The Family

Published on Feb 23, 2002


The Family Chapter 4

Suddenly Cory was aware of the other boys entering, even Todd and Mark. All were naked, some sporting erections. As Cory watched they piled down in pairs and some began to engage in sexual foreplay. Mark and Todd sat near Cory facing each other. Their little cocks were hard but at first they seemed reluctant to join in the sex games. Then Mark reached over and twanged Todd's boner and they began wrestling around. Eventually they wound up jacking each other's cock. Cory turned to see what Ken and Rick were up to.

Ricky was between Ken's legs, his hot mouth wrapped around the boy's ample cock, doing what he did best. Peter had joined them and he was rubbing Ricky's ass and working his own hard cock. Cory was suddenly overcome with lust and decided he wanted to join in. The two brothers were the closest, so he crawled over to where they lay still working each other's cock.

"Can I join you?" Cory asked timidly.

"Okay." Mark said smiling.

Cory tried to remember all that Rick had taught him in their previous encounter as he knelt between Mark's legs and came face to face with his stiff 3" cock. He instinctively sniffed the small quivering organ and finding the smell pleasant, he timidly licked the red mushroom cap. Mark giggled and spread his legs allowing Cory full access to his maleness. Cory took the small stiff organ in his mouth and began to imitate Ricky's actions as he swirled his tongue around the sensitive ridge and up and down the shaft. Mark bucked up suddenly, forcing all of his hardness into Cory's mouth and Cory took it as an indication that he was doing it correctly. This was the first time Cory had ever had a cock in his mouth and despite the newness of it all he found it very exciting. He began to seriously work the throbbing organ and played his hand to the boy's soft ball sack and gently squeezed the pea size orbs inside. Mark cooed softly and humped up to meet Cory's wet warm mouth and soon he had fallen into a rhythm. He was very near orgasm and Cory sensed it. He allowed the boy to literally fuck his mouth as he squirmed to achieve his dry orgasm. When he came at last he wiggled for a bit rubbing his dick against Cory's lips then reached down shyly and pulled his wet spent dick out of Cory's mouth.

"Thanks." He said red-faced. "Now do Todd."

Cory now noticed that Todd was staring wide-eyed as he had watched the two of them and he was gently fingering his own hard cock. It was almost a duplicate of his brother's cock, Cory thought as he moved over to him, and without hesitation he took it into his mouth. Todd was more passive and was content to let Cory do the work but as he neared his own dry orgasm he began to buck and squirm, finally coming with an intensity that surprised both of them. Unlike his brother Todd did not pull out of Cory's mouth but instead he laid back and let Cory hold his spent dick in his mouth for sometime. It refused to loose it's hardness and eventually Cory began sucking on it again bringing the boy to a second though less intense orgasm.

Rising up from Todd's cock he glanced over at the other's and saw Peter knelt behind Ricky apparently fucking him Ricky still continued to suck Ken's cock. Peter screamed like a banshee as he came suddenly, shooting deep inside Ricky's hot gut. Ricky was busy gobbling down Ken's load and as Cory watched he looked up smiling and licked a drop form the corner of his mouth. Peter had fallen down beside Ken and they were kissing passionately as Ricky finished his work on Ken's cock.

Cory wondered how much the brothers knew about sex. His own cock was crying for attention and turned his attentions once again to the small naked boys lying beside him. He coaxed Mark into his arms and he kissed the boy softy on the lips. Mark seemed surprised at first then his face lit up as he returned Cory's gentle kiss. Todd, not wanting to be left out, moved in and offered his face to Cory who kissed it quickly. Todd tackled the two boys and sent them sprawling on the mat and they wrestled around grinding their hard cocks into each others bodies. Cory felt his cock against Mark's ass suddenly and he began to hump against the smooth mounds. Mark giggled but held still and eventually began to hump back meeting his thrusts. As he continued his cock became slick with his own pre-cum and his cock was now pressing against the boys soft hot hole. With out thinking Cory pressed forward and to his surprise Mark's puckered hole opened up suddenly and he slipped inside a fraction of an inch. He was so surprised that he almost pulled back but, at that moment Mark pushed back and his flaming hole swallowed Cory's entire cock, pulling it into his hot tight chute.

Cory groaned suddenly and felt like he would cum at once but he managed to keep his wits about him as he slowly began to fuck the young boy's ass. Todd had moved around and was hugging his brother, pressing his own hard cock into his brother's and was humping gently. They were entwined and Mark was breathing deeply and humping back as Cory pounded his aching ass. He had been fucked many times as a boy but, this was the first time he could remember actually enjoying it. He knew the reason was the love that he shared not only with Cory but, his brother and all the others. It was as it was meant to be...they were one.

Cory's breath was ragged now and he was panting as he neared orgasm. He could feel the other brother's soft hand and arm touching his hip as he thrust deep into Mark's soft ass, and he groaned lowly as he suddenly began exploding deep inside the hot tight cavity. He jerked like he had been electrocuted as his cock spasmed again and again spilling his hot cum deep inside Mark's gut. He fell back quietly basking in the after glow and was suddenly aware of Todd crouching over him. He looked up to the see the boy squatting over his still erect cock and before he could protest Todd was lowering himself onto the slick pole impaling himself. Cory gasp but found he was aroused again and as the boy began moving up and down he began to tremble with excitement. He felt more relaxed this time and he lay back letting the boy do all the work as he enjoyed the ride. He felt the intensity building in his aching cock but, he managed to hold back for sometime before giving in to the impending orgasm. He felt his cock explode once more, this time deep inside Todd's ass and he gently pushed the boy off of him as his dick became too sensitive to continue.

The three relaxed once more as they lay entwined on the soft mat and all around them they heard the sounds of the others engaged in sexual play. Cory sighed softly and nodded off for a few minutes. When he awoke sometime later he found the brothers sleeping soundly on either side of him and he gently unwrapped himself and stood up. His cock was stiff, but not from excitement..he had an urgent need to pee. He glanced at the naked bodies sprawled on the other mats and most appeared to be sleeping. He padded to the bathroom and drained his aching bladder before returning to the pool room.

As if driven by impulse, he suddenly dived into the pool. He swam to the bottom and came back up quickly breaking the water and only then did he notice Ken floating at the far end of the pool.

"Hi little brother." Ken said softly smiling warmly at Cory.

"Hi." Cory said swimming up to him and floating in the warm water beside him.

Ken pulled him into a hug and kissed him gently. "I'm so happy today." He said breaking the kiss.

"Yeah, me too. I guess I was worried about nothing." Cory said frowning. "It was great."

"More than great, it was fantastic. We are so lucky to have Ricky and all the others as brothers."

Cory smiled up at Ken and found something in his eyes that caused him to move up slowly, timidly until they were pressing close together. He could feel Ken's hard cock pressing against his own and he gasped as Ken reached down and stroked his bottom.

"We should go to the shallow end." Ken whispered. "Don't wanna drown." With that he pulled Cory along to the other end of the pool where they could stand waist deep in the water. They resumed their embrace and they kissed passionately. Cory felt an urge, a longing that surprised him and when he offered his soft butt to Ken he accepted with sudden enthusiasm. Cory was nervous if not scared but, he trusted his new brother and endured the brief pain as Ken gently entered him. Quickly the pain was replaced by a feeling that Cory could only describe as amazing. He felt his insides come alive with pleasure as Ken's cock rubbed something deep inside him. He felt so complete at that moment; it was if he were joined with Ken in more than that area of desire that burned between his legs. He felt a connection that he had never experienced and he felt a sudden urge to speak, to express his feeling but, his mind was sudden consumed with the intensity of his own need.

He feverishly began to jerk his own cock as Ken pounded his virgin ass. He felt the feeling build and as Ken cried out suddenly he felt the hot cum splash deep inside him and his own cock unloaded into the warm water. He squeezed his cock until it was empty and shook it in the warm water to clean it. He collapsed into Ken's strong arms and they stayed there for sometime before climbing out to join the others.

Mark and Todd were awake now and ran up to Cory and hugged him gently.

"Thanks Cory...for you know..helping us know.." Mark said with a sudden shyness.

Cory hugged him gently and kissed him on the top of the head. "You're welcome."

"Who's hungry?" Ricky asked shouting above the din in the room.

The excited and loud response echoed the room and Ricky sent several of the boys off to prepare snacks and drinks. Cory piled down near Ricky's feet and was flanked by Ken and the two brothers. They engaged in quiet conversation but, were soon interrupted by the return of the others with trays of sandwiches, chips and drinks. They dived into the food with gusto and soon had devoured the last of it.

"Priesting is hungry work." Ricky said wiping a bit of mayo off his face.

"So is sucking." Peter giggled.

"So gonna come back to stay?" One of the boys asked suddenly.

"Yep, in fact I already packed; I brought most of my stuff with me."

"Everyone be sure to welcome Ken home in your own way." Ricky said with a wicked grin. "As for me...I can't tell you how happy I am to have our little brother back with us. I love you Ken." He added seriously.

"I love you all too." Ken said blushing.

Suddenly one of the boys stood up and cried out and jumped into the pool. He was followed by the rest, including Cory and soon there was splashing and loud excited laughter. Cory floated up beside Peter.

"How come Ricky doesn't join us?" Cory asked suddenly.

"Huh, oh..well he is pretty self conscious about..and I really shouldn't tell you but, he can't swim."

"Huh? I thought he was an expert diver."

"Oh, that. That `s just what we tell new guys till they get to know us." He laughed and swam away leaving a confused Cory to stare after him. Cory thought back to the other day and realized that Ricky had never even gotten into the pool when he and Cory had talked here only a few hours ago. Cory made a decision, he would teach Ricky to swim. He would bring it up to Ricky the next time they were alone. He was sure he could do it and it gave him a sense of purpose.

Ricky was sitting at the edge of the pool, his feet dangling into the water and suddenly he cried out. "Shark, shark!"

"Yeah, it's a man eater." Peter said laughing.

"Prove it." Ricky said exposing his flaccid cock.

"When you least expect it." Peter snapped back.

Ricky turned his attention to Cory and invited him to sit by him. Cory climbed out and plopped down noisily on the cool tile.

"Peter says he thinks you are a fox and hotty. Better watch that one, little brother. He's a horny little devil."

"I know..I was watching him earlier. But, why do you think I wouldn' it with him?"

"Ah, well. Maybe I shouldn't worry then."

"Nah, don't worry. It's all cool now. If Peter wants to do something all he has to do is ask."

Rick looked thoughtful for a moment and was staring at something in the distance.

"Can I ask you a personal question?" Cory asked suddenly.

Ricky's attention focused on Cory as he replied. "Sure, anything little brother."

"Can you swim?"

"Well, no. I never seemed to find the occasion to learn. It's not that I'm afraid of the water or anything, I just can't swim."

"I could teach you, I mean if it's okay with you."

"That's sweet. I might just take you up on that. It's a bitch having this big pool and never really being able to use it. But, I do enjoy watching my family enjoy it."

"Anytime, just let me know."

Cory wanted to say more but he didn't know how to express these new feelings. Ricky sensed his need and tried encourage him to speak up.

"Is something bothering you little brother?"

"Nah...I just don't get it." He replied, suddenly unsure of himself.

"Get what?"

"I don't know, the whole thing. How can anyone think this is bad or sick. I've lived my whole life not knowing how to be happy, now I am. Everything is good here; even the thing I thought would be bad."

"I know how you feel. I always wondered why people hated someone who was different. That's why I think kids have a better chance of changing things, before they get screwed up by all that crap."

"I guess I don't know what's good or bad yet but, I know this is good. I think I've found a home at last."

"You have." Ricky said hugging Cory to him. "I promise you will always be welcome here."

Cory melted into Ricky and they sat for a long time entwined as the others splashed about in the pool. They were interrupted by Peter's presence as he swam up at their feet.

"I'm getting jealous." Peter said splashing Ricky and Cory with the warm pool water.

"No need, stud boy. There's plenty of big brother to go around. Hop up here and join us." Ricky said soothingly.

Peter climbed up and sat down on the other side of Ricky. He managed to hug both Ricky and Cory with his long muscular arms. Peter caught Cory's eye and winked seductively. Cory smiled and winked back.

"What you two up to?" Ricky asked noticing their brief exchange.

"Maybe nothing, maybe something." Peter said with a chuckle. "Maybe we're gonna rape you where you sit."

"Please, not in front of the kids." Ricky said in mock fear. "Let's go to my room."

"Aint no kids here, only family." Peter said pushing Ricky down on his back.

"Okay, but if they grow up warped it's your fault." Ricky quipped.

Peter began kissing and rubbing his hard muscular stomach and brushing against his pubic hair with his mouth. Cory found some flesh and joined in. One by one the other boys came and joined in the fun, until at last every inch of Ricky's body was being fondled. A sea of flesh pressed around him and his mouth and hands were soon occupied with the hard cocks of his brothers. The youngest brother Mark moved near Ricky's face and he pulled him onto it driving his hard young cock into his throat. The boy began to hump Ricky's hot wet mouth as Ricky held his soft ass in his hands. The others moved away to give them room, sensing the importance of this coupling. At last Todd and Mark were as one with the rest. Todd had offered himself to Dominic who was fucking the boy as he knelt near Ricky's head. Ricky could hear the soft sounds of sex all around him and the aroma of boy sex filled him with renewed lust. He sucked greedily on Mark's cock as he humped faster and harder.

Peter had found Cory's cock, hard and ready and had begun a slow expert blow job as Cory held his head gently in his hands. Somewhere at his feet he could hear the soft pants of someone engaged in oral or anal pleasure but, he was consumed by his own lust at that moment. When a last he reached a ball wrenching orgasm he offered himself to Peter who accepted with enthusiasm. He was gently fucking Cory as Ricky finished Mark's cock and rose to watch the action. Ricky moved over near them and Cory reached for Ricky's cock and, pulling him into position he went down on the young man's rigid cock. He was lost in lust as he was filled at each end by two of his brothers, and he had never felt such satisfaction or knew such love.

End Part 4

Next: Chapter 4

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