The Immigrants

By bokjay / John

Published on Jul 25, 2017


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By Bokjay. Comments welcome to

The Immigrants 5

Chapter 5.

After a couple of years of trying to pull the business together, this year he had one good stroke of fortune after another. Work became very busy and he would soon be taking possession of a big piece of real estate, a yard to base his operation. Socially too, things had changed out of all recognition. His three Polish workers ensured that he regularly got out to the pub and gave him the daily social intercourse that had been missing since he had come back to his hometown.

Sexually, things were just hunky-dory for Stuart. The big day was Sundays when on a regular basis Jan had him repeatedly. Twice in quick succession after waking and then later after an hour or so nap, a third before he got up. In and amongst if the dice fell right, he had a play with Wit. Each was unknown to the other, as Wit being a heavy sleeper was never aware of the sex going on right beside him. Once Jan was up and Wit was still asleep, Stuart contrived to wake him gently and have some fun before Jan finished in the shower and came back into the bedroom to get dressed.

Many a time when Jan was spooned up behind working away, he watched Wit sleeping and often he would imagine it was Wit's enormous cock. It was an added thrill with him so close and yet oblivious.

Stuart knew of course that sooner or later Wit would find out, yet he had no idea how he would respond. One thing he was sure of that it couldn't be so bad, not after the ease of which he now regularly had some fun with him. Still, it did make him wonder what would happen when the day came.

It was well into spring when it did. If truth be told, both Stuart and Jan had become a little blasé in relying on the heavy sleeping habits of Wit. At first, it had almost been like Stuart wanking him off, using his ass muscles. As the weeks went by Jan little by little began thrusting especially on his third go when it required a little more vim to get off. At first they both made an effort not to shake the bed but gradually caution went to the wind.

It was no different to every other time, Jan was spooned behind gently pushing himself into Stuart. It had come quite warm and the sheets had been thrown back to waste level. Stuart was relishing the feel of Jan inside him. Every now and again his eyes opened a crack as a particular thrust touched his magic spot and he would see Wit on his back still in heavy sleep. Jan was gradually reaching the finishing line and it had been a good twenty minutes for this one. Stuart opened his eyes again for a brief moment. As he slipped back into his semi-conscious state he realised that Wit had been looking at them. He opened his eyes again with a start.

Wit was unmoving, still in the same position but watching silently. Stuart could feel Jan was almost there, and he was allowing himself to thrust quite heavily. They watched each other. Whenever Jan touched his special place, he couldn't help himself and drew a breath and his eyes drifting up into his head. Moments later he was totally embarrassed to have let Wit see him in helpless pleasure. There was not much he could do about it, Jan was almost done and he couldn't very well stop him on his last strokes. What would it achieve anyway, he asked himself.

He could distinctly feel Jan's dick begin to harden and expand for its last effort and could feel the heat growing inside. Time and again he hit his special place making Stuart go red as he couldn't help his reaction to the pleasure.

Then he could feel Jan finishing and his insides swamping in his juice. They lay still as he came down from the high. When he checked on Wit again, he had closed his eyes once more, making Stuart relax a little.

Jan slowly pulled out and lay on his back a few minutes. Then he gave Stuart a pat and said he was off to the bathroom. He slid out of the bed and the bedroom.

Stuart felt paralysed. He lay watching Wit. As the shower went on, he opened his eyes and looked at him.

"You do before?" he asked quietly.

"Today or before today?" answered Stuart lamely, his nervousness making his voice crack.

"What?" asked a confused Wit.

"Yes." replied Stuart.

"Yes today or yes before today?"

"Both," answered Stuart, feeling his face go red again. He could see the surprise on Wit's face.

They stared at each other in silence for what seemed like an age. He wondered what was going on in Wit's brain as he digested the information.

Wit's arm came across slowly and pulled him. He rolled like a log into Wit, facing away. His knee pushed between his legs. It was just as if he was going to cuddle him as he had on many other occasions, but he knew in the back of his mind this was not. Half of his brain told him what was coming, but the other half said it was impossible he was just too big. It would kill him to take Wit. He had fantasised about it, yes. But he had only really entertained thoughts of sucking. No way did he want that trying to get inside.

Stuart's first shock was to feel Wits cock already in. He had all these visions of agony and screaming yet he had got inside without feeling a thing. He made himself an excuse that Jan must have opened him up far more that he had ever imagined.

Wit was pushing in slowly. There was no pain. All that Stuart had imagined of the hurt if he had sex with him never materialised. He was in and filling him up.

The second shock was the realisation that his body began to feel like it was inflating. He almost panicked. Still, Wit pushed on slowly. Suddenly one leg began to shake uncontrollably and he got pins and needles. A sweat broke out and he could feel trickles begin to move down from his forehead. He wondered when it would end, Wit pushing on and on. It was as if in a slow motion film, yet every millimetre gave the illusion of a mile.

Wit's groan brought him out of his wondering.

"Boss, you feel beautiful". He bent closer and gave him a peck on the back of his neck. "You okay?" he asked.

Stuart said he was fine, not wanting to give away any of his feelings.

Wit began long strokes in and out. It was something he had not experienced with Jan and it felt suddenly new. But each shove in made him think he was going to explode with the pressure. He began to worry that Wit would do some damage, especially if he went too fast. He tried to cast his mind back to his days on the motorway construction contract with Richard and Michael. How did he survive that, he wondered? Did he ever have any problems with them? He didn't think so. So perhaps this was just his imagination playing up.

Quickly it all left his mind. As Wit slowly picked up speed Stuart's magic button began to ring continuously. Jan hit it now and again, but it seemed as if Wit was pushing it with every movement. Suddenly it was like he was drunk; delirious with the warm tingling that flowed continuously up through his body.

"Oh fuck!" he said out loud.

Wit stopped. "I hurt you?"

"No, fuck no! Don't stop, please don't stop!" he groaned hoarsely.

So it was that Stuart added another string to his bow. It didn't happen every Sunday, but it happened more often than not. He and Jan would have some fun till around tenish when Jan would get up to read the newspapers. Once downstairs Stuart would make sure Wit woke up and got horny. Wit didn't always follow the path of Jan and was just as happy using Stuart's mouth. Either way, Stuart loved anything he could get.

Next: Chapter 6

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