The Inheritance

By Max Mann

Published on Nov 16, 2023


The Inheritance Part 4

Author's Note:

This story is intended for people over 18 only (or the legal age where you live). This series contains elements of gay sex, bondage, fetish and even a little incest. Please leave now if you are under aged or if the material described is offensive to you or illegal where you are.

All my characters are, and always will be, over 18. Also, please understand that although this story depicts unprotected sex with multiple partners and/or complete strangers, such actions are unwise and unsafe. And, please always use protection.

Please send any feedback to

This is a fictional story.

Chapter 7

I spent most of Monday trying to process all that I had done over the weekend. I had been fucked and bred by three different guys. And yet, I couldn't wait to get more.

Despite all the action I'd been getting, I was hornier than ever. I wanted to get back to Mr. Best's office today, but Tony said we had to wait until Tuesday.

I was still also trying to figure out Tony. Despite his efforts at resisting, he was becoming a willing participant. I hoped desperately that I could get him more involved in the next task.

But, as he had done after the last one, it was all business. He arranged a time to meet with Mr. Best and didn't speak of his time as "Mike" again.

I had only one class on Monday and was home by 2 pm. Sam was already there. I realized that I barely saw him all weekend so I went to check on him.

Just before I made it in his room, I could see him walking around. Naked. I froze.

Now, this wasn't the first time I had ever seen my little brother in the buff, of course. But, it was the first time after I had just had an intense role playing encounter with my fake "brother".

Okay, I told myself, I can't let that affect me here. Those thoughts are fine in the fantasy world, but not in reality.

But that didn't stop me from staring. Sam circled his room, arranging some clothes after his shower. His hair was still wet. His body still glistened from the shower. His soft cock was a near match of my own.

He reached into his underwear drawer, pulled a pair out, and started to dress. Only it wasn't underwear. It was a skimpy red jock strap. Again, I couldn't help but stare as he strutted around his room wearing only this small jock. He was incredibly sexy.

The thoughts were driving mad. Last night was one thing, but this was definitely different. And it felt wrong. So I went back to my room.

I felt guilty spying on my kid brother that way. And I felt guilty by finding him so sexy. And, hell, I felt guilty spending the next 15 minutes jerking off thinking of him.

So much for ridding myself of inappropriate thoughts, I thought.

Monday night was uneventful. I watched some TV. I got two messages from Fish wondering how I was doing. I was too afraid to call him back. I was worried that might happen. Did he think we were an item now?

I got an e-mail from Tom, too. It went the same way. He sent a quick thanks for last night and wondered if his boys could do it again.

I was going to put off thinking of them until after the tasks were complete. I had no choice.

So, I spent Monday night alone. Sam went out for the night and I was glad for the quiet house. Tomorrow was going to be another big day.

When Tuesday finally came, I woke up ready and eager for the next challenge. I even got to the office early.

I eagerly sat before Mr. Best, waiting for the reading of the task.

"Okay, Patrick. Only two left, my boy. Here we go," he started. "Task number 4. Getting kinky. Patrick will be given a list of ten specific forms of kink or fetish. He must be subject to at least seven of the ten within a four hour time frame. Each must be performed with a different person. Patrick must be the submissive partner in each fetish. One week is allotted for completion."

I was given the list and read through it slowly. I had to read it again to believe some of the things on it. A couple were eliminated right then and there.

"Tony?" I asked, after leaving Mr. Best's office. "Isn't sounding where they stick a rod or something in your piss slit?!"

"I think so."

"Holy fuck. I know I'm not doing that one. And I suppose water sports isn't referring to swimming," I laughed.


"Well, we can cross that off, too. That's disgusting. This shit is crazy. How can I do these?"

"I don't know. A couple seem doable. See, one is just wearing leather or rubber gear."

"Yeah. I guess so. And I can certainly take some spanking. So, there's two."

"So, what's the plan?"

I really had no idea. I couldn't use the internet again. That was one of the rules. Tony agreed that any kind of hookups online would violate the no-repeat rule. I knew I had to pick some place public with a lot of horny guys. How else could I get all seven done in only four hours?

Then I remembered something else I saw on the internet. I went back online to confirm it. There was some big party in town, FetishFest2010. And it was next weekend! This was perfect.

After registering, Tony and I hit a couple adult novelty stores for a little shopping. After all, there was a strict dress code for the event. Of course, the topic soon came to integrating Tony.

"Okay, man, I have to be the submissive, right? So, doesn't that mean I need someone to be dominant if I go?"

"Yeah, I suppose..."

"So, you'll go as my owner, Tony?"

"Fuck. Do I have a choice? And don't answer, 'cuz I know the answer."

There would be no pleading necessary today. I was relieved. We picked out suitable outfits and even a few accessories. Then we headed to his place.

"So, you think we can try this stuff on? I don't want to wear it for the first time this weekend." I genuinely was worried about getting a good feel for it. Although Tony probably took it as another attempt to start something with him.

"Uh, okay. Sure. If you want."

I put on the rubber gear I bought. There was a sleeveless top and a jock. After seeing Sam prance around in his jock, I knew that's what I wanted too.

Tony tried on his full length pants and an incredibly sexy harness. We were both looking, and feeling, the part.

"Shit, this feels great," I exclaimed.

"Yeah, it's pretty cool. Here try this on too."

He pulled out a 2" collar and helped snap it in place.

"Now you look like my bitch," he marveled.

"What else you want to try, Sir?"

"Here. Let's try the paddle."

Tony pulled out a hard rubber paddle. I bent over a chair and positioned my bare ass within his reach. He gave my ass ten light smacks.

"Come on, Tony. Get into it. A little harder each time. I need to be ready for it."

Tony again starting swinging the paddle against my ass. After every five or six, he'd increase the intensity. Still, it felt like he was holding back.

"Come on," I pleaded. "You can do better. Those other masters are going to think you're a pussy for treating me so meekly."

I must have triggered something in him with that. The next smack was the hardest one yet. The one after was near blistering on my ass. Then he started wailing on my ass as hard as he could.

I have no idea how many punishing blows he administered, maybe 100? All I know is my ass was regretting the taunting my mouth was doing. My ass had never felt so sore.

Tony looked down in shocked delight. I realized that must have been his first time using a guy like that. I was glad I got to the guy. And, I was feeling bold.

"Fuck my red ass, Sir. Please," I begged.

Tony unzipped the front of his rubber pants and his hard cock sprang out. He stroked it fully a few times and looked hungrily at my exposed beaten ass.

But then something happened. He quickly zipped back up and started apologizing, just as he did after our first kiss.

"I can't. I'm sorry. I don't know what I'm doing. I can't do this."

"Why not? What did I do? Please tell me, Tony."

He didn't answer. All he did was start to change back into his normal clothes. And just like that, it was over. Tony was the hardest person I've ever tried to read. I was starting to feel self-conscious.

"I think we're ready for Friday, Patrick," he said plainly.

All I could do was get my stuff together and head home. Confused.

But soon enough my thoughts would turn to Friday night and the most intense four hours I expected to ever have.

Chapter 8

We got to the club just after 10:30 Friday night. Guys were just starting to stream in but we could see it was going to be a full house. We looked around in amazement at all the hot guys dressed in gear.

It wasn't long before the floor was filled with horny guys moving the music. Oh yeah, the music. It was loud. Tony and I had to scream at each other to be heard.

"This is pretty fucking sweet, huh?" I yelled to him, despite being right in front of me.

"Oh yeah. Wonder when the real fun starts?"

We danced a bit longer until there wasn't much room to move around. Then came a voice over the loudspeaker.

"Okay, Masters. The cages are now open for your use and abuse. Bring your boy toys to the back rooms for some extra fun."

Tony led me through the sea of men to the back. He yanked confidently on the leash attached to my collar.

As he led me back, he pulled out his camera and shot a short clip of the two of us. We decided to not try to record the whole night. Instead, he'd record each successful item on the list. And with us both in gear with me being led by the collar, number one was now done. I was also now on the clock.

Four hours for six more acts of kink.

The back rooms were nothing short of amazing. There were rows of cages along the back. And each room seemed to serve a special purpose. One was called the wet room. A couple guys were being sprayed down with hoses. One was in agony as the full force of the stream was directed as his nuts.

Another room was equipped with nothing but slings. There wasn't much activity there yet. But I knew it wouldn't be long until dozens of guys would be getting fucked in there, me included.

Most of the guys had gathered around the cages. A couple slut boys were already tied tightly against the wall of steel. One, in particular, was being worked over pretty hard. His arms and legs were stretched in all directions like he was being quartered. The restraints looked agonizingly tight as they pinned him helpless against the cold steel.

A group of five or six guys took turns striking his exposed cock and balls. One had a whip and was brutalizing his toned chest. He would have likely cried out if not for the ball gag shoved in his mouth. The rest of his face was covered by a tight rubber hood that allowed only access to his mouth. I wished I had thought of that accessory.

We admired the boy's abuse a few minutes before a leather clad daddy approached us.

"You boys enjoying the action?"

"Yes, Sir," Tony replied first.

"Ha ha, kid. It's your slave that should be calling me Sir, not you. Isn't that right, pig?"

"Yes, Sir," I added. I bowed my head in respect. Honestly, I wasn't sure exactly how to act. This was all pretty new to me.

"Good pig. You trained, boy?"

I shook my head slowly. "No, Sir."

"Truth is," Tony piped in, "we're both kinda new to this. This is his first time out as my bitch."

"Huh. Well the pig needs to learn his place. Want me to show you how it's done?"

Tony handed the leash over in approval. The man gave a quick tug and I lurched forward. His strong hands pushed me to the floor.

"On your knees, bitch boy."

Tony popped out the camera and started recording my humiliation. "Can you show me how you'd make him worship your boots?"

"Sure thing," the man happily replied, then turning his glare to me, "you heard your Master, bitch. Get down there and clean my boots."

I half-heartedly stuck my tongue out and poked at his boot. A sharp tug on the leash had me looking back up at my tormenter.

"I said clean them, bitch, that's fucking pathetic."

I stuck my tongue out fully and licked the length of the boot. I waited for another tug on my collar, but none came. He must have been pleased. I continued cleaning the entire boot and proceeded to the next. I looked up, thinking I was finished. Instead, he lifted his foot to expose the bottom of one boot.

"All of it, bitch boy."

The bottom was nasty. I was probably better off not knowing what each taste was from. The second boot was equally bad. It took me over five minutes to clean them both. Satisfied, the man handed my leash back to Tony.

"Thanks, Mister. Be sure to find us later when my bitch gets gang fucked. You'll want your turn for sure."

"Sure thing, kid. You have fun."

With that, a second item was crossed off my list. It was simply foot/boot worship. It was, however, much more difficult than I expected.

"Okay, bitch, let's see how else we can use you." Tony was really getting into his role. It reminded me of how he was at his place trying on the gear, before recoiling, of course.

The areas around the cages were getting quite full of men. Luckily, that presented the opportunity to strike another item from the list.

We walked into a bit of a clearing and Tony pushed me to the ground.

"Get on the floor where you belong, bitch." His announcement was loud enough to attract the attention of several men nearby.

With the crowd around me growing, Tony rubbed his foot into my crotch. Then he leaned over and spit across my face.

"Take that dirty slut," he said as he started recording my abuse. "Okay, men, let's humiliate the little bitch."

Before I knew it, several guys were joining in. Some forced me to lick their boots. Others spat over me and called me names. One led me around the room by the leash. Tony must have been satisfied with the footage he recorded. He quickly pulled me up by the collar.

"Okay, men, let's tie him up."

Suddenly, I was hoisted up against the steel cage and stripped of my tight jock. My hard cock sprung out. My hands and feet were then bound. I looked around for the other boy that had been taking all the abuse before me, but he was gone. Shame, too. He was pretty hot. Still, it was my turn now to be used.

Tony again recorded my abuse. He leaned in to me and whispered in my ear.

"This is going well. I got the public humiliation and now bondage items cleared off. That should be four now."

I just nodded. I was pleased to be making progress on the seven fetishes, but more concerned with my current confinement. The bindings on my hands were particularly tight.

A muscular guy knelt down before me and tied rope around my cock and balls then stretch them straight down. After pulling far enough to make me cry out, he secured the other end to the cage. It was agonizing and now, seemingly, permanent.

Tony approached another guy and told him something I couldn't quite make out. However, it wasn't long before I knew what he was suggesting. The man had a long whip. He smacked it across my chest. Even thru the rubber, it hurt like hell. I screamed out in agony.

Tony picked up the discarded jock and stuffed it in my mouth. My screams would go unheard now.

The man with the whip gave several more cracks along my chest and legs. Then came another, a smack across my stretched out cock and balls. I tried to scream out but couldn't. My only solace was knowing that yet another item was crossed off my list: whipping/spanking.

It wasn't like I had any say in the matter though. I stayed bound for 30 more minutes. Random guys would come by and smack my sore cock or stretched out nuts. I tried to signal Tony that I was ready to move on to the last two items on my list but he would have nothing of it.

Once everyone had a turn at abusing me, Tony let the crowd know it was time to take it to the other room.

"Okay, men, let's get him down so I can get him wet. Who's up for pissing all over my slave?"

The crowd roared in approval. I shook my head. Tony pretended to ignore me.

I was released from my bindings and led again by my collar to the wet room. I looked around in terror. No fewer than ten guys were being showered in streams of piss. I really didn't want to do this one, but it seemed I had no choice.

I was forced to my knees and my wrists were tied behind me at my ankles.

"Okay, men, who has a load for my little piss pig?" Tony readied his camera for more use.

Sure enough, a leather bound muscle stud approached, cock out.

"It can have mine."

He pointed his cock at me and I braced for the inevitable. Soon, a golden stream started and splashed across me. The warm piss covered my chest and ran down over my cock and down my legs. The smell was pretty bad but the feeling was kind of nice. I arched back a bit more to let the cock spray me all over.

The stream was starting to wane just as another began. Another hung stud was now blasting me with his piss. This time it was directed at my head and getting me wet from head to toe.

When the flow stopped, I opened my eyes to see who was next. To my delight, it was Tony. I gazed at his semi-hard cock in anticipation. I closed my eyes and waited.

"Open," he said.

I opened my eyes and again waited.

"No. Open!"

I paused to process the order. He couldn't mean that, could he? I shook my head in defiance. I wasn't going to do that.

"Open your fucking mouth, pig. You want the other Masters to think I'm a pussy for how I treat you?"

I again regretted the taunting I gave him before. But his look was dead serious. I slowly opened my mouth wide.

"You better swallow every drop too, pig," he said as the piss shot out and blasted against the back of my throat.

I felt my mouth fill with the disgusting taste. He filled it completely before pausing. I had no other choice. It took three long gulps but I managed to get it down. I nearly gagged on it in the process.


I obeyed and he continued to feed me, batch after batch of warm piss. The strangest part was that I actually grew to enjoy the taste. By the last batch, I was craving more of Tony's piss. I eagerly opened my mouth to accept the last contents of his bladder and savored it as it went down.

"Good, pig."

Tony let the other guys hose me down with their piss loads but ordered no one else to feed me. I don't know if he was doing it to protect me or if he was truly taking ownership. Either way, I was pleased.

The last of the guys bathed me in piss and I sat there soaked. I was actually disappointed that it was over. Tony forced me back into my jock and led me out of the room. Only one more thing to cross off my list and the task would be completed. And I already knew which one Tony was going to make me do: the gang bang.

Tony led me to the room with the slings and smiled widely. I was quickly hoisted into position and bound tightly. My ass was fully exposed and helpless against any cock that might want it. And there were no shortage of cocks. My hole was greased up well and now open for business.

Tony spotted the leather daddy that first had me clean his boots. The invitation was given and he happily accepted. His fully hard cock was buried inside me before I had time to even prepare. Two quick strokes and every bit of his 8 or so inches was pushed deep.

I braced myself for each assault, unprepared for just how rough I was being fucked. Five long minutes of pounding felt like an hour. Finally, he could take no more. He pulled out and sprayed his load over my face and down my rubber covered chest.

At the same time he was unloading, another cock was being thrust in me. This one was not as big or thick. The stranger's cock only last a few minutes in me before also exploding.

The next 30 minutes was a constant barrage of cocks, some average sized and a couple too big to describe. But, for all the cocks that plowed into me that night, I was still desperate for one in particular.

But it never came. I looked desperately at Tony, begging him with just a stare to fuck me too. He didn't.

Tony recorded the dozen or so guys that used my hole without mercy. Most of the loads went all over me; my face and body were soaked in man juice.

Tony brought me down and showed me the last picture he took. I couldn't have ever guessed I could look like such a slut. My body and jock were covered in jizz. Plus I smelled like a urinal. Tony was pleased.

"You did it. That's all seven."

He led me back out to the main floor and we spent the next couple of hours dancing and having fun. I felt used and a bit embarrassed from the stares and comments. It didn't take much for the whole club to know how much a slut I was. I didn't care. It was who I was now.

I was beginning to see that each task was degrading me a little more each time and wondered why Uncle Teddy wanted this. Was there a reason? And how much lower would I have to sink to finish the last task and earn the $500K?

I would soon find out.


*Sneak preview of Part 5 (just to make sure you come back!):

I walked into Mr. Best's office not sure what to expect. I thought I was ready for anything. I was wrong.

Sitting at the old oak desk was Sam. I froze.

What the fuck is my brother doing here?! I panicked and turned to leave.

"Come on back, Patrick," Mr. Best called out.

Reluctantly, I entered and sat by my kid brother. He had a quizzical look on his face as well. Maybe he didn't know anything about what I was up to.

"Okay, boys, time to get started. First off, I hate to do this to you Patrick. I know I told you that nothing would leave this office. But, the last task requires you both be here."

Mr. Best turned his monitor to face us both. He pressed a few keys on the keyboard and a video started. It was me and the stranger in the bath house. I could barely watch as the man's cock split me open.

Sam's mouth nearly hit the floor. He sat in stunned silence as my escapades flashed before us on the monitor. I couldn't believe my secrets were being exposed like this.

Nothing was said between us while each of my tasks played out before us on the monitor. Every fucking. Every humiliation. Every cum and piss load.

I couldn't bear to look at Sam now. He didn't have much to say.

"Patrick?" His voice was incredulous. He had to be stunned too.

It was bad enough to have been turned into a total slut. But now my little brother knew all about me too.


**Author's note:

Thanks for your patience as I struggled to get the last two parts up in a timely manner. Please e-mail me if you want an alert when the next part goes up.

I have been working towards a very specific ending and am curious to know what people think. Please e-mail me what you think is going to happen and how it is going to end. I can't wait to see if people can guess it!

Next: Chapter 5

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