The Hockey Boys

By c m

Published on Apr 14, 2023


The same disclaimers and warnings apply as with part 1

It is always a pleasure to receive feedback and comments; send them to

At dinner, we duly sat with the Northcliff team. Tim was next to me and a nice guy called Simon was opposite with Mark next to him. We got on really well. Tim was quick and sharp and his eyes sparkled when he smiled. I felt his leg press against mine at one stage. I'm sure it was accidental but I made no attempt to move my leg away and neither did he. Maybe Mark was right.

After the meal I went and sat with Tim. He did the same thing he had with Mark in the sauna; he asked me about my girlfriends. Said that a guy as good-looking as me must be fighting them off with a shitty stick. So I told him I was gay. It seemed easier than lying. I also told him my teammates didn't know so I'd appreciate it if he kept it to himself. He asked me how long I had known and I told him. He asked me if I had a boyfriend and I said yes.

'Pity,' he said, and smiled at me. I asked him if he was gay.

'I think I'm like you were a few months ago. I don't know. I have...mixed...feelings.'

'You'll know. You'll meet someone...girl or boy...and it will feel right. And then you'll know.'

'I'd love to have tried it with you...but you have a boyfriend. Does put you out of bounds to anyone else?'

'Yes. Unless we agree different. And for what it's worth, if I didn't, and if you'd have asked, I would have said 'yes'.'

'I don't know if that makes it better or worse. So near and yet so far.'

'I'm sorry.'

'You said, 'unless you agree different'. What does that mean?'

'It means that in exceptional cases, where both of us like and trust someone, we share each other, together or sometimes separately, with them. Up to a point.'

'Up to a point?'

'Yes. No fucking.'

He turned bright red. 'Oh, I see. And is your boyfriend here?'


A look of understanding crossed his face. 'Ohhhh...Mark?'

I smiled. 'You got it.'

'Oh fuck.' He buried his head in his hands. `Did he tell you about the sauna?'

I smiled. `Yes – but don't worry. We're both cool with it.'

`Thank God. Umm, well, in that case, Chris...look...this might be all wrong but...well...might I be an exceptional case?'

'Would you like to be?'

'Oh man...of course. Mark's sexy as fuck and are super cute'

'Well...thank you...and yes, you might be. I'll ask him.'

'I can't believe I just asked that.'

`Glad you did.'

At that point Max wandered over. 'Hi Chris.'

'Hi Max. Can I introduce Tim from the other English school? Tim, this is Max from one of the German sides here.'

'Nice to meet you Tim. I think we play you tomorrow.'

'Ah, yes...probably. How are things going for you?'

'Unbeaten so far - like Chris' team. And you?'

'One win, two draws, one loss.'

'Very good. May I borrow Chris for a moment please, there is something I need to talk to him about?'

'Of course, Max. Nice to talk, Chris. Catch you later.'

'For sure, Tim.'

I walked over with Max to the doors that led to the patio and we went outside.

' there any chance you might come back and see me again later tonight? I love what we did so much I can't wait to do it again.'

'I don't know, Max. It might have to wait until tomorrow. But I very much want to do it again too.'

'OK...well...if you can make it, just come into my room. I will leave the door unlocked.'

'OK, Max.'

We had walked over to the very edge of the paved area. Max pulled me into the shadows, wrapped his arms round me and kissed me.

'For god's sake Max, we have to be careful.' I pulled away. 'I really like you - and I really want you, but I can't afford to be busted.'

'I'm sorry, Chris. It is selfish of me. Forgive me.'

I put my arms on his shoulders and looked him in the eye. 'I can forgive you anything Max Schell, but please be careful.'

'OK, Chris. Maybe see you later.'

He went back inside and I followed a few seconds later. I was almost late for the team meeting.

'Hi Chris, how's the leg? Did you get some massage?'

'Yes thanks. All seems fine.'

'Great. OK guys, tomorrow we have games against both the Dutch teams. We should have the measure of both of them , but they are well-disciplined and they use the pitch well. More of what we've been doing. Make the ball do the work. It's about positional sense not heroics. Above all, keep focused. You've played four games and your minds as much as your bodies will be starting to get tired. That's why keeping it simple is important. Great stuff so far - well done. Now...early night.'

As Mark and I walked back upstairs I told him about my conversation with Tim. And with Max.

'Bloody hell, Chris. I know you're a sex magnet, but this is becoming complicated.'

'Yeah...I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said anything.'

''s great that you are getting so comfortable with it. Look, I like Tim. You like Tim. Tim likes both of us. Why not?

I was about to say something, but Mark interrupted, 'Yeah, I know, I'm a pervert. But I'm your pervert.'

He grinned, and I grinned back.

`And anyway, it might give me something to do while you're with Max We'll talk to Tim tomorrow. Now, go and have fun with Max – and don't you dare say you feel guilty or any of that shit. Go!'

I put on my robe and went out of the door and across the corridor. I turned the handle of Max's door and slipped inside. Max was in the bathroom - I could hear him singing. I locked the door behind me, hung my robe up on the back of the door, and went and climbed onto his bed.

The singing stopped and I heard the sound of water running out of a basin or bath. Max emerged towelling his hair, stark naked and walked over towards the bed. He threw the towel onto the chair by the window and turned towards me.

'CHRIS! Oh my came.'

He took two paces and jumped, landing flat on top of me. I caught him as he landed, but to spread the force I rolled as I wrapped my arms around him and we did two complete turns before crashing over the edge and onto the floor. We landed on our sides, which was probably just as well as if one of us had landed on top of the other it might have done some damage.

'Fuck, Max. Lovely to see you too, but could we get a bit more comfortable?'

We climbed back onto the bed and got under the covers. He snuggled up to me and put his head on my shoulder, his arm flung across my chest.

I told him all about Tim.

'Oh boys are the focus of attention for sure. But this means that Mark will have Tim and you can spend more time with me?'

'Maybe. I think Tim wants me too – but hopefully he'll find Mark is as much as he can handle.'

'Good. I want you to fuck me lots of times.' He kissed me.

I ran my fingers through his hair.

'Yeah...lots of fucking Max - but remember, I belong to Mark and we need time together too.'

'Of course. But you have all the time after this tournament. I only have you for two more days.'

Max slipped his hand into my groin. I was already half-hard.

'Ohh...just a little help needed.'

'Hummm...only a very little encouragement I think.'

His head disappeared under the covers and I felt his tongue lick me.

He took me fully in his mouth until, seconds later and now fully erect, he released me and put his hand there instead.

'I love the feel of you getting hard in my mouth, Chris. You have a beautiful Schwanz.'

I reached down and took Max's erection in my hand. 'And so do you Max. So do you.'

'Please fuck me, Chris.' He rolled onto his side and pulled up one leg. 'There is massage oil on the table. Just use a little.'

I reached over and poured a small amount into the palm of my hand. I rubbed it over both of us. I entered him slowly and easily until my pubes were hard up against his bottom. We fucked slowly. I kissed his neck and played with his nipples.. It was a long, slow build to my climax but as I got close Max was begging me to cum. I oozed rather than spurted into him - but it felt wonderful. He clenched his muscles around me as I came, intensifying the sensations.

We just lay there for a while, and then I pulled out and turned him towards me. I took him in my mouth and sucked him to his orgasm, then lay back beside him, and put my arm under his neck and around his shoulders, pulling him into me. His fingers played and twisted with the hairs on my chest.

'I know I'm not allowed to fall in love with you, Chris, but I do love you. You make me feel different from anyone else I have ever met.'

'Don't fall in love with me Max...please. I couldn't bear to break your heart.'

'Can you stay the night with me?'

'No, Max, you know I can't.'

'Yes...I know. Sorry.'

'I need to go, Max. But we can do this again tomorrow.'

'OK. And thank you for coming tonight. It was special.'

I kissed him and he hugged me tight.

'Sleep well, Max...and sweet dreams.'

'I dream of you, Chris.'

'Then that sounds like a nightmare' We both laughed - which was a good way to part.

When I got back to my room, Mark was sitting up in bed, reading. He looked up and put the book down.

'The wanderer returns. So tell me ALL about your hot session with Max. I assume it was hot?'

'It was relaxed. I think sex is good when it's passionate and hot and urgent, but it's also good when you know each other and relax - like us. It was more like that this time. Max and I like each other, we are comfortable with each other, we've done it before and taking a bit more time felt...good.'

'So what did you do?'

'I fucked him and then I sucked him off.'

'How do you feel about him, Chris?'

'Don't worry, Mark, I'm not falling in love with him. I think he might be a bit with me, but I told him he mustn't. You're the only one I love, Mark. I'm enjoying having sex with him. He's a sweet guy and cute and horny as hell and he doesn't put any pressure on me - or us. He wants us to be happy together...and he means it. If it's bothering you, I won't see him again.'

'Don't be absurd, Chris Alexander. That's not what I meant. I meant, how does he make you feel?' I must have looked blank, because he added, 'The guilt thing. Are you over the guilt thing?'

'Ohhhh...ok....sorry Mark. Yes. I think Max has helped me over the guilt thing. Is that good?'

'Of course it's bloody good! Duh...for a bright boy you can be really dim sometimes. Come here.'

I got into bed beside him and we snuggled up together. He ran his hands over my body. My face, my chest, my back, my stomach, my groin, my thighs.

'Every bit of your body is perfect, Chris. This is about your mind. Have fun. Enjoy yourself. I want you to. Because then we will have even more fun together.'

He put his hand back between my legs and took hold of me. I felt myself respond to his touch.

'My horny little sex bomb. But no more tonight I think.' He kissed me. 'Sleep well.'

The next day started well for us. We beat our first opponents 2-0 and it should have been more. My leg was absolutely fine. After the game as we headed back to the changing rooms, Tim came across.

'I see you won again.'

'Yes - how did you guys get on?'

'Well beaten, I'm afraid. Max's team are a bit useful - and he's a wonderful player. You did well to draw with them.'

'I guess. You playing again this afternoon?'

'Yes. It's starting to get to my legs though. Takes time to recover.'

'Indeed. I had a massage yesterday - worked wonders.'

'Really? At the hotel?'

'Yes...but not from the hotel masseur. Max did it - his father's a physio and he's done a course. He was amazing - no soreness today at all.'

'From Max? Wow...fraternising with the enemy eh?' He laughed.

'Yeah. We just seem to hit it off. I really like him.'

He stood there looking a little awkward and I realised what he was waiting for.

'I guess you want to know if you're... special?'

He blushed.

'You are - if you still want to. With both of us.'

His face cracked in a smile. `Both of you. Blimey. Hell, why not? 'Ummm...yes...oh wow yes...if that's OK with you.'

'We'd like to. Do you have a room on your own?'

'Yes. 145.'

'How about we get back as quick as possible after the game – Mark and I could come and shower in your room and...let's see what happens.'

His smile grew bigger. 'Really? Great, Chris.'

I wondered what I was getting myself into. I knew Max would want to get together again that evening. Oh well, a quick fumble with Tim would be fun and hopefully he and Mark would hit it off - and I should have plenty in the tank for Max. I realised what I was thinking and wondered what was happening to me. From self-delusion to sex fiend in a few months. I decided to blame Mark.

I saw Max at the lunch break.

'How's the leg?'

'Great, Max, thank you.'

'I think another session on it after today's games would help,' he said.

'You're the expert. How about if we get together after dinner?'

'Perfect, Chris.' He smiled.

The afternoon game should have been easy. We were a better side than them, but we conceded a sloppy goal early on and, chasing an equaliser, another before half time. Mr. Walton was unimpressed at half time.

'What did I say last night about focus and concentration? Don't go chasing the game. Do the simple things, play good hockey and it will come.' He made a further couple of technical points and then the second half began.

We won a penalty corner early in the half and Paul put it away. 2-1. We relaxed and started to play as we should have done from the start. Mark put me through with a great ball, I drew the keeper and rolled it into the empty net. 2-2. With less than two minutes to go, Mark picked up the ball in our half and set off on a run. I dropped into the space behind him and he took the ball past two defenders before exchanging a quick fire two passes with Peter and rasping a shot past the keeper. We'd won 3-2, but it had given us a wake-up call.

We now had only our fellow British team to play the next day, and then the two top teams would play off in the final.

The Northcliff team were getting ready to head back, and I asked Mr Walton if it was OK to grab a lift with them as I wanted to book a further massage. He said that was OK, so I grabbed Mark and we jogged over and found Tim and asked if we could hitch a ride. Their master in charge was happy to oblige and we both sat next to Tim on the way back to the hotel.

Once there, we followed Tim to his room. It was a little smaller than ours with just the one double bed, and a bathroom with a double shower but no bath.

'You OK Tim?'

'Umm...just a little nervous. You sure you're OK with this.'

I put my hands on his shoulders. 'I'm very OK with this. So's Mark. So let's have some fun. Let's get showered. I'm sweaty and horrible.'

'Me too'

All three of us stripped off and stood naked in front of each other. Under his bright red hair he had grey eyes and a wide mouth. He had a good body. Lightly muscled but no spare fat, and very pale in colour. There was no hair on his chest and no happy trail from his navel, but above his nice, good sized cock was a bush of the reddest pubic hair I had ever seen. Mark, of course, had seen it all before.

'I've never seen a really red red-head naked before.'

'Well, you have now.'

I laughed.

I saw him thickening and rising - and Mark and I responded in similar fashion. By the time we were in the shower, we were all rock-hard. His was a touch smaller than mine, although there wasn't much in it. But the main difference was that his bent upwards towards his stomach in a distinct, and rather erotic, curve. He turned both shower-heads on and we all stood together under the water. He put an arm round each of our shoulders.

'I can't believe I'm doing this. You're both so damn sexy.'

'And you are way cute, Tim.'

He reached for the shower gel but I stopped him.

'We wash each other.'

He smiled and stood back. I turned off the shower, then Mark and I took the gel and soaped him all over. I took his front and Mark took his back.

Then I rubbed some shampoo into his hair, and stood back.

Mark and Tim then proceeded to do the same to me, and then Tim and I did the same to Mark. We ended up looking like three victims of an explosion in a laundromat, covered in suds. I turned the shower back on and we rinsed ourselves clean. With his red hair plastered all over his head, Tim looked even sexier.

Mark asked him, 'So what exactly have you done with other guys before?'

'Just wanked off.'

I smiled and ran my tongue down his chin and over his chest and stomach. I stuck it in his belly-button, kneeling as I went..

'Not done this then?' And I took the head of his cock in my mouth.

'Oh fuck. Oh man.'

Mark joined me, sucking on his balls.

'Chris...Mark...any more and I'm going to cum. Not yet, please not yet,'

I released him from my mouth.

'A first?' I asked.

'Oh yes...oh felt so amazing. Please, I want to try.'

He knelt in front of Mark and took a hold of his cock. He put his lips round it and slid them down its length.

`Use your tongue as well as your lips, Tim.'

He looked up at me and smiled. I felt his hand take hold of me and start to wank me in time with his movements up and down on Mark.

'Gently, Tim. No rush.'

'I had no idea it could be like this.'

He pulled off Mark and took me in his mouth instead.

I felt my balls tighten up. Tim pulled off me just as my climax sent ropes of cum shooting into the air. Mark came next and then he knelt down and finished Tim off with his mouth. Tim erupted spectacularly. Lots. All over both of us. As the water washed us clean, Tim just turned and said

`Oh. My. God. That was amazing. No-one has ever sucked me before. For that matter I've never had another boy in my mouth. Can we do it again before you go home?'

`Sure, Tim,' said Mark. Why don't you pop by our room later – after dinner?'

`Really? Could I? Fantastic.'

Mark and I both gave him a hug and kiss before we got dressed and headed back to our room. We talked about Tim. And about Max. But as we walked through the door of our room, I just said to Mark,

'I'm enjoying having fun, Mark. But what I really want is you. Actually what I really want is to have you inside me. Now.'

I saw a big smile spread across Mark's face. 'I think that's the first time you've asked me to fuck you. I'd love to.'

And he did. And it was wonderful.

At dinner we sat with one of the Dutch teams we had beaten that day. They all spoke very good English and I got on really well with a boy called Piet who came from Amsterdam. He told me all about the city and the canals and painters. It was fascinating.

Max and his team came in when we were about half way through our meal. We waved at each other. Once we'd finished I walked over to his table and said hi. He looked at me and raised his eyebrows a fraction. I just nodded.

At the team meeting that night, the tone was very upbeat. We just had to beat Northcliff the following morning to qualify for the final - almost certainly against Max and his team - in the afternoon. Indeed, we spent more time talking about what we would do differently against then than on the morning match. Arrogant? Perhaps, but practical.

Mr. Walton spoke to us:

'Right, guys, the biggest problem at this stage of a tournament is fatigue. Both of body and mind. That game this morning was a wake-up call. Don't let it happen against Northcliff, and don't let it happen against the Germans if we get there. They won't let us get away with it. last early night and tomorrow you can party - win or lose. I'm proud of you.'

As we headed for our room, Mark asked if I was going to see Max.

'Yes...if that's...'

Mark looked at me and wagged his finger.

'OK...I won't say it. Will you be OK with Tim on your own?'

'Sure – assuming he comes – and assuming he's happy to find just me and not both of us. Have fun with Max.'

In our room I stripped off and put on my robe and a pair of briefs. Mark just lay naked on the bed. I went over and hugged him, holding him close.

'I love you so much Mark. I know this is fun, but I really do look forward to being home and just being you and me again.'

He kissed me. 'Go, go go...'

I went across the corridor and tapped on the door. Max, shirtless as usual, and also with bare feet, opened it and wrapped his arms round me, spinning me round.

'I'm so happy to see you. Leg first and then sex?'

'You have such a way with words, Max.'

I took off my gown and lay down on the bed. Max rubbed his hands with oil and expertly massaged and manipulated the muscles in my leg, first on the back and then, after I'd turned over, on the front.

My state of arousal was clear from the lump in my briefs.

'Ach...I see you still have the same muscle problem there. I think some special treatment for that will be called for.'

'I do hope so'

'You are very naughty Chris....I'm pleased to say.' We laughed.

My leg felt great and I just lay back with my arms above my head.

'First we need to remove these,' said Max, hooking his fingers in the sides of my briefs. I lifted my bottom off the bed so that he could slide them down. My erection caught in the material and was bent almost level with my thighs before being released. It sprang back with a loud thwack on my stomach. Max giggled.

Still in his trousers, Max got between my legs and took hold of me. He pulled the foreskin back - hard - and kept pulling...and pulling. It hurt. A lot. I thought for a moment he might tear the little band of skin that ran between the head of my cock and the shaft. I almost jack-knifed upright in pain.

'Fuck it, Max...what are doing? You're hurting me.'

He suddenly seemed to realise that he had hurt me. 'Oh God Chris. I'm so sorry. I wouldn't hurt you for the world. Please forgive me.'

I could see the signs of tears in his eyes and the look of worry – almost fear - on his face. I melted.

'You're forgiven, Max. It's OK. I still love you, you crazy German. I still want you.'

His eyes looked into mine. 'I'm so sorry. I don't know what I was thinking.'

I could see he was genuinely upset.

'There's only one solution to this,' I said, slipping a hand between his legs.

It took time, but gradually nature took over and he slowly hardened in my hand.He started to play with the hairs on my chest. He lay there, twisting his fingers in and out. He looked up at me and whispered,

'Did you mean what you said, Chris. When you said I was a crazy German but you loved me?'

'Yes, Max...I did. I do love you Max. Not like I love Mark, but I do love you. You are bright, funny, sexy and talented, with a body to die for - and you're as horny as hell. And gay. And a bit crazy. Why wouldn't I love you?'

'I love you too, Chris.'

'Then do something useful with this,' I squeezed his cock, 'like putting it in my mouth.'

He giggled. 'OK, if you do something useful with this,' and he squeezed me in return, 'like putting it in my bottom.'

'It's a deal.'

And that was it. Suddenly we were back to being what we had always been - horny boys who loved to have sex with each other. I took him in my mouth. He was as hard as I had ever known him and when he came it was with an intensity I hadn't experienced before, a long low growl turning into a shout as his seed filled my mouth.

He sighed with pleasure then put his face close to mine and kissed me. 'And now you fuck me, please.'

Within a minute or two Max had stroked me back to hardness. 'Please do it with my legs over my head. Do it hard please Chris. Really hard.'

I loved that he was so easy with knowing what he wanted and could just ask for it. I pulled him to the edge of the bed and lifted his legs onto my shoulders. I used some of his massage oil to lubricate us and then put myself against his entrance. I pushed into him – hard, as he had asked - leaning forward and bending his legs back over his head as I did so. He groaned through gritted teeth as I sank my length into him in a single thrust. I fucked him deep and fast. Max was saying things in German that I didn't understand, but I guess it meant he was enjoying it. Then he reverted to English.

'Oh yes, good...harder please.'

I was close to climaxing myself when I felt him shudder and clasp the muscles of his bottom around me.

'OooOOOhhh......jajaajaaajaaajaaa.' His head was back and his mouth wide open as his hands clawed the bedding with his orgasm. His cock was suddenly spurting and it put me past the point of no return; I came explosively inside him.

We were both covered in sweat. I pulled out of him and lay beside him. He turned on his side and put an arm over me.

'My god Chris. That has never happened to me before. It was...fantastiche... as we say.'

He rolled on top of me.'What am I going to do when you're gone, Chris? I have never met anyone like you. I have never had sex this good. I have never felt like this about anyone.'

''re a wonderful guy. The right person will come along. Just...don't sell yourself cheap along the way. You're worth more than that. Much, much more than that.'

His lips met mine. I opened my mouth and our tongues touched. We kissed.

When he rolled off me we were almost stuck together. We giggled.

'Time for a shower I think.'

'Sure is, Max.'

As we cleaned up in the shower, Max said, 'Chris...I would like to thank Mark for letting me share you these last few days. I would like to thank him properly. I know he thinks I just wanted you and not the two of you but I really like him as well. Could we at least have a cuddle together - all three of us - before you go? Maybe not fucking but...' he shrugged.

'That's lovely of you Max. Maybe tomorrow before we go?

'OK – or now?'

I told him about Tim – and that Mark might be otherwise occupied.

`Let me just go and see.' I had a quick look outside the door, but the corridor was clear. I slipped across and into my room.

Mark was lying on the bed in his towel. The duvet was piled at the end of the bed. He smiled as I came round the door. He was on his own.

`No Tim?' I asked.

`No Tim. Guess he thought better of it. Pity.'

`There might be a consolation prize, Mark.'

I told him that Max wanted to say thank you. Mark's face cracked in a huge smile.

`Bring him over.'

I popped back to Max's room and we both scurried back across the corridor.

'Hi Mark. I hope this is OK to come. I wanted to say thank you for sharing this beautiful boy with me. I want to say thank you properly. I like you very much too, Mark.'

'Max would like us to share a hug and a cuddle if that's OK, Mark.'

'OK?...of course it's OK. I don't often get to have TWO sexy boys in bed with me.'

Max and I looked at each other. We took off our bathrobes and hopped onto the bed beside Mark, who had also thrown his towel onto the floor.

We were all just starting to understand what was ahead, and we were all half-hard. I lay one side of Mark and Max laid on the other. I pulled the duvet over the three of us.

Max and I both put a hand on Mark's chest. We each tweaked a nipple, and then both ran our hands down over his stomach to his groin. Max discovered Mark's newly-shaved balls.

'Ohh...very nice.'

'I loved the feel of it that first time we touched each other. Chris loves it too. I think, Max, that in a bit we might have to shave Chris too,' he said with an evil grin.

'I like this thinking, Mark. Yes, I think so.'

'We'll see,' I said. They just laughed.

I let Max take care of Mark for a bit while I went back up and kissed him.

'I'm so pleased all three of us are in the same bed again. It feels...right...this time.'

'Yeah, really does.'

From the expression on Mark's face, I reckoned Max had switched from using a hand to using his mouth. I went back down to take a look. He was licking one side of Mark's cock, so I decided to lick the other. Max smiled at me. Our tongues touched as we both flicked the smooth, hard flesh. Max took the head in his mouth and I moved down to suck one of Mark's balls.

'Oh fuck...oh man..I don't know what you two are doing but please don't stop. This is crazy amazing. Oh fuck...Max...I want you in my mouth while you do that.'

Max got himself into a 69 position with Mark. I rolled to one side. This was about them now. It was actually very erotic watching two boys I found very sexy getting closer and closer to their climax. Mark came first, Max slurping and swallowing his juice. I saw Mark look at me and I nodded. Then Max came with that little moan I had come to love, and Mark stayed locked on to him until the last drop had been squeezed out.

Max came back up and gave Mark a kiss. 'Thank you for sharing Chris with me. And I am even more jealous that he has not just a handsome boyfriend but someone who gives him wonderful sex.'

Mark kissed him back. 'And you give even better head than Chris.' He smiled sweetly at me.

'I don't think so, but thank you.'

'See, he says I'm better,' I said.

'He's just being polite.'

I threw a pillow at him.

Mark looked at Max. 'Time to shave him?'

'Time to shave him.'

I know when I'm beaten, so I submitted to being led to the bathroom where Mark rubbed soap into the hairs on and around my balls. It was all rather stimulating and I had a massive hard on in no time.

'Max, you're the expert, why don't you use the razor.'

'Now we see how much you trust me, Chris.'

He knelt down and took my balls in one hand, stretching the skin. He used the razor carefully and in short strokes, under, around and over my scrotum and round the base of my cock.

'OK...let's wash it off and see how we are doing.'

He used the shower attachment to wash off the remaining soap, and ran a hand over my newly-shaved sack.

'Not bad. But just a little tidying up to do.' He went to work again. His hands on my now hairless balls felt incredibly good. I saw Mark whisper something to him and Max smiled.

' last tidy up, Chris.' He knelt back down, and in one quick stroke of the razor removed half of the pubes above my cock.

'What the fuck? bastards!'

Mark and Max were in hysterics. I looked at myself in the mirror. I had a line of pubic hair, then a big, bald stripe then some more hair and then my cock.

'I think we better finish the job, Chris.'

I had no idea how I was going to explain this in the showers with the other guys, but he was right. It looked really stupid the way it was. And a little part of me was quite turned on by the idea of being totally shaved. After all, I loved the way it looked on Max.

'Come on then.'

I stood there while Max removed the remaining hairs. I saw Mark sprouting an erection.

'Geez, Chris. That is fucking sexy. Can I feel?' He ran his hands all over my groin and balls.

'Welcome to the club, Chris,' said Max, also running his hands over me.

I looked at Max. 'Seems to me that there is only one fair way to end this. I think someone else needs their pubic hair removing.'

'Oh, no, no...' said Mark moving to the back of the bathroom, his hands over his pubes.

'Oh yes, yes, yes.' I said.

Max grabbed him by the arms and held him, while I got the razor. Four strokes later, Mark had as hairless a groin as Max and me.

'Ever wish you hadn't started something,' he said ruefully.

We headed back out to the bedroom. Max put his arms round both of us and pulled us into a hug.

'Thank you, Mark. Thank you Chris. I hope you will let me share him one more time tomorrow Mark, and then you will be gone. You are both lovely, handsome guys. You deserve each other.'

He kissed both of us, then put on his robe and headed out of the door and back to his room.

Mark and I got back into bed and pulled the covers over us.

'He is so nice, Chris. And I'm so pleased we had the three of us together. Even if we have ended up without pubes.' He giggled.

'But it is kind of sexy, isn't it? And we have got three more weeks before we're back at school. I guess they'll have grown back by then.'

'I guess...though I think I might keep my balls shaved. They feel so good like this.'

He put his hand under my balls. 'Yeah...they do don't they. And you do look damn sexy without pubes.'

He ran his hand over my shaved groin. I got hard. He sat himself on my thighs and put his own hardness against mine. He rubbed them slowly together. 'Of course,' he added, as he masturbated us, 'you do realise he's in love with you, don't you?'

'A bit, I think. I did tell him not to.'

'You might as well tell the sun not to rise. You still don't understand the effect you have on people, Chris. You are sexy as fuck, bright, funny, kind...people can't help themselves.'

'He'll find someone. He's much too nice and too good-looking not to.'

'I hope so. I really like him. And you really, really like him, don't you?'

'Yes. I do. He' you. Can you spare a tiny little piece of my heart for him?'

'You know I can. It's going to be hard for both of you to say goodbye - but more so for him.'

'Time for sleep.'

'Yeah. Big day tomorrow.'

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Next: Chapter 12: Mark and Me 12

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