The Inheritance

Published on Sep 16, 2021


The Inheritance 2 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have comments send them to

I would have liked to go back to the Athena, but events intervened. I received word that my wife had died three weeks earlier. They sent me a letter. It said that she would have been buried by the time I got the letter, and I should contact her lawyers about the will. I did and found she had left most of her money to various charities, I would receive a "mere" hundred thousand pounds. The lawyer thought I would be enraged. Of course, I wasn't. I had my own money, Lady Bracknell's and now this. All was well.

The stocky Inspector from Scotland Yard, George Wright, came to see me. He asked about her will. I explained her property holdings to the Inspector. There was a problem anyone associated with them as suspects. They were technically owned by a corporation. They may not have known Lady Bracknell owned the corporation.

"Well, that complicates the situation," Inspector Wright said. "Do you have any thoughts of possible suspects?"

"I do not," I replied. "She was so offensive it is hard to find a single suspect. I did discover that she owned many suspect businesses."

"By suspect, do you mean brothels?" he asked.

I nodded. "Of course, in some ways her match making with wealthy businessmen's daughters and the nobility caused great pain," I added. "She had a knack for pairing the wrong women with the wrong man."

"I understand you were one of those men?" he asked.

"My late wife and I had entirely separate lives. We were both happy with that arrangement. When she left for India, her father and I got along well. I was helpful in his charities," I said.

"I understand you were a bulldog when it came to uncovering fraud," Wright said.

"I had some skills in that regard," I said. "Have you checked her business dealing in India and Singapore?"

"Yes, we are looking into that," he replied. "By the way, an old friend of mine, Bunny MacDougal, told me he met you and enjoyed your company."

"I did and I greatly enjoyed his company. How do you know him?" I asked.

"I was his batman when I was in the army years ago," Wright said. "I enjoyed his company too." He briefly paused. "To be blunt, Bunny and I were having what he called intimate relations, and he told me that we all share common interests. Giving my position, it is difficult for me to form relationships with like spirits."

"I need to make an embarrassing confession to you. I am always interested in forming new intimate connections," I said. Ten minutes later we were in my bedroom. Wright struck me as a short, rather dumpy man. That was due to his clothes. He was short but muscular and his manly equipment was attractive.

George was prim and proper Inspector in Scotland Yard. He was quite uninhibited as a sexual playmate. His cock drool was most attractive. He told me he was getting close and asked if I wanted it in my mouth or ass. When I asked what he preferred, he said he wanted to unload in my ass.

A few minutes later, I discovered his big knob was perfectly paired with the sex nut in my ass. George spent the night. Billy, my servant and Claude, my cook joined us, and it was a good. I found the rhythmic thrusting of a cock in my ass to be restful. When Inspector left, I made plans to go to London and visit the Athena. I felt exposed and I wanted to talk to Bunny.

I sent a message to Abdul. When I arrived at the Hotel the door man immediately took me to him. I asked if Bunny was there. He said no, but he would be there that evening. This was the night for the monthly get together of military men. It would be a busy night. I asked if it was appropriate if I attended.

Abdul was quiet for a few seconds. "Tonight's group tends to be mostly tops. An additional bottom would be most welcome. It might be a strenuous evening for you," he said.

"I think I could be appropriately generous to the defenders of the Empire," I said. "I can make the sacrifice."

Abdul smiled and said, "I have a confession to make. Some of the men enjoy using one of their colonial subjects as a sperm dump. I have played that role."

"Were you insulted?" I asked.

"All sperm is white," he said. "You might be surprised that some came back to take Egyptian semen up their behinds. I tell them it is the Seed of the Pharaohs. One man told me he could taste the spices of the exotic east in my sperm." We laughed and I went to my room to rest before the event.

Bunny arrived early for the event and when Abdul told him I was there, he came to my room. He was cordial and friendly. I told him about my visit with George Wright.

"I am afraid I should have been more discrete," he said. "I had a feeling that you would get along with him. I was presumptuous."

"I was surprised," I said. "It was a good encounter. There is more to George than meets the eye."

"He was with me for three years. I realized there was more to him than being a batman. I suggested he apply to Scotland Yard," Bunny said. "He has soared like a rocket there in the years since."

He then gave me a description of the men who would be at the evenings event. "By the way, there is no office talk at the event. It is a purely sexual event. All of us have secrets and they are much more likely to leak when your guard is down," he explained. "They are all high-ranking men, but tonight they are only looking for sexual release. Did Abdul warn you about the men's preference to be a top?" I nodded.

"Are you offended?" Bunny asked.

"I am more excited than offended," I said, "I have a feeling that the sperm of first man who shoots off in me will erase all traces of offence." He laughed.

We went to the bath, stripped in the locker area, and entered the cross shaped room. Beyond the pool was an unusual hammock like contraption. Abdul was standing next to it. I asked him what it was.

"This is an invention. Mustapha or I often get in it and strap our legs open to give easy access to our bodies. When our guests arrive, they are usually highly excited. They can fuck one of us, shoot off, and relieve the pressure. The rest of the night will be calmer and more relaxed," he explained.

"It looks uncomfortable." I remarked.

"Quite to the contrary, it is most comfortable. Your legs are spread so there is no possibility to resist. While you are helpless, the cocks thrusting into you take your mind off of that," he explained. "We insure each man is well lubricated. For an occasion such as this, I, as the manager, make my ass available in honor of our guests' high status."

"I think I might be interested is greeting our guests that way," I said. I was shocked when I said that. I thought my cock must have taken control of my brain. That had happened once or twice before.

"That would be a beautiful gesture," Bunny said. I am a firm believer that a man's word is his oath. I could apologize and beg off, but not in front of a distinguished gentleman and the manager of one of my properties. Several men entered the room. Abdul went to greet them. Bunny strapped me into the hammock-like device.

The men came over to me. "Gentleman, I wish to introduce you to Jonathan De Forest, the new owner of the Athena. He is what we called a good sport in school," Abdul said

"Are you the heir of Lady Bracknell? I heard something about that at a party," a stocky, man they called Bulldog asked. The men used their school nicknames. Abdul lubricated the man's cock. He shoved it deep into me in a single motion. I realized that Abdul was right. Being defenseless made taking the cock easier.

Bulldog was a gentle fucker who increased the frequency of his thrusts and his cock demanded. It rubbed the good places in my ass.

"I am Lady Bracknell's heir, but I have no idea why," I replied. "I would be best described as one of her marital victims. I married Ella Mayberry."

"The ice princess?" one of the other men asked.

"Lets just say Ella made Oliver Cromwell seem like a crazed libertine," I replied. "Since I am here, you may have guessed the marriage was a success." The men laughed.

Bulldog reached his climax, and all the men knew it. A man they called Whitey was next in line. He had pitch black hair every were excepting his bald head. His cock was much larger than Bulldog's organ. Apparently, Bulldog had injected a huge load into me, and Whitey's cock slid into me easily.

"Damn, you're good," Whitey exclaimed. The other men clapped politely as his cock vanished into my ass. After three additional men visited and seeded my ass, Abdul took my place. He said I needed a breather. I didn't know exactly who the men were, other than there were high ranking officials. I knew that was all I needed to know.

I went to Bunny, who was the only man I knew in the group. He was with the Bulldog and Whitey. They changed the subject as I approached.

"Come join us. Johnathan. You have a special skill that makes friends easily," he said.

"I am sure it is due to the pleasant company I am with," I said.

"Nonsense," Bulldog said. "While I am a novice at this sort of activity, your ass is a wonder." The men smiled at his choice of the word "novice" to describe his sexual experience.

"Johnathan seemed to keep his ass tight and yet was welcoming," Whitey said. "My organ was both stimulated and felt at home."

Another man in the group who I didn't know added, "Whitey that is a silly thing to say. You live in the most uncomfortable house in London. I am sure Jonathan's ass is like a palace compared to your bedroom. The men laughed.

"Let me introduce myself. I am called the Magician in this company," the man said. He was a short, small, man who managed to look dapper and well-dressed despite being naked. His cock appeared to be full grown on his otherwise small body.

He noticed that I had glanced at his cock. "It is full size!" he said. "Alas my legs are too short to reach your bum hole."

"Be careful Jonathan," Bunny said, "He shoots a huge load. He might fill your ass to capacity!"

"Would it be worth the effort to take it?" I asked.

"It was for me," Bulldog said. "It makes a mess, but it was an enjoyable mess."

I wasn't sure, but my cock was erect again, so it was difficult to claim I wasn't interested. I glanced at the Magician. He was fully erect too. As is often the case in my life, I let my cock guide me. I straddled the Magician and impaled myself on his rock-hard organ. I bounced on it and must had continued to bounce for ten minutes. He has a spectacular orgasm and I all but melted on the Magician's tool. It was wonderful. The men watching us clapped, and there were cries of "Bravo!" I sensed they were not mocking me. When I got off the Magician's cock, a man I didn't know came over to lick the sperm that drooled from my ass.

I briefly rested and then returned to the hammock and let Abdul have a break. The men had ass watched me bouncing on the Magician's cock. That seemed increase their interest in me. Seven additional slipped their cock in me over the next hour. I wondered if the Magician's sperm was an aphrodisiac. The men seemed to be fully loaded and enthusiastic.

Abdul rang a bell. The time allotted to the party was over. Bunny and a man called Fox escorted me to my room.

"Did I make a fool of myself?" I asked.

"You are a sexual marvel, an athlete!" Fox said. "You are like a sexual machine that never tires."

"I must say you know how to make friends," Bunny said.

"I thought I was slutty," I said

"Let's just say the men in this group are not all virgins. They tend to be very sexual and don't wear out easily," Bunny said. "We should leave, you need to sleep." He and Fox left. The night was not completely over.

Abdul came in my room. "I hate to bother you, but my friend, Mustapha was much impressed. He wonders if you would allow him to enter you. He would like to feel a truly sperm filled ass. I am not sure I answered him, but when I woke the next morning Mustapha was still in my ass. As he pulled out, I felt him ejaculating. It was a satisfying sensation. He then stood, bowed, and said something in his language. I nodded and he left.

The party lasted for three hours. After the first hour I noticed a strange thing. The men at the party acknowledged their genitals were parts of their bodies. They were not sinful growths or an unfortunate left over from a sinful life. The were organs like the heart, lungs, or stomach. The cock provided pleasure as surely the ears can appreciate music, or the eyes respond to great paintings. In our modern times we had downgraded the cock into a purely utilitarian organ that might produce an heir.

For these men, a cock was not just a piss drain. It was a sensitive sensory organ that produced intense pleasure. It is the essential organ in the human life cycle. Without a cock, human life on earth is over.

I returned to my country house. It was a madhouse. There had been an attempted robbery that had been interrupted by Billy and my steward, Rollo. Billy had been shot but Rollo chased the ruffians away. Billy had been wounded in his leg but would be fine. A robbery was one thing. A robbery of an occupied hose was rare, and the use of a gun was all but unknown.

The local Chief Magistrate, Sir Ralston Mills, had telegraphed Scotland Yard. He immediately knew this wasn't right. Crime in the area was usually related to drunkenness. Once and while someone killed his wife, or there was hunting accident. Armed robbery was unknown,

Inspector Wright and a Constable Philip Lewis appeared on the next train from London. The men broke a window in the library. Billy's dog woke him and Rollo. The dog, Sir Walter, led them to the library. The robbers were noisy. A few paintings had been taken off the walls. I thought that was odd, but then realized they were looking for a safe.

Sir Walter found them and disrupted them dumping the desk drawers on the floor. Like most watch dogs, Sir Walter was not open minded about strangers in his domain. Apparently, Sir Walter made them flee and they ran into Billy and Rollo. They shot at Billy and in the confusion escaped. There was a bloody piece of fabric in the hall. It was ripped from one of the robber's trousers.

I noticed the fabric was a finely woven wool with a pinstripe. This was from an expensive suit. Inspector Wright observed that house burglars were rarely well dressed. Sir Ralston observed that no local tailors used that quality of wool. "I would guess It was from London." he added. Sir Ralston family was old and well established, but not wealthy. His wife was the daughter of a successful manufacturer of locomotives. She was both a beauty and wealthy.

I have an office in the house where I conduct business. I only had personal papers in the library. Constable Lewis questioned my staff. Constable found a footman who received the mail and sorted it into business letters and personal letters. He took the business letters to the office and the rest to the library. He had been drinking at the local pub and one man there had been buying him pints. He didn't remember much about the man, but he knew he was a gentleman.

By the time they finished there, the last train of the day had left for London. Inspector Wright was at the Chief Magistrates house and spent the night there. Constable Lewis stayed at my house as protection. That was unnecessary, since Rollo and my tenants knew the property like the back of their hands were on patrol. They included Billy's father, brothers, uncles, and cousins.

Lewis was to guard my bedroom. He mentioned that he had visited the Athena Hotel and used the bath with Inspector Wright. I asked him if he enjoyed the visit. He said yes.

A few seconds later he murmured, "I didn't know you could do some of those things."

"Did you expect to enjoy it that much?" I asked.

"To be strictly truthful, I didn't know you could enjoy anything that much," Lewis said. "Mr. Abdul was kind to me."

"I know him well. He is intelligent and accommodating. I assume you were kind to him too?" I asked. He nodded.

"He took my seed, but I didn't take his. Did I insult him?" he asked.

"I doubt that. He is a man of the world. He knows some men are uneasy in intimate situations," I said.

"Do you . . ." he began to ask.

"I do, but I am older and more experienced. I found him unexpectedly attractive, so it was easy for me," I said. "I enjoy manly men."

"The men in the army called me the Chimpanzee. I'm short and hairy," he said.

"Did George tell you I might be interested?" I asked.

"Not directly," Lewis replied. "I did a complete check on your movements. You were busy for the too weeks before Lady Bracknell's death. She changed the will a week earlier. She mailed it to the lawyer. He did not open the letter until after she was dead. Neither he nor you could have been aware of the change."

It was late and I began to undress. "Is there any chance you would like to join me in the bed, "I asked.

"Would that be a problem with the servants?" he asked.

"They would either like a night off or join us. I can vouch for them. Nature took it course.

Next: Chapter 3

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