The Inheritance

By Max Mann

Published on Dec 1, 2023


Author's Note:

This story is intended for people over 18 only (or the legal age where you live). This series contains elements of gay sex, bondage, fetish and even a little incest. Please leave now if you are under aged or if the material described is offensive to you or illegal where you are.

All my characters are, and always will be, over 18. Also, please understand that although this story depicts unprotected sex with multiple partners and/or complete strangers, such actions are unwise and unsafe. And, please always use protection.

Please send any feedback to

This is a fictional story.

Chapter 11

"Actually, boys, from this point forward, it is Master Best to you. Understood?"

Sam still looked confused. Of course, he was always the last one to get things. It's a good thing he had an older brother to look out for him all these years.

"Yes, Sir, Master Best," I said. "But, if I may ask, Sir, Uncle Teddy was your sex slave?!"

"Yes, Patrick. He had been with me for almost ten years."

"But, why? I mean did you, like, have something over him?"

"No, no..." he chuckled, "nothing like that. Well, at first, I did some work for him and he asked for alternate ways of repaying me. Some of it was work around my house. But then it turned sexual. Even after his debt was repaid, he begged to stay with me. In fact, he was my first full live-in boy."

"First?" Sam piped in.

"Yes, I have four in my house currently. And I cherish each. I hope to add you two as well. You have proven yourself worthy. So what do you say?"

"Well, it doesn't sound so bad, Sir," I said, speaking still for the both of us. "Besides, we don't have much of a choice, do we? The inheritance is in your hands."

Master Best nodded and smiled, then paged his secretary. "Send in Evan and Tony."

I was glad to see Tony again, of course. But, I didn't know Evan. From the way Sam looked at him, however, I quickly deduced that he was Sam's "Tony". I wondered how close they had become. Did they share a bond like I had with Tony? Or, did he get even farther than I was able to?

Evan was very muscular, even more so than Tony. If Tony had the swimmer's build, then Evan got the rugby one. His blue eyes were majestic. There's no way Sam couldn't have been attracted to him.

"Okay, boys," Master Best said to Tony and Evan. "Patrick and Sam know about the last task and will submit. I think you both will be as pleased as I am that they'll be joining us."

Us? I looked at Tony and then back to Master Best.

"Evan and Tony are two of my current boys. Going on a year now. They have done a splendid job guiding you both so far. Although, I must apologize, especially to you Patrick. I gave them considerably more leeway in interacting with you as the tasks progressed than I normally would have. But, I did set a strict no fucking rule."

Tony looked at me and smiled. He was probably relieved to have his motivations explained. I was relieved, too. Now I knew it wasn't me. Still, I had no idea where this left us.

"First thing you boys need to learn is obedience," Master Best lectured us. "Orders are meant to be followed without question. Observe..." Then turning to Evan and Tony, "strip."

Without hesitation, they peeled off their clothes and stood naked before us. Tony's body was already etched into my memory. I couldn't help but check out Evan, too. He definitely had that football look. His pecs were huge and his arms and thighs were thick. There wasn't an ounce of fat on him. Naturally, he had a cock to match his physique. Its length and girth easily eclipsed any of ours.

"Okay, Patrick and Sam, you both have been nursing some serious hard-ons since we began. Would you like some relief?"

"Yes, Master, please," Sam desperately responded. I nodded in agreement.

"Good. Well, in the interest of getting everyone more acquainted, I'm going to mix things up on you." He pointed to Evan and then to me.

Evan approached me knelt at my feet. He reached up and rubbed the bulge in my crotch. A wet spot starting working its way through the bulge and Evan massaged it firmly into a large puddle. He started to undo my jeans and I stood to let him guide them to my ankles. He pushed me back down into my seat and quickly wrapped his mouth around my dick.

He sucked fiercely and quickly brought me close to the edge. His blow job was far more intense than the one Tony gave me in the car. I was almost ashamed with my stamina. In less than a minute, my load was being pumped into Evan's warm mouth. My body shuddered from the release.

"Your turn, Tony," Master Best directed.

I sat and watched as Tony similarly stripped off Sam's pants. I again got to admire my little brother's cock, but this time up close and personal. Although, I was strangely jealous to see Tony happily pleasure Sam's cock and not mine.

Sam leaned back and moaned as Tony sucked his cock slowly. He lasted only a little longer than I did before finally depositing his seed in Tony's mouth.

"Excellent," Master Best announced. "You boys feel better?"

"Yes, Master," I said. Sam nodded and added, "Thank you, Master Best."

"Good. Don't get too used to being serviced though. Your pleasure will soon come solely from serving me. Besides, I needed you boys to shoot for your preparation."

I had no idea what preparation he was suggesting, but figured it wouldn't be long until I did. Master had Evan and Tony dress again. Sam and I still sat with our pants at our ankles.

"Go ahead and strip the rest of the way," he ordered. "Time for an inspection."

Sam and I quickly stripped and stood fully naked in front of our new Master.

"Excellent," Master Best said as he moved a hand across my bare chest and down over my cock. "Turn."

I complied and Master examined my ass. He forced my legs apart to get a close view of my recently abused hole. He repeated the inspection on Sam.

"Good. You are both perfect specimens. I have greatly enjoyed viewing your videos, but to have the real thing here in front of me is even better. Time for your first taste of ownership, boys."

Master opened a drawer and pulled out several small silver objects. I couldn't make out their purpose at first. Master pulled me close and slid a metal ring around my cock and balls. Then he put something over my now soft dick. The back fit nicely against the ring. He put a small padlock through a loop and snapped it in place.

"There," he announced. "This is a chastity device, Patrick. I have the only key. You will be able to piss, but having an erection or cumming will be nearly impossible."

I stared at the device in awe. I had heard of chastity cages but never seen one. It was strangely ingenious. My soft cock filled the inside snugly, but there was no way I could grow another inch if I tried.

Master Best placed a similar device on Sam's cock as well. Sam wiggled in discomfort.

"How long must I wear this, Sir?" he asked.

"It will stay on the entire two weeks. I will strictly control when you cum. I hope you enjoyed your last orgasm, because it may be your last one for a while."

The order made Sam cringe and he looked worriedly at his imprisoned dick. I tried to act more casually, but inside I was not looking forward to going so long without even getting hard.

"Excellent, boys. Now consider the chastity a practice exercise in being owned. Your two weeks won't officially start until you are in my house ready to begin your service. Don't you have a holiday break after this week?"

We both nodded.

"Good. Then I will send someone to pick you both up Friday at 6pm sharp. Make whatever preparations you feel appropriate for being completely out of touch for two weeks."

We were excused with one final order.

"I want you boys to be comfortable with the idea of being naked so you are not allowed to wear clothes around your home for the rest of the week."

I looked at Sam and smiled. I'd be seeing a lot more of my kid brother than I ever realized possible. And that excited me.

Chapter 12

The rest of the week was pretty normal. Well, normal except that Sam and I were always naked around each other and each of our dicks were confined to their tiny steel prisons.

By Friday, I was used to being naked around him. I guess Master's idea was working as intended. I no longer viewed being naked as a sexual thing. It started to feel normal.

An SUV pulled up to our place at exactly 6 pm on Friday. Evan and Tony hopped out and came to get us.

"You're not ready?" Evan asked us.

"Yeah, we're ready," I said.

"Why are you dressed?"

I looked down, bewildered. I only had on an old t-shirt and some shorts that I just threw on before they got here.

"Master said you were to be naked and wants you to come with no belongings," Tony added.

"We have to walk out there naked? What if the neighbors see us?"

"You want me to call Master and say you aren't going to comply with his wishes?"

Sam and I stripped back out of our clothes and began the short but seemingly slow walk to the SUV. I looked around to see if anyone was watching, but saw no one outside. Still, I jumped in the vehicle quickly to avoid anyone's gaze.

A half hour drive later, we were standing at the door to our new Master's home.

Not surprisingly, it was a huge estate. Master Best was one of the wealthiest men in town and had a home to match his standing in the community.

We followed Evan and Tony into the house and found Master Best waiting for us in his study.

"Welcome, boys. You ready to serve?"

"Yes, Master," we each answered eagerly.

"Good. Your two weeks begins now. Your inheritance depends solely on how well you serve me during that time. My patience will be very limited, and you will get little sympathy for disobedience despite being brand new to the whole situation."

We nodded in acceptance.

"Good. First, a few rules of the house. We have a strict hierarchy around here so it would be helpful to make some introductions."

He called out over an intercom for all boys to report to his study. Before long, four guys entered the room. Tony and Evan had both stripped back out of their clothes. The other two were naked as well.

The shorter guy, probably in his late twenties was introduced as Kevin. He was as slender as me, but you could tell he was working out some. He had a hint of muscles forming over his thin frame.

The last guy to enter was Brent. He looked to be near thirty as well and was in incredible shape. His body stretched over six feet tall and appeared to be cut from marble. And he had the most incredible six pack abs I'd ever seen. If that wasn't enough, his soft cock was long and thick. I stared at it a moment trying to guess how long it would be hard before Master Best finally interrupted.

"Okay everyone, Brent is my new Alpha. He has earned the position as my most trusted servant not just because he has been here the longest but because his service has been exemplary."

"Thank you, Master," Brent said, with his head bowed. "I will strive to affirm your faith in me."

"I know you will," Master Best replied. "Now for our new boys, I will say only once that as Alpha, Brent is to be treated with respect and his orders should be followed as if given directly by me. Understood?"

"Yes, Master," we said in unison.

"Good. Now Kevin will be just below Brent in seniority. He will be taking on added responsibility around here as well."

"Thank you, Master," Kevin said. "I am honored to serve you so."

"Evan, followed by Tony, is next in line. Fortunately for Tony, we have two newbies that keep him off the bottom rung for a while."

Tony smiled at us both. I'm not sure if it was because he truly liked me being here or if it was just because someone was finally beneath him.

"Finally, Patrick and Sam are the bottom of the food chain for as long as they are in the house. And, as the older brother, Patrick will be above Sam."

I flashed a mocking grin to Sam. At least I wasn't dead last in the pecking order, I thought.

"So, now for the rules for our newbies. I am breaking up the sleeping assignments a bit. Evan and Tony had been sharing a room but I am going to assign you to Sam and Patrick, respectively, since you already share a bond. But, let me be clear. There is to be no fooling around in this house without my permission. Just because you are sleeping in the same bed doesn't mean you can get frisky when you are together. Understood?"

I was a bit disappointed, but acknowledged the restriction. I had been hoping that this last task would bring us closer, but it seems the opposite was occurring.

"Excellent. Also, as your new primary handlers, I am going to hold them responsible for your disobedience," Master Best told Sam and I. "So, if Patrick has to be disciplined for something, then Tony will get the exact same punishment."

Evan didn't seem too thrilled and Tony shot me a glance that could only be interpreted as 'don't fuck me over or else'.

"I think that about covers it, boys. The other rules you will learn as you go and I expect your handlers to fill you in on the important things on your own time. Any questions?"

"No, Sir," Sam and I both said firmly. Master Best smiled and looked over his full stable of slave boys.

"It's nice to have the house full again, even if for a couple weeks." Master Best gave a slight nod to Brent and his new Alpha sprung into action.

"Kevin, Tony, Evan... with me. Dinner must be finished and on the table in 20 minutes. New sluts, stay here with your Master.

The four of them filed out; Sam and I were left alone with Master Best again.

"Boys, I want my first time with each of you to be special so I am going to take each of you in my bed separately over the next two nights. Patrick, you are up first tonight."

"Thank you, Master, I look forward to it," I said, entirely truthful.

With that, we were adjourned to dinner and ready to begin our service.

Chapter 13

After dinner, Master Best called everyone together in the living room. It was, of course, a large room with all the usual amenities. But, it had one unusual feature.

The sofa and reclining chairs were in a large semi-circle shape around what looked like a giant circular ottoman. It was probably ten feet in circumference though. It was big enough to sleep on.

We all sat on the sofa and Master Best plopped down in what was likely 'his' chair. Everyone's eyes were on Master as he made an announcement.

"I'd like to take the time to congratulate Brent on being made my Alpha. I am sure Teddy would have been proud of you, Brent. He was the one that trained you, after all. You don't need to feel like you are replacing Teddy. Just be your own man in the job."

"Thank you, Master," Brent acknowledged. "I miss Teddy as much as everyone else here. I hope to serve you as well as he did."

"Well said, boy. Now to honor the occasion, I will allow Brent to select one of the other boys, with the exception of our newest two, for his use tonight. Patrick and Sam will be broken in by me. So, who would you like to fuck tonight, Brent?"

Brent looked around the room eagerly, practically salivating over the potential fuck toys. It couldn't have been an easy choice though. The other three boys were all incredibly sexy and were likely incredible fucks. Still, he honed in on one in particular and flashed an evil grin.

"I pick Evan, Master."

Brent pulled Evan up and threw him on the circular cushions. I realized then that it wasn't an ottoman at all; it was a stage, a perfect place for Master Best's boys to play while everyone else had a front row seat to witness.

Brent pinned Evan to the cushions and kissed him deep. It was an erotic sight, two muscle studs rubbing naked bodies. Evan offered little resistance, only a small amount for show. Brent was very physical and it suited Evan well.

I looked at Master Best. He was, of course, the only clothed one in the room. He sat and watched intently, but with little other reaction. Kevin was into it as well. I wondered if he was jealous that Brent didn't pick him. Tony was watching, but not nearly as intently. His attention turned frequently to me, which made me smile.

Sam wasn't nearly as pleased with the action. If had to describe his look in one word, it would be hurt. Of course, I'm sure I would have felt the same way if it was Tony up there instead of Evan.

I felt my cock try to grow inside its cage. The futile attempt at a full erection was quite uncomfortable. Sam was squirming as well, so he must have been fighting an erection too. Even if hurt, he was still clearly aroused by seeing Evan in action.

By now, Brent had Evan on all fours, legs spread wide. Brent's tongue worked roughly around Evan's hole and probed inside. Brent's strong hands squeezed Evan's butt cheeks so firmly that the ass was red and bruising.

Brent climbed off the cushions and stood facing Evan. He forced his cock deeply into the boy's mouth. He wasn't much on easing into things I noticed. Brent fucked Evan's face for several minutes. Sam still had a hurt look on his face and Brent took notice.

"What's wrong slut? This bother you? Huh? Fucking your boyfriend."

"He's not my boyfriend," Sam said defiantly.

"Yeah, but it bothers you. I can tell. Here slut, watch as I pound the shit out of your boyfriend," Brent teased.

He smacked Evan's ass and lubed up the boy's hole. I also got the answer to just how huge Brent was hard... very! Even Fish would have been jealous of the size and girth.

Again with little foreplay, Brent slid his cock into Evan's ass and guided it balls deep in one motion. Evan moaned in ecstasy. A dozen or so long, hard fucks into Evan got them both moaning. Brent leaned in and grabbed Evan's hips firmly. Then he pounded mercilessly on the boy's ass, faster and harder with each passing minute.

He smacked Evan's ass hard over and over, finishing the job of reddening the boy's cheeks. Then he flipped Evan over on his back and raised the boy's legs wide, and started plowing his ass again forcefully. Evan's face showed the intense pleasure of having a monster dick thrust deep inside him.

Master Best was content to just watch until Brent's fucking slowed.

"Just don't cum in him, Brent," he warned.

Brent gave a few more thrusts and watched as the fucking proved too much for Evan.

Evan's cock fired shot after shot of semen across his chest. Soon, Brent's cock was out and unloading as well. Brent squeezed every drop of cum from his cock onto the boy's chest. The combined loads pooled up across Evan's toned stomach and chest.

"Okay," Master Best announced. "Now everyone enjoy..."

Kevin and Tony leaned forward to lick Evan's chest. Brent bent down and helped. Sam and I just looked at each, wondering if we were to join in.

"Go ahead, boys," Master encouraged.

Sam and I leaned in and started to taste the boys' combined cum loads. The taste was incredible. And so was the sight of seeing my little brother lap up jizz beside me.

Sam lifted his head and I saw his lips and chin still covered in seed and he had a wide smile on his face.

It might have been the sexiest thing I'd ever seen.


Author's Note:

No preview this time for the next part, you'll just have to come back!

I keep thinking of new things I want to add before wrapping up this story, so there will be several more parts. I hope you are enjoying the twists and turns so far.

Please let me know what you think.

Next: Chapter 7

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