The Gentle Giant

Published on Jun 3, 1996



****************** WARNING ****************** The following is a story of mutual sexual ... gratification between members of the same sex if you are offended by such data then please, Do Not read further True story the second boy I ever made it with. No imagination is employ- ed in the dimensions of his .... development. *********************************************

************* The Gentle Giant ************** ******************* By ********************** ******************* Me ********************** *********************************************

The venue, a boarding school in the Far East, I was growing up there as a young student and enjoying myself thoroughly. Posessed of a ... young nubile body, powerfully built for my - tender years. I was sexually precocious but - not very experienced in these matters, though I had experimented in things sexual with some of my best friends.

Every evening between four and five thirty we had the games parade, this for me usually had meant an hour and a half in the well equipped gym pumping iron, with the result that I was very well built and rather big for my age. My height was some five foot seven inches and I weighed some 185 pounds of muscle and blood & all packaged in a smooth golden tanned skin - cut square pecs, and massive lats, that led - into a steep 'V' shape down the washboard abs and under the shorts to powerfully built legs Dark brown hair, and hazel eyes that burned - and sparkled with the promises that life held my musculature was cut and the definition was better revealed by the healthy shiny darkness of my silken smooth skin ribbons of muscles - rolled under the skin, and I delighted in ... riping my school blazer by simply flexing and eventually fed up, my parents had bought one that was well over size to prevent this from happening again. I was naieve, but Hot and .. cute and I knew it. Master Cool - a real jock liked by everyone and full of shit. My idea - of football tactics, either the ball must be stopped or the player must be stopped. It did work great. I was built like a tank and so so sexually hot, if I saw a hole in a tree, I'd think how can I fuck it ? Nope I never did .. chase dogs and cats, they were quite safe! .. Well, I like animals, but never as partners !

Kidding about in the dorm one day I asked if anyone would come to bed with me, I needed a boy for a Hot time. Oop's my mistake, I got - some 30 offers in 30 seconds from cute boys - all just as Hot as I, and they seeing the ... competition started offering all sorts of ... stuff, like 'I'll bunk up with you and clean your belt buckles .... and shine your shoes.' and all sorts of stuff. But Hey I was only kidding. It was just a joke but it backfired it was a nice thought anyway. All in the best possible taste. - I was a pretty popular, and affable character. But I had never dreamed or had any idea that so many liked me so well.

This particular evening I returned from the - gym and stripped down for my shower, with the rivulets of perspiration still trickling down my flanks and damp rippling shining coppered skin. Someone was in the shower cubicle and - the sound of cool rushing water was refreshing Wondering whom it was, I peered under the door and there was a young man, much older than I But he was not showering, instead he was busy attending to the largest erection I had ever - seen. While the water poured over his back my eyes opened wider to take in the scene. Some - six feet two inches tall, he was smooth, sleek and lean, almost gangly. His hair was black as coal his eyes half closed were violet pools & set in a beautifully aqeline chiselled face he seemed to be enjoying his dream, and massaging his mighty erection which was all of some .... thirteen inches long and incredibly thick this was simply amazing, this guy could compete I thought with a ruddy donkey for sheer size and perfection of his straight organ. Just then - he moaned and shot all over the cubicle, thats when he saw me staring intently. Annoyed by my discovery, his face blushed visibly as he was much paler than I. He tried to salvage what of his dignity he could by facing away from me .. as I laughed raucously announcing to the world generally, well to the dorm boys at least any- way his activity. Not maliciously just fun !

But deep down the fires burned inside me as I had decided what I wanted from this mighty and well equipped beauty. I stepped into an empty cubicle and had my shower. After that I made - it a point to notice him as we often passed in the days that followed. My eyes obviously did their best to observe him acutely much to his obvious discomfort as he would colour and .... try to disappear down the corridors or into a classroom or wherever. But my unspoken message must have been clear. Thus it was upon one ... sultry night, as I lay upon my bed nothing but a top sheet and shorts for covering, he came - nervously to my bed side. He stood diffidently pondering, nervousness and arousal led to his deep heavy breathing. While not hard, his big dick produced a bulge that was positively and most definitaely intriguing. Even cold it hung tantalisingly down the right leg of his shorts with the tip protruding and pressed against .. his hard hairy well formed rounded thigh. His violet eyes burned like ice cold fires, with - scintillating animated stars that flickered in their depths.

I reached up and circling my arm about him ... I propelled him somewhat uncertainly to my side he climbed in and tongue tied stammered someth- ing, but I was not really listening, my hands - were doing the talking as they felt along his - slim, smooth, cold, pale skin. Tactile senses reeled inside my head, as I explored his long - body. He being much older than I was obviously causing him some difficulty. However, this was not a time for logical argument and debate for I knew well enough what I wanted clearly and so I said nothing, but got my hands down inside .. his shorts easily and began to feel his body .. respond positively. I knew what to expect and - felt him growing steadily, in fact he grew so - massive that my hand could no longer encircle - his entire girth and my hand was dwarfed by the huge length as he surrendered to the inevitable driven by me. I engineered the removal of his - shorts with some difficulty, because his mighty length and hardness snagged on the elastic and in the groping dimness it just wasn't so easy - especially as he was clearly none too sure what he wanted. I succeeded and dropped his shorts - triumphantly beside the bed and then began by - licking along the length of that beautiful body while my hands wandered everywhere exploring ..

His clean scent filled my nostrils and made all my senses swim eratically in a haze of sexual - expectancy, as I worked he relaxed gradually an soon began to respond. Clearly he was slow and very gentle, this man was as erotic as hell, in his beautiful features his personality fitted - perfectly. He was a placid, tactile lover full of care and concern for the enjoyment fulfilment of his partner. His tight light build softenend noticeably as he relaxed and the tension drained from his body. He was truely a thing of beauty. His lips were soft and willing, and parted easi- ly to give me entry to his fresh clean wet mouth I straddled him and as I laid my chest against his, he exhaled under the weight of me breathing his air into me. I slid off him and started to - lick his body from his long strong neck down ...

My tongue bath had reached down to his navel and it was surrounded by a dark downy fluff that led in a thin river to the dark thatch of black hair from which the root of his mighty organ grew as a pale ribbed shiny shaft hidden in its forest. The heat generated the aroma of sandalwood from the aromatic oil that he showered showered with, I could detect the heady aroma of his clean cut monster. I licked it as it lay stiffly against - his belly and then parted my lips and gaping as wide as possible got the head of that throbbing sensitive organ into my mouth. But my jaws ached from the exertion as I tried to swallow this ... huge reflexing organ. But there was just no way, I could not suck this thing beyond the pink head

Not to be defeated, I slipped off my shorts and reaching out to my bedside locker applied some - slippery hair gel along the length of the titan, massaging his dick till he groaned and was hotter than a bat out of hell. That is when I flipped on over to my belly, and my action was pretty clear, he climbed over me and I felt the pressure as his dick found the centre and the head of his dick .. slipped in surprisingly easily, but he was in no hurry, very very gently he slid it slowly and so very gently. Even so it sent rivers of delicious agony up my spine, that assaulted my brain even - though he had just got some 1/4 way in. The pain subsided and more and more slid in smoothly, till at last I felt the brush of his pubic hair grind into my butt and then he began to pump. He was .. magic, his hands massaged my back and shoulders - as he moved and controlled that mighty dick till I was quivering like a leaf in a hurricane full - of pleasure.

Too far gone to care, and riding a river of sexual extacy, he was now pumping and thrusting and ..... grinding and sweating and heaving and my own dick was grinding into the bed, which bowed and arched under the thrusting as it squeaked and thrust me - back to meet him in a fiery frenzy of sheer energy The stimulation simply blew me as I exploded into my bed uncontrollably. He sensed my explosion as - my ass tightened round his schlong and in response he shouted as he came in total abandon. So forceful I felt him ejaculating rivers of hot cum, which .. I had seen before, that day he was in the shower - But this was different, I felt great, because for me I had taken and owned this beautiful monster of a young man. He had given me all he had as he .... exhausted flopped over me in sheer estacy. He had his hands reached round my waist and clasped to my belly, there he lay quietly as his stiffness slow- ly subsided still deep inside me.

We lay spent upon my bed, and before long he had - stiffened up again, his bashfulness gone he turned me over still inside me so I was laying on top of his long pale body that contrasted starkly with my own dark golden brown shiny skin. I sat up and ... pivoted round giving new meaning to the term spin on it. Now face to face I was riding the monster - as his hands felt across my pecs and washboard abs he thrust with frenetic energy hard into my body - this position caused afresh the red hot agony deep inside my body and I strangled somewhat unsuccess- fully the vocalisation expressing my condition and the pain did not stop, but neither did he. Each of his inward thrusts burst afresh wave upon wave of indescribable agony that popped in my brain. But - he had reached the point of no return and I felt - his length swell and thicken even further followed by his groans as I felt hot explosive jet streams cumming deep inside me. This of course put me over the edge and I fired jism all over his face, chest and heaving belly. My first victory, I held sway - over this young man's body. My eogcentricity boos- ted to megalomania as I felt my power over his ... body was complete. Yeah, well I suppose I was just a crazy hot mischevious kid. But my choice was ... good, after all, as a lover he was just Great and very gentle !

Eventually he drew out of me gently and then he - turned me over and massaging my tiny seven inches with that gel .... he offered me his body. Which - I accepted gratefully. But that is another story ! ****************** The Begining ****************** ******************** WARNING ********************* Please Remember to have SAFE SEX Always, your life depends on it so don't emulate the story as it is from a simpler safer more uncomplicated time line. When you are lucky enough to find a partner then - stand faithfully together there's a big world here Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! ************************************************** 'All of us are in the gutter, but some of us are -

looking up at the stars.' 'Oscar Wylde' **************************************************

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