The Historian

By Smoke Pup

Published on Jan 17, 2021


"Let me set this straight." Richard started as he grabbed 2 cigars from the humidor downstairs and made his way over to the couch where I was seated. Obviously nervous as hell.

"If I decide I want to take you under my wing as my pain pig, you need to realise that I own you. Meaning I will decide what you eat, what you wear, when you talk... hell, at some points I'll even decide when you breathe."

"Yes Sir." Was all I could say, my heart almost pounding out of my chest.

"You'll smoke whenever I smoke, I'll hurt you whenever I want to and fuck you whenever and however I feel like it."

"I- I understand." He raised an eyebrow and I almost yelled it out. "SIR."

"Which also means that I own this." He lifted his leg and with one fierce blow, his heavy foot came crashing down on my hard cock which had me yelp in pain, but was too scared to move and kept my hands pinned down to my sides.

He rested his arm on his leg and placed a prepared cigar between his lips, taking out a jet lighter to light it, blowing the smoke directly in my face as he ground my twitching member under his foot.

When the cigar had a good cherry going, he continued. "Don't even think about touching it when you're with me. If I take you in, you'll wear a cage around it most of the time as a reminder who you belong to... unless I want to torture that useless equipment of yours. You'll cum whenever and however I want you to. Understood?"

"Y-yes Sir." I panted softly, which gotten a grin of Richard, who moved his leg back to the floor while he took a deep inhale and lifted my chin up so I'd look at him, blowing a big cloud in my face.

"Breathe in, boy. Never let my smoke go to waste when I want to share it." He said, so I did what I was told. The smoke was a lot stronger than I had anticipated but I was also never been more turned on in my life.

Without a word, he pushed the cigar between my lips and sat down next to me on the couch as he lit up his own cigar.

"So... this is the plan." He started, looking up at the ceiling as he blew smoke. "After this cigar, I'm going to fix your essay and send it to your teacher while you'll be under the desk, blowing me as long as it takes. After that, I'll fuck you and make my decision."

I nodded and felt my cheeks heating up. I really didn't want to mess this up.

So as a way to impress the man, I took a big inhale from the cigar, trying to get as much smoke inside my lungs as possible before I felt it burn.

I quickly exhaled, and even though I was impressed by the amount of smoke that came out of my mouth, I was also holding back coughs and tears. And they were obvious, seen how Richard laughed.

"Don't worry boy, baby steps. If you really wish to inhale, don't do it too often. Try to inhale once or twice while you're smoking a cigar and when that gets easier, try it some more."

"Yes Sir... you're really going to write my essay?"

"Yes boy. I'll make sure you pass with flying colours at least."

"Wow... thank you Sir!" I said excitedly which made him grin.

"If you really want to thank me, you get on all fours and kiss my feet."

"Yes Sir." I responded enthusiastically and did what I was told. Again, wanting to impress him, I took a big mouthful of smoke and leaned down, kissing one foot before repeating it on the other.

His socks filled my nose with musk before I blew smoke over it with the kisses, the mixture of smell almost intoxicating.

I looked up and was met with a big cloud in my face which vaguely made me see him smile.

"You do follow orders well. But I didn't tell you to stop didn't I?" He moved one foot and placed it on top of my head, pushing it down to his other foot which made me moan.

I bit my lip after I made that sound, embarrassed by my response but inhaled deeply, taking in as much musk as I could as I kissed his sock.

"Good boy. Now lick." I did without even thinking about it. Feeling the fabric on my tongue, like I was licking a hairy cat. It didn't do much for me, but as soon as I heard him grunt softly, I licked faster.

His foot moved from my head to my back, using it as a footrest as I heard him puff from his cigar.

I continued licking for some time, switching to his other foot when he moved his legs before he put both his legs down and patted the couch beside him.

"Come here boy, don't let your cigar burn out."

I nodded and sat beside him again, my face scarlet with blush as I only now realised what I've just been doing while I continued to puff the cigar.

Richard wanted to learn more about me so for the next hour we talked about my past. My childhood, my father's suicide, my coming out story, grades at school, my sisters and eventually college. Richard made sure I was taking plenty of breaks to puff from the cigar and after a while I smoked it almost automatically already when seeing him smoke.

Occasionally, he would lean down and blow smoke in my face or rub my back, and it was only after I finished my story that I noticed I was curled up against him in his big, strong arms.

I noticed that Richard almost finished his cigar while mine looked about halfway done when he inhaled one last time and lifted my chin. He leaned in and pushed his lips to mine, a kiss I eagerly returned, a moan escaping my lips as he pushed his tongue past them, forcing his tongue deep inside me before I tasted his smoke.

How, I don't know. But the smoke coming from him smelled and tasted way better than when I was smoking myself.

He didn't give me a chance to blow the smoke out however and I was forced to inhale yet again, my mind getting foggy and starting to feel dizzy before he pulled away and I exhaled through my nose. That was such a weird feeling, but such a rush!

He chuckled and looked at his cigar with a perverted glint in his eyes before looking at me again.

"Open your mouth boy, stick your tongue out."

I looked up at him as I did what I was told, figuring he was going to spit in my mouth, but then he held the burning end of his cigar to my lips. My eyes widened but I wasn't going to pull away as he whispered; "trust me."

My heart was racing, so I closed my eyes when I felt the heat to my lips and slightly flinched when the ashes dropped on my tongue.

I opened my eyes again when the heat disappeared and there it was, he spat in my mouth as well.

"Eat up, pig. When you're my slave, you better get used to being an ashtray too." My lips curled into a smile as I closed my mouth and crushed the ashes with my tongue. The taste was kind of acidic yet Smokey and the texture was crunchy, like sand. It was definitely something I have to get used to, but it wasn't as bad as I thought. I swallowed it and chuckled, tilting my head up at him with a smirk. "When?"

He rolled his eyes and squeezed me tighter against him, placing his finished cigar in the ashtray beside him. "Don't get ahead of yourself, bitch. Or I'll blister your ass before I fuck it later."

I chuckled some more and nodded, wanting to put the cigar back into my mouth when he took the cigar from me and placed it between his lips instead.

"Come on, it's time to finish that paper. You can put your clothes on the couch. No need for you to wear clothes around here."

"Yes Sir!" I said as he padded my head and head upstairs.

I quickly got undressed and nervously followed him upstairs. Till now, serving him seemed so nice. But I also remembered that he is a sadistic master, and what we have done now is probably mild in comparison to what he wants to do to me... and as someone with little to no experience in taking pain, I wondered if that was enough... what if he decided to take me as his slave and I turn out to be a disappointment with how little pain I could take... maybe I should ask him to hurt me after the paper. That way, we would both find out a little how much I could take and not come to regret it later, right?

I got snapped out of my train of thought however when I saw him standing besides his desk, his cock and balls hanging out of his zipper, and like the huge man himself, his equipment was impressive.

"Hurry up and get down there, boy. I could really use something wet and hot around my hog right now." He grinned around the fat cigar and I pursed my lips together, excited to serve as I crawled under the desk. He sat down and I was already hit with the smell of his musky package before he even moved.

I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply, wondering why even his cock smelled like cigar. My questions were answered when I opened my eyes again and was met with a cloud of smoke drifting in front of my eyes.

My own cock twitched as I heard him starting to type on his keyboard, wondering where the order was... but when it didn't come, I stuck out my tongue and rested his big cockhead on my tongue.

"About fucking time." He grunted, which made me embarrassed I didn't do this earlier and wrapped my lips around the head. I played with his foreskin a little, sticking my tongue in there as I worked my lips on the head before slowly pushing forward, enveloping his cock until it was resting in the back of my throat.

I focussed on breathing around it for a little while when I noticed his cock was still getting hard and growing in size, trying to adjust itself down my throat, so I let it and started to gag. Again I was hit with a cloud of smoke as he continued to type, and slowly started to Bob my head around his member.

After about a minute his cock was fully hard, stretching my mouth and filling my throat as I continued to gag around it, forcing myself to do my best as I was rewarded with grunts and gasps when I took it deep. My nose started to run and my eyes teared up, but fuck did he taste and feel good.

I don't know how long it took, but I felt his cock twitching heavily and his typing stop, hearing him blow out a big cloud of smoke before he pushed his chair back, his cock plopping out of my mouth.

I wondered if I did something wrong as he bent down and looked at my face. I probably looked like a mess with all sorts of liquids sliding down my throat, but he just shook his head. "Fuck, you're hot boy. Now get your ass over here! You got me too horny to write and I need to fuck something. NOW."

My eyes widened and I hurried out from under the desk, nervous yet turned on by his sudden change of tone.

Before I could even comprehend it, he had me bent over the desk, pushing down my back and sliding inside of me with one relentless thrust that left me shrieking.

"That's right, scream fucker. How does my 9 incher feel?" He asked as he continued to fuck me.

I tried to move away from this burning pain I felt, but he held on to my hips tightly and I was no match for this man.

"I-it hurts Sir! Fuck!"

I heard him laugh behind me as I held on to the desk tightly. "That's what I'm doing boy. Every day, whenever and wherever I want. Remember that, bitch. Cause you'll live for this feeling. Of my hard cock coring out your faggot pussy."

He said as he picked up the pace.

"Y-YES SIR!" More tears rolled down my cheeks as the assault continued.

Now, I had been fucked before, but both guys were nowhere near experienced, rough or sadistic as Richard was.

When I felt like I was getting used to it, he picked up the pace. Squeezed my nipples to make me scream louder. He asked me questions which resulted me in screaming out the answers. All while my hole felt like someone shoved a hot iron in there.

"Fuck, faggot, I'm getting close. Let me hear what you are again." He said as he squeezed my nipples.


"Who does this bitch belong to, huh?" He let go of my nipple to grab a fist of my hair and pull my face up, making me look at him as his cigar was inches from my face.

In that moment, though rough, I spotted a glint in his eyes and somehow I felt my cheeks heat up... somehow I knew that this moment right here confirmed it and even though my face probably looked like it was hit by a truck, I managed to smile ever so slightly.

"Yours, SIR!"

I was lost in a cloud of smoke as he puffed aggressively before pushing my head down to the desk, and after some furiously hard thrusts, he buried himself balls deep inside of me as I felt him flood my insides.

He collapsed on my back as we both panted heavily, my old cigar smoker to the nub, resting between his fingers.

"Mmmm good fucking boy!" He smiled and stood back up, ruffling my hair as he placed the nub back between his lips and pulled out, making me gasp again.

He turned me around and lifted my chin to look up at him, taking the cigar from his lips again to blow smoke down my face.

"I mean it when I say I want a slave for long term. That doesn't mean for a year. That means for life. So I'm willing to work towards that, if you are too.

I know this is a big decision to make, so I'm giving you time to figure it out. During that time, you belong to me. Your limits will be explored and expended. But I promise that I will take good care of you. Always be honest with me and don't be scared to tell me if I go too far. Deal?"

"Y-yes Sir." My heart pounded through my chest, still panting from fuck when he grinned.

"No more `Sir', call me Master."

I smiled in return and gave him a nod. "Yes Master."

"One more thing." He started. "How do you feel about branding?" I frowned, wondering why this question mattered right now but my mouth moved on its own.

"I, uuhm, h-hot."

He grabbed my right arm with his right hand and without warning, put the cigar out on my shoulder, making me grit my teeth and hiss through my teeth.

"There. All mine."

Next: Chapter 3

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