered he should have moved.

"Basic Cadet Marten, let's see if doing 10 push-ups will help drill this lesson home."

Andy dropped to his hands and knees and commenced a set of push-ups.

"Are you going to let your roommate do those on his own," the cadet looked at his clip board, "Basic Cadet Becker?"

Greg almost answered without coming to attention, but he remembered in time. "No Sir!" He dropped down and joined in.

"I don't want your roommate to feel left out, Marten, why don't you start over."

Andy and Greg started counting again, and quickly pumped out ten push-ups.

"Now, here's your sacks. Throw them in your cubby, that space over there," the cadre pointed to the 4x6 area that was on the right wall, "Get your clothes off and grab your shower gear and get in the hall."

Andy and Greg picked up the sacks that had been thrown down on the floor at their feet. They quickly rummaged through until they found a towel and the body soap. Fear of more push-up motivated them to move faster. Ten push-ups may not seem like a lot, but they had learned yesterday in the in-processing line, that after about the fifth or sixth set, the push-ups became odious.

They quickly stripped off their clothes and laid them as neatly as possible on the edge of the cubby hole, as the Cadre had called it. They each grabbed their towel and soap and hurried in the hall. They were not the first ones out, as several Cadre were in the process of delivering the sacks. At the same time, both Andy and Greg noticed two sets of footprints on the floor against the wall immediately to the left of their door. It didn't take a genius to realize that that was where they were supposed to stand. Moving in place, they also both realized that the footprints were so close, that the only way they could stand on the prints, was to have their legs and arms pressed tightly against each other.


A couple of minutes passed. Andy could feel the warmth of Greg's skin on his leg. Worse, the back of Greg's hand rested slightly on his upper thigh, as that was the hand that held his soap, and thus was lowered down. It was almost as if his cock knew that a hand was close and wanted to reach out to be touched. He tried to think of mundane things, but it wasn't helping. He could feel blood start to rush to his groin area, and his cock start to fill out.


Everyone in the hallway dropped to the ground. Andy quickly put his towel next to him and placed his soap on it. Greg copied him. They pumped out several sets of push-ups to the count of "ONE, TWO, THREE, ONE - ONE, TWO, THREE, TWO --." Which meant that a set of 10 push-ups actually meant 20. The good think about doing the push-ups was that the blood which had been heading south, now reversed course to help the lungs get more oxygen. Andy thought it felt weird doing push- ups in the nude. He was used to wear a supporter when he worked out, and in his uniform, the pants were stiff enough to give him the support he needed. But now, he could feel his nut sack swaying back and forth as his body rocked up and down. Then he realized another problem around the fifth (well tenth) push-up, the rug was rubbing the tip of his penis just right. Despite the exertion, his dick was start to get hard again.

When they finished, the basics popped back up as they had been taught the previous day. When Andy got up, his dick actually swung up and hit his stomach, and then continued to point out like an arrow. The more he willed it to go down, the harder it seemed to get.

"Looks like Marten gets off on push-ups," the Cadre who had dumped his sack off said. "We'll have to make sure he does more, especially if he starts missing his girlfriend." Andy's face got even more red. But he also saw the upperclassmen give him a smile, and he realized he was actually trying to help, by making a joke of it. What the cadet said next confirmed this.

"Listen up, ladies. I am Cadet Second Class Zimmer, your Flight Sergeant. My job is to make sure you not only get through your training, but that you come out of it on top. You lot, along with the other nine flights of Basics, have been selected for an experimental training program. One which in many ways is far different than the Basic training you would have gone through back on the Hill. Some might think this program is easier, because we won't be using a lot of the yelling and screaming you might be expecting. But, I can assure you that your training is no cake walk. First, there is no failure. We start with 28 basics, we will finish with 28 basics. You do not have the option to leave. Look around you. Go ahead. These men are you family. You think this is personal, standing out in the hallway naked? It's going to get more personal than that. You will train together, eat together, study together, shower together, piss together, crap together, fart together. There's going to be lots of times your naked around each other, and inevitably at one time or another, each of you will bone up. Get over it. You're not Gay because you get hard around other naked guys. You're not in High School, you're in the military training to defend your country. Which means you're going to If you have personality problems - work them out. If you have a weak link, build them up. If you have strengths share them. "

Thankfully, during the talk, Andy's dick softened.

Cadet Zimmer continued, "Now, you get your first exercise in teamwork. Look at your roommate." 14 sets of eyes locked on each other. "Your roommate is your responsibility. If his uniform or side of the room looks bad, you get the hit, that is demerits. You are the one who takes care of your roommate. At the meal lines, you will get your roommates food, you will bus your roommates tray. If you have to go to the bathroom, your roommate will go with you. No, you don't have to shake for him or wipe for him, just be in the same room. When you shower, you will shower at the same time, and now here's the most difficult part, you will wash up your roommate."

Zimmer wanted to laugh at the all the faces which suddenly blanched as the realization of what that meant sunk in. He was glad he hadn't had to that in basic. It was part of the new training program. The theory was that it helped develop group identity and would strengthen the bonds in the group. Zimmer thought it a little weird, but there were many things about this program that was weird. He wondered why the President would want this training to go on, but the answer to that question was far above his pay grade.

"There are four showers in each bathroom, listen as I assign you to a latrine. You might want to gaze at the shitters as you go by. You will see that they are a little larger than normal. That's because they contain the "Roomie" seat, which I sure you can guess the purpose of that."

Andy's and Greg's names were called first. They marched into the shower room and head for the first shower. They hung up their towels on a hook and entered the first stall. The stall was a little over sized. Andy turned on the water to medium hot. He could hear the other guys coming into the room.

The basics had been told they were "at rest" while their shower ran, which meant they could talk to their roommate. "Well, who first?" Andy asked, taking the initiative. "Why don't I wash you up."

"We could so some things at the same time." Greg suggested. They both poured some soap into their hands and began massaging the other's head. Andy saw some movement at the edge of the shower and saw Cadet Blevin watching the showers.

"Get started gents, we have to be in morning meal formation in 20 minutes. Don't be shy, there aren't any parts you haven't toughed before."

Andy had to get close to Greg to be able to reach his head. Suddenly he felt Greg's penis pump into his. Andy backed up, as if he had been stung by a bee.

"Marten, right?"

"Yes sir!"

"You slip or something?"

"No Sir! I ..." Andy didn't want to say their dicks pumped into each other. So he quickly moved back up to Greg and started massaging the soap into his hair. Greg did the same thing back to Andy. Andy prayed fervently that his dick would not bone up. Suddenly he felt a little more pressure on his cock than before.

"Sorry Andy," Greg whispered, "I can't help it."

"Don't worry Greg, I understand Let's just do this quickly."

They continued to wash each other. They continued on down face, neck, chests, backs. When Greg washed Andy stomach, he felt like a lightening bolt shot right through his groin. He loved it when his girlfriend played with with happy trail, before going further south. Without saying a word, Andy and Greg skipped over the groin areas and proceeded to the legs. Andy washed Greg first. He washed from the thigh down. When he finished Greg's legs, he looked up and realized he was gazing right into Greg's dick. He stood up and said, "Guess I better get it over with." He squeezed soap into his hand and reached out to Greg's balls. He soaped up underneath and then the shaft of his penis. Greg boned instantly. Andy was shocked at first and simply gripped that shaft for second. Without realizing it, Andy tugged on Greg's cock twice. Then, as if he snapped out of a fog, Andy's hand flew off Greg's shaft, like it had touched a hot stove.

"Turn around," Andy droned. Greg did, and Andy finished the job, my soaping up his ass and crack, and then allowing Greg to rinse off. Greg then bent down and lathered up Andy in the same way. As Greg was washing Andy's legs, Andy looked down at him. Because he was blonde, he looked as if he was hairless. Suddenly Andy felt Greg's hand slide up his leg to his groin. He sucked in his breath, as Greg massaged his balls, as he lathered them up. An then Greg's hand was on his cock. He could feel it expand in his hand. Greg worked quickly, spun Greg around and lathered up his ass as well.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Cadet Blevin's arm move along the wall and turn a dial. Suddenly the water was icy cold. "Yeoohhh" all the basics cried.

"You all looked like you were having too much fun, so I thought I'd hurry you along," he said. "Rinse off, get in your uniforms and line back up outside your doors."

The eight Basics who were in the room turned off their showers, grabbed their towels, dried off and rushed back to their room. One there, Andy and Greg quickly dressed in a clean set of uniforms and formed up in the hallway.

There first day had begun....

Next: Chapter 3

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