The Faint Aroma of Soap

By Steve Street

Published on Nov 25, 2012



I begin to wake up, feeling the warmth of Boy's back pressed against my chest. I am on my side with my arm draped over his chest, and my legs curled between his legs. I become aware of my cock that rests quietly on his ass crack. I press my arm against Boy's chest and lick his neck as my cock slowly hardens. Boy softly moan as he wakes up. "Stay still," I whisper in his ear. "I am going to fuck you this morning."

The morning is no time to be in a hurry, so when my cock is hard I slowly insert it into his rose bud. Boy moans when my cock is fully inside of him. I put my other arm under his chest and rub his tits and kiss and lick his neck as I unhurriedly piston my cock. I enjoy the delight of this morning fuck for quite a long time before my cock explodes, spurting my cream into Boy.

The after-glow I feel as my cock slowly deflates is overwhelmed, little by little, by my need to piss. I move my hips back, and my cock leaves the confines of Boy's warm ass. Boy turns over. I cup his cheeks with my hands and press my lips to his mouth, giving him a deep and, for me, very tasty kiss.

I release the kiss. Boy's eyes emit a soft glow, whether from passion or fulfillment, I do not know."Show your gratitude to my cock for fucking you last night and this morning, Boy" I tell him.

"Yes, Master," Boy responds, his voice raspy. Boy shifts his body around until his face is over my cock. He licks my cock with an earnestness that pleases me. I look at his caged cock. This morning, after breakfast, I will take that cage off and again be able to see and touch that fine-looking cock.

The need to relieve my bladder has become urgent. I move my legs over the edge of the bed. I look at the clock on the table, and I am surprised that it is only 7:30. I get to my feet and tell Boy to get off the bed and follow me into the bathroom.

Boy kneels behind me as I let out a long, strong stream of piss into the toilet. I flush the toilet and walk over to the sink.

"Sit on the toilet, Boy," I tell him "empty your bladder."

While I brush my teeth, I listen to Boy's urine splashing into the toilet water. I rinse out my mouth.

"Boy, I want you to get up from the toilet, go into the kitchen and fix our breakfast. I want grapefruit, oatmeal and toast with jam," I instruct him.

"Yes, Master," Boy responds as he stands up. I watch his backside as he walks out of the bathroom and see that some of my cream has leaked out of his ass onto the inside of his legs. "What a wondrous fuck that Boy is," I say to myself.

I walk into the shower area. I adjust the shower water temperature to where it is just hot enough without being uncomfortable. The hot water cascading over my body complements the warm sense of satisfaction and completeness that flows through me. I realize that I am humming one of my favorite melodies. I finish showering, dry myself off and shave. I walk into the bedroom, pull on a pair of khaki pants, no underwear, and a T-shirt.

Boy is kneeling, head down, facing the entrance when I walk in. I pause for a moment at the entrance. The table, as I expected, is set with the steaming bowls of oatmeal, two plates, each with a half grapefruit, and a stack of whole-wheat toast on a plate. I walk over until my bare feet all but touch Boy's knees. Boy lowers his head and kisses each foot. I lean over and put my hand under his chin and raise his head. I run my other hand through the strip of hair on his head. Boy softly smiles but his eyes communicate a combination of desperation and longing.

"I'm hungry, Boy," I tell him. "Get to your feet, sit down in your chair at the table and let's enjoy this breakfast."

"Yes, Master," Boy responds as he pushes himself to his feet. I watch him carefully slide his ass onto his chair, and I know that his caged cock must be giving him pain or, at least, a lot of discomfort. Putting his hands to his side and his eyes focused on the bowl of steaming oatmeal in front of him, Boy waits for me to sit down and start eating.

I sit on my chair, get comfortable, pick up my spoon and scoop out a section of the grapefruit. Boy has done a good job. The grapefruit sections have been cut and lightly coated with powdered sugar. As I eat the first bite of grapefruit, Boy starts eating. I eat to live; I do not live to eat. However, I do enjoy eating and do not like to hurry. Boy, on the other hand, cannot seem to eat fast enough. I have eaten little more than half of what is in front of me, but Boy has eaten all that is on his plates, including three slices of toast, and has his hands to his sides. I finish the last bite and lean back. I look at Boy. His head is slightly lowered, and his eyes focused on the empty plates in front of him.

"You did well preparing this breakfast," I compliment him

"Thank you, Master," Boy softly responds without looking up.

"Now that we have eaten, I want you to stand up and go to the master bath. You are to brush your teeth, shower and thoroughly shave your body from head to toe. When you have completed that and have dried your body, wait for me there."

"Yes, Master," Boy responds. He does not stand up, and I wait a few seconds. "Master," Boy says in a questioning way, keeping his head lowered.

"You may speak, Boy," I tell him.

"Master, may your slave have your permission to shit, Master?"

His question pleases me but, for some reason, bemuses me at the same time. Boy accepts my total control over everything he does.

"Yes, Boy," I tell him. "You have permission to empty your bowels but do not flush the toilet."

"Thank you, Master," Boy responds, his voice betraying his relief, as he pushes his ass off his chair and gets to his feet.

I admire his supple and muscular ass cheeks as he walks out of the kitchen and that warm sense of satisfaction I felt while showering returns. I get up from my chair and go over to the dish cupboard. Opening the cupboard door I search through the dishes looking for the cream bowl. I see it in the back, pick it up, close the cupboard door, pick up the KY that is in the corner of the counter. Walking back to the kitchen table, I put the cream bowl and KY on the table and walk out of the kitchen and into the den. I sit at my desk and turn on the computer. I pull up my gym routine software and type out the exercises we will do this afternoon. I print out the routine and open the bottom drawer of my desk. I take out the container box for the cock cage and make sure the key is there. Putting the computer in sleep mode, I pick up the container and walk out of the den and to the master bath.

Boy is bent over drying his legs. His cleanly shaved scalp shines from the overhead lights. Seeing me come in, Boy drops to his knees, lowers his head and puts his hands on his ankles. I walk into the shower area and pick up the low stool I keep in the far corner and place it over the drain. I put the cock cage container on the floor next to the stool, select three disposable razors and a can of shaving cream and place them on the floor on the other side of the stool and sit on the stool.

"Get to your feet, Boy," I order him, keeping my voice low. "Come over in front of me, stand facing me and put your hands to your back."

"Yes, Master," Boy responds as he pushes himself to his feet. He walks over and stands inches from my knees and puts his hands into the small of his back. Sitting on the stool, Boy's crotch is level with my head. I have done this many times in the early days when I was training Boy how to shave his body. Not gently, I flick my finger on the cock cage. Boy emits a hiss of discomfort through his clenched teeth.

"Tell me, Boy," I ask him. "Why do I have this cock locked in a cage where I cannot see or touch it?"

"Master," Boy responds in a low voice. "Your slave touched his cock without your permission, Master."

"Tell me, Boy, what you have learned."

"Master, your slave will never, ever touch his cock again without your permission, Master," Boy responds ardently.

"Tell me, what must you have before you can cum or piss?" I ask him firmly.

"Master, your slave can only cum with your permission, Master."

"Correct, Boy," I tell him keeping my voice firm. "The same goes for pissing. To cum or piss without my permission will result in your receiving strokes of the cane on your ass and thighs. Tell me, now, what you can expect if you cum or piss without my permission"

"Master," Boy responds, his voice trembling. "Master will punish his slave with the cane if he cums without your permission."

"Keep that in mind, Boy," I tell him. "I am going to remove the cock cage in a minute. Your cock will respond to being freed from its bondage. Under no circumstances are you to cum while I shave your pubes and balls and clean the cock. Understood, Boy?"

Boy's body slightly shivers. "Yes, Master, your slave understands."

I reach down and take the key out of the container box and unlock the small padlock holding the cage in place. As gently as I can, I gradually pull the cage off the cock. The cock immediately starts to thicken. After dropping the semen encrusted cage into the container box, I remove the plastic ring around Boy's balls and drop it into the container box with the padlock and key. I sit back. Boy is panting. His eyes closed. I wait until the cock has become flaccid. I pick up the can of shaving cream and spray a generous amount on the area above the cock and on his balls. I slowly shave away the errant hair that have grown on Boy's pubes since the cage was installed. Picking up a fresh razor, I put my hand behind Boy's balls and methodically shave the balls clean. While I do this, Boy's cock begins to thicken and rubs against the top of my hand. Satisfied that I have shaved all the hairs, I take my hands away and sit back. I watch the cock for several minutes, I am in no hurry. When the cock is flaccid, I gently put the cock in the palm of my hand and with the other hand, push back the foreskin. Not surprisingly, the cock head is coated with the gummy remnants of semen. I pick up the can of shaving cream and cover the cock tip with soap. I do not want Boy to cum, so I gently rub the soap around the head of his cock with the tips of my fingers to loosen the gummy residue. During this process, Boy's body quivers and he moans with each touch of my hand and fingers on his cock.

I rub the back and front of my hands on Boy's legs to remove the soap. I pick up the container and walk over to the sink counter. Boy remains standing. His eyes closed, his soapy cock, now thick and heavy, hangs seductively between his legs. After putting down the container, I rinse and dry my hands.

"Boy," I say firmly.

"Yes, Master," responds Boy opening his eyes and stiffening his body.

"Put the stool away in the corner, dispose of the used razors and put away the shaving cream. When you have finished, I want you to shower off the soap. Under no circumstances are you to touch your cock. Just let the warm water clean your cock and balls."

"Yes, Master," responds Boy as he leans over and picks up the stool. While Boy showers, I look into the toilet. Boy did have a bowel movement, bigger than I expected, and healthy looking. I flush the toilet and put down the toilet seat.

Boy turns off the shower as I sit on the toilet seat. "Get a towel, Boy," I instruct him, I point my finger at my feet. "Get over here, Boy, and stand facing me."

"Yes, Master," responds Boy as he walks over to the towel rack. He stands in front of me with the towel in his hand. I take the towel and pat dry his cock and balls and then hand him the towel.

"Dry the rest of your body, Boy, and then follow me into the kitchen," I tell him. "I need a cup of hot coffee."

I pick up the cock cage container as Boy quickly dries his chest, abdomen and legs. I walk into the kitchen, Boy right behind me. I sit down in my chair putting the container on the table next to the cream bowl. Before he can kneel, I instruct Boy to pour me a cup of the coffee he had brewed for breakfast. Boy walked to the counter, poured the steaming coffee into a cup and brought it over to the table. Putting the cup on the table, Boy stands beside me with his hands to his back. Anticipating what I wanted to do, Boy's cock had become fully erect, the pink head peeking out through the foreskin.

I said nothing. I picked up the bottle of KY and poured a generous amount of the oil into my hand. Holding the cock with one hand, I spread the oil over its length and using my finger tips, oiled the pink tip. Boy's body quivers as I do this. I pick up the cream bowl and held it, meaningfully, just under his cock.

"Boy, for the first time in a week, I am going to have the pleasure of milking this cock. I want the fresh cream in this bowl," I told him.

I grasped his cock in my hand and began to stroke, not unlike what I imagined a farmer would do when milking the teat of a cow, making sure to run my fingers around the pink cock head with each downward stroke. Within moments, Boy leans back and moans as a healthy stream of semen spurts out of the cock and into the cream bowl. Without any help from my hand, two more streams quickly follow, filling the bowl about one-third full with fresh cream. I release the cock.

"Kneel, Boy," I instruct him as I bring the bowel up to my nose to savor the faint odor of the fresh cream. Boy kneels, lowers his head and put his hands on his ankles. His cock remains fully turgid. I pour a half of the cream from the bowel into my coffee and take a large sip, swirling the creamy coffee in my mouth. "Your cream, as expected, is delicious, Boy. The coffee is never complete without it," I tell him earnestly.

Boy said nothing in response to my comment, panting heavily as he slowly recovers from the force of his orgasm.

"I am going into the den, Boy," I tell him. "You are to clean the kitchen, putting everything away. When you have the kitchen spotless, I want you to take the cock cage out of the box on the table and scrub it thoroughly, put it back into the box with the padlock and key, and bring it into me in the den."

"Yes, Master," responds Boy as he pushes himself up onto his feet. I watch, with pleasure, his semi-erect cock sway as he picks up some dishes from the table and walks over to the sink. I take my deliciously creamed coffee and walk into the den.

I sit at my desk and wake-up the computer. I look at the time in the corner of the computer screen - it is just a little after 9:00 AM. I log into my e-mail to find out what is happening on the business side of my life. The office staff started work at 8:00 this morning, but already there are several urgent messages from my top staff. I enjoy my home life immensely. However, the work at my firm has its own rewards, and I always look forward to the challenges it brings to me. After scanning the messages, I know that I will be spending most of the next three days at the office.

I am engrossed responding to one of the messages, when Boy walks into the den and kneels next to my chair holding the cock cage container in one hand. I look at the time - it is just 10:20. I take the container from Boy, put it into the bottom drawer of my desk, and put the computer in sleep mode. Boy, his hands on his ankles and his head bowed, remains motionless as I stand up and walk to the couch.

"Come over here, Boy," I tell him. "Stand in front of me with your hands behind your back."

"Yes, Master," responds Boy as he gets to his feet. He walks over and stands facing me, just inches from me feet, and presses his hands into the small of his back. I gaze at his cock, now in a flaccid state. I put my hand under his cock and surround his balls with my fingers. I do enjoy the sight of the cock, still lightly coated with the lubricant I applied earlier. A word that describes what I see comes to my mind: 'cocksicle'. This cock, not unlike the popsicle I enjoyed when I was a kid, is a pleasure to lick and suck. However, the cock is warm and alive, not cold and inert. I release Boy's balls and raise the cock up in the palm of my hand, feeling the cock pulse as it slowly becomes erect. I slide the foreskin back with the fingers of my other hand, exposing the pink head, and with my index finger, gently circle the ridge at the base of the pink head. Boy moans softly, his body tensing, as I continue to polish the rim with my finger, watching with pleasure as the cock attains its full, thick, mass and pre-cum oozes onto the palm of my hand from the slit. I lean my head down, encircle the cock head with my lips, and suck the pre-cum into my mouth, savoring the flavor, as I press my tongue into the piss slit. I raise my head, keeping the cock in the palm of my hand, appreciating the feel of its heavy turgidity. I slide my hand away and watch the cock, thick and heavy, drop slightly but stay pointing upward exposing Boy's balls..

"Boy" I say softly." I want you to take my coffee cup to the kitchen and fill it with fresh coffee and bring it back here to me."' Boy opens his eyes when I say this, an anxious look of disappointment on his face.

"Yes, Master," he responds, the fretful look on his face turning into a soft smile of anticipation. He turns and walks towards the den entrance, the cock jutting in front of him as if leading him. He picks up the coffee cup on my desk and walks out of the den. I walk back to my desk and sit down.

I am reading an e-mail from work, when Boy walks in, puts the cup of steaming coffee on my desk and stands facing me with his hands to his back. The still erect cock points upwards away from his balls. I know that Boy is anticipating the pleasure of my milking the cock.

"Kneel, Boy," I tell him firmly. "I am going to drink this coffee black and save your fresh cream for my dinner coffee."

"Yes, Master," responds Boy, his voice quivering from his disappointment, and slowly kneels, puts his hands on his ankles and stares at the cock between his legs "Turn around, Boy," I instruct him. "Your back to my chair." He turns around and sits on his ass. He sighs as he stretches and spreads his legs in front of him, the heavy cock chafing against the carpet. I pick up the Ipad, putting it in front of him over his shoulder. Boy takes the Ipad, but does not turn it on. He puts the Ipad on the top of his left leg and puts his hands to his side. I sense that Boy is struggling with the temptation to say something or to touch the cock which must be aching to be touched.

I turn my attention to the e-mail from the office. The message I am reading describes a problem with the top manager of the start-up company, based in New Hampshire, we acquired not more than two months ago. As I read the report I remember the interview I had with him prior to our hiring him to fill that position. His resume is impressive: an MBA and solid experience as the chief financial officer of a mid-sized production company. Relatively young, , given his experience, only 32-year-old, I recall that I was impressed by his self-confidence as he described what he would do to make the operation a profitable success. He had done his homework and demonstrated a solid knowledge of the market he would be dealing with. I smile to myself as I also remember his good looks - as if he stepped out from the cover of Esquire Magazine dressed as he was in a stylishly tailored suit and tie. Prior to my interview, he had undergone an extensive vetting with key members of my staff, and I had met him and his wife at the cocktail lunch that day. His wife is vivacious and good looking, making them a very handsome couple. They had been married for over five years but had no children.

The report I was reading stated that the manager was going through a nasty divorce and has been away from his job, sometimes more than a week at a time. I returned an e-mail on the issue, copying Pete, our chief operation officer, instructing them to arrange a flight for the errant manager to come to our office next week for a meeting.

I looked over at Boy. He was quietly playing a game on the iPod. I needed to piss, and I was getting hungry. I reached over Boy's shoulder and put my fingers over the edge of the iPod. "Get up, Boy," I tell him. I need to piss."

Boy releases the iPod. "Yes, Master," he responds as he drags his feet up and begins to stand up. I notice that cock, as I expected, is flaccid. I stand up. "Go to the master bath, Boy," I instruct him.

Saying nothing, Boy starts to walk out of the den. I follow close behind Boy out of the den, down the hall and into the bathroom. "Stand in front of the toilet and piss," I tell him before he can turn around. As he lets go a strong stream of piss into the toilet, I put my arms around his chest and gently rub his tits. "You have been a good Boy this morning," I whisper into his ear. "The breakfast was tasty and the cream from the cock delectable." Boy leans his head back, and I bite his neck just hard enough to leave a dark-red spot.

"Now, walk under the shower head and kneel," I instruct him after he has drained his bladder. I take my arms from his chest, and he walks into the shower and kneels. Boy looks up at me, his hands on his ankles, as I stand between his legs.

I run my fingers through the strip of hair on his head. "I am going to give you a reward for your having pleased me this morning," I tell him, keeping my voice soft. "I am going to teach you to drink my golden nectar. I will not give you the treat of my nectar often but when I do, you will drink every drop not letting any be wasted. Any of my nectar that drips out of your mouth will result in serious punishment. Do you understand, Boy?"

His eyes widen, and his face expresses the discomfort he must feel at the prospect of having to swallow my piss. "Yes, Master," he responds, "Your slave understands."

"Unzip my pants, Boy," I instruct him. "Use your fingers and take my cock out."

Boy reaches up, unzips my pants and puts the fingers of his right hand under my cock, and guides my cock out of my pants. "Hands on your ankles, Boy," I continue."Put your lips over the head of my cock, Do not suck it or lick it. Just close your lips tight over the head of my cock."

Boy leans his head forward and presses his lips tightly around the head of my cock. I release my piss, trying to keep the flow minimal. Boy's head jerks back as my piss enters his mouth, and I put my hands on the back of his head to hold him in place. Before he swallows, some of the piss leaks from the corners of his mouth. Boy gags as he swallows my piss for the first time, I continue to piss and Boy struggles, with some success, to swallow fast enough to keep any more of my piss from leaking out of his mouth. When my bladder is empty, I step back. Boy has his eyes tightly closed and continues to swallow, evidently trying to get the remnants of the piss out of his mouth.

"Put my cock back in my pants, Boy," I instruct him. "And zip up my pants."

Saying nothing, Boy puts his fingers on my cock and guides it back into my pants and pulls up the zipper. I walk over to the toilet, flush it, put down the toilet seat and sit.

"You wasted some of my precious nectar, Boy," I tell him sternly. "You let my nectar leak out of your mouth. Now, stand up, take a quick shower to wash the nectar off your body, get your body dry and come over here and stand in front of me"

Boy softly sobs as he stands up and turns on the shower water. As instructed, he showers for less than a minute, turns off the water, walks over and picks up a towel. When he has dried his body, he drops the towel to the floor and stands facing me just inches from my knees, his head bowed.

"Hands to your back, Boy," I instruct him. "You need to be spanked hard, Boy, because you wasted my nectar. Tell me, Boy, why am I going to give you a spanking?"

"Master," he responds, his voice shaking as he sobs. "Your slave did not drink all of your nectar, Master, and let some of it leak out of my mouth."

"Over my knees, Boy," I order him, "with your ass up and your hands clasped behind your neck."

Boy walks around, leans over my knees. I guide him so that his ass is between my knees. When he has his hands clasped behind his neck his head almost touches the floor. I rub my hands over his ass cheeks for a minute. I put my left hand in the small of Boy's back and raise my right hand. My hand stings pleasantly after I bring it down hard on Boy's right ass cheek. I watch the redness develop before I slap his left ass cheek even harder. Boy's body jerks with each slap and, after the fifth slap, he is loudly sobbing. I slap each ass cheek ten times, pausing just long enough between each slap to enjoy the sight of the red glow developing on those gorgeous globes. I rub my hand over the hot skin for another minute and then sit back.

"Get up and onto your knees in front of me, Boy," I order.

"Yes, Master," Boy sobs out as he pushes himself off my lap and onto his knees on the floor. His hands are on his ankles, and his head lowered. I reach down and grasp the cock in my left hand.

"Tell me, Boy," I say firmly, "Why have I spanked your ass."

"Master," Boy sobs out, "Your slave let your nectar leak from his mouth, Master."

I put my other hand under his chin and raise his head while I squeeze the cock. Tears stream down his face. I lean over and put my lips to his and push my tongue into his mouth. Boy sighs as he intently sucks my tongue. I enjoy the deep kiss for over a minute and lean back.

"What have you learned, Boy?" I ask him, still squeezing the cock in my left hand.

"Master," he responds, his voice still quivering. "Your slave must drink all of Master's nectar and not let any escape his mouth."

I release the cock and lean back."What do you worship every day, Boy?" I ask him.

"Master," he quickly responds. "Your slave worships your cock, Master."

"Unzip my pant, Boy," I instruct him. "Take my cock out and show it your devotion."

Saying nothing, Boy reaches over, unzips my pants and gently lifts my cock out. Putting his hands back on his ankles, he leans forward and kisses and licks all parts of my slowly hardening cock. I enjoy his cock worship for a couple of minutes and then stand up. "Put my cock away, Boy," I instruct him. "Then zip up my pants."

My cock is now hard and Boy has to push it back into my pants. After he zips up my pants, he leans back and puts his hands on his ankles.

"I'm hungry, Boy," I tell him." Get to your feet, go to the kitchen and fix us each a sliced turkey sandwich with plenty of jellied cranberries and mayonnaise. Wash a couple of the plums as well."

Boy no longer is sobbing, but his face is wet from his tears. "Yes, Master," he responds as he pushes himself onto his feet. Boy turns around, and I admire the erotic masculinity of his rosy red ass cheeks. To me, they are a work of art that gives me fulfillment. I follow close behind him as he walks out of the bathroom.

When we enter the kitchen, I tell him to start preparing the lunch. "I want to admire and enjoy the sight of your handsome ass while you work." I watch Boy take the ingredients out of the refrigerator, wiping the tears from his face as he does so. He works at the preparation with apparent diligence, and I know he is doing this because that is what he just does; fixing my meal is part of his slave nature. I watch his rosy red ass twitch as he fixes the sandwiches and in less than fifteen minutes, he walks over with two plates, puts them on the table and kneels next to my chair. I run my hand over his head. "Go sit in your chair, Boy," I tell him.

Boy pushes himself to his feet and walks over to his chair. He sits down slowly, his facial muscles wincing as his sore ass touches the seat of the chair, and puts his hands to his side. I start eating and Boy, without hesitation, picks up his sandwich and takes a large bite. I am pleased that, in spite of having swallowed a large amount of my piss less than a half hour ago, his appetite has not been stunted. He has eaten the sandwich and devoured the plum, and I am beginning to slice my plum. Boy keeps his eyes focused on his empty plate, his hands to his side, while I finish eating.

I lean back, feeling satisfied. "You can clean the kitchen later, Boy," I tell him. "I want you to get up and go to the work-out room and wait for me there."

"Yes, Master," Boy responds as he stands up. I watch him walk out of the kitchen. I walk into the den, pick up the printout of the exercise routine from my desk, and walk to the bedroom. I take out a clean jock strap and shorts from the dresser and walk to the work-out room. Boy is kneeling next to the treadmill, his head down and his hands on his ankles. After putting the printout on the clipboard, I stand in front of Boy, my feet close to his knees.

"Take off my pants, Boy," I instruct him as I drop my jock strap and shorts to the floor. While I pull my t-shirt up and over my head, Boy pulls down the zipper of my pants and undoes the waist button. The pants fall to the floor, and I drop the T-shirt. Boy kisses the tip of my cock. "Now get me dressed with the jock-strap and shorts," I instruct him. Boy picks up the jock strap. He pulls it up my legs, licking my cock as he does this. He picks of the shorts and holds them next to my feet. I step into the shorts. He pulls them up my legs, pressing his lips to my covered cock just before pulling the shorts to my waist.

Boy resumes his kneeling position, and I step onto the treadmill. "Put on your socks and shoes, Boy," I instruct him. I set the program I want on the console of the treadmill and start to walk as I watch Boy carefully sit on his ass and put on his socks and shoes and then resume his kneeling position. The program I selected has me walking fast for 30 minutes without running. I am sweating when the machine stops. I step off the treadmill.

"Stand up, Boy," I tell him. Saying nothing, Boy pushes himself up onto his feet and puts his hands to his back. I put my right hand on his cock and pull back the foreskin. With the index finger of my left hand, I rub the ridge of his cock head until the cock is hard and beginning to ooze pre-cum. Boy has his head back, trying not to moan. I release the cock which now points stiffly upward. "Get on the treadmill, Boy," I instruct him. As Boy steps on the treadmill, I set the program to the same that I used and press the start button. I watch the cock with satisfaction as it sways back and forth with each step that Boy takes.

I check the routine on the clipboard and begin my workout. Between sets, I enjoy watching the cock, now slowly deflating, as it sways between Boy's legs. I have finished my last set just as the treadmill stops. "Get off the treadmill, Boy," I instruct him.

As Boy steps off the treadmill, I put the clipboard in his hands. "You must do these exercises, Boy," I tell him. "Check off each set as you complete it."

"Yes, Master," Boy responds as he reads the printout. I stand back, cross my arms over my chest, and watch Boy walk over to the workout bench and load the required weights. He lays down on the bench, and I see his face wince as his sore ass touches the bench. Boy starts his first set, and I have the pleasure of watching Boy's attractive body, his muscles flexing with each repetition. In just over 30 minutes, Boy has completed the workout and is standing, his body covered with the sheen of sweat. He holds out the clipboard, all items checked. I walk over, take the clipboard and as I put the clipboard up, Boy kneels.

"On your feet, Boy," I instruct him. "Go into the master bath. We need to shower the sweat of our bodies."

"Yes, Master," Boy responds as he pushes himself to his feet. I follow close behind as Boy walks out of the work-out room, and I realize that I need to empty my bowels. When we enter the bathroom, Boy turns around and, before he can kneel, I ask him if he has a need to shit.

"Yes, Master," Boy responds.

"Sit on the toilet, Boy," I tell him. Boy sits on the toilet and judging by the satisfied look on his face, he must be having a good bowel movement. Boy stands up."Get into the shower, Boy," I tell him. "Shower quickly but be sure to get your ass squeaky clean." Saying nothing, Boy walks into the shower area. As he starts to shower, I look into the toilet. Boy, indeed, had an excellent bowel movement. I flush the toilet and sit down and have my own pleasant bowel movement. I stand up, flush the toilet, and walk into the shower. I stand under the warm shower water next to Boy and put my hand on his ass, pushing my fingers between his cheeks. "Is this handsome ass clean, Boy?" I ask him."Yes, Master," he responds.

"Good," I tell him. "Now kneel and clean my ass." Boy says nothing as he squirts soap from the dispenser into his hand and kneels. I turn around and feel his fingers press my ass cheeks apart and massage the soap into my ass crack. I lean my head back and let the warm water flow over my body. "Stand up, Boy," I tell him. Get a towel and dry your body while I finish showering."

Boy is kneeling, a towel on his outstretched arms, as I turn off the shower water. I take the towel , dry my hair, face and chest and give the towel back to Boy. Boy stands up, dries my back, kneels and dries my legs. Boy presses the towel between my legs and pats my balls dry, massaging my cock with his fingers through the towel . Boy drops the towel to the floor and kisses my cock.

"Stand up and go to the kitchen," I tell him. "Prepare a smoothie for each of us. Make it with the fresh raspberries and five handfuls of the shelled pecans. And put in five scoops of the whey protein."

"Yes, Master," Boy responds as he pushes himself to his feet. I follow Boy out of the bathroom noting that his ass has lost most of the rosy glow from the spanking I gave him earlier. I walk into the bedroom as Boy walks out towards the kitchen. I put on a clean pair of pants, no underwear, and a clean t-shirt. When I enter the kitchen, Boy is putting the glasses, filled with the purple nutrition, on the table. I walk over to my chair, and boy kneels in front of me. I wait a few seconds. Boy lowers his head and kisses my feet. I run my hand tenderly over his head. "Get up and sit in your chair, Boy," I tell him. "Let's enjoy the smoothies you have prepared."

Saying nothing, Boy gets to his feet, walks over, sits in his chair and waits, hands to his side, for me to start drinking the smoothie. I take a large sip of the smoothie, which is delicious, and watch with pleasure as Boy gulps down just about half the contents of his glass. I take my time drinking the smoothie. As usual, Boy has finished his long before I have drained the last drop of mine into my mouth and sits, staring at the empty glass.

"Boy," I tell him, "After you have cleaned the kitchen, go to the work-out room and bedroom, pick up all the clothes on the floor and put them in the laundry room. You are to clean up the master bath, put up clean towels and take the dirty towels to the laundry room. When you have finished that, come into the den."

"Yes, Master," responds Boy as he stands up from his chair. I walk into the den, sit at my desk and wake-up the computer. I get involved in the e-mail from my firm. Much is happening at work, and I know that I will be spending the next three days at the office. I have been sending instructions, making appointments, and getting return messages for quite some time when Boy walks into the room. I look at the time - a little after 5:00 in the afternoon. Boy kneels next to my chair. I have a need to relieve my bladder. I debate in my mind whether to have Boy drink my piss, but think better of that idea. I stand up. Boy keeps his head down and his hands on his ankles. I walk out of the den and into the kitchen. Boy has done a good job cleaning the kitchen. Everything is put away. The counters and floor are clean. I walk down the hall to the master bath. As I stand in front of the toilet, releasing a strong stream of piss, I note that the shower area is clean and fresh towels are in place.

I walk back into the den and sit at my desk. I lean over and put my hand under Boy's chin and raise his head. I look into his eyes as I give him a warm smile. His eyes communicate a longing. I lean my head down and press my lips to his. Boy eagerly sucks my tongue into his mouth. I enjoy the deep kiss for several minutes and raise my head. I pick up the Kindle reader and iPad and stand up.

"Over to my reading chair," I tell Boy. "We will spend the next hour or so relaxing before dinner."

I walk over to the reading chair as Boy follows. I sit down. Before he can kneel, I tell Boy to sit with his back to my chair between my legs. When he has his legs spread out in front of him, I cross my legs around his chest and hand him the I-Pad. Boy quickly involves himself in a game. I look out the window. The afternoon sun gives the lawn a pleasant sheen. I start reading. After some time, I look at the clock and consider dinner. I do not want to be up late tonight - tomorrow will be a busy day, and I want to get to the office by 9:00 in the morning. I reach over Boy's shoulder and put my hand on the iPod.

Boy reluctantly releases his hold on the iPod. "I want you to get up, Boy, and go to the kitchen. There are frozen lasagna dinners in the freezer. Take two of them out, read the instructions and put them in the oven and set the timer for the cooking time. When you have finished, come back here."

"Yes, Master," Boy responds with a sigh as he pushes himself to his feet. I watch his ass as he walks towards the den entrance. My cock twitches as I anticipate fucking him tonight.

I put the iPod on the table and continue my reading. After some time, I see Boy starting to kneel in front of my chair. I did not notice him coming into the den. "Sit on your ass, Boy, with your back to the chair," I tell him. Boy sits on his ass and as he stretches his legs out in front of him, I cross mine around his chest. "Did you set the oven timer, Boy?" I ask him.

"Yes, Master," he answers. "I set it for an hour like the instructions said."

"Good," I tell him as I hand him the iPod. Boy is involved in his game, and I am reading for what must be an hour because I hear the buzzer going off in the kitchen.

Boy anticipates me and holds up the iPod. I take the iPod. I tell him to go into the kitchen. I tell him the meal will be simple: the lasagna with a side of cottage cheese, cookies for dessert and fresh brewed coffee.

Boy is getting to his feet as I give him the instructions. "Yes, Master," he says. I stand up and follow Boy into the kitchen. I walk to the table motioning Boy not to kneel, sit in my chair and watch him prepare the dinner. He brings the plates to the table, puts them down and kneels next to my chair. I put my hands on his cheeks, raise his head and press my lips to his. The taste of his mouth as he sucks my tongue is like an appetizer for the meal. Releasing the kiss, I tell him to go sit in his chair. I enjoy the simple meal and lean back. Boy, has been staring at his empty plate for a few minutes.

"Bring the cookies to the table, Boy," I tell him. "Then bring over two cups of coffee. And not by the way," I add sternly, "you did not set the table with the cream bowl and KY."

"Yes, Master," responds Boy. "Your slave is sorry Master," he adds plaintively.

"From now on," I tell him, "the cream bowl and KY must always be set on the table. Understood, Boy?"

"Yes, Master, your slave understands, Master."

"Good. Now get the table properly set and bring the cookies and coffee."

"Yes, Master," Boy responds as he quickly gets to his feet. He brings over the cream bowl and KY, puts them on the table in front of me. He walks to the counter and brings back a plate with six cookies on it. Setting the plate down on the table, he walks back to the counter and pours coffee into two cups, brings them over and puts them on the table. He stands next to my chair and puts his hands to his back.

I put my hand under the cock, raising it up. I feel the warmth in my palm as the cock begins to thicken. I lean over and kiss and lick the tip of the cock. After pouring lube over the cock, I pick up the cream bowl, holding it under the cock and begin to milk the cock like a teat, running my fingers around the ridge of the cock head with each down stroke. After a few strokes, I can tell that Boy is on the edge, and I stop. Boy softly moans as I wait a half minute for the edge to pass and resume milking. After six strokes, Boy's body quivers, he lets out a groan, and cream spurts out of the cock into the cream bowl. Another stream quickly follows. I release the cock and as I lean back, I gently squeeze Boy's balls. Boy has his eyes closed and is panting. I pour most of the cream from the bowl into my steaming coffee and take a sip. I do not know whether other's like the taste of boy cream, but I find it delicious.

"Sit down, Boy," I tell him. "Drink your coffee while I savor my deliciously creamed coffee."

Boy says nothing as he walks to his chair and sits down. I sip my coffee, swirling each sip in my mouth to get all the flavor. Boy has his head down as he sips his coffee and nibbles on a cookie. His eyes are focused on the cock. When I have drained my cup, I stand up. "After you have cleaned the kitchen, Boy, come into the den," I tell him.

I walk over to the counter, pour more hot coffee into my cup and pour the remaining cream from the bowl into the steaming cup. I walk into the den and sit at my desk and put the coffee cup down after taking a sip. I wake up the computer and start making a list of the tasks Boy is to complete tomorrow while I am at the office. I look up as Boy walks into the den and kneels next to my chair. I continue typing in the tasks, editing and reordering them. When I am satisfied, I click the link to one of my favorite blog sites. I look down at Boy. He has head lowered. I run my hand over his head and he looks up an expectant look in his eyes. I smile as I tell him to turn around and put his back to my chair. I hand him the iPod and return my attention to the blog. Boy quietly plays his game while I find myself deeply involved in a discussion of current politics. After some time, I look at the time. It is after 10:00.

I put my hand over Boy's shoulder and put my hand on the I-pad."Time to get prepared for bed, Boy," I tell him. He surrenders the iPod MONDAY

I begin to wake up, feeling the warmth of Boy's back pressed against my chest. I am on my side with my arm draped over his chest, and my legs curled between his legs. I become aware of my cock that rests quietly on his ass crack. I press my arm against Boy's chest and lick his neck as my cock slowly hardens. Boy softly moan as he wakes up. "Stay still," I whisper in his ear. "I am going to fuck you this morning."

The morning is no time to be in a hurry, so when my cock is hard I slowly insert it into his rose bud. Boy moans when my cock is fully inside of him. I put my other arm under his chest and rub his tits and kiss and lick his neck as I unhurriedly piston my cock. I enjoy the delight of this morning fuck for quite a long time before my cock explodes, spurting my cream into Boy.

The after-glow I feel as my cock slowly deflates is overwhelmed, little by little, by my need to piss. I move my hips back, and my cock leaves the confines of Boy's warm ass. Boy turns over. I cup his cheeks with my hands and press my lips to his mouth, giving him a deep and, for me, very tasty kiss.

I release the kiss. Boy's eyes emit a soft glow, whether from passion or fulfillment, I do not know."Show your gratitude to my cock for fucking you last night and this morning, Boy" I tell him.

"Yes, Master," Boy responds, his voice raspy. Boy shifts his body around until his face is over my cock. He licks my cock with an earnestness that pleases me. I look at his caged cock. This morning, after breakfast, I will take that cage off and again be able to see and touch that fine-looking cock.

The need to relieve my bladder has become urgent. I move my legs over the edge of the bed. I look at the clock on the table, and I am surprised that it is only 7:30. I get to my feet and tell Boy to get off the bed and follow me into the bathroom.

Boy kneels behind me as I let out a long, strong stream of piss into the toilet. I flush the toilet and walk over to the sink.

"Sit on the toilet, Boy," I tell him "empty your bladder."

While I brush my teeth, I listen to Boy's urine splashing into the toilet water. I rinse out my mouth.

"Boy, I want you to get up from the toilet, go into the kitchen and fix our breakfast. I want grapefruit, oatmeal and toast with jam," I instruct him.

"Yes, Master," Boy responds as he stands up. I watch his backside as he walks out of the bathroom and see that some of my cream has leaked out of his ass onto the inside of his legs. "What a wondrous fuck that Boy is," I say to myself.

I walk into the shower area. I adjust the shower water temperature to where it is just hot enough without being uncomfortable. The hot water cascading over my body complements the warm sense of satisfaction and completeness that flows through me. I realize that I am humming one of my favorite melodies. I finish showering, dry myself off and shave. I walk into the bedroom, pull on a pair of khaki pants, no underwear, and a T-shirt.

Boy is kneeling, head down, facing the entrance when I walk in. I pause for a moment at the entrance. The table, as I expected, is set with the steaming bowls of oatmeal, two plates each with a half grapefruit, and a stack of whole-wheat toast on a plate. I walk over until my bare feet all but touch Boy's knees. Boy lowershis head and kisses each foot. I lean over and put my hand under his chin and raise his head. I run my other hand through the strip of hair on his head. Boy softly smiles but his eyes communicate a combination of desperation and longing.

"I'm hungry, Boy," I tell him. "Get to your feet, sit down in your chair at the table and let's enjoy this breakfast."

"Yes, Master," Boy responds as he pushes himself to his feet. I watch him carefully slide his ass onto his chair, and I know that his caged cock must be giving him pain or, at least, a lot of discomfort. Putting his hands to his side and his eyes focused on the bowl of steaming oatmeal in front of him, Boy waits for me to sit down and start eating.

I sit on my chair, get comfortable, pick up my spoon and scoop out a section of the grapefruit. Boy has done a good job. The grapefruit sections have been cut and lightly coated with powdered sugar. As I eat the first bite of grapefruit, Boy starts eating. I eat to live; I do not live to eat. However, I do enjoy eating and do not like to hurry. Boy, on the other hand, cannot seem to eat fast enough. I have eaten little more than half of what is in front of me, but Boy has eaten all that is on his plates, including three slices of toast, and has his hands to his sides. I finish the last bite and lean back. I look at Boy. His head is slightly lowered, and his eyes focused on the empty plates in front of him.

"You did well preparing this breakfast," I compliment him

"Thank you, Master," Boy softly responds without looking up.

"Now that we have eaten, I want you to stand up and go to the master bath. You are to brush your teeth, shower and thoroughly shave your body from head to toe. When you have completed that and have dried your body, wait for me there."

"Yes, Master," Boy responds. He does not stand up, and I wait a few seconds. "Master," Boy says in a questioning way, keeping his head lowered.

"You may speak, Boy," I tell him.

"Master, may your slave have your permission to shit, Master?"

His question pleases me but, for some reason, bemuses me at the same time. Boy accepts my total control over everything he does.

"Yes, Boy," I tell him. "You have permission to empty your bowels but do not flush the toilet."

"Thank you, Master," Boy responds, his voice betraying his relief, as he pushes his ass off his chair and gets to his feet.

I admire his supple and muscular ass cheeks as he walks out of the kitchen and that warm sense of satisfaction I felt while showering returns. I get up from my chair and go over to the dish cupboard. Opening the cupboard door I search through the dishes looking for the cream bowl. I see it in the back, pick it up, close the cupboard door, pick up the KY that is in the corner of the counter. Walking back to the kitchen table, I put the cream bowl and KY on the table and walk out of the kitchen and into the den. I sit at my desk and turn on the computer. I pull up my gym routine software and type out the exercises we will do this afternoon. I print out the routine and open the bottom drawer of my desk. I take out the container box for the cock cage and make sure the key is there. Putting the computer in sleep mode, I pick up the container and walk out of the den and to the master bath.

Boy is bent over drying his legs. His cleanly shaved scalp shines from the overhead electric lights. Seeing me come in, Boy drops to his knees, lowers his head and puts his hands on his ankles. I walk into the shower area and pick up the low stool I keep in the far corner and place it over the drain. I put the cock cage container on the floor next to the stool, select three disposable razors and a can of shaving cream and place them on the floor on the other side of the stool and sit on the stool.

"Get to your feet, Boy," I order him, keeping my voice low. "Come over in front of me, stand facing me and put your hands to your back."

"Yes, Master," Boy responds as he pushes himself to his feet. He walks over and stands inches from my knees and puts his hands into the small of his back. Sitting on the stool, Boy's crotch is level with my head. I have done this many times in the early days when I was training Boy how to shave his body. Not gently, I flick my finger on the cock cage. Boy emits a hiss of discomfort through his clenched teeth.

"Tell me, Boy," I ask him. "Why do I have this cock locked in a cage where I cannot see or touch it?"

"Master," Boy responds in a low voice. "Your slave touched his cock without your permission, Master."

"Tell me, Boy, what you have learned."

"Master, your slave will never, ever touch his cock again without your permission, Master," Boy responds ardently.

"Tell me, what must you have before you can cum or piss?" I ask him firmly.

"Master, your slave can only cum with your permission, Master."

"Correct, Boy," I tell him keeping my voice firm. "The same goes for pissing. To cum or piss without my permission will result in your receiving strokes of the cane on your ass and thighs. Tell me, now, what you can expect if you cum or piss without my permission"

"Master," Boy responds, his voice trembling. "Master will punish his slave with the cane if he cums without your permission."

"Keep that in mind, Boy," I tell him. "I am going to remove the cock cage in a minute. Your cock will respond to being freed from its bondage. Under no circumstances are you to cum while I shave your pubes and balls and clean the cock. Understood, Boy?"

Boy's body slightly shivers. "Yes, Master, your slave understands."

I reach down and take the key out of the container box and unlock the small padlock holding the cage in place. As gently as I can, I gradually pull the cage off the cock. The cock immediately starts to thicken. After dropping the semen encrusted cage into the container box, I remove the plastic ring around Boy's balls and drop it into the container box with the padlock and key. I sit back. Boy is panting. His eyes closed. I wait until the cock has become flaccid. I pick up the can of shaving cream and spray a generous amount on the area above the cock and on his balls. I slowly shave away the errant hair that have grown on Boy's pubes since the cage was installed. Picking up a fresh razor, I put my hand behind Boy's balls and methodically shave the balls clean. While I do this, Boy's cock begins to thicken and rubs against the top of my hand. Satisfied that I have shaved all the hairs, I take my hands away and sit back. I watch the cock for several minutes, I am in no hurry. When the cock is flaccid, I gently put the cock in the palm of my hand and with the other hand, push back the foreskin. Not surprisingly, the cock head is coated with the gummy remnants of semen. I pick up the can of shaving cream and cover the cock tip with soap. I do not want Boy to cum, so I gently rub the soap around the head of his cock with the tips of my fingers to loosen the gummy residue. During this process, Boy's body quivers and he moans with each touch of my hand and fingers on his cock or balls.

I rub the back and front of my hands on Boy's legs to remove the soap. I pick up the container and walk over to the sink counter. Boy remains standing. His eyes closed, his soapy cock, now thick and heavy, hangs seductively between his legs. After putting down the container, I rinse and dry my hands.

"Boy," I say firmly.

"Yes, Master," responds Boy opening his eyes and stiffening his body.

"Put the stool away in the corner, dispose of the used razors and put away the shaving cream. When you have finished, I want you to shower off the soap. Under no circumstances are you to touch your cock. Just let the warm water clean your cock and balls."

"Yes, Master," responds Boy as he leans over and picks up the stool. While Boy showers, I look into the toilet. Boy did have a bowel movement, bigger than I expected, and healthy looking. I flush the toilet and put down the toilet seat.

Boy turns off the shower as I sit on the toilet seat. "Get a towel, Boy," I instruct him, "And stand facing me."

"Yes, Master," responds Boy as he walks over to the towel rack. He stands in front of me with the towel in his hand. I take the towel and pat dry his cock and balls and then hand him the towel.

"Dry the rest of your body, Boy, and then follow me into the kitchen," I tell him. "I need a cup of hot coffee."

I pick up the cock cage container as Boy quickly dries his chest, abdomen and legs. I walk into the kitchen, Boy right behind me. I sit down in my chair putting the container on the table next to the cream bowl. Before he can kneel, I instruct Boy to pour me a cup of the coffee he had brewed for breakfast. Boy walked to the counter, poured the steaming coffee into a cup and brought it over to the table. Putting the cup on the table, Boy stands beside me with his hands to his back. Anticipating what I wanted to do, Boy's cock had become fully erect, the pink head peeking out through the foreskin.

I said nothing. I picked up the bottle of KY and poured a generous amount of the oil into my hand. Holding the cock with one hand, I spread the oil over its length and using my finger tips, oiled the pink tip. Boy's body quivered as I did this. I picked up the cream bowl and held it, meaningfully, just under his cock.

"Boy, for the first time in a week, I am going to have the pleasure of milking this cock. I want the fresh cream in this bowl," I told him.

I grasped his cock in my hand and began to stroke, not unlike what I imagined a farmer would do if milking the teat of a cow, making sure to run my fingers around the pink cock head with each downward stroke. Within moments, Boy leans back and moans as a healthy stream of semen spurts out of the cock and into the cream bowl. Without any help from my hand, two more streams quickly follow, filling the bowl about one-third full with fresh cream. I release the cock.

"Kneel, Boy," I instruct him as I bring the bowel up to my nose to savor the faint odor of the fresh cream. Boy kneels, lowers his head and put his hands on his ankles. His cock remains fully turgid. I pour a half of the cream from the bowel into my coffee and take a large sip, swirling the creamy coffee in my mouth. "Your cream, as expected, is delicious, Boy. The coffee is never complete without it," I tell him earnestly.

Boy said nothing in response to my comment, panting heavily as he slowly recovers from the force of his orgasm.

"I am going into the den, Boy," I tell him. "You are to clean the kitchen, putting everything away. When you have the kitchen spotless, I want you to take the cock cage out of the box on the table and scrub it thoroughly, put it back into the box with the padlock and key, and bring it into me in the den."

"Yes, Master," responds Boy as he pushes himself up onto his feet. I watch, with pleasure, his semi-erect cock sways as he picks up some dishes from the table and walks over to the sink. I take my deliciously creamed coffee and walk into the den.

I sit at my desk and wake-up the computer. I look at the time in the corner of the computer screen - it is just a little after 9:00 AM. I log into my e-mail to find out what is happening on the business side of my life. The office staff started work at 8:00 this morning, but already there are several urgent messages from my top staff. I enjoy my home life immensely. However, the work at my firm has its own rewards, and I always look forward to the challenges it brings to me. After scanning the messages, I know that I will be spending most of the next three days at the office.

I am engrossed responding to one of the messages, when Boy walks into the den and kneels next to my chair holding the cock cage container in one hand. I look at the time - it is just 10:20. I take the container from Boy, put it into the bottom drawer of my desk, and put the computer in sleep mode. Boy, his hands on his ankles and his head bowed, remains motionless as I stand up and walk to the couch.

"Come over here, Boy," I tell him. "Stand in front of me with your hands behind your back."

"Yes, Master," responds Boy as he gets to his feet. He walks over and stands facing me, just inches from me feet, and presses his hands into the small of his back. I gaze at his cock, now in a flaccid state. I put my hand under his cock and surround his balls with my fingers. I do enjoy the sight of the cock, still lightly coated with the lubricant I applied earlier. A word that describes what I see comes to my mind: 'cocksicle'. This cock, not unlike the popsicle I enjoyed when I was a kid, is a pleasure to lick and suck. However, the cock is warm and alive, not cold and inert. I release Boy's balls and raise the cock up in the palm of my hand, feeling the cock pulse as it slowly becomes erect. I slide the foreskin back with the fingers of my other hand, exposing the pink head, and with my index finger, gently circle the ridge at the base of the pink head. Boy moans softly, his body tensing, as I continue to polish the rim with my finger, watching with pleasure as the cock attains its full, thick, mass and pre-cum oozes onto the palm of my hand from the slit. I lean my head down, encircle the cock head with my lips, and suck the pre-cum into my mouth, savoring the flavor, as I press my tongue into the piss slit. I raise my head, keeping the cock in the palm of my hand, appreciating the feel of its heavy turgidity. I slide my hand away and watch the cock, thick and heavy, drop slightly but stay pointing upward exposing Boy's balls..

"Boy" I say softly." I want you to take my coffee cup to the kitchen and fill it with fresh coffee and bring it back here to me."' Boy opens his eyes when I say this, an anxious look of disappointment on his face.

"Yes, Master," he responds, the fretful look on his face turning into a soft smile of anticipation. He turns and walks towards the den entrance, the cock jutting in front of him as if leading him. He picks up the coffee cup on my desk and walks out of the den. I walk back to my desk and sit down.

I am reading an e-mail from work, when Boy walks in, puts the cup of steaming coffee on my desk and stands facing me with his hands to his back. The still erect cock points upwards away from his balls. I know that Boy is anticipating the pleasure of my milking the cock.

"Kneel, Boy," I tell him firmly. "I am going to drink this coffee black and save your fresh cream for my dinner coffee."

"Yes, Master," responds Boy, his voice quivering from his disappointment, and slowly kneels, puts his hands on his ankles and stares at the cock between his legs "Turn around, Boy," I instruct him. "Your back to my chair." He turns around and sits on his ass. He sighs as he stretches and spreads his legs in front of him, the heavy cock chafing against the carpet. I pick up the I-pad, putting it in front of him over his shoulder. Boy takes the I-pad, but does not turn it on. He puts the I-pad on the top of his left leg and puts his hands to his side. I sense that Boy is struggling with the temptation to say something or to touch the cock which must be aching to be touched.

I turn my attention to the e-mail from the office. The message I am reading describes a problem with the top manager of the start-up company, based in New Hampshire, we acquired not more than two months ago. As I read the report I remember the interview I had with him prior to our hiring him to fill that position. His resume is impressive: an MBA and solid experience as the chief financial officer of a mid-sized production company. Relatively young, , given his experience, only 32-year-old, I recall that I was impressed by his self-confidence as he described what he would do to make the operation a profitable success. He had done his homework and demonstrated a solid knowledge of the market he would be dealing with. I smile to myself as I also remember his good looks - as if he stepped out from the cover of Esquire Magazine dressed as he was in a stylishly tailored suit and tie. Prior to my interview, he had undergone an extensive vetting with key members of my staff, and I had met him and his wife at the cocktail lunch that day. His wife is vivacious and good looking, making them a very handsome couple. They had been married for over five years but had no children.

The report I was reading stated that the manager was going through a nasty divorce and has been away from his job, sometimes more than a week at a time. I returned an e-mail on the issue, copying Pete, our chief operation officer, instructing them to arrange a flight for the errant manager to come to our office next week for a meeting.

I looked over at Boy. He was quietly playing a game on the iPad. I needed to piss, and I was getting hungry. I reached over Boy's shoulder and put my fingers over the edge of the iPad. "Get up, Boy," I tell him. I need to piss."

Boy releases the iPad. "Yes, Master," he responds as he drags his feet up and begins to stand up. I notice that cock, as I expected, is flaccid. I stand up. "Go to the master bath, Boy," I instruct him.

Saying nothing, Boy starts to walk out of the den. I follow close behind Boy out of the den, down the hall and into the bathroom. "Stand in front of the toilet and piss," I tell him before he can turn around. As he lets go a strong stream of piss into the toilet, I put my arms around his chest and gently rub his tits. "You have been a good Boy this morning," I whisper into his ear. "The breakfast was tasty and the cream from the cock delectable." Boy leans his head back, and I bite his neck just hard enough to leave a dark-red spot.

"Now, walk under the shower head and kneel," I instruct him after he has drained his bladder. I take my arms from his chest, and he walks into the shower and kneels. Boy looks up at me, his hands on his ankles, as I stand between his legs.

I run my fingers through the strip of hair on his head. "I am going to give you a reward for your having pleased me this morning," I tell him, keeping my voice soft. "I am going to teach you to drink my golden nectar. I will not give you the treat of my nectar often but when I do, you will drink every drop not letting any be wasted. Any of my nectar that drips out of your mouth will result in serious punishment. Do you understand, Boy?"

His eyes widen, and his face expresses the discomfort he must feel at the prospect of having to swallow my piss. "Yes, Master," h responds, "Your slave understands."

"Unzip my pants, Boy," I instruct him. "Use your fingers and take my cock out."

Boy reaches up, unzips my pants and puts the fingers of his right hand under my cock, and guides my cock out of my pants. "Hands on your ankles, Boy," I continue."Put your lips over the head of my cock, Do not suck it or lick it. Just close your lips tight over the head of my cock."

Boy leans his head forward and presses his lips tightly around the head of my cock. I release my piss, trying to keep the flow minimal. Boy's head jerks back as my piss enters his mouth, and I put my hands on the back of his head to hold him in place. Before he swallows, some of the piss leaks from the corners of his mouth. Boy gags as he swallows my piss for the first time, I continue to piss and Boy struggles, with some success, to swallow fast enough to keep any more of my piss from leaking out of his mouth. When my bladder is empty, I step back. Boy has his eyes tightly closed and continues to swallow, evidently trying to get the remnants of the piss out of his mouth.

"Put my cock back in my pants, Boy," I instruct him. "And zip up my pants."

Saying nothing, Boy puts his fingers on my cock and guides it back into my pants and pulls up the zipper. I walk over to the toilet, flush it, put down the toilet seat and sit.

"You wasted some of my precious nectar, Boy," I tell him sternly. "You let my nectar leak out of your mouth. Now, stand up, take a quick shower to wash the nectar off your body, get your body dry and come over here and stand in front of me"

Boy softly sobs as he stands up and turns on the shower water. As instructed, he showers for less than a minute, turns off the water, walks over and picks up a towel. When he has dried his body, he drops the towel to the floor and stands facing me just inches from my knees, his head bowed.

"Hands to your back, Boy," I instruct him. "You need to be spanked hard, Boy, because you wasted my nectar. Tell me, Boy, why am I going to give you a spanking?"

"Master," he responds, his voice shaking as he sobs. "Your slave did not drink all of your nectar, Master, and let some of it leak out of my mouth."

"Over my knees, Boy," I order him, "with your ass up and your hands clasped behind your neck."

Boy walks around, leans over my knees. I guide him so that his ass is between my knees. When he has his hands clasped behind his neck his head almost touches the floor. I rub my hands over his ass cheeks for a minute. I put my left hand in the small of Boy's back and raise my right hand. My hand stings pleasantly after I bring it down hard on Boy's right ass cheek. I watch the redness develop before I slap his left ass cheek even harder. Boy's body jerks with each slap and, after the fifth slap, he is loudly sobbing. I slap each ass cheek ten times, pausing just long enough between each slap to enjoy the sight of the red glow developing on those gorgeous globes. I rub my hand over the hot skin for another minute and then sit back.

"Get up and onto your knees in front of me, Boy," I order.

"Yes, Master," Boy sobs out as he pushes himself off my lap and onto his knees on the floor. His hands are on his ankles, and his head lowered. I reach down and grasp the cock in my left hand.

"Tell me, Boy," I say firmly, "Why have I spanked your ass."

"Master," Boy sobs out, "Your slave let your nectar leak from his mouth, Master."

I put my other hand under his chin and raise his head while I squeeze the cock. Tears stream down his face. I lean over and put my lips to his and push my tongue into his mouth. Boy sighs as he intently sucks my tongue. I enjoy the deep kiss for over a minute and lean back.

"What have you learned, Boy?" I ask him, still squeezing the cock in my left hand.

"Master," he responds, his voice still quivering. "Your slave must drink all of Master's nectar and not let any escape his mouth."

I release the cock and lean back."What do you worship every day, Boy?" I ask him.

"Master," he quickly responds. "Your slave worships your cock, Master."

"Unzip my pant, Boy," I instruct him. "Take my cock out and show it your devotion."

Saying nothing, Boy reaches over, unzips my pants and gently lifts my cock out. Putting his hands back on his ankles, he leans forward and kisses and licks all parts of my slowly hardening cock. I enjoy his cock worship for a couple of minutes and then stand up. "Put my cock away, Boy," I instruct him. "Then zip up my pants."

My cock is now hard and Boy has to push it back into my pants. After he zips up my pants, he leans back and puts his hands on his ankles.

"I'm hungry, Boy," I tell him." Get to your feet, go to the kitchen and fix us each a sliced turkey sandwich with plenty of jellied cranberries and mayonnaise. Wash a couple of the plums as well."

Boy no longer is sobbing, but his face is wet from his tears. "Yes, Master," he responds as he pushes himself onto his feet. Boy turns around, and I admire the erotic masculinity of his rosy red ass cheeks. To me, they are a work of art that gives me fulfillment. I follow close behind him as he walks out of the bathroom.

When we enter the kitchen, I tell him to start preparing the lunch. "I want to admire and enjoy the sight of your handsome ass while you work." I watch Boy take the ingredients out of the refrigerator, wiping the tears from his face as he does so. He works at the preparation with apparent diligence, and I know he is doing this because that is what he just does; fixing my meal is part of his slave nature. I watch his rosy red ass twitch as he fixes the sandwiches and in less than fifteen minutes, he walks over with two plates, puts them on the table and kneels next to my chair. I run my hand over his head. "Go sit in your chair, Boy," I tell him.

Boy pushes himself to his feet and walks over to his chair. He sits down slowly, his facial muscles wincing as his sore ass touches the seat of the chair, and puts his hands to his side. I start eating and Boy, without hesitation, picks up his sandwich and takes a large bite. I am pleased that, in spite of having swallowed a large amount of piss just a half hour ago, his appetite has not been stunted. He has eaten the sandwich and devoured the plum, and I am beginning to slice my plum. Boy keeps his eyes focused on his empty plate, his hands to his side, while I finish eating.

I lean back, feeling satisfied. "You can clean the kitchen later, Boy," I tell him. "I want you to get up and go to the work-out room and wait for me there."

"Yes, Master," Boy responds as he stands up. I watch him walk out of the kitchen. I walk into the den, pick up the printout of the exercise routine from my desk, and walk to the bedroom. I take out a clean jock strap and shorts from the dresser and walk to the work-out room. Boy is kneeling next to the treadmill, his head down and his hands on his ankles. After putting the printout on the clipboard, I stand in front of Boy, my feet close to his knees.

"Take off my pants, Boy," I instruct him as I drop my jock strap and shorts to the floor. While I pull my t-shirt up and over my head, Boy pulls down the zipper of my pants and undoes the waist button. The pants fall to the floor, and I drop the T-shirt. Boy kisses the tip of my cock. "Now get me dressed with the jock-strap and shorts," I instruct him. Boy picks up the jock strap. He pulls it up my legs, licking my cock as he does this. He picks of the shorts and holds them next to my feet. I step into the shorts. He pulls them up my legs, pressing his lips to my covered cock just before pulling the shorts to my waist.

Boy resumes his kneeling position, and I step onto the treadmill. "Put on your socks and shoes, Boy," I instruct him. I set the program I want on the console of the treadmill and start to walk as I watch Boy carefully sit on his ass and put on his socks and shoes and then resume his kneeling position. The program I selected has me walking fast for 30 minutes without running. I am sweating when the machine stops. I step off the treadmill.

"Stand up, Boy," I tell him. Saying nothing, Boy pushes himself up onto his feet and puts his hands to his back. I put my right hand on his cock and pull back the foreskin. With the index finger of my left hand, I rub the ridge of his cock head until the cock is hard and beginning to ooze pre-cum. Boy has his head back, trying not to moan. I release the cock which now points stiffly upward. "Get on the treadmill, Boy," I instruct him. As Boy steps on the treadmill, I set the program to the same that I used and press the start button. I watch the cock with satisfaction as it sways back and forth with each step that Boy takes.

I check the routine on the clipboard and begin my workout. Between sets, I enjoy watching the cock, now slowly deflating, as it sways between Boy's legs. I have finished my last set just as the treadmill stops. "Get off the treadmill, Boy," I instruct him.

As Boy steps off the treadmill, I put the clipboard in his hands. "You must do these exercises, Boy," I tell him. "Check off each set as you complete it."

"Yes, Master," Boy responds as he reads the printout. I stand back, cross my arms over my chest, and watch Boy walk over to the workout bench and load the required weights. He lays down on the bench, and I see his face wince as his sore ass touches the bench. Boy starts his first set, and I have the pleasure of watching Boy's attractive body, his muscles flexing with each repetition. In just over 30 minutes, Boy has completed the workout and is standing, his body covered with the sheen of sweat. He holds out the clipboard, all items checked. I walk over, take the clipboard and as I put the clipboard up, Boy kneels.

"On your feet, Boy," I instruct him. "Go into the master bath. We need to shower the sweat of our bodies."

"Yes, Master," Boy responds as he pushes himself to his feet. I follow close behind as Boy walks out of the work-out room, and I realize that I need to empty my bowels. When we enter the bathroom, Boy turns around and, before he can kneel, I ask him if he has a need to shit.

"Yes, Master," Boy responds.

"Sit on the toilet, Boy," I tell him. Boy sits on the toilet and judging by the satisfied look on his face, he must be having a good bowel movement. Boy stands up."Get into the shower, Boy," I tell him. "Shower quickly but be sure to get your ass squeaky clean." Saying nothing, Boy walks into the shower area. As he starts to shower, I look into the toilet. Boy, indeed, had an excellent bowel movement. I flush the toilet and sit down and have my own pleasant bowel movement. I stand up, flush the toilet, and walk into the shower. I stand under the warm shower water next to Boy and put my hand on his ass, pushing my fingers between his cheeks. "Is this handsome ass clean, Boy?" I ask him."Yes, Master," he responds.

"Good," I tell him. "Now kneel and clean my ass." Boy says nothing as he squirts soap from the dispenser into his hand and kneels. I turn around and feel his fingers press my ass cheeks apart and massage the soap into my ass crack. I lean my head back and let the warm water flow over my body. "Stand up, Boy," I tell him. Get a towel and dry your body while I finish showering."

Boy is kneeling, a towel on his outstretched arms, as I turn off the shower water. I take the towel , dry my hair, face and chest and give the towel back to Boy. Boy stands up, dries my back, kneels and dries my legs. Boy presses the towel between my legs and pats my balls dry, massaging my cock with his fingers through the towel . Boy drops the towel to the floor and kisses my cock.

"Stand up and go to the kitchen," I tell him. "Prepare a smoothie for each of us. Make it with the fresh raspberries and five handfuls of the shelled pecans. And put in five scoops of the whey protein."

"Yes, Master," Boy responds as he pushes himself to his feet. I follow Boy out of the bathroom noting that his ass has lost most of the rosy glow from the spanking I gave him earlier. I walk into the bedroom as Boy walks out towards the kitchen. I put on a clean pair of pants, no underwear, and a clean t-shirt. When I enter the kitchen, Boy is putting the glasses, filled with the purple nutrition, on the table. I walk over to my chair, and boy kneels in front of me. I wait a few seconds. Boy lowers his head and kisses my feet. I run my hand tenderly over his head. "Get up and sit in your chair, Boy," I tell him. "Let's enjoy the smoothies you have prepared."

Saying nothing, Boy gets to his feet, walks over, sits in his chair and waits, hands to his side, for me to start drinking the smoothie. I take a large sip of the smoothie, which is delicious, and watch with pleasure as Boy gulps down just about half the contents of his glass. I take my time drinking the smoothie. As usual, Boy has finished his long before I have drained the last drop of mine into my mouth and sits, staring at the empty glass.

"Boy," I tell him, "After you have cleaned the kitchen, go to the work-out room and bedroom, pick up all the clothes on the floor and put them in the laundry room. You are to clean up the master bath, put up clean towels and take the dirty towels to the laundry room. When you have finished that, come into the den."

"Yes, Master," responds Boy as he stands up from his chair. I walk into the den, sit at my desk and wake-up the computer. I get involved in the e-mail from my firm. Much is happening at work, and I know that I will be spending the next three days at the office. I have been sending instructions, making appointments, and getting return messages for quite some time when Boy walks into the room. I look at the time - a little after 5:00 in the afternoon. Boy kneels next to my chair. I have a need to relieve my bladder. I debate in my mind whether to have Boy drink my piss, but think better of that idea. I stand up. Boy keeps his head down and his hands on his ankles. I walk out of the den and into the kitchen. Boy has done a good job cleaning the kitchen. Everything is put away. The counters and floor are clean. I walk down the hall to the master bath. As I stand in front of the toilet, releasing a strong stream of piss, I note that the shower area is clean and fresh towels are in place.

I walk back into the den and sit at my desk. I lean over and put my hand under Boy's chin and raise his head. I look into his eyes as I give him a warm smile. His eyes communicate a longing. I lean my head down and press my lips to his. Boy eagerly sucks my tongue into his mouth. I enjoy the deep kiss for several minutes and raise my head. I pick up the Kindle reader and iPad and stand up.

"Over to my reading chair," I tell Boy. "We will spend the next hour or so relaxing before dinner."

I walk over to the reading chair as Boy follows. I sit down. Before he can kneel, I tell Boy to sit with his back to my chair between my legs. When he has his legs spread out in front of him, I cross my legs around his chest and hand him the I-Pad. Boy quickly involves himself in a game. I look out the window. The afternoon sun gives the lawn a pleasant sheen. I start reading. After some time, I look at the clock and consider dinner. I do not want to be up late tonight - tomorrow will be a busy day, and I want to get to the office by 9:00 in the morning. I reach over Boy's shoulder and put my hand on the iPad.

Boy reluctantly releases his hold on the iPad. "I want you to get up, Boy, and go to the kitchen. There are frozen lasagna dinners in the freezer. Take two of them out, read the instructions and put them in the oven and set the timer for the cooking time. When you have finished, come back here."

"Yes, Master," Boy responds with a sigh as he pushes himself to his feet. I watch his ass as he walks towards the den entrance. My cock twitches as I anticipate fucking him tonight.

I put the iPad on the table and continue my reading. After some time, I see Boy starting to kneel in front of my chair. I did not notice him coming into the den. "Sit on your ass, Boy, with your back to the chair," I tell him. Boy sits on his ass and as he stretches his legs out in front of him, I cross mine around his chest. "Did you set the oven timer, Boy?" I ask him.

"Yes, Master," he answers. "I set it for an hour like the instructions said."

"Good," I tell him as I hand him the iPad. Boy is involved in his game, and I am reading for what must be an hour because I hear the buzzer going off in the kitchen.

Boy anticipates me and holds up the iPad. I take the iPad. I tell him to go into the kitchen. I tell him the meal will be simple: the lasagna with a side of cottage cheese, cookies for dessert and fresh brewed coffee.

Boy is getting to his feet as I give him the instructions. "Yes, Master," he says. I stand up and follow B

into he kitchen. I walk to the table otioning Boy not to kneel, sit din my chair nd watch him prepare the ddinner.e brings the plates to the table, puts them down and kneels next to my chair. I put my hands on his cheeks, raise his head and press my lips to his. The taste of his mouth as he sucks my tongue is like an appetizer for the meal. Releasing the kiss, I tell him to go sit in his chair. I enjoy the simple meal and lean back. Boy, has been staring at his empty plate for a few mminutes.

"Bring the cookies to the table, Boy," I tell him. "Then bring over two cups of coffee. And not by the way," I add sternly, "you did not set the table with the cream bowl and KY."

"Yes, Master," responds Boy. "Your slave is sorry Master," he adds plaintively.

"From now on," I tell him, "the cream bowl and KY must always be set on the table. Understood, Boy?"

"Yes, Master, your slave understands, Master."

"Good. Now get the table properly set and bring the cookies and coffee."

"Yes, Master," Boy responds as he quickly gets to his feet. He brings over the cream bowl and KY, puts them on the table in front of me. He walks to the counter and brings back a plate with six cookies on it. Setting the plate down on the table, he walks back to the counter and pours coffee into two cups, brings them over and puts them on the table. He stands next to my chair and puts his hands to his back.

I put my hand under the cock, raising it up. I feel the warmth in my palm as the cock begins to thicken. I lean over and kiss and lick the tip of the cock. After pouring lube over the cock, I pick up the cream bowl, holding it under the cock and begin to milk the cock like a teat, running my fingers around the ridge of the cock head with each down stroke. After a few strokes, I can tell that Boy is on the edge, and I stop. Boy softly moans as I wait a half minute for the edge to pass and resume milking. After six strokes, Boy's body quivers, he lets out a groan, and cream spurts out of the cock into the cream bowl. Another stream quickly follows. I release the cock and as I lean back, I gently squeeze Boy's balls. Boy has his eyes closed and is panting. I pour most of the cream from the bowl into my steaming coffee and take a sip. I do not know whether other's like the taste of boy cream, but I find it delicious.

"Sit down, Boy," I tell him. "Drink your coffee while I savor my deliciously creamed coffee."

Boy says nothing as he walks to his chair and sits down. I sip my coffee, swirling each sip in my mouth to get all the flavor. Boy has his head down as he sips his coffee and nibbles on a cookie. His eyes are focused on the cock. When I have drained my cup, I stand up. "After you have cleaned the kitchen, Boy, come into the den," I tell him.

I walk over to the counter, pour more hot coffee into my cup and pour the remaining cream from the bowl into the steaming cup. I walk into the den and sit at my desk and put the coffee cup down after taking a sip. I wake up the computer and start making a list of the tasks Boy is to complete tomorrow while I am at the office. I look up as Boy walks into the den and kneels next to my chair. I continue typing in the tasks, editing and reordering them. When I am satisfied, I click the link to one of my favorite blog sites. I look down at Boy. He has head lowered. I run my hand over his head and he looks up an expectant look in his eyes. I smile as I tell him to turn around and put his back to my chair. I hand him the iPod and return my attention to the blog. Boy quietly plays his game while I find myself deeply involved in a discussion of current politics. After some time, I look at the time. It is after 10:00.

I put my hand over Boy's shoulder and put my hand on the Ipod."Time to get prepared for bed, Boy," I tell him. He surrenders the iPod. I power down the computer and turn off the desk lamp. "Go to the master bath, Boy," I instruct him.

Saying nothing, Boy gets to his feet as I stand up. I follow Boy out of the den, turning out the lights as I go. When we walk into the bedroom, I tell Boy to go into the bathroom and brush his teeth. I walk over to the side of the bed, pull the covers down and turn on the table lamp. Turning off the overhead lights, I walk into the bathroom just as Boy is rinsing his mouth. "Stand over the toilet, Boy, and empty your bladder," I brush my teeth as he pisses. "Into the shower, Boy," I instruct him. "Fill the douche bag. I want your insides clean."

As Boy fills the bag, I piss, flush the toilet, lower the toilet seat and sit down. "You know what to do, Boy," I tell him. I watch him insert the enema tube and release the valve. After a minute, he turns off the valve, waits another minute, leans over the drain with his back to me and releases the water. He does this two more times and the third time, the water is clear as it spurts out of his ass.

"Get yourself dry, Boy, and come over here," I tell him pointing to my feet. Boy gets a towel, dries his ass and legs, and walks over to me dropping the towel to the floor. He knows what I want as he turns around and puts his hands on his ankles. I take the bottle of lube, spread his ass cheeks and get that sweet rose bud well oiled. I slap his ass gently. "Into the bedroom, Boy, and kneel at the foot of the bed."

I stand up, turn out the bathroom lights and stand with my feet at Boy's knees. "Get me undressed, Boy." Boy reaches up, unzips and unbuttons my pants, kissing my cock as the pants fall to my feet. I take off my t-shirt, dropping it next to the pants, and sit on the end of the bed.

"You may suck my cock, Boy," I tell him. Boy turns facing me, puts his hands on his ankles, and slowly swallows my cock. I enjoy the ministration of his tongue and throat on my cock for a few minutes. I take my cock from his mouth, and move up onto the bed. I pat the bed with my hand. "Crawl up here, Boy." Boy crawls onto the bed, holding his head up. He has an expectant smile on his face and his eyes glow with passion. I reach over and turn off the table lamp. I guide Boy onto his side and Boy presses his ass against my hard cock. I guide my cock between his ass cheeks. Boy kisses my arms and moans as I feel my cock breech his sphincter and enter the warm and wondrous confines of his body. I hug his back tightly to my chest, kissing and licking his neck, as my cock fucks him with a slow and deliberate pace. Soon enough the warm glow of immanent ejaculation flows through me, and I push my cock deep into his ass, filling Boy with my cream.

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