The Inheritance

By Max Mann

Published on Nov 8, 2023


The Inheritance Part 3

Author's Note:

This story is intended for people over 18 only (or the legal age where you live). This series contains elements of gay sex, bondage, fetish and even a little incest. Please leave now if you are under aged or if the material described is offensive to you or illegal where you are.

All my characters are, and always will be, over 18. Also, please understand that although this story depicts unprotected sex with multiple partners and/or complete strangers, such actions are unwise and unsafe. And, please always use protection.

Please send any feedback to

This is a fictional story.

Chapter 5

I didn't have to report back to Mr. Best until after 3 pm on Sunday. I decided to just crash at home the rest of Saturday night. I was feeling exhausted from the most intense sex I could remember.

Tony was back in the car when I finally left Fish. He was soaked, as I had expected.

"You got it?" I asked him.

"Oh yeah, every bit. Don't worry."

"Thanks, man. I know that wasn't easy. You sure everything is okay? Your phone got wet."

"Yeah, I think so. I'll look it over while you take me home."

Tony started playing back the video. There wasn't much audio except the falling rain. But, I did occasionally look over to see the action on the screen.

He managed to get a great angle of the fat cock sliding in and out of my ass. I started getting horny again from seeing myself ride that huge monster. And so did Tony.

I looked down and a bulge was forming in his jeans. He reached down a couple times, probably without realizing it, to rub it. I was still feeling bold and I wasn't going to let the opportunity pass.

I reached over slowly and put my hand on his crotch. He didn't object. I massaged the growing bulge as he watched the sex continue on his phone.

Tony didn't say anything as I rubbed the now stiff cock through his jeans. In fact, he didn't even acknowledge it. I knew he was enjoying it though. The hard-on would twitch and move to my firm grips.

Finally his hand moved down to mine and brushed it aside. But, instead of stopping my advances as I feared, he unzipped his fly. His message clear, he resumed watching the video.

I unbuttoned the jeans and pulled the fly open to see his cock spring out. He wasn't wearing any underwear today. I had to keep my eye on the road some as I was driving but still couldn't look away. His cock was beautiful. It was only slightly bigger than my 6 1/2 inches, but uncut.

I admired his very tightly trimmed pubes. I reached deep inside to feel his smooth balls. It was incredibly sexy how well maintained everything was down there.

Tony's cock stood high from the opening in his jeans, needing further attention. I was happy to oblige. I started to stroke the full length of his rock hard dick. I had never played with an uncut cock before but loved how it felt.

Adding to the sensation was the video clip on the phone. The audio was now clearly coming through. We heard my loud moans and groans while I was riding Fish.

The arousal was too much to handle while driving. I pulled into a vacant lot and parked. I unbuttoned my pants and managed to pull them to my ankles. Tony slid his jeans off too.

As we enjoyed the video playback, Tony's hand made it to my cock. He stroked it firmly and I quickly matched his raging erection.

I knew we were getting close to end of the video because I could hear Fish moaning loudly, just as he did right before cumming inside me. I stroked Tony's cock harder and faster. It started to tense up.

At the same time as I was being bred on the screen, Tony's cock unloaded. Thick strings of cum shot high on his t-shirt. Five or six glorious shots covered his shirt. The sight was too much for me.

I leaned back and let Tony squeeze my load from my aching cock. Only one shot landed on my shirt. The rest oozed out and covered Tony's hand. He continued to squeeze my cock firmly, making sure to get every drop of jizz from it.

Tony held up his hand to show how covered it was in my seed. Much to my surprise, and delight, he started to lick it clean. I sat there mesmerized as he took long slow passes with his tongue, gathering up my load and swallowing it down.

I scooped up what cum I could from his shirt and brought it to my mouth. I tasted each batch slowly, savoring the taste of his juices.

Both totally spent, we sat there quietly for a minute. I grinned at him before finally speaking.

"I hope this qualifies for a kiss."

He grinned back and nodded.

As my lips met his, we shared what was left of our loads. This kiss was even better than our first. Fifteen minutes must have passed before I could bring myself to put the car in drive.

As we left, we noticed that the lot wasn't as vacant as I initially thought. Three teenagers were sitting on a cement wall nearby, staring intently into our car.

I gave them a quick wink and hoped they enjoyed the show.

Chapter 6

I slept better Saturday night than I can ever remember. Even my dreams were filled with intense sex. I woke up refreshed and eager to start the day. I knew another challenge was going to come today from the will but didn't care. Hell, I was looking forward to it.

I got to Mr. Best's office just before three o'clock. He had already downloaded the video clip. He congratulated me on finishing this task so well.

Tony was already there. After our encounter in the car the day before, he begged me to not tell Mr. Best. I wasn't sure how he could get in trouble but I certainly didn't want him to get fired. So I played it cool.

"Ok, Patrick, let's get to the next task," Mr. Best started. "Ready, son?"

I nodded eagerly.

"Task number three. Submitting to daddy. Patrick must have sex with a man at least thirty-five years his elder. There is no restriction on the person. The only requirement is one of strict role playing. Patrick must play the role of a boy submitting to his daddy. Full anal penetration into Patrick is again required. Patrick will have two days to complete the task."

Mr. Best again announced the time. I had until 3:05pm Tuesday to complete my mission.

I was a bit uneasy with the task. Even though I had sex with my uncle years ago, I never had any other thoughts of incest. I didn't remember my own dad, so I hoped that it would make it easier. And it was just role playing so nothing was really wrong with it. Was it? Besides, I had no choice if I wanted the inheritance.

Tony came back to my place to help brainstorm. Strangely, he was all business today. He didn't even mention our mutual hand job or kiss. I figured he just wanted to keep me on point for the task.

It didn't seem like it was going to be too difficult to find some guy to play my daddy. The internet seemed like my best bet.

I cruised some gay websites and even put a profile on a couple. At least here I could set the conditions I needed. The hardest part of these tasks was integrating Tony.

After a bit of pleading, he allowed me to work him into the role playing. Luckily, he approved the profiles I posted. They read:

Nick: HornySons Ages: 20 and 23 Stats: 5'10 150lbs 6.5 cut slim build and 6' 170 lbs 7 uncut athletic build Role: Vers bttms Seeking: Daddy 55-60 y/o for kinky role play, sex

I added a picture taken of us together. Tony insisted on us showing only from the chin down to the waist. Still, it was enough to get some attention.

Within 30 minutes, we had already received 7 messages from horny older dudes. Three weren't quite old enough, so I politely declined. We traded messages with the others to gauge their interest and get more details.

We finally narrowed it down to two guys that would work great. Both were 56 and in great shape. More importantly, both were quite eager to play and were up for almost anything.

One of them, Tom, requested a chat with video. I gladly accepted. The chat window popped up and the video started. Tom appeared on screen. He was, at the very least, shirtless.

I had never considered having sex with someone that much older before, but was beginning to get excited with the idea. After seeing Tom's nice hairy pecs and masculine features, I was immediately attracted to him.

Tom's hair had only specs of gray, but the fur covering his chest had more. He likely colored his hair. I wondered how much gray was in his pubes.

Tom was very anxious to meet us both. I did all the typing in our chat even though Tony was on cam too.

DaddyTom: So, you boys looking for a daddy to fuck you hard? HornySons: No, Sir, not exactly. Just me. DaddyTom: Really? Damn. I'd luv to fuck both my sons hard. So, what are you looking for then? HornySons: We're into kinky role playing, Sir. What we really want now is to have me get fucked by daddy as Tony secretly watches and records it. DaddyTom: Hmmm. Sounds hot. Maybe after we catch him in the act, I can punish him for spying. Heheh...

Tony appeared ready to protest again at the thought. I convinced him to at least get naked but no more.

HornySons: Nah. He wants to play the straight brother that is ashamed to admit that he likes watching. We'll go as far as him getting naked only. No playing. Ok? DaddyTom: Alright. If that's what you boys want. What about you? Limits? HornySons: None, Sir. I am just the son you discovered was gay and you want to fuck. I could even play the virgin son that you want to breed for the first time. DaddyTom: Fucking hot, boy. I'd like that. Let's do it!

We made a few more arrangements and set the scene for our encounter. He offered to host. He said everything would be set by 9pm.

We waited patiently until about 8:30. I was growing more excited by the hour. I was surprised how much the idea was getting me horny. Finally, the time came.

We got the Tom's house just after 9pm. The back door was open, as he said it would be. We followed the stairs up to some bedrooms on the second floor. As was arranged, we went to the last room on the right.

It was decorated as if belonging to teenage boys. In fact, it looked almost like one lived there now, except of course for how clean it was. The two twin beds were made. And, there were trophies on the dressers. We quickly realized that this was going to be a realization of Tom's fantasy too. Did he have sons he always wanted to fuck?

We got set up as was agreed to. Tony climbed into the closet and left the door open enough to see the whole bed. I sat down on the bed and starting looking through some magazines I found under the mattress. It was gay porn.

Then I heard the footsteps. I went over the planned scene one more time in my head, trying to remember that Tom wanted me to be "Scott" and Tony was "Mike."

"Hey, son," Tom said, walking into the room.

I quickly hid the magazine behind my back.

"Hi, Dad," I said nervously.

"What you got there?"

"Uhh. Nothing."

Tom sat on the bed and reached around me. He ripped the magazine from my hand.

"What the hell is this, boy?"

"Nothing, Sir. Uhhh, it's not mine. It's Mike's."

"Uh huh, sure, Scotty. Tell me the truth."

"Honestly, dad, it's not mine."

Tom reached under the bed and found more porn. All of it was hardcore gay sex. His look turned angry.

"You lied to me, boy. You know what that means. Pull your pants down and bend over my knee."

"No, Sir, please no. I'm sorry. Don't punish me."

"Do it now, Scott, or I'll do it for you and double the spanks."

I stood and pulled my jeans to my ankles. I bent over his lap as ordered. Tom pulled the briefs down just enough to expose my ass cheeks. Then with his bare hand, he gave me a firm smack.

Then another. He counted out 100 spanks to my ass. Each one was harder than the one before. My ass was burning from the abuse.

"Stand up," Tom ordered.

I stood before my new daddy, almost ashamed. My ass was sore but my briefs were full.

"What is this, Scott? You got an erection my punishment?"

"I'm sorry, Sir. I don't know why that happened."

"I think I do. It's all these magazines."

Daddy flipped through the pages of one of the mags and paused to show me one page. It was younger guy getting fucked by older one.

"You into this, boy?"

I just hung my head in embarrassment.

"Answer me, son. You into this faggot shit?"

"I don't know, Sir... kinda. I like looking at it."

"So you haven't tried it yourself?"

"You mean doing it with another guy? No, Dad, honest."

"Still, you think you're gay then?"

"I don't know. Maybe."

"How about we find out then, Scott. Strip for daddy."

"What?? Are you serious, Dad?"

"You want me to do it? I'll give you another 100 spanks for your disobedience."

I took off my shirt and lowered the briefs to the ground. Daddy looked over my naked body in approval.

"Turn around," he ordered.

I turned to show my still sore ass. Daddy stood and moved behind me. I felt a hand rub along my ass cheeks. He caressed each cheek slowly and ran his fingers down along my crack.

Then his hand wrapped slowly around me and fondled my hard cock. He stroked it long and slow, enjoying every inch. Next, he cradled my balls in his hand and massaged them firmly.

"You like this, Scotty?"

"Yes, Dad, I do."

"You say you've never been fucked by a guy?"

"No, Sir. Not yet."

"You want daddy to fuck you? Show you how good it can feel?"

I didn't answer. I was too embarrassed.

"It's okay, Scott. You can say it. There's nothing wrong with it. Just tell me what you want. You're my son and I love you either way."

"I want it," I said timidly.

"Want what, Scotty? Say it."

"I want you to fuck me, Daddy. Please."

With that we heard something in the closet. Someone was in there.

"Who's there?" Dad yelled. "Come on out now!"

Tony... I mean, Mike, stumbled from the closet, camera in hand. He was still recording us.

"Mike, what the fuck are you doing in there?"

"Sorry, dad, I didn't mean to spy."

"Well, it seems like you did to me, boy. Get over here."

Mike sulked forward, head down. He stopped a couple feet from us both.

"Okay, Mikey. You like watching your brother?"

"I guess..."

"Uh, huh. And you wanted to watch me with him?"

"I didn't know you'd be here, Dad. I thought he would be alone. You know, just jerking."

"You watch your little brother often?"

"Sometimes, Sir. I'm sorry. I know it's wrong."

"Well, I should punish you. But, you and your brother have shown me that you both need further guidance sexually. As your father, I will take responsibility."

Mike and I exchanged worried glances. I was still feeling exposed from being naked before them both.

"Okay, Mike," Tom continued. "I am going to fuck your brother and show him how it is to be gay. You want to watch?"

"Can I, Dad? Really?"

"Sure, son. I want you be a part of this. Someday it will be you. The only requirement is that you get naked, too. Do it now."

Mike reluctantly peeled off his clothes. Slowly, more of his impressive physique was exposed to me. I stared intently as his boxer briefs dropped to the ground. This was my first look at his entire nude body. He really was incredibly sexy.

"Excellent. I have dreamed of this day. Seeing both my beautiful boys completely naked. Scott, what do you think of your brother's body?"

"He is very sexy, Dad. I am a little jealous."

"There's no need to be jealous, Scotty. Isn't that right, Mike?"

"Yes, Sir. I think he is very cute."

"See, boys. You are both very cute and have nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, I think you should both stay naked around the house, at all times."

We both nodded in acceptance. I had no doubt that Tom really did wish his boys would be naked at all times for his pleasure. And, I was ready to give him the other part of his fantasy.

"Are you going to fuck me now, Daddy?"

"Yes, of course, Scotty. Eager to have your cherry popped?"

"Yes, Sir. I am."

"Good. Then it is time you boys got to see daddy's cock. Show the proper respect though. I want you both on your knees."

Mike and I dropped down to our knees and knelt at daddy's feet. He stood over us and flashed a wide grin. His hands moved to his fly. In no time, his slacks were crashing to the floor. He rubbed the bulge forming in his white Fruit of the Loom underwear.

Soon, though, the white briefs were lowered, revealing his cut cock. It sprouted firmly from a thick patch of brown and silver pubes. I didn't know what to expect, but was quite pleased after seeing daddy's cock. It was a nice, better than average, size. And, clearly, getting hard was still no problem for him.

As he stroked his dick slowly, Daddy Tom looked into my eyes.

"Okay, son, I want you to show your brother how to service daddy's cock."

With that, I leaned in and flicked daddy's cock head with my tongue. His instant moan told me that he approved. I played with his mushroom head for a minute inside my mouth.

I wanted to show him how good a cocksucker I had become. In one quick motion, I let every inch of his cock fill my mouth. My nose was comfortably nestled in his pubes when he let out another moan.

"That's a good boy. Take all of daddy's cock."

I sucked him off another 15 minutes or so. He stayed fully erect the entire time. I started to appreciate servicing an experienced cock. Not long ago, I gave a schoolmate a blow job and he shot in less than five minutes. Cocks must get better with age, too. Just like wine!

Daddy showed no impatience as I worked my lips up and down his shaft or as I explored every inch with my tongue. He just took it all in with delight.

I figured it must be time to take his cock as he gently lifted me up on the bed. He positioned me near the end of the bed in doggy style. I anticipated feeling daddy's cock, but instead got a sloppy wet surprise.

A warm tongue entered between my ass cheeks and quickly found my tight pink hole. Several long slow passes got my hole wet. Then I felt the tip of his tongue poke through, making way for his cock that would soon follow.

The feeling was incredible. It was my first time being rimmed and I was a bit pissed that I had never had this sensation before.

As before, Daddy took his time. He savored every moment of this encounter. We each occasionally glanced over to Mike. His dick had no choice but be hard as well.

Daddy flipped me on my back and lifted my legs high. My hole was again exposed and he returned to eating my ass thoroughly. Soon his tongue was replaced with a finger. Then came a second. A generous squeeze of lube covered my tight opening. The lubrication allowed daddy to work even deeper.

Both fully inserted, his fingers felt around inside me. The motion was firm but smooth and triggered feelings I had never experienced before.

"How does that feel, son?"

"Incredible, Dad. Please don't stop."

The deep exploration continued. I soon realized that he wasn't doing this for just him. He was making a point to show me how many different things can bring me pleasure. Soon I got to feel twice the pleasure. As he fingered my ass steadily, he leaned in and took my cock in his mouth.

Daddy proved to be an experienced cocksucker as well. The euphoria of him furiously bobbing up and down on my cock and fingering my hole in rhythm proved to be to much for me. I didn't have the control he did.

"Fuck. Daddy, I'm gonna cum."

"Go ahead, Scotty. It's okay." He stopped sucking me just long enough to offer the words of encouragement.

My body clenched up as the seed filled my shaft and exploded into Daddy's mouth. Convulsions traveled up from the point at which he fingered me all the way up my spine.

Daddy allowed me to enjoy the last moments of my intense orgasm before finally bringing his lips up close to mine. As his lips pressed firmly against mine, I felt a liquid enter my mouth. It was my cum load. He was feeding it back to me.

Our lip lock broke as he swallowed the seed left in his mouth. I savored my share of load as daddy returned to my waiting ass.

"Okay, Scotty, time to give you daddy's cock. Ready to take it, son?"

"Yes, Sir. I'm ready. Please fuck me."

Daddy rubbed his fingers around my crack to see how much lube was left behind. Satisfied at the amount, he moved his waist between my legs and held them wide open. His cock head rubbed slowly along the slick slit and entered slowly. My eyes shut as I felt the head ease its way through my sphincter.

"Eyes on me, boy," he commanded.

I opened my eyes to see daddy staring intently into them. His gaze was tender, yet focused.

"Okay, it's time," he said simply as he slid his hard cock slowly inside me.

I didn't break our stare as he gave me the rest of his manhood. The cock worked more easily into my ass than he likely anticipated. He didn't stop its advance until it was fully buried.

"Damn, Scotty. Your hole was made for my cock. How does that feel?"

I could only moan in response. It felt so incredible.

Daddy continued to fuck my ass, slowly at first. Each time was the full length of his cock. His paced quickened. After nearly 5 minutes, the assault was near rapid fire.

The sensation reached my crotch, which was beginning to get reenergized. I reached down to touch my cock but he stopped me.

"No, son. I want you to get fully hard again just from me fucking you. Only then will I give you daddy's seed."

I rested my hands under my head and allowed daddy to pound me relentlessly. Soon enough, my cock stirred again and grew. Five minutes of intense fucking later and I was fully stiff.

Daddy's motion slowed. I think he was trying to make this moment last as long as possible. Still, even his stamina had limits.

"Okay, Scotty, time to take daddy's load."

Daddy pumped my ass a few more times with his cock and reached down to my balls. He squeezed them tightly as his own body clenched up. The sensation on my nuts put me over the edge again.

Daddy filled me full of his cock and then his seed. At the same moment, I shot another load over my chest. My ass squeezed his cock with each shot, draining every drop of cum.

He leaned over and kissed me gently. Then, he cleaned the juices from my chest.

Satisfied, he looked over to Mike. I had totally forgotten about him being in the room. Not surprisingly, his cock blew its load as well. What did surprise me was his offer.

"You want mine too, Daddy?"

Tom nodded happily and went over to him. He leaned down to lick clean his other son's jizz.

"Thanks, boys, you don't know how happy you've made me."

With that, our time as being "Scott" and "Mike" came to an end.

I was surprised at just how exciting this whole night had been. I would have called you crazy if you said I'd ever be doing this. And yet I did. And I loved it.

Or, maybe I was just changing. For the first time, I wasn't just anticipating the next task. I was fucking craving it.


Author's Note: Thanks for all the wonderful feedback to the first two parts. Sorry it took longer than expected to get this part up!

It will be at least a few weeks until I get the next part up. If you want an e-mail alert when it's posted, send me a comment on how you like the story.

Next: Chapter 4

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