The Family

Published on Mar 10, 2022


The Family Revisited Ch 11

The following is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons living or deceased is purely coincidental. This story depicts sexual situations between minor males, including incest, and if reading such is illegal where you reside, or you are not at least 18 years of age, please read at your own risk. This work is the property of the author, Kewl Dad, and should not be re-posted or reproduced without his permission. ©2001-2022 Kewl Dad.

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The Family Revisited

by: Kewl Dad

It's been almost 20 years since I posted the first chapter of this story. After an absence of over 10 years, I returned to Nifty, and after some deliberation finally finished what has always been one of my favorite stories. As a child I loved science fiction, and to combine sci-fi with my love for boys only seemed like a natural evolution. Recently, I went back and reread the last two chapters of The Family and decided I would add one or two more. What follows is a look at what happens after The Family moves to Evelon and begins to expand.

Chapter 11

The ceremony

The next morning Ricky and Peter woke early to find their young bed-mate gone. However, the flushing of the toilet informed them of his whereabouts, and soon he came bouncing in, his perky butt wiggling with each step, then jumped into bed and  hugged his two new brothers.

"Morning Sunshine," Ricky said, giving his newest little brother a kiss.

"I feel so good this morning," Ethan said, practically bubbling over with excitement, "last night I lost my virginity, and tonight I get to meet my new family and have even more fun."

"Speaking of that, how's your butt feel today?" Peter chuckled.

"A little sore, but fine. I liked it a lot, and I want to do it again...maybe tonight if someone wants to."

"Oh, trust me, someone will want that cute butt, but just be careful, don't take on anyone who's bigger than you can handle," Ricky advised.

"I won't," Ethan said, but I saw some boys at the meeting yesterday that were sooo cute, and I want to get to know them."

"Just don't try to take all of them on at once," Peter chuckled, "there's plenty of time to sample all the flesh. Tonight at the ceremony, it's more about getting to know as many of your brothers and sisters and...well...parents as you can."

"Speaking of the ceremony," Ricky said stretching  his muscular body and yawning, "we should get a move on. We have a lot to do, but right now, I'm starving."

"I have no idea who has kitchen duty today, but I guess we'll soon find out," Peter said sitting up and pulling Ethan into his lap for some cuddling.

Ethan melted into Peter's body, pulling his arms around him and leaning back into his solid teenage body. With a sigh, Ethan closed his eyes and wiggled his butt trying to get a rise out of Peter.

When the inevitable happened and Peter was fully hard, Ethan giggled and began to grind even harder against his stiff prick. As good as it felt, and as tempted as Peter was to give in and let the little minx get him off, he knew he needed to save himself for the ceremony. Gently, he lifted Ethan off his lap and slip him to the floor eliciting giggles from the boy.

"What's da matter?" Ethan teased, "did my butt hurt your big ole dick?"

"No, your cute little butt was about to get a load of hot boy cum, and I'm saving it for tonight, and you should too."

"Okay, okay," Ethan agreed, "I'm kinda hungry right now."

Peter was tempted to tease the boy by saying he had something he could suck on till breakfast, but he was quite sure if he had, Ethan would have jumped at the chance. The boy was super horny and almost insatiable. He was certainly a good fit with the boys in the nest, who in most cases would rather have sex than eat.

They showered together, then dressed in shorts and sandals and headed to the dining room, which was already full of hungry excited boys. The food was prepared buffet style to save time, and as usual Ricky and Peter were first in line. Because Ethan had come in with them, he was next in line, but none of the other boys begrudged him his position, for at one time or another, all of them had been there as well. All of them had been bed mates for the two older boys and they knew how special it felt to have that opportunity and there was no jealousy among them. In fact, jealousy was a foreign concept in the nest, what with so much love to go around, and a bunch of horny eager boys around all the time, no one need feel neglected or lonely.

As usual there was a huge spread of food, but Ricky chose a bagel with strawberry cream cheese, some fruit, and the synthetic bacon, that Ricky was told tasted exactly like the real thing, but was much healthier.

Ethan loaded his plate with eggs, potatoes, syn bacon and sausage, biscuits and gravy, and grabbed a cold glass of real milk to wash it down with. Evelon, being an earth-like planet was able to produce the same crops and livestock as Earth, and dairy farms were a very big industry there.

The chatter at the table that morning was mostly about the ceremony, and it seemed that every boy there already had their eye on at least one new member of the Family. Though most were eager to get with other boys, or in some cases, teens or even men, there were a few who wanted to give girls a try. One of those was Tommy, who had noticed a little red-haired girl with two moms and two older brothers. In fact, Tommy thought it would be nice to play with all three, then slowly ease into the girl thing, no pun intended.

"Listen up monkeys" Peter said tapping his spoon against his glasss, "I want everyone showered and ready to go by 1500 hours today, everyone got that?"

"Yes sir!" Tommy said, saluting and earning him the finger from Peter while everyone laughed heartily.

"You guys who are helping me with the preparations, meet me in the gathering room right after breakfast, and be ready to go to work. We have a lot to do, but if we work together, we can knock it out in no time."

"I assume we had enough robes?" Ricky asked, looking over at Peter.

"That's first on my list. We'll inventory the current stores, then order what we need from the replicator in town. I've already been promised delivery within two hours."

"Awesome, what about food? Oh, and since we're going to have adults, shouldn't we offer wine or alcohol?"

"Food is being catered by Ernesto's (a popular eatery in town), and they are also furnishing a selection of wine and individual size bottles of alcohol. And...since we're talking about a plethora of youngsters, there will be a table with nothing but desserts."

"I can't help but think we've forgotten something..." Ricky fumed, then it dawned on  him, "Peter, come with me. Boys, finish cleanup, then go wait for us in the gathering room. I'll see you boys in a bit."

"Yes Ricky," the boys almost sang, causing a titter of laughter to go through the room. The boys were as excited as Ricky had seen them since the move to Evelon, and he was looking forward to seeing how they'd react once the joining began.

"What is it, what did we forget?" Peter asked once they were alone.

"I guess I'm being silly, I could have told you in front of the boys, but I was thinking...there will be young fertile girls and virile boys at the joining, and we don't want to take any chances on unwelcomed pregnancies. Hopefully, all the parents have taken care of this contingency, but just in case, I want birth control methods available for any who need them."

"I'll call the local pharmacy and have condoms, patches, and pills delivered, oh...and we probably could use more lube as well," Peter added chuckling, "several flavors."

"Yes, excellent, and more towels for clean up and..."

By the time they'd reached the gathering room, the two had pretty much thought of every contingency, and if it wasn't covered, it soon would be. But even knowing that they were as prepared as they could be, Ricky thought he hadn't been this nervous since he'd been held captive back on Kronos.

Soon, the other boys began to trickle in till every member of the nest was present. Ricky chuckled, looking over his little brothers with pride. They were all eager and willing to help, and in no time flat they'd have everything ready for the ceremony.

While Peter took care of the details, Ricky went to his quarters to meditate in an attempt to calm down. Assuming the Lotus position, he let his mind drift away and his thoughts began to clear. He saw fields of flowers in his mind, barefoot naked children running through soft grass, occasionally pausing to pick a flower and offer it to another child.

As the visions continued, Ricky saw a young boy and girl holding hands, then pausing to kiss sweetly, they pressed their smooth naked bodies together and when they pulled apart Ricky could see the boy was aroused.

Something was whispered in the girl's ear, then the two lay down in the soft grass and began to kiss once more, the boy moving on top of the girl. The image began to fade then, but it was replaced by others, all ages of beautiful naked men, women, and children sharing their love in every way possible. It was what he'd envisioned for The Family from the start, the loving, the sharing, the uninhibited acceptance of something  greater than one's self, but knowing they were an important part of it.

Time had no meaning as Ricky continued to mediate, the visions filling his thoughts and mind's eye, but eventually he awoke from his stupor and he eyes flew open. Looking at the clock at the bottom of the video screen on the wall, Ricky saw that he'd been gone for almost an hour. But it had been worth it, his anxiety had been replaced by a feeling of inner peace and quiet anticipation. No matter what happened tonight, he thought with certainty, it would be good and right, and only the beginning of a new era for The Family.

"Oh, there you are," Peter said when Ricky finally rejoined him and the others in the gathering room, "Robes are here, the caters will be arriving at 15:30, and the air buses will start making the rounds to pick up the families just about now."

"Excellent, and the items from the pharmacy?"

"Already here," Peter said pointing to a blue plastic tote with fold in lids, "I'll have one of the boys set them up on a table near that mats, you can remind them where to find them when you give the welcoming speech, and I've already added it to the e-presentation on their tablets."

All the new family members had been provided with a tablet which, besides being able to access the internet, had a special channel for news from the Nest. There had already been feedback from some of the new members, all positive and everyone seemed to be monitoring it closely for any updates.

"Shower time!" Peter said clapping his hands loudly, "Tommy, stow those Helium canisters in the supply room and that should be it.

The boys had inflated at least a hundred Mylar balloons with helium, and they filled the air of the gathering room and gave it a festive look. In addition the huge video screens around the room displayed images pleasant to the eye, including photos of the boys from the nest and The Boys' Home, as well as some of the new families.

The boys scattered then, going to their designated bathroom to take care of their body functions and shower. Many of the boys cleaned themselves inside and out in preparation for the nights sharing, while others looked forward to being the one benefiting from those clean bottoms.

After the boys had disbursed, Peter led Ricky around, pointing out all the preparations they'd performed, and Ricky gave him his wholehearted approval.

"You've done a marvelous job, all of you...once again. I don't know what I'd do without you."

"Not surprisingly, Ethan was a big help. He seems to have a knack for decorating, and he's a natural leader. You should have seen how easily the other boys fell into line," Peter chuckled.

"I told you, that boy is going to be someone very important to The Family, perhaps someday taking over for us, and keeping the movement alive, or...perhaps starting a new Family somewhere else in the  universe."

"Oh, I hope not, I mean...I'd hate to lose him, but if that's his destiny, I'd certainly support him."

"Yeah, well...only time will tell. I suppose we should go get ready now. We don't want to be late for this hoopla," Ricky chuckled.

"Gotcha, you wash my back and I'll wash yours," Peter chuckled.


Not far away, the new families were loading into the three air buses dispatched to take them to The Nest, and their excited laughter and conversation filled the air. Isaac, the precocious nine-year-old who had been so outspoken at last night's meeting, sat with his mother, father, and two brothers, Dean 12, and Eric 14, barely able to sit still as he anticipated what lay ahead.

"Are you gonna do stuff?" Isaac asked his two older brothers, who seemed more reserved, and maybe a little nervous.

"Dude, we don't want to talk about this with mom and dad here," Eric said in a low gruff voice.

Their dad chuckled, but said nothing, having overheard his son's words, and his wife brought her hand to her face to hide the grin she was wearing.

"Why?" Isaac asked innocently, "we're gonna be part of The Family now, and mom and dad are cool with us sharing and stuff, or we wouldn't be here."

"I know, I know," Eric said shaking his head, "It's just...embarrassing, that's all."

"Yeah," Dean added, "but I guess we gotta get used to it, cause not just mom and dad are gonna be there, there will be lots of adults, and older kids."

"Well, we still don't have to talk about it, but...between you and me, I want to get with a girl first. I've never been with one that way..." Eric confessed.

"What about your girlfriend back home, I thought..." Dean started.

"Shhh...we never went all the way, just part of the way," Eric said blushing, "you know...?" he said looking at his brother with a gleam his eyes. He and Dean had exchanged blow jobs on many occasions, but never engaged in anal sex, though neither had ever done anything sexual with Isaac, feeling he was too young.

"I'm gonna find a cute boy to be with," Isaac giggled, "I met this little red-headed boy that was sooo cute. His name is Danny, and he promised to do stuff with me tonight."

"Really?" Eric scoffed, "what's a little squirt like you gonna do? Rub your wee wee on him?" he added laughing.

"Shut up,, Eric is making fun of me, and it's not fair. Ricky said I was old enough to share, right?"

"Eric, stop teasing your brother, and Isaac, you know what we talked about. No anal sex, you're too young for that, but anything else is fine," his mother said as casually as if she were telling him to watch both ways before crossing a street.

"See," Isaac said sticking out his tongue at his older brother.

"I see you know how to use your tongue anyway," Eric laughed, causing the rest of the family to join in.

It was the same on each of the buses, happy, excited families, discussing what lay ahead, laying out ground rules for themselves and their children and looking forward to becoming part of The Family.

When the new families began arriving, they found the gathering room occupied by dozens of white-robed boys sitting upon mats in front of a large stage with stairs at each end of it.

On the stage, Ricky and Peter stood talking animatedly to one another, but when they saw the first group come in, they quickly went to greet them. Hugs, kisses, handshakes, fist bumps, were exchanged, and the new families were invited to find a mat and sit down.

Eventually all the families were present and seated, a noisy din filling the air as they chatted among themselves. Climbing back onstage, Ricky called for their attention and a hush fell over the room.

"Welcome, welcome everyone. It's so wonderful to see all of your beautiful smiling faces. For each and every one of you are beautiful, and loved, and you are about to embark on a wonderful magical voyage as you throw off the chains of conventional existence and become a part of something amazing and life altering, The Family. Your lives are about to change, for the better, and once you have embraced the culture that is The Family, you will wonder how you ever existed without it. Without the love, the sharing, the support, that The Family offers and the wonderful life you will live from this day forth.

In a while we will begin the ceremony. By now all of you will have had time to review the sample presentation on your tablets, but I will go over the basics once again before we actually begin. I trust that you all have read the updates we posted today (a sea of nodding  heads greeted him then) including those concerning contraceptives, which are displayed on a table on the right side of the room below the video screen that says, 'Safe Sex', " he chuckled. "Safe meaning, no unwelcome pregnancies, not fear of STDs. I know some of you have already taken these precautions prior to coming here, but we wanted to be prepared for all contingencies. And without being too graphic," he chuckled, "condoms do more than prevent pregnancies, they can also make sex a bit less messy. So, that being said, if there are any questions, feel free to ask. Now that we have the messy details out of the way, it's time to eat. Using the information you provided about your dietary habits, we have put together a spread of food to cover everything from vegan to carnivore," he laughed, and the others joined in. As for me, I eat meat, but I love my fruits and veggies, and you will find a wide variety of those to choose from. And...for those with a sweet tooth, we have a fabulous assortment of desserts, just to the right of the main food tables. So, without further ado, let the feeding frenzy begin..." he laughed.

Since the food was spread out over several serving tables, it didn't take long for everyone to fill their plates, grab a beverage and return to their mats. When the bulk of the group was seated, Ricky and Peter grabbed a plate and filled them before finding a spot by Ethan on the outer edge of the mats occupied by the boys from The Nest.

**Across from them a pretty young girl of about 10 or so stared at the three, blushing profusely, but unable to look away. Ricky had never really thought much about girls before, having figured out early that he liked boys, but he had to admit this young smooth cutie was certainly fun to look at. At that age, girls and boys were more or less androgynous, their sex organs being the only determination of their sex. In fact, from the back, Ricky decided this cute little girl across from him would probably be quite delectable looking, and just as cute as any boy he'd seen. Her blond hair was cut short, making her look more like a boy than ever, and her deep blue eyes and cute face, made her attractive, no matter what sex anyone preferred. **

He was jarred out his thoughts when one of the girl's moms spoke to him, "I'm sorry Jasmine is staring at you, but she has a bit of a crush on you and Peter.

"Mooom," the girl whined, blushing even deeper.

"It's okay sweetie," Ricky said reaching over to take the little girl's free hand, "you're a very cute girl...Jasmine. How old are you?"

"Twelve, but...I know, I know, I look younger. I still haven't got any hair yet, and I  haven't got my period yet. Oh God, I can't believe I said that," she said covering her face in shame.

"I'm glad you feel comfortable enough to talk to me about such things, Jasmine. We're all family here, sweetheart, and you can share anything you like with us."

"Really, you're not...grossed out?" the little girl said, peeking out from behind her hands.

"No, not at all. I'll admit, I don't have much experience with girls, but I want to learn, we all do. And girls as pretty as you are going to be very popular among this crowd," Ricky chuckled.

"Ah, you really think so?" she said grinning.

"Definitely," Ricky agreed.

"You're very pretty," Ethan said smiling warmly, "I'd love to get to know you better," he said, then blushed, "I mean...well, you know?" he giggled.

"Oh,'re a very cute boy, but I really like older Ricky and Peter," Jasmine said, giving them a look that was part lust, part embarrassment.

"I'm flattered," Ricky said smiling, "and how do your moms feel about that?" he said, turning to the two women, one black, one Asian, who sat watching this little drama unfold.

"Girl's got my sex drive," Edie, the black woman said, "I'm not worried now that we're here in the bosom of the family, but back home I had to watch this girl every minute," she chuckled.

"I agree," her other mom, Jade, added, "Jasmine will do well here, she can have her fun and be safe, and we can relax. And...I have to say, it would be wonderful if you and Peter were her first."

"I'm humbled that you feel that way," Ricky said sincerely, "I would feel honored to share with you, Jasmine, but I do feel you're too young to...go all the way. Do you moms agree?"

"Yes, and no," Jade said, "she is certainly safe since she's not reached puberty yet, but whoever takes her virginity needs to be very gentle and take it slow. A boy her age would be best, but Jasmine doesn't want that," she sighed, "she wants someone older."

"When the girl wants it, she'll get it," Edie laughed, "I was that way as a girl, had my first dick in me at nine, by cousin Leroy, and he was fourteen. Later I realized I liked girls better, but I'll always remember my first. Hurt like hell, and I bled like a stuck hog."

"Well, I can assure you, any one of the boys from The Nest would be very gentle and make her first time enjoyable, but it seems as if Peter and I have been entrusted with that privilege. Peter, how do you feel about that?"

"I say, go for it. We've both wanted to get to know what girls were all about, and what better way than  to do it together?"

"Well, then...seems we have a date sweetie," Ricky said leaning in to kiss Jasmine on the cheek, "but for now, we better finish our food. We'll all need our strength for later," he chuckled.


**The announcements had been made, Ricky had outlined once again what the new members of the family could expect, and now it was time to begin. To save time, each family would take the stage together and be inducted into the body of The Family as a group. Peter would be assisting him this time, selecting the proper size robe for each member of the new family, then handing it to Ricky who would slip it on them. Once the robes were in place, the new family would be inducted into the family. **

As Ricky stood on the stage looking out at all the new prospective members of The Family, he felt a lump in his throat and tears in his eyes. Everyone, save the boys of the Nest, were now naked, and though some seemed a little uncomfortable being bare, most had already embraced this new concept.

The lights dimmed then and soft background music began to play. On the ceiling of the gathering room, what appeared to be stars, twinkle softly, giving the illusion that they were outside.

A ramp had been installed since there were two members of the new families that used motorized wheelchairs. One was a 15 year-old boy named Eric, and the other a young mother of three named Hazel. Both had rare nerve disorders that limited their ability to walk, and used a wheelchair most times to get around. However, for the ceremony, they would be helped to stand by family members.

The first family was Eric's, dad Joel, mom Cathy, and brothers Grayson and Tiger. Ricky thought Tiger was an apt name for the blond, green-eyed, eleven-year-old, for he was wiry and moved with the grace of a big cat.

As if he were worried about his older brother, Tiger remained beside Eric the whole time he was traveling up the ramp, then stood by his side, lightly touching him when he came to a stop. Ricky saw the kind of love in this family, and especially between the two boys, that was the foundation of The Family, and he was quite sure they would fit in well.

**"We are gathered here to welcome you, our new brothers and sisters into The Family. You have come to us with free hearts and open minds, to join us in love and  have agreed to obey our basic creed, to love one another above all else. For love is the strongest force in the universe. Love, which babies cry for, and every human being searches for their whole life. Love, which can turn the darkest night into day, the saddest heart into a joyous one, and make life worth living when nothing seems to be going right. **

The Family was founded on that principal. That once we can truly love each other, all obstacles can be overcome, and peace and harmony will reign. You have come to us naked as the day you were born, and these white robes I place upon you now represent the new life you are about to undertake. Your old self will be washed away, and you will be reborn, pure and innocent as the day you were born, born again into the love of The Family.

Ricky paused to wipe a few tears from his eyes, for he always got quite emotional during the ceremony, and he noticed the family before him, to the last person, was weeping softly. They were tears of joy however, and he could see from the looks on their faces that they were ready to start life anew.

"And so, like a new born baby, you come to us naked and we clothe you in this white robe, which symbolizes purity of spirit. No matter what you have done before, you are now like a new born babe, pure of spirit, and open to love, innocent as you were the day you were born. This robe also symbolizes the protection that this love, and The Family offers you. For as long as you shall choose, you are one of us, joined in body, mind, and in heart, free to love and be loved, in body, mind, and in spirit."

**Then hugging each member of the family, Ricky placed a kiss upon their cheek as the group of boys from the Nest cheered loudly, and soon the others followed their leads. **

"I now give you, our new brothers and sisters, welcome them into our flock," Ricky said then, directing the newest members of the family down the ramp to rejoin the others.

There were hugs and back slaps from the group surrounding them, but then it was time for the next family and the ceremony continued. Though much longer than any previous ceremony, Ricky found himself just as inspired and enthusiastic when he'd called up the last family as he had been the first.

The last family was that of Jasmine, and Ricky was reminded that he had a date with the cute blond girl once the ceremony was over and the joining began. As he hugged the cute little girl after placing the robe on her slender naked body, she leaned into him and whispered in his ear, reminding him of his promise, and Ricky assured her he was looking forward to getting to know her better.

"And now, as the last new family leaves the stage, I would like to personally welcome each and every one of you to the body of your new family. Now comes the part of the ceremony we call, 'the sharing'. First of all, let me remind you once again, that the sharing is not a requirement of belonging to The Family, and if anyone wishes to leave at this point, the air buses are on standby. I would hope that any who do not choose to share this evening, will however do so eventually, for sharing is an important part of loving and being loved. However, no one must feel compelled to share, nor should anyone force it. Some may not be ready at this point, and may want to wait until they 'grok to fullness', to quote Michael Valentine Smith from Stranger in a Strange land. Others may never feel comfortable sharing in a setting like this, but from what I have seen and heard from you so far, I think most will come around eventually and accept this way of loving as pure and natural as we do.

The lights will now be lowered, and any who wish to leave may do so using the lighted exits on either side of the room. We will allow 15 minutes for that, then continue with the ceremony and the sharing."

Not surprisingly, no one left that night. All the families had accepted the philosophy of The Family long before they'd made the trip to Evelon. After the initial vetting, the families had studied the materials about The Family that Ricky had furnished, as well as watched videos of past induction ceremonies and carefully edited sections of the sharing. Though of course the sharing was of boys only at that point, what was important to note in all the videos was the love and affection the boys shared with one another.

The lights came up just a little after the fifteen minute wait and Ricky smiled at his flock, and with a voice trembling with emotion he began once again. "I see before me a new generation of The Family, individuals bound together by love, open-minded, free spirited, and eager to share. Go now and share, as little or as much as you would like. Remove your robes and be born again, but keep that robe as a reminder of your old self and the new person you have become."

Descending the stage, hand in hand with Peter, Ricky returned to his mat to find not only Ethan there, but Jasmine as well. He wondered where the rest of her family were, but soon located them mingling with the other families, seeking others with which to share.

"Well, here we are," Ricky said nervously. He realized he hadn't been this nervous at a ceremony in a very long time. He supposed it  had something to do with the fact that he was about to share with a female, and a very beautiful one at that, but there was more. For the first time in the history of The Family, adults and females would be participating in the sharing, and he wondered how the boys of the Nest would react to that. Though they'd had plenty of advanced warning and coaching, until it actually happened, no one could predict the outcome.

"You promised," Jasmine said impatiently.

"Calm down," Ricky chuckled, "Ethan, would you be so kind as to grab us all a drink. After all that talking I'm parched."

**"Okay," Ethan said jumping up, his erection pointing the way. **

Ricky couldn't help but stare at Ethan's cute butt as he bounced away, his own cock starting to stiffen. Ricky's arousal did not go unnoticed by Jasmine, who was hopeful that the older boy would react to her own body as favorably as she did the cute boy.

"Will Ethan be with us too?"

**"Yes, I know you said earlier that he was too young to be interesting for you, but what I was thinking is:  if you decided you want to go all the way, Ethan would be a better first than either of us..." **


"Hold on," from all I've read about a girl losing her virginity, it can be painful and there may be a little blood. Ethan's cock is much smaller than mine, or Peter's, and won't be a painful. Afterwards, if you still want me or Peter to make love to you, it will be much easier having been broken in by Ethan. Is that okay?"

"Yes, that's fine. Ethan is a cute boy, and very sweet. I guess he can be my long as I can have you too."

"All right then, here's our boy now with drinks for everyone."

"I got some of this stuff too," Ethan said, throwing down a tube of Strawberry scented lube.

"Good thinking," Peter chuckled, then taking a drink of his beverage, he re-sealed the bottle and sat it near him.

Once everyone's thirst was quenched, Ricky decided it was time to begin. Looking around him he saw all sorts of uninhibited activity taking place and he smiled. Despite the few who had seemed reluctant or unsure about the sharing, everyone seemed to have embraced it fully now that it had begun. He paused a moment watching Eric, the boy in the wheelchair, bouncing a younger boy of about 12 on his lap, and when the boy turned his head, he saw clearly that it was Tiger, his younger brother.

He wondered if this was the first time the two had been together, using the sharing to finally make a dream come true, or if they were already lovers. Either way, this was the perfect place to show their love and enjoy the closeness that sex brought.

"Why don't you stretch out sweetie," Ricky suggested then, "and let us nasty boys explore your beautiful body from head to toe?"

"Okay," the cute girl said giggling, "I'd like that, but I get to explore yours too, okay?"

"Sure, plenty of time for that," Ricky assured her, "but us ignorant boys have never seen a girl up close like this before, so we're pretty curious."

"Oh, okay, well...I can tell you, feels good and stuff," she said, suddenly sounding shy.

"I was hoping you'd say that," Peter laughed, "I've read about it, even seen videos, but every person is different and different things turn them on."

"Yeah, like...I like my toes sucked," Ethan said giggling.

"Oh, that sounds interesting," Jasmine said then.

"Well, we can make that happen. In fact, why don't we just start and you tell us what you like and what you don't like?" Ricky suggested.

Stretched out as she was, Ricky once again thought that except for her lack of a penis and testicles, she could easily be mistaken for a boy. She was slender, though not skinny, and except for a slight swell in her hips that most girls had, her body could have belonged to either sex. Though her nipples were pert and erect at the moment, her breasts  had not formed yet, and her chest was as flat as Ethan's. Her legs were shapely and well muscled for a girl, and later Ricky would discover that she had played soccer back home and enjoyed running. Her feet were delicate and slender, and perhaps the most feminine feature of her whole body, simply because her toenails were painted a lovely shade of purple.

"I like your nail polish," Ricky said picking up a small foot and rubbing it gently, "do you like foot rubs?"

"Oh yes, my moms,[l. sometimes rub my feet when I've been playing soccer or after a run. After I shower of course," she added giggling.

"So you like sports,'ll love it here then, the boys love all sorts of sports and you will be welcome to play with them anytime."

"Mmm...that feels good," Jasmine said as Ricky began working his magic on her feet.

Meanwhile, Peter had laid down beside her and was tracing a finger up and down her chest, rubbing her erect nipples with each pass. She shivered a little at Peter's touch, but the look on her face and her soft moans, assured him she liked what he was doing.

"Ethan, take the other side and show Jasmine how much you like her body," Ricky suggested.

"Oh, okay," the boy said grinning, "can I...can I kiss you?" he asked the girl.

"Sure, okay...I like kissing," she said smiling at Ethan. Despite her desire to be with older boys, she thought Ethan was very cute and sweet, and since she'd been promised both Ricky and Peter would share with her later, she was content to let Ethan do whatever he wanted.

As they kissed, Ethan threw his arm over Jasmine and began to rub her flat tummy, causing the little girl to purr in appreciation. Ethan was a good kisser, and Jasmine loved kissing, and his soft hand on her stomach was causing tingles a little lower down. In fact, she was hoping Ethan might let his hand drift lower, but when after a while it did not, she decided to take matters into her own hands.

**Grabbing Ethan's hand in hers, she guided it to her smooth pubis, and opening her legs a little, she placed it directly on her clit, hoping Ethan knew what to do next. **

Ethan, having never touched a girl before, was worried he wouldn't know what to do, but the videos and coaching from both Ricky and Peter paid off as he wiggled his finger into that soft squishy opening and began to rub her clit gently.

"Oh...oh...yesss," Jasmine called out softly, almost causing Ricky to drop her foot as she tried to spread her legs wider.

"Well, seems like Ethan has discovered your g-spot," Ricky laughed, "mind if I move up there and take a turn?

"No, I mean...yess...please touch me there," she said spreading her legs wide, and thrusting up a little to expose all of her girl parts.

As  had all the boys in the nest, Ricky had recently studied pictures and videos of girls sexual organs and how to stimulate to provide maximum pleasure, but he also knew every girl was different, just as every boy was different.

One thing he noticed in particular about Jasmine's cute little pussy, was that it didn't have flaring lips like a lot of those in the videos. Instead, it was a barely noticeable slit, the skin the same color as the rest of her body. Her clitoris however was very pronounced, but he supposed that might be because of her excited state at the moment.

"May I kiss you down there?" Ricky asked politely, even though he was quite sure he knew the answer.

"Oh yess...yess, yess...and use your tongue...please," she panted.

"Ethan, may I take over?" Ricky asked smiling over at Ethan.

"Yeah, but I get my turn later, okay?"

"Yes, meanwhile, why don't you kiss her some more to take her mind off the awful things I'm going to do to her,' he chuckled.

Peter laughed too, "I get a turn too."

"Everyone gets a turn, but I'm first," Ricky laughed.

Kneeling between Jasmine's legs then, Ricky brought is face to her middle and sniffed her delicate aroma. He'd heard rumors even as a boy that girls smelt like fish, but he knew that was a myth, and in fact, their scent was not that unlike a boy's. This girl smelt clean, and yet she had a musky, sexy aroma that caused Ricky's cock to secrete even more precum.

He was aroused in a way he never thought possible by this pretty tween girl, and eager to taste her, penetrate her ,and deposit his seed inside her. His nose guided him to her center, and with his fingers he spread her lips open and invaded her most private place with his wet talented tongue. The tongue that had been up more boy butts than he could count, the tongue that drove those same boys to speak in tongues as they clawed at the covers and tried to get more of it in their hot tight asses.

" good. That's just the right spot...just the right way, yessssssss," the little girl cried out.

Jasmine lost count of her orgasms after a while, but she had never came that many times in her young life, and yet she was eager for more. She wanted to feel a hard cock inside her, throbbing and spitting out it's seed. Only then, she believed, would she be totally fulfilled.

Ricky, aware that a young girl like her could come countless numbers of time, finally decided it was time to move on. Letting is tongue go lower now, he parted her pink lips with it and plunged into her tight hot pussy hole.

"Oh...oh...yess...your tongue is nice, but I want you dick in me sooo...bad," she panted.

"Ethan, take over," Ricky suggested then, "eat your fill, then give Jasmine what she wants most, your dick," he chuckled.

"Okay," Ethan said happily as he quickly changed places with Ricky.

Being young and bold, and after his earlier exploration, he dived right in, eating Jasmine's pussy as if he had been born to do so. Once he had her good and wet, he grabbed the lube and began to finger her, getting her ready for the real thing.

His cock was as hard as he could ever remember it being, and wet with precum. It throbbed with each beat of his heart and he was as eager to get inside Jasmine as she was to have him there.

**Peter and Ricky were taking turns kissing the girl, while fondling her body and keeping her excited and on the edge while she waited for Ethan to get her and himself ready. Eventually Ethan decided it was time for the real thing, and after lubing up his stiff boy stick, he moved into position. **

He knew better than to just shove it in, for he was no stranger to fucking, even if all his partners up until now had been other boys. In some ways that helped, since assholes were typically tighter than pussies, and one needed finesse when penetrating them.

With that in mind, Ethan did what he often did with boys, rubbing his dick up and down her crack, across her clit and to her pussy almost teasingly. As expected, Jasmine could only take so much teasing, and eventually she pulled free of Peter's kiss and practically ordered Ethan to, "Just do it, fuck me...fuck me now!"

Ricky laughed, but Ethan took her request seriously and re-positioned himself, ready for penetration. Then slowly, carefully, he lowered himself until the tip of his penis began to enter her.

"It's okay, put it all in," she panted.

"Okay, here goes," Ethan said taking a deep breath and pushing hard.

**There was a moment of resistance, then the thin tissue gave way, and Jasmine gave up her virginity without a whimper. **

"Oh...yesss...I feel you inside me," she said, tears stinging her eyes, "it feels so good. It doesn't hurt at all...not much anyway," she sighed.

"You're so hot, so tight inside. It's different than with a boy. I don't know how to explain it, it's like it was made to fit there," Ethan said in awe.

"Well, it kinda was," Peter chuckled, "that's how Mother Nature set it up, but men soon found out there were other ways to have fun."

"Mmm..." Ethan sighed, "this feels so good, but I'm not gonna last very long."

"It's okay, we'll take over once you're done," Ricky assured him.

"Okay, then I'm gonna go for it, okay Jasmine?"

"Yesss...fuck me Ethan,"  she said contentedly, reaching up to grab the boy's slender waist and pull him closer.

Around them, the sight, sounds, and smells of raw sex invaded the air, driving the participants into further frenzy. On the next mat, a woman was  letting a teenage boy fuck her pussy, while a man fucked her ass. Everywhere it was the same, every possible situation, every combination available playing out as The Family left all inhibitions behind and shared to fullness.

Ethan was on the home stretch now, and with one last thrust, he cried out and began to unload his meager amount of seed into the writhing girl beneath him. Then leaning down he kissed her tenderly and thanked her.

"Oh,'re welcome, and...thank you too. It was amazing. So much better than I ever dreamed."

"Do you need to rest sweetie, use the bathroom, or get a drink?"

"No, I'm fine. I want you to make love to me now," she said eagerly.

"Oh, well...are you sure you don't want Peter first?"

"No, you are both about the same size. I've waited so long, please."

"Okay, who am I to deny the wishes of a beautiful princess like you?" Ricky chuckled.

"Wait," she said sitting up then, "I want to touch you first, and...umm...suck on it to get you ready. I know how to do that," she added blushing, "I sucked my brother's friend Tom off before."

**"Whatever you want, babe," Ricky said stretching out on the mat, his rock hard cock jutting almost straight up, throbbing with each beat of his heart. **

A pearl-like drop of precum oozed from his piss slit and Jasmine dabbed at it with her finger, then brought it to her tongue.

"Yumm, that boy I sucked off couldn't make cum yet, so this is my first time to, umm...taste that stuff.

"It's called precum," Ricky explained, "and it's a sort of natural lube for what we're going to do in a bit.

"Yeah, I like it," she said, then licked Ricky's cock head hoping to coax out more.

**"This feels good," Ricky sighed, "oh...that feels even better," he added as Jasmine took his cock head into her small wet mouth and began bobbing up and down. **

Next, she began to swirl her tongue around the head as she sucked and bobbed, using her hand to massage Ricky's loaded ball sac as she continued.

"Ahhh....that's really good," Ricky panted, "but if you keep that up much longer you're going to find out what actual cum tastes like."

"Oh, okay...then I'll do this..." she said after releasing his cock from her mouth, then moving down to suck and lick his hairless balls.

"Oh...that boy...that friend of your brother, he was a very lucky boy."

"He's here too," She said sitting up and resting on one arm as she stared into Ricky's eyes, "he was our neighbor, and his whole family came too."

"Awesome, I want to meet him soon," Ricky said sincerely.

"I think I'm ready now...for you, you know? make love to me," she said, not waiting for a reply before falling down beside Ricky and opening her legs.

Ricky chuckled at her eagerness, but he too was ready. In a way he was losing his virginity too, to a girl, and to a sweet one at that. Despite having taken the cherry of a dozen or so boys, Ricky was a bit nervous as he moved into position over the girl. He knew she wasn't any more fragile than the boys he'd fucked, but somehow he thought of her that way. Fragile, delicate, and in need of gentle loving care.

Well, he could do that. He could make love to her and still be gentle and loving. After all, wasn't that what The Family was all about? With that in mind, he relaxed and prepared  himself for his first coupling with a female.

The first thing he noticed was how tight and hot the little girl was as he entered. He studied her face, looking for any sign of discomfort, but all he saw there was joy, and lust, and something else. Love maybe, or at least admiration, and he felt humbled and encouraged to give this his all.

His penis sank into her like a hot knife through butter, the tightness and heat building to exquisite proportions until he felt as if he would burst if he moved one more inch. Pausing there, buried only 3/4 of the way inside her, the feeling soon passed, and he continued pushing deeper, until at last he was completely buried in her body.

**"Oh, so full," Jasmine said rolling her head from side to side, "Peter, will you rub my clitty while Ricky fucks me?" she said, sounding far more worldly than her age beguiled. **

Without answering, Peter did as she asked, finally getting to feel for himself what a little girl's sex felt like. He liked the velvety smooth feel of her clit, and wanted to taste it when it finally came his turn. Meanwhile, he was content to watch Ricky's gorgeous cock moving in and out of her widely stretched hole as he rubbed her little clit.

Ethan was sitting back on his heels now, watching the show and recovering, but his dick was already starting to plump up again. He'd liked being with Jasmine, and was looking forward to trying other girls, but he was pretty sure he still liked boys better. In fact, there was a cute red-haired teenage boy giving him the eye at that very moment.

"I'm going to the bathroom," Ethan said jumping up, but Ricky and Peter were otherwise occupied and barely nodded at his exit.

The teenage boy, Luke, noticing Ethan's departure, watched as he headed toward the bathrooms, hesitating only a moment before following.

"Hi," Luke said, appearing just as Ethan began to let loose his yellow stream into the trough-like urinal. He'd hoped the boy would follow him, and now here he was, so what next? he wondered.

"Hi," Ethan said turning his head just as Luke stepped up to the urinal as well. His cock was quite hard however, and it took him a while to get a stream going.

"Pretty wild out there," the 15 year-old said then, "man, I can't believe some of the stuff I've seen tonight."

"Do you like it?" Ethan asked, not sure where the boy stood.

"Oh, yeah...hell yeah. You?"

"Yes, of course. I just joined The Family the day before you arrived, but I was at the Boys Home, and things are pretty much the same there. I'd only been with boys till today though. I just fucked my first girl a few minutes ago," Ethan added proudly.

"I know, I saw. You're a real little stud," Luke said offering a fist to bump, "I'm Luke, by the way."

"I'm Ethan. I really like your hair...uh, the color I mean," he said blushing a little, despite his usual bravado.

"Thanks, I keep it trimmed, but I don't like it smooth," Luke said,  then quickly added, "but I like it smooth on some dudes. I like it on you. You look super smooth down there. Do you shave it or what?"

"Nah, just haven't got any yet. I can make cum though," Ethan added proudly.

"Oh, wow...did that girl use birth control?"

"Yeah, she has the patch, her moms made sure. Uh, what about you, what do, like to do?"

"Well, I really like younger...mostly boys. I like you," Luke said blushing, "I mean, I don't know how this all works yet. What do I...umm do if I want to get with you? I mean...if you're interested."

"You already have," Ethan chuckled, "you wanna go back out there or...go to my room and do it in private?"

"Can we, go to your room? That would be awesome. I don't wanna share you with anyone right now."

"Sure, come on," Ethan said taking the older boy's hand, the one he had held his penis with, "it's not far.


Back in the gathering room, Ricky was headed toward a mind-blowing orgasm, his first with a female, and he was amazed at how wonderful the whole experience had been. Ethan was right, it did feel very natural and different than being with a boy. However, he was quite sure he still liked boys better, but he thought maybe that was because he was so in love with one particular boy, Peter.

He was moving fast now, his desire to be gentle, replaced by a need to breed and to lose his seed deep within his partner. However, Jasmine didn't seem to mind his speed or his roughness as she bounced around beneath him, panting and thrusting up as if to bury more of Ricky's cock inside her.

**"I'm close," Ricky whispered. Then leaning down to place a wet, passionate kiss on the girl's lips, he thrust inside her one last time and began to come, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh...." he moaned as he experienced one of the most intense orgasms of his life. **

Jasmine could feel Ricky's cock expanding and contracting as it expelled rope after rope of hot thick semen into her body, and she sighed contentedly. She had actually orgasmed several times during the lovemaking, as Peter had continued to rub her clit even as Ricky moved inside her.

**Eventually Ricky was spent and he stopped moving, supporting himself on his strong arms and legs, hovering over the little girl, still buried deep inside her. He felt a sort of inner peace, as he always did after joining with one of the flock, but this time was special, if only because it was different being with a girl. **

As he gazed down at her smiling countenance, he couldn't help but think she looked different, older...or at least more mature. Was it true that making love to a girl made her a woman? At any rate, he thought, she had gotten what she'd wanted, twice now, and she had Peter to go.

**"Are are you okay?" Ricky said, gently pulling out of her and moving up to lay beside her. **

He was suddenly aware that Ethan hadn't returned, but he didn't worry. As horny as the boy was, he'd probably found another playmate, and of course he was right.

"Yesss," Jasmine sighed, "It was wonderful. So much better than I thought it would be. Thank you," she said, tears filling her eyes.

"Aww...don't cry," Ricky said kissing her tears away, "do you still want Peter to make love to you, or have you had enough for today?"

"Oh, yes...I want Peter, but first I need to use the bathroom and get a drink," she assured  him.

"I could use a bathroom break myself, how about you Peter?"

"Yeah, and a drink," he replied, glad to hear that Jasmine was still willing to join with him.


In the room that Ethan now shared with a boy named William, Ethan was busy blowing his new friend Luke, thoroughly enjoying the boy's 6 plus inches of hard, hot, uncut boy cock. Luke for his part was laying back, his hand behind his head, enjoying the hot wet mouth of the younger boy. He liked younger boys, always had, even when he'd been much younger, and just as hairless as this one.

**In fact, his first sexual experience had been with a seven-year-old neighbor boy when he was ten. He'd talked the boy into taking off all his clothes, and eventually he'd convinced him to trade blowjobs. Of course, the kid didn't know how to give a real blowjob, but he'd certainly enjoyed Luke's hot wet mouth on his stiff little dick. **

After that first time, the boy, Tim, had gotten better at sucking, and usually initiated their sex play. It took a few months for Luke to talk the boy into letting him fuck him, but after the first time, Tim begged for him to do it every time they got together. If ever there was a bottom boy, Luke thought, Tim was one.

Unfortunately, Tim moved away that summer when school let out and Luke had to find other boys to play with. But the good thing was: there was never a shortage of horny, curious boys, especially as they got older.

"You're pretty good at that,"Luke sighed, "want me to do you now?'

"Sure," Ethan said eagerly, "then you can fuck me, okay?'

"Hell yeah, just the kind of boy I like," Luke chuckled, "I'd rather fuck than eat."

"You are gonna love it here then, there are sooo many horny boys, you can't keep up with them all."

"Oh god, this must be what Heaven is like," Luke said as he got into position between Ethan's legs, "ha ha, your dick smells like pussy."

**"Oh, is that bad?" **

"Nope, I love it," Luke said slurping up Ethan's cock.


Back at the mat, Peter was stretched out on his back as Jasmine explored his sleek muscled body from head to toe. She shook with excitement once again when she finally arrived at  his mid section and stared down at his hard leaking teen boy cock. His balls looked huge to her twelve-year-old eyes, and she couldn't wait to see how much boy juice they could produce. She was eager to taste that boy juice as well, but not as eager as she was to have Peter's cock inside her. In fact, as much as she was enjoying toying with Peter's penis, she finally decided it was time to move on to the main event.

She'd watched many videos of males and females mating, and though she hoped to try all the positions...and soon, there was one that she thought would be perfect for her first time with Peter.

"Can we do it a different way?" she asked meekly as she pulled Peter's foreskin back and licked the head, causing him to groan.

"Anyway you want it sweetheart," Peter said easily, "are you ready to begin?"

"Yes, she said eagerly, then assuming the position she wanted to try, on all fours, doggy style.

She wiggled her cute butt at Peter and he felt his cock throb at the site of her pink butthole winking at him, as well as her pussy, just below it and awaiting his entry. Her butt was as cute as any boy's he'd ever seen, and should the girl ever decided to give up her anal cherry, he would have gladly been first in line.

But even if he wasn't going to plant his rampant teen dick in that hot tight hole, he could at least get a taste of it, he reasoned, and without asking he leaned down and ran his tongue down the girl's crack and across her butt hole.

"Oh...oh, is that what you boys do?" she panted.

"Yes, is that all right? I thought you might enjoy that."

"Yes, it feels really good, can you lick all the way down to my pussy though?"

"Yes your highness," Peter chuckled, "your wish is my command."

Soon Jasmin's pussy was dripping wet and she literally begged Peter to mount her. Excited by her lust and enthusiasm, Peter moved into position, and after a little adjustment, he slipped into her slick tight pussy and began his forward assault.

Having already been fucked twice now, Jasmine easily took Peter's length, and when at last he bottomed out, both of them moaned softly.

"Oh Peter, that feels so good. I think in this position I can feel you deeper than I did with Ricky."

"Yes, little girl, you are so tight and so wet, and so warm inside. I love it," Peter sighed.

Ricky was content to just watch the two for a while, but watching the boy he loved fucked this slender smooth little girl was a big turn on, and soon he was sporting an erection again. With Ethan gone, he began to think about sharing himself with someone else, but who?  Should he make the move, or let that person approach him?

**Ricky's unspoken question was soon answered as a small familiar voice came from beside him. Looking up then, he came face to face with Isaac, the nine-year-old boy who had been concerned about being too young to join in the sharing. **

"Hello," the boy said blushing, and looking oh so cute."

"Hello...Isaac, right?"

"Yes," the boy said beaming then, pleased that Ricky remembered his name, "I was, can I sit with you?"

**"I'd like that," Ricky said scooting over a bit to make room for the little boy. He was average in size for a boy his age, but he seemed much more mature and intelligent than most 9-year-olds. **

"Have you been having a good time?"

"Oh, yes...the best. I met this really nice boy named Dominic. He's from the nest, but know that, he laughed. He was really nice, and helped things out."

"Dommie is a sweet boy," Ricky said with fondness in his voice, "I love that boy with all my  heart."

"Oh, well...he loves you too. He talked about you a lot, when we weren' know?" he said blushing once again.

"He's fun too, I bet you two had lots of fun together, didn't you?" Ricky said, hoping the boy would reveal some of what they'd done.

"Oh, yes...he, um...showed me how to suck and stuff," he said grinning, "his penis is so big, not like yours, but biggern' mine."

"Yours will grow. It's a very nice size right now," Ricky said glancing down at the boy's rigid penis, which looked to be a bit over 3 inches in length and rather thick. The shiny pink head just peeked out of a long loose foreskin, and below, his two grape-sized balls occupied a smooth wrinkles sac.

"Thanks, that's what Dominic says. He said I had a cute butt too," he giggled.

"Well, let me see," Ricky teased, but Isaac took him seriously and stood, bending a bit and shaking his cute little rear end at Ricky.

"Oh, well...Dominic is right. That's a very cute butt you have there. Maybe in a year or so you can start to share that cute butt with others."

"How long do I have to wait?" Isaac said frowning.

"What do your folks say?"

"They didn't say when, just not now," he giggled.

"Well, then I'd say it's probably up to you. When you feel ready. I suggest you start with a boy around your age though, and work up from there," Ricky chuckled.

"Do you think that...I mean, well...that I could ever work up to a penis as big as yours?" the boy said, unashamedly eying Ricky's manhood.

"I'll be honest, I've been with boys ten or eleven before, so yes. It all depends on the boy. Some boys really like anal sex, and they will experiment with fingers and other objects back there, and eventually they will work up enough nerve to go for the real thing. And...the thing is: once they do, and if they really like it, they want more and more."

"Wow, really. Things like...what? I've used my fingers before, but nothing else."

"Oh, well...then we'll get you some toys to experiment with.," Ricky chuckled.

"Toys..." the boy asked looking confused, but his look of confusion soon turned to excitement as Ricky explained.

"When can get"

"Is now too soon?" Ricky chuckled.

"Nooo...really?" Isaac said, practically jumping into Ricky's lap.

"Sure, looks like Peter is going to be busy for a while, we can go to the store room and I'll find you a few things to take home with you. Then after telling Peter and Jasmine he was leaving, he jumped up and took Isaac's hand.

On their way out of the gathering room, they passed Isaac's dad who was getting a very intense blowjob from a teenage girl with rather large breasts and an ass to match. Ricky smiled and winked at the man who  blushed, but was obviously enjoying himself very much. Isaac stared for a moment, surprised to see his father engaged thus, but his smile said he was okay with what his dad was doing.

The storeroom was actually like a little store, with many of the essential items used in the nest kept there, though no food items were stored there. Those were stored in the kitchen area. In the kitchen area there was also a large walk-in cooler and a large walk-in freezer. It took a lot of food to feet the hungry boys of the nest and they were prepared for any contingency.

**"Ah, here we go," Ricky said finding just the right section. In this section there was lube, condoms, enemas, laxatives, and other hygiene and medicine items. After the arrival of the new families, things like feminine hygiene products, and contraceptives had been added as well. **

"I suggest you start with something small," Ricky said picking up a small dildo, one just about the size of Isaac's prick, but longer to make it easier to hold on to, "and maybe a prostate stimulater, oh...and a small butt plug, just to get you used to having something back there. And lube of course. Lots of lube," Ricky chuckled as he put everything in a tote bag for the boy.

"Oh wow, I can't wait to try them out. you think we could do that now?" Isaac asked, blushing once again.

"Sure, but not here. Let's go to my quarters. That way you can have some privacy for your first time."

"All right!" Isaac said beaming, "uh, how do I pay for this stuff?"

Ricky laughed, "Buddy, you will never have to pay for anything here in the midst of your family. Only in town."

"Oh, okay...thanks," Isaac said grinning.

Ricky led an eager Isaac to his quarters, and as soon as they were inside Isaac's eyes grew wide as he took in the grandeur and size of the place. His and his families new house was nice, no more than nice, wonderful, but Ricky's quarters were awesome, he thought to himself.

"The bedroom is in here, need a drink, or to use the bathroom before we begin?"

"A drink would be cool," Isaac said politely, "I'm kinda thirsty."

"There's a fridge in my room with everything from water to soda pop. Come on, I'm sure you can find something you like."

Ricky selected a bottle of lemon-lime flavored water, while Isaac selected a Coke, something he'd heard about, but never drank in his short life. He was amazed at how wonderful it was, and was pretty sure he was hooked for life on the icy cold beverage.

"If you'd like I could help you get ready," Ricky offered, "Have you ever had a rim job Isaac?"

"No...umm...but I know what it is, and I want to...some day."

"Well, my little friend, that day has arrived," Ricky said lustily, "and I promise you, you are gonna love it."


At dawn, the twinkling stars faded as the ceiling of the gathering room became a display screen displaying the beautiful sunrise as it was occurring outside in real time. Ricky and Isaac, had enjoyed a playful romp in his room, during which time Ricky had introduced him to anal play, but full penetration would have to wait for a while. Isaac had enjoyed all of the anal play, especially the rimming, and he was eager to lose his anal virginity, but Ricky had assured him there was no hurry.

Now the two sat together on the edge of the pool, Isaac leaning into Ricky with his slender arm around Ricky's waist. It was no surprise that the boy had a huge crush on Ricky, for most of the boys there did, but Isaac was convinced he was truly in love with the older boy/man.

"Good morning love," Peter said sitting down beside Ricky then leaning in to kiss him.

"Morning, did you and Jasmine have a good time. Sorry I didn't get back to see it, but Isaac and I had a pretty good time of our own," Ricky chuckled.

"Yes, but we didn't stay together the whole time. That girl is insatiable, and was going from mat to mat looking for more fun," Peter chuckled.

"I'm not surprised, her enthusiasm was obvious from the beginning. So, what did you do afterwards?"

Peter recounted his exploits, though modest, they were all very enjoyable and he gave him an opportunity to get to know some of the newest members of The Family. Ricky felt a little bad that he'd spent so much time with Isaac, but he had to admit, he'd really enjoyed their time together, even if he did feel that he'd neglected his other new brothers and sisters. But he was comforted by the knowledge that this was only the beginning, and that there would be other times to share and get to know his new family better.

"You ready to finish the ceremony?" Peter said as a gentle way of reminding Ricky there was one last ritual to complete.

"Yes, will you keep Isaac here company for me?"

"Sure, come here buddy," Peter offered, opening his arms wide.

Despite being so attached to Ricky, Isaac couldn't resist Peter's invitation as he swarmed into the teen's arms. Instinctively, Ricky leaned into kiss the boy, who returned the kiss enthusiastically.

"Whoa, you're a good kisser," Peter said when they finally broke the kiss.

"Thanks, Ricky taught me how," the boy said beaming proudly.

"Well, he's the best teacher anyone could ask for. So, what else did he teach you? Peter chuckled, and not surprisingly, Isaac was happy to tell all.

Meanwhile, Ricky had returned to the stage and now had everyone's attention as he raised his hands. The directional mic above him picked up his words and his voice filled the room from hidden speakers.

"Brothers, sisters, once again, welcome to The Family. This night you have shared your love, your minds, your souls, and your bodies, and now...we are one. However, it is time to finish the ceremony and part for a while.

Now, it is time to immerse ourselves in the water of life. Because there are so many of us now, it might be tight," Ricky chuckled, "but I don't think anyone will mind being that close to their brothers and sisters. I suggest that you enter as a family group and move to the rope near the middle. The water there is only 4 feet deep, so parents if you have children shorter than that, I suggest you carry them or stay in the shallower water at the end.

This ritual is a little different than the traditional one, where the boys just jumped into the pool, but it is just as meaningful. This ritual is about sharing your family in the water of life. Now, if everyone is ready, follow me," Ricky said descending the stage and heading toward the huge Pool which filled one end of the room. Until that morning it had been covered by huge flannels that were now retracted into the floor exposing the shimmering blue water.

Peter Joined Ricky, as did the other members of the Nest, while Isaac had rejoined his family for this part of the ritual. Ricky thought he actually liked the organized march into the pool more than the frantic dive-in of past rituals, but both were beautiful in their own words.

It's was not surprising that many of the new members of The Family were moved to tears, especially when Ricky once again spoke. Everyone was in the pool now, but it wasn't nearly as tight as Ricky had feared. In fact, he thought, it was just right. Members were close enough to enjoy each other's presence without feeling crowded.

"Brothers and sisters," Ricky said, the directional mic once again zeroing in on him, "this is the conclusion of the ceremony, the sharing of the water of life. We are now officially joined as one, one family, The Family. Welcome to your new life. Now then, I'm sure you've all worked up quite an appetite after a night of sharing (pause for laughter) and I see breakfast has arrived," he added, noting the caterers busily setting up the breakfast banquet, "fell free to visit, enjoy the pool, or whatever, but personally, I'm going to chow down," Ricky said, his last words causing more laughter.

As the meal the previous night had been,  the food was spread out over several tables and soon everyone had a plate or two and were busy refueling after a night of sharing. Ricky said among his flock, Ethan flanking him on the right and Peter on the left, with the other boys as close as possible.

Despite the fact that they were now part of a much larger family, the boys of The Nest still felt a special attraction to one another, and it would take time to fully embrace their newest members. Ricky understood, and after all, The Nest was still an important part of the hierarchy that was The Family. It did not diminish the role of the others, nor make them any less important, but The Nest would always be special.

Once Ricky had eaten enough to soothe the gnawing in his stomach, he began to engage the others in conversation.

"A show of hands, how many of you got with a girl last night?" he chuckled, "raising his own hand.

About half the boys also raised a hand, and one boy, Joey, asked if that meant a woman as well.

"Whoa, Joey...did you share with a woman?" Peter laughed.

" was fun, " the 14 year-old said, "she knew lots of stuff, and she was pretty too. And...I kinda liked her boobs," he said blushing.

"Good for you Joey," Ricky said sincerely, "and since Joey has brought that subject up, did any of you boys share with a man?"

Two more hands went up and Ricky smiled, "Wonderful, I hope in time everyone will have a chance to explore any desires you may have, but keep in mind, nothing is expected of anyone. As always, sharing is a very personal thing and no one is expected to do anything they aren't comfortable with. I sincerely hope the new members of our family understand and respect that as well."

"We got it," Tommy laughed, "and we'll kick anyone's ass who tries to force anyone."

Ricky laughed, but he was quite sure that would never be a  problem. With so many willing boys, girls, men, and women, no one need feel deprived.

"Well,'s been real, and it's been fun, but now...I am wiped out. I need my beauty sleep, but someone please wake me for dinner. Peter, are you coming?"

"Yeah. Ethan, you ready to get some rest?"

"Yeah," the boy said yawning for emphasis.

While Ricky, Peter, and Ethan headed off to bed, many of the boys of The Nest decided to hang around and mingle with the new families, some cases, find more fun and sharing. A few of the families had left as soon as they'd eaten, but a good number of them still remained, mingling with their new family members, but none had done more than talk so far.

That soon changed as a few of the boys from The Nest found willing partners, mostly boys, but soon a few of the adults decided there was more fun to be had. There would be time for sleeping later, and how often did one have practically every sexual fantasy available to them.


Day passed, then weeks and the new members of The Family thrived. Jobs had been assigned to the men and a few of the women, though one parent was always left in each household to take care of the children and the home. With such an arrangement there was no need for childcare, though babysitting services were available for any couple who needed some time alone.

**The families were paid equally, regardless of what job their bread-winner held, and of course the housing and utilities were provided at no cost. There only real costs were food, clothing (what little they needed) and any purchases they made in town. The homes were fully furnished, and a vehicle was provided for each family as well. **

In the fall school would be resumed at The Boys Home, but Ricky knew eventually, as The Family grew, there would be a need to build more schools. That thought pleased Ricky, to think of a world built just for The Family, with all the things that made society work. Schools, shops, manufacturing, media, food service...all provided by, and built by members of The Family.

**The citizens of the town nearby, Newburg, had accepted and embraced The Family, though so far none of them had actually shown any interest in joining, they certainly enjoyed the influx of cash they had provided. **

**Someday, Ricky thought, we'll have our own city, full of our people, loving and sharing, and spreading the word. Who knew where it might lead, Ricky thought smiling, maybe someday the entire planet would share the love and beliefs of The Family. But why stop there, he mused, why not other planets? The universe is a big place, but love is bigger, and everyone deserves to be loved, and to have someone to love. **

The End, or is it?

A special thinks to my friend Michael in NY for his help with editing, story ideas, and pictures. Even if he doesn't like

Thanks to everyone for your kind words and support, and please keep those emails coming to:

Kewl Dad 


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Next: Chapter 9

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