The Jock and I

By Gracen Hepburn

Published on Jan 12, 2014


Disclaimer: This story contains depictions of male on male, graphic sexual interactions. The characters are highschool aged and sometimes have unsafe sex. ALWAYS USE A CONDOM! This is a complete work of fiction and any similarities to persons or events is purley coincidental. Enjoy the story and any feedback is welcome. -Gracen

Here are some pictures of what I think the characters look like:






CH 1

"So lets call it a night," Ms. Della said, clasping her hands together, "You guys have worked very hard. This performance will be... Spectacular. If the opening night goes as well as this dress rehearsal just did... Go get some sleep everyone! See you all tomorrow after school." The drama teacher walked back toward her computer and began typing away. Meanwhile, I went to the backroom to get out of my costume.

I walked briskly to the old teachers lounge (the green room, as we in the theater department call it) and untied the gold sash around my waist. Around me, other students talked loudly about their stress, and tests. The things they were gonna do, the drama at school today. And I peered around as I pulled the tragic purple toga over my head.

"Gunnar, I really love the accent you do for your character," Caroline, one of my best friends said, "it sounds so funny."

"Gunnar, you should just become a professional," Lina, my absolute best friend said.

"Shut up baby, I know it," I said as we laughed at our inside joke. I put my clothes back on and, after saying goodbye to all my friends, started walking toward my car.

"Hey, Gunnar, come drive around with me for a bit." I turned to see who asked and looked straight into the warm, dark eyes of one of the hottest guys in school, Cameron Laangrab.

"Sure," I followed him to his car and as I got in I pulled my satchel over my head and tossed it in the back seat. Cameron started the vehicle and began driving aimlessly around.

"So... How was your day Cameron?"

"It was long. Chyan," (his girlfriend), "is always on my ass about something. I flirt too much, I don't pay enough attention to her, blah, blah, blah."

"You don't seem very happy with her. She, like, makes your life hell."

"Nah, she's not always bad. She's fun to be around, sometimes, and I love her. And the sex is good." I wrinkled my nose at the last part. "Oh sorry man, I forgot I was talking to a gay."

"Its not like girls are gross or anything its just that... She's gross. And also yeah, I'm gay." He slowed his car to a stop on a gravel road and turned it off.

"Yeah, I get it. Its just that I really wanna make things work with her."

"I understand that." Cameron chuckled as he turned to face me. I faced him and we continued talking.

"I'm glad you listen to my rants, Gunnar."

"Yeah, I do that. A lot." he laughed and playfully punched me.

"Hey, I don't bitch that much."

"Sometimes I wonder if you actually do have a penis, and not a vagina. You're such a girl."

"You've seen it before, you know its there," he laughed.

"I don't recall. It was so small it must have slipped my mind." When I said that he lunged at me and started wrestling me in the car seat.

"Oh come on man, there's no room in here for this!" He laughed as he had my hand pinned above my head, "And you know I don't do physical activities. How am I expected to fend you off Mr. Jock?"

"Maybe you don't." Before I knew it he has his mouth on mine. At first I was stunned. Stunned that this guy, one of the biggest womanizers at school, was kissing me. He held his warm, full lips to my own for what seemed like an eternity. He pulled away with a look of fear in his eyes.

"Shit man, I'm so sorry. I don't even know-" I interrupted his apology with another kiss. Before long we were making out and groping anything we could get our hands on. He tore his jacket off and pulled his shirt over his head, his furry, chiseled chest gleamed with sweat. I struggled with my coat, "Cam..." I said between kisses, "there isn't... Near enough room.... In this tiny car for this."

"There's an old shed down the road and a few blankets in my backseat." He climbed back into the driver's side and drove his car a ways. He jumped out with the covers and we jogged to the shed.

Cameron pushed open the door and laid the blankets down before pouncing on me again. He pulled my coat off as quickly as he could and then my shirt. He ran his arms over my smooth chest and continued to kiss me as he unbuckled his belt. The big silver buckle thudded as his jeans hit the floor and he kicked them off along with his cowboy boots. I kissed his hairy pecs and down his abs before I came to his ridiculous camo boxer briefs.

"Cute," I taunted as I gazed into his lust filled eyes, the full moon shone in through the broken window as I kneaded his growing penis under the thin fabric of his underwear. He moaned as I kissed his muscular thighs and cupped his huge balls.

"Please, Gunnar, please suck my dick."

"If you insist." I pulled his underwear down revealing his long, thick member. I grabbed hold of it and kissed the tip. Then I ran my tongue down the length and slowly took it into my mouth. His head was turned toward the ceiling as I hummed up and down on his penis.

"Oh my God that feels great." Pre-cum seeped out and ran down my throat as I soaked his dick with my saliva.

"Fuck, Gunnar." I deep throated him as he ran his big, hot hands through my wavy brown hair. I continued sucking as he moaned loudly.

"Shit man.. I'm gonna... Errr.... Cum!" As he said that he exploded into my mouth. I swallowed as much as I could but his cock was so long and I began to choke. I coughed as he quickly pulled out and grabbed my face, "You okay, man? I tried to give you more notice."

"Its no biggie," I smiled as he wiped his cum off my face and kissed me again.

"Its your turn," Cameron smiled.

"You don't have to if you don't want to."

"I mean, I'm new to all this but its the least I could do to at least jerk you off. You made me feel amazing."

"If you wanna." He laid me back and undid my jeans and pulled them (and my underwear) over my achingly hard pole. He spit onto his large hand and grasped my penis. He stroked me as he looked int my eyes.

"Gunnar, you are so... Beautiful." I moaned softly as I ran a hand through his short black hair. I closed my eyes and relaxed as he gently tugged the skin of my genitals. Cameron cupped my balls and rolled them in his hands as he kissed me again. He pulled back and sat on his haunches. His right hand jerked me as he licked two fingers on his left hand. He placed the wet fingers on my butthole and swirled them around. Then he licked them again and before I could do anything he pushed one in. I gasped as a copious amount of pre-cum dripped out of my urethra. Cameron probed around my hole and then pushed a second one in.

"My doctor gives me physical exams and theres something in here that he touches and it feels amazing. Its called a... postrate?"

"I think you mean prostate, Camer- fuck!" I cried out as he grazed against mine. My cock jumped in his hand.

"There it is." He rubbed the gland inside my hole as he continued jerking. He kissed me again and soon I could feel the familiar burn of an orgasm consuming my body. I threw my head back as my testicles unloaded semen onto Cam's hand and my chest. Cameron continued pumping until I shuddered with sensitivity. He laid down next to me and I ran my hands over his chest hair.

"That was awesome," He said as he wiped his hands on one of the blankets. Then he wiped off my chest and kissed my cheek.

"Yeah it was."

"Its a good thing my penis is so small or you woulda choked to death," Cameron laughed as he stood up. A cold breeze swirled in and caused goosebumps to appear on my skin.

"I'm sorry I said your dick was small." I watched as he slowly pulled his clothes back on. His tight boxers slid over his hairy bubble butt. His back dimples stood out against his tan skin. He looked over his shoulder at me, "Like what you see?"

"Darn right I do." As my body returned to normal temperature I began to realize how cold it actually was so I quickly put on my clothes and gathered up the blankets.

"Leave the cummy one, we might need it again," Cameron said with a wink.

"So you think this is gonna happen again?"

He looked a bit disappointed. "Is it not?"

"I guess I wouldn't mind sucking your dick again." A grin crept onto his masculine face and Cam pulled me in for a long, deep, tongue filled kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he grabbed my butt as he kissed.

"Its getting late, we should go," I said pulling away.

"Yeah." Cam held out his hand and grabbed mine. Then we walked to his car and got in. He drove me back to the old middle school (where we hold play rehearsal) and kissed me again as I got out and walked to my little, blue Buick.

The next day at school I sat in class as always listening to lectures and lessons and when I finally got to American Studies I was excited. Half because this was the last class of the day and half because Cameron sits at the desk right in front of me.

"Hey, Cam," I said as not flirty as possible.

"Hey, dude, hows it goin?"

"Its goin pretty good. How's your day been?"

"Meh... Your's?"

"Long... And hard." I smiled at him and he grinned back.

"Wanna hang out after class, Gunnar?"

"Yeah sure."

"Okay class, take out the homework assignments from yesterday," Mr Brian said as he entered the room.

Mr. Brian was the wrestling coach and history teacher at our school. Also one of the hottest teachers. He was handsome and well muscled for his age and had a perfect ass always nicely defined in his tight khaki's. You could also always see his big dick hidden under the layer of cloth, if you looked just right.

I watched his bubble butt move as he wrote notes on the board, intoxicated by the cologne emanating off of Cameron. How could I possibly be expected to pay attention in this class?

Before I knew it, The bell rang and students around me were packing up.

"Let me run to my locker and I will meet you at my car?" Cameron said with a smile.

"Sure." I put my things into my bag and, as always, was the last to leave.

"Collins," Mr Brian called out as I was walking toward the door, "this guy was painting a thing on my wall for my wife but he ended up doing a terrible job. And I know you are really good at art so I was thinking I could pay you to do it."

"I don't know, Mr. Brian."

"Two hundred dollars."

"A mural is a big project, what if I mess up?"

"I have faith in you. Please, Gunnar, you are my only hope!"

"Well I guess I could try."

"Great come over Tomorrow?"

"Sure, I guess I could come before play practice."

"Fantastic, I'll see you Tomorrow!"

I walked outside and met Cam at his car. We started driving and he put his hand on my thigh. I grabbed it and placed it on my hardening dick.

"Why, Gunnar, this is all so sudden!"

"I know," I said as I kissed his cheek. We pulled up to the shed and got out, carrying the blankets with us as we rushed out of the cold. This time, Cameron brought a little cordless space heater and turned it on before quickly undressing.

In seconds I had his thick cock deep in my throat and his hands twisting through my hair as he moaned. I grabbed his perfectly round ass cheeks and pulled him closer to get more dick in my mouth.

His eyes were rolled back and his mouth was hanging open with pleasure. I ran my paws around his mounds before caressing his abs and pecs. HE grabbed my hands and held them in place as I sucked his dick.

"Gunnar, I'm gonna... Shit!" Again, with little warning, he blew his huge load into my throat. I swallowed every drop and he began undressing me.

"I wanna suck your dick."

"What? Really" You don't have to."

"I want to." He got on his knees between my legs and bent down to take my dick in his mouth. He gazed lustfully into my eyes as he bobbed up and down on my thick rod. I put my hands on his head and moaned as he sucked. He put his fingers into my mouth and told me to suck so I did. It was so hot to watch him take my pole in his mouth.

Cameron pulled out his fingers and pushed them into my puckered hole. I cried out as he began to finger me.

"You like that?" he asked, coming up for a breath, saliva dripping down his chin.

"Oh my God, you look so hot like this."

"Gunnar, I want to fuck you."

"You sure?"

"Can I?"

"Do you have a condom?" He searched his pants pocket before pulling out a pre-lubed condom and sliding it onto his massive member. He placed his hard-again pole at my entrance and pushed in. I cried in pain as the thick head popped through my sphincter.

"Shh," he said before he kissed me, "this is gonna feel great." He went deeper and as my ass adjusted to the pain, I began to feel pleasure. He stroked me as he started pumping in and out.

Cameron was a good dancer so, fortunately, he knew how to gyrate his hips so well. I squirmed as he grinded and swiveled, his schlong rubbing against my sweet spot every time he pushed in. He began to get sweaty and his chest hair was getting matted. I ran my hands up and down his abs as he jerked me rapidly.

I felt his chest tighten as he blew another load in the condom inside me and I came too. My cum covered his hand like last night and this time he licked it off.

After he pulled out, he laid down and drew me closer to him. I put my head on his chest and he wrapped his arm around me, flexing his huge bicep as he did.

"I feel like this is wrong," Cameron spoke after a while. I sat up and looked at him.


"But I really like it... I really like you. Its just that, I have a girlfriend. And I'm not gay. At least I don't think I am."

"Well, the events of last night and a few minutes ago would beg to differ," I said as I stepped into my underwear and jeans.

"I just like sex. And you're really good at it. I don't think that makes me gay. Plus I love having sex with girls."

"So I'm just sex for you?"

"What were you expecting? I mean- its not like I was gonna break up with my girlfriend to be with you, Gunnar."

"Wow." I pulled on my shirt and coat and stormed out of the shed. Snow began to fall as I walked towards the road.

"Gunnar! Wait!" Cameron ran out after me and grabbed my arm.

"What? What do you want," I demanded as I pulled away from him.

"I didn't mean to offend you. I just meant that I thought that you were okay with this arrangement."

"No because I have respect for myself."

"That's not fair, Gunnar. After last night and your willingness to do it again today I just assumed you wanted this too."

"Don't assume anything, Cameron. Take me to my car."

"Gunnar, please. I'm sorry okay?"

"Listen, I didn't expect you to break up with Chyan. I don't know what I was hoping to accomplish by letting you fuck me. I just don't want to be thought of as a fuck buddy."

"You're more like a friends with benefits. We are friends, we hang out and talk and, occasionally, when I wanna get my dick wet, you're just the guy for the job," Cameron teased as he leaned in and kissed me. I smiled and kissed him back.

"It really is getting late and we have practice. You should take me to my car."

"I could take you to your car, follow you to your house and then drive you to practice. Maybe we could shack up after practice tonight?" He asked hopefully with a smile.

"I guess I wouldn't mind that."

Soon we were surrounded by the other actors in the play and we were rehearsing our lines.

"Remember guys, we perform Monday and Wednesday next week. We need to keep on top of our game."

"Mom, I think we are doing just fine," Cameron said to Ms. Della. (Oh yeah, quick little back story: Cameron is the drama slash english teacher's son so, and this may come as a shocker, he's usually the lead or co-lead of the plays. Unfortunately for us, he isn't as good at acting as he is at sex. Ms. Della cursed us with Xanadu as the fall musical. And I was cast as Bob. A character that isn't actually part of the script but a write in. With no lines. Cam was cast as the lead, Sunny, and so he parades around in home made short shorts and a cut off shirt. And although the short shorts kind of make my boy bits tingle, its annoying to watch and hear him "Act" also because he sings EVERYTHING in vibrato. I mean seriously, vibrato isn't always appropriate. Snow White, I'm lookin at you! And don't EVEN get me started on the bitch she cast as Clio. Sorry, back to my story.)

"Well with the meltdowns, and outside drama, I think differently."

"I just can't take him constantly being an ass!" Nikki (that bitch I wasn't gonna get started on) interjected. Maybe if she knew her lines this late in the season, Cameron wouldn't be an ass.

"Lets start with `Strange Magic'." And so we were forced to endure another ear splitting hour of Nikki and Cameron attempting to sing and music that could make a person tear all of their hair out.

"Everyone, go home and get some sleep."

"Cam, can we talk?" I heard Chyan ask as they went toward the back. I went and changed and waited before going toward them to see if Cameron was ready to take me home.

"Gunnar, I don't think I can tonight. I'm really sorry, But this is really important."

"Dude, who's gonna give me a ride home now?"

"I can," I turned to see one of my good friends, Zack Russo standing behind me.

"You sure?"

"Yeah it wouldn't be a problem." I gave a mean little glare to Cameron and followed Zack to his car.

"Thanks for takin me home, Zack."

"Its no problem. I have to go that way anyhow."

When we pulled up to my house I invited him to come in.

"You sure?"

"Yeah, come in and have some cocoa. Or video games or whatever. Mom's out for a night shift so its pretty lonely in that house of mine."

"You had me at video games." He parked his car and turned it off and we went inside to play Super Smash Bros.

A little while later, after I had kicked his ass a few times. He stood up and turned off the games. He bent over, which showed off his nice booty and I watched.

He turned back around and his face got red, "Were you staring at my butt?"


"How blunt, Gunnar."

"You know I think you have a nice butt. I don't know why you always get embarrassed by that," I winked and stood up. He pushed me back into my seat and climbed onto my lap.

"What are you doing, Zack?"

"Isn't this what you want?" he stared into my eyes as he moved his hips and grinded his ass against my crotch. I put my hands on his hips as he did. I closed the distance between our faces and kissed him. Zack started to pull back but then decided to kiss me back. Our tongues fought for dominance as our hands groped each other's bodies. I put my hands on his hardening penis.

Zack moaned into my mouth as I reached into his jeans and rubbed his dick. In a few seconds we were both naked and gyrating against one another on my bed, still making out. I grabbed his dick and started pulling him up so I could suck it. I wrapped my lips around his shaft and swallowed his whole dick.

"Fuck." I grazed my finger against his hole and he shuddered so I went further and pushed a finger in. He moaned and started humping my mouth as I fingered him. I pulled his dick out from my lips and told him to sit on my face.

Zack turned around and squatted down so him hole was in position and I began lapping at it and digging my face in deep. He swiveled his hips around and then he quickly lifted off and impaled himself on my hard cock. I cried out as he did and looked into his eyes.

"I needed you in me," he moaned as his eyes rolled back into his head. I fucked him slowly as he bounced up and down on my stiff dick.

"Fuck, Zack, your ass is so tight."

"I know. You love having that big dick inside me."

"Yeah I do." I grabbed his hips as he rode me harder. He went more rapidly until he was cumming. His starfish clenched around my member and sent me over the edge as I dumped a huge load in his perfect ass. He leaned forward and planted his lips on mine.

"I need to get home. Mom's gonna kill me for bein out this late," Zack said through gasps before he pulled off my lap and put on his clothes.

"I had fun tonight, thanks for having me over," Zack said as he walked to his car and left. I got out of bed and went to the shower. I heard the door open and close.

"Did you forget something, Zack?" The curtain opened and Cameron stepped in.

"He forgot to fuck you."

Next: Chapter 2

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