The Historian

By Smoke Pup

Published on Jan 3, 2021


Gay, bdsm, authoritarian By CigarsmokePup


It was a quiet Sunday evening when I went to the library for college. I had a paper due the day after and I just found out that one of the sources I used earlier was not as legitimate as I had hoped for.

It's been ages since I've been to the library. I mean, in this age, everything you need to get information is on the internet, so why bother? Usually, that is.

I quickly navigated myself through the building and found the history section, but the books were organised by author and not by title or theme.

So with a sigh, I turned to the librarian to see if they could help me and found a nice old lady sitting there in quiet, browsing something on her computer.

I softly spoke as I approached her.

"Excuse me, can you help me find information about slavery and ways of torture of medieval Europe?"

"Do you have a specific book you're interested in, sweetie?" The old woman replied as she was ready to type something in the computer but I just shook my head.

"Sorry, I have no idea..."

the woman chuckled and picked up the phone. "No worries child, our historian is here today, I'm sure he can help you. Hold on just a moment." She pressed a single digit on the phone and smiled as the other end connected.

"Hello Richard, there is someone looking for information about medieval times. Could you come and help out? Wonderful." She hung up the phone and smiled back at me. "He said he's coming right up."

"Thank you." I responded and looked around as I waited.

On this floor were maybe 3 other people, one browsing books, one reading them and another employee stationed at the other side.

I only really have time to have a quick glance before I heard heavy footsteps coming up the wooden staircase however, and when I turned around, I noticed a huge guy coming towards me, wearing a dark blue blazer, a dress shirt, a pair of heavily worn jeans and workboots while he spotted a nice bushy beard. The guy had a few wrinkles on the side of his eyes and he looked rather intimidating as he approached and with a deep voice he asked.

"So, you're interested in medieval times?"

"Yes I am."

"Great, what about it do you want to learn more about, boy?" He asked as he was already leading the way. That's when I noticed he was at least 5 inches taller than I am and at 6' I thought I was pretty tall.

"Well, I need to find information about slavery and torture in medieval Europe."

"Slavery and torture huh? Those are my favourite subjects." He turned towards me and gave me a playful smirk, which made me blush.

"Here we are, this is a good book about medieval torture devices and how and for what crime they used them." He said as he stopped and handed me a book from the cabinet.

I thanked him and he handed me another book slightly further up ahead. "Here's a book about slavery dating all the way back from the early 800's" he handed me a thick book that felt like it almost broke my back as he placed it in my arms.

"Oh and you definitely need to read this." He said as he held up a huge book, even thicker than the one before which made my eyes widen and shake my head slightly.

"What's wrong, boy?" He smirked again, obviously knowing full well what he was doing.

"I'm sorry. It's too much. My paper is due tomorrow and no way I can read all of this..."

I was about to rant further when Richard interrupted me with a laugh.

"Yeah, I guess I didn't think about that..." he rubbed the back of his head, my eyes instinctively checking out his muscles... even though the guy had a belly, he seemed fit! His arms looked like they could kill.

"Tell ya what. Why don't you head by my place later with your paper. I'll tell you what you can add and what you need to change and you'll have an A on that test without a problem."

"Fuck, really?" My jaw nearly dropped and I showed a huge smile. An A was just what I needed as I was failing this class, and my expression told the guy just as much.

"Hell yeah, you live close-by, boy?"

"About 10 minutes from here, Ilahau drive."

"Really? That's close to my house. Here lemme give you my address." He took a paper and pen from his pocket and wrote down an address before he took the books from me and put them away.

"Meet me in an hour." He patted my back and smiled as I took a slight bow and thanked him, rushing out the door as I found a historian to do my homework. Fuck, this day turned out great!

It was exactly an hour later when I showed up at the address, which was at a detached house with some green around it. The entire property looked old, which seemed fitting for a historian. While the surroundings gave a serene feeling, even hearing the sound of flowing water nearby, the house itself gave a bit of a horror movie vibe.

Regardless, I rang the doorbell and within a few seconds, Richard opened the door.

As soon as the door opened, I was hit with a heavy smell of cigar or even pipe smoke, which was not surprising as Richard opened up smoking a pipe as he did.

He blew a large cloud into the open air around me and grinned around the stem.

"There's my boy! Come in, and take off your shoes."

"Yes, thank you." I noticed myself blush as he called me his boy, so I lowered my head and walked in, taking off my shoes at the door.

Normally people don't really assume I'm gay from the first glance, so this guy couldn't have figured that out yet either right? But what if he did? Fuck, I was always attracted to guys smoking cigars and sometimes pipe as well, but him being gay and interested in me would be too good to be true.

I followed him inside to the livingroom as he offered me a drink and disappeared to what I assumed was the kitchen while I looked around and spotted a huge humidor, just the sight of it already made my dick strain in my pants as I could just imagine him smoking a cigar.

I sat down on the couch, the blush still as apparent as Richard returned with two beers and sat next to me, sitting right in the middle so he would be pressed against me as he handed me my beer.

"Cheers, son."

"C-cheers." I responded and clank the bottles together before taking a gulp.

I felt a shift beside me and noticed he turned slightly to face me.

"So, tell me about your paper. What inspired you to this subject?" He said before he placed the pipestem back in his mouth and puffed in my direction. Without trying to be obvious, I covered my crotch with my hands and took a shy whiff before opening my mouth.

"Well, to be honest, out of every other thing that happened in the past, this seemed like the least boring."

He rumbled out a laugh and placed his arm behind my head on the couch. "So you're saying history is boring? Are you taking a piss out of my profession, boy?"

"N-no Sir, not at all!" My face burned hotter when I noticed I called him `Sir' and judging by the grin on his face, it didn't go unnoticed.

I tried to talk my way out of it but all I could do was stammer before he laughed.

"Relax, boy. I'm just pulling your tail. History is not for everyone, which is good... otherwise I would be out of a job!" He ruffled my hair and again blew the smoke in my direction.

Suddenly his expression changed and he proceeded to place the pipe in a holder next to the couch. "Oops, sorry. I'm totally showering you in smoke aren't I?"

"No, it's ok... I uh... I actually kinda like it." I looked down with a blush as I said that but I could feel his smirk burn into me.

"Really?" He placed the pipe back in his mouth instead and took a deep pull, probably on purpose that made my eyes tear up slightly.

"What about it do you like, boy?"

Fuck... could I just confess and tell him I have a smoke fetish while hoping for the best case scenario and we end up in his bed?

"I... I don't know. I really like the aroma of tobacco. Well, Cigars and pipe I mean."

"Well that's why I started smoking them. How old are you, kid?"

He asked.

"21, Sir." This time I didn't even notice I called him Sir until he chuckled.

"Good. Ever smoked one?"

"No... and to be honest, I don't think it would suit me."

"Nonsense!" He started. "You're a good looking kid and I think it's a real turn on when a younger guy smokes them."

Wait... did he say turn on?

"Tell ya what. When we're done with your paper, I'm going to give you your first taste of cigars. Unless you want to try pipe first."

I laughed nervously and pursed my lips together. Even though I wasn't really looking forward to smoking them, at least it was an excuse to be spending some more time with him, so I nodded. "Sure. Sounds great!"

"Fantastic. That said." He gulped down his beer like some of the students at the college parties I went to did and I couldn't help but grin before I did the same. However when he finished, a loud ass Belch I echoed from the walls and he put the pipe away. "Let's get this over with." He said as he made his way upstairs. Me following suit.

We made it to his study and to my surprise, I found a pipe rack and 2 more humidors in this room, which, upon discovery, resulted in a frustrated groan. Which Richard luckily didn't hear.

He sat down in his chair and asked for my usb which I handed him without a word and stood beside him as there was nothing else to sit on, but I assumed that also went unnoticed by the man.

"You... smoke a lot, don't you?" I asked, basically trying to make conversation, which made him chuckle.

"Yep. Almost never without a cigar or pipe in my jaw.

"Cool... What was it that made you start smoking them?"

"That's a long story sport, maybe if you'd let me finish reading this, then I can tell you all about it over a cigar later. How does that sound?"

"Right. Sorry Sir, I'll keep quiet."

"Attaboy." He winked which had me blushing furiously, and just when my cheeks were the same temperature as the rest of my body, he let out a laugh.

"Wait, that's it? That's really all you've got written down?"

"What? I told you history isn't my strong suit!"

"Oh I can see that now. Damn this is gonna take a lot of work to turn into an A, that's for sure."

"I-.. I'm sorry."

He turned his head towards me and smiled. "Don't worry kid. What you have written down is pretty good already. It's just short."

"Yeah, I was hoping to learn more about the devices and when they were used. About the crimes you had to commit for them to use such things on their victims."

"It didn't take a lot." He grinned and turned towards me in his chair. "However, if you're interested; I am sortwhat of a collector of torture devices. Both old and modern. I could show you some if you'd like?"

"Sure! That would be great!" I grinned.

"Good, then come with me to the attic. But keep an open mind will ya?"

"Of course!"

I followed him out of the room and went upstairs to a dimly lit room. The walls were dark and decorated with all kinds of whips, metal devices... were those dildos?

I quickly scanned the rest of the room and saw a St. Andrew's Cross, a table, hooks in the walls and ceiling, a sort of leather hammock, a freaking prison cell/cage, a pain chair, an iron maiden... this was a sex dungeon!

"You ok, boy?" Richard asked as he stopped in front of the iron maiden which snapped me out of my shocked state and immediately felt my blush rising harsher than it had before.

"It's impressive isn't it?" He chuckled.

"Sorry. I just didn't expect to walk into... well... this."

"Yeah, this is my playroom. Some of the equipment and furniture here are modern, like the sling for example. But I like to take old torture devices and fix them up so they can be used for fun instead."

"What do you mean?" I asked before he smirked and opened up the door to the iron maiden.

"Like this. Notice how I dulled the spikes inside so that when I put a sub in here, he wouldn't be able to slouch and I'd make him stand on his feet for a long time... want to try it?"

"Ah, no thanks." I quickly responded which made him chuckle.

"Don't worry, I'll let you out pretty quickly, I'm starving for a cigar right now and a promise is a promise. Just so you have an understanding what it would have been in the old ages."

I pursed my lips and hesitated before seeing him nod his head in the direction of the maiden.

I did what he wanted and made my way inside the iron cage.

He slowly closed the door and while I was expecting some sort of pokes from the spikes, I didn't feel anything.

Everything was dark so I tried to turn around, but that's when I got met with a poke to my side and another to my arm when I flinched, so I quickly moved back in position.

"So." A voice from the other end started. "The iron maiden had multiple uses. They would let you succumb to fatigue and let you impale yourself on the spikes. They would throw who they believed were witches in one of these and threw them in the ocean, drowning them. But it's a great way for interrogation as well." A hatch opened at the maidens face and I could see him stand on the other side. "My personal favourite nowadays however, is making a sub smoke in there, or blowing smoke in this hatch so the smoke stays stuck in there. Can you imagine it?"

"Oh yes I can.. very clearly now." I admitted which made him grin and close the hatch again before the door opened.

"Good.. now get out of there before I change my mind."

For some reason, I hesitated... I wanted to find out what it would be like to be enveloped in a closed space with just his smoke. Knowing he would get joy out of it made my own member stir in my pants, but eventually, I walked out.

"So... what does a sub have to do to receive this kind of punishment?"

"Well, I don't make rules like that. I come up with punishments that fit the crime. Last time I locked someone in there for an hour as I smoked because he didn't like it... needless to say, that was also the last time I saw him. "

"You keep saying him... are you-"

"Gay. Yes boy, I am. what about you?"

"M-me too."

"I figured, judging by the wet spot in your pants." He chuckled.

"W-what?" I looked down and couldn't find anything there but that just made him laugh.

"I'm just kidding, son. But now I know you have the hots for me."


"Too bad you're so innocent however. As you can see, I like to play rough and I don't think you'd be able to handle it."

Maybe it was the nerves... I knew he was right. Seeing all of this told me he had a lot of experience, which made my two exes look like nothing. But what came out of my mouth surprised even me.

"I could try..."

His eyebrow raised and I bit my lip before continuing.

"I might not be that experienced, but I'm hella submissive and super attracted to you... Everyone has to start somewhere right?"

He just laughed and ruffled the boys' hair.

"We'll see about that. Let's talk about it over a cigar."

Next: Chapter 2

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