The Exodus Project

By Trey Anderson

Published on Feb 16, 2009


The Exodus Project -- Pt 9

The following is a complete work of fiction.

Any resemblance between the characters and any real life person is completely coincidental. Please do not copy or distribute the story without the author's permission.


The following story may contain erotic situations. If it is illegal for you to read this please leave now.

"Is there anyone we should be concerned about?"

"No one for certain, but we do have some questionables. We're reviewing admission files looking for inconsistencies and we've flagged 4 basics. There are also several who have siblings who died in the explosions. There could be family connections."

"What should we do about them? Isolate them?"

"No - we can't afford to disrupt the training. Anyway, by leaving them alone and watching at a distance, we may find out more."

As the General walked away from the podium, the Cadet Squadron Commander took his place. A low buzz filled the auditorium as the basics whispered back and forth to each other about what the General had said. Andy noticed that, far from how he had appeared the last time he had seen the commander, the Squadron CC exuded a confidence and, for lack of a better word, commanding appearance.

"BASICS!" he bellowed. "WHERE THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? THIS IS NOT SOME COUNTRY CLUB. WE ARE AT WAR AND YOU ARE THE FRONT LINE." The Cadet Commander looked around the room. His piercing brown eyes seemed to bore right into Andy. Cadet First Class Lucas Getz looked almost like a young Marky Mark, but without the winning smile. "YESTERDAY TRAINING WAS HALTED OUT OF RESPECT FOR THE FALLEN. YOUR LACK OF DIGINITY TARNISHES THE PRICE THEY PAID. I THINK IT'S TIME TO REMIND YOU WHERE YOU ARE AT." He paused for a moment and lifted his head so that he was looking over the heads of the basics to the back of the room. "CADRE, FALL OUT AND MAKE CORRECTIONS!"

Immediately footsteps could be heard descending from the back. A chill of fear crept over Andy. Suddenly Cadet Zimmer was standing in front of him. Andy stood straighter in the attention position. He stared straight ahead as Cadet Zimmer looked him over for a couple of seconds.

"BASIC CADET MARTEN, DID YOU ACTUALLY TAKE TIME TO CHECK YOUR UNIFORM THIS MORNING?" He turned his head towards Greg, "AND WHAT ABOUT YOU BASIC CADET BECKER? DID YOU BOTHER TO CHECK OVER YOUR ROOMMATE, OR DID YOU SIMPLY GET LOST IN HIS PRETTY BLUE EYES?" Cadet Zimmer turned back towards Andy, "LOOK AT THIS JACKET. RIGHT HERE IS A SPOT THAT COULD BE SEEN FROM THE TOP OF THE SPIRE." The Spire was a slim 30 foot structure in the middle of the cadet area from which the Cadre and officers could observe the entire area. Cadet Zimmer pointed to a piece of lint no larger than a speck that probably had fallen from his finger when he touched Andy. "TAKE IT OFF! IF YOU CAN'T WEAR YOUR UNIFORM PROPERLY YOU WON'T WEAR IT AT ALL!" Andy was shocked for a second. He wasn't sure if he should move or stand there. "ARE YOU DEAF! MAYBE A SET OF PUSHUPS WILL UNCLOG YOUR EARS!"

Andy went to drop for push-ups, but Cadet Zimmer caught his arm and lifted him back up. "YOU DON'T DO PUSH-UPS IN SERVICE DRESS - TAKE OFF YOUR JACKET ANDTHEN DROP!" Andy did just that. Greg and the other basics in line with him followed suit. They each pulled off their jackets and tossed them in the seats behind them and then dropped to the floor. All around the hall Cadre were yelling at basics, dropping them for push-ups. After the Andy's flight finished their set, they sprang back up to attention. Cadet Zimmer was far from done.



Andy didn't wait for any more encouragement; he began undressing, as did the others. Soon all of C-Flight was standing at attention, buck naked. Recalling what Cadet Zimmer had said, he instantly dropped down and started counting off the 30 pushups before he had to be told.

"Well it looks like you basics are starting to remember some decorum," Cadet Zimmer said in a lower tone. "I knew it wouldn't take much to remind you. It's time for an inspection, before you go off to your Family Life class. When I dismiss you, proceed out the back of the auditorium and to the Plain. Form up in Inspection ranks. On your way out, grab a baseball cap. We don't want you burning your pretty shaved heads, now do we?"

The C-Flight basics stood there staring at Cadet Zimmer. "MOVE!" He shouted and the group followed Andy out the back. As they went through the door, each was handed a red baseball cap by a Cadre at the door. They quickly donned them and ran out to the formation area. Inspection ranks meant they were to form up at twice the normal interval. This extra space between the ranks and files of cadets allowed the upperclassmen to move between the basics and inspect their uniforms. Andy wondered what type of inspection it was going to be, as the only uniform they had on was the red baseball cap.

C-Flight formed up in their spot. Andy was to the front left with his element lined up to the right. Kevin was lined up behind him and one over with the C-2 element lined up in the next row. Andy saw the other four flights also forming up and also as naked as they were. Andy could help but notice that something seemed odd about D-Flight. They looked off somehow, but Andy couldn't put a finger on it.

Soon the Plain was absolutely quiet. After the chewing out they had received from Squadron Commander Getz, none of the Basics dared make a sound. The sun felt good on Andy's body. He liked sun bathing and had even sun-bathed in the buff a couple of times. He worried he might burn as he hadn't put on any sun screen, he then realized that he had been given any. He'd have to ask. The flights were facing north and the summer sun was off to the left but slightly behind them. He liked the feel of the sun and the light breeze on his back and, surprisingly, on his ass. The sun was starting to warm him up some and he could feel sweat starting to drip off his back and into his butt crack. The moisture in his ass had Andy suddenly remembering his encounter that morning with Greg in the shower, when Greg had rimmed him. The thought of Greg eating out his ass sent blood rushing to his cock. Not now. He thought. How could he possibly get boned up after all times he had shot his load? To add insult to injury, the angle of the sun was just right that it sent his shadow amidst the basics of D-Flight. When he boned up, the shadow accentuated the fact. He heard several snickers among the basics in the D-2 element.

Andy didn't have much time to think about it however, because right at that moment he saw the Cadre march up from the auditorium - and every single one of them was naked as well! Andy was shocked and felt his mouth drop open, but then he recalled what the General had said about getting new uniforms and destroying all the old uniforms. That's what this had all been about. The Cadre had simply used the necessity of getting the basics out of uniform as an excuse to 'train' (i.e. haze) them a little more. Soon Cadets Zimmer and Blevin were standing in front of the flight. Andy couldn't help but stare at Cadet Zimmer's cock. It was uncut. He hadn't ever seen an uncut cock before.

"Like what you see Basic Marten?" Blevin asked, "You sure seem happy to see me. Let's get the inspection started and we'll see how happy you'll be. Obviously we are not inspecting uniforms, what we are inspecting is personal grooming. You were instructed to be completely shaven for hygiene reasons. That order was never rescinded, so for ever patch of stubble we find in any of six areas will result in a push-up. The areas are - face, chest, pubes, legs, back and ass crack. Cadet Zimmer and I have the unpleasant duty of actually having to feel up these areas personally. So if you bone up while I and my First Sergeant are inspecting you , you will owe us another five push-ups. And By the way, the docs tell us that the lice problem is cleared up, but the cadre have decided that you will continue to remain completely shaven so as to mark you as a basic on occasions like this when the uniform is Commando."

In an effort to stall so that his boned up cock could deflate, Andy stuck out a paw to ask a question. When he was acknowledged and had been given permission to ask a question, Andy inquired, "Sir, can we get sun-screen so that we don't burn?"

"Very thoughtful question, Basic Marten, but you don't need to worry about that. The tech guys have developed a magnetic screen that covers the cadet area and blocks out all the harmful UV radiation. Now all we get is those nice rays that give us nice tans. Even red-heads like O'Neill don't have to worry. And I see that your delaying question has probably saved the flight five push- ups, so let's get started."

As Cadet Blevin had noticed, Andy's wood had indeed deflated. He started the inspection with Andy as Cadet Zimmer went to the C-2 rank. Cadet Blevin stood directly in front of Andy. His body was only about 5 inches in front of him. Andy could smell a subtle musky odor wafting off his body. For some reason the smell was intoxicating to Andy. He found himself once again drifting back to the morning's encounter with Greg and to the promised encounter that night. And then Cadet Blevin's hand was on Andy's face, feeling for stubble. The touch was electric and Andy's groin woke up again.

"Hello," Blevin quipped. "Didn't Basic Becker give you enough attention in the showers this morning? You were in there long enough." Andy blushed fiercely at Cadet Blevin's words. Yet the embarrassment did not lesson his swollen cock. It continued to swell and was poking Cadet Blevin in stomach as it pulsed back and forth. "Nice shave, but I feel a lot of stubble on your chest." When his hand moved to his chest, Andy's breath caught. Suddenly he felt a rough hand gliding over his back. Cadet Zimmer hadn't moved to inspect the C-2 element, he had gone to inspect the backside of C-1. Andy realized he was sandwiched between the two upperclassmen, and it was making him horny as hell. Belvin was rubbing his chest and Zimmer was rubbing his back.

"Stubble on his back as well," Cadet Zimmer. He felt Cadet Zimmer's finger touch his crack, or at least he thought it was his finger, until Andy realized that Cadet Zimmer was still rubbing his back. Andy's eyes widened as he realized that Zimmer had boned up as well and was poking him in the rear. Then he felt Zimmer lower his hand and slide his finger along his ass crack and then along his calf. "No stubble in the ass, I feel some on the legs." When he stood back up, Andy no longer felt his dick against his crack. Maybe he imagined it. Then that thought left him, as he felt Blevin's hand on his nuts. He massaged Andy's balls for a couple of seconds and then announced, "Stubble on the gnads. So that makes 4 push-ups for stubble plus five for the little poke." The two cadets moved on to Greg.

The inspection followed a similar pattern for each basic. No one had thought to shave, because they had never been told to do it again. Like so many other 'training' exercises this had been rigged from the beginning. About half the guys boned up during the inspection, including Greg, so Andy didn't feel to bad about his inspection. The only exception was "Basic Cadet Medina you are as smooth as a new born babe." Andy was surprised that Peter was completely smooth, even his roommate Nico had several spots of stubble, maybe Peter just always shaved. In total the flight owed 178 push-ups. Cadet Blevin said he would collect them throughout the day, 25 at a time. The flight dropped for the first twenty five and then headed off to Family Life.

Hope you enjoyed this latest installment. Sorry it's been so long since the last part. I had some personal issues come up. This part was light on physical contact, but that will be changing in the next couple of parts. Please note my new e-mail address. Let me know what you think.


Next: Chapter 10

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