The Exodus Project

By Trey Anderson

Published on Oct 10, 2008


The Exodus Project - Pt 4

Disclaimer - this is a work of fiction. It or (future parts ) contains male on male sexual situations of boys who are 18 or over. This story is copyrighted by the author, Trey Anderson.

"Day 1 is moving along better than expected. The showers after intramurals furthered our goals. We even had several boys orgasm during the event. By and large their roommates took it in stride."

"Have we had any one stand out?"

"Actually yes, both C-Flight and E-Flight won resounding double defeats in intramurals, and have already begun to show unit cohesion, even though we haven't allowed them time to interact."

"Any problems?"

"Unfortunately also yes, D-Flight and F-Flight have the lowest compliance rate, in fact they have had several roommates refuse to do the washing or the shaving."

"What is your suggestion for that?"

"We let it run it's course. If there are still issues after Day 3, we may have to take steps."

As they had for breakfast and the noon meal, the five flights formed up and marched to the Mess Hall for the evening meal. Before they were allowed to eat, however, an older man appeared at a podium in the middle of a mezzanine level along the south wall of the Hall.

"Cadets and Basic Cadets, Welcome. You have been chosen to test a new philosophy in training. The regimen you are about to undergo is substantially different from what we normally have done. I encourage you to be open to the training before you. It will make you better leaders for our world. In fact, I think it is safe to say that the future of our world rests in the hands of those being trained here today. Keep our country strong."

Andy was glad the commander, or who ever he was, had kept his words short. The finished eating and marched back to the barracks. Back in the flight area, the basics were instructed to gather in the Flight Recreation Room or FRR. Inside were a stack of mats and pillows.

"Part of the new training environment," Cadet Zimmer began, "includes testing out some nifty new gadgets developed by the military. Each of you are to grab a mat and a pillow. You will not need blankets. Your sleeping areas are the cubby holes in your rooms. At lights out, you will have five minutes to climb into bed. After that time, a window will lower sealing you in. The mat contains circuitry that reads your biometrics. It will then regulate the temperature to be at an optimum. In order for the system to work properly, you must either sleep in the nude, or at most a pair of boxers. A package of boxers have been placed in each of your rooms. They are only to be used at night. During the day, you are required to wear the tighty whiteys you were issued. They are of a synthetic material that helps keep you dry down they, thus avoiding jock itch.

"If you get thirsty, press the green button, a water bottle will be dispensed for you. If you have to piss in the middle of the night, you can do so by activating the yellow button next to your bed. A hose with a funnel will come out of the wall, into which you can relieve yourself. If you have to crap, push the yellow button a second time and a proper nozzle will also eject. You will not be able to leave the cubby hole until five minutes before Reville. This is for your safety. Another new technology is a self cleaning system that cleans the floors, walls, and latrines each night. The chemicals used are not exactly friendly to people. If you have an emergency, press the red button.

It is two hours until Taps. You are to spend that time in your rooms preparing your uniforms for tomorrow. I will also be coming around with mail call. All packages are to be opened in my presences, so any contraband, like food or electronics, can be confiscated. You are not allowed out of your rooms, except to use the facilities. You are at rest in your rooms, but at attention in the hallways. That means you can relax and talk freely to your roommates, but if you are in the hall, you are to walk along the right wall as if you are marching. If you pass by an upperclassmen, you are to greet them by name. When I am through, the rest of your flight Cadre will introduce themselves. Failure to greet us by name, will result in a kindly request to drop and give 10 push-ups for each offense you've committed in an evening. While you are in your rooms, you may remove your uniforms and wear your sleep attire, which means your boxers or nothing. If someone knocks on your door or if you need to leave your room for any reason, you are to both don your bathrobes."

The other Cadre introduced themselves in turn, all together there were 10 for their flight: Cadt First Class (C1C) Blevin, the Flight Commander and Cadet Second Class (C2C) Zimmer, their flight Sergeant, whom the Basics had already met and -

C1C McNeil, C-1 Element Leader, a red headed, freckle faced boy with the greenest eyes Andy had ever seen.

C2C Toby, C-1 Element NCO, a black guy who was on the shorter side. His skin was almost midnight in color, as if he had only recent come from overseas. Andy was surprised by his British accent, Cadet Toby informed them that he was an exchange cadet from British Royal Air Force.

C1C Luster, C-2 Element Leader, a Hispanic guy, with a burly line-backer type build. Andy wasn't surprised to hear the Cadet Luster was indeed on the Varsity team.

C2C Tzu, C-2 Element NCO, an Asian with a slighter frame, but with almost oversized shoulder muscles. Cadet Tzu introduced himself and explained that he was on the swim team, his event was the 100-meter Butterfly.

C1C St John, C-3 Element Leader, Andy thought he looked like a skater skin head. He had his head shaved as close as regs would allow, he was on the tall side and thin as a bean. He also had British accent and indicated that He too was an exchange cadet from the RAF.

C2C Jurgensen, C-3 Element NCO, "You betcha I'm from Minnesota" he quipped. Andy groaned inwardly. He too was from Minnesota, but the southwest corner of the state. In their area, they had more of the standard Midwest accent. The northern Minnesota twang grated on his nerves, as every time he mentioned he was from there, people expected to talk like that. But on the other hand, he felt an instant affinity for Cadet Jurgensen, he sounded like the other guys from his rural community. He was about 6'1" with a lot of toned muscle on his body. A body that was sculpted by years helping out on the farm. He didn't have the blanched Scandinavian look, but had a darker (for a white guy) skin tone. Probably had roots in southern Germany.

C1C Wolf, Resources Officer, another black guy, but nowhere near as dark as Cadet Toby. He was closer to the typical shade Andy associated with blacks, African Americans, he reminded himself. Cadet Wolf had a personality and way of speaking that made you want to smile. Andy could tell he really like his job, which was to make sure all of their materiel needs were met.

Finally C2C Avery, the Training Sergeant, about 5'10", but could only have weighed around 140#. He was the one who had directed them to their rooms that morning. Cadet Derment told them he was on the Varsity Cross Country team, which explained his lean appearance. His job was to plan all the exercises for the recruits, in coordination with the Squadron and Group staff. He informed them that tomorrow morning they would begin first aid training.

"Alright Basics, you are on your own time in your rooms," Cadet Belvin began. "Cadet Marten, I need you to stay for a moment. Flight DISMISSED."

Each basic grabbed a mat and pillow and returned to their room. Unless they were having an official inspection, the Basics were free to talk in their rooms. This was the first time any of them had been able to talk freely since they arrived at the Academy over 36 hours ago. Andy approached Cadet Blevin, stood at attention and saluted as he had been taught. "Sir, Basic Cadet Marten, reporting as ordered."

"At Ease, Basic Marten." Cadet Blevin replied. Andy wasn't sure how to stand "At Ease" in the presence of a Cadre, so relaxed in what was basically a parade rest pose. "I wanted to commend you for taking charge of your position as Flight Guide today. Cadet Jones down at the gym informed me how you got the Flight chanting and pumped them up. You may have lost your own match, but your enthusiasm spurred on the other guys. Being a leader is not about succeeding yourself, but about motivating others to succeed. I want you to make sure all the Basics in the flight know that we earned top marks today, beating out F-Flight by 2 points. As a reward, Cadet Wolf will be handing out one can of pop for each Basic. They are to enter in their choice into their terminals. Your roommate, appropriately enough, has waited for you. He can take your mat and pillow to your room, while you spread the good news. Oh, and Basic Marten, a little suggestion, it's considered good form for Basics to address each other by first names, when they are talking amongst themselves. A First Name is important, it's a sign of respect. When an upperclassmen addresses you by your first name, he is telling you , you've earned his respect."

Andy snapped to attention, "Thank-you Sir," he saluted, did an about face as he had been instructed and walked out of the room. Greg gave him a small smile as he passed, which Cadet Blevin pointed ignored.

Andy stopped at that door just past his. Greg shadowed him, so that he would not be in the hall alone. He was about to knock when he paused. He knew how he would feel if he heard an unexpected knock. He knew it would still be the same this time, but Andy made a decision. Instead of knocking in a regular manner, he knocked twice, paused, knocked three times, paused, and knocked twice. At the first set of knocks he heard the occupants scurry around. After a minute he heard, "Enter please sir," from both boys and from one of them, "... or ma'am". Exactly as it had been drilled into them on the first day. One of the guys had adapted to the fact that there were no female cadets, the other apparently just spoke without thinking.

Andy opened the door. He and Greg stepped in and closed the door. Inside Andy and Greg were greeted by a black about 3" taller than him and a red head a couple of inches shorter. They were both standing at attention, still in their BDU's (Battle Dress Uniform or fatigue). "Hey guys, I'm one of you, Andy Marten, your flight guide. This is my roommate Greg." The fact registered quickly and the boys visibly relaxed. "Cadet Blevin sent me around to tell you guys we did awesome today, that we finished first in the daily standings. Because of that we get a reward of a can of pop. We're supposed to enter in our choices in our terminals and Cadet Wolf will be by to give us our selection."

"Sweet," the red head said. "By the way, I'm Jonny O'Neil." He extended his hand to Andy, who shook it.

"I'm Kevin Black." Andy looked at him quizzically. Kevin smiled, "My great-great granddad was brought over from Africa, and when he was freed by the Union army, the clerk wasn't all that creative with last names."

"Well, good to meet you guys, I have to tell everyone else the news." Andy stopped for a second. "Actually on second thought, "Kevin you're the C-1 Element Guide right?"


"Why don't you go tell the rest of the element. I think we're supposed to use the chain of command. And he told to make sure everyone knows, not that I had to do it personally. Also, Cadet Blevin said it's good form for Basics to address each other by their first names, using first names is a sign of respect. And I think it would be good if we used a special knock when we go to each other's room, so as not to over stress out our flight mates. We should all use the same thing - 2 knocks, then 3, then 2 again. Oh, I think we should all be unified in how we answer the door, tell the others to drop the ma'am, it doesn't fit the situation out here. Actually one last thing, when Cadet Wolf brings the pops, I'm going to ask him if the element guides can pass them out, so Kev stay in uniform until that happens."

"Good call Andy. Let's go." Kevin and Jonny followed Andy and Greg out the door, Kevin stopped at the next room, as Andy counted off to the fourth door down, where the C-2 element leader would be billeted. They had been siphoned into rooms based on their place in the flight. The only exception was Greg, at some point he had been switch with Kevin. Andy figured (and he would later find out he was right) that they didn't want the Flight Guide and an Element Guide in the same room. He also knew that when the left side rooms had been filled they had started filling the other side of the hall from Andy's end. Very military, without surprise.

Again he rapped on the door in the same manner, again the same shuffle, and the request for the to enter the room. He met Peter, a Hispanic from southern California and Nico, a Greek skinned, dark haired boy from Brooklyn. He repeated his spiel over again, and then went to the final room. Finally he made it back to his room.

Cadet Blevin and Zimmer were standing at the end of the hall watching Andy and then his classmates accomplish the task they had been given.

"Well what do you know, looks like we got us a good Flight Guide. He's learning to delegate already." Cadet Belvin commented. "Let's see how he handles defeat. Send a note up to staff that we'd like to take one of our negative days tomorrow. See how they respond when the chips are down."

"So soon?" asked Zimmer.

"I would like to stay on top of the rankings, and the best way to do that is learn to deal with defeat early on, when the points are still relative low."

"Will do sir." Zimmer sat down at the duty desk and sent off a quick note to Squadron Staff, essentially informing them that the C-Flight leaders would be purposely causing the flight to fail the next day.

When Andy and Greg got back to their room, they decided to make their selection of beverage. Andy went over to his terminal and saw an icon flashing on the screen. "Information Request" the box read. He clicked on it and another box appeared, "Choose your beverage" with a list of 15 or so of the most common pops. He chose a cherry cola and sent the request.

There was a knock on the door, both cadets instantly snapped to attention and called out, "Enter please sir." The door opened and Cadet Wolf walked in.

"Mail Call. I got a letter for Basic Stark and one for Basic Marten. Here you go." The big black guy handed a letter to each of them.

Andy put out his arm, indicating he wanted to say something. When Cadet Wolf turned his attention to him, Andy began, "Sir, may I make a statement." This may sound like a redundant thing to say, as it's very nature was a statement, but the Basics had learned over the past two days that there were seven Basic responses, one of which must be the first thing out of their mouths.

"Let me guess," Cadet Wolf said with a grin, "You would like to take the burden of delivering the mail upon yourself? Cadet Blevin and Cadet Zimmer saw your initiative this evening, and were greatly impressed."

"Yes, sir," Andy replied.

"Well, you can help me out with the soda when it comes, but the mail's something I or one of the Cadre has to do personally. We have to watch you open your mail to make sure there is no contraband in it." I've felt both your letters, and I didn't even feel a stick of gum, so you're OK, but Andrews down the hall has a box, and I think I smell chocolate. Can't let that get through."

Cadet Wolf left. Andy and Greg quickly opened their letters. Andy's was from his mom. She missed him and couldn't wait to see him at Parent's Weekend in September. That seemed like an eternity away. She mentioned how the crops were doing well. They had received a rain yesterday that gave the fields a good soaking. Andy grinned. He had been there for the rain of course. She had written this two days before he left; that's the only way it made it so quickly.

Andy heard Greg breath out heavily. He looked up in time to see him rub his crotch a couple of times. "D, you have got to see this. Normally I'm not a kiss and tell type guy, but I think I'll make exceptions for my roomie." Greg handed a picture over to Andy. Andy's attention became riveted. It was a picture of a brunette girl who looked about 16, completely naked. "That's Kimby, my girl. She said she had her friend Sarah take that picture last week so she could send it to me. She says she doesn't want me forgetting what's waiting for me at home. And that I should use it for 'inspiration' when I dream at night."

Andy kept staring at the picture. Greg handed him a couple more. They looked like a photo spread from playboy. The first one was tame compared to some of the other ones. His cock was getting hard.

Just then a voice called out down the hallway. "FLIGHT AND ELEMENT GUIDES - REPORT TO THE DUTY DESK." Andy tore his gaze away from the pictures and headed out. Greg followed. The other three were right behind him with their roommates.

"Alright Basics," Cadet Blevin started. "Your cokes are here. But even though you may have earned them, you still have to pay for them. 25 push-up..." He then smiled wickedly, "For each coke."

Andy felt his face blanche, then his mind caught up. "Sir, may I ask a question."

"Yes, Basic Marten."

"Sir, is that 25 push-ups per pop for each of us or all together?"

Cadet Blevin's smile broadened. "All together."

"Sir, may I make a statement."

"Please do"

Andy had been Drum Major of his High School marching band for two years. He used his best command voice and called out, "CRUSADERS ASSEMBLE". None of them would have recognized his voice, but they understood the force of the command. Immediately the Basics filed out into the hallway.

Cadet Blevin clapped and whisphered "Good job Marten." Louder he said, "Basics your cokes have arrived. While you earned them, there is still a price to pay. 25 push-up per coke. As your Flight Guide has astutely deduced, that's all together, not individually. So the more of you there are the less you have to do. Are you all willing to join in the push-ups?"

The hall resounded with a loud "YES SIR!"

"Well this type of pride and spirit is contagious. We upperclassmen have decided to join in with you. As I'm a history major and not a math major, I'm going to round off the cost to 20 push-ups per cadet. Let's drop"

All the basics and cadre dropped for push-ups. "Mr. Marten, you have the honor to count."

With another inspiration, Andy began, "CRU-SA-DERS- One, CRU-SA-DERS-Two..." on each syllable the group execute a portion of the push-up, accomplishing the 20 (or 40) push-ups. As they stood up, Kevin, the C-1 Element Guide called out, "CRUSADERS ROCK!" He was joined by all 38 cadets in the room.

"Alright Basics, for the next couple minutes you are at ease. Come up here grab your cokes and head to your rooms. Lights out is in 45 minutes. Unless you have to crap or piss, I don't want to see you out here. But just a heads up, if you normally take a crap in the evening, do it now. Otherwise you stick up the cubbys, if you have to use the vac system. Just don't forget never be without your wingman, even when you're making a bombing run." There was a collective grown from the group, as they headed back to their rooms.

When Greg and Andy got back, they finished getting their rooms ready. They placed the mats in the Cubby and the pillows at the far end. They hadn't realized before, but there were two shallow insets into which the mats set. This left about a foot gap between the wall and mat and between the two mats. The sleeping space was barely more than what they would have on a Queen size bed.

"Hey D, just don't mistake me for your girlfriend and try spooning with me."

"But G, your butt is so much cuter than hers. Anyway, how's the saying go? Any port in a storm?"

That being done, they decided to get ready for bed.

"OK so the big question, boxers or commando?" Andy asked.

"Let's go for the boxers."

They both stripped down, through their uniforms in the laundry bin and put on the boxers. They were sheer white boxers that really left anything to the imagination.

"Well G, I do take a shit before bed, want to get this over with?" The boys grabbed their bathrobes out of the closet and threw them on. They walked down to the bathroom and entered a stall. The stalls were a normal size, but about an extra foot in length. On the back of the door was a small bench that could be folded down. Andy took off his robe and dropped his boxers and sat on the seat. Greg sat down at his post.

"I've never watched someone take a shit before." Just then Andy let out a fart, grunted a little, and pushed down. His efforts were rewarded by a plop sound. "You ever shave your balls before?" Greg asked, just to have conversation.

"Basics," a voice called, "You are at Ease in the Latrine, not at Rest, shut your yaps."

After a couple more dumps, Andy reached over and grabbed the TP and began wiping himself. Greg was holding his nose and making a retching sound. Andy smiled and flipped him off. Andy flushed got up, pulled up his boxers and replaced his robe. He motioned to the toilet and Greg nodded his head. They switched places and reversed the roles. Ten minutes later they were back in their rooms.

"Your shit don't smell like roses either, G: Andy said with a smile. He took off his robe, hung it in the closet and sat down. Greg mirrored him. He grabbed the letter from Kim again and perused the pictures.

"Do you have a girlfriend, D?"

"We broke it off last weekend. She's heading to the U in the cities, .. St. Paul and Minneapolis," he clarified, "we figured best to leave without any attachment. Man, that break up sex was hot. We went three times in 2 hours." Andy realized he was fondling himself again. "Sorry man."

"Don't sweat it D, I'm the one who's trying to ignore the pics of Kim fingering herself."

Over the loud speaker, a bugle call sounded. "There are 5 minutes until TAPS, all cadets should be retreating to their Cubbys. I say again, there are five minutes until TAPS, all cadets should be retreating to their Cubbys. Command Post out."

Andy began climbing the short ladder on his side of the Cubby. "Hey G do me a favor. Leave those pics in your lockbox, don't bring them with you."

"Yeah, you're probably right." He dropped the pics in his box and followed Andy up into bed. A couple minutes later TAPS played over the PA system and the lights went out. There were two low level guide lights that remained lit. Five minutes after that, a clear pane closed over the cubby.

The area wasn't small enough to feel claustrophobic. You could sit cross legged easy enough. Andy and Greg lay with their heads at the end with the clear pane. They talked for about ten minutes about life back home. Greg came from southern Indiana. His background wasn't much different than Andy's. Greg was the oldest of three, Andy was the youngest. Andy lived on a farm in southwest Minnesota, Greg lived in a rural town of 500. His parents ran the local grocery store.

But the day had been long and they decided to go to sleep. Tomorrow would come soon enough.

Andy wasn't sure how long he'd been asleep. It had taken a little bit. He had had to calm himself down after talking about his last date with Britney and looking at the pictures of Kim. But the exhaustion helped. At first he wasn't sure what had woke him up, but then he realized that a hand was on his chest. Andy normally slept on this right side, so he had fallen asleep away from Greg.

Greg had been sleeping the other way, but now he had rolled over and had draped his arm across Andy. His breathing was shallow, so Andy knew that he was still asleep. He lifted up Greg's hand and was going to flip it over his shoulder, when Greg suddenly clamped down.

"No Kimber, don't leave me." Greg said. Greg pulled Andy into him. Greg was now spooning him.

"G, wake up." Andy reached with the other arm and shook him. It didn't seem to do any good. Suddenly he realized Greg was hard. He could feel his cock pressing into his crack. Greg ground into him a couple times.

"Kimber, please don't leave me. I can make you happy, I know what you like." Greg's hand lowered down Andy's chest. When it got down to his crotch, Greg started rubbing gently in circular motion.

"Greg, wake up." Andy shook his body to try and wake his roommate up. Andy was sure that he was sleeping, but that didn't help the situation. He was being molested by Greg. As Greg's hand continued to rub his groin, Andy began to resist less. Greg may have thought he was caressing a pussy, but the effect on Andy was staggering. After have Greg caress his nuts and cock twice that day during their showers and looking at those pics of Kimber, he was needing some release.

Andy sighed contentedly as Greg rubbed the tip of his cock. "That's right Kimber," Greg whispered, that's feeling good isn't it?"

Andy moaned in response. "Let's get a little closer now, that'll make it feel even better."Greg whispered again. Greg stopped his caressing and grabbed hold of Andy's boxers. He pushed them down to his thighs. Then Greg moved his hand away and the next thing Andy felt was Greg's cock been positioned between the tops of his legs. Greg began to thrust, his cock hit Andy's balls. Greg was apparently leaking some pre-cum, because the space underneath his balls was getting well lubed. As it got more lubed Greg began thrusting faster.

At first Andy was a little freaked out. Greg was basically in a state of sleepwalking, so probably would wake up. But then pleasure started flowing in this groin area. Greg's cock was rubbing just the right spot, right below his balls. Greg's hand returned. It didn't seem to matter that the equipment was wrong, Greg's hand continued to rub the area. Andy was hard, and leaking like there was no tomorrow. Greg was his cock pinned to his belly and was rubbing the back side of Andy's cock open handed.

"Hey babe, you're feeling so good." Greg whispered in Andy's ear. It didn't matter that Greg thought he was Kim, the words sent a steak of electricity straight to his nads. Greg started nibbling at Andy's neck. With his one hand, he was rubbing Andy's chest and tweaking his nipples. All the while, he was humping Andy from behind.

Somehow this seemed Ok to Andy. He clamped down his legs to give Greg some more friction. Suddenly Greg pushed really hard into Andy and he orgasmed. Andy felt the cum drench his balls. Greg pushed hard again three more times. Each time with another eruption from his cock. The sensation was too much for Andy, he too let loose, four times. His cum was caught up in Greg's hand, but there was too much for the hand to contain it and a lot dribbled out.

Greg gave shuddered at that point, "D?" he asked in groggy voice. "What the.." He lifted his hand and some of Andy's spunk dipped off.

"I think if we were in the state of West Virginia, we'd be married about now."

As Greg became more awake he realized where his cock was. He quickly rolled on his back. "Dude what just happened."

"Near as I could tell, G, you were in a sleepwalker like trance, thought I was your girlfriend, and did me doggy style. Either that or your gay and just pretended to be awake."

"Dude, I'm so sorry." Andy couldn't see his face, but his voice sounded like he was on the verge of tears.

Andy rolled over. "Hey dude, no sweat. In some ways, I guess I'm not all that surprised this happened."

"Are you saying you think I'm gay?" Greg still sounded tearful.

"No dude, I mean, if it hadn't been you doing me, I'd probably have done you. I think that's what they want."

Greg sat up and looked at Andy. "What?"

"Look at the facts, have you ever heard some of the shit we've done go on at boot camp? Like the washing and shaving each other's balls, enduring each other's bathroom trips, sleeping in a space the size of a double bed?"

Greg thought for a moment. "Yeah, you're right. But why?"

"That, I'm guessing, we won't find out anytime soon."

"So you're OK with it, D?

Andy thought about it. He put his hand on Greg's leg. "No know, G, I think I am. We just helped each other get some release. Maybe tomorrow, I'll return the favor."

Greg's face dropped as if dumbstruck. But then he mulled it over. "Yeah your right," He hesitated for a moment. "Just don't go poking in places where the sun don't shine. Now how do we clean up this mess."

Andy pulled his boxers completely off and used them to wipe up the spunk on his chest and in his groin, Greg did the same thing. They through their shorts in the corner, and with a quick goodnight, fell asleep.

The first day was done, and the numbers were even better than at midday. 95% of the Basics had shared an orgasmic experience with their roommate, all but three deciding that it had been an alright, or even a good thing.

Next: Chapter 5

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