The Inheritance

By Max Mann

Published on Nov 24, 2023


The Inheritance Part 5

Author's Note:

This story is intended for people over 18 only (or the legal age where you live). This series contains elements of gay sex, bondage, fetish and even a little incest. Please leave now if you are under aged or if the material described is offensive to you or illegal where you are.

All my characters are, and always will be, over 18. Also, please understand that although this story depicts unprotected sex with multiple partners and/or complete strangers, such actions are unwise and unsafe. And, please always use protection.

Please send any feedback to

This is a fictional story.

Chapter 9

When I woke the next day, the sun was already shining through the windows. But, the light seemed unusual for a morning. I looked at the clock and saw it was after 3 pm. I suppose I earned the extra sleep today.

I also noticed that it wasn't my bed I was waking up in. That's right, I remembered, I never went home after dropping Tony off. However, he was not in bed beside me as I hoped he'd be.

I climbed out from under the sheets, still naked and covered in cum and piss stains. I saw my rubber gear cluttering the floor and suddenly remembered changing into it at home prior to picking up Tony. I had no other clothes here. Talk about your poor planning.

I wandered around Tony's place in awe. I had been inside before, but never took the time to notice how impressive the place was. It was a decent sized condo that was immaculately furnished and had some rather valuable artwork. It didn't seem possible for a lowly intern just out of college to afford such a place.

I made my way to the kitchen and found Tony. He looked clean and refreshed. Of course, he didn't take the abuse I had last night.

"Morning, Patrick," he said. I was disappointed that he no longer referred to me as his bitch, nor did he seem to care I was naked. I guessed that it was time to be official again.

"Hey. Man, I really slept in. How long have you been up?"

"Couple hours. I didn't have it as bad as you." He laughed in a sexy way that only made my heart sink, thinking our experience together last night probably didn't mean anything today.

"Why don't you get a shower and dress? I left you some clothes in the bathroom. I'm sure they'll fit you too."

"Thanks, man. I appreciate that. I really need to clean up. You're gonna have to burn those sheets after I slept on them."

I took a long hot shower, enjoying the rush of water over my nasty, crusted skin. Most of the evidence of my use was washed away, but I did notice marks still covering my legs and ass from the whipping.

After my shower, Tony said he had breakfast/dinner ready. It wasn't anything elaborate but it was very nice of him still to do it.

"Thanks, Tony. But shouldn't I be making your meals... Sir?" It was my first attempt at rekindling the feelings from last night. But, his reaction was predictable.

"Nah. Besides, you were only pretending to be my bitch last night. We likely won't be doing that for the last task."

"Tony, I have to ask you something. How come you didn't fuck me when you had the chance last night? I mean, you did everything else. The piss was unexpected but awesome. But, I really wish you would have fucked me too."

"I really couldn't. I can't explain. I wanted to, but..." He paused to choose his words carefully. He must not have found any as he didn't finish the sentence.

"I don't get it. Would you have gotten fired? It seems you're allowed to play along."

"Just focus on the last task, Patrick. You're almost done and then... we'll see. Okay?"

He again seemed bothered by my interrogation so I relented. I was as determined as ever, though, to change his mind once I finished this last task.

I didn't stay at his place long. I was surprised that I had no messages on my phone. I figured Sam would have worried when I didn't come home last night.

When I finally got home, the place was quiet. Sam was in bed. I wasn't sure if he was sick or just napping. Maybe he was out late last night too. Although, I doubt he had as good a time as I did.

It was several more days until I was to return to see Mr. Best and get to the last task. I was excited to be so near the finish line. And yet, I was a little disappointed that this was the last one. I was starting to have fun.

I spent the next couple of days doing the usual. I had classes to attend and had fallen way behind on several reports I had to write. The days slowly went by until the one I most anticipated finally arrived.

It was time to finish the tasks. Not surprisingly, I was again early for my appointment. I sat by Mr. Best's secretary, waiting to be called in. She was a rather plain looking woman. I guess I expected someone influential like Mr. Best to have a supermodel type secretary.

"Mr. Best will see you now," she announced.

I walked into Mr. Best's office not sure what to expect. I thought I was ready for anything. I was wrong.

Sitting at the old oak desk was Sam. I froze.

What the fuck is my brother doing here?! I panicked and turned to leave.

"Come on back, Patrick," Mr. Best called out.

Reluctantly, I entered and sat by my kid brother. He had a quizzical look on his face as well. Maybe he didn't know anything about what I was up to.

"Okay, boys, time to get started. First off, I hate to do this to you Patrick. I know I told you that nothing would leave this office. But, the last task requires you both be here."

Mr. Best turned his monitor to face us both. He pressed a few keys on the keyboard and a video started. It was me and the stranger in the bath house. I could barely watch as the man's cock split me open.

Sam's mouth nearly hit the floor. He sat in stunned silence as my escapades flashed before us on the monitor. I couldn't believe my secrets were being exposed like this.

Nothing was said between us while each of my tasks played out before us on the monitor. Every fucking. Every humiliation. Every cum and piss load.

I couldn't bear to look at Sam now. He didn't have much to say.

"Patrick?" His voice was incredulous. He had to be stunned too.

It was bad enough to have been turned into a total slut. But now my little brother knew all about me too.

Chapter 10

"Sam, you don't understand. I had to do it. It was part of Uncle Teddy's will..." I started to explain, but Sam was still in shock.

"I can't believe it," he stammered, "you had to do it too?"


Mr. Best laughed and pressed a few more keys on his keyboard. The video started again, only it was different. There was a naked guy on the screen but it wasn't me. It was Sam.

I watched as Sam bent over what looked like a conference room table. Then a middle aged guy approached him and rubbed his cock against the exposed hole. Before I could process any of it, I heard Sam's voice on the video.

"Please, Mister. I need your cock in me. I only have a few minutes left."

His pleading sounded an awful lot like mine, in the first task. Then it finally hit me, although I found it impossible to believe.

"You had to do the tasks too?!" I asked Sam but he didn't respond. This time, it was his head that hung in embarrassment.

I refocused on the video to see the conclusion to his first task. Sure enough, he got fucked deep and hard. I was instantly aroused at the sight of my supposedly innocent little brother getting plowed by a fat cock.

The video skipped ahead to what must have been his second task. The surroundings were very familiar. And so was the voice.

"Sammy, I've wanted to do this for so long," the voice said.

I waited to see the camera pan to Sam lying on a bed with his legs spread wide. Then a man approached, monster cock in hand. He grabbed a bottle of lube and squeezed some on his cock; then he sat it back on the nightstand. As he bent over to thrust his cock inside Sam, I saw his face. It was Fish.

"No fucking way," I yelled out. "When was this?!"

"Saturday afternoon," Sam replied softly.

I rewound the days in my head. Saturday? Afternoon? Then it hit me again. That was just hours before I went to his house to get fucked. No wonder Fish was so confused by me being there and why he thought Sam was in on it. He had to be suspicious of two brothers each offering themselves to him on the same day.

I watched intently as Fish slowly fucked Sam and remembered how great that big fat cock felt. I heard Sam's moans as Fish hit every right spot. My cock was ready to bust through my jeans. I almost shot a load in my pants just from seeing Fish breed my little brother.

My mind raced back to my time with Fish and I chuckled. I remembered how purposely Fish told me to taste his cock and clean every inch. At the time, I thought it odd that he'd make a point to ask if I liked how it tasted. He knew something that I didn't. His cock had just been inside Sam and I was cleaning what was left of my brother's ass off of it. The thought nearly put me over the edge again.

Just as he did with me, Fish took control of the situation. He pounded Sam hard and flipped him over to fuck him doggie. He smacked Sam's ass so hard I could hear it through the closed window. Finally, Fish let loose a load and pumped it deep into my kid brother.

They finished with a rather lengthy make out session. I felt a bit jealous as I didn't get the same post-fuck spit swapping. Sam and Fish kissed deep for so long the video finally cut out.

Sam's third task started and, of course, I knew what to expect. Sam knelt down before a guy probably in his sixties.

"May I have Daddy's cock, please?"

The man nodded and Sam took his cock deep in the throat. Naturally, it was followed by Sam's new "daddy" fucking him hard.

I noticed something else very familiar. Sam was wearing the red jock strap while his daddy plowed him. The daddy was groping Sam's cock through the jock as he slid the length of his cock deep inside Sam.

Just as mine did, Sam's daddy took his time riding his pretend son. And it ended as you'd expect. He gave his boy a load of Daddy's seed.

I couldn't bear to watch the last part yet, knowing it was the fetishes. My cock was aching to explode. I had to make an excuse to get relief.

"Mr. Best, I have to use the rest room," I said, standing.

"Sit!" he barked. His tone was surprisingly commanding. I had no choice but obey.

The video for the fourth task started and again it looked familiar. To my surprise, Sam had attended FetishFest as well. I smiled knowingly as the video relived my night at the club. Finally, it focused on the cages and a guy being abused on them.

I first figured that I just didn't see Sam in the sea of men that night. But, as it turns out, I had. He was the guy I first saw tied to the cages and wearing the rubber hood and ball gag. I watched again at the abuse he was taking and was quite impressed.

As it turned out, Sam did the exact same seven items on the list that I did. I again almost creamed my pants by just watching the streams of piss flow across his body and down his throat. And, most of the same guys that gang fucked me also made use of him that night.

Sam's last fetish that night was public humiliation. The video started tight on Sam's naked, cum-coated body and slowly pulled back to show him tied to a telephone pole outside the club. He was on display to all that walked or drove by. I realized that maybe I wasn't the biggest slut there that night after all.

I looked at Sam in awe and a little admiration. He had done at least as well as me in all the tasks.

The clip finally ended and Mr. Best addressed us both.

"My boys, I couldn't be more pleased with the job each of you has done. I must say I am pleasantly surprised with how closely you mirrored each other's actions. When Evan and Tony told me you were both going to the club, I thought for sure you'd see each other."

I just nodded and smiled at Sam. I couldn't remember ever being so confused with my feelings. I was still embarrassed by having my brother watch my graphic sexual encounters. But I was also insanely aroused by seeing him do the same things. I wondered how the last task involved us both.

"Okay, boys, I think we are ready for the last task," Mr. Best said, on cue. "This one is actually pretty simple, but it will change your lives forever. Ready?"

"Yes, Sir," we both said in unison.

"Great. This version of the last task was written in case you both successfully completed the first four. It would have applied to either of you individually, but I think it adds some spice with you both doing it together. And, because you both are here together, you must both complete the task and earn the inheritance together. But, it means a total of a million bucks if you succeed. Understood?"

"Yes, Sir," we said again together.

"Task Number Five. Submitting to your new Master. Having proven that they are willing to submit to any form of sexual activity to dominant older men, Patrick and Samuel have earned the right to take Teddy's place as Master's new slaves. Each must submit fully to Master for a minimum of two weeks. Each must faithfully serve Master and all his needs. After two weeks, Master will determine if the boys are worthy of the inheritance."

Sam and I exchanged glances. I couldn't tell, but I think he was excited. Truthfully, so was I. It all made sense now. The tasks were tests of our worth and our willingness to do just about anything to please men. Still, one big question remained.

"I don't get it," Sam said. "Serve who?"

Mr. Best smiled wide and I suddenly knew.

"Sam, it's him. Mr. Best."


"Go ahead and strip the rest of the way," he ordered. "Time for an inspection."

Sam and I quickly stripped and stood fully naked in front of our new Master.

"Excellent," Master Best said as he moved a hand across my bare chest and down over my cock. "Turn."

I complied and Master examined my ass. He forced my legs apart to get a close view of my recently abused hole. He repeated the inspection on Sam.

"Good. You are both perfect specimens. I have greatly enjoyed viewing your videos, but to have the real thing here in front of me is even better. Time for your first taste of ownership, boys."


*Author's Note: This part was a bit shorter than the others and a bit expositional (sorry!) but I promise a lot more action in the next part. The series is about to come to a conclusion. I hope you enjoy the rest.

Thanks too for all the feedback on the last part. I had a couple people come real close on predicting the events in this part. I hope it wasn't too predictable!

Next: Chapter 6

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